Unit 4

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Word list:

1. energy - енергія
2. thermal - тепловий
- випромінювати,
3. to emit
4. substance - речовина
5. to destroy - руйнувати
6. to convert - перетворювати
7. torch - ліхтарик
8. to power - живити енергією
- містити,
9. to store
10. to lift - піднімати
11. crane - кран
12. to suspend - підвішувати
13. weight - вага
- відпускати,
14. to release
15. source - джерело
16. purpose - мета
17 to dissipate - розсіювати
18. efficient - ефективний
19. to consume - споживати
20. focus - центр, осередок

Read and translate the text:

The effects of energy can be seen, felt or heard in different ways, depending
on the form of energy in question. The main forms are listed below:
 kinetic energy: energy in the form of movement - a type of mechanical
 thermal energy: energy in the form of heat
 electrical energy: the energy of an electric current
 sound energy: energy in the form of noise
 light energy: for example, light emitted from the sun or from a light bulb
 chemical energy: energy within substances that can produce a chemical
 nuclear energy: energy from an atomic reaction.
Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to
another. For example, in a torch powered by batteries, chemical energy stored in the
batteries is converted to electrical energy, and the electrical energy is converted to
light energy.
Mechanical energy can be stored as potential energy. An example is a load,
lifted by a crane and suspended at a high level. The weight has the potential (in the
future) to be released and allowed to fall, becoming kinetic energy.
Machines often convert an energy source, such as electricity, to another form
of useful energy - in other words, energy used for a purpose. For example, a motor
converts electrical energy (the energy source) into kinetic energy (useful energy).
But it also converts some energy into heat and noise. As this will be dissipated into
the air, and not used, it is waste energy.
If a machine converts a high percentage of energy into useful energy, it is
efficient. For example, if a motor converts 75% of the electrical energy it consumes
into kinetic energy, and wastes 25% as thermal and sound energy, it is seventy-five
percent efficient. Improving efficiency is a key focus in engineering.

Test Block

Variant 1

Task 1. Match the words with close meaning:

1. energy a. transform
2. thermal b. raise
3. convert c. mass
4. store d. centre
5. lift e. keep
6. weight f. power
7. purpose g. heat
8. focus h. target

Task 2. Match the words with their definitions:

1. release a. use fuel, energy, or time, especially in large
2. source b. set something or someone free
3. consume c. lessen or disappear
4. dissipate d. the reason why something is done or used
5. purpose e. the place something comes from

Task 3. Match the sentences halves:

1. The effects of energy a. to another form of useful energy.

2. Energy cannot be created or b. it is waste energy.
3. Machines often convert an energy c. if it convert a high percentage of
source, such as electricity energy into useful energy.
4. If energy is dissipated into the air d. can be seen, felt or heard.
5. The machine is efficient e. improving efficiency.
6. A key focus in engineering is f. it is only converted from one form
to another.

Variant 2

Task 1. Make up word combination from the following parts:

1. emit a. plans
2. destroy b. battery
3. power c. worker
4. suspend d. torch
5. efficient e. crane
6. chemical f. light
7. pocket g. substance
8. building h. load

Task 2. Read the text carefully and make word combinations with energy:

1. ……energy= energy stored within the liquids or solids in a battery

2. ……energy= mechanical energy in the form of movement
3. …….energy= energy converted to the form required for a purpose
4. …….energy= energy converted to a form that cannot be used
5. …….energy= the form of energy that shines, and can be seen
6. …….energy= the form of energy that can be heard
7. ……energy= energy that results in an increase in temperature
Task 3. Write a summary of the text according to the plan:

1. Types of energy.
2. How energy is converted.
3. What machine may be called efficient.

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