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Version 2.7.3 2007/9/3
New Features
1. Add Mitsubish Q02H, Q06H driver. The baud rate only supports 115200bps. But it doesn’t
support Online Simulator.
2. Add Toshiba VF-S11 [PDS V2.00] driver.
3. Support MT505TV5 hardware.

1. Correct the RW60006 auto set the week number.

Version 2.7.2 2007/1/12

1. Correct some time when touch the screen, the buzzer still ON and HMI hold.
2. Correct Mitsubishi QJ71 driver enter number 768~1023 appear PLC no response problem.

Version 2.7.1 SP2 2006/10/27

New Features
1. Add object text align function. Select Object or Text has different result.
2. Modify S7-300 PC Adapter driver, support DB0~60 and DB0bit~DB50bit.
3. Modify AB PLC5 driver able to change HIM and PLC station number.

1. Correct Macro read wrong address when the communication resume.
2. Correct Label library CSV file import problem.

1. MT508TV45 please set System Parameter / Hardware / TFT PCD= low. That will save
CPU load. The MT508TV45's LCD will be on / will function after the backlight / the CCFL
flashes twice.

Version 2.7.1 SP1 2006/8/29

1. Correct S7-200 driver Macro problem.
2. Correct Master/Slave baud rate select problem.
Version 2.7.1 2006/7/21
New Features
1. Add Siemens S7-300 PC Adapter DBbit driver, support DB0~99 and DB bit address type.
2. Add Mitsubishi FX3U pds driver.

1. Correct double bytes font texts align center error.
2. Correct when LB9100~9355 active then communication resume, the Data Transfer does
not work problem.
3. Update the OMRON CJ1/CS1 pds driver.
4. Correct the master mode lock up problem.

Version 2.7.0 2005/11/30

New Features
1. Select the PLC Type, the communication parameter will automatically change to default
2. Able to decompile V1.6.2 ~ V1.6.6 eob file. But double bytes font will lost the text.
3. Support MT506TV46 and MT508TV45.
4. Add CF card download Recipe data function.
5. The Event log adds “==” function.

1. The Version 2.7.0 can not decompile older version eob file’s Macro.

1. Correct Macro add and shift function problem.

Version 2.6.2 SP1 2005/7/28

New Features
1. Macro able be decompile. But the eob file must be compiled by V2.6.2 sp1.
2. Tag Library and Label Library can be import and export to CSV format file.

