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Month 2022 j Volume X, Number X

ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/chi.2022.0059

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Probiotic Use in Children and Adolescents

with Overweight or Obesity: A Scoping Review
Michelle H. Loy, MD,1–3 John Usseglio, MPH,4
Danielle Lasalandra, DO,5 and Melanie A. Gold, DO, DMQ6–8
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Context: Probiotics have been proposed as a prevention or treatment for pediatric overweight and obesity.
Objective: Conduct a scoping review on probiotic use in children and adolescents with overweight or obesity and those with
weight-related conditions and to identify knowledge gaps and research priorities.
Data Sources: Seven databases using keywords and medical subject heading terms for articles reporting probiotic use in children
or adolescents with overweight or obesity published from database conception until initiation of the study.
Study Selection: Articles reporting primary data on probiotics use in children or adolescents with overweight or obesity.
Data Extraction: We utilized the Arksey and O’Malley framework, PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
and Meta-Analysis) guidelines, followed a predetermined study protocol for level-one abstract and level-two full-text screenings,
synthesized information into subject-area domains, and identified research gaps.
Limitations: Heterogeneity of probiotic interventions, host factors, and genomics.
Results: Database search yielded 1356 unique articles with 19 randomized placebo-controlled studies, 945 participants, duration of
interventions from 8 weeks to 9 months. Disease indications included Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, insulin resistance, hy-
percholesterolemia, Prader–Willi Syndrome, metabolic syndrome, and obesity. Limited and heterogeneous evidence for probiotic
use in children and adolescents with weight-related conditions noted. Heterogeneity among published articles in probiotic strains,
doses, design, biomarkers, confirmation, and outcomes observed.
Conclusions: Despite complex existing and limited data, studies to date of children and adolescents with overweight and obesity
demonstrate potential beneficial treatment effects of probiotics on BMI, adiposity, metabolic parameters, inflammatory markers,
fatty liver, transaminase levels, and glucose metabolism. Clinical trials to address heterogeneous results are needed.

Keywords: adolescent; child; clinical trials; microbiota; obesity; overweight; pediatric; prebiotic; probiotics; review; weight reduction

Introduction is a global epidemic.1 Due to the lack of effective pre-

vention and treatment interventions, using probiotics to
ith over 340 million children and adolescents prevent and manage conditions, including diabetes and

W 5–19 years of age classified as overweight or

obese in 2016, pediatric and adolescent obesity
obesity has been proposed.2 Probiotics are microorganisms
promoted with claims of health benefits when consumed.

Departments of 1Pediatrics and 2Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, New York, USA.
Integrative Health and Well-Being, Weill Cornell Medicine/New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York, New York, USA.
Health Sciences Library, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York, New York, USA.
Stamford Hospital, Stamford, Connecticut, USA.
Heilbrunn Department of Population and Family Health, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, New York, New York, USA.
Section of Adolescent Medicine, Division of Child and Adolescent Health, Department of Pediatrics, Columbia University Irving Medical Center,
New York, New York, USA.
Center for Community Health and Education, School-Based Health Centers, NewYork Presbyterian, New York, New York, USA.


Prebiotics are nondigestible food ingredients that induce systematic review published on the association of probiotic
the growth or activity of beneficial microorganisms such as use in reducing weight in children and adolescents with
bacteria or fungi. Synbiotics are mixtures of probiotics and overweight or obesity or those with weight-related condi-
prebiotics that benefit the host. tions other than NAFLD.
Although no specific composition of an obesogenic
gut microbiota profile has been determined, comparative
research indicates that gut microbiota of children with
obesity is distinct from normal weight children.3 Given To examine the literature on probiotic use for weight
different compositional development of gut microbiota reduction in overweight and obese children and adoles-
in adults and children with overweight, interest has grown cents, we conducted a scoping review to assess the degree
in examining possibilities for preventative and thera- of heterogeneity in probiotic trial design, strains tested,
peutic applications of specific probiotic strains in weight proof of colonization, outcomes tested, and evidence for
management. use of probiotics in children and adolescents with over-
However, controversial data highlight that the connec- weight, obesity, or weight-related conditions reported.
tion between microbiota composition and excess weight is Given the state of the current literature and the lack of
very complex.4 For example, data show positive correla- knowledge on the subject, we aimed to cast a broad net.
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tion between Lactobacillus reuteri and obesity, whereas We included studies with a range of primary outcomes as
Bifidobacterium animalis has been associated with a lower we did not want to limit the scoping review by limiting the
BMI. studies under consideration. Our goal was to be inclusive
Several mechanisms have been proposed regarding pro- of all the literature on probiotics, children, and weight.
biotics, obesity, and downstream clinical effects. Murine A scoping review is an appropriate study design for
model studies have suggested that some strains of Bifido- research questions that are open-ended in a subject area
bacterium and Lactobacilli have an effect on obese status with a limited existing body of research.14 A scoping
by reducing serum total cholesterol, decreasing proin- review is a type of literature review that includes a wide
flammatory cytokines, and increasing glucose tolerance.5–8 range of study designs, including gray literature, to identify
However, researchers concluded that in vivo administra- important subject area domains, existing evidence, and
tion of probiotics in children or adults with obesity needs to gaps in knowledge.14 Gray literature, evidence not pub-
be further investigated.4 Explanations for how gut micro- lished in commercial publications, can include academic
organisms impact the development of obesity include an articles, including theses and dissertations, research and
improvement of the energy harvest from diet, influence on committee reports, government reports, conference papers,
lipase activity, a decrease of lipopolysaccharide inflam- and ongoing research, among others. It comprises publi-
mation, control of endotoxemia, and insulin resistance.9 It cations that fall outside of traditional commercial and
should also be noted that without clear data of intestinal academic publishing and distribution channels. The goal of
colonization, it is an assumption that consumed probiotics a scoping review is to ‘‘map the body of literature on a
relate directly to fecal bacteria. topic area.’’15 This scoping review aims to identify and
Bifidobacterium have been shown to be higher in critically assess the existing data on probiotic use in chil-
number among children who remained normal weight at dren and adolescents with overweight or obesity, synthe-
7 years10 compared with children who became overweight size the existing data into key subject area domains, and
and have been found to be associated with lean status.11 identify knowledge gaps in the current body of literature
In contrast, Lactobacillus subspecies, Staphylococcus and future research priorities.16
aureus, and Escherichia coli have been associated with We utilized the Arksey and O’Malley framework with
overweight status. Furthermore, other studies reported a Levac and colleagues enhancements to guide our scoping
decrease of total Bifidobacterium in the feces of patients review methodology.14,17 We also followed the Preferred
with obesity.12,13 A positive correlation was found between Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Ana-
certain Lactobacillus species, in particular Lactobacillus lyses for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-Scr) guidelines to
reuteri and adult obesity, whereas B. animalis has been conduct the review.18 After identifying the research ques-
associated with a lower BMI in adults.14 tion, one author (M.L.) met with a health sciences research
There are fewer reported studies of probiotic use for Informationist ( J.U.) who assisted with defining search
pediatric and adolescent obesity compared with probiotic terms and provided recommendations on appropriate data-
use in adult obesity. In addition, most of the literature bases to search for the review. We selected databases that
surrounding probiotic use in pediatric obesity is limited to included both peer-reviewed and gray literature (SCOPUS,
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). The gap in The search terms were developed in
the literature we seek to explore is which (if any) probiotic an iterative process to develop comprehensive strategies.
species, specific strains, and combinations of strains have While we planned an iterative process, we trialed a few
evidence for preventing and managing childhood and ado- articles looking at a priori domains but no new domains
lescent obesity, not restricted to NAFLD diagnosis.3 To were identified. On February 27th, 2020, searches were
our knowledge, there has not been a scoping review or conducted in PubMed, Ovid Medline, Cochrane Library,

