Lecture 5 - Presentation

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Lecture 5

Prepare and deliver

seminar/conference presentation
City University of Hong Kong
Class Arrangement Department of Materials Science & Engineering

• Prepare and deliver a good seminar/conference presentation

• Write good abstracts for conferences and journals
• Present scientific data properly
• Search the literatures efficiently and manage bibliographies and references
• Write good articles
• Prepare good proposals
• Understand Research Ethics
City University of Hong Kong
Assessment Department of Materials Science & Engineering

❖ Writing a Abstract 25%

❖ Writing a Proposal 35%

❖ Delivery a Presentation 40%

City University of Hong Kong
Outline Department of Materials Science & Engineering

❖ Research Presentation

❖ Prepare Presentation Slides

❖ Giving the Presentation

❖ Assignment

City University of Hong Kong
Why Do You Need to Speak? Department of Materials Science & Engineering

❖ Publications lag 1-2 years behind discovery

- Talks at scientific conference are current!!
❖ Personal Reputation
❖ Your future job depends on talks
❖ Group Meeting and Coursework

City University of Hong Kong
Length of Talk Department of Materials Science & Engineering

❖ 12-15 minutes
• Contributed conference talks
• Most difficult!!
• Limit talk to 10 minutes
• Only make 2-3 points
❖ 30 minutes
• Invited conference talks
• Journal club presentations
• Limit talk to 20 minutes
❖ 60 minutes
• Invited/plenary talks
• Special seminars
• Limit talk to 50 minutes
City University of Hong Kong
Know The Style of Your Talk Department of Materials Science & Engineering

❖ Persuasive
❖ Instructional
• This talk!!
❖ Informative
• Normal for scientific meetings
❖ Formal or informal?

City University of Hong Kong
Seeing is Believing Department of Materials Science & Engineering

❖ Graphics add to viewer retention Hear and See

❖ Try to avoid large lists See
❖ Keep graphics simple Hear
• Use white or light colored backgrounds
❖ Make ALL text readable Audience
- Direction, size, font, and length Retention

0 20 40 60

Recall (%)

City University of Hong Kong
Preparing the Presentation Department of Materials Science & Engineering

❖ Average not more than one slide per minute

❖ Powerpoint is standard
– 16:9 vs 4:3
❖ No sounds! Minimal animations.
❖ Use 3-7 bullets per page
– Avoid writing out, and especially reading, long and complete sentences on slides
because it is really boring to the audience
❖ Slide appearance (font, colors) should be consistent
❖ Speelcheck & advanced spell checking methods

City University of Hong Kong
General Tips Department of Materials Science & Engineering

❖ Decide type of data and the point you want

• to convey, then choose the visual accordingly (text, table, graph, chart, etc.)

1. Well organized PPT with clear scientific logic.

2. Effective slides reinforces your message and helps you communicate


3. Good science is more important than glitz

City University of Hong Kong
Spacing Department of Materials Science & Engineering


Can I make a good use of this “lost” space? 11

City University of Hong Kong
Color Department of Materials Science & Engineering

Dark letters against a light background.

Dark letters against a light background

are best for smaller rooms, especially when the lights are on for

City University of Hong Kong
Color Department of Materials Science & Engineering

Light letters against a dark background

also work

Many experts feel that a dark blue or black background works best
for talks in a large room

City University of Hong Kong
Choose The background Department of Materials Science & Engineering

City University of Hong Kong
Choose the Background Department of Materials Science & Engineering

City University of Hong Kong
The Use of Color Schemes Department of Materials Science & Engineering

City University of Hong Kong
The Use of Color Scheme Department of Materials Science & Engineering

City University of Hong Kong
Fonts and Sizes Department of Materials Science & Engineering

❖ Arial, Calibri, all titles and text bolded?

❖ For Arial (bolded):

• Titles 36-46 pt
• Main bullets 28-32 pt
• Sub-bullets 24-28 pt
• Avoid sub-sub bullets (re-format)
• References 16-20 pt
❖ Keep text/title size consistent across slides
❖ Stop PowerPoint from changing text size as you type

City University of Hong Kong
Sans Serif vs. Serif Department of Materials Science & Engineering

Arial Times New Roman

Comic San MS (avoid) 19
City University of Hong Kong
What Font Size to Use Department of Materials Science & Engineering

Type size should be 18 points or larger:

18 point

20 point

24 point

28 point

36 point
* References can be in 16-20 point font, often in Times New Roman
Schellman, et. al, Chem. Rev. 75, 323–331 (1975). 20
City University of Hong Kong
Tables Department of Materials Science & Engineering

Data Tables:

• Tables are useful for a small amount of data (a few row and columns)
• Include title and units
• Indicate data source if they are not your own!!!!
• Use color to highlight the numbers you want to emphasize
• Remember tables are often used badly in a presentation …

City University of Hong Kong
Tables in Presentation Department of Materials Science & Engineering

City University of Hong Kong
Tables in Paper Department of Materials Science & Engineering

City University of Hong Kong
Figures Department of Materials Science & Engineering

❖ 1 figure  1000 words’

❖ Figures should be readable, understandable, uncluttered
- In principle, maximum two data figures in one slides
❖ Keep figures simple, use color logically for clarification
❖ Explain axes and variables
❖ Include reference on figure if not your current work.