1. Update S7-200 driver correct V2.6.2 the communication problem.
2. Correct the Modbus RTU Server driver supports MT500 V4 and V45 use RS485 2wire.
3. Update OMRON CJ1/CS1 [PDS V2.00], change the Device type ID to fit others OMRON
driver. If the project was developed by V1.0 driver, please use V1.0 driver overwrite the
new driver, or change the device type.
Version 2.6.2 2005/6/22
New Features
1. There is no need to close epj file; the “Compress / Uncompress” function is available in
the menu.
2. The eob files that use Label library can be decompile now.
3. Added the Export and Import function to Label library and Tag library.
4. Added the sorting function to Label library and Tag library.
5. It’s able to change the status number of Label library.
6. Added Profile Attribute to the Numeric Input and Numeric Display Object.
7. Changed the range of the System Parameter \ PLC \ PLC Timeout Constant to 0.1~25.5
8. Modify the create new project dialog, added the selection of Language.
9. Add object pinned function, user can lock the object’s position and size. (A locking mark
will appear at right top corner of the object.)
10. Added the indicators of object’s width and height in the Status bar. While creating or
modifying the object, the Status bar will show the object’s information
11. Added the color’s number and RGB number.
12. While objects are selected, using the ESC key to release the selection.
13. Using CTRL key to select several objects.
14. Added the checking function on object’s width and height to prevent the object’s width
and height from being changed to 0.
15. Added a button to automatically duplicate the current label to other states.
16. Added the address searching and replacing function.
17. Changing Tag library will automatically change the index name.
18. The Task bar button can select Label library.
19. The selection of Label library is available in the Task bar button.
1. Corrected the decompiling problem which occurred when Label library was set in the
2. The PLC Control object will show the macro name instead of the macro number.
3. Corrected the decompiling problem which occurred when the PLC station number of the
eob file was not “0”.
4. Corrected the problem of occasional failures in that when the PLC parameter \ Multiple
HMI selects “disable” and the Connect I/F selects Ethernet.
5. Modified the Bit Lamp object \ Function default to “Normal”.
6. Corrected the problem of possible inexistence of the AUX driver while objects using the
AUX port.
7. Corrected the possible problems of superimposing two objects.
8. Corrected the problem of being unable to correctly reading the RWI in the macro GetData
9. Corrected the problem of the macro function being unable to support the Extended
address extending.
10. Corrected the Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP/IP 4x_bit Write/Read problem.
11. Corrected the Set Word object use jog+ function, when set the upper limit to 32767 but
the value will back to 0 problems.
12. Corrected the PLC Control object to change window but the function key “Return to
Previous” will no work at second time.
Version 2.6.0 2004/12/13
New Features
1. Support MT506xV45
2. Support MT500 E4 series AUX port (AB DH485, TE UniTelWay can not support AUX
3. Add LB9091, LB9092 to control the LCD contrast (only MT500xV45)
LB9091 is lighter.
LB9092 is darker.
Only works after download, does not function in Online Simulation
4. Add LB9100~9227 for PLC communication status
5. Add LB9228~9355 for AUX communication status
6. Add LW9135 for battery voltage measurement(only MT500xV45)
LW9135 is displayed as a Decimal Value, LW9135=1228=3V
Only works after download, does not function in Online Simulation
7. Macro ‘SetData’, ‘GetData’ can use LW9000 and RWI,RBI to access Recipe data.
8. Macro can allow the PLC station no. and AUX address.
9. Add Mitsubishi QJ71 pds driver, support QJ71C24 communication module, Q00 and Q01
CPU port.
10. Add Mitsubishi FX2N_10GM pds driver, support FX2N-10GM and FX2N-20GM.
11. Modbus RTU Extend V3 pds driver add 6X address type, support some Modbus RTU
device use code 0x06 to presets a value into a single holding register (4X).

1. Correct the “Portrait mode” LB9041~9043 Fast Window and Task Bar problem.
2. Correct the “Portrait mode” Window 6 (common window) the object under the Y=240
does not work.
3. Correct the V2.5.2 Fatek Facon FB Macro GetData function error.
4. The 'PLC Time Out Constant' is not saved correctly if it is set to a value higher than 5.
5. Correct Function Key Parts with Pop-Up window function do not beep.
6. Correct Alarm display error in common window
7. Correct Siemens S7-200 in certain situations communication not good situation.
8. Correct AB CompactLogix driver (ablogix.pds) communication problem.

Version 2.5.2 2004/04/15

New Features
1. Implement a "Event Log clean up" function. Set the LB9090 ON will erase all event logs.

1. Correct Modbus TCP/IP communication problem.
2. Add AB DH485 missing Nfn, Bfn, NfnBit address type.
3. Correct the XY plot and trend problem.
4. Correct the save old version project to a backup file but the old version software cannot
open the backup project.
5. Correct OMRON change window cannot use BCD format problem.
6. Correct the V4 hardware connects to GE PLC, problem.
7. Correct CF card download large project problem.
8. Add System Parameter / PLC / Parameter2 as sending command delay time. For correct
V4 driver when the sending timing is too fast. The unit is 10ms.
9. Correct Siemens PLC driver, PLC control object high-byte and low-byte reverse.
10. Correct spelling error - In EasyWindow Simulation XYPlotDisplay was spelled as
11. Correct Label Library delete wrong label problem.
12. Correct Hitach driver R address type problem.

Version 2.5.1 2004/02/17

New Features
1. Add Nfn and Ffn for AB PLC5 driver.

Bit/Word Device Type Format Range Memo

File no. fff:7,9~254
W Nfn fffddd Integer data file
Element no. ddd:0~254
File no. fff:7,9~254
W Ffn fffddd Floating point data file
Element no. ddd:0~254

1. Corrected multi-language with multistate object problem.
2. Corrected Modbus TCP/IP 1x device access.
3. Corrected Evenlog select Word address type but the Device type pulldown menu
display Bit Device type.

