Tricia Mae Prades - R-2

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NAME: Tricia Mae C.

Prades SCORE________

Share insights that you gained in lesson 2. It is suggested that in each principle
of high quality assessment, write a paragraph of at least 5 sentences.

Principle of High Quality Assessment


The first principle of High Quality Assessment goes along with clear and
appropriate learning targets, which brought a direct path to set a specific goal. It is
very crucial to have an initial plan on what to expect, such as the learning outcomes
among students, in able to draw strategic activities that are relative to attaining the
said goal. In this way, the educators will have a higher chance of presenting and
offering accurate needed materials and tasks that heighten the success of the teaching
and learning process. In addition, having clear and appropriate learning targets avoids
ambiguity and uncertainty about what to achieve, hence, making it easier for teachers
to know where and what to assess. Furthermore, the absence of this principle may
result in the failure of honing particular skills, knowledge, and attitudes of students.
Finally, this principle is important in hope that, students, at the end of the learning
period, can portray progress that was expected from them.


I do believe that “Your potentials will unleash with the right hand” and this
is where I can highly relate to the second principle of high quality assessment; which
is, the appropriateness of assessment methods. As a student myself, I had experienced
accomplishing assessment methods that our teachers tasked us to do, and with that, I
can highly testify on how proper method delivers definite improvement. To further
clarify, for instance, I have done reports, essays, and answered many types of quizzes.
And before, I thought of these as a lot of various activities to work on, however, now
in this lesson I realized how it is important for teachers to utilize these different
activities for them to measure our growth, progress, and improvement. Finally, same
with the first principle, I can say the appropriateness of assessment methods must be
prioritized in able to attain monitor how the students’ learning is doing.

Assessments must be carried out in a meticulous and systematic manner,

with the level of accuracy being given top priority. This is where the third principle
enters the picture, namely validity, which can be divided into three categories in order
to survey three key elements: content, criteria, and construct evidence. Teachers must
first assure the validity of assessments by filtering the given activities by these three
categories before deciding if it is reasonable and relative for students to accomplish;
doing this will help attain the validity of the assessment itself. First one, is the content
of the assessment matches the information that was instilled in their minds? Second,
is the answer acquired comparable to another respondent? And third, is the
assessment result match when using another? At this point, I can say that purifying
the assessment by these questions would lead to its validity.


Indeed, gradual and keen monitoring of students’ assessment is important in

being able to observe how consistent a student’s performance is; because only by this
we can attain reliability of assessment. This principle made me realize the different
variables affecting one’s performance such as the internal factors (mood, health,
motivation) and external factors (atmosphere, heat, vagueness). These said factors
may affect students' capacity to respond to a given assessment which directly shakes
the reliability of it since the result may be different from what it should be when
students are not under the influence of affective factors. Hence, it is crucial to conduct
alternate forms of assessment or we can also give the same one at a different time and
see how the results will be. Finally, after re-doing the assessments we can now
achieve reliability.


Students must be given full fairness when it comes to assessing their

learning and progress because if not, students are clearly not assessed in their best fit.
It is important when doing every assessment to always see students as diverse when it
comes to their needs and privileges, but not when it comes to their race, gender, etc.;
as doing so means turning your back on the importance of fairness. In able to avoid
being unfair when conducting the assessment, considering relative things should be
done. Accordingly, it is a must to ask whether the given questions were fully taught,
whether is there enough time for them to learn, do they have the ability to do or need
extra support, and if this will trampled their pride; as these things highly affect
students’ performance. Finally, recognizing the importance of fairness in ding
assessment is like building better students of tomorrow.

Assessment may be done to measure students’ progress, however, I see that

it has an effect on both students and as well as their teachers. We all know, that
assessment is not only done to test students’ achievements but more importantly, to
see the effective rate of teaching and learning process, therefore, it only solidifies how
both students and teachers may benefit through the thing we called positive
consequences that brought by assessments. Pinpointing the said positive
consequences, on the part of teachers, being consistent with his/her assessment, being
fair about it, and giving appropriate tasks for students may earn him/her good picture
of how their students, parents, and colleagues view their way of teaching. On the
hand, when it comes to students, may be more motivated, comfortable, and
enthusiastic to learn when they are fed with adequate knowledge and as well as
understanding; also, they will be more active to participate and attain their best
potential. Finally, that is how an assessment imposes positive consequences on both
students and teachers.


This principle of practicality and efficiency speaks entirely about the work of
producing the assessment. It is important that teachers know exactly what to do with
the assessment as it determines the success of it. First, teachers should be
knowledgeable with methods and instructions for them to effectively and
appropriately use them. Secondly, it is also crucial for teachers to measure the level of
difficulty of the assessment that will be matching with students' capabilities and
learning. Thirdly, one more thing is to set time duration in the accomplishment of
each assessment for a reality check. Fourth, teachers must know the drill when
formulating scores for interpretation in order to arrive at the proper results. And
lastly, to discover and use less-cost methods that are necessary for the assessment.
Finally, all of these must be done in able to attain practicality and efficiency in the
assessment period; and later on, secure the success of the teaching and learning

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