Embase, Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health article, systematic review), trials without probiotics (pre-
Literature (CINAHL), SCOPUS, and the Web of Science. biotics only or diet), and those with no mention of obe-
The search was updated on March 4th, 2021. sity or obesity-related disease. For level one screening,
Search terms were grouped into four concepts that were two authors (M.L., D.L.) separately reviewed the 1356
combined with the Boolean AND operator: adolescent/ abstracts identified. They voted to exclude or include each
child/infant, obesity and obesity-related diseases, probiotic abstract according to the preset criteria.
intervention, and disease outcomes of interest. For full There was moderate (Cohen’s Kappa = 0.60) level of
records of the search strategies utilized in this review, agreement between the reviewers.19 A third author (M.G.)
please see the first Appendix A1. Our PRISMA flow dia- determined whether to include the abstract when there was a
gram can be found in Figure 1. disagreement. For level-two screening, two authors (M.L.,
We created a study protocol agreed upon by the authors, D.L.) conducted the full-text review and chose to include
with inclusion and exclusion criteria for the abstract and or exclude based on the preset criteria. There was strong
full-text screening process. Our inclusion criteria were: (Cohen’s Kappa = 0.84) level of agreement between the re-
(1) Randomized controlled, double blinded, placebo con- viewers.19 A third author (M.G.) decided whether to include
trolled (2) infant/pediatric/adolescent (3) strain/genus/ or exclude when there was a disagreement. The modest
dose/probiotic colony-forming unit (4) overweight/ kappa coefficient at the abstract level is likely due to the
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obesity/obesity-related disorders (5) hypertension, type 2 heterogeneity in the number of articles and types of re-
diabetes, NAFLD, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), dysli- search. There was stronger agreement for the full-text stage.
pidemia (6) confirmation testing (7) English language, We performed the data extraction as an iterative process.
(8) any year of publication, and (9) Full-text journal arti- One member of the research team (M.L.) first extracted
cles included in the database. We excluded reviews, letters, basic data and results from each article. The first round of
case reports or series, abstracts, and editorials. There were extracted data included: Study ID, reviewer name, title of
no restrictions on sex, race or ethnicity, number of partic- article, lead author contact details, country in which study
ipants, or year of publication. The exclusion criteria were conducted, aim of study, study design, start/end date,
articles not written in English, adult or pregnant popu- study funding sources, possible conflicts of interest for
lations, animal studies, noninterventional trials (review study, population description, inclusion/exclusion criteria,

Figure 1. PRISMA-ScR.

total number of participants, intervention, comparison group, Overall, of the 19 studies included, only one of the 19
outcome, how outcome was ascertained, whether stool was addressed obesity prevention, the others investigated obe-
analyzed, how was stool analyzed (16S/Shotgun), specific sity treatment. Of the 19 studies included, 16 studies
dosing and strain of probiotic, and conclusions. The 16S showed benefits for probiotic supplementation as it relates
rRNA gene sequencing, or simply 16S sequencing, utilizes to obesity or weight-related conditions. Two other stud-
PCR to target and amplify portions of the hypervariable ies (one of which was the prevention study) showed no
regions (V1–V9) of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene. Shotgun effect,20,21 and one showed a negative effect22.
sequencing is a laboratory technique for determining As seen in Table 1, 12 of the 19 studies included pro-
the DNA sequence of an organism’s genome. The articles biotics in combination with other treatment modalities
were appraised for key topic domains and study limitations (diet, exercise, prebiotics), whereas seven looked at pro-
were identified. biotics alone.
We met monthly to discuss findings and refine data
extraction methods. We then created a list of key subject Types of Probiotics
area domains. Experts in pediatric and adolescent medi- A range of probiotics was investigated, including
cine, pediatric obesity, and a PhD RD who conducts Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus paracasai, Lac-
research related to probiotics reviewed the list of domains tobacillus casei, Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactobacillus
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and provided input. We compiled a list of the key domains rhamnosus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus del-
identified by the authors and subject area experts. One brueckii, Streptococcus thermophilus, B. animalis, Bifido-
author (M.L.) reviewed the final sample of articles again bacterium lactis, Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium
and extracted information about each domain. The authors longum, and Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum. The dos-
then compiled and synthesized the information and iden- ing, combination of species and strains, as well as the
tified gaps in knowledge within the key domains. use in combination of prebiotic/probiotic treatment was
Selection of Active or Ongoing Registered
Clinical Trials Obesity Prevention
Clinical trial registries were searched, including Clin- Of the-19 studies included, only one study assessed and WHO ICTRP. The inclusion and obesity prevention,20 in which healthy newborns given
exclusion criteria were as described previously, in addition probiotics at ages 4–13 months had follow-up body com-
to trial status as active, recruiting, not completed, or not position studies at ages 8–9 years. Lactobacillus paracasei
reported. F19 (10 · 8 CFU) had no effect on body composition,
metabolic markers, and inflammatory markers at school-
age follow-up.
Out of 2003 identified studies, 19 studies met the eligibility Obesity Treatment–Positive Effects
criteria (Fig. 1). After thorough review, final analysis inclu- Regarding the treatment of obesity, six studies showed
ded 19 placebo-controlled trials comprising 945 participants, an association between probiotic use and reduction in
ages 4 months to 19 years. Duration of intervention ranged BMI,23–28 with beneficial secondary outcomes in inflam-
from 8 weeks to 9 months. Disease indications included matory markers, lipid markers, glucose metabolism, and
NAFLD, insulin resistance, hypercholesterolemia, Prader– hepatic measures. Seven studies29–35 did not show BMI
Willi Syndrome, metabolic syndrome, overweight, and obe- improvement with probiotic use but did show improve-
sity. Countries of investigation included China, Denmark, ments in inflammatory markers, adiposity, waist circum-
Finland, Iran, Italy, Spain, and USA (Table 1). ference, fasting insulin, HOMA-IR, ultrasound results,
All studies evaluated the use of probiotics in obesity and liver function tests, cholesterol, triglycerides, behavioral
obesity-related conditions. Some probiotic interventions and mental health, and social withdrawal.
included additional synbiotic preparations, dietary, or Among the six studies showing BMI improvement, the
physical activity prescriptions. Anthropometric markers, species and doses differed. Three of the six studies used
metabolic markers, inflammatory markers, hepatic chan- VSL#3. VSL#3 is a high-concentration probiotic prepa-
ges, microbiome changes, and other changes were assessed ration of eight live freeze-dried bacterial species, including
by blood, stool, imaging, DEXA, MRI, urinary metabolic four strains of lactobacilli (L. casei, Lactobacillus plan-
profiling, dietary, and psychological questionnaires. Trial tarum, L. acidophilus, and Lactobacillus delbrueckii
designs were heterogeneous in the type of probiotic subsp.), three strains of Bifidobacterium (B. breve, B.
interventions and outcome measures. Only 16% of the longum, and Bifidobacterium infantis, and one strain of
trials had 16S PCR testing to confirm colonization. There Streptococcus (Streptococcus salivarius subspecies ther-
was heterogeneity in trial primary endpoints. Primary mophilus). The studies used different dosing (1–2 sachet
outcomes included improvements in BMI, liver enzymes, per day depending on age), and various strains/combina-
lipid markers, insulin and glucose metabolism, inflamma- tions, including B. longum, L. bulgaricus, S. thermophilus
tory markers, and adiposity (Table 2). combination (no CFU reported), B. pseudocatenulatum
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Table 1. PICO Summary

