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People Leader self-reflection tool:

Your potential is our potential.

Your role as a people leader is critical to the success of the people you manage, your team and executing our collective business vision and achieving our business goals.

You are a key driver of business performance and culture.

Acting as a role model by being responsible and demonstrating the highest standards of work and behaviour is one of your core accountabilities. You should strive to unleash potential, enable maximum performance and create an engaging employee experience for your team.

To help guide you on being a strong people leader, we’ve developed a set of people leader accountabilities built around the employee life cycle so its clear what we expect as minimum standards of performance for people leaders across Dentsu. The leadership@dentsu model
outlines the competencies and behaviours needed to effectively deliver your people leadership accountabilities and to provide the best possible experience for the people and teams you manage. The ‘Grow our Talent’ and ‘Inspire Others’ leadership expectations and
underpinning competencies set out in Leadership@dentsu are particularly relevant to your role as a people leader.

Understanding your accountabilities as a People Leader – identifying your strengths and development areas
Understanding who you are as a people leader and the strength and weaknesses you possess can make it easier for you to identify the areas you need to work on to become a more effective people leader.

To help with this reflection, we’ve created this simple self-reflection tool to help you identify your strengths and development areas as a people leader.

Use this self-reflection activity regularly during the year to help you continuously improve your impact as a people leader
Share your self-reflection openly with your manager, peers, HR Partner, Mentor, team or any other trusted advisors to help you further understand and explore the capabilities/strengths/gaps you could focus on to help you be a better people leader

1. Read and review the Dentsu People Leader Accountabilities guide (Click the People Leader Wheel in the top right corner to access these guides on NEON)
2. Use the self-reflection table of people leader accountabilities (tab #2) to self-reflect to evaluate your confidence/ability as a people leader against the DAN People Leader Accountabilities as outlined in the guide.
3. Use the insights you gain to create goals and action plans (tab #3) that will help you be a stronger people leader; build these into your performance & development goals on Workday and related conversations with your manager.

Alternative ways to use this self-reflection activity

TEAM/PEER BASED REFLECTION Recruiting & Selecting People Leaders

When recruiting for a people leader, use this tool to provide consistency in assessing each
This approach is a good team based activity for leadership teams to help identify both individual AND team strengths/development activities and goals candidate against the same criteria.
With one or two other people leaders (peers), discuss the people leaders accountabilities outlined in the guide. Discuss how each accountability is a responsibility of Each member of the selection panel should assess the candidate(s) against each of the people
your role. Then offer a specific example of a how/when you might deliver that accountability. Identify those accountabilities you do well and which you could do leader accountabilities. You can use the 'self-reflection' table (tab #2) - by having each
differently to improve the impact. interviewer enter their own ratings for the candidate.
Individually, select one accountability that you would like to strengthen and identify one or two actions that you can use to improve. Interviewers could use the descriptors of each accountability to create targeted interview
As a team, select one accountability that you would like to collectively like to strengthen and one that you can use to improve.
Discuss and review the ratings with the other members of the selection panel to align and agree
To help hold yourself and each other (as a team) accountable to improving, conplete the 'Goals & Action Plans' section (tab #3) together to create both individual and on a final assessment of the candidate’s confidence, capability and experience. These insights
team plans. can be used to make effective selection decisions.
Once you’ve defined these – build them into your goals in Workday & discuss with your manager as part of your ongoing and regular performance development Use the ratings/comments captured to support feedback to candidates. Feedback captured for
conversations successful candidates can be used during onboarding to help set development goals.
People Leader self-reflection tool:

Rate your confidence in practicing each accountability using the following Red, Amber, Green scale .
Use the drop down options in column E to rate yourself.
NOTE: the 'overall' scores calculate automatically to give an Red, Amber, Green rate for each section. These 'overall' scores are based on the individual scores you enter for each People Leader Accountability

1 = Low • I don’t have confidence to do this because I’ve never done it before or I don’t have the knowledge and skills
• Confidence • I do this sometimes but not consistently
• Experience • I don’t get good feedback in this area so I think I need to improve how I do this to make a better impact
• Consistency • Compared to my peers I don’t think I am as strong as others in this area
• Ability

• I have some knowledge and experience in this area but not sufficient to meet the standard expected
2 = Medium • I could do this even more consistently
• Confidence • The feedback I get in this area is mixed
• Experience • Compared to my peers I would say I am on a par in some areas but below in others
• Consistency
• Ability

• I have the knowledge and experience to make a strong impact here and meet the standard expected
3 = High • I do this consistently
• Confidence • I get strong feedback in this area from my team, manager and peers
• Experience • Compared to my peers I would rate myself highly in most areas
• Consistency
• Ability

Use the drop down to
select your rating
ATTRACT THE BEST I search for talent that brings a diversity of thinking and representation,
experience and mindset to our business.

