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Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 7

Learners: Grade 7 Students

Time Length: 50 minutes
Date: November 2022

I. Learning Objectives
A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine literature during
the Period of Apprenticeship as a means of examining conflicts;
various purposeful listening and viewing strategies; difference between
literal and figurative language; ways to extract and condense
information based on library sources; verbal and non-verbal cues in
oral communication; and types of phrases, clauses, and sentences.
B. Performance Standards
The learner transfers learning by: resolving conflicts presented in
literary selections; using tools and mechanisms in locating library
resources; extracting information and noting details from texts to write
a précis, summary, or paraphrase; distinguishing between and using
literal and figurative language and verbal and non-verbal cues; use
phrases, clauses, and sentences meaningfully and appropriately.
C. Most Essential Learning Competencies
Using listening strategies based on purpose, familiarity with the topic
and levels of difficulty of short texts listened to
D. Objectives
 Define and differentiate the listening strategies;
 Illustrate the differences of top-down and bottom-up; and
 Develop the understanding in the listening strategies.
II. Content: Listening Strategies
III. Learning Resources
A. References
a. Learners Material Pages
PIVOT 4A Learner’s Material Quarter 2 English (pp. 7-8)
b. Textbook Pages

c. Additional Materials from Learning Resources

B. List of Learning Resources for Development

a. Other references
C. Approach/ Strategies Used
 Inquiry Method
 Collaborative Approach
D. Material Needed
 PowerPoint Presentation
 Laptop
 Manila Paper

IV. Learning Tasks

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Routinary Activities
a. Prayer
Let’s pray. Who wants to
lead the prayer?
(The students will raise your
(The students will pray)
b. Greetings
Good afternoon, class!
Good afternoon, Miss!
How’s your day so far?
We’re good Miss.
That’s great.
c. Classroom Management
Before taking your seat,
aligned your chairs properly
and pick the trash under
your chairs. (The student will align their
chairs and pick the trash)
You may now take your
d. Checking of Attendance
Class secretary, do we None, Miss.
have any absentee for

That’s great. It seems that

you are all interested in our
lesson for today.
e. Checking of Assignment
Bring out your assignment (The student will pass their
and pass it forward and assignment)
then into the center aisle.

f. Recall (The students will raise their

Before we start our lesson, hand)
let’s have a short recap on
what we had last meeting. We had our discussion about
the scanning and then we had
the periodical exam.
Yes, Ken.

Very good.
B. Motivation
Before we start our discussion,
let’s have an activity.
This game entitled “Message Yes, Miss.
Relay” are you familiar with
this game?

That’s great. For those

students who are not familiar
with this game. This is how it is

You need to line up, the first

member will read the message
after that they need to pass the
message with the next member
in line. Then until the last
member will be the one who Yes, Miss.
write what he/she received
from the member.

Is that clear class?

Once you received the

message, you need to do brisk
Yes, Miss.
walk and go to the front and
write your answer in the board
properly. The first who will write Yes, Miss.
the message correctly on the
board will be declared as (Messages)

Understood class?

Are you ready, class?

Let’s start. We pass the message through

listening to what our group
Congratulations to our winner! groupmates will say.
Give them a hand of applause.

What have you notice with our We listened and take note on
activity? what is the message, so that
we can passed it correctly.

Very good. How about the


We are noting the details or the

Nice answer. words so that we know what is
What is your strategy to the exact sentence.
understand what your
groupmates are trying to say?

Very good.
Listening is the skill that we
C. Lesson Proper used to receive and interpret
a. Pre-Activity messages in the
Based on your answers, do communication process.
you have any idea what
listening is?
Listening strategies are the
ways that you can used to
understand what you are
Nice answer, how about the
listening strategy?
These are techniques wherein it
used to listen effectively.

Very good.
How about the others?

Great. These are

techniques that used to
comprehend the text.

There are a lot of listening

strategies that we can used
in different purpose or topic.
Moreover, with the help of
these strategies we are able
to listen effectively and Yes, miss.
focus on the purpose why
we are listening to that
material. These strategies
categorize as top-down or
bottom-up strategies. Is that
clear, class?

b. Activity Proper

I want you to listen to this

song, you can take note to
the lyrics. After that you
need to answer the Yes, miss.
questions that I will going to
Do you have questions?

Since you don’t have

questions. Let’s start!
None, Miss.
See the light as it shines on
the sea?
It’s blinding, but no one
How deep it goes

And it seems like it’s calling

out to me
So come find me, and let
me know
What’s beyond that line?
Will I cross that line?

