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English Elementary

Unit 1: Personal Identification

How to say “Hello”

How to say phone numbers and email addresses

Objectives How to give your name and address

How to start a conversation

Writing Personal Information

Say hello!
A. Vocabulary: greeting phrases
1. Look at the pictures below. Match the phrases with pictures 1-9.
Example: How are you? = 2

2 How are you? I’m fine, thanks. Sorry? Good morning Good afternoon.
Nice to meet you. What’s your name? My name’s Bill. See you later!
Jim and Satomi

Jim: Hi, my name’s Jim. W_____ y_____ n_____? Jim: G_____ m_____, Satomi.

Satomi: Hello, Jim. I’m Satomi. Satomi: Good afternoon, Jim!

Jim: S_____? Jim: What? Oh yes, it’s a_____. Oops!

Satomi: Sa-to-mi. Satomi.

Jim: Oh, OK. Nice to meet you, Satomi.

Satomi: N_____ t_____ m_____ you!

Satomi: Good morning, Jim. H_____ a_____ y_____?

Jim: I’m f_____ t_____, Satomi. And you?

Satomi: I’m fine. S_____ y_____ l_____.

Jim: See you later. Bye!

How to say hello
2. Listen and repeat.

Audio 1A.1

3. Work with a partner. Make conversations with phrases from Say hello!.
Examples: A: Good morning.
B: Good morning.
A: How are you?
B: I’m fine, thanks.
How to say hello
B. Have conversations

4. Complete the conversations with words/phrases from Say hello!

Day one Day two Day three

Jim: Hi, my name’s Jim. 1What’s your name? Satomi: Good morning, Jim. 4_______________? Jim: 7_______________, Satomi.

Satomi: Hello, Jim. I’m Satomi. Jim: I’m 5_______________, Satomi. And you? Satomi: Good afternoon, Jim!

Jim: 2_______________? Satomi: I’m fine. 6_______________. Jim: What? Oh yes, it’s 8_______________.

Satomi: Sa-to-mi. Satomi. Jim: See you later. Bye! Oops!

Jim: Oh, OK. Nice to meet you, Satomi.

Satomi: 3_______________ you!

5. Now use Jim and Satomi to help you.

6. Listen and check. Now check with the audio script.

Audio 1A.2

Day one Day two Day three

Jim Hi, my name’s Jim. What’s your name S Good morning, Jim. How are you? J Good morning, Satomi.

Satomi Hello, Jim. I’m Satomi. J I’m fine. Thanks, Satomi. And you? S Good afternoon, Jim!

J Sorry? S I’m fine. See you later J What? Oh yes, it’s afternoon. Oops

S Sa-to-mi. Satomi. J See you later. Bye!.

J oh, OK, Nice to meet you, Satomi

S Nice to meet you!

7. Say the conversations with a partner.

8. Say the conversations with another partner. Use your real name!
C. Pronunciation: rhythm and stress

9. Wayne or Jane? Sue or Lou? Listen and underline the names you hear.

Audio 1A.3

A Hi, hello. What’s your name? B Morning, good morning! Hello again Lou / Sue.

B Hi hello. My name’s Wayne / Jane. A Morning, good morning! Hi, how are you?

A Nice to meet you. My name’s Lou / Sue. B Fine thanks! Fine thanks! Fine, and you?

B Hello Sue / Lou. Nice to meet you! A Fine thanks! Fine thanks! I’m fine too.

10. Listen again and repeat.

11. Say the conversations with a partner.

ABC. Put it all together
12. Read Jim and Satomi again. Write two similar conversations with a partner. Practise saying them.
Then try to say them without reading.

Example: A: Hello, my name’s Sonia.

B: Hi. I’m Alex …

13. Have conversations with other students in your class. Write their names.

Numbers 1-20
1 = one 11 = eleven 0 = oh
2 = two 12 = twelve @ = at
3 = three 13 = thirteen . = dot
4 = four 14 = fourteen / = slash
5 = five 15 = fifteen
6 = six 16 = sixteen
7 = seven 17 = seventeen
8 = eight 18 = eighteen
9 = nine 19 = nineteen
10 = ten 20 = twenty
How to say phone numbers & email addresses
A. Vocabulary: letters and numbers

1. Work with a partner. Count in English. 4. Look at the mobile phone opposite. Listen
Example: One, two, three … and repeat.

