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NAME: Tricia Mae C.

Prades SCORE________
YEAR/SECTION: BSED 3-1 ENGLISH DATE: September 14, 2022

With at least 150 words, answer the following questions provided.

1. As a future teacher, how would your knowledge and understanding of objective type
and essay test help you to be effective in assessing student learning?


Upon learning lesson three entitled Designing and Developing Assessments, I

have to grasp a full understanding of how I will better myself, specifically speaking,
as a pre-service teacher who aims to equip and empower myself to prepare for my
future job as an educator. Accordingly, this includes delineating every necessary
detail that my chosen profession requires, with corresponds to that, having the
knowledge and understanding of the objective and essay type of test has shown me
the importance of accuracy and appropriateness when having a particular target to

Going on, I have learned how objective and essay types work as an assessment
which gave me the idea of how and when I should use each of them. Also, I have
learned the difference between the two in terms of: first, the purpose of the test
which in the essay has intentionally used to enhance students’ critical thinking, while
the objective type intends to delve into the wider scope of knowledge; second,
considering the time, the essay is easier to prepare however, it is time-consuming
when checking, while the objective is longer to prepare but easier in checking; third,
in terms of a number of students, essay type is more suitable, while the objective
type is for a larger number of students; fourth, in terms of typing and reproduction of
test, if the teacher is in limited of resources then it is highly commendable to use
essay rather than objective type; and fifth, in terms of age of the students, the essay is
more likely to be given with those of higher year than in lower grades.

With the given information above, I highly see through the lens of an educator
the crucial thing of choosing the best types of assessments based on some internal
and external factors which are important to the quality, integrity, and success of the
2. What were the challenges that you encountered in writing test objectives and
translating these into questions; and how did you deal with these challenges?


The overall experience of writing test objectives and translating them into
questions is indeed a great thing to come across since I am in the education program,
apparently, I see this as an opportunity to be the one that I foresee myself in the
future. However, since this is my first time doing this kind of activity I honestly
encountered several challenges that made it more demanding to fulfill, such as the
availability of the material which I will get the basis for the objectives and questions,
as well as the formulating phase itself.

Going on, I first tried to browse over the internet if I can get an English book
and/or hand-out that is under the K-12 curriculum, nevertheless, it saddens me the
fact that after a couple of minutes of searching and browsing, I ended up not getting
anything since most of the materials available on the internet are not free. And
because I could not get anything from it, I borrowed from one of the elementary
school teachers here in our barangay, and luckily they have an English book
specifically for grade 5 and that solves my first problem. Second is the formulating
of test objectives and questions, I find it really difficult at first because I am starting
from scratch and the fact that I should accomplish it with the utmost accuracy made
it more challenging for me. Nonetheless, I slowly find myself doing the work more
efficiently as I started to memorize the work itself and my goal in that particular

To sum up, there are two main challenges that I encountered in accomplishing
the given tasks, and that is in finding appropriate material such as books or hand-out
for the subject of English; and the other one is the hardship in formulating the
objectives and relating them to the questions.

3. How important is preparing Table of Specifications (TOS) in ensuring that the test is


As pre-service teachers, it is very crucial for us to know the essential works that
include in the education system, and one of these is the knowledge of how to create
and/or prepare a Table of Specifications or the TOS. Upon knowing the lesson,
accordingly, I have learned that the TOS is very important in order to validate and
ensure the test’s effectiveness and the future success of assessment, in a way that it
helps educators decide the framework of the test and construct it accordingly.

Going on, TOS includes the items of a test, the percentage of the level of
thinking skills, and the lessons/chapter it covers. All things considered, the TOS is
the correlation of all the necessary things that include in making tests, in an easy
said, this acts and serves as the plan for teachers to create a valid and accurate test of
assessment. With that in mind, this is the way to systematize the overall creation of a
test in order to ensure its quality of it, and that is the exact reason why TOS is a very
important thing in the process of assessments.

Finally, the above explains what is TOS and its role in test creation and the
assessment process, which in the end proves its relevance.

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