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§ 192.1015 49 CFR Ch.

I (10–1–11 Edition)

(b) An operator must submit its pro- (3) Rank risks. The operator must
posal to the PHMSA Associate Admin- evaluate the risks to its pipeline and
istrator for Pipeline Safety or, in the estimate the relative importance of
case of an intrastate pipeline facility each identified threat.
regulated by the State, the appropriate (4) Identify and implement measures to
State agency. The applicable oversight mitigate risks. The operator must deter-
agency may accept the proposal on its mine and implement measures de-
own authority, with or without condi- signed to reduce the risks from failure
tions and limitations, on a showing of its pipeline.
that the operator’s proposal, which in- (5) Measure performance, monitor re-
cludes the adjusted interval, will pro- sults, and evaluate effectiveness. The op-
vide an equal or greater overall level of erator must monitor, as a performance
safety. measure, the number of leaks elimi-
(c) An operator may implement an nated or repaired on its pipeline and
approved reduction in the frequency of their causes.
a periodic inspection or test only where (6) Periodic evaluation and improve-
the operator has developed and imple- ment. The operator must determine the
mented an integrity management pro- appropriate period for conducting IM
gram that provides an equal or im- program evaluations based on the com-
proved overall level of safety despite plexity of its pipeline and changes in
the reduced frequency of periodic in- factors affecting the risk of failure. An
spections. operator must re-evaluate its entire
program at least every five years. The
§ 192.1015 What must a master meter operator must consider the results of
or small liquefied petroleum gas the performance monitoring in these
(LPG) operator do to implement evaluations.
this subpart? (c) Records. The operator must main-
(a) General. No later than August 2, tain, for a period of at least 10 years,
2011 the operator of a master meter the following records:
system or a small LPG operator must (1) A written IM plan in accordance
develop and implement an IM program with this section, including superseded
that includes a written IM plan as IM plans;
specified in paragraph (b) of this sec- (2) Documents supporting threat
tion. The IM program for these pipe- identification; and
lines should reflect the relative sim- (3) Documents showing the location
plicity of these types of pipelines. and material of all piping and appur-
tenances that are installed after the ef-
(b) Elements. A written integrity
fective date of the operator’s IM pro-
management plan must address, at a
gram and, to the extent known, the lo-
minimum, the following elements:
cation and material of all pipe and ap-
(1) Knowledge. The operator must purtenances that were existing on the
demonstrate knowledge of its pipeline, effective date of the operator’s pro-
which, to the extent known, should in- gram.
clude the approximate location and
material of its pipeline. The operator APPENDIX A TO PART 192 [RESERVED]
must identify additional information
needed and provide a plan for gaining APPENDIX B TO PART 192—
knowledge over time through normal QUALIFICATION OF PIPE
activities conducted on the pipeline I. Listed Pipe Specifications
(for example, design, construction, op- API 5L—Steel pipe, ‘‘API Specification for
erations or maintenance activities). Line Pipe’’ (incorporated by reference, see
(2) Identify threats. The operator must § 192.7).
consider, at minimum, the following ASTM A53/A53M—Steel pipe, ‘‘Standard
categories of threats (existing and po- Specification for Pipe, Steel Black and Hot-
Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless’’
tential): Corrosion, natural forces, ex-
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

(incorporated by reference, see § 192.7).

cavation damage, other outside force ASTM A106—Steel pipe, ‘‘Standard Speci-
damage, material or weld failure, fication for Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for
equipment failure, and incorrect oper- High Temperature Service’’ (incorporated by
ation. reference, see § 192.7).