Audio 1B.2
2. Match the words with the numbers.

two four eight

5. Listen and say the next letter.

six three Example: Audio: A, B … You: C!

1 one
nine five Audio 1B.3

3. Listen and repeat the numbers.

Audio 1B.1
6. Test a partner. 10. Test a partner.
Example: A: M, N … B: O! Example: A: M … B: Dot!

7. Listen and repeat the numbers from 10

to 20.
Audio 1B.4

8. Continue the lists. Say the next three numbers.

1. two, four, six, eight, …
2. three, six, nine, …
3. four, eight, …
4. twenty, nineteen, eighteen, …
5. eighteen, sixteen, fourteen, …

. J M K E P D R C

/ H G N Q A B T U

@ 8 L X I V 3 O 2
B. Pronunciation: letters and numbers
A What's your phone number, Jacky?
9. Look at the table below. Listen and say
dot, slash, or at. B My home phone number's 082 925 8049 ...
Example: Audio: H… You: Slash!
and my mobile number is 607 483 double-7 52.
Audio 1B.5
A What's your email address?

B My email address is smit-J-that's S-M-I-T-J – at

C. Listen for phone numbers and email addresses

A What's your website address?

11. Listen to the audio.
B It's www dot jaysmith dot uk. Let me spell that for

you. It's J-A-Y-S-M-I-T-H.

Audio 1B.6
A Thank you.

12. Read out loud the audio script and check your
13. Listen and say phone number, email, or website.
Example: Audio:

Audio 1B.7 You: Email!

D. Grammar: possessives my, your, his, her

14. Write these words in the conversations.

her his my your

1. A: What’s your name?

B: __My__ name’s Jacky.
2. A: What’s Jacky’s phone number?
B: _______ phone number is 925 8049.
3. A: What’s Jim’s email address?
B: _______ email address is
4. A: What’s _______ phone number?
B: My phone number is 91 456 2110.

15. Ask your partner’s phone number and email address.

What’s your name?

phone number

ABCD. Put it all together

17. Make a phone book. Pretend to be the people below. Ask your partner/ teacher the missing information.
Example: A: What’s your name?
B: Pablo.
A: What’s your phone number?

Student A Student B
Numbers 20+
21 = twenty-one 60 = sixty
22 = twenty-two 70 = seventy
23 = twenty-three 80 = eighty
30 = thirty 90 = ninety
40 = forty 100 = a hundred
50 = fifty 101 = a hundred and one

Address puzzle

Name: Jacky
Surname: Smith
Street: 23 Market Street
Town: Newtown
Country: Wales
How to give your name and address 3. Listen and check.
A. Vocabulary: parts of an address; numbers 20+
Audio 1C.1
1. Look at the Address puzzle opposite. Find:
1. five surnames 1, 6, 16, 17, 19
4. Write the words and numbers.
2. five countries
3. five street names twenty-two _22_ ______-seven 77

4. five towns thirty-three ____ ______-eight 88

thirty-four ____ ______-nine 99
2. Complete the table with a partner. fifty-five ____ a hundred and ten ____
______-six 66
First name Surname Country Street Town
Jacky Smith Wales Market Street Newtown
Jan Poland
Ivan Kuznetsov ulitsa Rynok
5. Listen and repeat.
Juanita Villa Nueva
Jeanette La Forge Audio 1C.2
B. Pronunciation: stress in questions Audio script
first name
6. Listen and repeat the questions. your first name

Example: first name … what’s your first name?

Audio 1C.3 your first name … surname
your surname
What’s your first name?
what’s your surname?
7. Work with a partner. Write the questions.
Are you from
A: Where are you from? Where are you from?
B: Wales. Address
A: ________________? Your address
B: 23 Market Street, Newtown. What’s your address?
A: ________________?
B: Jacky.
A: ________________? 9. Say the conversation in exercise 7 with your teacher/
B: Smith.
a partner.

