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The Legendary Whale

Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi


Copyright © Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi: 2021

© Copyright No.: 112/2021

First edition: 2021

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be

reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in
any means, electronic, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright

Cover-design and illustrations were prepared by the author



To whosoever taught me a letter


P. No.
Author’s Word v
Characters in vi
this Story
Chapter 1 In Jim’s House 1
Chapter 2 In the Inn 7
Chapter 3 The Sailing 13
Chapter 4 The Thief 16
Chapter 5 Sikes’ Death 23
Chapter 6 With the Police 27
Chapter 7 The Revenge 36
Chapter 8 Death to Tylo Frip! 42
Chapter 9 The Storm 53
Chapter 10 The Hunt 59
Chapter 11 With Other Captains 73
Chapter 12 The Scary Voices 95
Chapter 13 The First Battle 108
Chapter 14 The Second Battle 119
Chapter 15 The Third Battle 132
Chapter 16 Sinking of the ship 137
Chapter 17 Morgan’s Survival 148
Chapter 18 Returning to New York 156

Author’s Word

Dear readers, I do not know what made

me start my first writing initiative to write about a
tale that reflects the ongoing conflict between man
and nature. Was it my love for nature which made
me mobilize it to defend itself or my critic for man’s
greed which engulfed and corrupted everything or
both of them?
I do not know indeed, but the course of the
events of the novel may tell the readers. The novel is
within their hands and now it is the property of the
readers. They are free to handle it the way they like
and say about it whatever they like. After all our aim
is to enrich the youth library with works that may
please them.
My sole aim behind writing this novel is that
I wanted to supplement the youth library with a type
of literary material that they usually like and enjoy
whether in the form of written material or otherwise.
I have made it in the form of a written material. I
hope that readers enjoy it.
I am deeply indebted to my sister; Fatima (11
years) for going through the text and offering
productive comments and useful suggestions.

Ali Abdelrahman Mohammed Yeddi, 2021


Characters in this Story

Jim: A trader of fish and whale oil who wanted to kill an

orca whale as it killed his son. He was a captain of a
Rosa: Jim’s wife.
Morgan: Jim’s servant.
Boxtel: A man who was instigating Jim against the orca.
Sikes: Jim’s son who went with his father in a hunting
Systen: An officer in New York port.
Taigo, Sheigo, Taisam and Malgo: African whale
Shomo: A cannibal and whale hunters.
Sapt, Fagin, Darnay and Ropert: Officers of the ship.
Andy, Achley, Rachel, Emanda, Emaily and Lucie:
The cookers of the ship.
George: The doctor of the ship.
Hawkins: A captain of a ship called Interquiek.
Oliver: A captain of a ship called Kaitfodam.
Bill: A captain of a ship called Todoshima.


Tylo Frip: An orca whale which killed Jim’s son. It was

a very smart and strong fellow.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 1

Chapter 1
In Jim’s House

A man lived in a house near New York

beach. He was called Jim Fritz. He was a young and
strong man. He was the best fish trader in the city. He
was selling tuna, salmon, sardine and other types of
fish. He was also interested in hunting whales to get
oil. He was a rich man. The reason which made him
the richest man in the city was that he was possessing
strong and skillful men who hunt fish and whales for
him. He lived happily with his family in a rich,
expensive and comfortable house.
One day, he returned to his house. He was tired
and exhausted. He took a nap and woke up at four
o’clock p.m. He ate his lunch and sat on a chair saying
to his wife; Rosa:
“I am very happy. I am becoming richer and
richer. My trade is growing very well.”
Rosa massaged his soft hair and said:
“Very well.”
“Selling fish is giving us more money.” Jim
added, “Few years ago, people weren’t interested in
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 2

Rosa massaged his soft hair and said: “Very well.”

The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 3

whales’ oil, but many people are buying it now. It’s

useful for lighting lamps. We have abundant of it.
This means lots of money will come to us. But there
is a problem. People are buying lots of fish. It is going
out of stock very quickly. This forces us to go on a
hunting journey every weekend, but we can also hunt
more whales for getting their oil.”
Rosa looked up to the roof and spoke quietly.
“I want to tell you something.”
Suddenly, someone knocked the door.
“Come in.” Jim shouted.
A young man entered the room. He was
wearing tidy and clean clothes. He was Morgan
Tarner who helps Jim in his trade. He was an honest
man. Therefore, Jim was trusting him.
“Good afternoon, sir.” Morgan said, “I hope
that you are well.”
“Good afternoon, Morgan” Jim replied.
“Sir, we must go back to our work. We have to
sell off the stored fish.” Morgan added.
“I’ll come there later on.” Jim said, “You go
and sell everything.”
“Very well.” Morgan said, “I want to tell you
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 4

an important thing. The fish in the market is not very

much available. We can go on a hunting journey on
the coming days. Do you agree?”
“Today is Thursday. We will go on Sunday. We
will prepare ourselves till that day.” Jim said.
“Good, we can hunt more whales.” Morgan
“Yes, we will prepare a big ship for that
journey. Inform all the merchants and whales hunters
about the expected journey. We must store our
necessary supplies in the ship till Sunday. We will
start our journey at ten a.m. You can leave now.”
Morgan thanked him and left the room.
“Yes, you had wanted to tell me something
before Morgan came here. What was it?” Jim asked
“Ah, I wanted to discuss something with you.”
She said, “You have three sons. Can you take Sikes;
the eldest, with you in the next journey? Let him look
at you while you are hunting whales and fish. This
will teach him the art of your business.”
Jim kept quiet for sometimes and said, “But I
think that it’s early for him to learn such things and
the journey sometimes turns to be dangerous.”
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 5

“Don’t worry.” Rosa said, “You always says

that you want him to be a successful trader and whale
hunter. You should train him right from now.”
“I…but.” Jim replied.
“He’s fourteen years old now. He’s old enough
to ride the sea with you.” Rosa said, “Don’t worry and
don’t go far into your imagination, my dear. He can
only watch what you are doing and learn from it for
his future.”
“Okay, please call him.” Jim said.
Rosa went to Sikes’ room and called him. Both
of them entered the room. Jim told Sikes about his
desire to take him in the next journey. He told him
about the date of the journey. Sikes thanked his father
“One day, you will be a good hunter and trader
just like me.” Jim said with a smile.
Sikes went to his room. He was mad with
happiness. He told his younger brothers about the
journey. The two brothers got jealous, went to their
father and requested him to take them with him. Jim
refused to take them with him because they were still
small. The two children went back to their room with
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 6

“I can take Sikes with me, but I am afraid of

something.” Jim said to Rosa, “If a storm hits us while
we are sailing on the ocean, it may destroy the ship
and all of us may die. Then, you will regret forever.”
“No, don’t think in this way.” Rosa said.
“Okay, I must leave now” Jim said.
He stood up and left the house. On the way, he
met one of his friends. He was an officer who works
with the customs of the port.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Systen.” Jim said.
“Good afternoon” Systen said, “I knew that
you are planning for a hunting journey. Morgan told
me about it. I want also to accompany you. I am off
from my duty for two months.”
“Alright, you are welcome. We will start on
Sunday.” Jim said, “We will take the strongest
African hunters on our ship as usual.”
“Do you know a man called Taigo?” Systen
“No.” Jim replied. “Who is he?”
“He is the best African hunter” Systen replied,
“He’s an idolator, but he hunts very well. You can take
him with you in your next journey.”
“Certainly” Jim said, “Please, meet the ship’s
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 7

officers and inform them about the journey.”

“Of course.” Systen said.
Jim went to Morgan who was in the market
selling fish and whale’s oil. There was too much
demand for whale’s oil. Therefore, Jim told Morgan
that they have to hunt more whales in the next
journey. Morgan agreed and both of them continued
their work till night.

Chapter 2
In The Inn

The clock struck eight. It was night, but

the streets were still crowded. Every merchant and
whales’ hunter knew about Jim’s plan. Jim and
Morgan closed down the market and walked together
to a nearby inn. Jim saw some officers and merchants
sitting in the inn. He sat and talked to them. Morgan
saw one of his African friends who looks very strong.
He was drinking a cup of tea. Morgan sat near him
and said to him:
“Mr. Taigo, we are planning a hunting trip.”
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 8

“Good.” Taigo said.

“We want to take you with us.” Morgan added,
“Do you agree?”
“Sure, my dear. It is my pleasure.” Taigo
replied cheerfully, “This will be the first time to ride
the sea with you, Morgan.”
“We will also pay you handsomely.” Morgan
“When would you start the trip?” Taigo asked.
“On Sunday at ten a.m.” Morgan replied.
“Good. Thus, I must go home now to prepare
myself.” Taigo said.
“Good night.” Morgan said.
Taigo stood up and went to his house. Morgan
went back to Jim. He looked at Morgan and said:
“Morgan, I’ll be the captain of the ship.” Jim
said, “These men chose me as their captain.”
“Very good.” Morgan said.
“The workers shall start their duty from
tomorrow.” Jim added.
Then, Jim stood up and walked out of the inn
with Morgan. They went to their house through
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 9

“We will also pay you handsomely.” Morgan

The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 10

crowded streets.
“My dear, you were speaking to a strange black
man. Who is he?” Jim asked.
“He’s the best African hunter.” Morgan replied,
“His name is Taigo.”
“Taigo?” Jim asked in surprise, “He really
looks very strong. I shall return and inform….”
“No, sir. No need for you to go and tell him.”
Morgan said quickly, “I have already told him about
the journey.”
“Well done, Morgan.” Jim said.
Finally, they arrived home. Rosa welcomed
“Do you want to eat or drink something?” Rosa
“No, my dear.” Jim said with a smile, “I drank
tea in the nearby inn. I am tired and I shall sleep. Sikes
also can sleep because I’ll take him tomorrow to let
him see the work.”
“For me, I want to sleep only.” Morgan said.
Morgan was sleepy, indeed. He went to his
room and slept. Jim went to his room and slept, too.
Rosa prepared Jim and Sikes’ clothes and went to
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 11



On the following day, Jim and Sikes woke up

early in the morning. They went to the port. They
waited for the workers. When the clock struck seven
a.m., the workers began their work. They prepared a
strong ship called Lingnerland. They started storing
necessary supplies. Jim and Sikes were looking over
the works and arrangements.
“I think that the journey will be very
enjoyable.” Sikes said happily, “I want to see how
you can kill large whales.”
Jim smiled and said nothing. He and Sikes
walked a little. They met Systen.
“Good morning.” Systen said, “Who is this
“He is my son. He will go with us.” Jim replied,
“I’ll train him to ride the sea with us.”
“A man who called Shomo wants to go with us.
He is an African man.” Systen said, “But I know that
he’s a cannibal.”
“Don’t be silly. The law forbids cannibalism as
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 12

you know.” Jim said, “He can’t dare to harm us. He

can go with us if he wants.” Systen went inside the
Jim told his son many things about the sea. He
told him about seasickness, pirates, tropical fevers
and storms. Meanwhile, the crew members were also
working with the workers. All of them collected and
stored barrels of food and drinks. They stored some
guns and pistols to use them to defend themselves
against pirates. They also arranged fishing tools such
as spears, hooks, nets and sandworms. Thus, they
stored a large quantity of supplies enough for almost
two years.
Morgan went to visit Taigo to tell him about the
news. Unfortunately, Taigo’s wife told him bad news.
She told him that her husband is ill and may not be
able to accompany them. Morgan got surprised and
felt sorry. He told Jim about the illness of Taigo.
“How? Why? We will wait till Sunday and see
if he recovers or not.” Jim said.
Jim walked with Sikes to the ship. He went to
his room, sat on a chair and began to plan the trip.
Sikes went to the deck and enjoyed looking at the sea.
He watched sea birds which were flying over the ship
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 13

and diving to hunt fish.

On Saturday, the sky was clear and the wind
was blowing gently. The crew worked harder than
before. Finally, they finished their work at Saturday
night. They were very tired. They went to the inn, ate
dinner and drank wine. Jim, Sikes and Morgan went
home. Sikes was very happy and enthusiastic. That
night, he couldn’t sleep for a long time. He was
thinking and dreaming about the journey and hunting

Chapter 3
The Sailing

On Sunday morning, Jim, Sikes and

Morgan prepared themselves and walked out to the
port. Rosa and her two children followed them to the
port. The crew were paying farewell to their families.
Sikes kissed his mother gently and paid farewell to
her. Systen was standing at the door of the ship as all
the people who board the ship must be Christians. The
African hunters were worshiping idols, but they were
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 14

allowed to board the ship as they were good hunters.

No other idolator can board the ship. Morgan went to
Taigo’s house to speed up his coming and
accompanying them, but Taigo was still ill. Morgan
returned quickly to Lingnerland and told Jim about
Taigo’s condition and his inability to accompany
The ship started to depart. Jim was the captain
of the ship. The sailors waved their hands to their
families. There were six cookers, five officers, four
African hunters, a doctor and twenty members of the
crew. All the crew were hunters, but the four African
hunters; Shomo, Taisam, Sheigo and Malgo, were the
best. The six cookers were women. They were Andy,
Achley, Rachel, Lucie, Emaily and Emanda. The five
officers were Systen, Sapt, Fagin, Darnay and Robert.
The doctor was called George. Lingnerland headed
towards the east on the Atlantic Ocean. Sikes was
watching the stretches of the sea happily.


When Lingnerland became far away from the

coast, the crew started putting the sandworms on their
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 15

hooks. They also threw the nets to hunt the Salomon

and sardine. Morgan was holding his hook for a long
time. He was half asleep. Suddenly, something pulled
the hook and started resisting him.
“Help, help.” Morgan shouted, “I caught a fish.
It is a tuna.”
Some men rushed to help him. The tuna was
very strong. It tried to push itself into the depth of the
ocean, but the crew was stronger. They pulled up the
tuna to the surface of the water. Shomo shot a spear
to its face. Sheigo shot another spear. Malgo shot
another spear, but to its chest. In few minutes, the tuna
was half dead. Its blood coloured the water.
“Pull it up quickly before sharks smell the
blood and come here to trouble us.” A man shouted.
The men pulled it, put it on the deck of the ship
and started to cut its skin. Then, they stored the meat
in a special room. They were surrounding the meat
with charcoal to forbid its decomposition. Sikes was
sleeping at that time. He woke up and saw the stored
meat. He asked his father:
“What are these?”
“These are tuna’s meat.” Jim replied.
Sikes was sad because he couldn’t see how did
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 16

they hunt the tuna.

“Don’t be sad, my dear.” Jim replied, “We will
hunt more later on.”
Sikes decided to remain near hunters to see
how they hunt tuna. After seeing some sharks swim
swiftly around the nets, the crew pulled out their nets
quickly. They were full of Salomon. They stored the
Salomon in the special room.
“Wow, that’s good. Store them.” Jim said “We
would get lots of money.”
“We will hunt more tuna Mr. Fritz.” Systen said
enthusiastically, “Then, we shall think about hunting

Chapter 4
The Thief

The crew continued their journey.

