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Bridging the Gap

Somatic genomic mosaicism in the rather than normal tissues. Second, a
disease gene can have different, if not
brain: Identified mutations provide opposite, effects depending on the
cell type and genome within which it re-
challenges and opportunities for sides; this point is underscored by gene

the clinic effects that are cell autonomous vs.

non-cell autonomous, highlighting a
need to understand an identified muta-
Jerold Chun1,* tion within the brain’s complex cellular
and neuroanatomical organization at
the level of single cells.
Recent work by Bae et al.1 represents a major next-generation
sequencing effort to identify somatic genomic mosaicism in normal
Recent work by Bae et al.1 represents
and diseased human brains. Some samples displayed age-associ-
a major next-generation sequencing
ated hypermutability, and the general possibility that somatic muta-
(NGS) effort to assess somatic genomic
tions can drive brain disease has implications for new therapeutic
mosaicism in non-diseased (neurotypic)
strategies, disease staging, biomarkers, and cohort selection for
vs. sporadic psychiatric (Tourette syn-
clinical trials.
drome, schizophrenia, and autism)
diseased human brain, empowered by
an NIH-supported consortium involving
A single human brain is composed of hun- ploidies,2 smaller copy number variations
scores of scientists from some 15 organi-
dreds of billions of truly diverse cells that (CNVs),3,4,5 Line1 elements,6 genomic
zations. They identified 20–60 mutations
are exquisitely organized both neuroana- cDNAs (gencDNAs),7,8 and single nucleo-
present in almost all examined normal
tomically and functionally to enable tide variations and/or mutations (hereon
and diseased brains, which were likely
human activities. Disruptions to this orga- mutations).9,7,10,11 Each of these forms
generated during neurodevelopment
nization likely underlie all brain disor- involve alterations to the actual genomic
and did not markedly change with age.
ders—covering the gamut of neurological DNA sequence within a cell, contrasting
Even more notable, however, was the
and neuropsychiatric diseases—and the with epigenetic modifications, while mul-
presence of samples with ‘‘hypermutabili-
development of disease modifying thera- tiple DNA sequence forms can concur-
ty’’ that did track with age, comprising
pies (DMTs) represents an enormous un- rently exist. Detection depends on the
6% of the brains—both normal and
met medical need, as epitomized by their techniques utilized, involving many
diseased—containing hundreds (and
absence for most brain diseases, including variables that are generally biased to
in one schizophrenia brain, thousands)
sporadic Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson detect clonally expanded mutations—
of mutations, along with examples of
disease, and numerous neuropsychiatric thus arising during neurogenesis for
aneuploidies, CNVs, and other structural
disorders. This deficiency reflects in part post-mitotic neurons or in mitotic cell
variations, which further showed neuroan-
our incomplete understanding of the hu- populations such as glia or non-brain cells
atomical regional differences, consistent
man brain, which has historically included from blood—that amplify identical DNA
with prior work on mosaicism.11,5 Around
a fundamental assumption that all cells targets via clonal cell expansion to allow
2% of mutations occurred in coding se-
within it share an identical genome. more sequencing depth (and statistical
quences (directing protein synthesis)
for all brains, similar to the 2% of the
However, over the last two decades, it has
germline human genome that provides
become clear that individual brain cells Two notable consequences of genomic
coding sequence and suggesting a
can contain different genomic informa- mosaicism are, first, that discovery ef-
somewhat uniform mutational effect
tion, producing brains that are a highly forts for causal (vs. risk-factor) disease
across the entire genome. However, a
complex genomic mosaic. Genomic genes from peripheral (non-brain)
few mutations were found to affect cancer
mosaicism arises somatically and is thus samples—a mainstay of genome-wide
not ‘‘genetic’’ in the formal sense of being association studies (GWASs)—cannot
hereditary, although there are likely ge- assess functional disease genes that
1Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery
netic mechanisms that contribute to are mutated somatically within the Institute, 10901 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla,
mosaicism. The DNA-altering forms brain; by analogy to cancers, oncogene CA, USA
of genomic mosaicism are many, mutation discovery typically identifies *Correspondence:
including (from large to small) aneu- genes within actual tumors (cancers)