Version 2.5.0 2004/01/13

New Features
1. Support V4 hardware.
The V4 hardware use Xscale CPU.
2. Compact Flash card download project.
Use ImageCF.exe compile the *.eob file to ImageCF.bin
Need hardware support this function. MT510TE4, MT508SE4, MT506TE4 and
MT506SE4 support CF card download function.

3. Multi-Language feature
Use Label Library and set LW9130 to change language.
4. Tag Database feature
Use Tag name to instead address number.
5. Print Object Summary
Print the project’s setting, window and object summary.

1. The button cannot work in window 6 when use portrait mode.
2. Portrait mode brush, clip problem.
3. Modbus TCP communication problem.
Added the communication delay time in System Parameters/PLC/parameter2 is 0.01s per
unit for the modbusTCP driver.
Added 5x address type, Address type “5x” are mapping to Hold Reg. The communication
protocol of 5x almost same as “4x” except “5x”making double word swap.
For example,
If 4x have following information
Address 1 2 3 4 5 6 ...
Data in 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x4 0x5 0x6
Data 0x20001 0x40003 0x60005
For 5x,it become
Address 1 2 3 4 5 6 ...
Data in 0x2 0x1 0x4 0x3 0x6 0x5
Data 0x10002 0x30004 0x50006

Version 2.4.0 2003/08/13

New Features
1. Support Portrait display mode.

Portrait display mode

MT510T/S,MT509L,MT508S (480 x 640)

MT506S/L (240 x 320)
This function can support MT500 V1~V3 series.
2. Master/Slave TCP/IP
Support MT500 series with Ethernet port option (MT506SE3) Master/Slave connects.

RS232 or Ethernet

Master HMI Slave HMI

Easywindow Directed Simulation mode, Forbids the master mode running when it's time
out.(10min), But the slave can works forever. You can use PC to monitor the Master HMI.
But the Master HMI only support one Ethernet Slave connects. If more than one Ethernet
Slave connect will appear communication error message.

Direct Online
Run a Slave
mode project
RS232 or Ethernet
RS485 or RS232
Master HMI

3. Modbus TCP/IP
Support MT506SE3 Ethernet port use Modbus TCP/IP protocol. Communications between
the Modbus TCP/IP PLC and the MT5xxxE3.

4. Macro Function
EB500 Macro function provides a special feature that
enables you to create a program to execute function.
Macro Function is a Basic like language.

This function can support MT500 V1~V3 series.

4. Correct EB500 V2.3.0 PLCAddressView.exe does not work.
5. A JOG++ set word object with a upper limit 32767;
6. RW60005 for increasing year's value;
7. Using a function key overlapped with a momentary trigger bits, the function of switching
page will be invalidated.
8. Saving to Shape library at 200% problem is now fixed.

Version 2.3.0 2002/12/24

New Features
1. Support double bytes use Windows fonts.

Chinese, Korean, Japanese select the Double bytes.

European and other select the Single byte.

In the System Parameters Editor select the double windows font

When use double bytes function, the English character is use Ascfont.8, Ascfont.16,
Ascfont.24 font file, the double bytes character is use Windows fonts.

2. XY plot

ASCII Input replace by ASCII Input Extend.
ASCII Input Extend Object can adjust the ASCII Input frame size.


Numeric Input replace by Numeric Input Extend.
Numeric Input Extend can adjust the Numeric Input frame size.

5. AB DF1,DH485 driver add new address type

Add new address type: NfnBit

Nfff: www/bb= NfnBit fffwwwbb fff: 7,10~255(file no.) www: 0~254(word no.) bb: 0-15(bit

6. Direct Simulation
Form EasyManager select Direct Online Simulator the click the Online Simulator.
Direct Simulation the project
Select [On-line Simulation] operation in the EasyManager. After the project is complied by
EB500, the Simulator will retrieve the data from the PLC and simulate MMI operation.
Before simulation, be sure to connect the PLC properly and set the COM port in the Easy
Manager menu. If the PLC is use RS422 or RS485 needs a RS232/422,485 converter.
Direct Online Simulator doesn’t support AB DH485, UniTelWay driver.

