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(PTR. ROLANDO E. SANTIAGO, Chief Executive Officer)

Project Title: Mainstreaming Abused Children, Street Kids

and their Families in Pangasinan

Project Type: Social Development Project

Project Site: Pangasinan

Number of Target Beneficiaries: 50 Street Children (in-house),

100 Parents,

50 out-of-school youth

50 Mothers

200 Poor Families

Estimated Project Cost: P 2,282,000.00

Requested Project Cost: P 1,817,000.00

Proponent Counterpart: P 465,000.00

Proponent Name: The Kalinga ng Ama Shelter for Children

Address: #7 Beverly Hills, Bonuan Gueset, Dagupan City

Tel. No. (075) 515-3710

Number of Members: 29 (9 Board of Directors) and 20 Staff

Key Leader: Ptr. Rolando E. Santiago

Major Services Offered: Residential Care and Nurture, Psycho-social

Development, Treatment, Spiritual Growth and

Education for Street Children

Previous Donors: 1. Christ Our life Ministries International

2. Kalihi Union Church, Hawaii

3. Mark Charles, Across Borders, USA

4. Ptr. Bernie Knutsen, New York


5. Phil. Children’s Fund of America

6. Pledges from Individual Donors

7. Pledges from Various Churches

Financial Position: P500,000.00

II. Project Description

Rationale of the Project:

Child abuse is a growing concern all over the world. Over a 7-year period, from 1986-
1993, the estimated number of abused or neglected children rose up from 931,000 to 1,553,800
(Deacon Joseph-Internet Material). In the Philippines, particularly in Region I, the estimated
average number of reported child abuse cases at the Department of Social Welfare and
Development (DSWD) in 1998 was 219 and has been dramatically increasing each year. In
Dagupan City alone for the year 2002, there had been 123 reported cases at the DSWD. These
are only the reported statistics, which may only reflect the tip of the iceberg. What is more
alarming is the bulk of unreported cases of suffering children untouched by the Gospel.

The moral fiber of the children is alarming. Some of them sleep in groups, and all of
them have been exposed to indecency and immorality from their parents and the older people
they associate with, sex among them is casual at a very young age. Most of the young girls have
been sexually molested by their peers, others indulge in it, while other are raped by the older
children. Many of the children are forced to take solvent or rugby to dull the pains of hunger
because one plastic bag of rugby, when inhaled would cause the child not to eat for the whole
day. In most cases, the children get their food from the garbage bags of Jollibee and McDonalds
or they steal to get money for food. Thus, they are malnourished and infested with worms. They
steal clothes from stores and their night life extends to 4:00 o’clock in the morning. Many of the
village children are the silent victims of abuse.

In the region, there are no Christian organizations that are actively involved in providing
a long term solution to this grave social problem, especially in the province of Pangasinan, and
even within the whole area of Region I. The Christ Our Life Ministries through its social
outreach organization, the Kalinga ng Ama Shelter for Children supports the Street Children
rehabilitation not only in Pangasinan, but in various parts of the Philippines like the Ilocos,
Manila and Cebu . Most of the young people the Kalinga Shelter have counseled over the years
had been victims of molestation or incest during their childhood years but defenseless and
vulnerable as they were, they suffered in silent pain. Thus, the community based projects
designed for parents and adults as well is to bring the Gospel of Salvation to them. Poverty is the
major cause of child neglect and abuse and there are cases where the child has to be separated


from his/her family for his/her benefit. The Kalinga Shelter provides an alternative home for the
child who has to be separated from his/her family for a while so he/she can be helped.

There is a great NEED to strengthen the Christian witness by pioneering projects such as
this to meet the growing needs of the destitute in order to make the Gospel relevant to the least of
our brethren.

Mainstreaming of the Street Children is therefore timely to ensure permanent change in

the lives of the children. The DSWD admitted also that they need partners in the rehabilitation of
the street children because the Department does not specialize in this aspect and they are not able
to give any permanent solution to the child-related cases they are handling. They really need a
partner like the Kalinga ng Ama Shelter for Children, an institution that is dedicated to the care,
nurture of street children on a long-term basis by providing care and nurture, discipleship,
psycho-social development, therapeutic services, education, child evangelism and spiritual
growth services so that these street kids can live normally like any other children do.

