Reflection About Top 20 Predictions in Science and Technology

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“Reflection about the Top 20 predictions from Ray Kurzweil”

Innovation and technology will emerge and will become the future of our world.
Innovation is the process and outcome of creating something new. We can’t deny the fact that
technology has always been with us and will always will be. In the video, I was so amazed on
the new technologies that would exist in the future. I believe that they will make our lives
easier and better. New gadgets, technologies and machines would be invented that will
change the life of the people. However, technology and humans should be balanced. It is
preferable to coexist with technologies rather than have technologies superior to humans. We
must proceed with extreme caution due to all of the possibilities that may occur in the future.
Technology should be used to benefit and improve human existence rather than to destroy it.
Technology is good when employed with great meaning, goal, and purpose, but it is evil
when used for power, dominance, and control. Change and innovation are constant, therefore
we must learn to adopt on the changes that will happen in the future.

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