Pavement Design Report - MC - 18.06.18 - Rev E

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D>, 2 4 NATIONAL HIGHWAYS AUTHORITY OF INDIA REHABILITATION AND UPGRADATION TO FOUR LANING OF NH-31D FROM KM 0.00 TO KM 83.785 (PACKAGE-1) GHOSHPUKUR -SALSALABARI SECTION IN THE STATE OF WEST BENGAL ON EPC MODE PAVEMENT DESIGN REPORT FOR MAIN CARRIAGEWAY JUNE 2018 GHOSHPUKUR SALSALABARI ROAD PROJECT PACKAGE-1 Les pssocater Lar Construction seutasiart td Tango mance ooceoaqnnrannn 99999 7NNNNAIIAIDGD Ta Sep A UC RN aN TET TSE STO TE BOS LARSEN & TOUBRO LIMITED LAT Construction ‘Tranpodaton infrastructure IC sou nonnrsamonr or ESD Fi ‘mo nee -ORE (PACA) HOSHPURIR~SALSHLAGA SECTION THE STATE OF MES BERGA ON EPC MODE am oC bebe nao Pavement sin Report fon Crigenny fw [wr [art nae fee m (OTEETSTST = TET TRTPLTRTOT- TPL TOTOTSTT) | ee | fewsoron [Crear | Cem | Cobo | pe | Cem aa FANAFAIDPAFIITIIIIIG Lar Construction atonal isha Tansersuniasnee Authority of tno CONTENTS ABBREVIATIONS orn LTHEPROJECT eseneneneninnnnnn 1A Introduction. 12 Project Background. 13 Project Location 1A Scope of Pavement Design Report. 15 Background... 2 iuL prvesrieaTioNS eee 24 Geotechnical Investigations of Test Pit Samples. 2.11 Test Pits for Existing Subgrade 2.12 TestPits at Toe of Embankment (OGL soi. : 2.13 Test Pits long the entre Line of New Alignment & Realignment (OGL So) —10 22 sisting pavement Crist Composition — e eee 23 Pavement Condition Survey. er 24 enkeiman eam Deflection (B80) Surveys. exec 25. Borrow Area Sol Characteristics for Embankment and Sura enonnm—— 7 3 FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT DESIGN owner 31 Design Trl w 32 Pavement Temperature 33. Pavement Layer Material Parameters. 334 Design Subgrade Strength 332 Sub-base. 333 Basecourse—— 324 Bituminous Layers, $34 Pre Overlay Treatment, 3A Crack Seaing/Repatt-- 342 Patching, Somes 35 Flexible Overlay design. 5351 Overlay Design fam Benkelman Beam Deflection Method.—23, 5352 Overlay Design fom Structural Number (SN) Method aun 28 1383 Propoced Overlay Thickness, i a 36 Methodology for Pavement Design = Secaeeeeeag 37 Allowable Strains inthe Pavement Structire = 33 ‘371 Fatique atthe Bottom of Bituminous Layer and Fatigue Life———.38, £2722 ting ontop of the Subgrade and Rating Lfe——-______34 £2723 Actual Strains in the Pavement Structure, 4 38 Pavement Crust Recommendations. — a {381 Flexible Pavement Desig for Widening of Existing Carriageway-————.35. |382 Flesble Pavement Design fr New Construction 36. 1383 Flexible Pavement Design for Reconstruction. a 4 SUMMARY OF PAVEMENT DESIGN REPOR Trewern 41 Overlay and Widening of Existing Cariagewrayonco-————— 99 42 New Construction. 40 ore =e = G aarconsructn aoa Seen 979 49% Lar Construction Nationa Wihways Foor ae acme 43 Reconstruction SFE nn — LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Index Map of Project Highway. Figure 23 Soi Casifieation of OGL Sol along the 4 Figure 2-4 Existing Pavement Crust Composition from kan 1450 tok 474500 nnn 12 Figure 2-5 Existing Pavement Crst Composition fom kam 50500 to km 824500, 13 Figure 2:6 Graphical Representation of Pavement Contin of the Project retch 15 Figure 3-1 Delineation of Homogeneous Seton 27 Figure 3.2 Difernt Layers and Stresses of Flexible Pavement. 33 Figure 3-3 Typical Section Showing Reconstruction with Widening 38 UST OF TABLES: ‘Table 2-1: Summary of iting Subgrad Test Results, 8 ‘Table 2-2 Summary of OGL Sample (at Toe ofthe Embankment Test Resul =a ‘Table2-$ Summary of OGL Sample a ‘able 2-4 Summary of Existing Pavement Crust Composition 12 ‘Table 3-1 Design Trai : — 18 19 “Table 3-2 Latitude and Longitude along the Project Corridor. “Table 3-3 Average Annual Air Temperature for Latitude of265° and Longiude of 885° 19 “Table 3-4 Efecive Subgrade CBR Values for Dferent Widening Schemes... 2 ‘Table 3-5 Fewble Pavement Strengthening Decision Matrix, _ 2 ‘Table 2-6 Yardstick fr Distress Severity —_ - —23 ‘Teble 3-7 Characteristic Deflection in Project Stretch, = 2 ‘Table 3-8 Homogeneous Sections s per CDA Graph. 25 “Table 3-9 Summary of Overlay for LHS based on BBD Method. 28 ‘Table 3-10 Summary of Overlay for RHS based on BBD Method... 2a Tremere Rape MW Dec Nos 95155¢P-0-7-0001 a2 040 Lat Construction hut Str Road Pro 1 econ c ceereec aon ecnen ran 99979 990990559945 4 L&T Construction tional Highways enor hace eae cae ‘Table 3-11 Adopted Structural Coefficient for Existing Bituminous Layers based on 9% cracking —— Table 3-12 Summary of Overlay for LHS based on SN Method ‘Table 3-13 Summary of Overlay for RNS based on SN Method ‘Table 2-14 Proposed Overlay for LHS ‘Teble3-15 Proposed Overay for RHS.. _—___ “Table 3-18 Adopted Polson’ Ratioand Layer Modul for New Construction naan anne 36 “Table 3-19 Fleile Pavement Design for New Construction en 37 ‘Table 3.20 Fleble Pavement Design fr Reconstruction Sections 38 ‘Table #1 Fleble Pavement Crus for Overlay and Widening - LHS. 39 “Table 42 Flexible Pavement Crust for Overlay and Widening -RHS. ~39 ‘Table 4-3 lee Pavement Crust for New Construction. 40 ‘Table 4-4 Flexible Pavement Design for Reconstruction Sections. LIST OF PHOTOGRAPHS Photograph 21 Test Pts for Geotechnical Investigation of Existing Subgraes ° Photograph 2-2 Tests Ps of OGL Sol along the. ett Photograph 23 Tete is for examining Existing Pavement Crust Compostion.. 14 Photograph 24 Project Stretch with Fair and Good Pavement Condition wm 16 ‘Photograph 25 Existing Pavement Sections with Poor Pavement Condition, 16 Photograph 2.6 BED Survey. 7 7 LIST OF ANNEXURES Annexure I: Test Results of Existing Subgrade Soil Annexure 2: Test Results of OGL Sol (At Toe of the Embankment) ‘Annexure 3: Test Results of OGL Soi (Along Center Line of New Alignment/Re-Algnment) De es 1515S RRR. reas 30140 121 Construction ‘spt Stir a Pe 1 ge eee oA 7 NAN9AIAAIDIADD L&T Construction tina ihn Tansee paca oie ‘Annexure 4: Existing Pavement Crust Composition ‘Annexure 5: Visual Pavernent Condition Summary Annexure 6: Test Results of Sol from Barrow Areas Annexure 7: Sol Cover Details for Embankment Subgrade Construction with Non Plastic Sil ‘Annexure 8 Average Daily ir Temperature and Rainfall Dat Annexure 9; Determination of fective Subgrade COR ‘Annexure 10: BBD Survey & Analysis Annexure L1: Overay Design Calculations by SN method Annexure 12: Determination of ituminous Layer Coefficient Annexure 13: Mechanistic Design for Proposed Flexible Pavement ABBREVIATIONS Be Burninous Concrete BT = Bituminous Top car California Bearing Ratio CDA = Cumulative ference Approach TSB = Coment Treated Sub-base DBM — Dense Bituminous Macadam Gsb Granular Sub-base UIs LeftHand Side- From Ghoshpukur to Dhupgurt mee Milion Standard Axles oct Original Ground Level is igh Hand Side - From Dhupgui to Ghospukur SG = Subgrade Tes + Typleal Cross Section cs —_Unconfined Compressive Strength wom Wee Mix macadam Torani pv oernocomsseten re reps {a8 construction Chspt t a a . CORP CAF AN FARRAR DA ANAANIAIADANANAADAIIADADA L&T Construction ‘mama oe escent Authority of ala 1 THE PROJECT LA Introduction National Highways Authority of India (NAL) has been entrusted by the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MoRTEH) Government of India, with the tak of the capacity augmentation ofthe North-South and East-West Corridors, besides the Golden Quadrilateral amongst others, under National Highway Development Project (NHDF). GhoshpulurSasalabar section fa part of East-West corridor wherein the upgradation from ‘to to fouraning i taken by NHA on priority basis In pursuance of the above, Larsen & Toubro Limited hasbeen appointed asthe Contractor for “Rehabileaion and Upgradation to Foor Toning of MH-S1D from km 0900 co km 834785, (Package-1) Ghoshpukar ~ Slselebor Section in the tae of West Berea! on Englncering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) mode. 12. Project Background “The projet aims at developing Ghoshpukur - Dhupgur road section of NH-31D, located in Darjeeling and Jalpaigu dst of West Bengal. NH-31D isa vital link for connectivity