Vision and Mission of the Kalinga ng Ama Shelter for Children

The Shelter’s vision is to provide an alternative home for homeless children and
distressed individuals where they can grow spiritually, mentally, socially and physically in order
to obtain a secure future and improved ability to succeed with faith in God’s Word as their

Its Mission is to provide essential services to children 3-18 years of age in distress or in
need of care, supervision, counseling and shelter, drop-in or residential in a Christian
environment and to aid and assist children who are destitute, homeless, abandoned or otherwise
in need, to become God-loving, wholesome and productive citizen of our country.


The Shelter is not restricted to serve the needs of children but its scope of operation
involves ministering to other beneficiaries like the following:

a, Orphans (motherless, fatherless, or both)

b. Abused children (Physically abused, sexually abused, victims of child neglect or
victims of child labor)
c. Street children (Run-away or those who have homes within the area)
d. Distressed/Separated from Family/Abandoned
e. Extremely Poor
f. Out-of-school Youth
g. Abused/exploited young women
h. Older Persons
i. Distressed/displaced individuals, groups or families
j. Depressed communities
k. Former drug dependents seeking further rehabilitation


l. Emotionally Disturbed

For purposes of this proposal, the needs of the street children is given top priority.

Goals and Objectives

The following are the goals and objectives of the project:

1. To provide counseling to the children from the feeling of trauma that the environment
has brought upon them and a protective custody for children from perpetrators of child abuse
such as parents, guardian, non-parents, and from hazardous living conditions endangering their
security and dignity as human beings worthy of love and respect;

2. To provide transitional care, shelter, food, clothing, and accommodation for orphans
ands those abandoned by their family, in order to introduce and nurture them into a secure
environment founded on Christian principles and modes of upbringing;

3. To provide temporary care for problem children who are in need of character
development and values formation training

4. To provide community services for the prevention of child abuse, drug abuse, and
juvenile delinquency through various programs and advocacy movements in schools and

5. To provide parenting and family development services, counseling, and seminars as

well as values-formation courses for the purpose of diminishing incidence of abuse and neglect;

6. To provide adequate training, practices and alternative learning systems at an early age
so that the children are able to sustain themselves when they reach the age of 18;

7. To provide child care services like medical/dental and healthcare services to residential
children, street children and poor children;

8. To extend residential care services to distress adults with similar needs on a case-to-
case basis;

9. To provide an atmosphere of a Christian environment in order to inculcate love and

discipline as a way of life in order to raise up Godly and productive citizens;

10. To develop livelihood programs and income-generating projects in order to sustain

the operations of the Shelter.



In order to attain the goals and objectives indicated above, the following strategies are
identified to make the goals a reality:

1. Monthly Feeding Program at the Shelter. On a regular monthly basis, a children

feeding program will be held at the shelter. Fifty to 150 children will be invited. This children
will come from the poor families in the nearby communities.

2. Discipleship Training Program. This will be in the form of a systematic and

structured discipleship training method incorporated in the daily lifestyle of the children. The
following are the daily activities:

a. Daily morning group devotions with counselors;

b. Once-a-week session using the “On Eagles Wings” Discipleship Training Manual for
character development and Radical Christianity.
c. Lifestyle Informal Discipleship training during work, play and daily routine;
d. Introduction and inculcation of Spiritual Disciplines: Prayer, Meditation, Bible
Reading, Worship, Fasting, Submission, etc.
e. Practical Life Training. As part of discipleship, practical life is to be taught and
inculcated such as personal hygiene, home-making, basic chores for girls and boys, gardening,
practical arts, good manners and right conduct, cleanliness in the environment, caring for others,

3. Skills Development Training Program. The children would then be exposed to

different training skills in order to discover talents and gifts which may be developed and
harnessed for future ministry or for productivity purposes to benefit him or his family in the

4. Information Education Program. Informal weekly sessions with the children (by age
group) will be given on three basic themes:

a. Values Education: Respect for parents, older people and authority, respect for property
of others, honesty, industry, trustworthiness, patience, respect for environment, submission and
obedience, moral integrity, peer group relationship, and social behavior.

b. Spiritual Growth Formation: Gospel Message, Assurance of Salvation, Love of God

and Love For God, Biblical Principles, Spiritual Disciplines, the Purpose Driven Life.

c. Reproductive Health and Sex Education: The children then are gradually introduced to
the Biblical perspective of sex education and as the case maybe, spiritual counseling or
deliverance is administered to those who have been victims or perpetrators of sexual abuse or

5. Language and Speech Program. Street language and foul language that punctuate the
speech of the children need also to be addressed. Hence, the language and speech program does


not only seek to teach proper English or Filipino speech but more so, to cleanse the filthy,
disrespectful and perverse manner of talking they have been accustomed to.

