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fener Network Theorems 11.1 INTRODUCTION : The mesh (or loop) current and node voltage analysis presen in tee oon the general methods and can be applied to any electrical network. enone oe on the configuration of a network, mesh analysis or node analysis may rth S aeiworeie is large network and if we are interested in the analysis of a part of the | hi fore current through a particular branch or voltage across a branch, the a h Seite application of mesh or node analysis yields simultaneous equations which involve other voltages and currents in addition to the one required. Thus, these methods require lot of computational effort. Also these methods do not give better insight into the functioning of the network. It would be highly desirable if we could find a way to get the required quantity without having to obtain- essentially a complete solution for the whole network. To handle such situations more effectively, certain techniques known as “Network Theo- rems” are used which are the subject of this chapter. There are a number of theorems that are useful in the analysis of electrical networks. These theorems are usually statements which can be proved in a general way. Once proved, they can be directly applied to analyze the networks: Network theorems help to simplify caleu- lations and provide a deeper understanding of the properties of electrical networks. While discussing these theorems, the applicability of these theorems to certain kinds of networks only must be clearly understood. As discussed in chapter—1, the network clement could be classified as linear, lumped finite, passive and bilateral usually abbreviation as LLFPB elements. These qualities will be mentioned under different Thegrems. 11.2 SUPERPOSITION THEOREM : We have already defined linearit important consequence of linearity, theorem. 'y in chapter-1, We now consider the most the principle of superposition or superposition V/ [The superposition theorem states that the bilateral network containing more than one independent sources can be obtained #5 the algebraic sum of the responses obtained by each independent source actif separately at a time and with all other independent Sources set equal to zer While evaluating the response from one i — not be removed bodily from the circuit, Tstead ett saroe other sources sources by setting their values to zero. The su following replacement : response in any element of a linear, , you suppress all other independent Ppressed*sources then behave like the Vceal independent voltage source ~ Short circuit Ideal independent current source — Open circuit Scanned by CamScanner © scone wih ote cane Example-11.1Determine the value of i, using superposition theorem in a network of Fig. P.11L.1. 3A £ (Ce). We 6Q 40 WW WWW 30v wa 203 | Fig. P. 11.1 Solution : First, we find the contribution to i, from the 30-V source by replacing the current sources with open circuit. The resulting diagram is shown in Fig. P. 11.1(a). Scanned by CamScanner © scone wih ote cane Network Theorems Ws sov@) ya Fig P. 1.1(a) From Fig P. 11.1) 30 ar rere 225A) Second, we find the contribution to i, from the 3-A source by replacing the voltage source by a short circuit and the other current source with an open circuit, The resulting diagram is shown in Fig. P. 11.1(b). 3A 203 |r Fig. P. 11.1(b) Careful examination of the resulting diagram reveals that the 4—Q resistor is now in parallel with the series combination of 6Q and 20 resistors. Thus, from current-division relation. S275% 4 §=3X aye AO Third, we find the contribution to i, from the 8-A source by replacing the voltage source with a short circuit and the other current source with an open circuil. The resulting diagram is shown in Fig. P. 11.1(c). Scanned by CamScanner © scones win one camer Circuits and Network 11.6 6Q 4a We WW Ro) 237 Fig. P. 11.1) ‘The resulting diagram is again current divider. But the 8-A source drives the current in opposite direction from the reference arrow for i,. Thus, it =x H A) Finally, with all sources active, the value of i, is given by the algebraic sum i= i + i" + i." = 25+1+4)A = -0.5 A(T) .2Use superposition theorem to find to value of ‘v’ across 200 Example-11 resistor in the network of Fig. P. 11.2. 102 200 450. ig Ree 2av' 2A @) = 302 @asv Fig. P. 11.2 Solution : \ First we consider 24—V source and determine its contribution to V by replacing current source with an open circuit and other voltage source with a short circuit the resulting diagram is shown in Fig. P. 11.2(a). ; 100 200 450 | + =. Ve 24V) 302. Fig. P.112(a) end Scanned by CamScanner — © scones win one camer 7 Network Theorems Current through 20Q resistor is given by 24 30x45 10+ 20+ Os 0.5A Voltage across 200 resistor given by . V, = 20 x I, = 20 x 0.5 = 10V ae Second, we find contribution to V from 48-V source by suppressing the other sources, The resulting diagram is shown in Fig. P. 11.2(b). 102 200 452 WW WW 7% ° 3) vi) $) 4 9 = 30Q J \ Fig. P. 11.2(b) { | Current supplied by 48-Vsource is given by, \ 48 \ T= 7 30x(0 +30) = 08A i 45 + LOX U9 + 20) { 30+ (10 + 20) \ \ Now, current through 20 Q can be obtained by current division rule. This cur- rent flows in opposite direction from the reference direction shown for ‘V’ 30 =(0. pee | 1, = (0.80) x 39759 = -04A This current causes the voltage drop in 20 Q resistor V, = (-0.4) x 20 = -8v Third, we are consider contribution to ‘V? from 2-A. source by suppressing the other sources, The resulting diagram is. shown in Fig. P. 11:2(c). Why 200 450 \ TN i 2A = 302 Fig. P. 11.26) Scanned by CamScanner © scone wih ote cane 18 Circuits and Network Current through 20Q is given by 10 5 = 2x——S oa = A 0x45 12 10+ 20+ 30+ 45 a 5 100 Voltage drop across 20Q ressistor V, = 20 x a 8.33V With all sources active, The value of V is given by superposition theorem V_=V,+V,+V, = 10 + (8) + 8.33 = 10.33V Scanned by CamScanner © scanned th OnE Scan 11.10 Circuits and Network Example-11.4In the network shown in Fig. P. 11.4, the voltage sources act separately on the circuit, If the corresponding current in 100 i ey OU resistor are equal. What is the value of the ratio Vv," 52 15 j100 ETO “Or "3 ton vweC)t Fig. P. 11.4 Solution = First we consider the source V, and suppress the source V, and determine the current through 10Q resistor. The resulting diagram is shown in Fig. P. 11.4(a). 5sQ 152 j102 WEN SOON vuidt "3 ton Fig. P.|11.4(a) Current supplied by the source V, is given by Vv, 1, = ——ox0 G+59)* Oy ino V+ i) 5(1+ jl) + jl0 The current through 10-2 resistor Vv, (1+ il) jlo) ree 54 jy + f10 * 10+ j10 20° Second, we consider the source V,\and suppress the source V,. The resulting diagram is shown in Fig. P.11.4(b). Current supplied by the source V,.| | | A Scanned by CamScanner © scone wih ote cane Network Theorems W444 pacthanns Mem I, = 10x (5 +35) HO+ 04 (5+ 15) Vi (3 +51) 540 5Q ja j10a WW Fig. P. 11.4(b) Current through 100 resistance, ¥.6+i),_G +35) r= "ja 5455 +10 V,v2 2-459, 40 Since I'= I" M_ \yv2 2-459 | 20 40 \ i 1 in Oo = 0 Vet Ye LAS = 0.707 2-45 Scanned by CamScanner

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