And the line where the sky

meets the sea
It calls me It’s about taking risk or
And no one knows, How far adventure and curiosity.
it goes
If the wind in my sail on the
sea stays behind me She may involve in an accident
One day I’ll know, How far because she was alone in a
I’ll go very young age or she may
succeed in her adventure.
1. What is the song all
about? The message can be don’t be
afraid in taking risk.
2. What do you think will
happen to the girl if she Light
will sail alone?

3. What is the message of
the song?

4. What is shining on the


5. On the third stanza,

what stays behind the
narrator during her sail?

6. On the third stanza,

what is calling her?

Very good. The presented

questions facilitate the top-
down and bottom-up
strategies. The top-down let
you listen for main idea,
make predictions and draw We do have background
inferences and bottom- knowledge on the topic.
down let you listen for
specific details.

c. Post Activity
With that, let’s discuss the
listening strategies which is
the top-down and bottom-

When we say top-down,

what is that?

Exactly. When we say top-

down, you can you are Yes, Miss.
listening to the main idea
then after making your Bottom up is considered as
assumption for that you will text-based strategies.
now summarize what are
the things you. This is
listener-based strategies.
You have a fair amount of
knowledge that you can
able to relate a story or
information based on the
previous knowledge that
you have. Is that clear
It is because we are more on
relying with the word or sound
How about the bottom-up? than what we know.
Can someone read.

The listener attempts to

make sense of the
language sound by sound
or word by word, with less
use of the background Yes, miss.
Why it is considered as text
based strategies?

Very good. Aside from that

with the use of the word,
sound or grammar we can
create meaning with these

Do you understand class?

Since you understand the

differences between top-
down and bottom-up

For summary here are the

key points that you need to
remember about these

Top-down, Miss. It is because

you are just getting the main
idea before you give the
expected response to your
Let’s try answer it orally if its friend.
top-down or bottom-up and
explain why.

Over lunch, your friend tells

you a story about a recent
holiday, which was a
disaster. You listen with
interest and interject at Bottom-up because you
appropriate moments, listened to the details your
maybe to express surprise friend gave you and you make
or sympathy. sure that you understand word
by word.

There are different strategies

That evening, another friend that we can used in different
calls to invite you to a party purpose like the top-down you
at her house the following need to have background
Saturday. As you’ve never knowledge to understand the
been to her house before, topic while the bottom-up is
she gives you directions. more on understanding the
You listen carefully and technicalities before you draw
make notes. assumption.

It is essential skill because we

able to interpret the messages
D. Generalization that we receive with that we
What did you learn about the able to understand the topic or
lesson? lesson.

Top-down is more on general

knowledge and background
knowledge, bottom-up, on the
other hand, deals with the
details and technicalities and
Why listening skill is important with that we can now draw
as a student? conclusion based on those.

Listening strategies helps us to

comprehend what we hear and
What is the difference between with the use of the two
the top-down and bottom-up strategies: top-down and
strategies? bottom-up, we will able to know
what we will based on how we
process the input or message
that we receive.

None, Miss.

Can someone summarize what

we have today?

Is there any question?


None. Since you don’t have

any questions and
E. Valuing/Application
Let’s have a short group
activity. You will do the activity
for 5 minutes, all you have to
do since you have knowledge
about listening strategies. Cite (The students will do their
at-least one real-life situation activity.)
where you can employ the top-
down and bottom-up listening
strategies. When you are done (The students will present their
writing your answer in a manila activity.)
paper, post it on the board and
choose one representative to
present your work.
Is that clear class?

If you have questions, raise

your hand so that we can
address it.

Your timer’s start now.

Time’s up.
1. Top-down
Present your work class. 2. Bottom-up
3. Top-down
4. Top-down
Very good, class! You did a 5. Top-down
great job. It seems that you 6. Bottom-up
really understand the topic. 7. Top-down

F. Assessment 8. Top-down
With that, let’s have a quiz. On 9. Bottom-up
the same paper that you used
on our practice. Answer the 10. Top-down
following. Write top-down or
bottom-up as it categorized
each learning strategies.

1. Taking down notes

2. Listening for specific details
3. Identifying the speaker
4. Summarizing
5. Drawing inferences
6. Recognized cognates
7. Recognizing divisions None, Miss.
between words
8. Listening for the main idea Goodbye and thank you, Miss.
9. Recognizing word-order
10. Making predictions

G. Assignment
For your assignment on a ½
crosswise, copy and complete
the Venn diagram to show the
similarities and differences
between the listening strategies

Do you have questions?


Goodbye class.

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