Developing The Whole Person

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Quarter 1 – Module 2:

What I Know

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of
1. Physiological development is known for ____________.
a. puberty stage
b. inner discovery
c. social interaction
d. emotional growth

2. Physiological development is ____________.

a. social growth
b. physical growth
c. spiritual growth
d. intellectual growth

3. Formal operational stage is developed during the age of ____________.

a. birth to 2 years
b. 2 to 7 years
c. 7 to 11 years
d. 12 and above

4. Industry vs Inferiority takes place during the age of ____________.

a. 2 to 3 years
b. 3 to 5 years
c. 6 to 11 years
d. 12 to 18 years
5. Psychosocial development according to Erikson is a series of stages which a
child experiences ____________.
a. conflict
b. success
c. self-actualization
d. miscommunication

6. Spiritual development is the process of becoming fit ____________.

a. physically and mentally
b. physiologically and socially
c. for higher level in the spirit world
d. for the standards set by the society

7. Social development requires ____________.

a. social status
b. social security

c. social interaction
d. social responsiveness

8. Adolescent stage of development is a transition stage from ____________.

a. childhood to adulthood
b. childhood to adolescence
c. adolescence to adulthood
d. adolescence to middle adulthood

9. Cognitive development is known as ____________.

a. social growth
b. physical growth
c. spiritual growth
d. intellectual growth

10. Cognitive development has 4 stages as proposed by____________.

a. Jean Piaget
b. Erik Erikson
c. Lev Vygotsky
d. Sigmund Freud

11. The proponent of psychological theory of development is ____________.

a. Jean Piaget
b. Erik Erikson
c. Lev Vygotsky
d. Sigmund Freud

12. Sensorimotor stage takes place from ____________.

a. birth to 2 years
b. 2 to 7 years
c. 7 to 11 years
d. 12 and above

13. According to Erik Erikson’s theory Identify vs confusion manifest during

the age of ____________.
a. 3 to 5 years
b. 6 to 11 years
c. 12 to 18 years
d. 19 to 40 years

14. Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development has ____________.

a. 5 stages
b. 6 stages
c. 7 stages
d. 8 stages

15. Females experiences physiological changes when they experience monthly

period called ___________.
a. spurt
b. puberty
c. maturation
d. menstruation

Developing the Whole
2 Person
Developing oneself holistically may be the goal of everyone. However, it is
easier than done. If it is not a “piece of cake” to know oneself it is also quite hard
for a person to start picking the pieces of himself/herself to subsequently develop
his/her individuality completely.

Though, since you have already obtained a clear and keen understanding or
yourself as you have done all the activities in the previous lesson, understanding
the competencies included in this module will be pretty easy for you. Thus, you will
eventually put all the skills developing the whole person within yourself. So, get
ready to unfold the reality by removing the barriers toward your understanding
about your true self.

What’s New

People from all walks of life meet different kinds of stages of development. As
a young adult like you, you may have noticed the unending stages of development
in different aspects of your being that makes you feel joyful, excited, anxious, or
different. These are not absurd feelings but the reactions of our body to the life
changes you are experiencing.

Adolescence is the stage of development that is believed to be the transition

stage - from childhood to adulthood. It is also observed that most of the aspects of
an individual have already reached a great progress but still needed to be refined
and be completely understood.

Bear to take note that it is in this phase that late teeners like you find all
forms of development quite awful. It is because you do not have the proper mind
set of understanding your condition. As a result you also render behaviors which
are intolerable for others most specifically your parents and/or siblings of a
younger or older than you.

In this lesson you will be familiar with the five varied aspects of stages of
development. You will definitely know that these stages have their respective nature
but are very much connected to one another as we talk about how they affect the
well-being of a person. Here are the five stages of development:

Stages of Development

Physiological Development. This is the stage of development that has been fully
developed for the person reached the late adolescence.

The three main physical changes that come with adolescence are 1.) The
growth spurt (an early sign of maturation); 2.) Primary sex characteristics (changes
in the organs directly related to reproduction); 3.) Secondary sex characteristics
(bodily signs of sexual maturity that do not directly involve reproductive organs).

Boys and girls will definitely experience different sets of physical changes.
Like boys may tend to change their voices, or start to experience facial hair growth
while girls will start to see their breast being developed and the broadening of their
hips and having the monthly period called menstruation. There are changes that
occur which are common to both sexes like rapid growth in their height and big
changes in their body structure particularly growth in their bones.

Physical development is the stage of development that a person may notice

first for this more obvious and human being find it more easy to seek assistance for
they can ask questions regarding the changes that occurs in their body. However,
some physiological changes may be not so pleasing for them thus adolescents find
themselves behaving differently as compared to their previous years. This is where
behavioral changes occur.

Cognitive Development. This is also known as intellectual changes. It is during

this stage that an adolescent is capable of using his/her higher level of thinking.
Rather than asking questions of what, why and how just like most of the children
do during the childhood stage teenagers are capable of making their hypothesis
and investigate for the truth and not being satisfied of believing what is said to

The stage of cognitive development also means how a person think, explore
and figure out things. It is the development of knowledge mental skills like problem
solving and arriving at conclusion or decision making. Therefore, we can say the
brain development is also part of this stage.