6. Foundational Learning Program/Alternative Learning Systems. This will be

provided through the Eagle’s Nest Foundational Learning Center to ensure a balance and Godly
foundation for the growing child. Subjects include: English Phonics, English Language,
Christian Education and Values Education, Math, Geography, Science, Practical Life, Music,
Play and Recreation, and Physical Education. For those out-of-school youth who were not able to
continues their schooling, the alternative learning system shall be applied.

7. Advocacy on Child and Women Abuse Prevention Program. Teams will be formed
to conduct anti-child abuse campaigns for prevention and information dissemination in schools
and barangays as well as other communities.

8. Community Based Programs. The following community-based programs shall be


a. Anti-Drug Abuse Crusades

b. Feed the Children
c. Anti-Child Abuse Campaigns
d. Medical/Dental Missions
e. Clothes Drives for the Children
f. Values Formation Seminars
g. Youth Discipleship Training Programs
h. Foster Parenting
i. Children Ministries

9. Sustainability Programs. This covers the formulation of project proposals,

submission of proposals to funding agencies and ultimately implementing sustainability projects
and income-generating projects of the Shelter to sustain the operations of the different programs
enumerated above aside from the limited support/donations being received by the Shelter from
time to time. Projects like computer rentals, van rental, photocopy services and catering services
are some projects feasible to be implemented to partially support the operations of the Shelter.

The above-mentioned strategies are already being implemented by the Management Staff
of the Kalinga ng Ama Shelter for Children. However, this cannot be implemented on a
continuing basis without ample support from outside funders.

Financial and Economic Soundness

This proposal is a social development project. Its impact can be measured by the changed
lives of the beneficiaries and also the actual implementation of the income- generating projects
that can be identified during the course of implementation of this project.

Relationship to Local and National Development Plan


This project is very much relevant to local and national development plans due to the fact
that it address the concerns of disadvantaged in our society especially the abused children,
women and adults. It concerns also the upliftment of the quality of life of the beneficiaries not
only economically but also emotionally, physically and spiritually.

One of our local and national development agenda is to address poverty in the
countryside. The project targets not only poverty of the pocket but also poverty of the mind and
heart of its beneficiaries in order to ensure a real changed lives of its beneficiaries.

Organizational Strengthening

The Kalinga ng Ama Shelter for Children will undertake the following steps for
organizational strengthening:

1. Unity and Strategic Directions Workshop. The Directors and Management Staff will
undergo a Workshop and Action Planning to review and re-formulate the Shelter’s Direction and
also to formulate a 5-Year Action Plan.

2. Administration and Governance. Efforts will also be focused in the Functions and
Responsibilities of the personnel and managers so that they will be able to know and deliver their
job responsibilities in the organization. Committees shall be formed to support the management
and policies shall be reviewed and formulated if they are lacking. Continuous training and
participation of the personnel in other management seminars to gain knowledge and experience
shall also be implemented.

3. Project/Enterprise Management. Training shall be conducted on project/enterprise

management to the committees in-charge in order to give them skills in the management of
income-generating projects of the Shelter. This will insure a successful implementation of the
sustainability projects.

4. Financial Management/Sustainability. Efforts shall be focused also on the

strengthening of the financial management skills of the staff assigned to take care of the finances
of the Shelter and skills of Committees in-charge in the accessing additional financial support for
the operations of the Shelter’s Programs.

5. Networking and Linkaging. Continuous networking and linkaging shall be

undertaken by the Shelter’s Management with the different stakeholders and partners either local
or international to also insure additional operational support.

Membership and affiliations in provincial and regional associations like the Pangasinan
Federation of NGOs and ABSNET shall also be strengthened in order to update the management
for additional linkages and developments with respect to its areas of concerns.


Project proposals shall be also submitted to local and international donors and linkages
for future implementation of support projects.