ATTRACT I am focused on hiring the best talent into our business that will equip us both
for now, and in the future.

As the saying goes ‘first impressions I attract the best talent – either internally or externally – and I’m known as
last’. someone who raises the bar.
Be an ambassador for our business and
seek to attract the best talent. Whether I proactively create a positive candidate journey and experience - recruiting
with strong principles, integrity and consistency.

it’s from inside or outside of the

business. I have an in-depth knowledge of the skills, expertise and experience needed for
Engagement and retention starts here, each role within our business. So I hire to improve organisation capability, not
so provide a positive and memorable RECRUIT #DIV/0!

to just fill a vacancy.

experience for the talent you interact
with. I make well rounded hiring decisions based on performance and potential, as
well as capability and cultural fit – all while recognising and actively interpreting
my bias.


Use the drop down to
select your rating
INSPIRE PEOPLE TO PERFORM & I create a positive and welcoming first impression and on-boarding experience
THRIVE for my new team members that gets them ‘hooked’ from day one.
I help create connections to set new starters up for success, quickly establishing
support, belonging and their engagement which helps accelerating their
ONBOARD 2 performance.

I make sure that new joiners are given exposure to business-wide information
and resources that will help them understand what we do, what we believe in, 2

how we operate, our standards, and expectations of conduct and behaviour.

You are only as strong as your team,
and their success is your success. So, I align my team’s goals with the strategic direction of our business, boosting
build them up to be the best they can their performance by challenging them with stretch goals, as well as shared
be. team goals.
Inspire people to perform, thrive and I have regular Performance Development conversations with my team and
feel like an integral part of the team. ensure their goals and achievements are regularly updated and captured in
Encourage curiosity and learning that PERFORM
will lead to development, growth and

I understand that performance is not just WHAT you do, it’s also HOW you do

innovative ideas that will deliver impact it. By understanding this, I use it to apply performance descriptors and provide
for our clients and our business. regular feedback to people.
You play a unique role in understanding I get to know my team as individuals by understanding what their strengths and
your team members’ health and motivations are, and ensure that my leadership and coaching flexes to their
wellbeing needs and in recognising and experience and needs.
proactively managing potential early
warning signals or risks. I encourage people to create development goals that reflect their unique talent
and career aspirations.
Strive to lead by example, by
developing your own skills and I support, sponsor and enable individual development experiences that help
demonstrating excellent behaviours. people grow, realise their potential and ensure their experience and skills are
fully utilized.

I encourage people to feel safe thinking innovatively and testing new

approaches, helping them to learn from both successes and failures.

I seek to improve my own coaching capability and cultural competency so I can

lead inclusively, raise performance and support the development of others.


Use the drop down to
select your rating
I make sure my team are receiving frequent and meaningful recognition of their
VALUE THEM efforts and contributions.
Get to know your team as individuals. I ensure people are rewarded, recognised and promoted fairly by knowing and
Understand their strengths and applying reward guidance.
motivations so that you can REWARD &

meaningfully support their growth. I am proactive, open and honest in communicating with team members about
promotion timescales and manage expectations around reward.
Unleash the potential of people by
giving them the space to work, and the I am objective, fair and take an unbiased approach, using data and insight to
reward and recognition for their help support reward decisions.
achievements. I work hard to build trust and respect, and treat my team with the same care
and attention that we provide to our clients.
Make sure your team feel valued and
empowered so they are better able to I build strong teams by leveraging diverse, collective and unique strengths to
tackle future challenges, and are enhance performance and build engagement.
motivated to develop their career with
us. ENGAGE #DIV/0!
I see myself as a driver of change, encouraging people to embrace change by
empowering them to co-create change for positive impact to our business,
clients and each other.

I connect the passions and interests of people in the work that they do to
deliver results as well as find purpose and fulfillment in the work that they do.

I support and champion mobility of talent across our business, knowing that
building careers helps to improve the retention of the best talent.
I am approachable, and have open and engaging conversations about people’s
potential and readiness to move to their next role.
I dedicate time to have effective discussions with talent, making sure that
career, development and retention plans are in place.
I actively plan for future succession within my team by ensuring critical roles
have adequate succession cover, including my own.
I respect that sometimes we lose good talent. I seek feedback to better
understand why they are leaving, and show appreciation for the time and work
they have put in during their time with us.

OVERALL VALUE I maintain positive relations with dentsu alumni to maximise our brand and
(this rating is calculated as the 'average' network and ensure the experience they have had with us at dentsu lasts
of your scores for this section) throughout their career and beyond.
are based on the individual scores you enter for each People Leader Accountability

Notes: Why I've rated myself this score?

Notes: Why I've rated myself this score?

Notes: Why I've rated myself this score?

