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Human being characterized with his passion for knowledge of surrounding

environment. As he is curious to know similarities and differences between places,
people, cultures and civilizations. Thanks to the effective role of the media and
transportation facilities the globe became a small village as millions of people can travel
any time anywhere to enjoy new environments. We are simply talking about tourism. .

In the last decade eco-tourism emerged as the most booming trend in tourism.,
which depends on natural and environmental attraction factors, in addition to tourists who
spend their holidays in a traditional way there are another sector prefer to spend their
vacations away from the hustle and noise of modern life to enjoy the beauty and purity of
mother nature with its landscapes and beautiful sightseeing and local cultures through
their range of activities that are related to the local environment.

As a result of rapid growth of eco-tourism, there is a great demand on

establishment and development of many hotels and resorts in and around natural areas
and ecosystems. which may have many environmental and social impacts on the natural
system of these areas that must be taken into account .that means indeed need for
attention to the development of new rules and requirements for the development of this
kind of accommodation, which fall under category of environmental hotels (Eco-lodges)
a name which is used to define the type of touristic accommodation that depend on
environmental resources. This kind of hotels introduce tourism as a process of cultural
and educational participatory with the local community and shall be developed and
managed in a manner that protects sensitive environmental ecosystems to achieve a wide
range of sustainable development goals at the local level .

The research consists of three main parts divided into five main chapters and a
separate chapter for findings and conclusions .These chapters come in the sequence to
show ideas and clear interpretation of the research methodology used. The first part of the
research (theoretical part) illustrates the theoretical background for research components
through special concepts in the field of research .The Second part (Analytical part)shows
analysis of models for some international experiences similar to the entire research case
study , while the third part (Case study ) introduced the principles and criteria of the
architectural design of buildings in the Oasis of Siwa including construction and the
materials used in addition to analysis of the current situation of the Eco-lodges in Siwa
Oasis compared to standards derived from theoretical and analytical studies and to
develop criteria for design of the Eco-lodges in order to achieve sustainable tourism

Research problem and the reason for choosing research topic:

Tourism experts assured the need to achieve harmony and union between tourism
and the environment, especially in natural pure areas which is one of the main elements
of touristic attractions, which are consistent with modern tourism trends (ecotourism),
which led to a demand for design environmental hotels and resorts Hence, the research
problem appears as there is a lack of design standards for environmental hotels in Siwa
Oasis, so the problem of the research deals with several points can be summarized as

 Lack of design standards for environmental hotels in Siwa leads to shortage of

such hotels due to no experience of the designers with standards to which they
belong in order to adapt the building with the environment and make it eco-

 Despite having a lot of natural environment characteristic in Siwa Oasis which are
suitable for construction of many ecolodges, there is serious negligence and
ignorance in establishment of this type of environmentally friendly hotels and
showing the value of these characteristics to suit with their importance and rarity.

 Excess expansion in construction of touristic hotels in the touristic areas to focus

on beach tourism, which led to the destruction of many of the rare natural

Research questions
 Why are there no standards for the design of Eco Lodges in Egypt?
 What is the role of the state and the public sector to support the development of
Eco Lodges in Egypt?
 How can we activate the methods used in Eco architecture through international
experiences and use them locally?
These questions to illustrate how the research discloses the problem and then tries to find
the following objectives

Research objectives

The research will deal with touristic development from the perspective of an
integration and correlation between the natural environment and tourism, with a focus
on the constituent elements of Ecolodges in Siwa, construction style, materials used
and negative environmental effects of hotels in Siwa in order to reach a group of
fundamentals and design considerations for Ecolodges.Research objectives are
summarized as follows:

 Deliver a set of fundamentals and design considerations for ecolodges through the
analysis of selected models of ecolodges in Siwa.
 Highlight the importance of ecolodges and what its economic, environmental and
social benefits for the country.
 Follow leading countries in the field of eco-tourism which has achieved successful
experiences in the field of eco-tourism.
 Encourage new methods to obtain renewable energy in touristic areas.

Research Importance
 Support Siwa Oasis economy through eco-tourism by highlighting the natural
constituents and touristic attractions.
 Eco-tourism helps regional development as a source of income for the local
population in touristic areas.
 Interest in construction of ecolodges can serve the people of the region and
increase their financial resources as a source of income for the local population in
touristic areas
 Increase employment opportunities for the local population reduces the economic
and social impacts resulting from immigration which reduces the pressure on
services in the big cities in the fields of education, health and housing, as well as
the problems of unemployment

 Encourage, facilitate and motivate the private sector to invest in eco-tourism


Research Determinants
 Time determinant: Where research deals with the study and analysis of
architectural works built in Siwa until the present time
 Spatial determinant: where research studies and analyzes ecolodges in the Oasis of
Siwa in Arab Republic of Egypt.
 Specific determinant: Hotels environmental - of sustainable tourism development

Research Methodology

This study is descriptive analytical study which aims to determine and accurately
describe specific phenomenon and to analyze results and give good explanations for it
where the research deals with:

Descriptive Methodology
It is applied through a theoretical study of the concept of eco-tourism and tourism
sustainability and ecolodgy, and recognizing the environment of tropical dry zones
because of its great importance and considerations in the design of the building .it is also
applied through knowledge of the fundamentals and criteria for the architectural design of
buildings in Siwa through knowledge of construction methods and materials used in
order to reach the traditional techniques and climatic architecture used in Siwan

Analytical Methodology

This is done through monitoring and analysis of local environmental architecture

methods in some studied international experiences which have similar circumstances and
conditions close to Siwa Oasis (case study).

Case Study Methodology

Selection and examination of some case studies to get results that may lead to a theory
which can be compared to previous theories and deliver general theory that can be
applied to various ecolodges. That can be done through:

 Conduct field studies, which include a description and analysis of the ecolodges in
Siwa Oasis to find techniques of traditional heritage
 Develop a range of fundamentals and design considerations for ecolodgy through
analysis of selected models of ecolodges in Siwa and through which we can
extend these concepts to include all ecolodges in oasis of Siwa.

Previous studies
Author: Ehab F. Rashid

Title: Tourism development of the desert areas of the inlet compatibility and

Year: 2001

Author: Sarah Atef Mokhtar

Title: Ecolodgy and its role as one of the elements of attraction for eco-tourism

Year: 2008

Author: Reham kamel Khadrawi

Title: Preserving the architectural heritage to achieve sustainable tourism development

through the institutions of civil society

Year: 2012

Author: Rania A. Abd El Gawad

Title: Promotion of eco-tourism in the Western Desert of Egypt: Application to the Siwa

Year: 2012

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