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I. Objectives:
A. Content standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of participation and
assessment of physical activities and physical fitness.
B. Performance Standards: The learner participates and assesses performance in
physical activities.
C. Learning Competencies: The learner describes the physical activity pyramid.

II. Content: Assessment of physical activities and physical fitness.

III. Learning Resources: CG p.26 of 67, TG pp.3-5

KH pp.4-11; KH p.8

IV. Procedures:
A. Before the Lesson:
a) Engage students with the topic by asking them what does the term “fitness”
means. Let them share their answers with a partner, then discuss it as a class.
b) Tell students they will be learning about what physical fitness actually is and how
they can stay physically healthy.
B. During the Lesson:
a) Introduce them the activity pyramid guide and let them answer the following:
o How often do they exercise?
o Which of the activity you think is the easiest to perform?
o How many activities you think you can perform?
b) Request one student to read the topic for the class. Explain the lesson to the
class. Present also safety measures in performing such activities.
c) Ask a count-off for the students to be grouped equally. Assign random members
as a representatives (not leaders) for each group.
d) Instruct the students meet their designated groups and let them perform the
activities in the physical activity pyramid. Then, the representatives will record the
results in a sheet of paper.
e) Make sure to observe the class well for them to execute the activities properly.
Allot a “rest time” for the students to take a break and settle down.

C. After the Lesson:

a) After the group task, allow the students to answer the questions orally:
o How do they feel after completing the tasks in the physical activity
o What are the benefits of physical activities to our physical fitness?
b) Ask one representative per group to summarize the lesson for the class.

V. Assignment:
Reading assignment about health-related fitness components and skill-related fitness
components for the next meeting.

VI. Remarks:
The lesson was discussed properly but the given time in performing the activities is
insufficient for the whole class.

VII. Reflection:
The class enjoys and participates well in performing the activities provided. Chosen
representatives for each group facilitates their groups well but, there are still some students who
was not able to accomplish the tasks.

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