Suddenly, a man caught another tuna. Some men
rushed to help him. Sikes was eager to see how they
will deal with the hunted tuna. He watched carefully.
The men shot the tuna with their spears. At that
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 17

moment, an orca whale was swimming few yards

away from them. It heard the tuna move and hit water
violently. It swam towards the tuna. The orca whale
attacked it, pulled it strongly into the deep water to
snatch it away.
“What? An orca?!” Sapt wondered, “This
foolish whale is stealing our hunt. Pull the hook.”
All the men pulled the hook together. The orca
ate half of the tuna’s body. It let the other half to them.
When the crew pulled the tuna, most of the skin had
disappeared. No head and no tail! The crew got
annoyed. When the orca came to the surface to take a
breath, the crew saw it.
“Tylo Frip?!” Taisam asked in surprise.
“What’s this?” Jim asked.
“The seamen call it like that.” Taisam replied,
“It’s the strongest and most intelligent whale in the
world. Look! It’s brown. It’s different from the other
orca whales. It’s very dangerous if you confront it.”
“It isn’t stronger than us.” Jim mocked. “Look!
It has three red lines on its face.”
“Yes, this makes it more different from other
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 18

The orca whale attacked it, pulled it strongly into the

deep water to snatch it away.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 19

orca whale.” Taisam said.

This orca whale was a strange whale. All the
orca whales are black on the back and white on the
belly, but this one was brown on the back and white
on the belly. All the orca whales are smart, but this
one was smarter. All the orca whales are about nine
meters, but this one was eighteen meters long. It
could jump higher than other orca whales. It was also
faster than other orca whales.
The crew was angry and disappointed. They
threw the dead tuna back to the water and sailed away.
Sikes was angry for that and sorry for not seeing the
tuna hunted. Tylo Frip was clever and it knew that this
ship is a hunting ship. Therefore, it followed the ship
quietly. Some sharks also came and ate the remaining
of tuna’s body. The poor tuna turned into white bones
and sank into the ocean.
On the following day, the crew started to eat
“We will continue hunting tuna after we lost
one yesterday.” Robert said.
“That whale had angered me, indeed.” Darnay
said disgustfully, “I wanted to kill it yesterday.”
“Stop talking about yesterday’s loss.” Jim said,
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 20

“We must think about future gains. Now, we are far

away from that orca. It won’t do it again.”
The crew started their work after finishing their
breakfast. Half an hour later, Darnay caught a tuna.
Shomo shot a spear on it. A man shot another spear.
A pond of blood surrounded the tuna. Suddenly, Tylo
Frip jumped above the surface and fell on the tuna.
Consequently, the tuna was freed from the hook, but
Tylo Frip caught it and tore it into pieces. The crew
was shocked and their faces turned red.
“This whale is mocking us.” A man shouted.
“Father, I think that this whale doesn’t know
how to hunt that is why it’s stealing the hunt.” Sikes
said angrily, “Let’s teach it a lesson.”
“How can that be?” Jim asked in surprise.
Systen gave a great cry of anger and took a
“I must kill it. It’s destroying our trade.” He
shouted, “I’ll teach it a lesson.”
He stood on the timber bar of the ship and shot
the spear at it.
“That is folly. You will fall into the water.”
Shomo shouted. But Systen didn’t listen to him.
The spear stabbed the whale. Systen shot
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 21

another spear at it, but he lost his balance and fell into
the water. Before they could know what will happen,
Tylo Frip hit Systen by its tail. He flew into the air in
arch shape.
“Help, help. Somebody helps.” He screamed,
“My God, help me.”
Then, he fell into the water far away from the
ship and disappeared forever. The crew was shocked.
They led the ship to another direction to avoid the
whale. However, Tylo Frip noticed that the ship had
diverted to another direction. It continued to follow
it, but the crew did not observe it.
“Tylo Frip is a thief. We are losing a lot of
money because of that mad whale.” Jim said angrily,
“We must kill it next time if it steals our hunt again.”
“This whale is strange.” Sapt said, “I know that
orca whales are strong and clever. They hunt their
food and do not steal. Why does Tylo Frip behave
strangely in this way in spite of its big size that
enables it to hunt for itself?”
“No, orca whales usually do this, but they do
that once only and go to their way. We should see.”
Jim replied, “If it comes again, we shall colour the sea
with its blood.”
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 22

“Yes, you are right.” A man said, “We would

kill it next time. We waited for a long time to hunt a
tuna, it snatched it from us. I am disappointed,
The crew decided to take some rest after a long
time of waiting for a tuna. The weather was sunny and
hot. Jim was angry and pale.
“If that whale attacks our hunt again, I shan’t
spare its life.” Jim said, “Enough is enough. I can’t
endure more than this.”
“The tuna is about two hundred kilograms.”
Fagin added, “All these kilograms are entering into
Tylo’s belly. That’s unacceptable.”
“Do you think that Tylo Frip is following us?”
Jim asked, “It did it yesterday.”
“Maybe, we don’t know.” A man replied.
“We will kill it next time.” Jim said, “Now, let’s go
and hunt.”
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 23

Chapter 5
Sikes’ Death

The crew continued their work after

taking some rest. Sapt caught a tuna. The crew rushed
to help. They shot two spears into its body. Suddenly,
Tylo Frip jumped and, violently, devoured a large part
of the tuna. The crew got shocked and became,
extremely, angry. Jim and Sikes were mad with anger.
Jim stabbed the whale. Sikes took a spear and said:
“Please, father, I am a good swimmer. Give me
a chance to jump into the sea and fight it.”
“Are you mad?” Jim asked in surprise, “How
dare you jump into the sea and fight an orca whale?”
“That whale is very dangerous.” Sapt said.
“Father, let me fight it.” Sikes requested, “If
anything happens to me, you can send the hunters to
help me.”
“No need to do that, Sikes.” Jim objected, “The
hunters will take up the task and fight it.”
“No father, this will train me to fight whales.”
Sikes said, “The whale will not be able to do anything
to me.”
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 24

Jim refused, but Sikes continued to request his

father. Finally, Jim agreed.
“My brave son, you can go. May God bless and
help you.” Jim said happily, “I’ll defend you.”
Sikes thanked his father and jumped into the
water to face the whale. Tylo Frip saw him and
thought that this fellow must be the one who had
stabbed it. It decided to revenge.
Jim waited for his son for a long time. He did
not appear. Jim was very worried.
“The orca whales are really a kind of
dolphins, but sometimes they become more
dangerous than sharks.” Darnay said, “They can feast
on everything even the biggest whales.”
“Perhaps, it harmed Sikes. Darnay is right.”
Morgan added.
Jim was very afraid after listening to them.
Suddenly, Morgan shouted, “Look! Sir, there is some
blood on the surface of water.”
Jim saw the blood coloring water and he gave
a great cry of fear.
“Don’t be afraid, Jim. It might be the whale’s
blood.” Sapt said.
Jim didn’t answer him and he jumped into the
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 25

Tylo Frip saw him and thought that this fellow

must be the one who had stabbed it. It decided to
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 26

water. Ten men took spears and followed him.

Sometimes later, they came to the surface and
boarded the ship. They put Sikes’ dead body on the
deck. Jim looked at Sikes’ smashed head and broken
jaw. His chest was wet with blood. Jim screamed
loudly till he scared the sea birds which were sitting
on the mast poles or flying over Lingnerland.
“I am a fool.” Jim said, “Stupid, ugly, clumsy
and mad.”
He ran up and down the ship like a mad
creature and howled like an animal. After he had been
tired, he sat on the ground and wept loudly. The crew
surrounded him to console him and halted hunting
activities on that day.
On the following day, the crew decided to hunt
some tuna.
“Hunting tuna won’t be useful.” Morgan said.
“Why?” Sapt asked.
“I think that the whale is still following us.”
Morgan replied.
Sapt was puzzled and decided to meet Jim who
was sitting in his room and mourning his son.
“Please, that is enough.” Sapt said kindly,
“Will we hunt or return to New York?”
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 27

“Return to New York.” Jim replied sadly.

“I’ll drive the ship to New York.” Sapt said.
Sapt went to the driving cabin and left Jim
alone. Jim was sad and no one dared to speak to him.

Chapter 6
With The Police

Four days later, the ship arrived at New

York Beach. The customs of the port were surprised
because there was no whales’ oil and sufficient hunt;
only one tuna and some Salomon. The crew told them
about what Tylo Frip had done to them. They told
them about Sikes and Systen’s death.
Jim did not want to see his wife. He was
ashamed of his foolishness and recklessness.
“I want to go to the inn. I don’t want to go
home.” Jim said.
Morgan said, “Don’t worry. Tell Rosa what had
happened. She has to know everything. She will
understand you and accept what destiny has decided.”
“No, I don’t want to meet her.” Jim insisted.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 28

“You have to go home sooner or later.” Morgan

said, “Go to her house and tell her what happened.
She has to know the reality.”
Jim decided to go and meet Rosa. He arrived
home and knocked the door. Rosa opened the door.
“Mr. Jim, how are you? You came so soon.”
She said, “We were….”
She stopped talking to look for Sikes. She was
shocked to see Jim without Sikes.
“Where is Sikes?” She asked.
Jim bowed his head to the ground and didn’t
“Where is Sikes?” Rosa asked again.
Jim said nothing. Morgan stood near him and
decided to speak out.
“Please, tell me where is Sikes.” Rosa
requested, “Tell me.”
Jim entered the house and walked to his room.
Rosa and Morgan followed him. Rosa was very
worried. Jim looked at her and told her the whole
story. Rosa screamed loudly.
“Hush, don’t scream like this.” Jim ordered,
“People will think that there is a murder here.”
“Why did you send him to the whale?” Rosa
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 29

asked with eyes full of tears, “Why did you accept his
request to fight the whale?”
“I told you the story. I don’t want to repeat
everything again.” Jim replied, “He insisted and I
couldn’t refuse.”
“You are a stupid fellow.” Rosa shouted
angrily, “He can’t hunt a fish. Why did you send him
to a killer whale, especially, Tylo Frip?”
“I am sorry. I have committed a great mistake.”
Jim apologized.
“Sorry? Sorry after what?” Rosa shouted,
“After you lost your son?”
“This happened by mistake, you young devil.”
Jim said with a rough voice, “Don’t let me slap you.”
“Slap me and tell people that you are the most
stupid creature in the world.” Rosa shouted.
“Stop talking nonsense. You are the reason
behind these problems.” Jim said, “Why did you ask
me to take Sikes with me?”
“I asked you to take him with you, but I didn’t
order you to throw him to killer whales.” Rosa
shouted angrily, “I am not guilty at all.”
“If you had not convinced me to take him
with me, this would haven’t happened at all.” Jim
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 30

shouted nervously.
“You have nothing to say, Jim. You are wrong,
but you are trying to defend yourself and justify your
mistake.” Rosa shouted as loud as she could, “You
sent Sikes to the whale and it killed him. That means
you killed him. You killed my son. Go away, you
As Jim and Rosa were arguing near the
window, Jim was afraid that the people may come and
attack him because of her dangerous accusation.
“Don’t speak about murder.” Jim said angrily,
“Are you mad?”
Rosa was very angry and lost her mind. She hit
a nearby table and wept loudly.
“Stop it. Don’t act like a mad monkey.” Jim
shouted at her.
“I’ll do this, you criminal man.” Rosa screamed
Jim got furious, grabbed Rosa’s long hair and
beat Rosa. Morgan was shocked.
“Stop, stop.” Morgan shouted.
“Leave me, you wicked man.” Rosa screamed.
Jim pressed her against the wall.
“You deserve the worst.” Jim said angrily.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 31

Rosa pushed herself away from Jim. She ran to

the window and cried.
“Help, help. A criminal is in my house. Help,
Jim pushed Rosa to the ground. She got scared
and screamed loudly. She was very afraid that Jim
may actually kill her. She closed her eyes and stopped
moving. Neighbors heard Rosa’s calling for help.
They were puzzled and called the police.
“What? How can you do that to your wife,
Jim?” Morgan asked in surprise, “Is she dead?”
Jim bent to touch her chest.
“No, nothing happened. She just fainted.” Jim
Then, they heard a knock on the door. Jim
cursed Rosa because she brought troubles to him.
Both of them were worried. Morgan walked to the
door and opened it. He saw a crowd of people behind
a policeman.
“What was happening?” The policeman asked,
“Neighbors informed us that there is a cry of a woman
in this house.”
“A man quarreled with his wife and she
fainted.” Morgan replied.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 32

“And who are you?” The policeman asked.

“I am his servant.” Morgan replied.
“Why did the woman say that someone is
killing her?” The policeman asked.
“Because she was angry only.” Morgan
“Angry? What do you mean by the word
angry?” The policeman asked, “I think that you are
“Why not? She became angry with her husband
and accused him of murder.” Morgan replied.
“I am not believing you at all.” The policeman
said, “Let me go in and see that if you are saying the
truth or not. You will go to the prison if you are a liar.”
Morgan agreed and took the policeman to the
room. Some people entered the house and followed
the policeman who stood near the fainted woman.
“What is this?” He asked, “Is she dead?”
“No, she is alive. Check her heart beating to be
sure that what I am saying is true.” Jim replied.
“We will take both of you to the police center
and know what had happened exactly.” The
policeman said.
Jim agreed and walked with the policeman.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 33

Morgan and another neighbor supported Rosa till she

reached the police center. Jim’s two children were
shocked. They were hiding themselves in a room.
They came out and followed their parents to the
police center.
Jim told the police officer about the whole
“She committed a mistake by accusing you of
murder.” The policeman said.
“Yes, she was….” Jim said
“But you also committed a mistake by sending
your son to the whale.” The policeman said, “Why
have you done that?”
Jim looked at the ground and said nothing.
“You made a grave mistake. You will be
punished.” The policeman said.
Jim got scared and decided to defend himself.
“But the boy requested me a lot. I couldn’t….”
Jim said.
“No, this is not an excuse. You weren’t
supposed to allow your son to go and confront the
whale.” The policeman said. “Your son wasn’t trained
to fight whales. Why did you allow him to go to the
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 34

“I am sorry.” Jim said.