7. S7-300 PC Adapter driver support DB10-60 and DB10bit-DB29bit address type.

8. Add RS485 2W/4W force selection

9. Add “Zoom in” function

1. Correct S7-300 HMI and PC-Adapter driver’s address type “VB10” to “DB10”.
2. Correct Sansum N70+ driver
3. Correct Koyo DL405 driver
4. Correct Jetter-Nano driver: Correct address type WD bug.

Version 2.1.1 2002/9/18

1. General PLC Control function anomaly.
With SIEMENS S7 PLC driver the data transfer high byte and low byte are reverse.
With Modbus RTU PLC->LW and PLC->RW appear 'PLC No Response' error message.
2. Decompile with the AB DF1 driver.
The AB DF1 project after decompile the address is wrong.

3. PLC control object with the KOYO driver.

Use PLC control object to read BCD a screen number from a (KOYO) V memory (V1401).
It doesn’t work.

4. FP driver write recipe more than 24 words cause error

Version 2.1.0 2002/7/17

New Features
1. Support V3 hardware. The new hardware use 29LV800 (Flash Rom) in replace of the
original boot ROM (29C1024).
2. New Printer driver: SP Printer, HP PCL/Simple Page Mode.
3. EasyManager communication port extend, support COM1~COM10.

1. Resolve password in recipe problem for Siemens type PLC
2. Only security attribute, buzzer enable, backlight saver will be stored in recipe memory if it
is activated.
3. The screen will still show up even touch panel is short in input tail
4. Resolve Mitsubishi PLC when the HMI program decompile. PLC address is not correct.
5. Resolve Mitsubishi A1S Set Bit object set attribute style: momentary but the action is

Support MT500 model:

All MT500 series, BootRom version id: x1007 and after


The MT500 V3 must use EB500V2.1.0 or later to program and download.
After you update to EB500 V2.1.0 from the previous version remember compile your project
again before download to MT50

Version 2.0.2
The V2.0.2 software support new hardware based on SA1110 processor, the major
difference between new and old hardware is as follows:
1. The new hardware use SDRAM, which is fast than EDO RAM used in the last
2. Use more accuracy touch panel decode circuit.
3. Use popular RTC chip (BQ3285) in replacing the old Epson RTC chip.
4. The recipe memory is moved to different memory segment.
5. For RS-485 2W communication, it is required for the old hardware to control
transceiver of RS-485 I/F chip. The new hardware automatically controls the
6. The RTC and recipe memory is embedded to motherboard.

Version 2.0.1
Correction of bug in previous versions
1.Reserved LocalBit LB9011
LB9011 don't be clear when RecipeTransfer upload finished. Fixed.

2.Backlight light control(write back)

It works wrong in PLC address. Fixed.

3."Window Copy" of EasyBuilder work fails if "Dest Window No:" don't

I will cause epj file include wrong information, and EasyWindow will fault.

New added features:

1. PLC driver kit
MT500 define pds file that include ALL information driver required.
EasyBuilder will load all PLC driver information from "Drivers" subdirectory.
It mean that Developer can develop their own PLC driver base on pds file specfication.

2. EventLog DataBase
Enable user to keep Eventlog information in Receipe Card.
Within System Parameter/Hardware
Eventlog DataBase: No or Yes
DataBase Start Address:(RW)0~60000
More Information: Basically HMI will duplicate evevt log information if Eventlog DataBase is
enable and Recipe Card present.
When HMI start up ,it will check the Recipe Card and to retrieve Eventlog DataBase
information from Recipe Card.
HMI save Eventlog DataBase in Recipe Card with a special formation,so next time it can
reconstruct Eventlog DataBase in DRAM.
LW9058 provide the size of Eventlog will occupy in RecipeCard.
How to:Enable Eventlog DataBase, setting DataBase Start Address and insert Recipe Card
with in HMI.
Keep in mind that one block of Recipe Crad had been reserved by Eventlog Database. You
project cannot use it.
HMI will take care everything for user.