8. Read the audio script and check your answers. 10. Ask and answer with three other students. Give true

Example: A: Where are you from?

B: Italy.
C. Grammar: pronouns and possessives; present simple of
be +

11. Read the grammar box and complete the sentences. 12. Complete the grammar box.

Pronouns I you he she we they I’m/am you/we/they ’re/are she/he/it ’s/is

Possessives my your his her our their I’______ from Wales. You’______ from She’______ from
Belgium. Mexico.
They’______ from He’______ from
1. I’m from Wales. ___My___ name’s Jacky.
France. Russia.
2. They’re from France. ________ name are Jean and Yves. We’______ from My address ______ 23
Europe. Market Street.
3. ________’m from Belgium. My name’s Jeanette.

4. ________’s from Mexico. ________ name’s Juanita. 13. Complete the text.
5. A: Where are ________ from? B: I’m from Mexico. 1
I’m__ Juanita. 2I____ a student of English. 3I____ from Mexico. The
6. A: What’s ________ surname? B: Gonzalez. other students in my class 4____ all from Europe. 5They____ from
Russia, Poland, and Belgium. My partner in the class 6____ Jan. His
7. ________’re from Europe. Our names are Jan and Jacky.
surname____ Kowalski. 8He____ from Poland. Our 9teacher____
8. ________’s from Poland. ________ name’s Jan.
Jacky. 10She____ from Wales.
9. We’re from Spain. ________ names are Isabel and Juan.

10. ________’re from Turkey. Their names are Bülent and Nur.
14. Write a similar text about your class. Read it to your
ABC. Put it all together

15. Look at Smith and Jones. Take turns to be Student A.

Student A: You are one of the people in the photos. You choose.

Student B and C: Ask these questions. Guess Student A’s first name.

What’s your address?

What’s your phone number?

What’s your surname?

Where are you from?

Example: A: Where are you from?

B: Scotland.

A: What’s your phone number?

B: 995 5599.

A: I know! You’re Liz Jones!

On the bus In the street
Jeff: Excuse me, are you a medical student? Natalia: Excuse me! Are you Eddy Martinez?

Anita: Yes, I am. Eddy: Yes, that’s right.

Jeff: Yeah, me too. What’s your name? Natalia: How do you do, Mr. Martinez? I love your books.

Anita: Anita. And you? Eddy: Oh really? Thank you. Erm … What’s your name?

Jeff: I’m Jeff. Where are you from? Natalia: Natalia Dubois.

Anita: I’m from London, but my mum and dad aren’t British. Eddy: Nice to meet you, Miss Dubois – or is it Mrs. Dubois? Or

They’re from China. Are you from London? Ms. Dubois?

Jeff: No, I’m not. I’m from Nottingham. My mum’s English but Natalia: Please just call me Natalia!

my dad isn’t. He’s from Trinidad. Eddy: OK. Where are you from Natalia? You aren’t French …

Anita: Oh really? Natalia: No. I’m from Australia, but my father’s Belgian.

Jeff: Yeah. Oh, this is my stop. OK, bye. Nice to meet you … Eddy: Really? Are you here on holiday?
Sorry, what’s your name again? Natalia: No, I’m not. I’m here for work. I’m a teacher.
Anita: Anita. Eddy: Oh, here’s my taxi. Sorry, I’m late for a meeting …
Jeff: Nice to meet you, Anita. Natalia: No problem. Goodbye, Mr. Martinez.
Anita: Bye Jeff. See you! Eddy: Bye. Nice to meet you!
How to start a conversation
A. Listen for information

1. Look at On the bus on slide 20 but cover the text. Listen and tick ✓ the names, places, and nationalities
that you hear.

