Youth Development

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Copyiight C2u1u Nebala Tiauing. All iights ieseiveu.

Page 1

me0nn Irndinq

L|ve -:.-+-:.-. 5ess|on w|th Nazarene outh.
1. 1hls flrsL quesLlon LhaL vou need Lo ask vourself ls, whaL ls vour passlon?
2. WhaL ls LhaL when vou have done vou feel fulfllled?
3. WhaL are vou mosL afrald of?
4. WhaL do vou mosL deslre?
3. Pow does Lhls deslre help vou fulfll vour passlon?
6. uo vou honesLlv Lhlnk LhaL vour deslre and passlon are aulded bv Cod's lnLenL for
vou? SubsLanLlaLe vour answer.
Lmot|ona| capac|ty
1. WhaL are Lhe lnLernal resources LhaL can help vou susLaln vour passlon?
2. now, how does vour ChrlsLlan falLh help vou ln all of Lhe above quesLlons?
3. WhaL do vou do for fun? ______________________________________________________

4. WhaL do vou do when vou are bored? ____________________________________________

3. uo vou walL for oLher people Lo make vou happv or do vou make vourself happv?
1hls above quesLlon wlll help vou see vourself vlvldlv. And now vou are readv Lo seL aoals.
|ease ||st your strengths, ta|ents and g|fts on a separaLe sheeL.

our Iuture Goa|s Understand|ng who you are, how you |earn and process |nformat|on and what your strengths and
ta|ents are w||| he|p you go a |ong way towards ach|ev|ng your goa|s and dreams. Lach |nd|v|dua|
|s un|que|y created and g|fted. Gett|ng |n touch w|th those g|fts and ta|ents, however, can take
some work.

1h|s exerc|se |s des|gned to get you |n touch w|th your goa|s and dreams for the next year, three
years, f|ve years and e|ght years. No goa| or dream |s too far-fetched. 1he key |s putt|ng your
dreams and goa|s down on paper and then exam|n|ng how you can rea||st|ca||y ach|eve them-
even |f that means tak|ng on|y one step at a t|me towards your goa|.

8v Lhls Llme nexL vear, l would llke Lo have accompllshed/achleved: I|rst your sp|r|tua| Goa| and
then the rest.

SPECIFIC: What exactly will you achieve? _____________________________________________

MEASURABLE: How will you know when you have achieved the goal? ______________________

Copyiight C2u1u Nebala Tiauing. All iights ieseiveu. Page 2

me0nn Irndinq

ACHIEVABLE: Is achieving this goal realistic with hard work and perseverance? What sacrifices
are you going to make? What new habits will you develop? How will you get the resources (time,
knowledge, etc) needed? Clarify. ______________________________________________________

RELEVANT: Why is this goal significant to you? Which bigger life goal does it fit into?

My statement of comm|tment to my goa|(s):_____________________________________________

WhaL ls Lhe one sLep l can Lake now Lowards achlevlna one of mv aoals for Lhls vear?_____________

WlLh whom can l share mv aoals ln order Lo keep me accounLable?___________________________

1h|nk about th|s:
l. Pow would enaaalna ln premarlLal sex alLer mv aoals and dreams?
ll. lf l have a bovfrlend or alrlfrlend rlahL now, how does Lhls person supporL or Lake awav from
mv aoals and dreams?
lll. uo mv frlends help and supporL me?
lv. lf noL, whaL chanaes do l need Lo make?
Cb[ect|ve: 1o learn how Lo overcome seLbacks LhaL can hlnder vour dreams and aoals.

urlnklna and drlvlna ConslsLenLlv laLe for work ln[ured ln a hlL and run accldenL
Casual sex Lacks honesLv arenLs couldn'L afford Lhe
exLra", [usL Lhe baslc needs
1aklna druas uoesn'L compleLe asslanmenLs arenLs loses [ob-famllv has Lo
move or has Lo do wlLh less
Lhan promlsed
Panalna ouL Loo much (ldle) Lacks lndusLrlousness
CeLLlna lnLo flahLs
Smoklna claareLLes

now leL's explore how we can overcome Lhese obsLacles hlnderlna our success Lowards achlevlna
our aoals.

1. Cod ls able Lo help us overcome Lhese obsLacles, and now how do we come Lo a polnL of
allowlna Cod Lo help us ln all Lhls obsLacles?
2. And whaL ls vour responslblllLv Lowards Lhe soluLlon?
3. uo vou see Lhe lmporLance of havlna a relaLlonshlp wlLh Cod?
4. Pow are vou aolna Lo maxlmlze vour relaLlonshlp wlLh Cod?

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