Access To Justice 2019 Philippines

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Paths followed by people in the Philippines to deal with their everyday justice problems, summarizing
the incidence of legal problems, respondents’ legal capability, access to sources of help, problem status,
assessment of the resolution process, and problem impact.
Part 1 Part 3
Legal Problems Sources of Help
35% 20%
Experienced a legal Were able to
problem in the past access help
two years
Type of advisor:
Incidence by type of problem:
Part 2
Legal Friend or Family
Accidental Illness & Injury
7% Lawyer or Professional Advice Service
Citizenship & ID Information
7% 86% Knew where to get
Government Legal Aid Office
Community & Natural Resources advice and information
5% Court or Government Body or Police
Consumer Expert Help
5% 74% Felt they could get all Health or Welfare Professional
Employment the expert help they wanted
Trade Union or Employer
Education Confidence 4%
5% 81% Were confident they Religious or Community Leader
Family could achieve a fair outcome
Civil Society Organization or Charity
Other Organization
Land Part 5
2% Process
Law Enforcement
Money & Debt
62% Felt the process followed
to resolve the problem was fair,
Public Services
regardless of the outcome

Part 6 Time Part 4

Hardship On average, it took respondents Status
7.0 Months to solve the
49% problem
Fully Resolved 43% said
Experienced problem is done and fully resolved
a hardship Financial difficulty
22% Said it was difficult or Problem Persists 16%
Type of hardship: nearly impossible to find the
Gave up any action to resolve
Health 40% Experienced a money required to solve the
the problem further
physical or stress-related illness problem

Economic 27% Experienced

loss of income, employment, or
the need to relocate

Interpersonal 21%
Experienced a relationship
breakdown or damage to a family

Substance Abuse 10%

Experienced problems with
alcohol or drugs

Source: World Justice Project, 2018 General Population Poll survey module on legal needs and access to justice. Data collected by Philippine
Survey and Research Center using a nationally representative probability sample of 1000 respondents in the country.

WJP Global Insights on Access to Justice 87

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