to North Eastern states, starting is netion with NH-31 near Silgur connecting Fulbar Dhupguri alakata,Sonapur and terminating atts junction with NH-31C nar Salsslabar 1.3 Project Location ‘The Project Road stars at Ghoshpukur, Km 0s000(exsting Chainage 551.198 of NH 31) passing through Goat ~ Fulbar Jalpaiguri ~ Mainaguc and ends at Dhapgu Km 83+785 (sisting Chalnage 674.275 of NH 31) in the State of West Bengal. The projet corridor is shown in Figure 1 Figure 1:1: Index Map of Projet Highway Fovenar Deg Report MW Doc No ISIS CRPRO-P0-000, ape sofc0 Lar Construction put Sanbar ont ree. ae FOR 9799099I9I990D L&T Construction Nationa Highways eworon ee pees 14. Scope of Pavement Design Report ‘The purpose of this report is to provide suitable Mexible pavement design for Main Carvingoway at existing four lane cariageway stretches that shall whstand the tafe loading forthe intended design period This report provides 23) Flexble pavement design for Strengthening and Widening of existing four-lane carvigeway between Design Chainage km 0000 to km 83+785, 1) Flexible pavement design of existing four-lane carriageway proposed for Feconstriction nd new construction at structare approach locations between Design Chainage km 0+000 to kn 63+705, a5 applicable based onthe TCS schedules. Pavement designs for service roads junctions and wayside amenities, and or toll plazas, have been submitted in separate reports (vide Doc Nos.- 015155-C-RP-RD-PD-0002 and 015155. ‘GRP-RD-PO-0003, respectively), “The roport aso includes the pavement design for strengthening and widening of existing carriageway between the design chainages ~ Ken 0+000 to Km 6890, 979990909999 L&T Construction ational ighways esaron src Authority of ns “Table 2-1: Summary of Existing Subgrade Test Results Soll Property| Ave ‘in| Mie Tiguid Limi (9) Sie | 223 Plastle Limie (9). Ne | 3S Plasticity index (6) | —- | NP] 11.6. MD (um/cc) Ta | 176 | 88 ‘OMC (6) tos [88 [156 ‘Soaked COR at 97% ‘FMD (6), so | 1 | wos Free Swell ndex 3) | 121 | 64 | 19 The soll type in the existing subgrade was predominantly Siky Sand. The percentage Aistibution of sol assiieation of exiting subgrade has ben illustrated in Figure 21 Figure 2-1 Soil lasiication of the Existing Subgrade Semple Photographs of few test pits that were dug for collecting the sample have been shown in Photograph 2+. "Test Pith 216500 Test Path 310500 Poeent Dein Repar MGW Dec No: OS155-40-0-PD-0001 ap r40 Lar Construction spat Sater ond oe et rene crannne nan AngnnTAAAAAD ) > NIVN9I9AIAIDI9I90D Lar Construction atonal Hebwoys Tepaton esc Authority of ta “Test Pati 41500 Test Pit at km 26500 Photograph 2-1 Test Pts for Geotechnical Investigation of Exiting Subgrade Detaled results of tests conducted on existing subgrade sol sample are presented in annexure 1 242 TestPitsat Toe of Embankment (OGL soit) ‘est pts wee also dug at 1.0 km intervals in staggered manner at toe of he embankment to asses the OGL soil properties Representative samples of OGL sil were ellected fom each test pit for laboratory analysis Summary of test results for OGL soll samples callected at toe of the embankment are ‘resented in Table 2-2, ‘Table2-2 Summary of OGL Sample (at Toe of the Embankment) Test Results Soil Property | Average [Min [Max Tigud Lie) ats | a Plastic Limit (9) [ONE | art Plasticity Index (@]_| =| NP. 132 ‘MDD (ame) Ta [ 17s [ie ‘OM (4) 1igse|enase| sor Soaked COR at 95% aaa ete ere Free Swell ndex(ia) | 128 | ei | 19a ‘The soll type In the existing ground (OGL soi) was predominantly Sit of intermediate compressibility. Percentage distribution of sol eassifiation of OGL along the to line of existing road soils shown in Figure 2-2. Poon ecg Report MW Dec Na: OS155¢"A0-PD.0001 ae or60 Lar Construction hipaa Rnd oj Ph Semen 2999999999990 99%9 LaT Construction tina Highways Foran blanc Authority of a ‘igure 2:2 oll Classification of OGL Soll at Toe of the Embenkment Detaled test results for OGL soil samples along the project stretch are presented in Annexure 2 24.3 TestPitsalong the Centre Line of New Alignment & Realignment (OGL Soll) “Test pits were also dug along the centre line of New Alignment and Realignment to asses the (GL soil properties. Summary of the OGL test results have been presented in Table 2-2 ‘Table 2-3 Summary of OGL Sample (Along contre tine of New Alignment & Re-Alignment) Test Results Soll Property| Average [Min [Max Tigud Limit (96) 353 | ais | 5 Paste Lit (6) Eos eet Pasty Index (@]_—|—-_| NP_[ 139 ‘MDD (am/ec) ia [16 | is ‘OC 1 6 | 1707 Soaked COR at 95% See aa a | sé | na Free Swell indox(6)-| 17 | 67 | “ve ‘The soll type in the existing ground (OGL soi) was predominantly Sit of intermediate compressibility. Percentage distribution of sol casieation of OGL along the center ine of new alignment/realigament shown in Flgure 2-3. Power Des Raper MGW Dac Na 15155 C8 800-000, Page 1040 Lar construction hiatal Road Pet 4 etm ee eee L&T Construction Natlona hays orton ae ‘uthodty ofa Figure 2-3 Soll Classification of OGL Soil aong tie Centre Line of New Alignment/Re-Alignment Photographs of few test pits that were dug for collecting the samples havebeen shown nthe folowing page (Photograph 2-2) ‘Test Peat em 104500 ‘est Peat em 14500 Photograph 2-2 Tests Pits of OGL Sol along the Centre Line of New Alignment and Re-Alignmert Detailed OGL soil test results (at realignment & re-alignment sections) are presented In Annexure 22. Bxisting pavement Crust Composition ) “The existing crust composition has been ascertained from the test pits dus up tothe existing subgrade level (except at major religamens, structure approach locations and from kam (+000 to kn 6+890), The following layers were identified during the test pit investigations: 4) Bituminous Course; ») Granular Layer; Parent Design ReparMCW Doe Nes O1ISECHP DD. age 1040 ar Construction, ‘har Sater Rood roe 1 emma CPeCOoecocnroanr corn oo ono 64 * moe oe oo oe L&T Construction 6) River Bod Materia atonal senways Authority of nia ‘The summary (average, minimum and maximum thicknesses) of existing pavement crust ‘composition details ae given in Table 2-4. ‘Table 2-4 Summary of Existing Pavement Crust Composition oo Ses Sa asst Se ‘The granular layer thickness in the above table also includes the intermediate bituminous layer thicknesses. The graphical representation of pavement layers long the projet road ‘ven in Figure 2-4 and Figure 2-5. 2a5e8 ° 21-500 aes00 2e-soo 2 aresoo zest 1500 F 500 8328835 Bee d3s “Thickness (mn) 00 ie 70 Se 00 ituminous Layer Granular Layer _@Rver Bed Material Figure 2-4 Existing Pavement Crust Composition from km 1+450 tm 474500 spate Saber Rad Projet ar Construction CCOOCOF CH OFAR LF AADARADAAANAAADANAINANIAIIAAD Lar Construction tonal ihwaye Tenner eee Authority of tna ‘Chainages (km) SSSR RR RRSETRIRETERRETEESE "Fhelness (amy [= ae = Bituminous Layer © Granular Layer © River Bed Material Figure2-5 Existing Pavement Crust Composition from km 50+500 w km 624500 Photographs of few tet pts that ware dug for collecting the samples havebeen shown inthe following pags (Photograph 2:3), Der oss tt eset — onuteStalber Rnd re 1 Ween tate dea ceeataet deste ees en tee cee eects eet ae ee oes Sk ocr Oreo t eco too. L&T Construction ‘aterm Se Ten ae Authority of iin Exiting Pavement Crustat km 23500 Existing Pavement Crustat km 56400 Exiting Pavement Crustat km75+S00 Existing Pavement Crstat km 804600 Photograph 23 Tests Pts for examining Existing Pavement Crust Composition Detaled layer composition of the existing pavement recorded at each test pit has been presented in Annexure 4 2.3. Pavement Condition Survey Detaled visual inspection of existing pavement was carried out along the project stretch. It Involves identification of distress type, quantification of distress and its severity. Pavement condition survey was conducted feom 2 January, 2016 to 8 lansary, 2016. The pavement condition survey of existing pavement has been carted ou along the prof corridor except at major realignments and approaches to ROB and Flyover. Each section