Audio 1D.1 Anita ✓ Jackie Jeff John

London Paris China Japan
British English German

2. Read the On the bus text and check your answers.

3. Look at In the street but cover the text. Listen and underline the correct information about Natalia Dubois.

1. She’s from Austria / Australia.

Audio 1D.2
2. Her father’s Belgian / British.
3. She’s a writer / teacher.
4. Read the In the street text and check your answers.
5. Match the sentences with the names.

Anita Eddy Jeff Natalia In the street

Natalia: Excuse me! Are you Eddy Martinez?
1. She isn’t a student. Natalia
Eddy: Yes, that’s right.
2. He isn’t a student.
3. They aren’t in the street. Natalia: How do you do, Mr. Martinez? I love your books.

4. She isn’t from London. Eddy: Oh really? Thank you. Erm … What’s your name?

5. Her mum and dad aren’t from China. Natalia: Natalia Dubois.

6. They aren’t on the bus. Eddy: Nice to meet you, Miss Dubois – or is it Mrs. Dubois? Or
Ms. Dubois?

Natalia: Please just call me Natalia!

Eddy: OK. Where are you from Natalia? You aren’t French …

Natalia: No. I’m from Australia, but my father’s Belgian.

Eddy: Really? Are you here on holiday?

Natalia: No, I’m not. I’m here for work. I’m a teacher.

Eddy: Oh, here’s my taxi. Sorry, I’m late for a meeting …

Natalia: No problem. Goodbye, Mr. Martinez.

Eddy: Bye. Nice to meet you!

B. Grammar: present simple of be + - ?
6. Complete the grammar box.

+ -- ?
I’m from London. I’m not from China. Are you from London?
He ____ from Trinidad. He isn’t from Britain. Is he from Britain? short Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
She’s single. She ____ married. ____ she married? Yes, he / she / it is. No, he / she / it isn’t.
We’____ late. We aren’t late. Are we late? Yes, you / we / they No, you / we / they
You’re a student. You ____ a student. ____ you a student? are. aren’t.
They’____ on a bus. They aren’t in the street. ____ they on a bus?

7. Underline examples of -- and ? verbs in the On the bus and In the street texts.

8. Complete the questions and write true answers.

1. Are____ you a teacher? No, I’m not. I’m a student.

2. _______ you from London?

3. _______ your mum from China?

4. _______ your teacher British?

5. _______ your surname Martinez?

6. _______ you married?

9. Ask your partner questions from this box.

Are you French/Spanish/married …?

Is your friend from Belgium/London …?

your mum a teacher/student …?


Example: A: Is your mum a teacher?
B: No, she isn’t. She’s a writer.

C. Vocabulary: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss; polite words and phrases

10. Underline the correct words in the rules.

1. Use Mr before a man’s first name / surname.
2. Use Mrs or Ms before a single / married woman’s first name / surname.
3. Use Miss or Ms before a single / married woman’s first name / surname.
11. Complete the sentences with one of these polite words and phrases.

Please Thank you Excuse me Sorry

1. __________, are you Dan Brown?

2. A: I love your books B: Oh really? __________.
3. __________ just call me Dan.
4. __________, what’s your name again?

12. Listen and repeat the phrases from On the bus and In
the street. Copy the pronunciation.
Audio 1D.3

13. Say this conversation with a partner, but make it polite. Use
the words from exercises 10 and 11.

A: Brad Pitt? A: Jackie Smith.

B: Yes. B: Nice to meet you, Smith.

A: Hello, Pitt. I love your films. A: Call me Jackie.

B: Oh. What’s your name? B: I’m late for a meeting. Bye.

Example: A: Excuse me! Are you Brad Pitt?
ABC. Put it all together
14. Look at the photos. Choose one of the situations and write a conversation similar to On the bus or In the

Example: A: Excuse me, are you …? B: Yes, I am …

15. Practise saying your conversation.

Writing Personal information 3. Read the conversation and fill in the first four
answers on the form in exercise 2.
A. Read and give information
1. Complete the questions with these words. A: Full name? B: Oh. I’m 22.
B: Satomi Sakamoto. A: Marital status?
Are What’s Where How A: How do you spell that, please? B: Sorry, I don’t understand.
B: S-A-T-O-M-I S-A-K-A-M-O-T-O. A: Are you married or single?
A: Age? B: Oh. I’m single.
1. What’s__ your name?
B: Can you repeat that, please? A: Country of origin?
2. _______ are you from?
A: Age. How old are you? B: Japan.
3. _______ you married?
4. _______ your phone number?
5. _______ your passport number? 4. Listen and fill in the other answers on the form.
6. _______ your address?
7. _______ old are you?
Audio 1E.1
8. _______ your email address?