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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT Pt. 192, App. B
ASTM A333/A333M—Steel pipe, ‘‘Standard ceeding in accordance with section IX of the
Specification for Seamless and Welded Steel ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (ibr,
Pipe for Low Temperature Service’’ (incor- see 192.7). The same number of chemical tests
porated by reference, see § 192.7). must be made as are required for testing a
ASTM A381—Steel pipe, ‘‘Standard Speci- girth weld.
fication for Metal-Arc-Welded Steel Pipe for C. Inspection. The pipe must be clean
Use with High-Pressure Transmission Sys- enough to permit adequate inspection. It
tems’’ (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7). must be visually inspected to ensure that it
ASTM A671—Steel pipe, ‘‘Standard Speci- is reasonably round and straight and there
fication for Electric-Fusion-Welded Pipe for are no defects which might impair the
Atmospheric and Lower Temperatures’’ (in- strength or tightness of the pipe.
corporated by reference, see § 192.7). D. Tensile Properties. If the tensile prop-
ASTM A672—Steel pipe, ‘‘Standard Speci- erties of the pipe are not known, the min-
fication for Electric-Fusion-Welded Steel imum yield strength may be taken as 24,000
Pipe for High-Pressure Service at Moderate p.s.i. (165 MPa) or less, or the tensile prop-
Temperatures’’ (incorporated by reference, erties may be established by performing ten-
see § 192.7). sile tests as set forth in API Specification 5L
ASTM A691—Steel pipe, ‘‘Standard Speci- (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7). All
fication for Carbon and Alloy Steel Pipe, test specimens shall be selected at random
Electric-Fusion-Welded for High Pressure and the following number of tests must be
Service at High Temperatures’’ (incor- performed:
porated by reference, see § 192.7).
ASTM D2513–99—Thermoplastic pipe and
tubing, ‘‘Standard Specification for Thermo-
plastic Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fit- 10 lengths or less .................. 1 set of tests for each length.
tings’’ (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7). 11 to 100 lengths ................... 1 set of tests for each 5
ASTM D2517—Thermosetting plastic pipe lengths, but not less than
and tubing, ‘‘Standard Specification for Re- 10 tests.
inforced Epoxy Resin Gas Pressure Pipe and Over 100 lengths ................... 1 set of tests for each 10
lengths, but not less than
Fittings’’ (incorporated by reference, see
20 tests.
§ 192.7).
II. Steel pipe of unknown or unlisted speci-
fication. If the yield-tensile ratio, based on the prop-
A. Bending Properties. For pipe 2 inches (51 erties determined by those tests, exceeds
millimeters) or less in diameter, a length of 0.85, the pipe may be used only as provided in
pipe must be cold bent through at least 90 § 192.55(c).
degrees around a cylindrical mandrel that III. Steel pipe manufactured before November
has a diameter 12 times the diameter of the 12, 1970, to earlier editions of listed specifica-
pipe, without developing cracks at any por- tions. Steel pipe manufactured before Novem-
tion and without opening the longitudinal ber 12, 1970, in accordance with a specifica-
weld. tion of which a later edition is listed in sec-
For pipe more than 2 inches (51 millime- tion I of this appendix, is qualified for use
ters) in diameter, the pipe must meet the re- under this part if the following requirements
quirements of the flattening tests set forth are met:
in ASTM A53 (incorporated by reference, see A. Inspection. The pipe must be clean
§ 192.7), except that the number of tests must enough to permit adequate inspection. It
be at least equal to the minimum required in must be visually inspected to ensure that it
paragraph II-D of this appendix to determine is reasonably round and straight and that
yield strength. there are no defects which might impair the
B. Weldability. A girth weld must be made strength or tightness of the pipe.
in the pipe by a welder who is qualified under B. Similarity of specification requirements.
subpart E of this part. The weld must be The edition of the listed specification under
made under the most severe conditions under which the pipe was manufactured must have
which welding will be allowed in the field substantially the same requirements with re-
and by means of the same procedure that spect to the following properties as a later
will be used in the field. On pipe more than edition of that specification listed in section
4 inches (102 millimeters) in diameter, at I of this appendix:
least one test weld must be made for each 100 (1) Physical (mechanical) properties of
lengths of pipe. On pipe 4 inches (102 milli- pipe, including yield and tensile strength,
meters) or less in diameter, at least one test elongation, and yield to tensile ratio, and
weld must be made for each 400 lengths of testing requirements to verify those prop-
pipe. The weld must be tested in accordance erties.
(2) Chemical properties of pipe and testing
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

with API Standard 1104 (incorporated by ref-

erence, see § 192.7). If the requirements of API requirements to verify those properties.
Standard 1104 cannot be met, weldability C. Inspection or test of welded pipe. On pipe
may be established by making chemical with welded seams, one of the following re-
tests for carbon and manganese, and pro- quirements must be met:


