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SOCIAL SCIENCE - 2021-2022

Students Name / Roll No: Grade /Section: VI

Subject:Geography Month :NOVEMBER

INSTRUCTION: Read: Major Landforms of the Earth

Questions and Answers
Q1. Distinguish between a fold mountain and a block mountain.

Fold mountains are formed due to Block mountains are formed as a result
compression and folding of of upliftment and subsidence of blocks
horizontal layers of sediments. along the faults formed on the crust
due to forces of compression or

It is very high with steep slopes, It is shaped like a block.

sharp pointed peaks.
Example.Himalayas,Andes Example.Vosages

Q2. How are Volcanic Plateaus formed? Give Example.

a.When a volcanic eruption takes place along narrow fissures or cracks in the Earth’s
crust, magma spreads out over large areas.
b.Layers of lava are formed, which result in plateaus.
c.The Deccan plateau in India,the Snake Plateau in the USA ,the Antrim Plateau in
the Northern Island and the Ethiopian Plateau are good examples of volcanic plateau.
Q3. .Explain the importance of plateaus as a natural resource.
Plateaus are useful to us in the following ways. a.Plateaus
are rich in mineral deposits.
b.African Plateau is rich in gold,diamond,copper,uranium, etc. In India ,the Deccan
and the Chota Nagpur plateaus have vast reserves of coal, iron
ore,manganese,bauxite etc.

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c.Rivers in the plateau regions form waterfalls. These waterfalls are utilised for
generation of hydroelectricity.For.Example Victoria Falls in Africa,the Niagra Falls in
North America and the Jog Falls in India are some examples.
d.Volcanic Plateaus are rich in black soil. They are very fertile and good for crops like
cotton and sugarcane.
e.The natural beauty of plateau areas also attracts many tourists. Q4.
How are depositional plains formed? Name any two such plains.
a.Depositional plains have been formed as a result of the deposition of material in
low lying areas.
b.The most common type of such plains is the alluvial plain formed by the deposition
of sand,silt and clay carried by rivers.
c.For.example.The Northern Plain of India,formed by the Indus,Ganga and
Brahmaputra rivers and the Mississippi-Missouri Basin of North America.

Q5. How are residual mountains formed? Give example.

a.The forces of erosion, like rivers, glaciers, and wind have been acting upon old fold
or block mountains for millions of years.
b.The soft rocks have been eroded more than the hard rocks which remain standing
as highlands. Such mountains are called residual or erosional mountains.
c.For.Example The Aravalli range in India Q.6.Define Plain. Mention its
a.A plain is a flat,low-lying land surface with a very gentle slope.
b.Most plains have fertile soil and are thus ideal for agriculture.
c.River plains have abundant supply of water ,which is very useful for human
d.The flat surface of plains helps in the construction of transport,buildings,industries
Q.7.Give examples of Continental plateaus.
a.The Chota Nagpur Plateau of India
b.The Plateau of South Africa.
c.The Plateau of Western Australia


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