Application Form

1 Full name: Home address

2. Match the questions in exercise 1 with Age Telephone
words on the form.
Marital status Email
Country of origin Passport number
B. Ask for language help
5. Order the words to make sentences. Write them in the conversations.

1. A: Age?
B: __________________________
A: How old are you?
Can please? repeat you that,
2. A: Full name?
Sorry, understand. don’t I
B: __________________________
A: Full name? How you that, do please? spell

3. A: My surname’s Gleason.
B: __________________________
A: G-L-E-A-S-O-N.

6. Work with a partner. Say the conversations in exercise 5. Write similar conversations. Practise saying them.

C. Write and check capital letters

7. Correct the text.

my name’s john evans. i’m from york in england. england is in britain, in europe. im british. i speak english. my address is 18 park street. my
phone number’s 837 7382.
8. Work with a partner. Put ✓ or x next to the rules.
Use capital letters for:

✓ names
x numbers (e.g. one, two)
the start of a sentence
the pronoun I
towns and countries
nationalities and languages
short words (e.g. in)
street names
‘people’ words (e.g. Mr)

ABC. Put it all together

9. Copy the application form. Ask another student/ your teacher the questions from exercise 1.
Unit 1 Review
A. Grammar
1. Questions: Find the eight questions and write your answers.
1. ______________________________
1. What’s 2. Where are you 3. How 2. ______________________________
your 4. What’s your from? old 3. ______________________________
first name? phone number? are 4. ______________________________

5. Are you 6. What’s your you? 5. ______________________________

7. What’s married? 8. Are email address? 6. ______________________________

your surname? you from China? 7. ______________________________

8. ______________________________

2. Present simple of be +: Complete the text.

I’m___ Ivan. 2I_____ a student of English. 3I_____ from Russia. Two
other students in my class 4_____ from Europe and 5one_____ from
Mexico. My partner in the class 6_____ Jeanette. Her 7surname_____ La
Forge. 8She_____ from Belgium. Our 9teacher_____ Jacky. 10
from Wales.
3. Pronouns and possessives: Underline the correct word.
1. I / My name’s Jim and I / my ‘m from England.

2. Satomi’s from Japan. She / Her isn’t married. She / Her email address is sato1@dinj.ja.

3. Jan’s from Poland. He / His surname’s Kowalski. He / His ‘s single.

4. Jeanette and Olivier are from Belgium. They / Their ‘re married. They / Their home is in Brussels.

5. What’s you / your name and where do you / your come from?

6. We’re married. We / Our names are Tom and Jen. We / Our aren’t from England, we / our ‘re from Scotland.

B. Vocabulary
4. Greetings: Put the conversation in order.

I’m from England. Well, nice to meet you.

I’m from Poland. And you?
Hello. What’s your name?
Jan. J-A-N.
My name’s Jan.
Nice to meet you!
Oh, OK. Where are you from, Jan?
I’m Jim. And you?
5. Addresses: Label the card with these words and 6. Numbers: Continue the lists.
phrases. 1. one, two, three, __four__, __five__

2. two, four, six, ________, ________

at country dot email 3. nine, ten, eleven, ________, ________

address first name slash 4. five, ten, fifteen, ________, ________

phone number street surname
5. thirty, forty, fifty, ________, ________
town website
6. eleven, twenty-two, thirty-three, ________, ________

7. thirteen, thirty, fourteen, forty, fifteen, ________, ________

7. Can you read the text messages? Write the sentences.

1. How R U? How are you?_________

2. Where R U from? ______________

3. R U @ school? ________________

4. C U L8R! _____________________

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