City University of Hong Kong
Conclusion Figure Department of Materials Science & Engineering

❖ Create a summary cartoon with major findings, or an illustration of the

processes or problem
❖ Consider showing it at the beginning and the end
❖ You can use web sources for figures
❖ Include reference

City University of Hong Kong
Equations Department of Materials Science & Engineering

Someone told me that each equation I included in the book

would halve the sales.
Stephen Hawking
❖ Do not use equation

❖ Only when absolutely necessary

❖ If you have to use equations

- Slow down
- Talk through step by step
- Explain Relevance
- Combine with a scheme that illustrate the physical concept involved
City University of Hong Kong
Color-(Blind) “Friendly” Presentations Department of Materials Science & Engineering

❖ Avoid red-green color combinations

❖ Avoid invisible color
❖ Avoid red characters/lines on dark background

❖ Make text and lines as big or thick as practical?

❖ Use high-contrast color scheme or monochrome
Normal: 5
Red/Green Color Blind: 2

City University of Hong Kong
Creating Effective Slides Department of Materials Science & Engineering

❖ Uncluttered, clear, visible

❖ Focused information, don’t distract the audience
❖ Use informative titles
– “Characteristics of Materials”
– “Photonic Properties of Materials”
❖ Have simple, high-contrast, consistent color schemes

City University of Hong Kong
Effective Text Slides Department of Materials Science & Engineering

❖ Order of slide text matches order of script

❖ Key words only, no complete sentences
❖ 7 lines maximum

❖ Bulleted text better than numbered items in most cases

❖ Parallel structure (all verbs, all nouns, etc)

City University of Hong Kong
Cluttered Data Department of Materials Science & Engineering

City University of Hong Kong
Images----False-colored Images Department of Materials Science & Engineering

City University of Hong Kong
Things to Avoid Department of Materials Science & Engineering

❖ Visual clutter from too many colors

❖ Unbolded font like Times New Roman
❖ Complicated animation (no flying objects)
❖ Clip art that serves no purpose
❖ Unnecessary grid lines in figures
❖ Necessary lines that are too thin

City University of Hong Kong
Giving Proper Credit Department of Materials Science & Engineering

➢ If the figure is from other’s work (common mistakes)

➢ If the figure is from you own work, but not the one in present
➢ Supervisor, contributors and collaborators
➢ Funding Sources

City University of Hong Kong
Structure of a 10-minute Oral Scientific Presentation Department of Materials Science & Engineering

❖ Title
❖ Background
❖ Methods
❖ Results
❖ Discussion
❖ Acknowledgments
❖ Question and Answer

City University of Hong Kong
Title Slide (15-20 sec) Department of Materials Science & Engineering

❖ Title should
❖ –Be concise
❖ –Focus
❖ –Avoid Technical Details
❖ Your name
❖ Your affiliation
❖ Appropriate logos
❖ Date and location
City University of Hong Kong
Background (1-3 min) Department of Materials Science & Engineering

❖ Usually a few slides (2-3)

❖ Engage audience
❖ Set stage for outbreak investigation

❖ Provide rationale for planned study

❖ Essential information (only) about project

❖ Establish core relevance

❖ Defence: Include a slide describing study objectives or hypothesis
City University of Hong Kong
Methods and Results (2-3 min) Department of Materials Science & Engineering

➢ Usually several slides (4-5)

➢ Emphasize most important findings
➢ Describe characteristics of study

➢ Include descriptive results and analytic results

➢ Use mixture of text, tables, figures, photos as appropriate to

your data

City University of Hong Kong
Discussion (2-3 min) Department of Materials Science & Engineering

➢ Limitation in slide (2-4)

➢ Interpretation of the findings
– Don’t repeat results
– Prioritize findings from most to least important
– Link findings to study objectives
– Put findings into context with previous studies
➢ Conclusions slide based on your findings
➢ Recommendations slide
– Directions for future studies
City University of Hong Kong
Acknowledgments (15-20 sec) Department of Materials Science & Engineering

➢ Recognize coauthors and contributors

➢ Funding sources

➢ Your last words = “Thank You”

City University of Hong Kong
Acknowledgements Department of Materials Science & Engineering

Prof. XXX’s group @ University

Thanks to Prof. XXX

Thanks to Prof. XX
Thanks to Dr. XXX

Thanks to every group members

City University of Hong Kong
Delivering an Presentations Department of Materials Science & Engineering

1. Public Speaking
2. Heights
3. Insects
4. Financial Problems
5. Deep Water
6. Sickness
7. Death
8. Flying
9. Loneliness
10. Dogs
City University of Hong Kong
Print Your Slides Department of Materials Science & Engineering

