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Mission Fund Drive 2022-2023 Mission Fund Drive 2022-2023

“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”
(Prv 11:25) (Prv 11:25)

MISSION MONTH COLLECTION DRIVE: MODES OF ACQUISITION AND GUIDELINES  Students should screenshot/save the confirmation of their successful transaction, and submit
the screenshot photo of their accomplished solicitation letter (page 4) to their respective RVE
1. a. SOLICITATION LETTER (For Face to Face Students - Grades 4-6 pupils, High school, College) Teacher/CFE instructor for checking and recording purposes.
 It is a mode of collection wherein SOLICITATION LETTERS shall be given to each class adviser/CFE  A collection summary form is to be utilized by the RVE Teacher/CFE Instructor as he/she should
Instructor. The adviser/CFE Instructor shall distribute one solicitation letter for every pupil/student take note how much each student has given before he/she reports the amount solicited to the
in his/her class. The adviser/CFE Instructor shall also be responsible in taking note of the solicitation Department Head/Learning Area Coordinator. The RVE teacher/CFE Instructor shall prepare
letter control number assigned to each pupil/student. two (2) forms, 1 for the RVE Teacher/CFE Instructor & 1 for the VPMI Office.
 The adviser/CFE Instructor shall collect the Solicitation Letter with the amount collected which the  The collections shall be consolidated and verified by both the Department Head/Learning Area
pupils/students have solicited. Coordinator and VPMI Office, and shall be reported to the Accounting Office for record
 When collection from the solicitation letter is given to the adviser/CFE Instructor, he/she should take purposes.
note how much each pupil/student has given before he/she submits the amount solicited to the
cashier’s/accounting office. The adviser/CFE Instructor shall prepare two (2) cash breakdown forms,
2. MISSION ENVELOPES (For college students with no CFE classes, SLU employees, and for
1 for the adviser/CFE Instructor & 1 for cashier’s/accounting office.
 The collections shall be submitted at the Cashier’s office and receipts shall be reported to the Office
Kindergarten – Grade 3 pupils)
of the Vice President for Mission and Identity for record purposes.  One Mission Envelope shall be given to each pupil/student/employee.
 Original receipts should be kept by the respective class advisers/CFE Instructor.  The Head of Office/Dean/Principal or representative will open the envelope in the presence of
 Lost Solicitation Letter: P500.00/letter (to be collected by the adviser/CFE Instructor. The said the representative from the VPMI Office. The Dean or representative shall prepare two (2)
amount is meant to instill responsibility and accountability to pupils/students). The total amount cash breakdowns, 1 for the Head of Office/Dean/Principal or representative and 1 for
collected from the lost Solicitation Letters is to be submitted to the Cashier’s/Accounting office. accounting office.
Receipts are to be named with their class name and be put under the category of “Lost Solicitation  The adviser will open the envelope in the presence of the representative from the VPMI Office
Letters.” The receipts should be kept by the adviser/CFE Instructor for his/ her copy and present the (Campus Minister/LAC). The adviser shall prepare two (2) cash breakdowns, 1 for the Head of
receipt to the VPMI Office as evidence of lost solicitation letter. Office/Dean/Principal or representative and 1 for cashier’s office.
 Letter from the pupils/students who lost their solicitation letters should be made as evidence of loss  The amount collected from the used envelopes should be brought to the accounting/cashier’s
and to be noted by the respective adviser/CFE Instructor. office. The collections shall be submitted at the Accounting/Cashier’s office and receipts shall
 STRICTLY NO REPLACEMENT OF SOLICITATION LETTER. be reported to the VPMI office for record purposes.
 Distribution of solicitation letters is on October 11, 2022.  Used and unused envelopes shall be given to the Office of the VPMI.
 End of collection and deadline of submission is on or before October 31, 2022.  Receipts should be kept by the Heads of Offices.
*Unreturned solicitation letters on the given deadline will still be considered however, submission will
 To avoid losses, it is encouraged that the mission envelopes be submitted a week upon receipt.
last until November 7, 2022. If not submitted, it will automatically be considered as lost and subject
Distribution of envelopes is on October 24, 2022 and the deadline of submission is on or before
for clearance.
October 31, 2022. Unreturned mission envelopes on the given deadline will automatically be
 TAMPERING/PHOTOCOPYING OF SOLICITATION LETTER is strictly not allowed. Any pupil/student
considered as lost and subject for clearance.
caught tampering/photocopying will be dealt accordingly.
 Lost envelopes: P100.00/envelope (to be collected by the Head of Office/Dean. The said
1. b. SOLICITATION LETTER (For CFE & RVE Online Students) amount is meant to instill responsibility and accountability to pupils/students/employees). No
 A series of control numbers will be assigned to each teacher/instructor for them to distribute to replacement of ordinary envelopes. The total amount collected from the lost envelope is to
their respective OBL classes. Students are instructed to print pages 3 and 4 of the solicitation letter, be submitted to the cashier’s/accounting office. Receipts should also be kept by the Heads of
and accomplish page 4. Offices/Deans/advisers.
 For RVE students, send your total collected amount to this GCash account:
0967 271 8959, Vincent Capanang (Campus Ministry Coordinator). REMINDER: You are encouraged to be creative and resourceful in raising funds for the mission. However, we should bear in mind that
 For CFE students, send your total collected amount to the following GCash accounts: mission collection remains voluntary. We do not allow rules and regulations, which will intimidate or coerce a participant or donor. We do
0967 271 8943, Jeramie Molino (Religion Department Head) or not allow that a minimum amount be stipulated. We do not allow that anyone who gives the lowest amount be given a sanction or a
0967 271 8938, Koshia Rosete (VPMI Secretary). punishment. We do not punish an act of generosity, though little it may be.
 For RVE students, include your name, year, strand and section in the “message” section of the The intention of these collections is MISSION. No other collections for other purposes (like Christmas party fund) are included in the mission
transaction. For CFE students, include your name, and class code of your CFE course in the collection activities.
“message” section of the transaction.
1 (ex. Juan dela Cruz – 11 STEM A, Marian Cruz – 0910 CFE 101) 2
CTR #: ________

