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Health & Hygiene Audit Report(Site and Accommodation)

Time and Date 08:00 AM : 22/04/2021 Location SITE OFFICE


Inspection Checklist. Key points to ensure that a safe system of working is maintained. Agreed
Assess whether or not the health, safety and welfare and fire safety standard is acceptable
and then mark the appropriate column on the right to show what has been agreed.
Premises – Fabric of Building Ceilings, Roofs, railings, carpets, etc. are in a safe condition 
Temperature/Ventilation Fresh supply of air. Exhaust Fans. AC/Cooling Units. 
Local Exhaust/Dilute Ventilation. Not too hot/cold.
Lighting levels Appropriate for tasks. Diffused, cleaned and/or replaced. 
Cleanliness Good Standards of cleanliness. Clean desk policy.
Doors/Fire Doors/Windows Opened/closed/laminated glass panels/sign posted/secure.
First aid Signpost to First aid worker & available First aid box. 
Rest Area/Welfare Area Areas made of Combustible material with Fire rated Capacity
Waste disposal Safe segregation & disposal of daily/weekly waste. 
Designated Smoking Zones Arrangements, Ashtrays to Dispose Tobacco, Cleanliness, FE
Water Quality/Testing Mains, chilled water dispensers, fountains, vending m/c monitored.
Toilets/Sanitation No of staff. M/F. Standards of hygiene. Soap, Paper, accessibility etc. 
Washing facilities Soap, hand-drying facilities. Showerheads thermally disinfected.
Access/Egress/Escape routes Well-defined segregated routes for people and vehicles. 
Electrical testing and wiring No trailing leads or cables. Portable and Fixed tested 
Fire Safety Equipment Fire Notices, Alarm Points, Equipment and Fire Logbook
Exit, Directional and Safety Signs Emergency Exit, Hazards and Safety Equipment Marked.
People - Name of AOR/Safety Representative RODEL CASTOR PERSONS HSE INSPECTOR 
Name of First Aid Worker RASHID & ZEESHAN AHMED 
Name of Fire Warden HADAYT ULLAH 
Name of Health and Safety Officer M. AHMAD SAEED 
Other - Personal Protective Equipment Records of assessment of PPE and Task. In use and/or stored. 
Corrective Action Needed (For all Action By whom/Time Frame/Legal References Priority
items marked with )

Cleanliness, Housekeeping Execution team and store personnel to allocate Housekeeping teams L M H
Separate team to be allocated to 25/04/2021
maintained good level of hygienic
condition and take care of welfare
Toilet Cleaner assigned for full time.
Accumulated waste shall be controlled
and debris shall be removed to
prevent environment.
Increase number of food skips/ Breach of Reference: Dubai Municipality Code of Construction Safety Practice
container and baskets. Chapter-03 Occupational Health and Environment Control Chapter-02 General
Material should be stack properly. Health and Safety Provision

Waste Disposal Logistic In charge/Storage Team to regularize the disposal as per generation of L M H
DM approved contractor to ensure the waste. 30/04/2021
disposal of waste
Accumulated waste, debris; food
waste shall be disposed in time.
Increased Waste container, Baskets Breach of Reference: Dubai Municipality Code of Construction Safety Practice
and Bins for food waste and hazardous Chapter-03 Occupational Health and Environment Control TG-Waste
waste. Management Procedures
Toilets/Sanitation Project Management, Logistics and Store to ensure the welfare of workers on L M H
Number of toilets shall be increased as priority bases. 05/05/2021
per site capacity and daily manpower.
Algae formed around the foul smell.
Adequate pest control, pesticides,
toilet cleaner, wipers shell be arranged
frequently to maintained good level of
Arrange septic tank for waste water
before spill over. Breach of Reference: Dubai Municipality Code of Construction Safety Practice
Chapter-02 General Health and Safety Provision.

Water Quality, Drinking Station and Testing Project Management, Logistics and Store to ensure the welfare of workers on L M H
GS to ensure that Portable drinking priority bases. 29/04/2021
Water is tested from Laboratory.
Portable drinking water quality test
shall be taken from the lab after
submission of sample.
Frequency of Filter inspections and
change shall be divined and displayed
Drinking water shall be maintained
and free from contamination.
Uncleaned and filthy water coolers,
uncleaned basins.
Arrange power connection with Breach of Reference: Dubai Municipality Code of Construction Safety Practice
coolers and provide isolated Chapter-02 General Health and Safety Provision

First Aid Project Management/Operation Management to take the approval and L M H
First Aid kits need to be increased and procure/purchase material and complete the corrective action Maximum by
shall be available on site, storage and 29/04/2021
rest area as well
First Aid Room need to have fully
equipped, first aid kits, material
identified shall be procured
Blood Pressure measuring tools shall
be available in First Aid room.
Litter Bins shall be arranged to dispose
medical waste. Breach of Reference: Dubai Municipality Code of Construction Safety Practice
PIC-03 Chapter-03 Occupational Health and Environment Control Chapter-02 General
Health and Safety Provision
Fire Safety Equipment Project Management, Electrical Team, HSE, Logistics and Store to ensure Fire L M H
Basic requirement is there but GS to protection and detection system.
ensure and procure Fire Fighting Routinely 05/05/2021
equipment for emergency Response.
Fire drill to be conducted and
Fire Alarm to be arranged.
Smoke Detectors to be installed in Breach of Reference: Dubai Municipality Code of Construction Safety Practice
storage rooms particularly. Chapter -05 Fire Protection & Prevention UAE Fire and Life Code Chapter-07
Material Storage and Handling
Exit Directional and Safety Signs HSE L M H
Need to display on all exit routs. Routinely 05/05/2021
Evacuation plan to be displayed in all
offices and notice board. Breach of Reference: Dubai Municipality Code of Construction Safety Practice
Evacuation plan to be discussed with Chapter -05 Fire Protection & Prevention UAE Fire and Life Code
all staff.
Signs in rest area shall be illuminated
to increase visibility.
Procedures - Safety Policy Displayed on Notice Board, HSE Office, PM/CM Offices
 Improvement Notice: Need to be translated for Layman/Ordinary Worker
to understand it.
 Emergency contact details number should be displayed.
Risk Assessments Records of control measures in use by staff
 Available and Recorded
COSHH All hazardous substances well documented and stored
 Improvement Notice: MSDS for all chemicals shall be recorded and stored
in designated areas.
 Accidental Release considerations shall be taken in place.
 Disposal considerations
RIDDOR Accident investigations, reporting forms available
 Available and Recorded

Time and date of next

Name of Auditor Completed Report Designation

M. AHMAD SAEED HSE OFFICE 08:00 AM 20/05/2021

PIC-01 Housekeeping Needed
PIC-02 Water cooler needs to be fitted

PIC-03 First Aid Fit

Report Summary:

Overall conditions of the project welfare is good but some serious observations found during Welfare auditing which needs to close
as soon as possible in order to avoid any incident/accident and enforcement actions. Without closing above Observation the
Chances of accident and incidents are very likely and welfare of workers will remain in non-compliance with legal obligations.
Project Management shall lead so that execution, store and logistic team shall rectify the issues by finding out solutions as advised
and recommended.

Date: 22-04-2021


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