Stool analysis -
Study Study Comparison Dose/strain 16S/shotgun/
Study design length Population Size Intervention group Outcome of probiotic unknown
Alisi et al. RCT 4 months Pediatric, BMI >85%, 44 VSL #3 +low cal. Placebo + low cal. VSL#3 significantly VSL#3
(2014) NAFLD diet + aerobic diet + aerobic improves NAFLD;
exercise exercise VSL#3 increases
GLP-1 and decreases
BMI. No between-
group differences in
Amat-Bou RCT 12 weeks PWS, ages 2–19 39 100 mg of Bifido 300 mg of No effects on 100 mg of QIAamp
et al. animalis lactis maltodextrin microbiota, fat mass, Bifidobacterium animalis PowerFecal
(2020) hyperphagia, bp, lipid subsp.lactis (BPL1, DNA Kit to
profile, glucose, and CECT8145, 1010 CFU) sequence
HgA1C. BPL1 region V3–V4
decreased fasting of bacterial
insulin, HOMA-IR, 16S gene
abd. fat, mental
health symptoms.
Chen et al. RCT 12 weeks 6–14 years; obese 54 Probiotic + Placebo + reduced Improved BMI, IL-6, No CFU, B. longum,
(2019) reduced calorie calorie intake + LPS,TNF alpha, TG, L. bulgaricus,

intake + increased increased physical fasting BG, insulin, S. thermophilus
physical activity activity and HOMA-IR
Famouri RCT 12 weeks 10–18 years, BMI 64 Probiotic capsule Placebo Probiotic decreased 1 capsule Prokid:
et al. >85%, NAFLD (Lactobacillus/ AST, ALT, L. acidophilus ATCC
(2017) Bifidobacterium) cholesterol, B3208, 3 · 109 CFU;
lipoprotein-C, TG, B. lactis DSMZ32269,
and abnormal U/S. 6 · 109 CFU; B. bifidum
No change in weight ATCC SD6576,
& BMI. 2 · 109 CFU; L.
rhamnosus DSMZ
21690, 2 · 109 CFU.
Gøbel et al. RCT 12 weeks Ages 12–15, obesity 50 Ls-33 Placebo No differences in L. salivarius Ls-33 Quant. PCR,
(2012) anthropometrics, ATCC SD5208 16S, L.
lipids, glucose/ 1010 CFU salivarius
insulin, inflammatory detected in
markers, fecal 24/27 subjects
calprotectin. in probiotic
after intake
Gombert Treatment/ 13 weeks Obese children; insulin 48 Probiotic + dietary Placebo + dietary Improved BMI, CRP, B. pseudocatenulatum Unknown
et al. (2019) Control resistance recommendations recommendations HDL, and increased CECT 7765, 10 CFU
Groups Rikenellaceae
continued on page 6
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Table 1. PICO Summary continued

Stool analysis -
Study Study Comparison Dose/strain 16S/shotgun/
Study design length Population Size Intervention group Outcome of probiotic unknown
Goyal et al. RCT 4 months Ages 5–18, obesity 106 VSL#3 +lifestyle Placebo VSL#3 + lifestyle VSL #3 - 112.5 billion
(2019) NAFLD (diet and physical significantly reduced (B. breve, B. infantis,
activity), VSL, fatty liver grades, B. longum,
lifestyle only anthropometric, L. acidophilus,
biochemical L. planetarium,
parameters, obesity L. paracasei,
hormones compared L. delbrucki subspecies
with VSL#3 alone, bulgaricans), and
and lifestyle S. thermophilus
intervention alone.
Herrera RCT 12 weeks 7–16 years; BMI >85% 39 Probiotic + high- Placebo + high- Decrease in CRP and VSL #3
et al. (2018) fruit/vegetable diet fruit/vegetable diet TNFa
Jones et al. RCT 16 weeks 12–18 years; BMI >95; 19 Probiotic with Placebo with Increased total/trunk VSL #3, 3 packets, 16S rRNA
(2018) Hispanic VitaminWater VitaminWater adiposity with no Combo of
Zero (erythritol + Zero (erythritol + significant effects on Streptococcus
stevia) stevia) liver fat/fibrosis, Bifidobacterium, and
insulin/glucose, gut Lactobacillus strains
Kelishadi RCT 8 weeks 6–18 years; BMI 85%+ 56 Probiotic, Placebo + lifestyle Decreased TNFa and One Protexin capsule Colony

(2014) prebiotic, vitamins mod counseling IL-6 of 2.0 · 108 (CFU)/day counting
qD + lifestyle mod Combo of: performed by
counseling Lactobacillus, expert
strains with prebiotic
(FOS), vitamin A/C/E.
Kianifar RCT 12 weeks Ages 7–13, BMI above 46 Diet/physical Diet/physical Reductions in waist Protexin Synbiotic:
et al. (2018) 85% or 95% activity+ synbiotic activity + placebo circ. only in synbiotic 100 million CFU
capsule group; BMI combination (L. casei,
decreased in both L. rhamnosus,
groups. S. thermophilus,
B. breve, L. acidophilus,
B. infantis, L. bulgaricus)
+ prebiotic and
Larsen RCT 12 weeks 12–15 years; BMI >30 51 Probiotic Placebo Increase in L. salivarius Ls-33 16S rRNA
et al. (2013) Bacteroides- ATCC SD5208
Prevotellae: (1010 CFU per
Firmicutes ratio capsule)
Mandato and DBPC 8 weeks 9–13 years; obese w/ 20 Probiotic Placebo Decreased ALT 12 billion CFU, L.
colleagues pilot hypertransaminasemia rhamnosus strain GG
(2011) and bright liver
continued on page 7
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Table 1. PICO Summary continued

Stool analysis -
Study Study Comparison Dose/strain 16S/shotgun/
Study design length Population Size Intervention group Outcome of probiotic unknown
Miccheli RCT 4 months Children; BMI >85% 31 Probiotic + VLC Placebo + low-cal. Improved BMI, fatty 1 sachet per day of
et al. (2015) with NAFLD diet and aerobic diet and moderate liver, AST, and VSL if <10, 2 sachet
exercise aerobic exercise GLP-1 if >10
Passariello PRCC 6 months 6–12 years; familial 40 Synbiotic + low-sat Low-sat fat diet Improved LDL, TC, 2.5 · 109 CFU BID,
(2016) hypercholesterolemia fat diet and HDL L. paracasai B21060
and prebiotics
Ramon- RCT 6 months PWS, 4.5–18 years 28 Probiotic Placebo Improved adiposity, B. animalis 1010 CFU Unknown
Krauel fasting insulin,
et al. HOMA IR, social
(2019) withdrawal
Safavi et al. RCT 8 weeks Ages 6–18, BMI >85% 70 Synbiotic Placebo Synbiotics decreased Protexin synbiotic Plated and

(2013) in BMI, waist capsules: 2 · 108 CFU colony count
circumference, waist (L. casei, L. rhamnosus, by expert
to hip ratio, TG, S. thermophilus,
cholesterol. B. breve, L. acidophilus,
B. longum, L. bulgaricus)
+ prebiotic, and
Vajro et al. DBPC 8 weeks Obese children w/ 20 Probiotic Placebo Decrease in ALT L. rhamnosus GG
(2011) Pilot hypertransaminasemia (12 billion CFU/day)
and U/S bright liver
Videhult RCT 9 months Healthy NB age 4–13 120 Cereal (rice from Cereal without LF19 had no effect L. paracasei
et al. months followed up at 4 to 6 months, probiotic on body ssp. paracasei F19
(2015) 8–9 years old wheat from 6 to composition, (LF19) 108 CFU
13 months)+ metabolic, or
probiotic inflammatory
markers at school-
age follow-up
DBPC, double blinded placebo controlled; NAFLD, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease; PRCC, prospective, randomized, case–control study; RCT, randomized controlled trial.
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Table 2. Outcomes
Anthropometric Inflammatory Hepatic
measures markers Lipid markers Glucose metabolism measures Diet related
Outcome Waist Fatty Liver Microbiome Dietary Appetite
variables Study BMI Adiposity circ TNFa IL-6 LPS CRP TG LDL TC HDL GLC Insulin HOMA GLP1 liver enzymes D intake hormones BP
Benefit Alisi et al. (2014) Y 4 4 [ Y 4
Amat-Bou et al. 4 Y 4 4 4 4 4 Y Y 4 4 4
Chen et al. (2019) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Famouri et al. 4 Y Y Y Y Y
Gombert et al. Y Y [ [
Goyal et al. Y Y Y Y [ Y Y Y Y
Herrera et al. 4 4 Y Y
Kelishadi (2014) Y Y 4
Kianifar et al. Y Y Y

Larsen et al. [
Mandato and 4 4 Y
colleagues (2011)
Miccheli et al. Y [ Y Y
Passariello (2016) Y Y
Ramon-Krauel 4 Y 4* Y Y 4 4
et al. (2019)
Safavi et al. (2013) Y Y Y Y Y
Vajro et al. (2011) 4 4 Y
None Gøbel et al. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Videhult et al. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Adverse Jones et al. (2018) [ 4 4 4 4

*No change in lipids, parameters unspecified.