3. System parameter mapping to Recipe Card

Enable user to change some system parameter in HMI. Addition information in Reserved
Within System Parameter/System Parameter(recipe), user can enable this function.
For example: RW60041 will represent the baudrate of PLC port. If you change this value,
next time system setup baudrate accoring to the value of RW60041.

4. New attribute of SetBit/SetWord

Set at enter fail/success

5. Make shpae library method

Enable user to make shape library base on FunctionKey Part's rectangle.

6. System Shape/Button

7. Jump to application when download finished.

8. Automatic save anf compile

9. Extended address mode

Enable MT500 connect to multiple same kids of PLC at RS485.(Only Modbus now)
The addressing method as:
3x:1#06 3x,Station 1,Offset 6
4x:2#45 4x,Station 2,Offset 45
3x:12#54 3x,Station 12Offset 54

Before '#' is the station.After '#' is backward compatible. Station number:0~255

10. Driver file revised

Siemens S7 200:New addres type-VW.b
MITSUBISHI AnS:New address type S,T,R
NOTE on R type: "Parameter 1" of system parameter in EasyBuilder is the size of R
in K words.
IIS ESC:New address format. Device Status/Device Input/Device Output
SIMATIC TI505: New Driver.
PLCs that support multi-drop: Modbus RTU(485 2W),Omron(485 2W),IDEC Micro,FACON
Jetter Nano: New Driver
Support I/O/F/R .
I and O support a new address format ddd(oo),its valid adrress as:
101~108,201~208,301~308 ....
With in Jetter PLC, R is a 24 bit register. MT500 will convert to 32 bit signed mode.

Version 2.0.0
New added features:
1. Locallization of resource
The EasyBuilder include English resource information(Menu,Dialog,String ...). However EasyBuilder try to load
customize resource from EBResource.dll.
If EasyBuilder cannot fine EBResource.dll in same directory,it will use default resource(English).
2. NEW driver
LG K10S1

Version 1.6.6
New added features:
1.PLC Control
New attribute/Write data to PLC(base window):The MT will write the window number of base window to PLC
when the base window changed.

New attrubute/Display Date format:Now,allow extra display format-date.

Version 1.6.5
Correction of bug in previous versions
1.Memery Map
Address that above MW256 will access to wrong memory.

New added features:

1.Part Layout
Control:For backward compatible The part that require to redraw will insert to top layer.
Nature: The part that requre to redraw will not insert to top layer. It will stay in original layer.

2.Display format of TIME in EventDisplay and printer

Include extended format(D/H/M)

3.New driver
LG K60S(RS232,9600,N,8,1)
IIS ESC(RS232,38400,N,8,1)

Version 1.6.4
Correction of bug in previous versions
1.AB DH485
Responsed error and no responsed happen seldom. It is timing problem. We have change the timming.
And tested million read operations with no any error happen.

Cannot input Zero or Span less zero,or it will display wrong curve.
3.EasyBuilder/Create Window
In version 1.6.* create Common Window will cause project file internal error.
This error only exist if the TaskButton is enable. And the Common window is created by 1.6.*

The adjust distance have no effect on word type address.

New added features:

1.New PLC driver
VIGOR 19200,E,7,1 PLC station=0
P MAC protocol RS232 19200,N,8,1

2.New Program file format

New program file format(*.bin) support compression. In order to extract compressed file. BootRom version 1.6 or
later is required.

3.New System Parameter

Editor/Object In Compress:Support compression of Object Image. The system will extract it from flash to
DRAM,so this function
require more DRAM(using window 0) to store extracted object information. So it is very possible the space of
"window 0" is not enough.
We recommand if you require this function, please change the "No. of window" to less than 6.(1,2,3,4 or 5)
Editor/Compiler:The Level 0 is for backword compatible.
Level 1 will check the size of part and PLC address type is matched.
For example:Mitsubishi fx2n/CV2 's szie is 4 bytes base. It will give warning passage if user try to using it on Set
Word.(Set Word is 2 bytes base)

Version 1.6.3
Correction of bug in previous versions
1.OMROM driver
The first WRITE operation will be ignore and prevent to change window.

2.The BIT of TrendDisplay/Multipage cannot using PLC bit but can using local BIT.

