Sociological Aspects of Physical Education: Games

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Games and sports as man's cultural heritage; Development of the individual through games
and sports: Role of physical education in promoting national integration; and Physical
education and personality development.


transmitted to each
The culture is which people invented and which must be
new generation. It includes ideas, knowledge,
beliefs, laws, morals, traditions, art
materialistic things like tools, buildings, and
and habits as well as all invented and
transmitted behavioural pattern of living norms
technology. Culture respondents
cannot exist outside the culture. They
standards. Culture is learned; people
or positive way.
participate and share it either in a negative
the product of social invention,
Culture is acquired behaviour and is entirely maintenance.
communication for its transmission and
dependent on learning and time they becomne
own culture but at the same
Mankind have the ability to create their
have the responsibility to transmit it to succeeding
products of culture. They also

Cerfture habits, values,

our language, religion, dress, cating
Culture is a way of life. It includes
Present is a n image of the past. Games and
beliefs, customs, games and sports.
derived from them and they are products of a long
sports, traditions and values are
period of social

from the past to the present and from the present
Heritage is some thing that is left
to the future with the proper modification. Heritage is to be protected by the present
without the heritage there cannot be any link between the
and coming generation;
past, present and future.
the achiever
education, games
and Sports) a ents of the SOCIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF
e v e ' i u s of days and vears
Today's (physical
activities are
based on the
Manpast. Emperor. For
Grccks Olympics were more than a sports festival they were a way
All the present
today's activities
have their
forerninners in history. nderstand the present
It helps to understa
the past. From the earliest times ife. Only free
citiZcns were permitted to take part. The emphasis in these games
by studying h development and sportsmanship. The Greeks believed in development
better and can be gained have played an importan..presen on all-round
games and sports nt, fullest without engaging in anything to e x c e s s . Professionalism, evil practices,
either directhy or indirectly.
factor suchthe 1o the
activities have been motivated by aa fant declined and abolished at the end of the
Sometimes these
lives of all people. wnereas s o m e t i m e s it has resulted : as emphasis on brutality took over. The games
from d desire our modern culture in almost every
the necessity for earning
a livelihooa.
and fourth ccntury. But Greeks left their imprint on
to live a fulier life.
It is clear that the objectives
of games sports
sports have
changed phase of life. Then
the modern Olympic games were started a s the main contribution
the course of history. so at prescnt
time they are directed at the better. better developm over of Greece in Sports
in 1896 at Athens.
but also emotionally, socially and intell.ment
of human bengs not only physically
This changed concept of games and sports
has come as a result of man tellectually Rome: The early Romans were practical and steady people. For them physical
development was due to a military motive. Romans did not believe in all round
inherent in
experience and study in regard to the vaues participating ingames and development asGrecks believed. The Romans were never famous as an athlete but
sports under qualitied leadership.
admired good performance in others and promoted it on a professional basis.
There are certain tendencies in human beings have been responsihie
formal and informal participation in
games and These
sports. activities are t
Germany: Gut Muths a physical education teacher was the founder of modern
"Grandfather of German
search for food to satisfy hunger, the desire for protection against physical education in Germany. He is considered as the
the strangers and unknowns and need to associate with others.
enemies, fear of Gymnastics." He placed gymnastics on a scientific basis and
included games and
warfare. dancing and play evoved as a result of these tendencies. Hunting, fishing swimming into his programme. John the "father" of German Gymnastics
felt the
No one
which man started sports activities but he
pertorms these activities since he
nows necessity for a strong and vigorous youth. German Gymnastics spread throughout
exercised in Germaan
on the
earth. In early days man had to hunt to
was born Germany and later the entire world where individuals not only
satisty his hunger, he had to work institution.
hard. and hunt to fulfill the need of food. For
hunting one needs bows and Gymnastics to build strength and vigour but also used as a sort of social and
running after the animais. and swim to catch the fish. All arrows, John introduced the gymnastics apparatus e.g. vaulting bucks, parallel bars
these activities were horizontal bars etc. The Chief objective was the complete development of the body
because they' have to satisfy their needs. natural
alongwith the development of discipline, moral and social values.
1 To satisfy hunger-They learn running, and throwing.
2. Sweden: Per Henrick Ling established the Royal Central Institute of Gymnastics
Protection against
