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Introduction to history study

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C. How do we study history?

Section information
Page: 12-21

Section structure
1. Counting years (Page 12)
2. Dividing history into periods (Page 13)
3. Dealing with historical sources (Page 16)

1. Counting years
(a) Calendar system
Christian calendar (BC and AD)
- The period before his birth is called BC (Before Christ)
- the period after his birth is called AD
Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches system
- There are ten Heavenly Stems and twelve Earthly Branches
- Each of the ten heavenly stems is paired with the twelve earthly branches to form a 60-year cycle
Islamic calendar
- The Islamic calendar begins with AD 622
(b) Reign-name system
More common in countries which have a monarch:
- uses the emperor's reignname to count years
- the emperor's reign-name is still used in Japan
(c) Millenniums, centuries and decades
Millenniums (1000 years)
centuries (100 years)
decades (10 years)
2. Dividing history into periods
(a) Prehistoric and historic times
Historians divide history into 'prehistoric times' and 'historic times' based on the date when writing was invented
the Sumerians invented the world's first writing, and recorded history appeared. The historic times began
(b) Ancient Times, Medieval Times and Modern Times
Western historians divide Western history into 'Ancient Times', 'Medieval Times' and 'Modern Times'
This way to divide Western history cannot be applied to other places
3. Dealing with historical sources
(a) Types of sources
Primary sources 回頂部
- They are original materials from the time period a historian is studying,
- e.g. objects that people used and records made by people then
Secondary sources
- They are studies about specific topics based on primary or secondary sources
(b) Finding historical sources
Libraries, Archives, Museums and Internet
(c) Analyzing sources
Distinguishing true data from untrue data
Distinguishing between facts and opinions

Image bank
Millenniums, centuries and decades (1.1 p.14)

1. Christian calendar
The most common system of counting years. It came from the Christian countries in Europe. The period before Jesus Christ’s birth
is called BC and the period after his birth is called AD.
2. Prehistoric times
The period before writing was invented.
3. Historic times
The period after the invention of writing. Around 4000 BC, the Sumerians invented the world's first writing, and recorded history
appeared. The historic times began.
4. Primary sources
Original materials from the time period a historian is studying. It includes objects that people used and records made by people
5. Secondary sources
Studies about specific topics based on primary or secondary sources.
6. Facts
True details about what happened.
7. Opinions
People's view about something. It is common for people to have different opinions about the same thing.

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