3.The signal float point of Numeric Input can display minus valude precisely.

New added features:

1.New PLC driver
IIS ESC protocol

2.Underlay Window
Window can underlay up to three windows. All "parts"(The window attribute wiil be ignore) of underlay windows
will be merge into Base window.
For example:
There is one Base Window have 20 parts that have three underlay window:
Underlay window 1:10 parts
Underlay window 2:12 parts
Underlay window 3:18 parts
So the parts structure of Base window will become to:
Part 0-9 10-21 22-39 40-59
Underlay 1 Underlay 2 Underlay 3 Base Window
NOTE:There are some limitation:Same TrendDisplay cannot appear both in Underlay and normal window.
Because of this function,saved by this version cannot open by previous version !

Version 1.6.2
New added features:
1.New PLC driver
MITSUBISHI J2-S100: RS-485/232, 9600/19200, Even, 8, 1
PLC station : 0~15
1. Bit write: This type of device don't support "BIT write in slaver" Master/Slaver communication in version
1.6(We will support it in next version 2.0 by change our Master/Slaver protocol for this type of device).
2. D/R registers: It occupy four bytes in one register. So you can only use two words for every objects
and only two words.
3. Local bit 9070 control the enable/disable of local data add/sub to/from R/D. (ON: disable OFF: enable)
4. Local bit 9071 control write option to 'R': "OFF" for RAM write, "ON" for EPROM write.(default RAM write)
Due to the protocol limitation of J2-S100 for 'R' register. It('R') cannot write value between 0x00800000 and
0xFFFFFFFF(include both value). Or it will cause error. If representation in Decimal as:
0x00800000~0x7FFFFFFF(8388608~ 2147483647), 0xFF799999~0x80000000(-8388608~ -2147483648).

Omron(RS485 2W): Suppou RS-485 2W type.

2.New PLC control type

Backlight control(write back)- When the backlight become OFF(Turn OFF due to this object),it will set PLC bit as
Then PLC can use same bit to control backlight.

3.SetBit/SetWord provide option to set BIT/WORD when backlight become OFF.

Set ON at backlight off
Set OFF at backlight off
Set at backlight off
4.Compress project(*.cmp)
EasyBuilder provide the ability to compress all files(*.epj,*.slb,*,blb) into a *.cmp file,and Umcomprocess *.cmp.
Beforoe use this Compress/Umprocess, please close project. And select TOOL/Compress in Menu.
It will display a dialog that provide Compress and Umcompress tool.

5.Save/Compile project speed had strengthened.

Saved file by this version cannot open by previous version.

6.Begining widow umber from "1" instead of "10"

In EasyBuilder Edit/System parameter/Editor there have a option to let user change their beging window number.
(We don't suggest user use this function)
In fact, MT500 serial product always beging from window 10, we just display 1 instead of 10.
The internal data structure always begin from 10.

7.TFT PCD value

In EasyBuilder Edit/System parameter/Hardware there have a option to let user change TFT PCD value.
We suggest Using "High" value of PCD.
Version 1.6.1
Correction of bug in previous versions
1.Local Word 9055(PLC Control word offset) cause error.

2.Matsushita PLC type "FP5" cause problem.

FP5 PLC RS-232 interface don't send parity check event enable it.
For running fine at EasyWindow, the BootRom have to update to Version 1.6
For FP5, PLC station number set as 0.

3."Numeric Input" cause fail when Input low or Input high is less then zero.
When one of Input low or Input high less than zero,MT500 may limit user to input.

4.New BootRom Version B1.6

For Hitachi and Matsushita.

New added features:

1.New PLC driver
Hitachi PLC(BootRom Version 1.6 required)

Version 1.6
Correction of bug in previous versions
1.SetBit - "Set ON/OFF at window open" for Omron and Siemens S7 PC/HMI adapter driver.
The above set bit operation does not work properly for those protocol do not provide force bit ON/OFF function.

2.Modbus RTU addressing format error

Correct error in the addressing configuration file - PLCtype.plb for modbus RTU addressing type 1x. The correct
addressing method of 1x shall be ddd, it is configured as ddd(dd) in the previous version.