“But you will be punished. You will be referred
to the court. It will either imprison you or order you
to pay a fine.” The policeman said.
Jim was happy and thought that this isn’t a
scary punishment as he is a rich man and he will pay
the fine.
Jim pretended that he was afraid from this
punishment, but he was happy.
“Although this is an unfair punishment, but I’ll
oblige to it.” Jim said to the policemen.
Rosa opened her eyes and found herself in the
police center. She saw Jim speaking to the policemen.
“But you hit your wife badly.” The policeman
“Because she accused me of murder.” Jim
replied, “That was the reason behind hitting her. She
wanted to put me in more troubles.”
“Shut up, you cruel man. You were about to kill
me.” Rosa shouted.
Jim pressed his teeth together in anger.
“Why did you speak about murder?” Jim asked
“You were also wrong.” The policeman said to
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 35

Rosa, “You were not supposed to accuse him of

murder. You will be pardoned this time, but don’t
repeat the same again.”
Finally, Jim went to the court and accepted to
pay the fine. Then, Jim and Rosa were freed. They
went home. Each one stayed in a separate room as
they were angry with each other.
“I won’t serve you any food or drink. Try to
help yourself.” Rosa said, “Moreover, I won’t forgive
you unless you kill that whale and hang its body in
the port.”
Jim ignored her and went to his room. He sat
on a chair and started to think about killing Tylo Frip.
Sometimes later, one of the two children went
to Morgan and said:
“My mother wants to speak to you. Come and
meet her.”
Morgan went to Rosa’s room.
“Morgan, what has been done with Sikes’
body?” Rosa asked.
“We threw it into the sea.” Morgan replied.
“What? How dare you do that?” Rosa asked.
“Because his body began to decompose after
three days of his death.” Morgan said, “We had no
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 36

coffin to put him in, so we were not having another

option, but throw his body into the sea.”
“But he became the food of sharks.” Rosa said
in grief.
“His body began to decompose before we
arrive the beach. There was no other choice than to
do that.” Morgan replied, “Therefore, we were forced
to throw him into the sea.”
Then, Morgan went quickly to Jim’s room.

Chapter 7
The Revenge

Jim has been thinking about his wife’s

words for three days. He was angry with Rosa and
thinking about Tylo Frip. Finally, he decided to
“Morgan, we shall go on another hunting
journey.” Jim said to Morgan, “We didn’t hunt any
whales in the previous journey. We will travel on the
same ship which is called Lingnerland. Tell the
traders and whale hunters, especially, Taigo about the
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 37

proposed journey. We will take him with us if he is ill

or not because he will help us in hunting whales. He
looks strong and hefty. He may be very well today.
Today is Tuesday. We will go on Friday.”
Morgan agreed and summoned all the officers
and the same crew to tell them about the proposed
journey. Jim hired more people to increase the
number of his sailors.


Jim was interested to know more about orca

whales. He visited one of his friends. He was a
scientist of sea creatures. The scientist welcomed him
and gave him a cup of rum.
“Sir, I want to ask you.” Jim said, “Do orca
whales live in Atlantic Ocean?”
“Yes, they do.” The scientist replied, “They
live in all oceans, seas and gulfs.”
“Good.” Jim said with a smile, “Where do they
live exactly in Atlantic Ocean?”
“This a strange question and it had no answer.”
The scientist replied, “They live everywhere in the
Atlantic Ocean.”
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 38

“Do they live near islands of the Atlantic

Ocean?” Jim asked.
“Yes, to eat seals.” The scientist replied, “Why
are you asking about orca whales?”
“I want just to have more information about
them.” Jim replied, “Do you know about an orca
whale called Tylo Frip?”
“I heard about it, but I don’t care about it.” The
scientist replied, “It’s only a strange orca whale. Why
do you ask me about Tylo Frip? You are not an orca’s
“The whale which is called Tylo Frip steals the
hunters’ hunt. We are puzzled by this strange whale.”
Jim said, “We want to kill it. Killing it would be very
useful as it is attacking our hunt.”
“But this whale is very dangerous as I heard.”
The scientist warned, “It will….”
“No, I don’t care about that. I must leave now.
Thank you.” Jim said.
Then, he paid farewell to the scientist and
departed quickly. Jim started becoming nervous when
he hears someone speaks about Tylo’s strength.

The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 39

On Friday morning, Morgan and Taigo walked

together to Lingnerland. Sapt was standing near the
door of the ship. He was controlling people’s
boarding the ship.
“Stop, who are you?” Sapt asked Taigo sharply.
“He is my friend.” Morgan replied.
“What is his name? What is his religion?” Sapt
Taigo showed Sapt his personal papers. Sapt
read them and looked at Taigo.
“Your name is Taigo, but you worship the
idols.” Sapt said, “You won’t enter the ship.”
Taigo raised his spear and asked, “You know
this, don’t you?”
Sapt nodded in surprise.
“Just imagine, that door’s nail is a whale’s
heart.” Taigo said.
Then, he shot the spear towards the nail of the
door. He was so accurate that the spear hit the nail
directly and fell on the ground. Taigo walked, took
the spear and came back to Sapt.
“Now, the whale is dead.” Taigo said to Sapt.
Sapt got fully satisfied with Taigo’s
exceptional skills. He, immediately, wrote Taigo’s
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 40

name in the list of the crew and thus he became one

of the sailors of Lingnerland.
No one saw the captain of the ship till that
“Where is Jim?” Fagin asked.
“I think that he is ill or mad after his son’s
death.” Sapt, sarcastically, replied, “He always
disappears from us.”
“He is always angry because his wife has
quarreled with him.” Morgan replied.
An order came to the crew to start moving.
Half an hour later, the ship sailed away from the
beach. Jim didn’t appear and no one saw him for two
days. Even some of the crew thought that he hadn’t
boarded the ship at all.
On Monday morning, the crew saw Jim
walking on the ship’s deck. His face was pale. He was
holding a long stick. He called Morgan and said:
“Morgan, summon all the crew for an
important meeting.”
Morgan obeyed him and did what Jim ordered
him. The crew stood and waited for what Jim will say.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 41

“Morgan, summon all the crew for an important

The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 42

Chapter 8
Death to Tylo Frip!

Jim stood in front of his men and looked

at them carefully.
“Gentlemen, I summoned all of you to speak to
you about an important matter.” Jim said, “I want to
ask you. What will you do when you see a whale?”
“We call out the men to hunt it.” A man replied.
“What will you do after that?” Jim asked.
“Unload the hunting boats and go to fight the
whale.” Darnay replied.
“Will you do that with my enemy?” Jim asked.
“Who is your enemy?” A man asked.
Jim sighed loudly and took out a small box
from his pocket.
“The man who will see a brown orca whale will
take this box.” Jim said.
“What is in that box?” Robert asked.
“Hundred gold coins.” Jim replied and showed
them the gold coins.
The crew looked at the box with greedy eyes.
They knew the whale which Jim was speaking about.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 43

“Hurray, we will.” They shouted.

“I think that I know this whale.” Taigo replied.
Jim looked at Taigo and he was happy to see
Taigo with him in this journey.
“Has it three red lines on its face?” Taigo
“Yes.” Jim replied with a smile.
“Can it jump very high?” Taigo asked.
“Yes, it can.” Jim replied.
“Does it steal the hunters’ hunt?” Taigo asked.
“Yes, it does.” Jim replied.
“The whale’s name is Tylo Frip, isn’t it?” Taigo
Jim got annoyed when he heard the whale’s
“Yes, my Taigo. It’s my enemy.” Jim replied
pressing his teeth together in anger.
Jim called Morgan and whispered something
into his ear. Morgan went to the cabin and returned to
the deck. He was holding a big box and a very long
spear. The crew looked at the big box and thought that
it has more gold coins in it.
“This box is filled up with spyglasses.” Jim
said, “Use them to watch the sea and spot Tylo Frip.”
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 44

Jim raised his spear and said, “This is my

special spear. A blacksmith made it for me. It is bigger
than your spears. It is sharp and fast. I’ll use it to tear
Tylo’s heart.”
Jim’s face turned red when he mentioned Tylo
“I’ll tell you something.” Taigo said, “I saw
Tylo Frip before two years. It stole our hunt. Our crew
got angry and fought it. After a long battle, a brave
man marked a red line near its left eye. I fought it also
and marked a red line on the right side of its face.
Another man marked a third red line on the left side
of its face. But we could not kill it. The whale got
defeated and swam away.”
“You are brave and strong hunter. Why
couldn’t you kill it?” Jim asked, “If I were you, I
wouldn’t spare its life. Any way!”
“That is the whale which made me suffer.” Jim
went on saying, “I lost my son. My wife quarreled
with me. All that because of that foolish whale. I took
you in this journey because of this important thing. I
must revenge. I’ll be a fool if I don’t revenge. We
sailed to search for it. The law says that the murderer
must be killed. You must understand that Tylo Frip is
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 45

the trade destroyer. We will sail around the whole

world in search for it. I shall not allow you to return
to New York till we kill it. Then, we will take its body
to the beach, cut its meat into pieces and put it in
“Death to Tylo Frip!” He shouted loudly.
“Death to Tylo Frip! Death to Tylo Frip! Death
to Tylo Frip!” The crew also shouted loudly.
Fagin was the wisest man in the ship. He was
keeping quiet and didn’t say a word. Then, he said:
“Mr. Fritz, I am ready to fight that ugly whale.
I’ll accept if that was the part of the whales hunting
program which we went out for and not to carry out a
revenge on Tylo Frip.”
“All the crew have already agreed.” Jim said
angrily, “We won’t hunt anything except Tylo Frip.
Do you understand?”
The crew was surprised. They wanted to hunt
whales, too.
“In addition to Tylo Frip, we want to hunt more
whales.” A man said, “What would we say to the
customs of the port when they see us go back with
only one whale?”
“I know what to do.” Jim replied, “Now, let’s
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 46

go to eat breakfast and curse Tylo Frip.”

The men agreed, but they weren’t happy. Jim
summoned the African hunters and looked at them
“Give me a promise that you will kill Tylo
Frip.” Jim said.
“We will, we will.” The hunters shouted
enthusiastically. Jim felt happy and went to his room.
Fagin, alone, opposed the captain, but he kept
quiet. The crew was looking at the sea with their
spyglasses to spot Tylo Frip. Each one wanted to have
that box of gold coins.
Morgan went to the kitchen to drink some
water. He passed by Jim’s room and heard something
which made him very shocked. He heard two voices.
The first one was Jim’s voice. The second was that of
a stranger.
“Yes, Fritz, you are right. You must kill it.” The
stranger said, “You have to obey your wife’s orders.
Am I right?”
“Yes, you are right.” Jim said, “I’ll get rid of it.
Don’t worry.”
“Don’t listen to anyone, like Fagin, who tries
to stop you.” The stranger added, “If anyone tries to
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 47

stop you, you can use your pistol and silence him.”
“No need for that, my dear. No one dares to
stop me.” Jim said, “If this happens, I can stop them
by other means.”
Morgan was shocked by the way the stranger
instigates Jim. He tried to see them through the
window, but it was locked. He went to the kitchen.
“That strange devil will destroy Jim by
instigating him against Tylo Frip.” Morgan said to
Morgan returned again passing by Jim’s room.
He heard the strange man encouraging Jim by saying:
“Listen! I’ll give you part of this money if you
kill Tylo Frip.”
“Thank you, Boxtel.” Jim said.
Morgan went to his room quickly. He was
thinking about the stranger.
“Boxtel…Boxtel.” He repeated “Who is this
“Ah, he’s, our neighbor. He looks very
wicked.” Morgan said to himself, “Why is he
behaving like that? I’ll try to stop him. He’s a pirate
on our ship.”
On the very following day, Robert shouted
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 48

happily from the crow nest of the ship:

“Tylo Frip, it’s there. I saw it first.”
The crew came running to see it. They saw a
brown body with red lines. They thought that Robert
is a lucky man. Jim came there and looked at the body
appearing on the surface of water. He was mad with
“Unload the boats.” Jim screamed.
In a moment, the boats were on the surface of
the water. Few men stayed on the ship. The rest of the
men followed Jim to win the box of gold coins. Jim’s
boat was in front of the other boats. He took Taigo
with him. He saw a brown body with brown snakes
and got surprised.
“Look! A brown body with brown snakes.” Jim
said to Taigo.
“Yes, but I can’t see it properly.” Taigo replied,
“I think that it has some defenders just like snakes.”
“Silly whale!” Jim said angrily.
A man looked at it carefully. He was surprised.
“Sir, I think that this isn’t Tylo Frip.” The man
said, “It is something else. Look! How small it is!”
Jim looked at the creature carefully. He was
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 49

“Let me be sure.” Jim said. Then, he shot it

with his spear. He pulled up the body and noticed that
it was light.
“No, it’s a squid.” He said angrily, “I wish that
it were Tylo Frip.”
The squid died after Jim stabbed it. Its colour
was brown with lined body. The lines were red. The
snakes were nothing but its hands. Jim threw the
squid angrily to the sea. The men laughed loudly.
Robert was frustrated. Jim returned to the ship with
disappointment. He boarded the ship angrily.
“Why did it colour itself like that?” He
grumbled “Stupid squid!”
Fagin met him, smiled and said:
“Your mind is very much engaged by that
whale. Why don’t you change your attitudes towards
Jim stared at him angrily and said:
“No, I’ll kill it. I won’t change my attitudes
towards it. You can’t stop me. No way! Stop advising
me and go away, otherwise, I’ll tie your hands and
legs with a strong rope and throw you into the sea.”
After saying this to Fagin, Jim went to his cabin
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 50

Fagin was surprised. He looked at Morgan.

“Jim became a bad-tempered man.” He said, “I
am sorry for that. I couldn’t make him stop thinking
about his mad plans. That whale is very dangerous.”
“Don’t try to advise him again.” Morgan said,
“He becomes angry very quickly.”
Fagin agreed and walked away. Morgan sat in
his room and began to think of a plan.
“How can I change Jim’s mind?” He asked
himself, “He wants to kill the whale and forbids us
from hunting whales. I’ll go and request him to let us
hunt other whales. I’ll try my best.”
Morgan went to Jim’s room. Before he knocks
the door, he heard Jim and Boxtel speaking together.
He got annoyed, but he concealed his emotions and
knocked the door. Both of them stopped talking.
“Come in.” Jim shouted.
Morgan entered the room and looked at Boxtel
disgustfully. Suddenly, Morgan felt that he had no
idea what to say as Boxtel was present. Finally, he
spoke out:
“Sir, we are sailing on a good spot which is full
of tuna and other types of fish. Can we start hunting
them? They are very important for our business.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 51

Don’t forget whales’ oil, too. It is important to hunt

some of them.”
“Morgan, don’t speak about that. We won’t
hunt anything.” Jim replied angrily.
“But you said that you wanted to take Taigo
with you to help us in hunting whales.” Morgan
added, “We…”
“I took him to help us in killing Tylo Frip.” Jim
said, “Nothing else.”
“No problem. Can we hunt them after killing
Tylo Frip?” Morgan asked, “This is better.”
“I don’t know.” Jim replied, “But I won’t
surrender till Tylo Frip spouts red blood.”
Morgan was unhappy. He looked at Boxtel
with eyes of resentment. He knows that it is Boxtel
who charges Jim’s obstinacy. Boxtel also realized that
Morgan hates him. He kept quiet at that moment, but
hatched the intention of teaching Morgan a lesson.
Morgan saw Jim was getting angry. He felt sorry for
him. Then, he left the room.
“I think that this man is trying to imitate
Fagin.” Boxtel said, “Don’t listen to them. He’s trying
to discourage you indirectly. If he continues to do so,
eradicate him from your way.”
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 52

“But you said that you wanted to take Taigo

with you to help us in hunting whales.” Morgan
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 53

“What?! No, I am not a fool to do that.” Jim

said, “He’s my honest servant.”
“But the honest servant doesn’t stop in the way
of his master’s plans.” Boxtel said, “Get rid of him.”
“No, I don’t want to do that, Boxtel.” Jim said,
“I don’t even need to do that.”