Local Participation

This project will insure the local participation of the some members of the Christ Our
Life Ministries, the Church organization who is fully supporting the personnel of this project.
The members usually assists in all the programs of the Kalinga Ng Ama Shelter for Children
identified in the Strategies of this proposal..

Tie-up with local schools like the Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation, San Carlos
City and PASS College in Alaminos City and PACTI shall also be continued. The two schools
support the medical/dental mission, feeding, child care and caregiving concerns.

Tie-up with mayors, other elected officials, private individuals and non-government
organizations shall also be continued whenever there is a big impact project in their
municipalities like the medical/dental mission and feeding programs.

Participation of Men and Women

Participation of men and women in the project implementation shall be insured as well as
in the selection of project beneficiaries. Families of the children especially the parents shall be
given top priority in the different interventions that will be given in the project implementation.
It will see to it that the women shall also be benefited in the economic projects in order to
augment the income of the family.

Promotion of Sound Environmental Practices

The project management, committees, and staff shall see to it that sound environmental
practices shall be undertaken in the implementation of the project. Environmental practices on
proper waste management, cleanliness, orderliness and greening the environment shall be
implemented and shall be taught to the children and their families.

Innovative Features and Replication Potential

Since the Kalinga Ng Ama Shelter for Children is the only church-based non-
government organization who is implementing a wholistic (both physical, emotional and spiritual
aspects )intervention for street kids in its area of operation, the potential replication of this
project is encouraged to be implemented in other areas not only in the Region but also in other
parts of the country wherein there are no Centers who will address the problems of street

Project Management


The project will follow the Organizational Structure of the Kalinga ng Ama Shelter for
Children. Attached as Annex A is the Organizational Structure of the Project. However, a
Project Committee shall be formed specifically to oversee the overall implementation of the
project as well as to evaluate and monitor the activities specified in this proposal for project
reporting, feedback and improvement. Areas that needs improvements and corrections shall be
addressed immediately by the Committee and best practices of the project shall be replicated and
shared with other would-be implementers. Project reports and documentation shall be submitted
to the funding institutions and to other agencies that needs the reports like DSWD and PNP.

II. Project Budget (2 years)

The following financial requirement of the project is projected for two years. This can be
broken down into 2 batches of annual releases:


A. Project Administration
Honoraria P 24,000.00 P 96,000.00 P 120,000.00
1 Project Officer(P5,000/mo.)
2 Project Staff (P4,000/mo.) 96,000.00 96,000.00
B. In-house Expenses for 50
Street Kids (P50,000/month) 240,000.00 960,000.00 1,200,000.00
This includes nurture and care,
discipleship, psycho-social devt.,
therapeutic services and child
evangelism and spiritual growth
C. Foundational Learning
Program/Alternative Learning
Systems for 50 Street
Kids(P20,000/month) 120,000.00 360,000.00 480,000.00
D. Monthly Feeding Program
(P3,000 x 24 months for 50
children) 22,000.00 50,000.00 72,000.00
E. Advocacy on Child and


Women Abuse Prevention
Program ( 12 sessions
@P5,000/session, targeting at
least 100 persons per session) 10,000.00 50,000.00 60,000.00
F. Skills Training on Income-
Generating Projects, Values
Formation Seminars and
Parenting and Family Seminars 5,000.00 35,000.00 40,000.00
(5 Courses for 20 pax per course
at 2 days each @P400/pax)
G. Community-based Programs
- 2 Medical-Dental Missions
targeting 200 families 10,000.00 40,000.00 50,000.00
- 2 Crusades on Drug Abuse
Preventions and Child Abuse
Prevention (P20,000.00/crusade 20,000.00 20,000.00 40,000.00
H. Capital Support for 2
Income-Generating Projects of
the Shelter(P50,000/project) 10,000.00 90,000.00 100,000.00
I. Organizational Strengthening
Support Fund
(P1,000/month) 4,000.00 20,000.00 24,000.00
TOTAL P 465,000.00 P1,817,000.00 P2,282,000.00

(Santiago, 2012, Pdf file)

Jessie S. Barrot, P. D. (2016). Academic Reading and Writing. In P. D. Jessie S. Barrot, Academic Reading
and Writing. C & E Publishing, Inc. .



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