was inspected Properly and different surface distreses have been recorded systematically in a condition survey data sheet. ‘The following distresses have been assessed during the visual inspection: racking Rotting: Raveling: Potholes: Patching: Lane / shoulder edge drop. ee remanent = MW Dac Na 015155 CRP A0-0-0001 Page 4or40 Lar Construction, ‘hobo Solel Rod Po. erste so S) 9970059095954 creceocnrcneen L&T Construction Navona shoays reson mere Authority of ina Graphical representation of pavernentcondton of the proc stretch hasbeen ilustrated in Figure 2-6. ‘igure 2-6 Graphical Representation of Pavement Condition ofthe Project Stretch ‘aed on the Pavement condition survey it ean be conchded that 30.78 km (50 percent of ‘overlay stretch i in good condition, 29.111 km (48 percent of overlay stretch i in ir condition and 1200 kom (2 per cent of overlay stretch) i in poor ecnditon. Pavement Condition summary foreach km has been presented in Annexure Based on the pavement condition data, the exiting pavement from km 28+400 to km 30000, and from kin 82+500 to km 83+100, sin poor condition. Hence, these suretches have been roposed for reconstruction Photograph 2-4 shows existing pavement with good and fir conditions along the projet stretch. Photograph 2-§ shows existing pavement with poor pavement condition. PPavementin Good Condiion at Km 25+400 Pavement in Fair Condon at Km 34+900 Trrsmen Dag Report HOW Dac No: O15155-CRPAD-0-001, Page 150f40 Lat Construction ‘okt Selb Rad Proj i. ‘Setar aoe re eee ee ee eee ent oe Nationa igh Authority of tna yentin Good Condition at Km 55+200 Pavement in Fai Condit a Km 804500 Photograph 2-4 Project Stretch with Flr and Good Pavement Condition Aligator Cracking at Km 25+500 Algator Cracking at km 82+900 Photograph 2-5 Existing Pavement Sections with Poor Pavement Condition LT ‘store ive overtay construction, pre-overlay treatment shal be carried out forthe pavement stratches In accordance with Clause 3.¢of his report. 2A Benkelman Heam Deflection (BED) Surveys ‘The BBD tests have been carried out in accordance withthe IRC: 81-1997 "Guidelines for Strengthening of Flexible Read Pavements using Benkelman Beam Deflection Technique Flst Revision). For measuring pavement deflection, the CRA procedure tatis based on testing ‘under static load has been adopted. A standard tric having a rear ale woighing 8170 kg fied with dual tre inflated to a pressure of 0.56 MPa has been used for loading the pavement The beam has been calibrated using metal plates of known thickness prior to testing The dual wheels ofthe trckare centred above the selected pont. BBD survey was conducted from 68 October, 2015 to 15% October, 2015. The BBD survey has boen carried out along the project stretch (except at maorrealignmens structure approach locations and poor pavement condition), <= Sours wo Qaaanan eee comme rere nrennnnnnannananAaanA L&T Construction tina hoy enporaen ae ‘Authority of nia ‘The pavement deflections are measured by Benkelman Beam at every SO m intervals in staggered manner. The testing point wa located st 90 cm rom the pavernent edge, Pavement temperature was recorded at every one hour during the testing period by inserting a ‘thermometer in standard hoe (approximately 5 em deep and 10 mm darete) madeon the ‘pavement ater filing the ole with glycerol. For any deviation ofthe pavement temperature, ‘observed during deflection measurements from the design pavemen: temperature, an appropriate temperature correction factor has been appled tothe deflection measurements In accordance withthe procedure described in IRC: 81-1997. Seasonal crretin factor has also been apple sing the moistre correction factors given in Figures 2 to 7 in IRC: 81- 1997 based on Annual rainfall data as presented in Annexure 8. Pasty index (PD) and Photograph 2.6 BBD Survey 2.5 Borrow Area Soll Characteristics for Embankment and Subgrade Potential borrow area locations have een identified along the project road for construction of subgrade and embankment and representative samples of identified sources have heen collected for laboratory testing ‘A total of 25 potential sources (tl dat) were identified along the project road for ‘embankment and subgrade construction, The detailed laboratory investigation has been carried outon borrow soil samples as per relevant codes &specifiations. aoe oe = © earconscton SSee paleo Beane eh et aes 5 5 L&T Construction ‘atoning Tnooreun at Authority of ta Following tests have been cariad auton each ofthe borrvr area solsample collected; ysis ~ IS: 2720 (Part) ‘+ Aterber’s Limits (Liuld limit and Pasi mit) - 18-2720 (Part) ‘+ Moaitied Proctor Density-IS:2720 (Part VID: ‘+ Fourdays soaked CBR -IS:2720 (Part XVI); ‘Free Swell Indes Test-18:2720 (PartXt), Laboratory testing of borrow ares material indicates that CBR sin the rage of 6.1 percent to 2203 per cent Detaled laboratory test results of borrow area Samples are given in ‘Annexure 6. + Grain ste at From the borrow area test results, it has been observed that most ofthe borrow area soi is non plastic sandysit soils, Hence as an embankment protetion measure, sol cover of 2m ‘vid for embankment height = 3m and sil cover of 3m wiath for embankment height > 3m has been proposed. The soll sed fr cover shall satis the MORTAH crite for embankment construction with Liquid Limit (LL) «50 percent and Plasticity Index (9) between 6 to 20, per cont. The typical sketches of proposed soil cover for embankment protection based on embankment heights ar given in Annexure 7 3 FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT DESIGN Flexible pavement design has been carried out as per the guidelines of IRC: 37-2012, “Tentative guideline forthe design of Fesble Pavement. 34 Design Traffic “The design traffic in terms of msa ha been estimated fom detailed tral survey conducted at two locations (Le, at design chainage kn 33+000 and km 77000). The detailed trate analysis and estimation has already been presented in the Trafic Study Report (ide Do. No. ~015155-C-RP-RD-TF-0003}. ‘The cumulative numbers of standard anes ariving on the Nexile pavement have been resented in Table 3-1. ‘Table 3-1 Design Trafic Designchainage | length] eulatve standard ates (sa) No om Com) | petmatr | ainimum [Adopted froma Te [ox] sere Mor | pw racers eet | ovoa0 | o51650 | 6565 | 9595 | 10871 | «oo [9595] 10871 ndorMainagun | ga,gsp ees e705 | 144 | 6552 | 2062 | soo [ess2| ro02 Poeent Desig Report MW Dec Na OS155¢-47-20-70-0001 Page 18040 aT Construction put Sart nd oe DAAANADANAAANDAADIDA a2 Lar Construction tina ighys anparon ase Authority of ina .vement Temperature ‘The Average Annual Pavement Temperature (AAPT) has been calculatc based on Average “Annual Air Temperature (AAAT) along the projet corridor using the eqtions mentioned in IRC: 37-2012. The AAT has been calculated from the Daly average air temperature data {om India Meteorololcl Department (IMD), Pune (which is avalable fr diferent latitude and longitude in India) The latitude and longitude details of the project corridor are presented in Table 3-2, ‘Table 3-2 Latitude and Longitude along the Project Corridor rains | oteao esooo_| sa000_| esea00 | 77-000_| sav700 race | chostlar Itpaigrs | asap ap tacwde | 2857 zac | zase | ass | mace | aasw Tonge | e82" | ear | mar | oar | enor | mor | anor From the above data, or the purpose of temperature zoning and calculation of the AAAT, the projet corridor has been considered with Latitude of 265° and Longitude of #85” The daily ‘mean temperature has been obtained from IMD forthe specified Latitude and Longitude a5 presented in Annexure The calculated AAT fromm 2004 to 2013 has been presented in ‘Table, ‘Table 3-3 Average Annual Air Temperature or Latitude of 265° and Longitude of 8.5° vor | Areata me |e 2013 7 smear Socotra ee area (hsp Str Rad re i. 1 NAAM ANAAAADADA 5 ececeannnennr nanan raAO 9999994 L&T Construction Nationa ighways Tenoraen bene Authority of ta Year | Average Annual Air ‘Temperature, °C average 2201 Equations 19 & 10 from Annexure I of IRC: 