Chapter 9
The Storm

Three days later, darkness appeared in

the horizon. The crew was worried. Jim looked at the
dark clouds angrily.
“Nothing will scare us. We are whale hunters.”
Jim shouted at the clouds, “We aren’t afraid of the
silly wind. Jim shall not forgive Tylo Frip nor shall he
Sometimes later, Robert who was standing on
the crow nest of the ship, saw a group of whales.
“A flock of sperm whales.” He shouted, “They
are near the huge waves.”
The crew looked at the flock and wanted to
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 54

hunt them.
Suddenly, the wind blew violently and the ship
staggered strongly. Huge waves hit the ship. The sky
became darker. Suddenly, it started raining heavily.
“The weather is very cold.” A man grumbled.
“We can’t go and hunt whales.” Darnay said to
the men, “Yes, the weather is cold and Jim is against
the idea of commercial hunting. What shall we do?
We want to hunt whales.”
“We don’t care about Jim nor do we care about
the weather.” Sapt said, “Hunting whales is very
important. The reason behind our journey isn’t only
killing Tylo Frip. That is folly. We have to generate
some income from hunting whales.”
The men agreed, but their problem was Jim.
They went to his room and requested him to let them
hunt the sperm whales.
Jim stood up angrily and began to shout:
“What? We have no time. The weather is
“Please, we want to hunt one of them.” Darnay
said, “We will get some pocket money from
marketing it.”
“No, don’t speak to me about that.” Jim said
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 55

angrily, “No way! We must kill Tylo Frip first.”

“But the sperm whales are in front of us.” A
man said angrily, “Why don’t we hunt them?”
“No, stay on the ship. I’ll lead the ship to
another direction.” Jim shouted nervously.
“We know that Tylo Frip is a thief.” Sapt said
with a smile, “We can go and hunt the sperm whales.
Tylo Frip may come to steal our hunt. Then, you can
kill it easily. Am I right?”
Jim thought a little and agreed. The men
cheered happily. They went outside and thanked Sapt
joyfully. They unloaded the boats and rowed towards
the sperm whales. Jim stayed on the ship. As it was
still raining heavily, the men couldn’t see the whales
properly. Moreover, huge waves prevented the small
boats from sailing smoothly.
Suddenly, a lightning lit the world around the
crew. Thunder was loud and terrible. Fagin’s boat was
in front of all boats. He held his spear tightly. His boat
came near a mother sperm whale accompanied by its
child. Morgan was with Fagin in the same boat. He
was about to stab it. Suddenly, a huge wave hit his
boat. The boat turned upside down and drowned.
Morgan, Fagin and other men of the drowned-boat
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 56

swam towards other boats. They were rescued by

other men. The sperm whales noticed what was going
on around them.
They dived quickly into the depth of the ocean
and became out of danger. The men got disappointed.
Suddenly, a huge wave attacked the boats. They got
filled up with water and two of them drowned. The
rest of the boats headed towards the ship. Many men
were still swimming. Waves hit them, but they were
good swimmers. Finally, all of them boarded
“We apologize.” A man said to Jim, “We
couldn’t hunt anything because of the violent storm.”
Jim got annoyed when he heard that.
“No, that can’t be.” Jim said, “That means Tylo
Frip won’t come here. Actually, I don’t care about the
whale’s oil. This isn’t the reason behind our journey.
I want only Tylo Frip. You will kill it, won’t you?”
“We will, we will.” The crew shouted.
Jim went to his room. He continued speaking
to Boxtel.
The storm was violent. Huge waves were
hitting the ship.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 57

The sperm whales noticed what was going on

around them.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 58

“This storm is coming from the north.” Sapt

said to Jim, “Shall we change our direction? I think
that we will find more whales in the east.”
“No, I think that Tylo Frip is near the north
pole.” Jim said, “We will continue our way to those
“What? The north pole? Are you mad?” Sapt
asked, “How…”
“Shut up, Sapt. You are becoming arrogant day
by day.” Jim shouted, “I am the captain of the ship
and I know how to steer the ship and not you.”
“But you must steer the ship wisely.” Sapt said,
“The storm will destroy the ship.”
“Shut up and leave me alone.” Jim shouted at
Sapt nervously, “Don’t speak to me about that again,
otherwise, I’ll kill you. Go away.”
Sapt was angry and he left the room. He met
Fagin and told him about Jim’s mad plans. Both of
them were angry with Jim because he was taking
them to more troubles.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 59

Chapter 10
The Hunt

Six days later, the storm stopped. The

sea was quiet and the sky was clear. Suddenly, Robert
shouted from the crow nest of the ship.
“There is a flock of sperm whales. Attack
them.” He shouted.
Jim ran from the cabin to the deck. After seeing
the sperm whales, he returned to his room with
disappointment. He sat alone in his room and smoked
a little.
“Unload the boats.” Fagin shouted.
The crew unloaded the boats. They sailed
towards the flock. They rowed near an old sperm
whale. The boats began to surround it. The other
sperm whales saw the boats and dived into the sea.
The old whale was sleepy. Fagin ordered the men of
his boat to row near the whale’s head. The old whale
got alert and saw the boats surrounding it, but it was
too late.
“My Taigo, stab a sensitive place.” Fagin said.
Taigo looked at the whale carefully. Finally, he
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 60

found a chance to stab its right eye accurately.

Fagin shouted, “Pull the rope.” Taigo pulled
the rope.
Suddenly, the spear removed the whale’s eye.
Shomo, Malgo, Taisam and Sheigo rained it with
spears. Morgan had an idea. He ordered the men of
his boat to row near the left eye. Sheigo stabbed the
left eye and removed it. The old whale’s pain was
terrible. Morgan shot the blowhole with his spear. The
poor whale began to spout water which was mixed
with blood.
Then, the crew stabbed its chest flippers and
tail to make it swim slowly and weakly. A man
stabbed one of the arteries of the tail. It began to bleed
profusely. All the men continued to pour the whale
with spears till it became like a hedgehog. Then, they
pulled the ropes. The poor old whale started to swim
slowly. Most of its blood was outside its body,
therefore, it began to faint and turned upside down.
This provided the men with a good chance to stab it
fatally. Taigo stabbed the heart. The old whale tried to
take a deep breath, but it could not. It spouted blood
and died immediately. The men cheered happily.
They looked at the sea to see whether Tylo Frip is near
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 61

or not, but they saw nothing. They began to pull the

big and heavy whale towards the ship.
A man saw the dead whale as it was being
dragged towards the ship. He rushed to Jim to tell him
the good news.
“Sir, they hunted a huge whale.” The man said.
“Really? Did they see Tylo Frip?” Jim said.
“I do not think so.” The man replied.
Jim got annoyed and looked at the ground.
“Stupid men.” He said angrily.
“But Tylo Frip didn’t come. I think that it is far
away from here. Am I right?” The man said.
“Okay, go away.” Jim said.
Jim went outside to see the hunted whale. The
men tied the whale along the timber bar of the ship.
They were very happy.
“I hope that you can kill Tylo Frip in the same
way.” Jim said, “I hope that I can see Tylo Frip in the
same condition.”
The men decided to have some of the whale’s
meat in dinner. The crew cooked whale’s meat and
Jim enjoyed it with them.
“If we kill Tylo Frip, we must eat its meat.” Jim
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 62

“How? Orca’s meat is not eatable.” Fagin said.

“We will do that.” Jim replied angrily,
“Nothing can stop us.”
“I am not trying to stop you. You may eat it, but
its meat may be harmful.” Fagin said.
“How silly! You are just joking.” Jim mocked
“Stop talking and finish your meal. The crew will eat
Tylo, won’t they?”
“We will, we will.” The men said.
Fagin continued eating his food and didn’t say
anything. Morgan looked at Fagin and, put a finger
on the mouth; gesturing silence, he ordered Fagin to
stop advising Jim.
On the following day, the crew started cutting
the whale. There was a thick layer of fat, like the crust
of the orange, surrounds the body. The African
hunters made an opening in the skin, put in a huge
hook to remove out pieces of fat and take them to a
special room. The men, in that room, cut and stored
them. The fats which were taken out from this whale
were enough to fill a hundred barrels, but the men had
more important work. It was the whale’s oil which is
found in a huge place called sac in the forehead of the
sperm whale. Taigo decided to do this job. The cutter
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 63

must be very careful not to make a hole in this

sensitive sac, otherwise, the oil will spill out and they
will lose 500 gallons of oil.
Taigo descended to the whale’s head using a
rope. Shomo gave him a small spade. Taigo pecked
the whale’s skin with the spade to know its thickness.
Finally, he found a good spot to start from. An iron
bucket was tied with rope and lowered to Taigo by
two men. Then, Taigo lowered the bucket into the
whale’s head. He made a signal to the two men to pull
up the bucket. The two men pulled up the bucket
which was full of whale’s oil. They emptied it into a
large base. Then, they gave the bucket back to Taigo.
They continued doing this till evening. Finally, they
filled up the barrels with the oil. The crew was very
happy as they would get lots of money.
Jim was smoking and studying a map when the
crew was working to collect the oil. He was trying to
know where do orca whales usually live. He
discovered that some of them reach either near the
north or south pole to eat seals, penguins, polar bears
and monk whales. Jim was angry as he thought that
he won’t find Tylo Frip easily.
Morgan told Jim how they succeeded in killing
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 64

the whale.
“That’s very nice.” Jim said in surprise, “I’ll go
and tell the crew something.”
Jim stood up and walked to the deck. He spoke
“Morgan told me about how you succeeded in
killing the whale. I was glad to hear this.” Jim said,
“If we meet Tylo, you must kill it in the same way.
Kill it to have the box!”
The men were enthusiastic when they heard the
word, box. They decided to watch the sea for a long
time. Jim was happy and went to his room.
Two days later, Robert shouted from the crow
nest of Lingnerland.
“A grey whale. It’s in front of us.” He shouted.
The crew saw the grey whale and unloaded the
boats. Jim saw it, too.
“I know that orca whales eat grey whales.” Jim
said, “Try to hunt it violently, so that Tylo Frip may
come here.”
Hunting the grey whale was difficult because it
has a strong tail and a tough skin. They can challenge
everything even the orca whales. In spite of its
strength, the crew decided to kill it so as to get its oil.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 65

The whale was worried when it saw the boats. It

increased the speed of its swimming. They began to
chase it.
A boat chased the whale from behind. The
whale noticed that the boat was approaching it. It hit
the boat by its tail. The men who were in the boat
screamed loudly and asked for help.
“My companions, the grey whales are not weak
or easy hunt as we thought.” Darnay shouted, “Kill it
violently. Stab it.”
The men rained the grey whale with spears.
The boat which was hit by the whale drowned. Its
men swam and the other boats rescued them. The rest
of the men continued to thrust their spears into the
whale’s body. Its blood spread in the water.
“I’ll take a spear and fight this proud fellow in
the water.” Taigo said angrily.
He took a spear and jumped into the water.
Taigo dived under the whale’s body and stabbed its
belly. Then, he swam quickly to the surface of the
water. He took a deep breath.
“Give me another spear.” He shouted, “I
stabbed its belly.”
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 66

The men rained the grey whale with spears.

The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 67

The men were happy and gave him another

spear. They continued stabbing the whale’s back and
face. Taigo dived, again, into the water and stabbed it
targeting the heart.
The crew noticed the whale swim slowly and
stopped spouting water. They were surprised and
continued stabbing it. Then, the crew saw the whale
spouting blood and they cheered happily.
“How nice! Taigo is a useful and skillful man,
indeed.” Darnay said, “He can kill Tylo Frip easily.”
Taigo’s head appeared on the surface of the
water and he took a deep breath again.
“I stabbed the heart.” He said, “Did it spout
“Yes, it did.” The men replied, “You are very
The grey whale died after few moments. The
men pulled its heavy body to the ship. Jim looked at
the dead whale. The crew told him about the story of
killing the grey whale. However, instead of cheering
with the crew, Jim got angry because Tylo Frip hasn’t
come yet.
“That’s good.” Jim said, “You could kill this
whale easily in spite of its strength. It means that you
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 68

can kill Tylo Frip, too, in the same way.”

A week later, Robert shouted from the crow
nest of Lingnerland.
“A flock of right whales.” He shouted, “Hunt
Morgan rushed to Jim’s room. He heard Jim
speaking to Boxtel. He got annoyed, but he concealed
his emotions. He knocked the door and entered the
“Sir, we saw a flock of right whales.” He said,
“Why don’t you join us in hunting those whales?”
“No, I want to store my energy to kill Tylo Frip
only.” Jim replied.
“What is this?” Boxtel asked Morgan, “Jim’s
time is very expensive. Why do you want to hunt right
whales? Their oil is less than the oil of sperm
Then, Boxtel looked at Jim and began to
speak against Morgan.
“I think they want to kill those whales for fun.”
Boxtel said with a cunning smile, “You must continue
searching for Tylo Frip only.”
“Yes, you are right, Boxtel.” Jim said.
Then, he looked at Morgan and asked:
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 69

“Why do you want to hunt them in spite of their

few oils? That is folly, isn’t it?”
“Is hunting two whales not enough? Are you
mad?” Boxtel asked Morgan with a wicked smile,
“We have no time.”
“Yes, we have no time.” Jim said angrily,
“Inform the men to stay on board.”
“But they have already unloaded the boats.”
Morgan said, “It will be our last whale. You must
remember that the reason behind your richness is
hunting four whales. We were hunting more than two.
Tylo also may appear this time.”
“How dare you to speak to Jim like that?”
Boxtel said to Morgan to embarrass him, “Jim must
fire at your empty head so that you may not speak to
him in that way.”
Morgan got angry and, loudly, said to Boxtel:
“The police must know your wicked plans
against Jim and hang you.”
“A silly servant won’t scare me at all.” Boxtel
said nervously, “Go away, otherwise, I’ll kill you with
my own hands.”
“Do what you wish with me.” Morgan said,
“You will be executed soon.”
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 70

“Jim, kill him.” Boxtel said, “This man is

unpolite. You must kill him to show him who is he
and to make him a lesson for the others.”
“You want to kill me because I know
something about you.” Morgan said to Boxtel, “Why
are you instigating Jim against Tylo Frip? If Tylo kills
him, you will be responsible for that.”
Boxtel got furious and stood up. He grabbed a
long knife from a nearby table, caught Morgan’s
collar and pushed him to the wall.
“If you say a word again, I’ll slay you.” Boxtel
said nervously.
“I assure you if you kill me, you will regret it,
particularly, when the police tie the rope around your
neck to hang you.” Morgan said quietly and without
“Stop.” Jim screamed loudly and looked at
Boxtel, “Don’t harm him, Boxtel. After all, Morgan
is innocent.”
Boxtel went back to his chair looking at
Morgan angrily. His eyes were red and scary.
Then, Jim looked at Morgan and said quietly:
“Morgan, don’t be like Rosa. Don’t accuse
Boxtel of instigating me against the stupid whale,
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 71