3.EventDisplay shows acknowledge time in error

4.Momentary switch remains ON when a PLC control (change window) is triggered.

When user touch down to activate a momentary switch, at the same time the change screen operation is
activated, the momentary switch remains ON after base window is changed.

5.Communication error when "SET BIT" and "SET WORD" are activated simultaneously for LG Master-K
C-net and LG GLOFA C-net driver
This problem is caused by constrain of LG PLC, we have overcome this constrain.

6.SET BIT or SET WORD with "Set at window open" works improperly when they are configured at
Startup windows.

7.Report print-out, when reading data change during report printout, the rest of report will be printed in
mode 4 no matter what the setting is.

8.MeterDisplay(style 2) configured in common window cause error

New added features:

* Represents important notice
MT500, now, support security mechanism. It provides three level of security.
1 Level 0(lowest)
2 Level 1(middle)
3 Level 2(highest)
MT500 will check login security level with window security level when user
try to change base window by using Funckey with change window attribute.
It is explained as following:
1. Login security level: MT500 initial as level 0. User can login to different level by write a unsigned double
words data to LW9040.
2. Password setting: In system parameter security tab, to enable security and setting password.
3. Window security level: Every window must assign a security level in window setting dialog.
4. Local Word:
LW9040(W/R)(double word): login address.
LW9042(R): Indicated login level
LW9043(W):Force MT500 to a login level.(low level cannot change to high level)
5. Design method:
Please see append example to learn how to design.

2.Print in EasyWindow
EasyWindow,now, provide printing function in Window 95/98/NT.There are two method to print.
First, You can print full screen that includes all the windows on the screen.
Second, You can print any window on the screen.
The "Page Setup" dialog can adjust printout format.

3.Display PLC address information in EasyWindow

EasyWindow,now, provide display PLC address function.
At Tool/Emulator dialog, You can select which object that you want to show PLC address information.

4.Touch event process method had changed. *

This modification is basically to resolve a software constraint in the previous version. When a momentary switch
is touch down, the related bit will be set ON. If there is any window popup and hide the momentary switch before
it is released, the bit will remain ON even at touch up.

The new software has three operation modes to handle momentary switch, based on current value of LW9044.
Therefore you may use a SET WORD of "initial set" to configure your desired operation mode.

0: Window popup operation is enable during touch down and up, at the time touch up the BIT was previous
set ON will be set OFF even a popup window hide the momentary switch. (default initial value)

1:Window popup operation is disable during touch down and up(mometary style). It prevent any confuse for
the operations.

2: Window popup operation is enable during touch down and up. Therefore if the momentary switch is hide
by a popup window at the time touch up, the BIT will not be reset.

5.Communication disconnection handling proecss

There are two conditions cause PLC-HMI communication discontinues.
PLC no response
PLC response error

If the MT500 detects communication discontinue. it will do action according to the content of local bit 9055.
0:Any write to PLC command will be deleted.
1:nothing to do : keep on write commnad to PLC.

6.Reserved Local Bit for KeyPad.

Some time user want to popup window when active NI or AI.
So we set ON/OFF local bit at proper time.
For example LB9060:
When user active NI or AI, MT500 will turn LB9060 ON.
After user finish input and touch "Enter". MT500 will check input data, if data is valid then turn LB9060 OFF or no
thing to do.

7.New PLC driver and new address type

DELTA DVP(RS232 9600 E,7,1)
Fx0n/Fx2/Fx2n T,C
FACON S,T,C,DRT,DRC(note:DRC and DRC must unit as double words)

8.New reserved local data

Please look at "Reserved Word-bit.doc" for details

9.PLCAddressView *
MT500 provide a program PLCAddressView.exe to watch PLC address method.
PLCAddressView/PLC data format
Bit/word Address Type Address Format Max Min
M(bit) M ddd(o) 40957 0000
D(word) D Ddd 9999 0000
1x(word) 3x Ddd 9999 0001
Address Format is user key-in data. It is PLC dependent.
Symbol used in PLCAddressView
(h):bit sufix in hex
(o):bit sufix in octal
(dd): bit sufix in decimal, must be two digits

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