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Pt. 192, App. C 49 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)
(1) The edition of the listed specification to III. Periodic tests for welders of small service
which the pipe was manufactured must have lines. Two samples of the welder’s work, each
substantially the same requirements with re- about 8 inches (203 millimeters) long with
spect to nondestructive inspection of welded the weld located approximately in the cen-
seams and the standards for acceptance or ter, are cut from steel service line and tested
rejection and repair as a later edition of the as follows:
specification listed in section I of this appen- (1) One sample is centered in a guided bend
dix. testing machine and bent to the contour of
(2) The pipe must be tested in accordance the die for a distance of 2 inches (51 millime-
with subpart J of this part to at least 1.25 ters) on each side of the weld. If the sample
times the maximum allowable operating shows any breaks or cracks after removal
pressure if it is to be installed in a class 1 lo- from the bending machine, it is unaccept-
cation and to at least 1.5 times the max- able.
imum allowable operating pressure if it is to (2) The ends of the second sample are flat-
be installed in a class 2, 3, or 4 location. Not- tened and the entire joint subjected to a ten-
withstanding any shorter time period per-
sile strength test. If failure occurs adjacent
mitted under subpart J of this part, the test
to or in the weld metal, the weld is unaccept-
pressure must be maintained for at least 8
able. If a tensile strength testing machine is
not available, this sample must also pass the
[35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970] bending test prescribed in subparagraph (1)
of this paragraph.
tations affecting appendix B of part 192, see [35 FR 13257, Aug. 19, 1970, as amended by
the List of CFR Sections Affected, which ap- Amdt. 192–85, 63 FR 37504, July 13, 1998;
pears in the Finding Aids section of the Amdt. 192–94, 69 FR 32896, June 14, 2004]
printed volume and at
I. Criteria for cathodic protection— A. Steel,
I. Basic test. The test is made on pipe 12 cast iron, and ductile iron structures. (1) A neg-
inches (305 millimeters) or less in diameter. ative (cathodic) voltage of at least 0.85 volt,
The test weld must be made with the pipe in with reference to a saturated copper-copper
a horizontal fixed position so that the test sulfate half cell. Determination of this volt-
weld includes at least one section of over- age must be made with the protective cur-
head position welding. The beveling, root rent applied, and in accordance with sections
opening, and other details must conform to II and IV of this appendix.
the specifications of the procedure under (2) A negative (cathodic) voltage shift of at
which the welder is being qualified. Upon least 300 millivolts. Determination of this
completion, the test weld is cut into four voltage shift must be made with the protec-
coupons and subjected to a root bend test. If, tive current applied, and in accordance with
as a result of this test, two or more of the sections II and IV of this appendix. This cri-
four coupons develop a crack in the weld ma-
terion of voltage shift applies to structures
terial, or between the weld material and base
not in contact with metals of different an-
metal, that is more than 1⁄8-inch (3.2 millime-
odic potentials.
ters) long in any direction, the weld is unac-
ceptable. Cracks that occur on the corner of (3) A minimum negative (cathodic) polar-
the specimen during testing are not consid- ization voltage shift of 100 millivolts. This
ered. A welder who successfully passes a polarization voltage shift must be deter-
butt-weld qualification test under this sec- mined in accordance with sections III and IV
tion shall be qualified to weld on all pipe di- of this appendix.
ameters less than or equal to 12 inches. (4) A voltage at least as negative (cathodic)
II. Additional tests for welders of service line as that originally established at the begin-
connections to mains. A service line connec- ning of the Tafel segment of the E-log-I
tion fitting is welded to a pipe section with curve. This voltage must be measured in ac-
the same diameter as a typical main. The cordance with section IV of this appendix.
weld is made in the same position as it is (5) A net protective current from the elec-
made in the field. The weld is unacceptable trolyte into the structure surface as meas-
if it shows a serious undercutting or if it has ured by an earth current technique applied
rolled edges. The weld is tested by attempt- at predetermined current discharge (anodic)
points of the structure.
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

ing to break the fitting off the run pipe. The

weld is unacceptable if it breaks and shows B. Aluminum structures. (1) Except as pro-
incomplete fusion, overlap, or poor penetra- vided in paragraphs (3) and (4) of this para-
tion at the junction of the fitting and run graph, a minimum negative (cathodic) volt-
pipe. age shift of 150 millivolts, produced by the


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