Tylo Frip. It is Rosa and not Boxtel who ordered me

to kill it. Don’t be like Fagin. Don’t try to advise me
again. Don’t let me treat you badly. You are my honest
servant till now. Go away now.”
Morgan was angry with Boxtel and walked
away. He went to the deck, but the crew has unloaded
the boats and sailed towards the right whales.
“Boxtel is the reason behind all these
problems.” Morgan said to himself, “God curses
The crew sailed towards the right whales and
attacked one of them. Five hunters and four officers
threw their spears to tear up the whale’s body. A man
stabbed its heart and killed it. Then, they pulled the
dead whale to the ship. They got its oil and stored it.
The men got a great treasure. It was the whales’
oil. They stored it in the downstairs below the deck.
They protected the oil from decomposing by spraying
it with sea water twice a week. They were doing this
for two reasons: First, the salt water will make the
wooden barrels close well. Second, when the men
investigate the water which is pumped out of the ship,
they can see if the water is mixed with oil or not. In
this way, they can detect every oil leak from the
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 72

Jim was getting angrier because he couldn’t
find Tylo Frip till that moment. He was thinking about
it throughout the day. Even he couldn’t sleep well at
night. Moreover, Boxtel was increasing Jim’s anger.
Therefore, Jim was getting weaker day by day. He
stayed on bed. Doctor George came to his room and
checked him up.
“I knew the reason behind your illness.”
George said, “You are always angry. Anger will
destroy your health. You are also not eating well.”
“What? No.” Jim said.
“But anger will harm you.” George said again,
“Don’t be angry because of a whale.”
“Are you fool? Didn’t you see what it had done
to my poor son?” Jim asked George angrily, “I must
“I am not stopping you from revenging, but
don’t be angry all the time.” George replied, “Stay
calmly in your bed and you will feel better.”
“No, it’s swimming in my mind. I can’t forget
it.” Jim replied.
George got annoyed from Jim’s obstinacy and
decided to leave Jim alone.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 73

“Okay, do as you wish. Thank you very much.

I spent a good time with you.” George said, “Stay
calmly, don’t smoke and don’t drink wine. Then, you
will feel better. See you later in a better condition.”
George took his bag and left the room. He told
Morgan how Jim behaved with him. Morgan was
sorry for that.
“He’s behaving so strangely. He is supposed to
be angry only when he faces the whale.” George said,
“But he mustn’t pour his anger on others all the time.
That’s bad for his health.”
Morgan stayed in his room and thought about
Boxtel’s rude behavior and Jim’s health as well.

Chapter 11
With Other Captains

Jim’s health was deteriorating. He

decided to follow the doctor’s advice. He stayed
calmly in his room for a week. Finally, after a week,
Jim’s health improved. He began to think about Tylo
Frip again. He got an idea and thought that it might
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 74

work well. He gathered the crew and spoke loudly.

“We hunted three whales. That’s quite
enough.” Jim said, “We must hunt some more tuna.
We hunted only one last journey because of that
stupid whale.”
Fagin and Sapt understood Jim’s plan and
looked at each other. The crew prepared sandworms.
They waited till they sailed on a spot which was
crowded with tuna fish. They put sandworms on
hooks and threw them into the water. A tuna fish was
caught after sometimes. The men killed it and pulled
it to the ship. Jim waited for Tylo Frip, but it didn’t
come. He became angry. An hour later, the men
hunted another tuna. Jim was watching the sea to see
if Tylo will appear or not. Suddenly, his eyes fell on a
black body that appears in the horizon. He thought
that it was Tylo Frip. He took a spyglass and watched
it. However, he got disappointed when he knew that
the body was a ship. It was a hunting ship. Jim
thought for a while and got an idea.
“There is a hunting ship in front of us.” Jim
said to his men, “We will meet its captain.”
That ship passed by his ship. It was called
Todoshima. He took a horn and shouted to its captain.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 75

“Have you seen a brown orca whale which has

three red lines on its face?” He asked loudly.
The captain asked, “Do you mean Tylo Frip?”
“Yes.” Jim replied.
“Yes, we have seen it.” The captain replied.
Jim was happy. He made a signal to the captain
to come to his ship. The captain unloaded a boat and
came to Jim’s ship with three men. He boarded the
ship and Jim welcomed him. He took him to his room.
“Give us some drink.” Jim asked Andy.
“My name is Bill.” The captain said, “What do
you want from me?”
“Sit down and tell me what you know about
that brown orca whale.” Jim replied,
“Do you want from me to tell you our story
with it?” Bill asked.
“Yes, of course.” Jim replied enthusiastically.
“Two weeks ago, we hunted a sperm whale.”
Bill said, “While we were pulling it to our ship, Tylo
came to us and stole it. Then, it tore…”
“It always does this. Curse on it!” Jim said,
“Go on.”
“Tylo Frip tore the sperm whale’s head. Losing
the whale’s oil made us very angry.” Bill said.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 76

Jim got irritated when he heard the whale’s

“My officer, John, rode a boat and attacked the
whale. My African hunters also did the same.” Bill
went on saying, “John stabbed it. Tylo became angry
and as dangerous as the sharks. It bit the rope and cut
it to free itself. It didn’t stop by this. It also jumped
above the surface of the water and fell into it. This
maneuver made a big wave which dashed into the
men in the boat. Two of the African hunters fell into
the water. Look how clever it was!”
Jim was surprised and angry. The crew was
also surprised. Andy entered the room and gave Bill
and his companions a drink.
“What happened next?” Jim asked.
Bill drank half of the cup and said:
“John also fell into the water. Tylo hit him into
the air by its tail. Then, he fell into the water and
disappeared forever.”
Jim looked at the table. He remembered
Systen’s death.
“It killed one of my friends in the same way.”
Jim said, “Sailors must find a way to deal with Tylo’s
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 77

“Fighting Tylo isn’t an easy task.” Bill said,

“Are you going to confront it?”
“Yes, of course.” Jim replied.
“What? Fighting Tylo Frip? Are you in your
senses?” Bill asked in surprise, “Do you realize what
are you talking about?”
“I don’t realize anything.” Jim replied, “I want
to kill it.”
“It isn’t possible to kill Tylo Frip.” Bill added,
“Do you think that it’s picnic?”
“Don’t try to scare me. I am not afraid of it at
all.” Jim said angrily, “It killed my son and I must
revenge. It also steals our hunt. We must get rid of it.”
“Killing that whale is extremely difficult.” Bill
said, “It killed my best friends, but we don’t want to
revenge. Beware of the same fate. We want to be busy
hunting tuna fish and more whales and not hunting
Tylo Frip.”
Jim was getting angry with every advice which
is given to him. He said goodbye to Bill and asked
him to return to his ship. Bill stood up and looked at
“Don’t be arrogant. I am advising you, but you
don’t like the advisers.” Bill said this and went to his
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 78

“Didn’t you hear what Tylo Frip had done to
Bill’s men?” Fagin asked Jim, “Will you change your
mind or you will remain uncompromising?”
“Shut up, Can’t you?” Jim said to Fagin
angrily, “You crossed your borders.”
“I advised you only.” Fagin said.
“I don’t need your advice.” Jim said angrily,
“Don’t advise me again, otherwise, I’ll kill you. Go
away and I don’t want to see you again.”
Jim sat on his bed. He became more interested
in Tylo Frip after hearing Bill’s story.
“Tylo Frip must be near this location.” Jim said
angrily, “Hunt more tuna.”
The crew obeyed him immediately. On that
day, they hunted eight tuna fish, but Tylo didn’t
appear. Jim was mad with anger.
On the following day, the crew hunted seven
tunas. The place where they stored the tuna’s meat
was full. There was no another space to store more
meat. The crew discussed this problem with Jim. He
gave them a bad solution.
“We can hunt tunas.” Jim suggested, “After
that, throw them into the sea.”
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 79

There was no other way but to do as Jim said.

In two days, they killed twenty tunas and threw them
back to the sea. The poor tunas were only the food of
the sharks. The crew got tired and exhausted.
Seven days later, a hunting ship passed by
them. It was called Interquiek. Jim took the horn and
shouted loudly:
“Have you seen a brown orca whale which has
three red lines on its face?”
The captain of Interquiek nodded. Jim was
happy and decided to make a visit to Interquiek. In
less than one minute, his boat was on the water. He
sailed to Interquiek with two men. The captain of the
Interquiek welcomed him and let him sit in a room.
He gave Jim a drink.
“My name is Hawkins.” The captain said, “We
are sailing to New York. What is your name?”
“My name is Jim. Please tell me about the
brown foolish orca whale.” Jim said.
“That thief?” Hawkins asked, smilingly.
“Yes, that stupid fellow.” Jim replied, “Have
you seen it during this journey?”
“Yes, we met it and fought against it.” Hawkins
said, “In that battle, I lost my father and brother. How
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 80

“What? How?” Jim asked in surprise, “Tell me
more about the story.”
“A week ago, we hunted a tuna.” Hawkins said,
“Tylo Frip rushed to us and stole it. We….”
“Stupid whale! It does this always.” Jim said
quickly, “It is a famous thief.”
“Yes, it is really a disgusting whale.” Hawkins
said, “Does it do that because it is hungry?”
“I don’t know.” Jim said, “I only know that it
is a naughty whale.”
Hawkins smiled and thought a little. He was
surprised about Jim’s interest in Tylo Frip.
“But I don’t know why you hate Tylo like
that!” Hawkins said, “You hate it so much that you
visited my ship to know more about it.”
“Yes, please continue your story.” Jim said.
“We were angry when it stole our hunt.”
Hawkins went on, “We unloaded the boats and
attacked it. It wasn’t afraid of us. It attacked my
brother’s boat. In a moment, the boat was upside
down. The men in my brother’s boat fell into the
water, but they swam and got rescued by other boats.
My brother wasn’t a good swimmer and began to
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 81

drown. My father, who was the captain at that time,

saw him drowning. He took a knife and jumped into
the water to help him. Tylo was clever. It, skillfully,
swam away from the sharp knife. Then, it came back
to my father and attacked him. I didn’t know what had
happened to my father after that. Two minutes later, a
body without head was hit by Tylo’s tail into the air.
It flew into the air and fell far away from the boats. It
was my father’s body. My brother disappeared in the
depth of the dark ocean forever. The rest of us began
to shoot it with spears. The whale was furious. It
began to swim in all directions. The ropes, tied to
spears, got tied with each other. The whale found
itself surrounded with a net of ropes and spears. It
knew that it was trapped, but it was very clever. It
turned quickly around itself and pulled some ropes,
bit and cut them violently. Its plan worked well and
freed it from many ropes. It decided to free itself also
from the spears which were thrusted into its skin. It
rushed to the boats and rubbed its skin against the
bodies of the boats. It broke some spears and freed
itself from others. Then, it attacked our boats also. It
bit a nearby boat and threw it towards my boat. All of
us gasped in horror and got frozen with fear. The boat
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 82

fell on our boat and the two boats broke into pieces.
We fell into the water and swam as fast as we could
to the ship. Our faces got yellow with fear. A sharp
piece of wood injured my arm. It started bleeding. All
the men were injured and some of them were
suffering from the salt water which entered their
lungs, stomachs and eyes. Tylo Frip thought that it
won the battle and swam away proudly. The ship
rescued all the alive men.”
Jim was very astonished. He knew Tylo’s
strength and intended to change his opinion. But
when he remembered Sikes death and Boxtel’s
words, he decided to continue confronting the whale
whatever its strength might be.
“It was really a great and awesome whale.”
Hawkins said, “However, it’s also very dangerous.”
“Why did no one try to chase it?” Jim asked.
“No, many of us got injured while confronting
it as I told you before.” Hawkins replied.
Then, he showed Jim his arm. There was a
trace of deep injury on it.
“Although this is a trace of an old wound, but
it still pains me.” Hawkins said.
“The doctor of our ship helped us when we
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 83

returned to the ship.” Hawkins added, “Indeed, we

were lucky to remain alive.”
“What happened to Tylo Frip?” Jim raised this
question because he was interested in Tylo Frip only,
“Have you seen it again?”
“We saw it before two days.” Hawkins replied.
“What?” Jim asked in surprise, “Did you attack
it again?”
“No, do you think that losing my father and
brother isn’t enough?” Hawkins asked.
“How fool! You better kill it.” Jim said angrily,
“It troubles hunters.”
“No, that is difficult.” Hawkins said, “You
better let it alone.”
“You are coward. You must revenge for your
father and brother.” Jim said.
“But if it kills me, my family will lose me
forever.” Hawkins said, “I don’t want them to lose me
because of a whale.”
“I also have a family, but I’ll kill it.” Jim said.
“You knew what had happened to my father
and my brother.” Hawkins said, “Their death must
teach you a lesson. Nothing can defeat that whale.”
“I can do that. God will help me.” Jim said.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 84

“How will you kill it? Tell me.” Hawkins

“I’ll stab its heart.” Jim replied.
“How will you arrive there?” Hawkins asked.
“I don’t know, but I’ll do my best to kill it.” Jim
replied, “It killed my son and I must revenge.”
“I fear that you won’t remember my advice
except after you disappear into the ocean like my
brother.” Hawkins warned, “It is an intelligent and
dangerous whale. Moreover, you are not an orca
whale’s hunter.”
Jim ignored his warnings and began to ask
“Which way was it going?”
“To the north.” Hawkins replied.
“Are you sure?” Jim asked.
“Yes.” Hawkins said, “I think that you are
“Yes, I am.” Jim replied angrily, stood up and
left the room. Then, he went back to his ship.
On the way, he was surprised and angry. He
swore that he won’t surrender till he kills Tylo Frip.
But he didn’t want to tell the crew about Hawkins’
story as they may refuse to confront Tylo Frip. He
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 85

ordered the two men who were with him on the boat
to keep Hawkins’ story as a secret.
“I’ll show the other captains my strength.” Jim
Jim arrived at the ship and boarded it. He
ordered his men to sail to the north. They asked him
to tell them what Interquiek’s captain had said to him.
“Nothing. He said that they were about to kill
Tylo Frip, but it withdrew and swam away.” Jim said.
Jim went to Boxtel and told him Hawkins’
“I am worried that Tylo may kill us.” Jim said,
“How can we fight a whale which is clever, powerful
and dangerous?”
“Don’t say this, Jim.” Boxtel replied, “It’s only
an orca whale and not more than that. It is in the size
of a sperm whale and you can kill a sperm whale
“I know that, but it seems to be very difficult to
fight it.” Jim said, “Its confrontation is not as easy as
that of the sperm whales. You can make the sperm
whale bleed to death, but you can’t do the same to
Tylo because it’s clever, fast and fatal. No one can
reach its heart and stab it.”
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 86

“No, Jim, you are wrong.” Boxtel said, “Don’t

listen to the men who try to discourage and scare you.
I think that you have been hammered by Fagin.”
“No, never. Don’t think like that. I didn’t listen
to that stupid man.” Jim said, “Actually, the captain’s
story filled me with a sense of awe.”
“You must kill that whale at any cost.” Boxtel
said, “It killed your son. If I were you, I would not
spare its life. It seems that you are a coward man.
Don’t let a captain’s story scare you. They were weak,
may be. I think that they weren’t having enough men
to fight Tylo Frip.”
“Yes, you are right.” Jim said, “I’ll kill it.”
On the following day, the weather was cloudy
and the crew thought that a storm will arrive soon. A
hunting ship passed by them. It was called
“Have you seen a brown orca whale which has
three red lines on its face?” Jim asked loudly as usual.
The captain of Kaitfodam nodded.
Immediately, Jim unloaded a boat, rowed with two
men towards Kaitfodam and boarded the ship. Its
captain welcomed him.
“My name is Oliver.” He said, “I am sailing to
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 87

New York. What is your name?”