Y = decrease; [ = increase; 4 = no change; [blank] = not evaluated.
BMI, body mass index; Waist Circ, waist circumference; TNF alpha, tumor necrosis factor alpha; IL-6, interleukin 6; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; CRP, C-reactive protein; TG, triglyceride; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; TC,
total cholesterol; HDL, high-density cholesterol; GLC, glucose; HOMA, homeostatic model assessment for insulin resistance; GLP1, glucagon-like peptide-1; Microbiome D, microbiome change; BP, blood pressure.

CECT 7765 (10 CFU), and Protexin synbiotic combination Discussion

(L. casei, L. rhamnosus, S. thermophilus, B. breve, L. acid-
ophilus, B. longum, L. bulgaricus, Fructo Oligosaccharide To our knowledge, there has not been a scoping review
prebiotics, vitamin E, A, C.). The duration of probiotics or systematic review published on the use of probiotics in
ranged from 8 weeks to 16 weeks. Secondary beneficial out- the prevention and treatment of obesity in children and
comes reported included improvement in inflammatory adolescents with overweight or obesity or those with
markers, triglycerides, lipid markers, glucose metabolism, weight-related conditions other than NAFLD.
insulin markers, fatty liver, and microbiome shifts.
Overall, of the 19 studies included, 16 studies showed Probiotics Use in NAFLD
benefits for probiotic supplementation as it relates to obe- A number of systematic reviews and meta-analyses have
sity or weight-related conditions. Two other studies showed been published on the use of probiotics for NAFLD.34–37
no effect,20,21 and one showed a negative effect.22 Most confirm heterogeneous outcomes in adults, with very
few studies on children or adolescents. For example, pro-
Obesity Treatment–No Effect or Negative Effect biotics provided improvements in outcomes in homeostasis
Besides the one study on prevention that showed no model assessment, total cholesterol, high-density lipopro-
tein, and tumor necrosis factor in NAFLD patients and
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effect in young children, study in adolescents21 showed

no changes in anthropometric measures, inflammation, triglycerides in Italian and Spanish patients, but no im-
and stool in adolescents with metabolic syndrome given provement in the outcomes of BMI, glucose, or insulin in
probiotics. adult NAFLD patients.34
There was one study out of the 19 included studies, in A 2019 meta-analysis that included both adult and pedi-
which probiotic use was associated with negative effects– atric populations confirmed probiotics may improve BMI,
increased total and trunk adiposity. However, there were liver enzymes, and hyperglycemia in NAFLD. However,
no significant effects on liver fat, insulin glucose, gut insufficient number of pediatric studies along with the
microbiome, and hormones.22 heterogeneity of study designs led them to conclude that
the effect of probiotics in BMI among children with
NAFLD is still unclear (Xiao, 2019). Sharpton et al. also
Clinical Trials concluded in 2019 that there is general paucity of studies of
To ascertain ongoing efforts, we conducted a scoping probiotics in Pediatric NAFLD. Out of 21 studies of pro-
review of clinical trials using the same criteria. Of the 100 biotics or synbiotics in NAFLD, only three were conducted
clinical trials screened, 9 met initial criteria. While results in children, and they were all probiotic-only studies.26,32,38
were not available, the majority of the interventions Probiotics and synbiotics were associated with a significant
planned to use probiotics alone. A variety of probiotics reduction in BMI, although this effect was predominantly
were specified, including L. salivarius (1), VSL (3), and driven by probiotic and not synbiotic trials. Twelve trials
combinations (5). Specified strains included L. rhamno- involved synbiotics, but none of these trials was performed
sus, B. animalis, L. salivarius, B. breve, B. bifidum, B. in children. Probiotics were associated with favorable liver
longum, enterococcus, Culturelle, L. acidophilus, L. parameters and BMI, but not insulin resistance or triglyc-
plantarum, L. paracasei, L. bulgaricus, and S. thermo- erides. There were no meaningful differences in the effi-
philus. Some of the markers or endpoints being assessed cacy of probiotics among children and adults with NAFLD,
were similar to those in our scoping review and included although this comparison was limited by the relative
weight, obesity parameters, insulin resistance, glucose paucity of trials examining probiotics in the pediatric
metabolism, lipid metabolism, gut microbiome diversity, population.36,37
and inflammatory parameters. Two trials planned to
measure stool colonization through 16sRNA.While it is
our hope that some of the outstanding questions can be Probiotics and Pediatric NAFLD
addressed by these trials, heterogeneity in species and A review of pediatric studies26,32,38,39 concluded that a
strains used is noted, similar to our findings in the scoping limited course of probiotics in conjunction with lifestyle
review. changes could be effective in improving pediatric NAFLD.
While we only included full-text publications, it should However, overall evidence was low due to small sample
be noted that there were a number of abstracts reporting size, different probiotic strains, short duration of trial
promising findings supporting BMI, anthropometric mea- and follow-up, and lack of histologic endpoint outcomes.35
sures, lipid, metabolic, and glucose improvements in The 2018 TES Obesity Management Science Statement
children and adolescents with obesity (Belei 2019, Solito did not recommend probiotics to treat obesity, which may
2018, Prodam 2020). result from the strain-specific actions of probiotics and
We examined the funding sources for all the included varied individual response in BMI. The role of probio-
articles and clinical trials, and there was no significant tics in reducing BMI in adult patients with NAFLD
trend or common funding source. No funding was used for seemed promising, but more clinical evidence is needed in
this scoping review. children.37

Probiotics on Prevention and Treatment of Obesity Future Research

This scoping review found there is no evidence for the To enhance reproducibility of clinical intervention stud-
use of probiotics in the prevention of obesity, and hetero- ies in children and adolescents, rigorous and detailed
geneous evidence for the use of probiotics in the treatment documentation of specific probiotic strains, documented
of obesity in children and adolescents with overweight or properties, and potential interaction with food matrix/
obesity and those with weight-related conditions. Studies nutrients are necessary. In addition, questions such as
also indicate potential benefits in BMI, adiposity, metabolic whether the probiotic is characterized by genomic studies,
parameters, inflammatory markers, fatty liver, transami- and issues such as specific dose, temporal relationship
nases, and glucose metabolism in overweight or obese between probiotic intake and health impact, dose/response
children and adolescents. relationship, validated markers relevant to the disease,
While the goal of a scoping review is not to examine the cessation of probiotic exposure impact on health outcome,
efficacy of the interventions, to help understand the find- consistency and specificity of association, and evidence
ings in context there are three studies that provide some for causality, all need to be considered.42
reference to the scale of improvements. Well-designed randomized placebo-controlled human
Kianifar et al. in 2019 reported a BMI z score decrease intervention studies that are replicated and then subjected
from 2.1 to 1.88 ( p < 0.001) and % body fat decrease from to a meta-analysis or comprehensive review would be
Downloaded by Morocco Hinari Band 2 from at 11/08/22. For personal use only.

