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Philosophy of Law 1, EH201

1st Sem, AY 2022-2023

Minutes of Meeting
Agenda: The Living Tribunal Verdict on Thanos Case, G.R 088, 10 October 2022
Meeting Place: Intergalactic Main Courtroom
Time Started: 4:15pm
Time Ended: 5:00pm
Duration: 45 minutes

Judges Present:
Room 4 (The Living Tribunal)
● Elumba, Kyrra Jhon - Facilitator
● Gonzales, Kristine - Secretary
● Castro, Mel Joseph - Agent/Spokesperson
● Basco, Marika Ysabelle
● Gochuico, Merihlu Anne
● Marababol, Jeremeh
● Odvina, Bethuelden
● Tanjay, Abel
● Vidamo, Klaire Kristianne

1. Is Thanos guilty of a specific crime?

UNANIMOUSLY: The Decision of the Intergalactic Council, or in our case, the Living
Tribunal, finds Thanos guilty beyond reasonable doubt of mass murder on an intergalactic
scale when he executed the Snap.

Legal proof:

The closest anthropocentric law governing Thanos’ actions is Art. 7 of the Rome Statute of
the International Criminal Court, defining action constituting crimes against humanity.
“(k) Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or
serious injury to body or to mental or physical health.”

The contextual element determines that crimes against humanity involve either large-scale
violence in relation to the number of victims or its extension over a broad geographic area
(widespread), or a methodical type of violence (systematic). In contrast with genocide,
crimes against humanity do not need to target a specific group. Instead, the victim of the
attack can be any civilian population, regardless of its affiliation or identity. Under the rules
of the Snap was a systematic method of murder unprecedented in history: foreseen,
premeditated and completed by Thanos.

Philosophical proof:

● Thanos believes that, if left unchecked, all planets would succumb like his home
planet Titan. This is severely subjective of his experience and need not happen to
other planets with more innovative practices and policies on conservation.
● Thanos uses utilitarian rhetoric to illustrate the merits of his plans. Because of this,
he falls short in the utilitarian criticism of overestimating one’s measure of
consequences. A utilitarian decision-maker cannot possibly consider every
individual result and effect into account. Thanos presumed the consequences of the
Snap to be beneficial to everyone, as if without error, on a universal scale. He did not
even get his intended result. Chaos was widespread that Captain Marvel had to visit
and enforce peace on galaxies.
● Given the power of the Infinity Stones, Thanos had the god-like power of creation in
his hands. However, subscribing to Malthusian ethics, he prefers to eliminate life, to
act on omission instead of addition of resources, so that no one would have to
experience scarcity. Why choose to kill when one can provide?
● Even alluding to the Justice as Fairness proposition would not work in favor of
Thanos. His act of killing at random during the Snap, his self-styled “act of mercy,”
though perhaps constituting a “veil of ignorance,” fails because Thanos himself had
already set the rules, leaving the individual targets without voice for their desired
effect, leading to their untimely death.

The Living Tribunal holds that killing is morally wrong regardless of species or status; an
indignant violation of natural law, as the killing of another sentient being is universally
reprehensible among nations across the galaxy. It fails Kant's categorical imperatives:
● It is universally condemned.
● It does not respect autonomy of life forms as rational beings.
● it does not recognize the inherent dignity of life forms as end in themselves.

This Court thus deems it essential to call for the establishment of a UNIVERSAL

2. If yes, what is the just punishment to impose on him?

UNANIMOUSLY: Thanos should be punished with death. The Living Tribunal understands
that this judgment is the first of its precedence intergalactically and may be met with

Thanos’ act amounts to the gravest crime possible and requires retribution of the most
severe kind. His continued existence in itself is a persistent threat with his strong military
influence among the Chtauri, Kree Republic, and other loyalists. His death shall also serve as

a vital deterrent for all other wannabe conquerors who wish to follow the path of collecting
the Infinity Stones and using them for one’s own ends.

Verdict by the Judges:

● Elumba, Kyrra Jhon - punishment by death

● Gonzales, Kristine - punishment by death
● Castro, Mel Joseph - punishment by death
● Basco, Marika Ysabelle -punishment by death
● Gochuico, Merihlu Anne -punishment by death
● Marababol, Jeremeh - punishment by death
● Odvina, Bethuelden - punishment by death
● Tanjay, Abel - punishment by death
● Vidamo, Klaire Kristianne - punishment by death

**nothing follows**

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