37-2012, as mentioned belew, have been used for corelating AAAT with APT. AAPT(CC) = 1.05 x AATCC) +5 Equation 1 AAPT(CO) = 1.15 x AAAT(*O) +3.17 Equation? ‘sed on Equatlons 1 and 2 the AAPTs ae 28.11°C and 28-4%C respectively. Hence Average Annual Pavement Temperature of 285°C hasbeen considered for pavement design 33 Pavement Layer Material Parameters A flexible pavement as implied inthe guidelines consists of diferent layers of materials as shown below, Various pavement layers adopted in the design procedure are given below Subgrade; + Subese: + Base Course: + Bituminous Layer 33.1 Design Subgrade Strength ‘As per IRC 37-2012, pavement design is based onthe Efectve CBR of the subgrade. fective (CBR ofthe subgrade hasbeen derived based onthe geotechnical investation of proposed soll for subgrade, embankanent ol, OGL sll and existing subgrade sol Due to variation in CBR values of OGL soll and existing subgrade, 90M percentile CBR as mentioned in Table 3-4 has been considered, a6 per Annexure-lV of IC: 37-2012, The 19#] na | 10220 | semmwite| na | deopants00 | ‘ama a | wen | +20 om [tema sexy and 00 - cote mute ‘The description of various pre-overly treatments is ven below. BAA Crack Sealing/Repair ‘localize treatment method used to preven water and debris from entering a crack The ollowing three crack epar methods shall be adopted 8) Gleanand seat 1) Routand seal: “Tobe use in minor cracks upto S min width, The crack shall be cleaned off any debris hot compressed ar. The crak shal then be sealed with hotbitumen. ‘To be used in transverse and longitudinal cracks of width varying from 5 mm to 10 rmm. A pavement router shall be sed to create a reservoir ceatred aver existing cracks, The recess shall then be completely fled with approgrite sealant after ‘leaning with compressed alr 342 Patching Flexible pavement having localised distesses or potholes sal be repared by pach-woke repair methodology a per IRC: 82-2018. 35. Flexible Overlay design “The overay design has been caried out by BHD Method as per IRC: 81-1997, leo the overlay design hasbeen carced as per Structural Number Method in accordance with Cl. 5.9.6 () of IRC: SP: 84-2009, 35 Overlay Design from Benkelman Beam Deflection Method ‘The BBD tests have been carried ut in accordance with the IRC: 81-1997 “Guidelines for Strengthening of Flexible Road Pavements using Benkelman Beam Deletion Technique (First Revision) Pavement Designee MW Doc Nas O1SIS5¢F-R0-7.0001 Pama hate Steer Road Pret COCOCORAOCORAADNANBOAANIVNIANAIAAINAINIINIADG National sehways Authority of nia ‘The measured defections are corrected by applying temperature and seasonal correction factor in acordance with Clause 44 and Clause 45 of IRC: 81 1997, Since the overlay “Thickness Design Curves ~ Figure 9 of IRC B1-1997 are applicable fora standard pavement design temperature of 35°C the measured deletions have been corrected to standard temperature of 35°C as per Clause 44 of IRC: 81- 1997. The characurstic deflection is determined by taking the average deflection plus 2 times the standard deviation, The characteristic deflection fs calculated for each km of the project stretch and presented in ‘Table3-7, Detaled BBD data and calculations have been provided as Annexure 10, “Table 3-7 Characteristic Deflections in Project Stretch Sa ae | SS fiir [atom |tar—| bot Bese eee ae tae pete ate Sea [aiom toe} ener ee taro 192} — tae ee eae ae tae ‘ere |e [toe | — gaat ee ae ee tae nee Doc nocO1515--RPAD?0.4001 ae 24040 Lar Construction stot Sob Rnd Proje ae eerecaongnannanan9a9nn9nIg8ANAIAINIII INNA Lar Construction retin Se ‘Tanparaon hort Authority of aa Design Chana Tharactritie SN. sna venation From | To | cum) | Penecte | seea0o | Sev000- [190 [ane | sev000-[-s7-000-[L00_| —aaz37 35 | sraoo | s6+a00-|—L00 | —a0038 ‘| sev000-[-sovaa0 [1.00 [1.3433 551000 | abvao0 | —L.00—[—a7a81 0+000"| 61+000"| 1.00 | —asix7 tv000-| e2van0-| 1.00 —i0se1 4 | e2+a00-[-63+000-| 100 45 —[-enea00-[-eroao-| 1.00 | oeva0o | 65-000" | Loo | —a77@ “7 [-e5va0o-[-esva00_| 1.00 | —n6s06 aa [-66v000-[-g7-000-[—L00—|—a7se1 “43 | 67-000 | eavoa0 | 1.00 | —asea0 0 [-68v000-[-e>v000-[ 10007213 si | 69000 | 7ova00-| 00 | 1030. S2__[-yova0o-[-r1-a0n-| 00 | —oas9 sa 71-000 [-72,000-| Loo [aaa S| ravado-[-ravaoo-| 1.00 07927, 55 [-79a00-[-rav000-[ 10005270 56 | ravado-[-rsva0o-[ 1.00 [ais 57 [-75.000-[ 76,000 | 1.00 | —oa134 sa | r6+a00-[-77+000-|~L00 | —a026 $8 _[-77ea00-[-7ev000-| —1.00_| 2.0163. ‘60 | rev000 | 794000 | —1.00—| —a2zat0 “e1__| 75+000 | a0vo00 | 1.00 | 1362 ‘62 | w0v000 | at+000 | 1.00 | —as00 “63 | Bivo00 | gzvoa0 | 1.00 | —ta0a2 ‘| w2va00-[-e3-000-| 1.00 | 09663 Homogeneous sections have heen delineated based on Cumulative Diference Approach (CDA) as defined in AASHTO Pavement Design Manual The available deflection data were analysed by CDA to determine the homogeneous sections of similar resposse. The CDA graph {spresented ia Figure 2-1. Characteristic deflection has been determined foreach homogeneous ston. The overlay ‘thickness in terms of Bituminous Macadam (BM) hasbeen determined for the characteristic defection and respective msa for each homogeneous section. The summary of characteristic defections of homogeneous sections i given in Table 36 Table 3-8 Homogeneous Sections as per CDA Graph ‘Ghainage Characteristic From_—|— To| Deflection, mm 75.600] 21-500 nas 21500_| 37-000. 01 37-000—| 43500. 19 434500_| 48-500 a0 48500_—| 51-000. 190 51-000_| 58-000. 0755 aeons Roper HOW boc tovois18¢- RP RD #0001 see 25 0140 Lar Construction ‘hop Sle Rod Prt ee COOL OAORAAANAADIANDOAANAANADNNAIDINIIDIOG L&T Construction ational gays aren nce Authority of nda ‘Giainage ‘Characteristic From To| Deflection, mm '38+000_| 60-000 1097 ‘60+000 | ~52+000 0077 '4+700 | 59000 oT ‘69-000 | 72000 95 "72-000 | 776500 75 77-500_| 83-000 120) Noe: As mentioned in Section 3.8.2, forthe overly stvetches between the design chainage km (0-000 to ken 6+890,i¢has been observed tha the locations forthe overlay setches are ilatad ‘and have small stretch fngths. Considering construction ease, for theovera stretches betwen Che design chainages km 0+000 tof 6880, BBD analysis given in Addentum-1 t9 Pavement Design Report for Main Caviagewoy vide Doc Ho = OL5155-C:RP-RD-PD:I004) has not been mcorporaed in chs report and fldepthrecons-eton hasbeen proposed. In accordance with IRC: 37-2012, VG 40 bitumen shall be used a binder for bituminous layers (BC-& DBM of overlay since the raf more than 30 mea Hence a per Anes of IRC: 37-2012, based on equal flexural stiffness concep, the overaythickress in terms of BM 's converted fo equivalent bituminous lyer thickness with VGAO binder (BC or BC+DBM, as applicable). The equation used is given below. Bem ~ xO Equation 3 Where, [EL = Elastic Modulus of BM overlay, 700 MPa Hi = Thickness of BM overlay, varies fr each homogenous section w= 035 Ez = Elastic Modulus of bituminous overlay with VG 40 binder [BC or BC+DBM, as spplicable), «200 MPa Hy = Thickness of bituminous overlay with VG 40 binder (EC or BC+DBM, as applicable) 035 Pave Design Raper“ MEW Doc a O1585 CHP RD--4001 age 26040 1&1 Construction tokptar Soeltr Rad Projet Poe eee oe oe © sarconsrucion as Nationa Highways Authority of retin Were Delineation of Homogeneous Sections Based on BBD Results & ! i : ‘hia sb Rnd Pret 2 99999990999 999 9904 L&T Construction sauna en De Tparatntaae Authority of nis “Tae overlay thicknesses of corresponding chainages based on BBD methed are presented in “Table 3-9 and Table 210 for LHS and RHS respectively. ‘Table 3-9 Summary of Overlay for LHS based on BBD Method ee ee me re | rm | Tiree | mee | ee Set La a SEUOPS 72-000 | 77=800-| 0.785 [65522 | 385 [so] 0 << Jiy7-s00 | 83-000 1.120, 6552 132 72.07, 40 50. ‘A = mere cratic | (mm),intermsor | (am) from | To (mm) (sa) on | BC/DEM, | BG | DBM, Ea" || OS 352. Overlay Design from Structural Number (SN) Method “The overlay thickness has been checked based on Structural Number (SN) Method in accordance with AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures (1993) (Referred from hereon as AASHTO). Cumulative Difference Approach (CDA) as defined in AASHTO has been adopted to delineate homogeneous sections based on measured pavement defection. In BBD method, homogeneous sections have already been identified based on pavement deletions using CDA and hence the same homogeneous sections as given in Table 3-8 have been ‘considered for overly design using SN Method azo Se eS eee LB Construction eeoeercernennaenang Peo ee ee 8 oo La Construction ational ghways unperaonaae thority of tea Structural Number of Existing Pavement (SN) Structural number ofthe existing pavement has been calculated from the yavement condition survey using the following equation, SNqgq = a4D, + agDamy Equation & here, SNag = Structural Number of Existing Pavement Di,Dp = Thleknesses of Eusting Bituminous Layer and Granular Layer fi,a2 = Structural Layer Coefficients of Bituminous Layer and Granular Layer m2 = Drainage Coefciensfor Granular Layer ‘hile calculating the Stractural Number for exch homogeneous section average pavement thickness, mean pavement cracking and existing subgrade modilis has been considered in accordance with AASHTO, In accordance with Table 52 of AASHTO, the structural layer coefficient (a) adopted forthe ‘existing bituminous layer, based onthe surface racking, has been summarized in Table 31, ‘Table 3-11 Adopted Structural CoeMcient for Esisting Btuminous Layers based on % Cracking [king G0) taver Cootcent rom | To. (a | 10 0350 ao | 45 300 For analysis, the entre thickness of ening granular layer and sandwiches bituminous layers has ben conservatively considered a single granular layer. Based on the testing conducted ‘on the existing granular layer material (hase + sub-bas), twas observed that the average (CBR of exsting granular layer Is 47.02%, Therefore, the minimum value of 4086 has een adopted for layer coefficient estimation. Using the Figure 27 of AASHTO, the yer coeficent (4a) is derived 35 0.12for CBR value of 40%. ‘The drainage coefcent (m2) of 1.1 has been adopted from Table 24 of AASHTO considering that the exiting granular layer is having a good quality of drainage andthe percent of dime pavement sexpased to moisture levels approaching saturation 5 ~ 25%. Good draiability, a5 per AASHTO, of water removal within 1 day for entire width of exiting pavement (7m) i practaly expected to be easily achieved with added consideration of 2 two-way camber reducing the actual drainage path to half road width of3 5 m only ‘The detailed caleuatons of SNefor cach homogeneous section are given x Annexure 11. Poe Design Report CW acta 15156¢ HP 80.7. 000, age 290640 Lar Construction, (hater Rood Pret Pi. COOH FEORRORORANDANADANAADANAINDAIIIDIADD LaT Construction Navona Highways Fever ee Author of ins Structural Number to carry Design Traffic (SM): ‘The structural number required to cary design trafic icaleulated based en the design trafic nd other inputs as considered below. uf =P losin) = 2s +936lopu(SN + 1)—020+— Phage +2320 Ma B07 oreaad Equation 5 Where, Servctural Number to carry design traf str Design atic terms ofstandardaxle,Win = 65 sa.and 68.42 msa, (Wary based on Ghainages) Standard Normal derivate, 28 = -1.282or 90% reliably Standard deviation, So = 08s Initial Services Index ps = 42 ‘Terminal Servceability Index pe = 20 Resilient Modulus of Subgrade, Ba = Vary based or average CBR (ot DD) of Subgrate in homogencous section “The detalled calculations of SNs required for each homogeneous section based on design valle are given in Annexure 11 Overlay Thickness: ‘The requlred overlay thickness foreach homogencous Section has heen clulated based on the following equations Sal = 5N— SNe Equation 6 Dy = 2 -Equation 7 Where, SMa = Required Overlay Structural Number fal = Structural Coefficient for Bituminous Overay Da = Required Overlay Thickness Structural coefficient of 0.496 hasbeen considered for bituminous overay with VG 40 binder 38 285°C pavement temperature. The caleulation are provided in Annexure 12. Pave Design Roper“ MEW Doc No: 015155: 0-7-2001 age 30040 Lar Construction ‘hohe Selb Road Pj i. 1 Reece dete teeta arate des te es ee tee cess teaeeet eats ce ee geen eet e ec ect ee eee L&T Construction ‘atone ar eseneon ene Authority of The detaled calculations of SNa required for each homogeneous section based on design tealles given in Annexure 11 ‘The summary of overay thicknesses designed based on SW method for LitSand RUS ae given in Table 3-12 and Table 3-13 respectively. ‘Table 3-12 Summary of Overlay for LHS based on SN Methed (Overlay Thickness, coainaee | name] eae Ti From | ro) (ms8) | rye’ | BG] DM voto_| vou 794800 | 21,500] 9595 | 7820 50 a 214500 [37-000 | 9598 | 4590 50 o 374000 [434500 | 9595 | 19.40 50 0 434500 [494500 | 9595 | 3257 50 a “48500 | 514000 | 95.95 | 6026 0 | —s0 51-000 |sB+000 | 9595 0 50 a 59000 | 60+000| 9595 | 11055 «0 _ | 75 104000 [62000 | 9595 | 675 50 a 40700 | 66000 | 9595 a 50 a ‘e000 [726000 | 65.52 | 145 50 0 72-000 [74500 | 65.52 | 1246, 50 a 774500 [83000 [6552 | 5017 0 [30 ‘Table 3-13 Summary of Overlay for RHS based on SN Method ‘Overlay Thies, Grains | trate = ‘am He a From | to | (9) | rnictness mm | BS, | DBM io] aso |woarr | — 2033 —| “so | zivsuo [372000 [10971 | sos | 10 | 0. 37.000] 43500] 10971 | suas | 40] —s0 aavsno [450500 [10571 —3760—[ soo savs0o [51-000 [10071 | esas | a0 [0 515000 sas000 | 10071 0 so—[—e 0:000| goso00| 10371 —aisa7 | <0] a soso00| 62-000 [10371 1169 [so] — 0 42700[ 63-000 10371] 0 so[ s5:000| 72:000| Te0z-| 7a so | ‘as000| 77-500] 7642 | —aait [soe 77500 [93-000] 7642 | —ssaz [40] 3 353 Proposed Overlay Thickness ‘Based on the overlay thicknesses calculated by BBD and SN methods, the maximum oveday thickness among the two methods hasbeen proposed foreach homogenecus section a given {in Table 3-14 and Table 3-15 Pave Desig Report“ MEW! Doe Na O15S5-CRED-7O-0001 Pages Lar Construction roel Soult Road Pj. a COCOCE OANA RAD ADNAAANDANANDAANAADIIINIDD LaT Construction Nationa thwoys ‘anger arene ‘nator of toa ‘Table 3-14 Proposed Overlay for AIS Overlay Thickness. on Proposed Overtas change | EoD metnod | THekaess-S | Thee mm a a veo | vous | vero | yess | veo | ves wooo soo] ao [at [sof to isso [372000] —40—[ st [so] 0 [a0 | 0 572000 43800 | —40—[—s0[-s0 | 0 | 40 [20 451500 4-a00| a0 [30-50 | 0 | 40 [20 4500-000 | —a0 [so 40 | 30] 40 | 80 siso00{ sano | —s0—[—so—[-s0|—0—[ 4020 sso) e0s000| —40—[ st —[~49 | “75-49 | “5 000 6-000 | a0 —[—s0—[-g0 | 0 | 40 | “20 tsz00 | esa | —s0—[—s0—-s0—| 0 | 10 | 20 sooo [reno | —s0—[—0—[-s0| 9] 0 | yaso00 772500 —s0—| 0 —[~so [0 | ~s0 hs00 83:000| —40—[ ap [a0] “sao | 0 108} ‘Table3-15 Proposed Overay for RHS orery amas | roca’ no | my ttn | Papond ony a 3] oom] 9) oom From | to | veto vero | vest | veto | ven 75600] ies00| 40 0 [ ofa [80 atssoo 37-000] 10] [es 57-000 83800 | 20 [30a [30 3500| 465500 40 s0|~0 [a [30 46500 s1-000| 40 a—| ~30[ a [30 Stoo [se-000| —10 soos S5s000 et-abo| a0 | 90a nooo | 7-000 —40 30-0 [40] 50 ‘s700 [3-000] —40 s0_[ 0-40] “20 5000 72-000 | —10 so_[ 8-40] 80 00773800 30 oo so [832000 40 | ga [30 3.6 Methodology for Pavement Design ‘Afexible pavement is modeled a an elastic multilayer structure. Stresses and strains 3t cial locations (Figure 3-2) are computed using a linear elastic layered model. Tensile ran, tthe bottom of bituminous layer and vertical subgrade strain yon the top ofthe “subgrade have been considered as erties parameters for pavement design ovement sgn Report MW ac Na S155 ¢ HP 80.PD.0001 age 220640 Lar Construction (hatter ond Pret. eae! Bee ea Oe ee (cae anae aes te een eee tase eae aeett ote Ogee en oe eee ee tees eee L&T Construction ational lehways ar engenton nce Authority of ina For an assumed thickness of pavement layers IITPAVE has been used for determining the cual stresses and strains arising in exible pavements due to trafic loading. The allowable Strang in te pavement layers fr fatigue crecng and ruting have been computed using performance models specified in Cause 6:2 and Clause 63, respectively, IRC: 