34.4% to 31% ( p < 0.001) over the 12 weeks of synbiotic ideal. Varying host factors include genetics, mode of pro-
intervention. Miccheli et al. in 2015 reported a decrease biotic delivery, type of microbiota, underlying health,
in BMI from 26.9 to 24.6 over 4 months ( p = 0.05) in the duration of breastfeeding, colonization process, compli-
VSL intervention group. Safavi et al. in 2013 reported a ance or adherence to study intervention will affect out-
difference in the BMI z score of .09 – 0.01 ( p < 0.0001) comes. Varying probiotic factors include strains varying
(synbiotic group) versus 0.2 – 0.01 in the ( p = 0.032) (pla- by product type, dose, administration time, viability, and
cebo group). However, most of the other studies only re- absorption will also contribute to heterogeneous results.
ported statistical significance without providing magnitude The challenges of controlling for varying host and probi-
data. otic factors are admittedly significant challenges.
It is difficult to make interpretations on the significance
on the limited magnitude data that exists as accepted Limitations of the Field
standards are lacking. Treatment in pediatric weight man- The assessment of pro- and prebiotic effects in humans
agement programs was associated with median decreases is far more complex than other standardized experimental
in BMI as measured by change in % of the 95th percentile conditions because different confounding factors, includ-
for BMI (%BMIp95) of -1.88 (at 4–6 months follow-up) ing varying host factors, probiotic factors, antibiotic use,
and -2.86 (at 10–12 months follow-up). A 5% point background diet, activity levels, endotoxin content of food,
decrease in %BMIp95 was associated with improvement in meal size, and frequency may affect gut microbiota, energy
cardiometabolic risk factors.40 We suggest a call to action balance, and ultimately body weight.43–52
for obesity researchers to delineate magnitude standards
for what outcomes would be considered a significant Limitations of the Scoping Review
clinical (not just statistical) outcome. In our scoping review, the intervention groups differed in
accompanying diet, physical activity, caloric intake, and
Heterogeneity in Literature administration form of probiotic (mixed with food, pill,
The strains of probiotics used were heterogeneous. powder, protein drink, fruit/vegetable intake). A lack of
The trials used a variety of probiotic interventions, standardization in the formulation, viability, and diversity of
including VSL#3 (5), Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, Bi- probiotic interventions employed by the different studies may
fidobacterium combination strains + synbiotics (1), also result in confounding. Complex existing data, including
Lactobacillus combination strains and Bifidobacterium doses, durations, formulations, and combination of treatment
combination strains (1), Lactobacillus of varying strains are difficult to reconcile. Future studies would ideally be
(4), Bifidobacterium of varying strains (4), and prebiotic designed to isolate the impact of probiotics alone as com-
combined with varying probiotics (5). All but one indicated pared with the use in combination with other treatments.
CFU values. The probiotic interventions were heteroge- One final limitation of this scoping review is that liter-
neous in administration form (capsule, sachet, packet, ature published in languages other than English were not
drink), preparations (combinations with prebiotics, vitamins, assessed, which can result in selection bias.
liquids containing erythritol and stevia, protein drink),
varying dietary recommendations (reduced calorie pre- Summary of Literature
scription, fruit and vegetable emphasis, very-low carbohy- Despite these limitations, this scoping review provides
drate diet, various cereals), and physical activity an in-depth assessment of the effect of probiotics in chil-
recommendations (aerobic, lifestyle modification). A subset dren and adolescents who are overweight or obese and
of studies examined the stool microbiome, and 4 confirmed those with weight-related conditions other than NAFLD.
with 16S PCR technology.21,22,31,41 In spite of the complex data, results from the scoping

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(Appendix follows /)

Appendix A1. Search Strategy tion’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘Transaminases’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘Waist

Circumference’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘Waist-Hip Ratio’’[Mesh] OR
Updated March 4, 2021 ‘‘Intra-Abdominal Fat’’[Mesh]) OR Effectiveness[tiab]
Search Strategy Document – FINAL 2/27/2020 Data- OR efficacy[tiab] OR ‘‘fatty liver severity’’[tiab] OR tri-
bases: PubMed – 128 results (2/27/2020) Ovid MEDLINE glyceride*[tiab] OR ‘‘homeostasis model assess-
– 124 results (2/27/2020) Cochrane Library/CENTRAL – ment’’[tiab] OR ‘‘HOMA’’[tiab] OR ‘‘alanine
294 results (2/27/2020) Embase – 898 results (2/27/2020) transaminase’’[tiab] OR ‘‘ALT’’[tiab] OR ‘‘glucagon-like
CINAHL – 30 results (2/27/2020) – 293 peptide 1’’[tiab] OR ‘‘GLP-1’’[tiab] OR ‘‘aGLP-1’’[tiab]
results (2/27/2020) Scopus – 61 results (2/27/2020) Web of OR ‘‘body mass index’’[tiab] OR ‘‘BMI’’[tiab] OR
Science – 133 results (2/27/2020) PubMed Date Searched: ‘‘cpeptide’’[tiab] OR cholesterol[tiab] OR ‘‘free fatty ac-
2/27/2020 Number of Results: 128 Search Strategy: ids’’[tiab] OR ‘‘FFA’’[tiab] OR ‘‘c-reactive protein’’[tiab]
((‘‘Infant’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘Child’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘Ado- OR ‘‘CRP’’[tiab] OR interleukins[tiab] OR ‘‘tumor ne-
lescent’’[Mesh]) OR Infant[tiab] OR pediatric*[tiab] OR crosis factor’’[tiab] OR ‘‘TNF’’[tiab] OR cytokines[tiab]
child[tiab] OR children[tiab] OR adolescent*[tiab] OR OR ‘‘fasting plasma glucose’’[tiab] OR ‘‘plasma insu-
Downloaded by Morocco Hinari Band 2 from at 11/08/22. For personal use only.

teen*[tiab]) AND ((‘‘Overweight’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘Diabetes lin’’[tiab] OR ‘‘lipid profile’’[tiab] OR ‘‘plasma lipopoly-

