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Benedict J.

Carandang Date: 11/19/2021

COMP 212L - 10B Instructor: Ms. Abby Gail Banawa

My preferred Data is based on Countries with the most Military spending (in US Billion Dollars in
2020). NOTE: I have used the format Number in US dollars to better analyze the data.
For the Chart, I have chosen the GAUGE CHART to better understand which countries have
“exceed” the range of 100 Billion US dollars in Military spending.

● I have made some adjustments in the Chart by

modifying the MINIMUM and MAXIMUM range which is
from 1 Billion to 1 Trillion US dollars

● In this case, the Yellow range is from 1 Billion

to 50 Billion US dollars. As we can see from the
graph, only South Korea and Japan have the most
Least in Military spending in the year 2020.

● The Orange range is set from 50 Billion to 90

Billion US dollars. And according to the graph, India,
Russia, the UK, Germany, Saudi Arabia, and France
have Moderate Military spending in the year 2020.

● And Finally, the White range, which is set from

90 Billion to 800 Billion US dollars, includes only
China and US. This means that both of these countries
have the most Military spending in the year 2020.

Szmigiera, M. (2021, 05 07). Countries with the highest military spending worldwide in 2020. Retrieved 11 19, 2021, from

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