Take Home Reading Task 1

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Take-home Reading task (1)

Lingua Inglesa 1 (Universidade da Coruña)

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Downloaded by María Mosteiro Lareo (mariamoslar@gmail.com)

Reading task 1-Part 2

DEADLINE 26th November

1. Read the following excerpt from one of the tales. Locate it within the story. Comment on it,
explaining its significance within the plot. Justify you answer with information from the text.

You are expected to write a minimum of 150 words. Remember to write (a) coherent
and cohesive paragraph(s).
Format: Word and pdf. Indicate your full name in the file and inside the document as well.

Yes –quite clearly she was listening. She appeared actually to be moving one of
her ears closer and closer to the door. Now it was right up against the door, and for
another few seconds she remained in that position, head up, ear to door, hand on
key, about to enter but not entering, trying instead, or so it seemed, to hear these
sounds that were coming faintly from some place inside the house. Then, suddenly,
she came to life again She took the key out of the door and came running back down
the steps.



1 Fully and effectively responds to the task

0.5 Addresses task adequately, but perhaps not fully
0 Does not adequately address task, inconsistent focus


4 Uses a good number of details to support main ideas, which are explained, exemplified or enhanced in some way. No
irrelevant ideas are included. Very well organized. Very good punctuation.
3-2 Uses some detail to support main ideas, but some of the supporting details may be vague and general. May show
tendency towards ideas of questionable relevance. Adequately organized and punctuated
1 Writes "away" from the main idea or ideas. Gets bogged down in minor details. Contains a number of irrelevant
ideas. Badly organized. Bad punctuation.
0 Completely irrelevant or incoherent. No cohesion.

C. LANGUAGE (3 pts.)

2-3 Uses a variety of sentence structures. No grammar mistakes or minor grammatical and/or spelling errors that do
not interfere with message. Uses a variety of words which are appropriate to task.
1 Increasing accumulation of errors in sentence structure, grammar and punctuation. Spelling may interfere with
meaning. Vocabulary is adequate not varied. Key words may be repeated.
0 Sentence structure seriously and consistently flawed. Many direct translations from native language. Frequently
mis-spells or misuses words. Invented or inappropriate words.

2. What do <Pig= and <The Way up to Heaven= have in common? Write a few coherent
sentences about this. (2 pts.)

Downloaded by María Mosteiro Lareo (mariamoslar@gmail.com)

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