them animals-jumping on the trees and
running away from
where students were trained in three phases -educational gymnastics, miliary
gymnastics and medical gymnastics. The main emphasis was on the scientiñc aspect
These activiues of physical education. The stall bars, booms, rings, swimming ladders and climbings
behind the
characterized as-work or as
participation in the activity. Work' is play' depending on the motive ropes were introduced as a part of Swedish gymnastics.
necessity is more or less characterized by the need and
internally áriven and utilized On the other
hand, Denmark:The program of Physical Education was introduced by Franz Nachtegal.
relaxation. All the play'
modern age are
for fun and spontaneous, Physical Education was made compulsory in both the elementary and secondary
ancestors. All types o!
but the modified form of what we activities that we do in public schools in Denmark. This increased the demand for trained teachers, which led
races. have received from our
competitions that jumping
of modern and
are result of throwing
events etc. are some of to developing courses of study for the guidance of trained leadership. Thus Denmark
the past. the evens
became the leader among European countries in physical education.
ivilization has
broughtthe need for
programme whereby an
individuals may realize the organised programme. A England: Games and sports are always popular in England. England organizes
of a
person's daily routine, as well as physical benefits that plani the programmes of organised sports and games like Archery, Swimming, rowing,
intellectual benefits. The many emotional, sociological, were once a pai football etc. were the activities in which people participated. Cricket was originated
played in the lives of the ancient culture determined the psychological,
a in England and Tennis was also introduced. The physical education programme
games and sports a people. Through an understanding part that games and Spor should aim at the health of the individual rather than his strength and they started
person is better able to of the
Greece: understand past or
Greeks gave much and
interpret the field introducing physical education in the educational curriculum.
achievement. The citizens emphasis on the toaay America: As more and more people came from European countries and settled
studied enjoyed individual intellect, physical
became gymnastics
and music. To join the freedom in perfection an there, they brought with them their own games. British people introduced hunting,
military was democratic society. hey
of age; if no
entered into wars were fishing, horse riding etc. Dutches were interested in ball games like bowling and
profession. With progress they were their obligation when u y
a in
Greek skating, but after that games and sports became part of American culture and games
festivals were oi their
occupation released îrom and
honouring the god great they
importance. The most became mila he like soccer, batball, tennis, baseball golf, ice-hockey etc. became quite popular. In
they were held everyZeus. The
of these famous was the
for Th
1891 Dr. James A. Naismith invented Basketball. In 1895 volleyball was invented by
10ur beginning
years until games was around 776 Olympian leo ival William G. Morgan. Today America is one of the leading countries in the field of games
394 A.D. and and
abolished B and sports.
by the
is sed on
based on 1he
rse Tiding,development
sport in is one
Their physual
the early periods,
archerv, horse wrestling, of
At work
o r engaged in
domestic tasks at home), direct participation
and mobilizing
personalith drills, Judo fencino and and therefore powerful, n e a n s of motivating
of the nost enjoyable,
whoiesome activities. Miintary
physical bali gamee.toduced overall physical fitness,
and active. ín addition to enhancing
Judowere the
athniete actwites
schools and
iater on many
added people to become physically and sports can have a positive impact on other
the active play
regular plivsical Activity,
in stretchinp/
like bending,
high cholesterol, obesity,
perods simple were blood pressure,
China: ln earh
hcalih risk factors, Such as high
practised. dancing
bOu and arow shooting were also popular. The modor major
imiportant POSon 0nly in 19th ccntis. In tobacco use and stress.
phvsical educatior
ocrupied an
the schOOIS AS àcompulsory sbie.
mtroduced n
physical education en
exercIse programmes
eradually all major games came
under the regular 2. Economic Development
contributes to economic
SWiming dice games and human development, it also
India has nch sparis heiage-Dancing. While sport is cssential to economic weight,
popular durnng indus valley civiization. Yoga. military drill, wrestling ow ere
and of sport is highlighted by its
development. The economic potential
such as the manufacture of sporting goods,
sports events,
shootung. ights with dagger, norsSe ridiig hunting were also
chaiot races,
resulting trom activities economic force in itseli, sport
Gurukul si'stem ana phySical activities occupied and the media. Beyond being an
prevalet dunng vedic penod. the sport-related s e r v i c e s active population
the Medieval period. Games like cricket, is also a potential catalyst
for economic development. A physicaly
siar portant status durng ockey, the productivity of the workforce
and increasing
faotbhal wcre introduced. lnstitutions ike Akiaras and vyayamashalas took kee is a healthier population, improving