Intellectual development may also affect other stages of development like

spiritual and social development. For these, things also affect how an individual
decide on things. He/she will use the standard of the society in making some
logical actions or judgements for where the he/she utilizes his/her spirituality and
socialization with others before pronouncing his/her thoughts and beliefs.

The theory of Jean Piaget toward cognitive development of a child further

promotes the child’s ability to solve problems and reason logically and this ability
particularly takes place during the middle adolescence and continuously being
strengthen as the child reach his/her maturity.

The stages of cognitive development as proposed by Piaget are as follows:

1. Sensorimotor stage: birth to 2 years

2. Preoperational stage: ages 2 to 7
3. Concrete operational stage: ages 7 to 11
4. Formal operational stage: ages 12 and up

These stages are contributory to child intellectual state as he/she reaches

maturity. Piaget believe that as adolescent enters the last stage, he/she develops
ability to test hypotheses in a mature and scientific manner.
Adolescent in this stage are already capable of engaging to a serious talk
communicating his/her thoughts following ethical standards. The adolescent can
also compose his/her thoughts in his/her minds with an ease. Teenagers can
elaborate on abstract ideas and discuss them organizing their thoughts mentally.

Psychological Development. There are various theories that may somehow

explain this stage of development among these is Erik Erikson’s and Lev Vygotsky.
Although, the two have their different concentration on this stage of development.
Erik Erikson’s Theory of development attempted to explain the changes that occur
in child’s psychosocial development while Lev Vygotsky Theory of development
concentrated on psychological development.

Though, Erik Erikson’s theory is generally influenced by Sigmund Freud’s

Theory Erikson’s theory focuses on psychosocial development rather than
psychosexual development.

Psychosocial Development for Erikson is a series of stages in which a child

experiences conflict that serves as primary element for his/her development. If the
child has successfully dealt with these conflicts it will contribute much to his/her
well-being particularly on how he/she will optimistically live his/her live in latter
years. He/she will manifest positive behavior and good disposition in life that
makes him/her feel good about him/herself. However, if he/she fail to deal with the
conflict effectively he/she may not develop skills needed for him/her to see a great
sense of individuality.

The eight stages of Psychosocial Development according to Erikson are as follows:

1. Trust vs Mistrust (birth to 8 months)

2. Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt (2 to 3 years)
3. Initiative vs Guilt (3 to 5 years)
4. Industry vs Inferiority (6 to 11 years)
5. Identify vs confusion (12 to 18 years)
6. Intimacy vs Isolation (19 to 40 years)
7. Generativity vs Stagnation (40 to 65 years)
8. Integrity vs Despair (65 to death)

During your stage, the late adolescence most of the teenagers really long for
the feeling of belongingness. Thus, most of you engaged to peer-romantic
relationship and sisterhood or brotherhood for company. Your desire to having
good relationship tend to become the main component of your being. Success leads
teenagers to be part of a good relationship. Failure delivers the individual to
negative emotions like loneliness, depression or isolation.

The success of an individual depends on his/her how well he/she deals with
the experiences he/she encounters. It is really unpredictable how an individual can
positively move on to the next stage of development. The environment and social
nature of the individual has really a great impact on his/her personal development.

Spiritual Development. This stage plays a big role in the development of an

adolescent. A child basic assessment towards him/herself is will give him/her
sense of meaning, purpose and direction in life. When this happen the child will
feel that he/she is connected to the world he/she lives in.

Spirituality is significantly related to child’s moral and ethical concept

toward self. Thus, this must really be part of his/her personal growth. Spiritual
growth is the process of becoming fit for higher level in the spirit world.

This stage of development helps an adolescent to cope up with inner

conflicts they are struggling to overcome. It is in this stage that they tend to think
about so many abstract things like asking about life. They find it difficult to grasp
their thoughts to answer practical questions that leave them confused. They ask
questions such as: Why do people have to love? Why do people exist? What is my
purpose of living? and so many other questions from only life and positive outlook
can possibly give them a sense of relief.

This stage does not illustrate a specific path or direction that one can take
for careful realization of this type of personal growth. On the other hand, frequent
meditation and reflective way of connecting to your inner self is suggested. It is
through spiritual growth that we help ourselves grow and know ourselves better.

Spiritual growth has a lot of positive effects toward individual’s life. It is

when we grow spiritually that we obtain optimistic point of view about the world.
This feeling will have domino effect. As we see the world with so much positivism a
lot of changes favorable to us. Positive changes also constitute positive emotions
vice versa. With this kind of personal growth people learn to practice or observe
good traits which are appealing for others. This state will also imbibe good
reactions and responses among people. Spiritual growth though may not easily

gain is indeed equally important as the other stages of development for a person to
attain happiness and good life.