“My name is Jim. What about Tylo…?!” Jim
answered and asked simultaneously.
“Jim?! I heard about you.” Oliver said, “You
are a rich man I think, am I right?”
“Yes, but have you seen Tylo in your journey?”
Jim asked.
“We saw it yesterday.” Oliver replied.
Jim opened his eyes wide in astonishment.
“What have you done with it?” Jim asked.
“We decided to fight it after it stole our hunt.”
Oliver replied.
“How did you fight it?” Jim asked.
“We unloaded our boats after it stole our hunt.”
Oliver replied, “We decided to teach it a lesson. When
we unloaded the boats, it dived into the water and
disappeared. We couldn’t see it again. I think that it
wasn’t having guts to fight us. It seems that it was
tired. I don’t know what had happened to it.”
Jim was disappointed and angry. He wanted to
know how can he fight Tylo Frip.
“Which direction was it going to?” Jim asked.
“To the north.” Oliver replied.
“No doubt that it is going to the north pole.”
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 88

Jim said, guessingly.

“I don’t know.” Oliver said, “Do you want to
chase it?”
“Yes, and to kill it” Jim replied.
“Why? That whale is very dangerous.” Oliver
said, “We let it swim away when it avoided fighting
us. You shall also do the same with it.”
Jim got annoyed when he heard that. He hated
such discouraging advices.
“I don’t care about that.” Jim said angrily, “It
killed my son and I must revenge.”
“Would you like to eat or drink something?”
Oliver asked.
“No, thanks. We have no time.” Jim said, “I
must find Tylo Frip.”
He stood up and walked out of the room. He,
with the two men, went back to the boat, rowed to
Lingnerland and boarded it. The sky was full of dark
“The man who will see the whale will have this
box.” Jim declared.
“We will, we will.” The crew cheered.
“What did that captain say to you?” A man
asked, “What was his story?”
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 89

“He said that Tylo Frip escaped away after

seeing them unloading the boats.” Jim said with a
smile, “Did you see how coward it is?! Killing it isn’t
difficult at all. Will you kill it?”
“We will, we will.” The men shouted. Jim was
happy and went to his room.


A storm began to blow fiercely. A huge wave

hit the ship. It staggered violently. Some barrels of
drinking water fell down and some got cracked. The
water flowed all around. Fagin saw it and rushed to
Jim’s room. The door was open. He entered the room.
He saw Jim sitting alone on a chair and reading a map.
He was studying the places where he may find Tylo
“Sir, we are in a great danger.” Fagin said,
“Some barrels fell down and some other got cracked
and water flowed all around.”
“We are near some islands now.” Jim said, “I
think that orca whales live there. Tylo Frip may also
live in those places. That’s what I see. Am I right?”
“I am speaking about the drinking water.”
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 90

Fagin said quietly.

“And what about them?” Jim asked angrily,
“Don’t you know that I am busy?”
“I know that, but the water is more important
than Tylo Frip.” Fagin said quietly.
“What about the water?” Jim asked, “Tell me
quickly and go away.”
“Due to storm, some barrels fell down and
some other got cracked and water flowed all around.”
Fagin repeated again.
“It’s a serious matter, but I didn’t travel on this
dark ocean to be busy with old barrels and leaking
water.” Jim mocked, “I don’t care about that till I find
my enemy and smoke it out.”
Fagin got angry, but he concealed his anger.
“But the crew will suffer from shortage of
water.” Fagin said.
“If we suffer from shortage of water, we will
drink from the sea.” Jim said.
“I am speaking seriously, Sir.” Fagin said.
“I am also speaking seriously.” Jim said “Go
away now.”
“Okay, but please give us a solution as a
captain.” Fagin requested.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 91

“I have no time.” Jim shouted nervously “Get

out of here.”
“But…” Fagin said.
“Go away, Fagin.” Jim said angrily.
“No, give me a solution first.” Fagin repeated
with a sense of resentment.
Jim stood up staring at Fagin angrily and
attacked him. He grabbed his collar and took out a
pistol from his pocket.
“You know this, don’t you?” Jim asked rudely.
Fagin nodded with little anger. Jim smiled
“Yes, and it’s loaded.” He added quietly.
“If you say a word about this matter again, I’ll
smash your head by one bullet.” Jim warned, “If you
decided to advise me, you must better think about
your life first. Challenge me once more and you will
Then, Jim pushed Fagin away towards the door
and said, “Get out of here.”
Fagin walked slowly to the door. Jim raised his
pistol at him saying “My pistol is pointing at your
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 92

“You know this, don’t you?” Jim asked rudely.

The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 93

Suddenly, Jim fired at the wall. Fagin got

scared when he heard the bang of the pistol. Jim
laughed loudly.
“I tried to scare you.” He said, “Get out of here.
Go to the deck.”
Fagin looked at Jim angrily and walked outside
quickly. Jim put his pistol back to his pocket after
Fagin disappeared. Suddenly, he heard a shout from
outside. It was Fagin’s voice.
“I’ll show you, rough man.” He shouted,
“Beware of me. Fagin will teach you a cruel lesson.”
Jim sat down looking at his map again ignoring
Fagin’s warnings, but his words were still ringing in
his ears. He was worried because he didn’t want to
make a problem with a member of his crew. He went
to the crew and ordered them to put the rest of the
water in new barrels. He went back to his room and
found Boxtel sitting there. Jim told him what he had
done to Fagin. Boxtel smiled wickedly.
“How nice! You have done what I told you to
do.” Boxtel said.
“I didn’t want to kill him.” Jim said, “I wanted
to sit here alone to look into my maps, but he came
troubling me with the matter of the spilled water.”
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 94

“Okay, I hope you succeed in killing Tylo Frip

and that is the important matter.” Boxtel said and left
the room.
Jim sat down and continued studying his maps,
prepared a plan and slept.
On the following day, Jim went to the deck and
looked at the beautiful sea and clear sky. He saw a
body coming up and down in the horizon. He took a
spyglass to see it. He was stunned when he saw it. It
was the brown orca whale which has three red lines
on its face. Jim was mad and screamed as loud as he
“Tylo Frip. It’s there.”
The crew rushed to see the whale. Jim was very
“Let’s sail towards it.” Jim shouted, “Be ready
to unload the boats when we approach it.”
Ten minutes later, Lingnerland sailed on the
spot where Tylo appeared, but the men didn’t see it at
all. Jim was angry. He took out his compass. He was
surprised when he knew that the whale was heading
towards the west.
“Is it going towards New York coast?” Jim
asked himself.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 95

He ordered the crew to sail to the west. He

hoped that he can find his enemy easily.

Chapter 12
The Scary Voices

The crew was looking at the sea for two

days as Jim ordered them to do so. However, there
was no trace of Tylo Frip. Jim was very angry as he
couldn’t find it. He went to bed.
During midnight, Jim woke up because of a
dream. He couldn’t sleep till morning. In the
morning, Jim walked to the kitchen. He saw Sapt in
the kitchen drinking a cup of rum. Jim sat on a chair
and ordered Achley to give him a drink.
“Good morning, Sapt.” Jim said.
“Good morning, Mr. Fritz.” Sapt said.
“Listen! I dreamt last night.” Jim said, “I
dreamt that all of the crew were lying on the deck of
the ship. They were tired. Then, I saw a huge
whirlpool surrounding our ship. After that, a huge
body jumped above the surface of the water. It was
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 96

Tylo Frip. It was wet with blood. I saw a bullet stuck

in Fagin’s head and there was a man without head.
Then, Tylo began to swallow our ship. My right leg
was cut, but I could walk. I was the only man who
survived. I jumped to the water before Tylo swallows
the ship completely. I dived into the water and
reached the bottom of the sea. Then, I slept there. Do
you know what does this dream mean?”
“I think that our end will be in the hand of Tylo
Frip. That’s why it swallowed the ship.” Sapt said
“And what will you say about the blood which
was covering its body?” Jim asked.
“I think that we will also let it bleed.” Sapt said,
“But I am afraid of our grim fate.”
“We will kill it.” Jim said quickly, “I was
thinking about the bullet which has stuck in Fagin’s
“I think that he may die because of a bullet
shot.” Sapt guessed.
“How? No one, among the crew, uses a pistol.”
Jim said.
“Fagin said that you were about to kill him by
your pistol.” Sapt said.
“I didn’t want to kill him.” Jim denied, “I
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 97

wanted only to scare him only. His advises were

source of trouble to me. What about me? Why did I
sleep in the bottom of the ocean?”
“I think that you will rest in peace there.” Sapt
“How? I can swim.” Jim said, “No, this isn’t
the meaning of this dream. The dream is saying that
I’ll kill Tylo Frip and cover its body with blood.”
“What about the rest of the dream?” Sapt
asked, “The dream is clear and don’t try to go left and
right. Moreover, what will you say about swallowing
the ship?”
“I don’t know, but I won’t change my mind
because of a stupid hallucination.” Jim said.
“Sometimes, dreams are advisers. Bill and the
other two captains told you about what happened to
their men after confronting Tylo Frip.” Sapt said.
“Who told you that Tylo defeated the other two
captains’ men?” Jim inquired.
“Do you think that Bill’s story isn’t enough?”
Sapt asked.
“No, they were weak.” Jim replied, “They
didn’t fight it seriously.”
Suddenly, Fagin entered the kitchen to take a
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 98

drink. He listened carefully to the dialogue between

Jim and Sapt.
“It doesn’t mean that Tylo is weak.” Sapt said.
“No, don’t try to think about going back to
New York before burying Tylo Frip into the bottom
of the ocean. It is Tylo Frip which will rest in peace.”
Jim said angrily.
“But, in the process, you are going to kill all of
us.” Sapt warned “We…”
“Do you really call yourself an officer?” Jim
asked, “You are a coward.”
“Mr. Fritz, Sapt is right.” Fagin said, “Please,
stop thinking about your mad plans. Let the…”
“Who asked you to speak?” Jim said angrily,
“Take your drink and leave the kitchen. You must
remember what had happened to you before
“I want to remind you that fighting Tylo Frip
isn’t an easy matter.” Fagin said, “Let the men return
to their families safely. We have the hunt for which
we came. That’s quite enough. No one is ready to get
involved in your revenges.”
“Shut up, you stupid fellow.” Jim said angrily,
“I don’t want to go back to New York because my
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 99

wife hates me. Moreover, I let you hunt whales only

to appease you. Hunting whales wasn’t the reason
behind our current journey. Both of you must leave
this place. Don’t irritate me.”
Sapt and Fagin were forced to go outside the
kitchen. Jim decided to go to his room and try to think
about the meaning of his dream.
He walked to his room, entered it and saw
Boxtel. Jim was surprised to see him sitting there.
Closing the door, Jim asked:
“How could you know that I went outside? Are
you a demon?”
“If you don’t want me, I’ll leave immediately.”
Boxtel said.
“No, stay here.” Jim said, “I want to speak to
you about something.”
Jim told him about the dream and how Sapt has
interpreted it.
“Sapt is wrong” Boxtel said, “Swallowing the
ship doesn’t mean that Tylo will kill us. It means that
the men will fight it fiercely. The man who was
without head will be killed by Tylo. A death of a man
won’t scare us. It is not a serious matter.”
“What about my cut leg?” Jim asked worriedly.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 100

“It doesn’t mean anything.” Boxtel said, “It’s

just like the bullet in Fagin’s head. That also doesn’t
mean anything.”
“What about lying on the bottom of the
ocean?” Jim asked, “Sapt said that I would drown.”
“Sapt is stupid. Doesn’t he know that you can
swim?” Boxtel said.
“I also told him that, but what does that mean?”
Jim asked.
“It means that you will give a sigh of relief
after killing Tylo Frip.” Boxtel said, “Lying on the
bottom of the ocean means a complete sense of relief
because you don’t have another place to rest except
in the water.”
“But why didn’t I lie in the ship?” Jim asked,
“Why did I lie on the bottom of the ocean?”
“Because…Tylo swallowed it.” Boxtel said.
“Do you contradict yourself? Didn’t you say
that swallowing the ship doesn’t mean anything?”
Jim asked, “I think that Tylo will destroy the ship.”
“I advise you not think about that stupid
dream.” Boxtel said, “Be sure that you will kill it. I
swear! Try your best and you will succeed.”
Jim believed him and spoke with him about
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 101

some other different things.

Suddenly, while the crew was eating their
breakfast, they heard a loud terrible voice. They stood
up and listened carefully. Again, they heard the same
voice. It was louder than the horns. It was like the
woman’s scream, but it was even louder. Its echo was
very scary. Then, the crew heard the voice for the
third time. They got terrified.
“What is this?” Taisam asked worriedly, “It
must be a ghost or evil spirits swimming in the
Jim was speaking to Boxtel at that moment, but
when he heard the scary voices, he was afraid at first.
When he heard the voice for the fourth time, he
decided to know the source of these voices.
“Wait here, Boxtel.” Jim said, “I’ll go outside
and know the source of these horrible voices.”
He stood up and went to the deck. He looked at
the crew. They were afraid. There was a thick mist
covering the world around them. The voice in the mist
made them very scared.
“Don’t worry.” Jim said, “It must be a
humpback whale or a blue whale.”
The men’s faces turned to yellow. Jim also
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 102

became worried.
“Who is the man who can swim inside the
water and know what is happening around us?” Jim
asked, “Who will do that?”
Sheigo decided to go there. He took a spear and
jumped into the water. He dived into the water.
Suddenly, the crew heard the voice again.
“What happened to Sheigo?” A man asked.
“I think that the ghost saw him and roared.”
Darnay replied.
A minute later, the men saw some blood on the
surface of the water. Sheigo didn’t appear. The crew
got more horrified. Jim also got scared. He ordered
the crew to change the direction of the ship. He
looked at the sea. Suddenly, he saw a brown body
roaming around in the water. He was shocked and
closed his eyes for a second. He opened his eyes and
looked at the water again, but he saw nothing. The
mist was covering the world around them. Therefore,
Jim couldn’t see the body clearly.
“Was it Tylo Frip?” Jim asked himself.
Two minutes later, the voices stopped. The
crew gave a sigh of relief.
On the following day, a hunting ship passed by
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 103

them. It was called Franklen.