37-2012. The Ssstumed pavement crst wa considered safe forthe design lad fcriial actual strains were lesser than the allowable stain. E Tole Figure 3-2 Different Layers and Stresses of Flexible Pavement 3.7 Allowable Strains inthe Pavement Structure ‘The allowable strains inthe pavement layers have been calculated based on to primary pavement distress liiting itera: fatigue atthe bottom of bituminous lever and rating on ‘op of subgrade yer ofthe pavement. ‘37. Fatigue tthe Bottom of Bituminous Layer and Fatigue Life ‘The tensile strain is developed at the botom of the bituminous layer due to repeated applications of axle loads, which leads to development of micro racks when the acta horizontal tensile stain exceeds allowable onsilestrain. ‘Te allowable tensile strains are calculated using the fatigue criteria equation as outlined in the Glause 6.22 of IC: 37-2012. The fatigue model with 90 per cent reliability is adopted for pavement design since the trafic is greater than 30m, N= ostexcxt0% (2) Where, c= Fatigue fein standard axe load repetitions: x= Tenslestran atthe bottom of bituminous Layer, EL = Elastic modulus of bituminous Layer (MP3); 10%, w= 494(-% 06 Poenan Desi Report = MEW Doc Nos 95155 CRPRD-0-001, age 330040 opr Salt Rad Pope. Lar Construction COCCOOCARAERAARDAANADNANDANAADAANAIAANAINIIDYA L8T Construction Nationa Highways rcerton eset Authority of aia Ve = Volume of Ae Voids; Vow = Volume cf Etective Bitumen, According to Clause 10:1 of IRC 37-2012, considering a rich binder DEM ayer, the following desig parameters are adopted for pavement design Wee 35% Vie= 11.69% M = oa7ass = 23908 Using the above derived ¢ su, Equation (1) en be written as Ny=.2339% 20% (2) 372. Ruttingon top ofthe Subgrade and Rutting Life Rutting isthe permanent deformation sich inates ontop of the subgrade layer, due to repeated applications of ale loads, and can rect tothe overlying layerto take a deformed shape. Ruting is tnitlated when the actual vertial compressive strain exceeds sllonabe vertical strain In subgrade. The allowable vertical strains are ealeulted sng the rutting ‘model provided in Clause 63.2 of IRC: 27-2012 for 90 per cent reliably ayer Equation 10 Nye atx 10 Where, Ne= Rating life in standard axle load repetitions = Maximum allowable vertical sta atthe top af subgrade ayer 3:7 Actual Strains in the Pavement Structure ‘The cual strains arising in Nexble pavements due wo tric loading have been calculated using various parameters, outined in fellowing sections, as inputs in the HTPAVE software for trial pavement sructare layer combinations, Standard axle with dual whee! load of 80 kW has been considered, so 8 sngle wheel lad of 20,000 has been used forthe analysis and desig. Tyre pressure used inthe analysis O55 MPa, 3.8 Pavement Crust Recommendations ‘The desig sections cating both the performance criteria i fatigue cracking and rutting have been adopted a final design. Flexible pavement design forthe projet stretch has been categorized into following dierent cases: Bae Nas O1355-0RP AD.0.0001 rage ot Lar Construction ‘thar Stelter od rjc ‘seem Oe COCECOCNAFARADAARAANANANAADADAADNANANIIDD L&T Construction Nason! sghways fem ee ‘Authority of nia 2) Flexble pavement design for widening of existing carviagewey; 1b) lexble pavement design for New Construction: and ©) lexble pavement design for Reconstruction sections. 301 Flexi le Pavement Design for Widening of Existing Carriageway ‘Floible pavement for widening sections consss of the fellowing layers 8) Bituminous Concrete: 1b) Dense Bituminous Macadam: ©) Wet x Macadam 4) Granular Sub-base 1) Subgrade ‘The Poisson's ratio and ayer modull adopted in design foreach layer have been Usted In Table 5-16 ‘Table 3-16 Adopted Poisson’ Ratio and Layer Modul for Widening Poisson's | late Modulus Pavement Layers Ratio) (mPa) ‘ituminone Conerete (0) ((nterpolated for temperature of285%q) |__ 995 300 ‘Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM) (interpolated fortemperauureof 285%) |__ 038 ae ‘Wet Mix Macadam (WM) 035 26988 ‘Granular Sub- Base (658) 035 260.0 Elective Subgrade CBR, 12% 035 8634 Flexible pavement has been designed as per the methodology provided in ause 3.5:2 ofthis, report for effective subgrade CUR of 12 per cent The pavement crust for widening of existing carriageway as given in Table 3-17 i applicable at oveday stretches and with design wae asapplicable. ‘Table 3-17 Flexible Pavement Design for Widening of Existing Cariageway ‘Design Chai ‘Pavement Crest Thickness ‘im pes (am) Direction | Tratfe | subgrade oa From | To (ensay | cam (6) | VPS | veay | wMM | ost tas | 9598 | a2 _|_40 | 105 [250 | 200 +000 | 69650 [aus 100.71 | 12 | 40] 110 | 250 | 200 ) us| 6552 | 12 | 4090 | 250 | 200 694650 | 83+785 |~aus—[ 7440 | 12 | 40 | 9s | 280] 200. ‘The stain values computed with ITTPAVE for various tial pavemest structural layer ‘combinations have been provided in Annexure 13.1. ‘nthe basis of IITPAVE results, the adopted! mechanste design for selected pavement layer compositions ofthe widening sections ofthe project has been provided in Annexure 13.2 ‘Pavenent Desa Report“ OW ® tpt Solar Rot Poe. Lar Construction COCCORAAAKHOAADRAANDDANADPAIANIAOIAIIDIAAD LaT Construction Nationa hays Tanase Authority of tia ‘At the widening portion, abutting the existing pavement stretches which are to. be strengthened, the proposed sol for subgrade is non-plastic sandy soll which has @ good rainage propery This shal als cater for aditonal drainage. 382 Flexible Pavement Design for New Construction Flexble pavement design for new construction shall be applicable for New 2-Lane Carviageway, Concentric Widening (median ~ 45 m wide), Stueure Approaches, New ‘Alignment and Realignment. The pavement crust composition consist ofllowing layers 8) Bituminous Conerete; ') Dense Bituminous Macadam 6) Wet Macadam: 4) Cement Treated Sub-bate; 6) Subgrade For the overlay stretches between the design chainage km 0#000 to km 6+880, it has been ‘observed thatthe locations forthe overlay stretches are Goated and have smal stretch lengths. Considering construction ease, for the overlay stretches baween the design chainages km 0¥000 to km 64890, full depth reconstruction has been proposed. The pavement crust, applicable for new construction, shall be adopted in accordance with Table 319, ‘The layer modul and Poissons ato adopted inthe design ae shown in Teble 3-18. ‘Table 5-18 Adopted Poisson's Ratio and Layer Modull for New Construction Poteson’s [___Hlastie Modulus (Pa) Pavement Layers Ratio (y) | Hie Subgrade: | Ei. subgrade: 12%6CBR | 15% CBR Bituminous Concrete (BC) ° 4 | Gnterpotated for temperature or2as‘c) | 035 ae) om ‘ens Bituminous Macadam (DBM) Fe {interpolated for temperature of 285°C) | 935 4300 eoeee) Wet Mix acadam (WN) 038 3508 350" (Cement Treated Sub-Base (CTSB) 025 00 600. Subgrade 035 3634 39.59 ‘The modulus ofthe WAM layer hs Been adopted in accordance withthe design ilustrations provided in louse 106 of RC; 37-2012, ‘The recommended flexible pavement desig for new construction is given in Table 3-19. Doc NocO1515¢-CRPADTD-001 a0 tar Construction ont hr od Pro ia. ee eet ee L&T Construction Nationa Highways egaron nese Pathorty of da ‘Table 5-19 Flexible Pavement Design for New Construction aren anaes = vem Cet Tease te) | oyreton | ate =) from | To tr) [BBM [wor [crs 40_[_ 80_|-150_| 200. 