keen also provide one of the most cost
interes r romotung actvitues like Dands. Baithaks. and popularized games like economic output. Sport and physical activity cut health
with the potential to dramatically
n o h o arnd kabaddi, yogic exercises, dancng, Wrestling, etc. also in their regular effective forms of preventative medicine,
a cheap method
exereise programme. After independence various schemes and policies for promoting care costs. Sport adds
further to economic development by providing
Sport c a n also be a n
games and sports were adopted. India hosted the first Asian Games in 1951 at New of improving employability, especially among young people.
and job creation. Sport programmes provide
Delh After ndependence it was India's first biggest sports festival. engine for local economic development demand for goods and services. Sport
as well as stimulate
employment opportunities such a s that spent
the end we can say that
games and sports are the cultural heritage, because is also an important source of public and private expenditure,
these factors
runnine ump1ng throwing are the basis, or foundations or the fundamentals of events and on consumption. Together,
on infrastructure, during major economic development.
a vpes o gamies and sports. So these fundamentals were derived from the past or considerable potential for initiating
ro the primit1ve man. In the past man used these fundamentals to fulfill his basic
result in sport having
aerds and for the enjoyment but at present these activities have taken the shape of
ompetitiorn 3. Fostering Social Connection
and strengthen
can bring people together, expand
A powerful social connector, sport with a s e n s e of
r e s o u r c e s and provide them
DEUELOPMENT OF INDIVIDUAL networks, link people to
Many of the core values inherent in sport are
belonging. These social relationships are a fundamental
determinant of health but
marginalized by poverty, disease,
are often lacking for people who are
development and compatible
with the principles necessar can also be used to
reduce the social stigma experienced by
ife skils learned
peace, such as fair play,
co-operation, sharing and respect. The or conflict. Sport these individuals in sport activities
with other
through sport help empower I1arginalized groups. By engaging
individuals and enhance creates a shared space and experience
that helps break
well-being. such as increased
These iratures resiliency, self-esteem and connections psychosocla
community mcmbers, sport
to focus on what they have in
perceptions and enables people
people of all ages, but they are other
of sport are beneficial to down negative
Vital to the
healthy development of
young people. Sport, however, is a especlai
society. it shouid be refiecuo Behaviours
SimuitanrOusiy encompassEs some of the that sport, likemany aspects of_sOCIELy 4. Promoting Healthy Attitudes and
worst defined in
coTuptiO1, discrnination, hooliganism, excessivehuman traits, including violencs and populations, where people a r e often
In disadvantaged communities to these
a buse Howevel. these nationalism, cheating terms of their needs and deficits, sport
provides a powerful counter-balance
posithr tenrhis. by no means outweigh 1ts and-a
negative aspects of sport ential on people's strengths and assetsenerg
poLc perceptions. Participating in sport draws
the desire te excel-and the universal capacity
enthusiasm, natural and acquired skills, are inclusive.
1. In this well-designed sport programs that
Increasing Physical Activity Levels for fun and enjoyment.excellencewa, at all skill levels-help to empower participants
fair, fun and promote self-care and
Becaus physical inactiviy is critical to health because it motivates
a build self-esteem. Self-esteem is
primary risk factor The acquisition of sport skills and life
disease, sport can play a crucal role in driving the global increase" can contribute to healthy lifestyle behaviours.
of coaches,
rcducing ther sor 1al and erononr slowing the spread of chronic of others, the attention and guidance
diseas skills, the acceptance and friendship
burden, and and other positive sport role models all encourage sport
Inciudes a broader range
of activilies saving lives. While physical and the examples set by tlhem
than sport
alone (people can be acuvi purticipants to believe in themselves,
in others, and in their future.
physically ac
the feelings of
i fane N SOCIOLOGICAL and regard for
n a t i o n ' s unity is
for the and sports and
Peace in
Link of Inost
the participation
5. Powerful
are also
powerful. From inte c o m e s only through
This the different ways living, customs,
and peace ational others. across fromn
sport where they c o m e players come
links between
in a way that an cross states o r Nations, etc. In sports
The potential peopie apolie:undaries othcr eating habits of many
the grassroots. sport brings fheld a simple and often traditions, languages, in o n e game
in spite
events to rcligion, to participate
down barrners,
making the playing
Consequently, sport can
Sitefor states, live together,
of physical
education, so they play
and break groups. an i ideal diffcrent a r e the integral part
between antagonistic
G a m e s and sports
and bridging
divides, high lighting the divcrsitics. n a t i o n a l integration.
soCiai dialogue
co es role i n promoting them who
Ihe popularity of sport
forum for resuming and its a n important c o n t a c t with
c a m e into
and breaking doWn prejudice. for communicatinowChing individuals and groups