“Have you seen a brown orca whale which has
three red lines on its face?” Jim asked, as usual, the
crew of Franklen.
The captain of Franklen responded by saying,
He unloaded a boat and came to visit Jim’s
ship. Jim welcomed him and took him to a special
room. Jim asked him about the whale.
“We saw it yesterday.” The captain replied, “It
was making strange loud voices.”
Jim was about to be mad. He began to ask him
many questions.
“How did you know that the voices belong to
it?” Jim asked, “There was a thick mist.”
“It made those voices during our last journey.”
The captain replied, “That’s why we knew the source
of those voices.”
“Really?” Jim asked, “Why does it make
frightening voices?”
“I think that I knew the reason about that.” The
captain replied, “It does that to frighten sailors and
forces them to change the direction of their ship so
that no one will fight it.”
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 104

Jim was shocked and got furious. He realized

that he was misled by the whale, consequently, he
ordered the crew to change the direction of the ship.
His eyes turned red.
“The brown body was Tylo Frip.” Jim said to
himself, “It really tricked me. How clever it is! It has
the mind which can fool even human beings.”
“What happened?” The captain asked, “Are
you okay?”
“Ye... Yes.” Jim replied, “It’s very clever.”
“Yes, but do you have an issue with it?” The
captain asked.
“Yes. I want to confront it” Jim replied.
“Oh, God helps and blesses you.” The captain
supplicated, “But be careful, it’s very dangerous.”
The door of the room was closed, but the men
were standing near the door to listen to the dialogue
between the two captains. Suddenly, Franklen’s
captain opened the door and came out with Jim. Jim
got angry as he saw the men standing near the door.
Franklen’s captain went back to his ship. Jim
though for a little and remembered where Tylo Frip
was going. It was going to the direction of the sun
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 105

“Drive the ship to the east.” Jim shouted.

“To the east?” Sapt asked, “Are you going to
take us to Africa?”
“Yes, what is wrong with that?” Jim asked
“Please, Jim, let us return safely to New York.”
Sapt requested, “We are eager to see our families.”
“I also want to see my family.” Jim said, “But
I must kill my son’s killer first. I have to revenge as I
said many times.”
“Fritz, we want to go home.” Sapt said again,
“Go and revenge alone. We don’t want to die with
“Shut up, Sapt.” Jim shouted nervously.
Then, he rushed to Sapt and knocked his face.
Sapt fell on the ground. He stood up and pushed Jim
to the ground, but Jim didn’t fall down. He was
stronger than Sapt. He kicked Sapt’s belly,
consequently, Sapt fell down.
Then, Jim took out a pistol and pointed it at
Sapt’s heart.
“If you cross your borders again, I’ll burst you
heart into pieces like what we will do with Tylo Frip.”
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 106

He kicked Sapt’s belly, consequently, Sapt fell

The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 107

The men rushed to separate them from each

other. Jim walked away angrily. Sapt felt a desire to
vomit after Jim had hit his belly. His nose was
bleeding. He stood up and went to wash his face. He
went to his bed and tried to be calm.
“The brown body which I saw yesterday was
Tylo Frip.” Jim said angrily to the crew, “We will kill
One hour later, a flock of orca whales passed
by them. Jim looked at them angrily and tried to spot
Tylo Frip among them. It was occupying his mind.
“Tylo Frip might be with them.” Jim guessed
to Taisam.
“No, Tylo always swims alone.” Taisam
replied, “But I think that Tylo Frip isn’t far from us.
Don’t lose hope. Be positive.”
“I have to kill it.” He screamed as loud as he
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 108

Chapter 13
The First Battle

George stayed with Sapt in his room for

a while during that night to observe his condition.
Fagin also came and visited him.
“Jim hit you badly.” George said, “I think you
were about to be affected by hernia because your
tissues are inflamed.”
“Jim is almost mad.” Sapt said, “I think that
you shall subject him to psychiatric checkup.”
“Let him alone.” George said, “Don’t interfere
with his affairs. If you try to stop him from doing
what he wants, he may go out of his sense and kill
Sapt agreed. Fagin and George went to their
On the following day, Jim was standing near
the timber bar of the ship. He was smoking lazily.
Suddenly, he saw some waves and blood. Then, a
brown head with three red lines appeared outside the
surface of the water. Jim couldn’t believe his eyes. He
took a spyglass and looked at the object. He was
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 109

happy when he knew that the body was Tylo Frip. He

was mad and enthusiastic. Robert also saw it at the
same time.
“Tylo Frip! I saw it first.” Both of them shouted
at the same time, “It’s there.”
Jim looked up at Robert angrily.
“Who saw it First?” Jim asked.
“It’s me because I am sitting at a place higher
than yours.” Robert said.
“You are a liar. It’s me.” Jim shouted, “I’ll have
the box of gold coins.”
“My men, come and see your enemy.” Jim
shouted to his men, “Look at your trade destroyer.”
The crew gathered there and looked at the
whale which they were tired searching for it. It was
hunting something. Jim was eager to start a battle
against it.
“Why are you standing like a rock?” Jim
shouted at the crew, “Unload the boats. The man who
will kill it will have the box of gold coins.”
The men unloaded the boats and jumped onto
them like monkeys. Few men stayed on board like
Sapt, Fagin, Morgan and nine men. Tylo Frip was
eating a great white shark. It came to the surface to
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 110

spout water and take a breath. It noticed the boats

coming towards it. Jim’s boat was in front of the other
boats. He held his special spear. Tylo Frip hit the
water by its tail to warn them and continued eating its
“Hit the water and eat as you like.” Jim shouted
raising his special spear, “Your end is coming soon.”
Tylo Frip saw them coming nearer and nearer.
It dived quickly into water. Jim looked around to see
Tylo Frip.
“Where is that devil?” Jim asked angrily.
Suddenly, the men heard a loud scary voice.
Jim laughed loudly.
“Foolish whale!” Jim mocked “Does it think
that it will scare us?”
Morgan saw a brown body under Jim’s boat.
“Mr. Fritz, Tylo is under your boat.” He
Jim looked down, but he saw nothing.
Suddenly, Tylo jumped in front of the boats to
challenge them.
“Jump as you like.” Jim shouted, “This will be
your last jumping.”
Tylo Frip noticed that the men aren’t afraid of
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 111

it. Therefore, it decided to fight them. Surprisingly,

Taigo stabbed Tylo Frip with a spear.
“Stab it. The box is waiting for you.” Jim
The men started to shoot Tylo enthusiastically
with their spears. Darnay stabbed its face. Tylo hit
Darnay’s boat by its tail. The boat flew into the air
and fell, upside down, into the water. This made the
whale free from Darnay’s spear. Darnay and the men
of his boat swam hardly to come out from under the
boat. Many other men shot Tylo with spears. Jim
didn’t join the men in killing the whale with the spear.
He wanted to stab its heart only. Tylo raised its tail
and hit another boat. The boat was broken into pieces.
The crew were having seventeen boats. They
lost two due to the storm. They lost another during
hunting the grey whale. They also lost two boats in
confronting Tylo Frip. Only twelve boats were
remaining to fight against Tylo. After hitting the two
boats, Tylo Frip got rid of many spears which were
nailed into its body.
“Shoot it with more spears.” Jim screamed, “It
can’t fool us. Fight it as if it is a sperm whale.”
The men threw more spears at Tylo so that it
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 112

might not be easy for it to free itself from all of them

easily. Tylo Frip got very angry and thought for a
while. It may seem that the men were smart, but Tylo
was smarter than them. It rotated around itself
strongly and swiftly like a planet. Consequently, all
the boats, even that of Jim, were being dragged by
Tylo as their ropes were tied with spears that were
nailed into its body. Many men felt dazed and some
of them fell into the water. They shouted for help.
They tried to cut the ropes to free the boats from this
ferocious creature.
“Drive the ship to rescue them.” Sapt shouted
at the men who were in the ship.
“Poor men! They are going to die.” Morgan
said sadly.
“Jim is harming his crew, indeed.” Fagin said,
“He wants to kill them.”
Tylo Frip continued rotating around itself till it
made a strong whirlpool that pushed everything into
the depth of the sea. Darnay was still swimming with
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 113

Many men felt dazed and some of them fell into the
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 114

many men to save themselves. Unfortunately, he was

near the whirlpool. He tried to swim, but the
whirlpool dipped him into the deep ocean and he
disappeared. The men got scared and began to row
away from the whale. Jim swam away with some
Tylo Frip was happy because its plan worked
well. It freed itself from tens of spears and began to
attack the men.
“This whale had no mercy on us.” Robert
Tylo Frip hit Taisam by its tail. He flew very
high into the air and fell into the water near a boat.
Taisam’s back was paining him and he could not
swim any more. He felt that as if a heavy hummer had
hit his back. Then, he fainted. The men on the boat
pulled him up to the boat and went towards the ship.
Tylo Frip followed Jim. It bit his right leg. Jim
shouted in pain. His special spear fell into the water
and drowned. Shomo who was riding a nearby boat
stabbed Tylo Frip with all his might to save Jim. Tylo
swam away and left Jim swim freely. Jim’s leg was
bleeding and as the salt water entered his wound, it
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 115

pained him very much. The men pulled him to the

Tylo Frip thought that it won the battle and
swam away proudly. All the men boarded the ship.
The onboard crew got shocked as they saw Jim
couldn’t walk easily. He remembered his dream in
which he saw his right leg was cut off.
“Sapt was right.” He whispered to himself,
“But I’ll revenge for my leg. I’ll kill it.”
“Look at what you have done to yourself.”
Fagin said in sorrow, “This wound is a warning for
you. Tylo will kill you next time.”
Jim looked at him angrily and said nothing.
The men took him to his room.
“That whale is extremely dangerous. It killed
Darnay.” Sapt said to Fagin, “His family lost him.
Poor man and poor family! I was right when I said to
Jim that you were going to kill all of us.”
Robert rushed to Sapt and Fagin and said:
“Come and help us. Taisam is still
unconscious. The whale dealt with him as if he were
a sea lion.”
The crew worked hard to bring Taisam to his
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 116

George stayed with Jim. He bandaged his

“Mr. Fritz, your wound is very serious.”
George said, “Tylo’s teeth entered deep into your
flesh. Stop thinking about killing that whale. You
must stay for a week till your leg recovers.”
“What? Week? That’s very long.” Jim said, “If
I see that whale, I shall not stay here for a second.”
“I advised you. Do as you wish.” George
Then, he took his bag and left the room. Jim
stayed alone in his room. He was thinking about Tylo
Frip. He couldn’t believe that it defeated him and it
was about cut off his leg.
Suddenly, someone knocked the door and
entered Jim’s room. It was Fagin.
“Mr. Fritz, are you okay?” He asked, “Shall we
return to New York? Look at what stubbornness has
done to you. You must learn a lesson from this
accident. Tylo…”
“How many times I said to you not to advise
me?” Jim said angrily, “Go away. Don’t enter my
room again.”
Fagin left the room. He was sorry for him.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 117

Sometimes later, Lucie brought to Jim some food.

“I don’t want to eat now.” Jim said angrily,
“Who ordered you to bring food to me?”
“Morgan.” Lucie replied, with fear, “He
ordered me to do that because food will give you
some energy.”
“Take the food back. I am not hungry.” Jim
said, “Call Morgan.”
Lucie went outside and called Morgan.
“Morgan, tell the crew to watch the sea day and
night.” Jim ordered.
“Okay, they will do that.” Morgan replied,
“Why don’t you eat something?”
“No, thanks.” Jim replied, “I want to think of a
plan which can work well and kill Tylo Frip. You can
go now.”
An hour later, someone knocked the door. Jim
sat on the bed.
“If you are Fagin or Sapt, don’t enter here.” Jim
The door was opened. It was Boxtel. He sat on
a chair near the bed and, again, indulged in instigating
Jim against Tylo Frip.
“Mr. Fritz, that’s unbelievable. Tylo Frip
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 118

defeated you so easily.” Boxtel said.

“Yes, but it was strong, indeed.” Jim replied,
“Sometimes it comes to my mind that I shall not fight
it again.”
“Don’t give up so easily.” Boxtel said, “After
all, what can a stupid orca do to a strong crew like us?
Draw out a proper plan to attack it when you see it
next time. It seems that you didn’t fight it seriously
this time.”
Encouraged by Boxtel’s words, Jim agreed.
Boxtel smiled and said:
“Yes, don’t forget your son’s death. Listen! Let
me join you next time and I’ll show you how to fight
it fiercely.”
“You are right, Boxtel.” Jim replied, “We will
fight it violently next time.”
“I’ll show you.” Boxtel said with a wicked
“You are welcome to join us.” Jim replied
Both of them continued speaking about Tylo
Frip till the end of afternoon. Boxtel was trying to
mobilize Jim’s anger against Tylo Frip.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 119

Chapter 14
The Second Battle

Before the sunset, Jim came to the deck of

the ship to walk and do some exercises to his injured
leg. Fagin met him.
“Mr. Fritz, we felt bored of chasing that
whale.” Fagin said, “Let’s sail to New York.”
Jim looked at Fagin angrily. He lost his
“Are you joking with me?” Jim asked, “You
are such a nag man. I’ll teach you an important
Jim rushed to Fagin in spite of his pain. He
knocked Fagin’s head with all his strength. Fagin fell
down and lost one of his teeth. Some men ran and
separated them from each other. They helped Fagin to
stand up and requested Jim to let Fagin go.
“He always repeats what irritates me. Let him
come and discourage me again and will strangulate
him.” Jim shouted nervously.
Jim went to his room and Morgan requested
Fagin not to advise Jim again.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 120

“No, I won’t stop.” Fagin said, “I’ll try my best

to make him put an end to this mad journey and allow
us to sail to New York.”
“Jim won’t change his opinion.” Morgan said,
“He is stone-minded. He won’t listen to you anymore.
You will harm yourself instead of influencing him.”
Fagin said nothing and went to wash his mouth.
He knows that he has done what he was supposed to
That night, Jim was standing on the forehead
of the ship. He watched the sea to see if he can spot
the whale that night. All the crew was sleeping. It was
two o’clock a.m. He was feeling sleepy as he had
woken up early that day, but he controlled himself and
tried to remain awake. He sat on the ground under the
moonlight and smoked a little.
Suddenly, he heard a whale spouting water. He
stared through the spyglass. He saw a whale, but it
was a grey whale. He continued standing on the
forehead of the ship again, but Tylo Frip didn’t

The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 121

On the following day, the crew was eating

breakfast in the cabin. Jim was eating an egg on the
forehead of the ship.
Suddenly, his eyes fell on the body of Tylo
“Tylo Frip.” Jim shouted, “Stop eating and
unload the boats.”
Jim did not eat up the whole egg, rather, he
threw it into the sea. The crew rushed to the deck to
see the whale again. They saw it hunting a grey
whale. Jim was happy and enthusiastic. He rushed to
the cabin as fast as he could to take a spear. On his
way, he stumbled and fell down. His leg pained him.
He stood up and went slowly to the cabin. He returned
to the deck holding a spear with him. Boxtel passed
by Jim. He was holding spear and a knife. He put the
knife into his pocket.
“Fritz, it’s our chance.” Boxtel said.
Jim smiled and shouted at the crew:
“Unload the boats quickly.” He rushed to the
first unloaded boat.
Fagin stood in front of him. His eyes were full
of tears.
“Sir, don’t kill yourself.” He requested, “The
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 122

whale was about to cut your leg. We don’t want to

lose you. You are our captain. You have a family
waiting for you. Forget about that whale.”
Jim pushed Fagin to the ground angrily. Then,
he rode a boat and touched his ship quietly.
“Good Bye, my dear Lingnerland.” Jim said,
“I’ll return to you after I stab Tylo Frip’s heart. Stay
patiently and see how we will let it spout blood.”
Morgan saw Boxtel riding a boat. He smiled as
he knew that he was going to meet his doom. He
heard him saying to Jim:
“Fritz, I’ll ride my boat near the whale. I’ll try
to jump on its face and put the spear into its blowhole
so as stop its breathing.”
“Great idea.” Jim said happily.
“Boxtel will never return to ship.” Morgan said
to himself with a cunning smile.
Tylo Frip noticed them, but it was busy fighting
the grey whale. It attacked the grey whale and hit it,
with its hard head, on its belly. The grey whale also
was fighting to defend itself. Tylo Frip decided to sink
the grey whale into the water. It Jumped above the
water and fell on it.
“Jump again for your last time.” Jim shouted.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 123

When the crew saw Tylo Frip, they got afraid.