Saint Louis University celebrates the CICM Mission Month AY 2022-2023. We are reminded of
our own mission to pass on this faith to all peoples. With the help of our faithful missionaries, 2.
this faith we profess is put to life. We, in our own way, are called to be missionaries to share
ourselves, that others might live. 3.

To express our deep gratitude to God and that we may share our lives with others, let us show
concrete and substantial support to the missions by giving financial support to our
For this reason, Saint Louis University, through the Office of the Vice President for Mission and
Identity and the Saint Aloysius Gonzaga (SLU) Parish, organizes the project of collecting 6.
voluntary amount for the missions. We, then, hereby distribute some Mission Envelopes and
Solicitation Letters to our students, pupils, and employees that they may share in the 7.
missionary task of soliciting and receiving voluntary donations for the missions. This Mission
Fund Drive starts on October 11 and ends on October 31, 2022.
As for your part in their missionary journey, please do consider that they need some time and
effort to go around and solicit for this mission endeavor. Allowing them to take part in this 9.
Mission drive is already a very great contribution and support you could give them.

May the Immaculate Heart of Mary offer you maternal protection and may the Good Lord 10.
reward you a hundredfold for your generosity.
Total Amount Collected: Printed Name &
Signature of Solicitor
Sincerely yours,
“Give to others and God will give to you. Indeed, you will
REV. FR. MACWAYNE N. MANIWANG, CICM REV. FR. EMERY MWAKO EBUMEA, CICM receive a full measure, a generous helping, poured into
VP for Mission & Identity Parish Priest
your hands – all that you can hold. The measure you use
for others is the one that God will use for you.”
(Luke 6:38)

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