Mellitus, Type 2’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘Insulin Resistance’’[Mesh] saccharides’’[tiab] OR ‘‘microbiota’’[tiab] OR ‘‘hepatic
OR ‘‘Hypertension’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘Non-alcoholic Fatty steatosis’’[tiab] OR ‘‘liver steatosis’’[tiab] OR ‘‘glycated
Liver Disease’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘Sleep Apnea Syn- hemoglobin’’[tiab] OR ‘‘hba1c’’[tiab] OR ‘‘a1c’’[tiab] OR
dromes’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘Dyslipidemias’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘oral glucose tolerance test’’[tiab] OR ‘‘fat mass’’[tiab]
‘‘Inflammation’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘Hypercholester- OR leptin[tiab] OR ‘‘plasminogen activator inhibitor-
olemia’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘Polycystic Ovary Syndrome’’[Mesh] 1’’[tiab] OR ‘‘high-sensitivity c-reactive protein’’[tiab]
OR ‘‘Acanthosis Nigricans’’[Mesh]) OR Overweight[tiab] OR ‘‘hsCRP’’[tiab] OR lipids[tiab] OR ‘‘body
OR obese[tiab] OR obesity[tiab] OR ‘‘type 2 diabe- composition’’[tiab] OR ‘‘gut composition’’[tiab] OR
tes’’[tiab] OR ‘‘insulin resistance’’[tiab] OR hyperten- transaminase[tiab] OR ‘‘waist circumference’’[tiab] OR
sion[tiab] OR ‘‘nonalcoholic fatty liver disease’’[tiab] OR ‘‘waist-to-hip ratio’’[tiab] OR ‘‘visceral adiposity’’[tiab])
‘‘NAFLD’’[tiab] OR ‘‘sleep apnea’’[tiab] OR dyslipide- Ovid MEDLINE Date Searched: 2/27/2020 Number of
mia[tiab] OR ‘‘metabolic syndrome’’[tiab] OR inflamma- Results: 124 Search Strategy: Cochrane Library (inc.
tion[tiab] OR hypercholesterolemia[tiab] OR ‘‘polycystic CENTRAL) Date Searched: 2/27/2020 Number of Results:
ovary syndrome’’[tiab] OR ‘‘polycystic ovarian syn- 294 Search Strategy: Embase Date Searched: 2/27/2020
drome’’[tiab] OR ‘‘PCOS’’[tiab] OR ‘‘acanthosis nigri- Number of Results: 838 Search Strategy: (‘infant’/exp OR
cans’’[tiab]) AND ((‘‘Probiotics’’[Mesh] OR ‘child’/exp OR ‘adolescent’/exp OR infant:ti,ab OR pedi-
‘‘Lactobacillus’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘Lactococcus’’[Mesh] OR atric*:ti,ab OR child:ti,ab OR children:ti,ab OR adoles-
‘‘Bifidobacterium’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘Propionibacter- cent*:ti,ab OR teen*:ti,ab) AND (‘obesity’/exp OR ‘non
ium’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘Streptococcus’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘Bacter- insulin dependent diabetes mellitus’/exp OR ‘insulin
oides’’[Mesh]) OR Probiotic*[tiab] OR ‘‘VSL3’’[tiab] OR resistance’/exp OR ‘hypertension’/exp OR ‘nonalcoholic
‘‘VSL#3’’[tiab] OR ‘‘VSL 3’’[tiab] OR ‘‘VSL #3’’[tiab] fatty liver’/exp OR ‘sleep disordered breathing’/exp OR
OR ‘‘VSL# 3’’[tiab] OR lactobacillus[tiab] OR lacto- ‘dyslipidemia’/exp OR ‘inflammation’/exp OR ‘hyper-
coccus[tiab] OR bifidobacterium[tiab] OR propioni- cholesterolemia’/exp OR ‘ovary polycystic disease’/exp
bacterium[tiab] OR streptococcus[tiab] OR OR ‘acanthosis nigricans’/exp OR overweight:ti,ab OR
Bacteroides[tiab] OR vivomixx[tiab]) AND ((‘‘Place- obese:ti,ab OR obesity:ti,ab OR ‘type 2 diabetes’:ti,ab OR
bos’’[Mesh]) OR Placebo[tiab]) AND ((‘‘Treatment Out- ‘insulin resistance’:ti,ab OR hypertension:ti,ab OR ‘non-
come’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘Triglycerides’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘Alanine alcoholic fatty liver disease’:ti,ab OR ‘nafld’:ti,ab OR
Transaminase’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘GlucagonLike Peptide ‘sleep apnea’:ti,ab OR dyslipidemia:ti,ab OR ‘metabolic
1’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘Body Mass Index’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘C- syndrome’:ti,ab OR inflammation:ti,ab OR hypercholes-
Peptide’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘Cholesterol’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘Fatty terolemia:ti,ab OR ‘polycystic ovary syndrome’:ti,ab OR
Acids, Nonesterified’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘C-Reactive Pro- ‘polycystic ovarian syndrome’:ti,ab OR ‘pcos’:ti,ab OR
tein’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘Interleukins’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘Tumor Ne- ‘acanthosis nigricans’:ti,ab) AND (‘probiotic agent’/exp
crosis Factor-alpha’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘Cytokines’’[Mesh] OR OR ‘lactobacillus’/exp OR ‘lactococcus’/exp OR ‘bifido-
‘‘Lipopolysaccharides’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘Microbiota’’[Mesh] bacterium’/exp OR ‘propionibacterium’/exp OR ‘strepto-
OR ‘‘Fatty Liver’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘Glycated Hemoglobin coccus’/exp OR ‘bacteroides’/exp OR probiotic*:ti,ab OR
A’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘Glucose Tolerance Test’’[Mesh] OR ‘vsl3’:ti,ab OR ‘vsl#3’:ti,ab OR ‘vsl 3’:ti,ab OR ‘vsl
‘‘Leptin’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor #3’:ti,ab OR ‘vsl# 3’:ti,ab OR lactobacillus:ti,ab OR
1’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘Lipids’’[Mesh] OR ‘‘Body Composi- lactococcus:ti,ab OR bifidobacterium:ti,ab OR

(Appendix continues /)

propionibacterium:ti,ab OR streptococcus:ti,ab OR liver disease’’) OR (TI ‘‘NAFLD’’) OR (AB ‘‘NAFLD’’)

bacteroides:ti,ab OR vivomixx:ti,ab) AND (‘placebo’/exp OR (TI ‘‘sleep apnea’’) OR (AB ‘‘sleep apnea’’) OR (TI
OR placebo:ti,ab) AND (‘treatment outcome’/exp OR ‘‘dyslipidemia’’) OR (AB ‘‘dyslipidemia’’) OR (TI ‘‘met-
‘triacylglycerol’/exp OR ‘alanine aminotransferase’/exp abolic syndrome’’) OR (AB ‘‘metabolic syndrome’’) OR
OR ‘glucagon like peptide’/exp OR ‘body mass’/exp OR ‘c (TI ‘‘inflammation’’) OR (AB ‘‘inflammation’’) OR (TI
peptide’/exp OR ‘cholesterol’/exp OR ‘fatty acid’/exp OR ‘‘hypercholesterolemia’’) OR (AB ‘‘hypercholester-
‘c reactive protein’/exp OR ‘interleukin derivative’/exp olemia’’) OR (TI ‘‘polycystic ovary syndrome’’) OR (AB
OR ‘tumor necrosis factor’/exp OR ‘cytokine’/exp OR ‘‘polycystic ovary syndrome’’) OR (TI ‘‘polycystic ovar-
‘lipopolysaccharide’/exp OR ‘microflora’/exp OR ‘fatty ian syndrome’’) OR (AB ‘‘polycystic ovarian syndrome’’)
liver’/exp OR ‘glycosylated hemoglobin’/exp OR ‘glucose OR (TI ‘‘PCOS’’) OR (AB ‘‘PCOS’’) OR (TI ‘‘acanthosis
tolerance test’/exp OR ‘leptin’/exp OR ‘plasminogen nigricans’’) OR (AB ‘‘acanthosis nigricans’’)) AND ((MH
activator inhibitor 1’/exp OR ‘lipid’/exp OR ‘body com- ‘‘Probiotics’’) OR (MH ‘‘Lactobacillus’’) OR (MH ‘‘Bi-
position’/exp OR ‘aminotransferase’/exp OR ‘waist fidobacterium’’) OR (MH ‘‘Propionibacterium’’) OR (MH
circumference’/exp OR ‘waist hip ratio’/exp OR ‘intra- ‘‘Streptococcus’’) OR (MH ‘‘Bacteroides’’) OR (TI
abdominal fat’/exp OR effectiveness:ti,ab OR effica- ‘‘probiotic*’’) OR (AB ‘‘probiotic*’’) OR (TI ‘‘VLS3’’)
cy:ti,ab OR ‘fatty liver severity’:ti,ab OR triglyceride*: OR (AB ‘‘VSL3’’) OR (TI ‘‘VSL#3’’) OR (AN ‘‘VSL#3’’)
Downloaded by Morocco Hinari Band 2 from at 11/08/22. For personal use only.