People Leader self-reflection tool:

Now that you've self-reflected - use your scores to identify key areas to develop
This table can help you interpret your scores and help you consider which are the 1-2 key areas you'd like to create development goals & action plans for
Identify the 1-2 accountabilities that are most important/urgent to develop to be successful - build them into your development goals in Workday & discuss with your manager as part of your ongoing and
regular performance development conversations

OPTIONAL: DIVE DEEPER - If you'd like more guidance to help create goals/action plans to help you improve, you can use the questions below

Score Action focus:

You need to work hard on your people leadership skills. The good news is that if you use more of these skills in your role, you’ll become a stronger people leader and you'll be a real asset to the people around you and the business.
You can do it – and now is a great time to start!

ACTION: Focus on building your knowledge and skills as a people leader – key development goal activities may include organised training; self-driven accessing of learning resources such as Skill Academy; coaching from a more
experienced leader, etc
Identify your development goals to improve, discuss these with your manager as part of your ongoing performance development conversations and include these into your development goas in Workday.

You're doing OK as a people leader, but you have the potential to do much better. While you've built the foundation of effective people leadership, this is your opportunity to improve your skills, and become the best you can be.
Examine the areas where you rated yourself lower, and determine what you can do to develop skills in these areas.

AMBER ACTION: Focus on developing your mindset and consistency in applying/practicing the people leader accountabilities – key development goal activities may include; seeking feedback to understand in what circumstances/context
application is less evident to address those gaps; establishing feedback contracts with team members; etc
Identify your development goals to improve, discuss these with your manager as part of your ongoing performance development conversations and include these into your development goas in Workday.

Excellent! You're well on your way to becoming a great people leader. Remember, you can never be too good at people leadership or too experienced – so look at the areas where you could ways to grow, and figure out what you
can do to improve your performance.
GREEN ACTION: Focus on developing your quality and impact as a people leader. Key development goal activities might include:
• Measurement & Evaluation - You are a good people leader only if your people say you are and you drive results from it in terms of performance, productivity and engagement – look to measure the quality and impact of your
people leadership through team based feedback/evaluations (this tool) and Check In insights
• How good am I compared to others – this could be around coaching; practice; mentoring; getting peer feedback and coaching
• Paying it forward or ‘learning through teaching’ – look to develop the capability of others while also strengthening your ability through coaching, mentoring and other ‘developing others’ activities (facilitation, thought leaders
Identify your development goals to improve, discuss these with your manager as part of your ongoing performance development conversations and include these into your development goas in Workday..

OPTIONAL Dive Deeper: Now you’ve self-reflected, identify the capabilities/accountabilities that are most important/urgent to develop to be successful. To help explore the areas that will best help
you be a stronger people leader, you can use these questions:

Which of these areas of accountability do I know I already do really


How could I use these strengths to support other areas?

Which of these areas of accountability do I know I don’t yet achieve

the standard required and could do better?
What development goal would I need to set to help me meet the
standard and improve in this area?
What would others (my manager/my team members/my peers)
say about my strengths and development areas against these
What capabilities, skills, behaviours could I improve to be more
successful as a people leader?

What are my aspirations as a people leader moving forward?

What barriers might I face in reaching these aspirations?

What one or two areas will I prioritise this year for development
that will make the biggest impact on mine and my teams

OPTIONAL: Identify your goals to improve, discuss these with your manager as part of your ongoing performance development conversations and add into your development goals in Workday.

Creating a goal Once you've created a goal using the sections below - create a development goal in Workday and copy these into the 'goal title' for each
development goal
What is my development goal?

How do I plan to develop in this area?

By when will I develop in this area?

What challenges or barriers may I face to achieve my goal and how

might I overcome them?

Who acan support me to develop in this area?

Feedback/reflection on development goal (during/after action)

Add any examples, updates or achievements into the 'goal narrative' section of each development goal in Workday

Creating a goal Once you've created a goal using the sections below - create a development goal in Workday and copy these into the 'goal title' for each
development goal
What is my development goal?

How do I plan to develop in this area?

By when will I develop in this area?

What challenges or barriers may I face to achieve my goal and how

might I overcome them?

Who acan support me to develop in this area?

Feedback/reflection on development goal (during/after action)

Add any examples, updates or achievements into the 'goal narrative' section of each development goal in Workday

Creating a goal Once you've created a goal using the sections below - create a development goal in Workday and copy these into the 'goal title' for each
development goal
What is my development goal?

How do I plan to develop in this area?

By when will I develop in this area?
What challenges or barriers may I face to achieve my goal and how
might I overcome them?

Who acan support me to develop in this area?

Feedback/reflection on development goal (during/after action)

Add any examples, updates or achievements into the 'goal narrative' section of each development goal in Workday

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