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The development of an inspection system for indium tin oxide circuits

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2012 Meas. Sci. Technol. 23 085902


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Meas. Sci. Technol. 23 (2012) 085902 (7pp) doi:10.1088/0957-0233/23/8/085902

The development of an inspection system

for indium tin oxide circuits
Chih-Hsiang Chan 1 , Yong-Tong Zou 2 , Ting-Kun Liu 2 , Hau-Wei Wang 2
and Shih-Chieh Lin 1,3
Department of Power Mechanical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan,
Republic of China
Center for Measurement Standards, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Hsinchu, Taiwan,
Republic of China

Received 21 March 2012, in final form 26 April 2012

Published 28 May 2012
Online at

In this study, an inspection system for indium tin oxide (ITO) circuits has been developed. In
the developed system, a polymer dispersed liquid crystal (PDLC)/ITO film is used as a
sensing device to locate faulty shut/open circuits. The examined object and the PDLC/ITO
film are both linked to an external power source to form an electric field. With the power on,
the crystals line up, re-orientate themselves and the film covering the conducting area turns
clear while the liquid crystals covering the non-conducting area are randomly scattered and
diffuse light in all directions. The voltage range of the power source required to change the
state of the PDLC film was estimated theoretically. Simulations were conducted to study the
effects of the external power on the performance of the developed system. The results were
then verified experimentally. It was shown that the developed system is a feasible system for
ITO circuit inspection.
Keywords: transparent conductive oxide (TCO) film, polymer dispersed liquid crystal
(PDLC), transparent circuit
(Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal)

1. Introduction There are various ways to pattern ITO films, such as

wet-etching [6, 7], plasma etching [8] and laser ablation
Transparent conductive oxide (TCO) films with high light [9–11]. However, un-etched ITO remnants are frequently
transmittance and stable electrical conduction property are found, especially in the wet-etching process [12]. These
frequently used as the conductive material in transparent remnants and other defects may affect the function of the
circuits. In general, the electrical resistance of a transparent device. For this reason, there is a need to develop an inspection
conductive material should be less than 10−3  cm and the system to locate defects and thus the related processes and
light transmittance should exceed 80%. Although indium tin productivity can be further improved.
oxide (ITO) is a relatively expensive material, its conduction Many approaches have been adopted to inspect ITO.
and transmittance properties are superior to those of other For example, a probe testing method such as atomic force
transparent conductive materials and thus it has become the microscopy (AFM) provides the profile data by scanning
most popular transparent conductive material used [1–4]. the surface of the ITO patterns [13, 14]. Scanning electron
Nowadays, ITO is a common conductive material used in microscopy (SEM) [15, 16], differential interference contrast
liquid crystal display (LCD), organic light emitting diode, (DIC) technology [17] and optical coherence tomography
touch panel and solar thin-film cells [5]. Most importantly, (OCT) [18] have also been adopted to examine the profile
the inspection of ITO circuits is highly critical. of the TCO pattern. However, these studies mainly focus on
the structure or morphology of the test sample instead of
3 Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed. identifying the defects of the circuits.

0957-0233/12/085902+07$33.00 1 © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK & the USA
Meas. Sci. Technol. 23 (2012) 085902 C-H Chan et al

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the sensing device in the inspection


be used to differentiate the conducting area from the non-

conducting area.
In general, the electric displacement field [30] is
defined by
D = εE, (1)
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the inspection system (transmitted
type). where D denotes the electric induction vector and is also known
as the electric displacement vector or electric flux density,
Polymer dispersed liquid crystal (PDLC) has been used E is the vector function of electric field strength and ε is the
to detect defective pixels in LCDs and was proved feasible dielectric constant of the medium.
[19, 20]. In this paper, the PDLC/ITO film is used as The electric field strength between two parallel plates,
the sensing device for ITO circuit inspection. The working E, can be determined by
principles for the developed system are briefly reviewed first.
Through these theories, the proper ranges of external power E = V/d, (2)
required to power on the device are determined and then
experimentally verified. The effects of the external power where V is the applied voltage and d is the distance between
on the performance of the developed system are also studied the two plates.
through simulation and then confirmed experimentally. In the Therefore, the relationship between the voltage of external
end, discussions and conclusions are made based on these power applied and the induced electric field over each layer
results. can be written as
V = Egap dgap + EPET dPET + EPDLC dPDLC , (3)
2. Fundamental theories and simulations
In PDLC composites, liquid crystal (LC) is dispersed in an D D D
isotropic polymer matrix in the form of micrometric droplets. V = dgap + dPET + dPDLC . (4)
εgap εPET εPDLC
Thin films of PDLC have a semi-transparent appearance due
to the light scattering generated by the mismatch between the Thus, the induced electric field over the PDLC layer can
refractive index of the LC droplets and that of the polymer be estimated by the following equation:
matrix [27, 28]. When an ac field is applied to the film, its D V
EPDLC = = . (5)
LC molecules change their direction resulting in variations of εPDLC dgap εεPDLC
the optical characteristics [29]. They are frequently adopted
in several applications such as smart windows [21], displays In our setup, the dielectric constant ε for the gap, PDLC
[22, 23], laser beam manipulation and steering [24, 25], and layer and PET layer is 1, 21.5 and 3.4, respectively. The
optical shutter/switch [26]. With this characteristic, the PDLC thickness of the gap is assumed to be 0 μm; the thickness of
film is adopted to develop an inspection device for an ITO the PDLC layer and PET layer is 20 and 10 μm, respectively.
circuit in our study. Last but not least the relationship between the voltage of the
A schematic diagram of the inspection system developed external power and the potential voltage over the PDLC layer
is shown in figure 1. Figure 2 shows the schematic diagram (VPDLC) can be expressed as
of the sensing device used in the system. This sensing device  
is a composite of a PDLC layer, an ITO layer, a PET layer V = VPDLC · 1 + . (6)
and a PET substrate. The ITO layer in the sensing device dPDLC εPET
and the examined transparent circuit are both linked to an A series of simulations were conducted to study the
external power source to induce an electric field. With the effects of system parameters on the performance of the
power on, the PDLC covering the conducting area will be transparent circuit inspection system developed in our institute.
in clear state, while the PDLC covering the non-conducting A commercial software package, Ansoft Maxwell, was used
area will remain in translucent state. Therefore, this setup can for simulation.