❖ Print out copies of your slides

– You can annotate them and use them as
– You can review them as you’re waiting
– If everything crashes – the bulb blows,
you can still make your main points in a
logical way
❖ Don’t read the presentation

City University of Hong Kong
Rehearsing Department of Materials Science & Engineering

❖ Practice – actually stand up and say the words out loud

– You discover what you don’t understand
– You develop a natural flow
– You come up with better phrasings and ways to describe things
It is harder to explain things than you think, practicing helps you find the words
– Stay within the time limit
– Try speaking loud to get a feeling where the upper limit is
❖ Don’t over rehearse or memorize the talk
– The first practice things will improve at least 10 fold
-- the second will make things twice as good
-- the third may add a bit of polish, but from there it can easily get worse

City University of Hong Kong
Giving the Presentation Department of Materials Science & Engineering

❖ Starting out is the hardest part of the talk

❖ To get going, memorize the first few lines

“Hello, I’m Stephanie Pfirman. The title of my

presentation is, ‘The Arctic Marginal Ice Zone.’
The edge of the pack ice is the most dynamic, the
most productive, and – unfortunately -- the most
vulnerable region in the Arctic.”

City University of Hong Kong
Giving the Presentation Department of Materials Science & Engineering

➢Experienced speakers:
– Speak freely and look directly at audience
➢Inexperienced speakers:
– Put outline and key points of your presentation on your slides
– Recite what to say
– Eyes are on the slide not on audience
– Key points are there for people who weren’t listening or who are
visual learners, not for you.

City University of Hong Kong
Giving the Presentation Department of Materials Science & Engineering

➢Don’t apologize or make comments about yourself

–“I hope you’re not bored”
–“I was working on this ‘til 3 am”
➢Don’t overuse the pointer
➢Don’t try to be cute and don’t force humor
➢Don’t forget acknowledgements, always give proper credit
– Tip: Everyone in the audience has come to listen to your lecture with
the secret hope of hearing their work or contribution mentioned

City University of Hong Kong
Concluding Your Content Department of Materials Science & Engineering

❖ Announce the ending so that people are prepared

For example, with a slide titled “Conclusions”
Or by saying, “In my final slide …” or “My final point is …”
❖ Have only a few concluding statements (recite them)
❖ Come back to the big picture and summarize the significance of your
work in that context
Extend logically beyond your limited study – but don’t overreach
❖ Open up new perspective
Describe future work, raise questions, potential implications

City University of Hong Kong
Finishing Your Presentation Department of Materials Science & Engineering

❖ Think carefully about your final words and how to finish your presentation
• Don’t just drift off … “I guess that’s all I have to say …”
• You may want to actually memorize your ending lines, just as you do your
starting points

❖ Ending your talk

• Say “Thank You” … pause for applause … if any
• Say: “Any questions?”

City University of Hong Kong
What Can Go Wrong? Department of Materials Science & Engineering

❖ Uncertainty about material

❖ Forget about contents
❖ Running out of slides
❖ Running out of time
❖ Interruptions
❖ Challenge from audience

City University of Hong Kong
Uncertainty About the Material Department of Materials Science & Engineering

❖ Try to structure your talk so that you are sure about the material you
❖ If you have to address something important that you are unsure of
• – Acknowledge the gap in your understanding
“I’m working on it” or “I’m looking into it”
• – This is better than being pressed to admit something wrong
• – Also it may very well be an open question
❖ Another way to handle this is to raise it as a question yourself

City University of Hong Kong
Questions and Answers Department of Materials Science & Engineering

❖ You are forced to address what your listeners want to know rather than
what you want to tell them
❖ Questions after your talk can be difficult but they definitely help you in
writing up your research
• Identifies parts the audience did not understand
• Focuses and adds dimension to your analysis
❖ You can repeat the question
❖ This gives you time to think
❖ The rest of the audience may not have heard the question
❖ Also if you heard the question incorrectly, it presents an opportunity for

City University of Hong Kong
General Delivery Tips Department of Materials Science & Engineering

❖ Get there early

❖ Don’t start speaking until ready
❖ Speak slowly and with sufficient volume
❖ Don’t turn your back on your audience
❖ Check that the correct slide is projecting
❖ Use microphone correctly
❖ Be careful with humor
❖ Explain charts/graphs before giving point
❖ Explain associations clearly
❖ Pause before advancing to next slide
City University of Hong Kong
Error bar and statistics Department of Materials Science & Engineering

Bill Gates Steve Jobs Steve Ballmer

Shy Self-confident Too self-confident,

but not arrogant arrogant

City University of Hong Kong
Assignment II Department of Materials Science & Engineering

Prepare and Delivery a Research Presentation

➢ Prepare the presentation slides and submitted to the system

➢ 10 minute on-stage presentation for each student
➢ The PPT and the presentation will be graded seperated (40-60)
➢ One question to discuss

City University of Hong Kong
Assignment II Department of Materials Science & Engineering

Prepare and Delivery a Research Presentation


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