40_| @0_| 150_| 200 40_| as | a50_| 200 40_|-as_[ 150 | 200 40_|-6s_[ 150 | 200 40_|-65_[ 150-200 40_|75_[-150_| 200 ‘40_| 70_[-150_| 200 uss | 9595 000 | 69+650 rus | 109.70 uis | ossz 690650] aav705 ras | 7662 The pavement crst corresponding to efctive subgrade CBR of 12 percent ond 15 per ent shale chosen based on CBR of underlying sol below subgrade) as given i» Table 3-4 ‘The strain values computed with ITPAVE for various tial pavemest structural layer combinations are given in Annexure 134. (nthe basis ofthe ITTPAVE results, the adopted mechanistic design for selected pavement layer compostions for new construction is gven in Annexure 1.2 303. Flexible Pavement Design for Reconstruction ‘As mentioned in Secon 2:3, the stretches from lm 29+400 to ken 304000, andl from fm '82+500 to kan 83+100, have been proposed for reconstruction. This isa deviation fram Schedule-B, as for these stretches overay needs tobe provided a5 per Schedule. In these ‘reconstruction stretches the existing bitminous layer shall be dismantlec andthe pavement ‘rst, as per the following desig, shall be consracted on the existing granular ayer after achievingthe requtred levels exible pavement forthe reconstruction sections consists of following layers: 8) Bituminous Conerete (BC) b) Dense Bituminous Macadam (08M) ©) Wee ix Macadam (WAM) 4) Cement Treated Sub-base (CTSB) ©} Subgrade of 500 mm thickness with minimum CER of 15 percent shal be provided only at the adjoining widening portions. In the existing pavement width the existing franular ayer is consdered asa part of subgrade layer. After dismantling the top Thtuminous layer, ithe proposed levels are not achieved then addtional required subgrade shall be provided wit ol having minimum 15 percent CBR. 1m the existing pavement width, the effective subgrade CBR i calculated cnsiering the CBR of exsting granular layer and existing subgrade. Detaled calculation of effective subgrade CBR value ontop of essing granular layer is given in Annexure 9. Peet Des Report HW Dee Nos 15156 HP 80..0001 Page 40 Lar construction, hsp Stir Road ret i. econ tt eorer ere 98999999 95990999099999 LaT Construction tina tighy enon ane Authority of ina ‘As given in Annexure 9, the effective subgrade CBR ontop of existing granular layer was calculated a5 1652 percent and 3488 per cent for km 29400 to km 30+000 and km 82+500 tok 83+100 respectively. However, for the adjoining widening portion the effective subgrade CBR is 12 per cent Hence, effective subgrade CBR value of 12 per cent has been ‘considered inthe pavement design for reconstruction stretches. ‘The pavement cust composition corresponding tothe effective subgrade CBR value of 12 per cont shall bein accordance with Setion 3.8.2 and Table 3-19 ofthis report and the sme hasbeen illustrated in Table 3:20, A aR ‘Table 320 Flexible Pavement Design for Reconstruction Sections ly sox ee ati a ae, ieee oa wry veto | vead 29+400 | 30¢000 [Rus | 109.71 12 40_[ as | 150 | 200 Lentil ential RG _ 12 40 75_| 150 | 200 ‘Typleal Cross Section ilustrating reconstruction scheme with widening hasbeen presented in Figure 3:3. Existing Careageway Widening Widening sre i189 CBR) sal te Prove onyiteeuredto eee the ‘wb reputed ieee protiecoreton Se Top of iting BT Layer (tobe diamante) ‘Figure 33 Typical Section Showing Reconstruction with Widening 4 SUMMARY OF PAVEMENT DESIGN REPORT (OGL soi fing within m from subgrade top shall be compacted to mininum 95 per cont of maximum dy density (MDD). The proposed subgrade shall have a thickness of S00 mm and the soil for proposed subgrade shall have a minimum CBR of 15 percent t 97 per cent MDD. ‘The proposed pavement crusts have been summarized below For construction of BM in two layers, only the bottom DBM layer shall ke constructed with Fieh binder content Trea re Scere 9997909099999990999990% L&T Construction ational lehways esaten act Authority of lie 4.1 Overlay and Widening of Fxisting Carrlageway ‘The proposed flexible pavement crus for overlay and widening of existing carriage for LHS and RHS ae given in Table 4-1 and Table 4-2 respectively “Table 4-1 Flexible Pavement Crust for Overlay and Widening ils \ ean o08 8) Design at | veagn | OFFly | Paved Shoutdor- Widening e hainage (ki) | subgrade | Trafic Section (mm) HF trom | ro | como) | coum | BE, [BER | BE [ DEM, | wa | ose Toz600|zis500] 12 [9598 40 | so_[ 40 | 10s | 250 | 200, [214500] 37+000] 12 | 9.95 | ~40_|~so_| 40 | 105 | 250 | 200 '37+000| 43+500| 12 | 95.95] 40_|so_| 40 | 105 | 250 | 200 '43+500| 48/500 12 | 95.5] 40_| s0_| 40 | 105 | 250 | 200 '48+500| 514000] 12 | 95.05 |~40_| so | 40 [105 | 250 | 200 's1+000/ 55000] 12 | 958 |~40_| 50 | 40_[ 105 | 250 | 200 '58+000 | 60000] 12 | 9588 | 40 | 75 | 40_| 105 | 250 | 200 [60-000] 62+000| 12 | ss | 40_| so | 40 | 405 | 250 | 200 [64-700] 65000 12 | 95.95 | 40_| so | 40_| 405 | 250 | 200 (69-000] 72000 12 | s2_|so_| 0 | so | et | 250 | 200 172-000] 77+500| 12 | 6552_|s0_| 0 | so_| et | 250 | 200 [77-500] @5v000| 12 | 6552_| 40_| 50 | 40| 9] 250 | 200 ‘Table 4-2 Flexible Pavement Crust for Overlay and Widening - RES nea Ss y_ [met euler wining nage (a) Over Section (mm) subgrade | Tratte |e pg }-ge— See From | to | came) | cmsa) | BS, | DBM | BC | PSM. | woum | ose Goeano| 21-500] 12 |woare | 40 [sof a0__[ 110 | 250 | 200 '2i+s00| 37+000] 12 | 103.71 |~20 | ~s0_| 40] 110 | 250 | 20 37-000] 424500] 12 | a09.71 | 40 s0| 40 | 110 250 200. 'ag+500 | «8+s00| 12 | 10971 [40 | soa] 110 | 250 200. 'aa+s00| st+o00| 12 | 10971. |40_| so_| 40] 110 | 250 | 200. 's1+000| se+o00] 12 | 10971. {40 | so_| 40] 110 | 250 | 200. '50+000| 60000] 12 | 10871. |~40_| 040] 110 [250 | 200. '60+000| 62-000] 12 | 10871. |~40| so_| 40] 110 [250 | 200. 64700] 69-000] 12 | 109.71 | 40 | s0[a0[ 110-250 200. 69000] 72-000] 12 | 7662 | 40 [~s0_| a0 [95 | 2s0_| 200 72000] 77-500] 12 | 7662 | so [0 | -so| as | 2s0_| 200 74500] 83-000] 12 | 7662 | 40 [5040 | 95 | 250 | 200 ‘Note: The chainages mentioned in Table 4-1 and Table 42 includes the stretches of realignment and structure approaches also, for whch the pavement crast as per relevant widening schomes shal be adopted, porrooissscxrare om ee 9000 121 Construction ‘Gaspar Sasori. enema 2999990299099 999909099990909 L&T Construction National sehways anpratonan Authority ofa 42 New Construction ‘The proposed fleuble pavement crust for New 2-Lane Carlageway, Cencentric Widening (median - 45 m wide), Structure Approaches, New Alignment, and Re-algnment i given In “Table 4-3.For the overlay stretches between the design chainage km 0+0C0 to km 6+890 fll depth reconstruction has been proposed and the pavement crust, as applicable for new onstruction, shall be adopted in acordance with Table 4-3. al ‘Design Chainage ‘Pavement Crust Thickness Ria nay Design | Eft = OREN JE] Direction | raft | subgrade |ge—T yp sR Te || | [ar 2) | os [ss Ee emia ead = 15" 40_| 65 | 150 | 200 ‘The pavement crust corresponding to effective subgrade CR of 12 percent and 15 per cont shall be chosen based on CBR ofunderting sol (below subgrade) a given in Table 3-4 4.3. Reconstruction Stretches ‘The proposed feible pavement crust provided in Table 4-4 shal be adopted for reconstruction of existing pavement rom design chalnages km 29+400 to km 30+000 and km #2450 tok 836100 Table 44 Fleible Pavement Design for Reconstruction Sections Desa Game Desin |__| PPR ER THEI Direction | Tate | Suberade —5e— 5 From | To tise) | eB 0) | yey | eng |W | crs isos |e 40a _| isi | 200 23e400 | 30-00 | pus —[aonza [a2 [40 as | as0_|-200 tis éss2 [a [406s] as0_[-200 824500 | 83+100 |~pus [7662 [ae | 4075 | as0_| 200 Noe: Subgradeof 500 mm thick with minimum CBR 15 per cent shal be rovide only forthe widening portion At exiting pavement width after dismanting existing Beuminous layer, ubgrade (onionuey 15 percent CBR) shall be provided ony if required based an proposed levels veer Design apart MW ) Dae Ha 1515568 80.P.000. age e040 Lar Construction ‘hop lear Rod Pj 3 ‘Snot st ecencangnne ran anaA AANA 0 C 2999979999999 9900 Lar construction sional gay fcr nt ‘thority of nds Annexure 1 Test Results of Existing Subgrade Soil ee Quran, ccc, 5 onanece 99N9NIAX9R9999999DIDIDD Sxinsi ASi4 wos avapans ONS SunxaNNY © sex consrcion er Annexure 2 ‘Test Results of OGL Soil (At Toe of the Embankment) Focnaosisscreapr 01 © wxcersacion_, (hoki var Rd Pct he. ceroecrnnnnceAns Nr AaAAND 99099999999 5 si eral p wea | fet | a fek| i fat) a | on [a | aor | Se fem les cette | F Croreniener ear = ‘SLUnszu 484 CNaMONNVSG aL 40:201.LV)"10S 190 2 UNANNY ac a of af ata aR © exrerrectn sty Annexure 3 Test Results of OGL Soil (Along Center Line of New Alignment/Re- Alignment) a = Peers Peetu atadtads ta ees cn teat cee = Saas ‘SLs 1534 (ANaeNOTTV-74/.NGHINDFTY MAN 4O ANT HaLNED 9NOTW) HOS 790 :RHNASNNY poche) Seem reoraenrnrnnn ann Anandn AN AOBR299NB8DIWDIAD © sarcomrcin ater ne Annexure 4 Existing Pavement Crust Composition Sameera © eeommeses, overseers ree OR ta ge Cea t ae eval aes e cer en teen sent cee tect cer en tt ge es ee Oot gec etc 4 coer ANNEXURE 4: EXISTING PAVEMENT CRUST COMPOSITION ag ar TST sma [Oor gneinos| crt |e] crane | atiaos| utr fresnel," as Taper [ity | taper” | taer | “taper” "boar | CSB © exxsoeycion on oer | “tye SOUR Orem, Pont Hens 121 Construction ‘thority of Annexure 5 Visual Pavement Condition Summary Decneoisseceraprpoott Ores, ‘heii Saar Rod Pct he, reecnerr nnn a Tan AAA AAA ANAD 999 999099090999900 Sa. Ova. Authority of a Annexure 6 Test Results of Soil from Borrow Areas Peene ee HOW © ssrcoostrcton Chur Sb Rad ret PA. eee COREOCOC CORONA AFA DN ON NADANAADAIAAIAIDAIIIDIADD a) Sessa ‘S¥VINY MoRHOM WOME TIOS 40 SLIT ASHL-9 HUNXGNNY amd rr) COCR COANDAF AOC DAADANDAANADAADAAAOAINADIIIADDA © sarconrcten ay ona Annexure 7 Soil Cover Details for Embankment/Subgrade Construction with Non-Plastic Soil Soo @ wane ‘tet Sabie Rod Pj ha. COOP CAFFRA ARO ADRDAANANNAAADAIIDI9NIAIIIADD TUES WEE waURTEGTT Seo oy sere ‘HOS DLLSV1d-NON HIM NOLLIMALSNOD IAVUDANS/LNIWANVAA Od STIV.LAG WAAOD TOS *< TUAXANNY wononnsuo> 187 CCOCCOCAORFAFAARONRDDANAAAAAMDI9NNIDDNII9DA4ND © exrecsrcin sat Annexure 8 Average Daily Air Temperature and Rainfall Data Pavement es Report -MCW testa Solar Rat Pj i. 2 COORD OCF HAO AAA ANANADANDAIAMDIAINIANADIIDAADD 5 PE Haaser — =o ——. a rah Cre sex -=e “SEES oo =e oa ==0 =a @eccmnne Suomen point i i 6 oar ® ty a sera = COCOCOCARA AF ANANOAANAADADNADIAIAABIAIADSDA Lar Construction freer Annexure 9 Determination of Effective Subgrade CBR eer @ wean, acre aretesh CCOOOCOODARFALANADDDNDDANAADIANAAIAAIAIINIADAD Ut ete ee Pee etreteee ‘sommes ee fcc on sagas sa] toa ca co Qncenien eae ee aoe tect aeteeaet cere t aes en tau cn on teeta (geet nce) oes eee eee eee eee 5 Pont ems {81 Construction Authority ofa Annexure 10 BBD Survey & Analysis ee Quam, Chto Sabolbar Rood Pres Ph. eet COOEECORAAPANAORAANADNDANAADANANAIDINADD = ee ae SPSS agee ee t oe fa EEE et a conte eee at Seca aee ve Ge stent ees = = B= Fee— aera pose bee See eee Eesha =a ge US ee i Seo ee = Eee a eee Bimigeine geist des # Soe a Fe mee Peter ot \ a ETE bi 2-4 eae tat 48 F Sao =e TERS ar 2 SAR = Ta ae ee cae eee ec ee fos a= peee St gp ar tare HSS = = Pita teeter 2S — | SEH eter stan ieertae ee # a = gees epee eae s = eee te lariat get ee = Habe tee — Hote i Poet SSS recat Ee SEER sem =e iE Heri SSS _ = Ee ii SoH SaereH a Hee i. rer ie oe =e a ie =— = —= | a = i =e Se sem paar) feta Ce itithitatttttti ee seo a — 7S = == Haase Rese eee = Sete eee eee ~==- Sat = Ss — Se -Se Sa = Ste = ace eo Seete| SSS ee = HEH £ = a == serum =e i _ Has - Eo pa ee @ 28%) a A 82 Ly : Oi c + Aa iy TE ieeayienyeavieead Bedl THRH aE ae Ze Eerie] fe =) oe ar nie i t a Soe eerie! Ee = SSS ee = ae Sen SSH oo a] Eeaicgtaa Haniarste tater Se See Heer ee eae z a ts HE HET HSB | Sat EE ela Bebe ree fener tte ee ST sion eg 5 Ky Ks (S} oe: Felons: ‘i TIE ae i i 2m SST = SSS Hae = —— = Hen Hee eet matron 4 Eo Fe - oe =e | ee I) Ta ——= Eeeee] ~ Hatt Herta — 2213 Hee © TE Fare aaa He te Se Ef fee ad : FESS ae = E ae tt = este ae = foe ee {eit = sate He Spee pee ae oH a a SE se HEM aires 2H — a =a ea SS Benne ade SE taal : ese —— ee icteceee ae = ee SA ae SSeS eo eel) ae a =e oe beetertertertaetatiet = ae Sco Eee S Ed =e Se aoe =e ater tartare et et = fete 2 eects icte foe : oe pais ete eS SS SLs fae ee eter taetentietae i cctae = HEL aET aH eet ae # Bs at mans: a: ee ES Ss ~- Pantone a fret ese = eae a Seo ris] [anole sem arc 2 = Tat = EEE Fete] a =e ee 3 ae fart = Ee ie 4 He — Z ==S et _——— Sie fe E i tS Ee tet ja fe See] ar © @usnece SpE Renee SES ae te a exreneseentatsi fe =omar Orson Ball} Te di i J 1 HIDE wees! Soar arte igE5 aes 2 f L = Heer = aa es etter ae Eine = : sexom ae oh Boe tet E sa Soe at oH Sr See ere < Se Se iE i ar Pir] RBH EET BEER ae He om Rene ae +B ee He teil Be! fe SH Sp =e at = = Hu ae = “iret HSE ==. rae = a ae Sore SSeS te = ee He = et ES : = ater a + ay HS i22E=== erie =o: Se - + eee = Ea Shee ee E Soy 2S SS HE Seas eee 2a So Se ae a ie ee oH He Heat Hest te et BY ai aed init 1 ff ee | i ; i i i sem are —— [SEES Hi | EH Hee Le a es IE +z Ea aS ZS = oe pers S {eee = ope = = ay eae = SESS = SSE Se oe -—: tae =a Eee Sd ee ee. = + = Pa: 2 : tate a eee eas poe = ed Saat aa = a See peat = BL = sete 2: sersim -- Le SoS] Saas - a PE aecets ee ae Se Elis: ae = i eet eics: i ida faa SS SS a armas er at ate i= uz a — ai ees Serum ca He] — Haare noe Heer Hee a Se Sa = i ‘ ae : id to = Fee = = Hier fee ser i =e = Hand see TEE arate “ae fire ber to Peete fe eg Sse Pert eet efor 2 ss E ae Hal F fleet ea 5p TE ead =H Se = aaa iSite Ee Stade ee ee pops SHIEH ae ee eer Se Sete fierectirted oat = satu a Sys Sere (ff =e ey SESS SEES EE GEE ena Hee eS eee eer $e ates eateries ee sem TS HE Hak HH iadlh | eo =e 2eS peti] ets — Herta — feet] Hae] ete | | a serum © cxrconrton preleroy Annexure 11 Overlay Design Calculations by SN Method a Quam, ‘hsp Stel Rod Pet Pl. OCNECEOMAAMANKLATADRAR ANAL ABANANIDIAAAINIDIADANLH S——“(‘(Csi‘“Ctiswi‘isi‘(‘( SS Be gas de ts tere tae Ceavaet coats onsen fete fen tc ee tceee ec eant gee ete; ce cece ce eae construction onl graye frontiers Authority of | Annexure 12 Determination of Bituminous Layer Coefficient coe Qurcoie, (hipaa Stele Rd Per. 2 (4 2G) 9g (8G meena pee 62a) 's ae pote (pe fet nie) te! 's (6) es) 412) 2) 9: af G eercensircon ay ohne ST ANNEXURE 12: DETERMINATION OF BITUMINOUS LAYER COEFFICIENT From the gure 25 of ASITO folowing values hive ees derived andthe graph as bn plot as town below. asi Noda | Haste Woda, Layer Coote ae Toro a0 2A e000 ‘a0 ree 000 ‘zt a Souo0 aed use [y= oarosiagy 1769 ea 09978 rt aye tien pl ner sh a From the above graph, structural ayer netic corresponding Buminous Layer modulus 4300 MPa (6z3es211 py eekaated a 0436, ree Ds Report: NEW ore © usrsonseucion Meee oO ef ee eee hoe eee eee oo ee oo ol © tar cenarcion Sosy aT Oj et ey Annexure 13 Mechanistic Design for Proposed Flexible Pavement cmaecnonel © wronenio,_, ‘hop alae Rod Per. re ieee rent cetctcetnts in ANNEXURE 13.4: STRAIN VALUES COMPUTED FROM ITTPAVE Stan Yas Computed ing PAVE 6 9595 me Sura OR WNC = AO mm Tet Sa a eae ee Sn Ves Compete ag TPAVEr 505 Stra 13% with C= £0 mm ee —— rere ‘Geneon sister Ocemen., @ xxsomaien Seve ra Oo) a oa este ose ose [este | aver | aoeoue{ compra anes aa Yate Compe ing PAVE 09.74 Subgrade CHR 2% WBC =50 mm ti err [ abe [ eee [oor ore -aoth fame lesa: 7a ‘or Lansrr anne aorer easer omen? [ears ant Ta Sars asear [ona noare waeso[-omosvo eooaae[ eases eee Ose. StS ER fone Ne) = aa Strain Ves Compt sing TPAVEbe 6552s Segre CRI Wt BE = 40 mm ‘ae ais [a a atc ae a Saar [ours [nae [ost antares sr ons =o ses [sna maser [-tnon-- oz sors comer | omoorr Saas Computed ig TPE 6.5 & Segre BRC 2% wth C= mm permenant van Drseme, © sxxeomncion peveesieet Saas Compate ing ITPAVE be 7662 mi & Segre CRO 2% BE = 4 mm San Ye Compt ing PAVE 7662004 & Segre ORE2¥ WB HE5O mm [Single Wet Load Oo) = 000 a e erecta Crm © exxseoncien Strain Values Computed for New 2ane Carsageiny. Concentric Widening (media 45m). Structure Approaches, New Alignment and Realignment 7 a ee alti EER Ee chara SS SE ee =a : re ee —a a eee ae SY eS IS oesion ‘ Reomerng < a, re sas Ves Computed ag TPAVE fr 09.71 msn Sayre CORON — = O tsrcoerruction st ter Sun aus Computed wing PAVE 52 me Subyrade CBRf12% fare = ee — eee ee ee tee eae = Sante Compute sing ITPAVE or 65.52 man Subgrade CORES ee ood 2880 Poe) ma SURE Oxon. San Vie Compe ing TPA 6 1642 mo Sera HR 126 ‘es BB a a T a i [Sater ose [ tee [asters nate [nat [coe oason et 5b [ooh Laas asic) tats [sneer [por [at ‘Sante Compt ing ITPAVE 67662 & Sagrada R35 is ee bapser [aon eam ast LUN WITS UOWOPSS 2 sae CR OOCE NDF ARANRANADAAXAANAXRM9AIIAAIAIIDABAIAD

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