Meas. Sci. Technol. 23 (2012) 085902 C-H Chan et al

Figure 3. A photograph of the setup using PDLC as the electro-optical sensor (left: with no external voltage applied; right: with an external
voltage of 150 V applied).

Figure 4. The effects of external voltage on the light transmission

ratio of the PDLC layer.

3. Experimental setup and test results Figure 5. A photograph of the test sample (a line width of 1 mm for
the non-conducting area).
A preliminary test is conducted first to confirm the proper
range of the external power required to power on the PDLC Figure 3 demonstrates that the PDLC layer was changed from
film for the system. In the preliminary test, an ITO film translucent state to clear state as an external voltage of 150 V
is used as the examined object. According to the data was applied.
provided by the supplier, the induced electric potential over The effects of the external voltage on the light
the PDLC layer should be over 30 V to reach a high light transmission ratio were estimated experimentally by
transmission ratio. Furthermore, the corresponding voltage for comparing the gray levels of the image taken by a CCD camera
the external power estimated by equation (6) is around 130 V. when different external voltages were applied. The test results

Meas. Sci. Technol. 23 (2012) 085902 C-H Chan et al

(a) (a)

Figure 8. Effects of the line width of the non-conducting area on the
Figure 6. Typical test results. (a) Line width: 1 mm. (b) Line width: transmission ratio: (a) simulation, applied voltage = 90 V; (b)
100 μm. simulation, applied voltage = 60 V.

ratio is around 20% when the power is off while it is around

75% when the induced electric potential over the PDLC layer
is over 20 V.

3.1. Performance test

In order to study the performance of the developed system,

an ITO film with laser scribed non-conducting line widths of
1 mm and 100 μm was used as a test sample. Figure 5 shows the
photograph of the test sample with the line width of 1 mm. In
theory, the induced electric potential over the non-conducting
areas will be so low that the PDLC layer covering this area
will be in translucent state.
In these tests, the effects of the external voltage on
the performance of the developed system were studied.
Figure 7. Effects of the line width of the non-conducting area on the Figures 6(a) and (b) show two typical test results. As shown in
transmission ratio (simulation, applied voltage = 150 V). the figure, the width of the dark area roughly matches the width
of the non-conductive lines. However, in the observation state,
as well as the corresponding electric potential over the PDLC there are small air bubbles over the non-etched areas. This may
layer are shown in figure 4. It is shown that the transmission be improved by the preparation work.

Meas. Sci. Technol. 23 (2012) 085902 C-H Chan et al

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 9. Effects of the external power on the performance of the setup: (a) simulation results (1 mm); (b) simulation results (100 μm);
(c) test results (1 mm); (d) test results (100 μm).

Table 1. A comparison of the approaches adopted to inspect ITO.

AFM [13, 14] SEM/TEM [15, 16] DIC/OCT [17, 18] Electrical probe/tip Developed system

Major function Structure/morphology Structure/morphology Profile Shut/open Defective circuit

scanning scanning measurement circuit detecting detecting
Manipulation Complex Complex Easy Easy Easy
Setup time Long Long Short Short Short
Process Line scan Area Area Point to point Area
Cost High High Low Low Low

Further simulations were conducted to identify the conducting area with a line width of 30 μm when an external
limitation of the developed system on the discrimination of voltage of 150 V is applied while it becomes possible to
the non-conducting area. The simulation results are shown in identify a non-conducting area with a line width of 20 μm
figure 7. It was indicated that the lowest light transmission when an external voltage of 60 V is applied. However, the
ratio over the non-conducting areas will be increased from image contrast between the conducting and non-conducting
21% to 37%, 58% and 72% with a line width of 50, 40 and areas will be reduced. In addition, it will become more difficult
30 μm, respectively. Since the light transmission ratio over to identify the edge and hence the width of area than before.
the conducting areas is around 75%, it would become difficult
Figure 9 shows the effects of the external power on the
to identify a non-conducting area with a line width of 30 μm
performance of the setup experimentally and theoretically. In
with an external voltage of 150 V applied.
Further simulations were conducted to study the effects of this test, a CCD camera with a resolution of 610 pixels per
the external power on the limitation of the developed system. millimeter was used. As shown in these figures, the width of
The results are shown in figure 8, where there are several the translucent state of the PDLC layer is slightly decreased
interesting phenomena observed. It was shown that a decrease when higher external power is applied. It is expected that if
in external power can slightly improve the capability of the the line width of the non-conducting area is smaller, it might
developed system in identifying a narrow non-conducting become difficult to detect the non-conducting area, especially
area. For the cases simulated, it is difficult to identify a non- when higher external power is applied.

Meas. Sci. Technol. 23 (2012) 085902 C-H Chan et al

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