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FUTURE TENSE The future tense is used to express an action that is likely to happen in future. KINDS OF FUTURE TENSE : 1) Simple Future (future indefinite) 2) Future Continuous 3) Future Perfect 4) Future Perfect Continuous % Simple Future Tense — Uses- used to express an action that will take place in future. Ex. I shall go there tomorrow. Used to indicate an action that will happen as a regular phenomenon or as a habitual thing. Ex. | think, they will pay us a visit. types of sentences Rules Example Affirmative ‘Sub+wil/shall + V1 + obj | Ajay will go to market ‘Negative ‘Sub+wil/shallenot+Vi+0bj | Ajay will not go to market Interrogative Will/shalltsub+V1+0bj+? | Will Ajay go to market? Tnterrogative negative Will/shalltsub + not +V7 + | Will Ajay not go to market ? obj+? » Future Continuous Tense— Uses- used to indicate an action that will continue at sometime in future. Used to express an action that is fairly certain to happen in future. Ex. He and his friends will be presenting a play next week. Types of sentence Rules Example Affirmative ‘Sub+will be/shall be + V1 + | Tanu will be visiting temple ing + obj today. Negative ‘Sub+ will shall + not + be#V7 | Tanu will not be visiting +ing+obj temple today. Interrogative Will shall Will Tanu be visiting temple +sub+be+V1+ingtobj+? today? Interrogative negative Will /shall +sub+not+ Will Tanu not be visiting betV1+ingtobj+? temple today? Future Perfect Tense— Uses- used to show the completion of an action by a certain time in the future. It is used with a time expression beginning with by. Used with time expression by that time, by then, by next time or by the tenth of that month and so on. Ex, By the end of this week she will have worked here for 5 years. Types of sentence Rules ‘Example Affirmative ‘Sub+will have/shall have + V3 | Tanu will have visited temple + obj by then. Negative ‘Sub+ will shall + notthave + | Tanu will not have visited by V3 +0bj then. Interrogative Will /shall + sub+ Will Tanu have visited temple have+V3+obj+? by then? Interrogative negative Will shall Will Tanu not have visited +sub+not+have+V3+0bj+? temple by then? »% Future Perfect Continuous Tense— Uses- used to denote a continuous action with reference to something in future. It expresses an action that will begin at a particular time in future, will continue up to that moment and will be in progress at that moment. Ex. He will have been walking on his own by the time the physiotherapist teaches him all the exercises. Types of sentence Rules ‘Example “Affirmative ‘Sub+will /shall + have been + | [shall have been cycling Vi+ing+ since/ for continuously for five days by tomorrow evening. Negative ‘Sub+ will shall + not+ have | Tshall not have been cycling been+V1+ ingtsince/for | continuously for five days by tomorrow evening. Interrogative Will shall+ sub+ have been | Shall have been cycling +V1+ ingt since/ fort? continuously for five days tomorrow evening? Interrogative negative Will /shall + sub+not + have | Shall not have been cycling been+V1+ ing + since/ fort? | continuously for five days tomorrow evening? EXERCISE——fill in the blanks with different form of future tense. 1. The irrigation department______ a bridge over the river very soon. (build) 2. Joseph 3.|___ to you later. (Speak) 4, Shalini for long when i call on her at 5 PM tomorrow. (not paint) 5. The Lucknow Express___ the platform by 10 PM.( Not Reach) 6.___ the SSC examination next year.. (Qualified) us for @ walk in the moonlight tonight. Goin) 7.__he to play the drums for the months by that time.( Learn) 8.____ the patient ___ before his savings run out? (Recover) 9. Indo-Pak foreign secretaries___a bilateral talk next year. (Have) 10. How. he. this task all alone ? (Complete) ANSWERS :: 7. Will build 2 Will join 3. Shall speak 4. Will not have been painting 5. Will not have reached 6. Shall have qualified 7.mill, have been learning 8. Will, have recovered 9. Will have 10. Will, complete

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