between peopie a powertul vOice and sports, the have their o w n
to sport being In games individuals and groups
further contribute
for sVmbolic public acts on the global and local levels. Sport iis an come
from different places. Such c u s t o m s and
traditions etc.
peace and site
peace Their way of living, eating habits
exchange of ideas,
community-based initiatives that alm to create
Sustainable of social experiences. there is an
effective element in
and working together and
different. By living considerably
all group is
behaviour of each individual
By this the
6. Sport as a Human Right etc.
can be modified.
the nation or world.
method to achieve development and peace. The attract enthusiasts
from all over
Sport is more than a practicai Sports
and play is a human right that m 1 s t 1. Games and t9gether
opportunty to participate in and enjoy sport
are most famous for sports gatherings,
be promoted and supported. Sport and play are therefore not only a means, but also 2. National games
a end. However. the facts that access to and participation in sport and play are athletes from many can be
these international, understanding
human nghts create the responsibility to ensure places a rights are upheld. 3. It is the medium by which inter-state,
duty on governments and other related agencies to ensure that the oPportunity for
participation in sport and play exist, allowing all people to enjoy their right to sport in one activity for
states c a n come closer and participate
ana pla 4. People of
nation's pride.
educational institutions and otheT
7. Emotional Development relations between
5. Goodwill and
agencies can be promoted.
Every ndividual has various
types of emotions such as fear, anger, hate, jealous, each other in better way
and establish
wonder. lust. pleasure. cultures c a n u n d e r s t a n d
joy etc. No person in this world is emotionless, if it is there it 6. People of many
means the
person is dead not alive. If an individual does not have common bonds among themselves.
over the emotions. he/ she may become uncontrollable. appropriate control discrimination among the players.
for each ndividual but limit shouid Emotions are very necessary 7. It eliminates racial, political and religious
not be exceeded.
tackie extreme type of situations
and control on his/ her
Sports teach an individual to or cultivates moral values among
the players.
emotions. 8. It promotes
in nutshell,
physical education provides a common frustrations in a socially accepted m a n n e r .
9. It reduces tension and
from different regions, with different religions and platform where sports persons self respect
faiths, needs such as recognition, belongingness,
having different customs and
traditions interact with each speaking different languages, 10. It satisfies the basic
all their difference. other, where they forgot
Such type of and feeling of achievement.
useful role in national thinking, insight and mental approach can tolerance etc. are
integration. It inculcates a periorm 11. Social qualities such as patience, co-operation, sympathy,
history, culture, religion, language feeling of love and regard tne
diversity with regard to colour,traditions of the nation. In India thereforis
much of and developed.
So where sports persons from
education may play very
a caste,
creed, language, dress etc. education provides a common platform
education importance role in Pnysia Physical
and faiths, speaking different languages,
helps in
socialization. It is
development of values inbringing about national
one's life. It an unity. Physica different regions, with different religions
traditions interact with each other,
where they forget
patience sCience which
develops a positive
excellent vehicle 1o having different customs and c a n perform
team spirit and attitude, of thinking, insight and mental approach
unity etc. It is
helpfulness, tolerance,
concerned with all their difference. Such type
It inculcates a feeling of love and regard
for the
society origin of the useful role in national integration.
ROLE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN history, culture, religion, language
and traditions of the nation. In India
there is so
caste, creed, language, dress etc. Physical
fINTEGRATION PROMOTING NATIONAL much of diversity with regard to colour,
education can play a very important role
in bringing about national unity.
National integration of values in one's life. It is a n excellent
attain national national means
unity. Physical education helps in the development
integration. Physical vehicle for socialization. It is a science which develops positive
attitude, helpfulness,
Nalional integrationeducation plays an important roi
friendship and oneness. Physical includes etc. It is concerned with origin of the society.
education feeling of tolerance, patience, team spirit and unity
medium of nation'sbrotherhooa,
is the
unity. Tne
ediucation and
sDort a
The skills leaned through plav. phsical a situation where
people These skills. fit.
nd to get along well with others. Participat1ng in sports provides
hoistic development voung teaches
foundational individual learn to work hard and strive to do his/ her best. which in turn.
coheso7t and are carricd
are essential for social
throughout and confidence
ult 1:life. toto the the s a n e the thought processes and disciplines into everyday
educates voung people about the i1portance ot certan key vahues fo ntegrate