ti,ab OR ‘homeostasis model assessment’:ti,ab OR OR (TI ‘‘VSL 3’’) OR (AB ‘‘VSL 3’’) OR (TI
‘homa’:ti,ab OR ‘alanine transaminase’:ti,ab OR ‘alt’:ti,ab ‘‘VSL #3’’) OR (AB ‘‘VSL #3’’) OR (TI ‘‘lactobacillus’’)
OR ‘glucagon-like peptide 1’:ti,ab OR ‘glp-1’:ti,ab OR OR (AB ‘‘lactobacillus’’) OR (TI ‘‘Bifidobacterium’’) OR
‘aglp-1’:ti,ab OR ‘body mass index’:ti,ab OR ‘bmi’:ti,ab (AB ‘‘Bifidobacterium’’) OR (TI ‘‘Propionibacterium’’)
OR ‘c-peptide’:ti,ab OR cholesterol:ti,ab OR ‘free fatty OR (AB ‘‘Propionibacterium’’) OR (TI ‘‘streptococcus’’)
acids’:ti,ab OR ‘ffa’:ti,ab OR ‘c-reactive protein’:ti,ab OR OR (AB ‘‘streptococcus’’) OR (TI ‘‘Bacteroides’’) OR
‘crp’:ti,ab OR interleukins:ti,ab OR ‘tumor necrosis fac- (AB ‘‘Bacteroides’’) OR (TI ‘‘vivomixx’’) OR (AB
tor’:ti,ab OR ‘tnf’:ti,ab OR cytokines:ti,ab OR ‘fasting ‘‘vivomixx’’)) AND ((MH ‘‘Placebos’’) OR (TI ‘‘place-
plasma glucose’:ti,ab OR ‘plasma insulin’:ti,ab OR ‘lipid bo’’) OR (AB ‘‘placebo’’)) AND ((MH ‘‘Treatment Out-
profile’:ti,ab OR ‘plasma lipopolysaccharides’:ti,ab OR comes’’) OR (MH ‘‘Triglycerides’’) OR (MH ‘‘Alanine
‘microbiota’:ti,ab OR ‘hepatic steatosis’:ti,ab OR ‘liver Aminotransferase’’) OR (MH ‘‘Glucagon-Like Peptide
steatosis’:ti,ab OR ‘glycated hemoglobin’:ti,ab OR 1’’) OR (MH ‘‘Body Mass Index’’) OR (MH ‘‘C-
‘hba1c’:ti,ab OR ‘a1c’:ti,ab OR ‘oral glucose tolerance Peptide’’) OR (MH ‘‘Cholesterol’’) OR (MH ‘‘C-Reactive
test’:ti,ab OR ‘fat mass’:ti,ab OR leptin:ti,ab OR ‘plas- Protein’’) OR (MH ‘‘Interleukins’’) OR (MH ‘‘Tumor
minogen activator inhibitor1’:ti,ab OR ‘high-sensitivity Necrosis Factor’’) OR (MH ‘‘Cytokines’’) OR (MH
c-reactive protein’:ti,ab OR ‘hscrp’:ti,ab OR lipids:ti,ab ‘‘Lipopolysaccharides’’) OR (MH ‘‘Microbiota’’) OR
OR ‘body composition’:ti,ab OR ‘gut composition’:ti,ab (MH ‘‘Fatty Liver’’) OR (MH ‘‘Hemoglobin A, Glyco-
OR transaminase:ti,ab OR ‘waist circumference’:ti,ab OR sylated’’) OR (MH ‘‘Glucose Tolerance Test’’) OR (MH
‘waist-to-hip ratio’:ti,ab OR ‘visceral adiposity’:ti,ab) ‘‘Leptin’’) OR (MH ‘‘Lipids’’) OR (MH ‘‘Body Compo-
CINAHL Date Searched: 2/27/2020 Number of Results: 30 sition’’) OR (MH ‘‘Aminotransferases’’) OR (MH ‘‘Waist
Search Strategy: ((MH ‘‘Infant’’) OR (MH ‘‘Child’’) OR Circumference’’) OR (MH ‘‘Waist-Hip Ratio’’) OR (TI
(MH ‘‘Adolescence’’) OR (TI ‘‘infant’’) OR (AB ‘‘in- ‘‘effectiveness’’) OR (AB ‘‘effectiveness’’) OR (TI ‘‘effi-
fant’’) OR (TI ‘‘pediatric*’’) OR (AB ‘‘pediatric*’’) OR cacy’’) OR (AB ‘‘efficacy’’) OR (TI ‘‘fatty liver severity’’)
(TI ‘‘child’’) OR (AB ‘‘child’’) OR (TI ‘‘children’’) OR OR (AB ‘‘fatty liver severity’’) OR (TI ‘‘triglyceride*’’)
(AB ‘‘children’’) OR {TI ‘‘adolescent*’’) OR (AB ‘‘ado- OR (AB ‘‘triglyceride*’’) OR (TI ‘‘homeostasis model
lescent*’’) OR (TI ‘‘teen*’’) OR (AB ‘‘teen*’’)) AND assessment’’) OR (AB ‘‘homeostasis model assessment’’)
((MH ‘‘Obesity’’) OR (MH ‘‘Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2’’) OR (TI ‘‘HOMA’’) OR (AB ‘‘HOMA’’) OR (TI ‘‘alanine
OR (MH ‘‘Insulin Resistance’’) OR (MH ‘‘Hyperten- transaminase’’) OR (AB ‘‘alanine transaminase’’) OR (TI
sion’’) OR (MH ‘‘Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease’’) OR ‘‘ALT’’) OR (AB ‘‘ALT’’) OR (TI ‘‘glucagon-like pep-
(MH ‘‘Sleep Apnea Syndromes’’) OR (MH ‘‘Hyperlipi- tide 1’’) OR (AB ‘‘glucagon-like peptide 1’’) OR (TI
demia’’) OR (MH ‘‘Inflammation’’) OR (MH ‘‘Hyperch- ‘‘GLP-1’’) OR (AB ‘‘GLP-1’’) OR (TI ‘‘aGLP-1’’) OR
olesterolemia’’) OR (MH ‘‘Polycystic Ovary Syndrome’’) (AB ‘‘aGLP-1’’) OR (TI ‘‘body mass index’’) OR (AB
OR (MH ‘‘Melanosis’’) OR (TI ‘‘overweight’’) OR (AB ‘‘body mass index’’) OR (TI ‘‘BMI’’) OR (AB ‘‘BMI’’)
‘‘overweight’’) OR (TI ‘‘obese’’) OR (AB ‘‘obese’’) OR OR (TI ‘‘c-peptide’’) OR (AB ‘‘c-peptide’’) OR (TI
(TI ‘‘obesity’’) OR (AB ‘‘obesity’’) OR (TI ‘‘type 2 dia- ‘‘cholesterol’’) OR (AB ‘‘cholesterol’’) OR (TI ‘‘free fatty
betes’’) OR (AB ‘‘type 2 diabetes’’) OR (TI ‘‘insulin acids’’) OR (AB ‘‘free fatty acids’’) OR (TI ‘‘FFA’’) OR
resistance’’) OR (AB ‘‘insulin resistance’’) OR (TI (AB ‘‘FFA’’) OR (TI ‘‘c-reactive protein’’) OR (AB
‘‘hypertension’’) OR (AB ‘‘hypertension’’) OR (TI ‘‘non- ‘‘c-reactive protein’’) OR (TI ‘‘CRP’’) OR (AB ‘‘CRP’’)
alcoholic fatty liver disease’’) OR (AB ‘‘nonalcoholic fatty OR (TI ‘‘interleukins’’) OR (AB ‘‘interleukins’’) OR (TI

(Appendix continues /)

‘‘tumor necrosis factor’’) OR (AB ‘‘tumor necrosis fac- drome’’ OR inflammation OR hypercholesterolemia OR
tor’’) OR (TI ‘‘TNF’’) OR (AB ‘‘TNF’’) OR (TI ‘‘cyto- ‘‘polycystic ovary syndrome’’ OR ‘‘polycystic ovarian
kines’’) OR (AB ‘‘cytokines’’) OR (TI ‘‘fasting plasma syndrome’’ OR ‘‘PCOS’’ OR ‘‘acanthosis nigricans’’)
glucose’’) OR (AB ‘‘fasting plasma glucose’’) OR (TI AND TITLE-ABS(Probiotic* OR ‘‘VSL3’’ OR ‘‘VSL#3’’
‘‘plasma insulin’’) OR (AB ‘‘plasma insulin’’) OR (TI OR ‘‘VSL 3’’ OR ‘‘VSL #3’’ OR ‘‘VSL# 3’’ OR lacto-
‘‘lipid profile’’) OR (AB ‘‘lipid profile’’) OR (TI ‘‘plasma bacillus OR lactococcus OR bifidobacterium OR propio-
lipopolysaccharides’’) OR (AB ‘‘plasma lipopolysaccha- nibacterium OR streptococcus OR Bacteroides OR
rides’’) OR (TI ‘‘microbiota’’) OR (AB ‘‘microbiota’’) OR vivomixx) AND TITLE-ABS(Placebo) AND TITLE-
(TI ‘‘hepatic steatosis’’) OR (AB ‘‘hepatic steatosis’’) OR ABS(Effectiveness OR efficacy OR ‘‘fatty liver severity’’
(TI ‘‘liver steatosis’’) OR (AB ‘‘liver steatosis’’) OR (TI OR triglyceride* OR ‘‘homeostasis model assessment’’
‘‘glycated hemoglobin’’) OR (AB ‘‘glycated hemoglo- OR ‘‘HOMA’’ OR ‘‘alanine transaminase’’ OR ‘‘ALT’’
bin’’) OR (TI ‘‘hba1c’’) OR (AB ‘‘hba1c’’) OR (TI ‘‘a1c’’) OR ‘‘glucagon-like peptide 1’’ OR ‘‘GLP-1’’ OR ‘‘aGLP-
OR (AB ‘‘a1c’’) OR (TI ‘‘oral glucose tolerance test’’) OR 1’’ OR ‘‘body mass index’’ OR ‘‘BMI’’ OR ‘‘c-peptide’’
(AB ‘‘oral glucose tolerance test’’) OR (TI ‘‘fat mass’’) OR cholesterol OR ‘‘free fatty acids’’ OR ‘‘FFA’’ OR
OR (AB ‘‘fat mass’’) OR (TI ‘‘leptin’’) OR (AB ‘‘leptin’’) ‘‘c-reactive protein’’ OR ‘‘CRP’’ OR interleukins OR
OR (TI ‘‘plasminogen activator inhibitor-1’’) OR (AB ‘‘tumor necrosis factor’’ OR ‘‘TNF’’ OR cytokines
Downloaded by Morocco Hinari Band 2 from at 11/08/22. For personal use only.

