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Nabasca, Cherry Ann M.


EDUC 205


1. How do you define a child?

 A child means every human being below the age of 18 year unless under the law
applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier. A young person especially between
infancy and puberty a play for both children and adults.s

2. What do you mean by No discrimination?

 The practice of treating people, businesses, and countries equally for fairness: The
principle of nondiscrimination in trade relations helps to curb destructive economic
nationalism and prevent the resurgence of protectionist policies.

3. How will you show for the best interest of the child?
 It looks at the child's needs and who is best suited to meet those needs.  It is in a child's
best interests that: they are protected from physical or psychological harm, abuse,
neglect and family violence.

4. Is family guidance important for a child? Why?

 Yes, because family is the most important influence of a child's life. Parents and families
form the child's first relationship. They are the first teachers of children and act as role
models about how to act and experience the world around them. By nurturing and
teaching children at an early age, families play an important role in ensuring that
children are ready to learn when they enter school.

5. Cite an example that our government ensures that every child has the right to be alive?
 The right to life is the chance to live, to grow, develop and mature. This right includes
two important aspects. It is the right to protect life from birth and the right to
survive and grow appropriately.

6. What is the role of an adult if the child will give their own opinion?
 Like adults, children have the right to voice opinions, express opinions and meet to
share their views. But children are more fragile and vulnerable than adults. So,
parents and adults have a responsibility to listen to children and consider their
views when decisions affect them.
7. Give examples of the child’s right to privacy?
 Every child has the right to privacy. The law must protect children's privacy, family,
home, communications and reputation (or good name) from any attack. No child shall
be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with his or her privacy, family, home
or correspondence, nor to unlawful attacks on his or her honour and reputation. The
child has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

8. What government must do for children with disabilities?

 Every child with a disability should enjoy the best possible life in society. The
government should remove any barriers that prevent children with disabilities from
becoming independent and actively participating in community life.

9. What is the aim of education for every child?

 The education of children needs to help them develop comprehensively in terms of
their personality, aptitude and ability. This will teach them to understand their own
rights and respect the rights, cultures and differences of others. This will help them live
in peace and protect the environment.

10. What punishment must give to children who are accused of breaking the law?
 Children, some as young as 5 years old, commit some of the most blatant crimes in
the Philippines, from running a drug store to sexual assault. And many people walk
away with it. Offenders under the age of 15 are exempt from trial and imprisonment
in this country.

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