faur play. respect for self and others. and adherence to the rules and
ues. suchSport
as actively
importance It provides a forum tor them to earn how to cope with e
and 3. Helpfulness
respect honesty,
for so.
their is to one another when there is a need do
but also how to win. Sport is a way to build 1s a socal value. Helpful help
Iielpful of social
value of common bornds For example. one benent of understar petition, not With this tenderncy each one c a n
contribute something to the deveiopment
and power
s that they emphasise the importance ot diversity, contribute ife. The action ot helptul includes persons and institutions whose wisdon
encouraging traditional ganof the
to achieved in the
inclusior games The aim of physical cducation is through helpfulness
people understand their own identity and tihose ot others in a is accepted.
global world m a n n e r , to contribute
help work in a cooperative and helpfui
Phv is an
play grounds. All the players
sical education essential component towards the common goal i.e. for the victory.
of The ot
ot quality education
and an intoe
part lifeiong learmng negiect phy'sical sessi0n. in
education reduces
the oe3 Helpfulness developed among the sports persons during practice
education. uth negatve furure impacts on public health and instance, a good
education s the
health budgets. Ph the result of a teammate when we win the game, for
only subject in the
curmiculum that tocuses competition it is
teammate brings fruitful results.
In doing so
it helps teach specifically on the h pass to his
voung people respect for the body.
others -anc helps them respond too many the bod their own as
well ao
incuding the threar o
challenges taced by young peOnie 4. Team Spirit
even in the silliest of sports
sexualy transmitted diseases,
dangers of 1obacoo and drugs. and other
ar PTOV7ding students with the and tha is not a do or die activity, but there is something
opportunity Sports team
to play
lot in building spirit because
schoo ensures that they receive a well-rounded
mind and spint education that addresses sport that raises the desire to win. And sports helps
bodv. other activities that involve playing in group.
it hashigh levels of enthusiasm than it.
1. Individual Attitude activities have the sports element in The common
Majority of the team building based
activities like minor sports games tug of war, fun relay, etc., are
team building than any
Physical educatior for this is that sports helps build
team spirit more
improves the attitudes of the on sports. The r e a s o n
mage. and inner
srudents. It a team match is filled with enthusiasm
ieelings. Aritudes other A sports match especially sports
iuences the are derived
írom the develops one's own activity. match cannot be won
human moments. The of any player is winning, and the
Positive or experiences of the people. and tense goal all
team sports demands collective effort from
saTshing or dis-sansfhing behaviour.
the needs of
atturude towards an
negative attitude depends on the alone by the player. Also, winning any
ones fe also individual. When team matches after matches, the
members. as a plays together
self image
o a pers. Arutude not mproves. Atitude and do improves, the the team Eventually,
unlearmt and inheren: require any formal feelings affect the spirit in the team grows.
Whie education or schooling, it isbehaviour
ir nafural,
behavioural tendency which
participating sports activities is the result
of biological
aWhen evolution. 5. Patience
partiapant generally develops positive attitude.
positrve attitude or gets injured teammates and education programmes.
even the Patience is also a
social value; it is developed through physical
ieeiing feelings for the opponents develoP demand
injured plaver. This is a In several situations, players
exhibit patience. Some games and sports
for instance, in any game
bIWhile helping spontaneous where a s s o m e need a lot of patience,
and ill-wi aggressive behaviour be followed by
referee a r e mandatory to
injured player or
decision made by umpire/
in case or sports, the
he may lose his
c a or
opponent team one forgets any Dad
team 1s eli ng If a player is impatient, then
whether they are right
minds of the losing. the players her desire.
would be opposite to his/
people watching sympathetic control and the results
d Attitudes are come in the
feelings automatically
helpful in dernocraticcompetition.
a 6. Unity
They develop during living of good citizen.
schooling and there wasn't any sports
2. Discipline remain in and separation in the world that if -