‘‘plasminogen activator inhibitor-1’’) OR (TI ‘‘high- OR ‘‘fasting plasma glucose’’ OR ‘‘plasma insulin’’ OR
sensitivity creactive protein’’) OR (AB ‘‘high-sensitivity ‘‘lipid profile’’ OR ‘‘plasma lipopolysaccharides’’ OR
c-reactive protein’’) OR (TI ‘‘hsCRP’’) OR (AB ‘‘microbiota’’ OR ‘‘hepatic steatosis’’ OR ‘‘liver stea-
‘‘hsCRP’’) OR (TI ‘‘lipids’’) OR (AB ‘‘lipids’’) OR (TI tosis’’ OR ‘‘glycated hemoglobin’’ OR ‘‘hba1c’’ OR
‘‘body composition’’) OR (AB ‘‘body composition’’) OR ‘‘a1c’’ OR ‘‘oral glucose tolerance test’’ OR ‘‘fat mass’’
(TI ‘‘gut composition’’) OR (AB ‘‘gut composition’’) OR OR leptin OR ‘‘plasminogen activator inhibitor-1’’ OR
(TI ‘‘transaminase’’) OR (AB ‘‘transaminase’’) OR (TI ‘‘high-sensitivity c-reactive protein’’ OR ‘‘hsCRP’’ OR
‘‘waist circumference’’) OR (AB ‘‘waist circumference’’) lipids OR ‘‘body composition’’ OR ‘‘gut composition’’
OR (TI ‘‘waist-to-hip ratio’’) OR (AB ‘‘waist-to-hip ra- OR transaminase OR ‘‘waist circumference’’ OR ‘‘waist-
tio’’) OR (TI ‘‘visceral adiposity’’) OR (AB ‘‘visceral to-hip ratio’’ OR ‘‘visceral adiposity’’) Web of Science
adiposity’’)) Date Searched: 2/27/2020 Date Searched: 2/27/2020 Number of Results: 133 Search
Number of Results: - 293 Search Strategy: - Condition or Strategy: TS = ((Infant OR pediatric* OR child OR chil-
disease terms: Overweight OR obese OR obesity OR ‘‘type dren OR adolescent* OR teen*) AND (Overweight OR
2 diabetes’’ OR ‘‘insulin resistance’’ OR hypertension OR obese OR obesity OR ‘‘type 2 diabetes’’ OR ‘‘insulin re-
‘‘nonalcoholic fatty liver disease’’ OR ‘‘NAFLD’’ OR sistance’’ OR hypertension OR ‘‘nonalcoholic fatty liver
‘‘sleep apnea’’ OR dyslipidemia OR ‘‘metabolic syn- disease’’ OR ‘‘NAFLD’’ OR ‘‘sleep apnea’’ OR dyslipi-
drome’’ OR inflammation OR hypercholesterolemia OR demia OR ‘‘metabolic syndrome’’ OR inflammation OR
‘‘polycystic ovary syndrome’’ OR ‘‘polycystic ovarian hypercholesterolemia OR ‘‘polycystic ovary syndrome’’
syndrome’’ OR ‘‘PCOS’’ OR ‘‘acanthosis nigricans’’ OR ‘‘polycystic ovarian syndrome’’ OR ‘‘PCOS’’ OR
Other terms: Probiotic OR Probiotics OR ‘‘VSL3’’ OR ‘‘acanthosis nigricans’’) AND (Probiotic* OR ‘‘VSL3’’
‘‘VSL#3’’ OR ‘‘VSL 3’’OR ‘‘VSL #3’’ OR ‘‘VSL# 3’’ OR ‘‘VSL 3’’ OR lactobacillus OR lactococcus OR bifi-
OR lactobacillus OR lactococcus OR bifidobacterium OR dobacterium OR propionibacterium OR streptococcus OR
propionibacterium OR streptococcus OR Bacteroides OR Bacteroides OR vivomixx) AND (Placebo) AND (Effec-
Vivomixx Final Search Interpreted by database: Probiotic tiveness OR efficacy OR ‘‘fatty liver severity’’ OR tri-
OR Probiotics OR ‘‘VSL3’’ OR ‘‘VSL#3’’ OR ‘‘VSL glyceride* OR ‘‘homeostasis model assessment’’ OR
3’’OR ‘‘VSL #3’’ OR ‘‘VSL# 3’’ OR lactobacillus OR ‘‘HOMA’’ OR ‘‘alanine transaminase’’ OR ‘‘ALT’’ OR
lactococcus OR bifidobacterium OR propionibacterium ‘‘glucagon-like peptide 1’’ OR ‘‘GLP-1’’ OR ‘‘aGLP-1’’
OR streptococcus OR Bacteroides OR vivomixx j Over- OR ‘‘body mass index’’ OR ‘‘BMI’’ OR ‘‘c-peptide’’ OR
weight OR obese OR obesity OR ‘‘type 2 diabetes’’ OR cholesterol OR ‘‘free fatty acids’’ OR ‘‘FFA’’ OR ‘‘c-
‘‘insulin resistance’’ OR hypertension OR ‘‘nonalcoholic reactive protein’’ OR ‘‘CRP’’ OR interleukins OR ‘‘tumor
fatty liver disease’’ OR ‘‘NAFLD’’ OR ‘‘sleep apnea’’ OR necrosis factor’’ OR ‘‘TNF’’ OR cytokines OR ‘‘fasting
dyslipidemia OR ‘‘metabolic syndrome’’ OR inflammation plasma glucose’’ OR ‘‘plasma insulin’’ OR ‘‘lipid profile’’
OR hypercholesterolemia OR ‘‘polycyst Scopus Date OR ‘‘plasma lipopolysaccharides’’ OR ‘‘microbiota’’ OR
Searched: 2/27/2020 Number of Results: 61 Search ‘‘hepatic steatosis’’ OR ‘‘liver steatosis’’ OR ‘‘glycated
Strategy: TITLE-ABS(Infant OR pediatric* OR child hemoglobin’’ OR ‘‘hba1c’’ OR ‘‘a1c’’ OR ‘‘oral glucose
OR children OR adolescent* OR teen*) AND TITLE- tolerance test’’ OR ‘‘fat mass’’ OR leptin OR ‘‘plasmino-
ABS(Overweight OR obese OR obesity OR ‘‘type 2 dia- gen activator inhibitor-1’’ OR ‘‘high-sensitivity c-reactive
betes’’ OR ‘‘insulin resistance’’ OR hypertension OR protein’’ OR ‘‘hsCRP’’ OR lipids OR ‘‘body composition’’
‘‘nonalcoholic fatty liver disease’’ OR ‘‘NAFLD’’ OR OR ‘‘gut composition’’ OR transaminase OR ‘‘waist circum-
‘‘sleep apnea’’ OR dyslipidemia OR ‘‘metabolic syn- ference’’ OR ‘‘waist-to-hip ratio’’ OR ‘‘visceral adiposity’’))

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