Zeina-Argumentative Essay

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When was the last time you chatted to someone on the bus, in a park, or any other

outdoor waiting condition? It's likely been a long time. When an individual is awaiting

someplace with their phone in hand and the whole waiting area is closed, it appears as though

there is a mass of people who are immersed in their phones! The prevalence of technology and

smartphones has resulted in several arguments that relying on these technologies diminishes

creativity. This isn't a new idea; some have said in the past that technology has extinguished

people's creative instincts. The current argumentative essay discusses the impact of technology

on creativity and the various ways in which it is influenced. As a child, it was thought that

television and other computer games would restrict people's creativity; but, as time has gone, it

has been clear that technology has grown much more harmful.

First to initiate with is widespread copying and deficiency of uniqueness, Anyone can

access whatever they want on the web. There are models for everything a person may obtain,

such as academic material, and they're all available on the internet, making the process open to

plagiarism and apparently less creative. In recent times, there has been a decline in innovation

and web design development, it is becoming the battle of technology against mankind, where

people can win relying on their creativity if they figure out how to enhance it. (Oman Essays:

academic assistance to students, 2018)

Child psychology theory and research have been around for generations, and it explains

to us how a child's brain functions and how critical their first years are. It is essential for

youngsters to play and participate in the "actual world" by being physically active. Kids require

first-hand involvement – they ought to manipulate items physically, employ all of their

senses, and interact with the 3-dimensional world. It enhances their learning and brain growth
with these first-hand engagements (Cristopher, 2018). However, how do you believe youngsters

will be able to be physically active if they are always distracted by screens? They aren't going to!

Instead of exploring the world and nurturing their creativity, they will waste their critical period

staring at a screen.

On the other hand, some might believe that technology sparks communication, for

instance, You may communicate with individuals all around the globe, share knowledge and

ideas, and come up with new ones. But to what extent is this true? Do we want our children to

communicate with strangers that might lead them to uncomfortable situations such as

cyberbullying and abuse? For sure parents won't accept it! What about the absence of true

communication skills when individuals turn off their cameras? People communicating virtually

don’t employ body language abilities and merely reading from cards hinders the improvement of

their improvised speech skills. (Katie, 2016)

"Technology is killing creativity," it is real!  We are now completely reliant on

technology. We are unable to complete a basic task on our own. We have become incredibly

sluggish and uninteresting as a result of technology. We spend the entire day on our phones and

computers, not even walking down a street. Where are we supposed to discover and enrich

creativity while technology is producing it for us? More engagement with the actual world,

rather than the virtual world, is required for creativity. People must view the world from their

own perspectives, rather than those imposed by technology. (UKEssays, 2018)

List of References

Cristopher. (2018, February 9). Youth Voices. Retrieved from Youth Voices website :


Katie. (2016, October 3). Rindle . Retrieved from Rindle website: https://rindle.com/blog/is-


Oman Essays: academic assistance to students. (2018, December 27). Retrieved from Oman

Essays website: https://omanessay.com/is-technology-limiting-creativity/

UKEssays. (2018, November ). Retrieved from UK Essays website:



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