mind There is enough animosity this world

through put iie. to bring people together through
healthy competition
ports are an
to lighten things up, peopleot all
and dark place. Through sports
excellent way to would be a very sad, boring, hopeless especialy in the
individual to set enhance The s e n s e of unity comes, fieldd
disci race etc. walks together.
creeds, e n t e r the
caste, two teams
goais. focus on mentalself iscipline.
and Participation in sports trains c e r e m o n i e s or at the start of each match when the
emotional opening
energies, become physically
betore ilhe respective nationnl
1heir hands
anthems are
lolding verbal abuse
1se between
betwecen ti
ttle chillen hooliganism
or the rival
with the violeer, team
there is n o
g und pracec ross countrics and
Nng A uity continents
actually promotes has bCen di
to a word world that been divided
lans, the sporta
have the ability
Ih religionIs

to bring

inity and peace

political beliels and cultural diflerences,
Thre ough

we ure.
onc spuit thut
uitc us thc
wC c a n
7. Friendship
whiech otherwise might hos
enables an individual to create friendships
Playing npoits difleicnt schools, backgrounds. and
teenN together hom
have formed. Sports bring indivicdual crealc on the ficld remain
the fricndsthips
ommunitcs. Many times,
intact even when not playing sports.
of sports
Characteristics, Principles and importance
Meaning. Definition, Aim, Objectives, continuous, fartlek, and interval, their definition,
QUESTIONS training: Training method, Repetition, down- Meaning
and procedure; Warming up, conditioning and cooling
purpose, advantages and iso-kinetic exercises
overall developments of an individual. and exerclses; Iso-metric, iso-tonic,
how games and sports help in of the terms, advantages and advantages;
1. Explain Circuit Training-Meaning, procedure
Meaning. examples and advantages:
2. in modern gunes and sports.
Explain the role of culture and Weight Training-Meaning and advantages.
3. Explain the games and sports as man's eultural heritage.
4. Diseus the development ofan individual through games and sports.
5. Explain how ganes and sports are helpful in promoting national integration
among the players.
6. Write short notes on the following: traininghas become
With the enhanced status ofsports in society the provision of sports
has long been recognised.
(a) Development of attitude very important although
the need for competent training
effective and efficient training
Greeks saw the need to provide
(b) Helpfulness Over 3000 years ago the
since 1950s, many countries
for the athletes taking part
in the Olympic games. But
in a wide
e Patience have
of a n effective sports training programme
recognised the importance international competitions but
(d) Vnity and activities not for the s u c c e s s in major
riendship range of to look towards
also for the development of healthy
participants. Earlier one has only
7. Write the on s u c c e s s in sports. Quite
meaning of culture and heritage. countries to see the value placed
the 'eastern block' But,
S. the role of on facilities and sportspersons.
Brietly explain physical education in national good amount of money have been expended never
integration. of effective sports training, any
sportsperson's potential will
without provision
training programme is the key factor in producing
be fulfilled. Comprehensive sports
the skillful high performers.
Meaning of Sports Training
event or an activity or
an individual for any
The training is a process of preparing which denotes the s e n s e of
we use the term sports training
job. Usually in sports But now a days sports
for the highest level of performance.
preparing sportspersons that affects each and every
but it is very important subject
training is not just a term or sports either for health
and fitness or
individual who takes up physical activity technical,
level. Hence, sport training is the physical,
for competition at different athlete or a player by
and moral preparation of an
intellectual, psychological
m e a n s of physical

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