Social Development. Lev Vygotsky’s psychological development emphasizes

that consciousness is the end product of socialization. For him, socialization is
essential in cognitive development. He also explains that the cognitive development
may rely on the zone of proximal development of ZPD. This is the level of
development attained when children engage in social behavior. One can exceeds
what can be attained alone with the presence of the guidance of peer or adult.

Therefore, complete social development requires a person to social

interaction and thus it entails an individual to be socially active. On the one hand,
meeting a lot of people does not mean being socially active. One should be able to
assess other people’s behavior and deal with the conflict one may encounter and
learn from this situation.

As we learn from identifying our strengths and weaknesses, or own sets of

behavior we enhance ourselves by learning the other people respective behavior.
Using our learning from our way of socializing with others must lead us to our

What I Have Learned

1. Adolescence is the stage of developing that when the final transition from
childhood to adulthood is observed.
2. Stages of Development have five aspects such as: 1.) Physiological, 2.)
Cognitive 3.) Psychological, 4.) Spiritual and 5.) Social Development.
3. Physiological Development also known as physical growth is the most
noticeable kind of change that occurs in an individual particularly in the
adolescence years.
4. Male and female adolescent do undergo different kinds of physical changes
in their body one that is common to both sexes is the rapid hair growth and
5. Cognitive Development also known as intellectual growth makes the
adolescent capable of using higher level of thinking to organize their
thoughts mentally regarding abstract things.
6. Jean Piaget proposed the four stages of cognitive development namely: 1.)
sensorimotor; 2.) preoperational; 3.) concrete operational; 4.) formal
7. Psychological development is most common explained through different
theories about psychological and psychosocial development among these
are Erik Erikson’s and Lev Vygotsky’s theories of development.

8. Psychosocial Development of Erik Erikson has eight stages such as: 1.)
Trust vs Mistrust; 2.) Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt; 3.) Initiative vs Guilt
4.) Industry vs Inferiority; 5.) Identity vs Confusion; 6.)Intimacy vs Isolation;
7.) Generativity vs Stagnation; and 8.) Integrity vs Despair.
9. Spirituality development or spiritual growth is the process of becoming fit
for higher level in the spirit world.
10. Social development stresses consciousness as the end product of


Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. What type of change does NOT occur during physiological growth?
a. hair growth
b. brain growth
c. voice change
d. monthly period

2. Which statement does NOT state a fact about physical growth?

a. It is noticeable.
b. It is the last stage to experience.
c. It may give negative feeling for adolescent.
d. It also involves behavioral changes among adolescents.

3. Cognitive Development Theory of Jean Piaget promotes the child’s ability to

a. judge oneself
b. solve inner conflicts
c. solve problems mentally
d. judge people’s behavior

4. What statement is true about adolescent stage?

a. Adolescence starts from 8 to 21 years of age.
b. Adolescents experience formal operational stage.
c. Adolescence entails different stages of development.
d. Adolescents are already capable of elaborate abstract ideas.

5. What statement defines Psychosocial Development of Erikson?

a. It is related to child’s moral and ethical concept of self.
b. It is the first noticeable changes that occur in a man’s life.
c. Conflict is the inevitable things that a man encounters in life.
d. Conflict that a child experience in life serves as a form of

6. What is being experience by a child in identify vs confusion stage during the

Psychological development according to Erik Erikson?
a. the adolescents are struggling to determine who they are.
b. the adolescents are able to work with others without difficulty.
c. the adolescents are able to perform their work without difficulty.
d. the adolescents are struggling to know issues that involve them.

7. What statement gives the reason why spiritual development plays a big role
in the personal growth of an adolescent?
a. It gives him/her sense of direction.
b. It gives him/her the skills in socialization.
c. It gives him/her freedom to choose his/her religion.
d. It gives him/her ideas on why changes in his/her body occur.

8. What does ZPD mean?

a. zone personal development
b. zone person’s development
c. zone proximal development
d. zone proximal developmental

9. Complete social development must include

a. spiritual growth
b. social interaction
c. social responsibility
d. cognitive development

10. What is NOT likely to happen when we learn to identify our strengths and
a. We will judge others easily.
b. We learn to accept others too.
c. We get to know ourselves better.
d. We become successful dealing with our problems.

11. What statement gives reason why negative behaviors are observed among
teenagers during the physiological growth?
a. Physical growth is so stressful.
b. All of kinds of physiological changes are negative.
c. Some physical changes are not pleasing for the youth.
d. Physiological changes are not observable to some people.

12. How many stages of development that a middle or late adolescent may
a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8

13. What kind of development may happen when a person seek his/her real
purpose in life?
a. social growth
b. physical growth
c. spiritual growth
d. intellectual growth

14. What kind of development may take place when a person is able to
to solve puzzles and define abstract things?
a. social growth
b. physical growth
c. spiritual growth
d. intellectual growth

15. What form of development when one works well with others and deal with
conflicts between them?
a. social growth
b. spiritual growth
c. physical growth
d. psychological growth

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