648 Med 3, 648–650, October 14, 2022 ª 2022 Elsevier Inc.

Bridging the Gap

and neuropsychiatric genes, albeit in both filtering and use of algorithms originally simply underscore potential limita-
normal and diseased brains. Aneu- designed for germline analyses but tions, especially affecting those singular
ploidies associated with glioblastoma applied to the highly mosaic brain could examples of hypervariable brains.
(but in the absence of tumors) were miss mutations, especially at the lowest
observed in the hippocampus of one assessed variant allele frequencies Bae et al.1 adds substantively to the
brain (schizophrenia sample), although (VAFs) of a few percent (VAF of a gene growing literature on somatic genomic
the affected cell identities and tumori- for a germline heterozygote is 50%, ho- mosaicism within the mammalian brain
genic potential remain obscure albeit mozygote 100%). Brain hypervariability by examining a relatively large collection
intriguing. Non-coding myeloid ectopic may be even more prevalent, based on of non-diseased and selected examples
viral integration site motif mutations the somewhat arbitrary cutoff values of (presumably sporadic) neuropsychiatric
were also observed in autism brains at a used to define it. For example, a cutoff diseases. The universal presence of so-
higher frequency (4:1) than normal. of >101 mutations reduced to, say, matic DNA sequence changes involving
>50 mutations would increase hyper- multiple mutational forms even within
In terms of methodology, all analyses variable brains from 6% to 20%. More- single brains underscores an enlarging
were from post-mortem samples, pro- over, the number and percentage of universe of somatic genomic differences
cessed from small bits of brain: ‘‘bulk’’ observed mutations are not static since present in a single brain and among indi-
tissue of 1 cm3 cubes or sorted brain they will be affected by the dynamic viduals. These mutations are currently
cell nuclei (using fluorescence-activated loss (and/or possibly gain) of cells that unaccounted for in many studies of the
nuclei sorting [FANS]) from 131 non- occurs with age. Lower VAF mutations human brain or its diseases, including
diseased vs. neuropsychiatric diseased below a few percent of cells were not as- those utilizing GWASs, induced pluripo-
brains, along with the addition of 16 sin- sessed and/or not reported in bulk or tent stem cells, and organoids. This
gle-cell samples used for a validation sorted populations, yet post-mitotic universe is very likely much larger than re-
experiment. Cerebral cortex, striatum, events that affect single post-mitotic ported, given the sensitivity cutoffs used
and hippocampus (and blood) were neurons or other non-mitotic cells by Bae et al. that would not detect muta-
sampled by one or more investigator would fall into this category, which limits tions present below a few percent of cells,
sites. Similar but non-identical wet-lab reported mutations to those occurring which would likely include all mutations
procedures were used to generate in expanded proliferative cell popula- arising in post-mitotic neurons or non-
sequencing libraries in varied ways, tions. Single-cell analyses can identify mitotic brain cells (which do not undergo
followed by short-read sequencing mutations with greater sensitivity, how- clonal expansion). The fascinating obser-
(150 bp) using Illumina platforms ever some mutations (e.g., CNVs) may vation of hypermutable brains could be
(HiSeqX or NovaSeq) at a depth of be missed because of required enor- extended to—and indeed may reflect—
over 2003. Bioinformatic treatments mous template amplification, while the hypermutable sites within a single brain
including variable filtering steps that approach fundamentally lacks formal and/or hypermutable cells of a defined
can affect final data outputs were used experimental replication because the type that populate the brain, a specula-
to call mutations. Some unknowns that single cell is destroyed by sequencing tion consistent with regionally varying
could affect mutation detection include that cannot then be repeated on the brain DNA content (DNA content varia-
histological data (allowing better loca- same cell. Representative sampling is tion) or gencDNAs associated with so-
tion and information on cellular compo- also a challenge, as reflected by the 16 matic gene recombination reported in
sition, such as cortical layers) for origi- single cells reported compared to 131 Alzheimer’s disease neurons.8,5 Aneu-
nating brain samples; clinical data on brains that each consist of hundreds of ploidies are a normal form of genomic
the specific causes of donor death; billions of cells. The exclusive use of mosaicism and can occur in both
other metadata (e.g., co-morbid condi- short-read Illumina sequencing may neurons and non-neuronal cells, high-
tions); postmortem intervals; and have missed sequences that could be lighting potential linkage to cancer-like
RNA integrity number (RIN: a proxy for revealed by long-read (Pacific Biosci- mechanisms, as noted for potential glio-
tissue quality). FANS may miss or skew ences [PacBio] or Oxford Nanopore) blastoma but in the absence of a tumor,
analyzed cell populations, whereas sequencing. The functional significance or having different effects in cells of the
bulk sequencing can reduce bias but at of all mutations remains unclear, normal and diseased brain. Although the
a cost of increased sample complexity especially for non-coding mutations linkages between identified gene muta-
and reduced detection sensitivity. All (representing 97% of the reported tions from Bae et al. and disease states
samples represented a tiny part of the mutations and seen in both non- remain to be established, the general
intact human brain (out of practical ne- diseased and diseased brains). Never- possibility that somatic genomic muta-
cessity), thus leaveing a vast majority theless, these caveats do not detract tions (as observed in cancers) may drive
of brain cells unassessed. Bioinformatic from the positive mutation data and brain disease could, if true, enable novel

Med 3, 648–650, October 14, 2022 649

Bridging the Gap

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