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TOPIC: Social Media: Curse or Boon?
Notebook Work
SESSION: 2020-21

Word Meanings

1. lurking- (here) waiting

2. hackers- people who try to gain unauthorised access to data

3. spam artists- people who send unwanted messages over the internet

4. anonymity- the condition of one's name being unknown

5. publicise- to make something known to the public

6. obesity- the condition of being excessively fat

7. virtual- not real

8. ever-shrinking - (here) coming closer and closer

Make Sentences
1. lurking- Why are you lurking around outside my house?
2. publicize- They flew to Europe to publicize the plight of the refugees.
3. addicted- He is addicted to computer games.
4. immense- The benefits of doing the project are immense.
5. vital- The police play a vital role in our society.
Question / Answers
Q1. What is social media?
Ans. Social media is a term used to describe the interaction between virtual communities of groups or
individuals in which they produce, share and exchange ideas over the internet.

Q2. What are the things we can share with our friends over the internet?
Ans. We can share videos, pictures and all kinds of information with our friends over the internet.

Q3. List any two advantages of social media.

Ans. Two advantages of social media are-
i. The ability to connect with people across geographical and cultural barriers is perhaps a unique and
very useful feature of social media.
ii. Professionals use these platforms to discuss their work and reach out to a wider group of peers.
Q4. List any four disadvantages of social media.
Ans. Disadvantages of social media are as follows-
i. People, especially teenagers, are getting addicted to these sites. The constant urge to stay connected
has exposed them to problems, such as social network-induced obesity, internet addiction and loss of
ii. As kids get more addicted to this websites, they tend to spend more time indoors. Many teenagers
and kids are not getting appropriate amount of physical exercise. This can lead to long-term health
iii. Spending too much time online robs one of real world experiences. This may hurt one's grades in
school and may also disturb the overall development of a child.
iv. Cyber-bullying is another major concern. Teenagers are the biggest victims of this online trouble. It
often includes insulting messages and sharing private information of the person being bullied.

Q5. What is cyber-bullying?

Ans. Cyber- bullying is when people attack each other on the internet. Teenagers are the biggest victims of
this online trouble. It often includes insulting messages and sharing private information of the person being

Q6. Why is it important to read the privacy policy of the website you are using?
Ans. The kind of information that such people are after includes pictures, personal details, interests, location,
etc. They then try to find ways in which they can exploit that data for their own advantage. Hence, it is
important to read the privacy policy of the website.

Q7. Why is it difficult to trace hackers and stalkers?

Ans. Hackers and stalkers use the advantage of anonymity to gather information about customers; therefore
it is difficult to trace them.
Q8. What are some ways to be safe while using the internet?
Ans. Some ways to be safe while using the internet are as follows-
i. Personal pictures and information should never be shared on a public forum. Always read the privacy
policy of a website before using it.
ii. Make your data viewable to only your family and friends.
iii. Avoid sharing details like your birthday, age or location, as this information could be useful to
identify thieves.
iv. It is also not wise to publicise vacation plans. There have been cases where burglars have used this
information to rob houses.

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