They remembered what had happened to them during
the first battle. Tylo Frip came to the surface to breath
the air. They saw many spears and ropes were still
fixed on its body. They saw the remaining of Darnay’s
body still stuck between the ropes. The crew got
“Darnay’s body mustn’t scare you.” Jim said,
“Don’t be silly.”
Fagin, who was on board, saw Darnay’s body.
“That is Darnay’s remains, isn’t it?” Fagin
shouted to Jim warning him, “You will face the same
Jim ignored him and ordered the crew to attack
Tylo Frip.
Tylo Frip jumped high and fell on the grey
whale’s body. Suddenly, a sharp thing penetrated its
skin. It was Jim’s spear. The whale got furious. The
men on Jim’s boat pulled the rope of Jim’s spear. Tylo
Frip started to swim away quickly. It pulled Jim’s boat
behind it and dragged it far away from other boats.
The boats rained Tylo Frip with spears, but they
couldn’t stop it. Jim had no choice but to take a knife
and cut the rope to separate it from his boat. Then, he
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 124

ordered his men to return back to the other boats. The

grey whale exploited the circumstance and escaped
away. Therefore, Tylo Frip got angry and attacked
Jim’s boat as it considered it a reason behind losing
its prey. It tossed the boat with its hard head. The boat
flew high into the air, fell into the water and drowned.
Jim swam with his men to ride the other boats. His
leg was paining very much, but he tried to swim as
fast as he could before the whale kills him.
Tylo Frip decided to teach them a lesson. It
attacked a man and swallowed him. It attacked Malgo
and tore his chest. The other boats rained Tylo Frip
with spears. Lots of blood came out from its body.
Jim and the rest of the men rode the boats. Jim’s face
turned red with anger.
“Anger is running in my blood.” Jim shouted
nervously, “Attack it.”
Boxtel’s boat came near Jim’s boat.
“Fritz, let me show you how I will deal with
it.” Boxtel said. Then, he ordered his men to row
towards Tylo Frip.
When the boat came near Tylo Frip, Boxtel
held his spear tightly and jumped bravely from the
boat before it notices him. Unfortunately, he didn’t
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 125

descend on its face as he hoped, but on its back. He

tried to creep till he arrives the face, but the whale
was moving quickly. Boxtel held the dorsal fin with a
hand, raised his spear with the other hand and stabbed
it. He removed the spear and stabbed it again. The
spear was entering deep into its flesh. Blood came out
from its body and flowed into the water. The whale’s
pain was unbearable. It got enraged, jumped very
high and rotated around itself. It did all that to free
itself from this spider clinging to its back, but Boxtel
caught the dorsal fin strongly. Suddenly, the spear fell
from his hand. He took out his long knife and stabbed
it again and again. Tylo Frip thought of an idea to get
rid of Boxtel. It took a long breath and dived deep into
the water. A minute later, Boxtel got suffocated,
decided to leave Tylo Frip and swim up to the surface.
But Tylo Frip forbade him from surfacing up and
pulled him deeply into the ocean.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 126

Boxtel held the dorsal fin with a hand, raised his

spear with the other hand and stabbed it.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 127

Jim was waiting for Boxtel to surface. Five

minutes later, Tylo Frip hit a body with its tail. The
body flew high above the surface of the sea. Jim
looked at the body carefully in surprise.
“What? Boxtel?! Is that you Boxtel? Is that
really you?” Jim asked in surprise.
Then, Tylo Frip bit Boxtel and cut him into two
parts. Morgan witnessed that gruesome scene from
the ship. However, he was very happy and he gave a
sigh of relief whereas Jim was very furious.
“Don’t do as Boxtel did.” Jim warned his men,
The men stabbed Tylo with many spears. Its
pain was horrible. In fact, a man felt pity for the
“Why do we want to kill it?” He asked, “It’s
just a type of dolphins and it is doing what whales
usually do.”
Jim got annoyed by what that man had said and
tried to instigate the men against Tylo.
“Stop thinking about being kind to it and kill it.
Remember that this whale is trade destroyer.” Jim
said, “Attack it and let its body bleed out whole its
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 128

Taigo, Taisam and Shomo shot Tylo with

spears. The rest of the men also rained it with more
spears. Tylo Frip tried to free itself again. It began to
rotate around itself madly. It made, this time, a bigger
whirlpool. Jim was angry when he saw it starting to
rotate around itself. He knew that the men will
definitely surrender if it continues to do that as they
can’t stop it. The boats began to rotate around Tylo,
like clock pointers. By doing so, the whale freed itself
from many spears, nevertheless, it still continued to
maintain that whirlpool.
“Cut the ropes.” Jim shouted. The men cut
them with difficulty.
Many men fell into the water. Five of them
were drowned by the whirlpool. Tylo Frip got tired
and stopped making the whirlpool. It attacked
Robert’s boat, bit it and broke it into two parts. The
men fell into the water. Tylo Frip attacked two more
boats. The men on the two boats rained it with spears.
The spears thrusted deep into its skin. Tylo Frip
turned sharply and quickly around itself. The two
boats dashed against each other and got cracked. Tylo
Frip tossed the two boats with its head and overturned
them. The men shouted for help. Tylo attacked
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 129

another boat and hit the water near it to create waves

that overwhelmed the boat. Lots of water entered into
the boat and the men got afraid as they knew that the
boat will drown. The whale dived into the water,
tossed the boat from bellow and overturned it. The
men who were riding it were dead with fear. They
swam to the direction of the ship. The whale began to
kill them one by one. It cut a man’s head and tore
another one. It swallowed two men. Then, it attacked
six men and killed them all. The rest of the men were
terrified. Lingnerland rushed to save them. Tylo Frip
thought that it won the battle. It stopped fighting and
swam away.
“Use the remaining six boats and continue
chasing it.” Jim shouted, “That weak whale is
escaping, but death is running after it. Don’t you want
the box of gold coins?”
The men were tired and afraid, but they have to
respond to Jim’s alluring offer. However, when the
whale saw them pursuing it, it swam so fast that the
boats couldn’t reach it.
“Fritz, don’t chase that whale unless and until
it chases you.” Sapt shouted from the ship, “Didn’t
you see what it had done with your men? Come back
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 130

here. That’s enough. Don’t kill your men.”

The men were tired and requested Jim to let
them return to the ship. Jim was also tired. Moreover,
his leg was paining him very much. Therefore, he
agreed to return to the ship. Nevertheless, he was very
disappointed. He boarded the ship and looked back at
the sea. He was wrathful to see Tylo Frip disappear.
“I will never spare its life even if it goes
towards the north pole or Africa.” Jim insisted.
“Are you going to kill all of us?” Fagin asked
angrily, “You killed many men. You shall not chase it
again. You fought it twice, but you could not kill it. I
assure you that if you fight it again and again, you
will never kill it. You must let it alone. That whale
warned you. It will smoke you out next time.”
Jim gave a great cry of anger and rushed to
attack Fagin, but the men stopped him.
“I am not going to listen to your words.” Jim
shouted nervously, “You won’t stop me at all. Tylo
Frip will be the food of the sharks. Go away and I
don’t want to see your ugly wrinkled face again. I
swear that I’ll kill you next time if you try to stop me
Then, he cursed Fagin and walked away to his
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 131

room. He forgot that he was speaking to an officer.

He went to his room and rested for sometimes. He
knew that Fagin was saying the truth, but Boxtel’s
words were pushing him to go after the whale. He felt
lonely without Boxtel. Therefore, he started thinking
about a plan to kill Tylo Frip and revenge for Sikes
and Boxtel.
“Aha! I had an idea. Let me try it next time.”
Jim said with a cunning smile, “I’ll use something
He walked to his table, opened a desk and took
out a pistol.
“I’ll load it and fight it…” Jim said to himself.
Suddenly, his leg pained him. It was inflamed.
He looked at it and massaged it.
“I’ll also revenge for my leg.” He said to
himself, “It isn’t the end. I’ll tear its body next time.
I’ll fight it with a spear and my dear pistol. This pistol
also wants to revenge for my son. Don’t be sad, my
dear pistol. We will both kill it.”
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 132

Chapter 15
The Third Battle

On the following day, three men, who

were standing in the crow’s nest, saw Tylo Frip and
began to shout:
“Tylo Frip! It’s there.”
Jim’s face turned red when he saw Tylo Frip.
He looked at it angrily and said:
“I’ll meet you soon and I won’t spare your life
this time. No way for you to escape from me.”
Then, he took out his pistol, fired at the sky and
shouted as loud as he could:
“Unload the boats quickly.”
The sky was cloudy. The wind was blowing,
but it wasn’t strong. Jim rode, as usual, the first
unloaded boat and rushed towards Tylo Frip. The boat
was being tossed by waved. It was sailing up and
“Waves won’t stop us.” Jim said, “Hit us as you
like, but we will kill Tylo Frip.”
The men rode other boats and followed Jim’s
boat. The events of yesterday’s fierce battle started
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 133

haunting them. A sensation of shudder went through

the veins of their blood.
At then, Tylo Frip was eating a baby sperm
whale. It noticed them; the same ship and the same
antagonistic crew. It got very angry and started
attacking them immediately. It raised its tail high, hit
Shomo’s boat and broke it into pieces. The men sank
into the water and came out to the surface again. They
swam into different directions. The other boats
rescued them.
“Throw more spears.” Jim shouted, “Fight it as
if it is a sperm whale. Stab its eyes and blind it.”
Robert ordered his men to row and towards the
whale’s head. Tylo Frip saw them coming towards its
face. It dived quickly into the water and disappeared
for sometimes. Suddenly, the whale bit the boat from
bellow and broke it. The water gushed into the boat.
Few minutes later, the boat drowned. Then, the whale
attacked the men as usual. It swallowed two and
killed another. It coloured the water with their blood.
It cut a man’s hands. Jim took out his pistol and fired
at the whale’s back. It got wounded. It staggered in
pain. Therefore, it stopped attacking and killing the
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 134

Suddenly, the whale bit the boat from bellow and

broke it.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 135

It decided to swim away because it couldn’t endure

the pain. The men got a chance to swim and ride other
“Tylo Frip is coward.” Jim claimed happily,
“All the captains were afraid because they thought
that it was strong. We are killing it now. Continue
attacking it.”
Jim followed Tylo and fired at its back again.
The whale was surprised. The men also reached it and
stabbed it with spears. Tylo Frip was mad with anger.
It decided to die with dignity instead of dying in
humiliation. Tylo Frip swam near Jim’s boat. Jim put
his pistol in his pocket, raised his spear, cursed Tylo
and stabbed it with all his strength. Tylo Frip hit the
boat and overturned it in a moment. Jim swam with
his men towards other boats. Tylo Frip came to the
surface to take a breath. At that moment, it saw the
ship and looked at it carefully. It realized that it is the
ship which has been fighting it for two days. It
thought that Lingnerland is behind its suffering.
Therefore, it swam swiftly towards the ship. Jim
immediately understood Tylo Frip’s plan to destroy
the ship. He madly screamed:
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 136

“Young dogs, pull the ropes to stop Tylo Frip.”

The men pulled the ropes, but the whale
continued to rush, strongly, towards the ship till it
succeeded in cutting the ropes. Jim and the men also
got scared.
“My men, stop that clumsy whale.” Jim
shouted, “Don’t you want to defend your
Lingnerland? Don’t you want the box of gold coins?”
The men who were in the ship got horrified.
They began to pray to God to protect them. Fagin was
sitting on the timber bar of the ship.
“Oh, Jim, stupid man.” Fagin shouted angrily,
“Look at what you brought to us. Many times, I
advised you to halt your madness, but you didn’t
listen to me. You hit me twice. The whale is going to
kill all of us. May God kill you.”
Jim became very furious. He couldn’t endure
any blaming from anybody. He took out his pistol and
fired at Fagin’s head. Fagin’s dead body fell and got
hanged among the ropes which tie the boats to the
ship. He got stuck there.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 137

Chapter 16
Sinking of the Ship

The men who were in the ship got

shocked. Sapt looked down at the dead body.
“What have you done, Jim?” He asked in
surprise, “Did you kill him because he only cursed
you? The police…”
Suddenly, the ship staggered strongly. Tylo
Frip tossed it, with all its might, by its strong hard
head. The men fell on the ground. They were
“Oh, no. This’s our end I think.” A man cried,
“All of us will die. We won’t survive.”
The bottom of the ship was widely opened.
Lots of water gushed into Lingnerland. First, the
water entered the kitchen and overwhelmed the
cookers. They screamed in fear. Then, the ship started
sinking gradually.
Jim got shocked. Tylo Frip swam few yards
away from them and stayed calmly as if it knew that
its problems will be over after destroying
Lingnerland. Jim looked at his enemy angrily.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 138

Suddenly, he remembered his dream. He was about to

faint. Everything he had seen in his dream came true
in the third battle. He remembered, how, in his dream,
Tylo Frip swallowed the ship, but now it destroyed it.
He remembered that he saw, in his dream, his right
leg was cut, but it’s now about to be cut. He also
remembered that he saw, in his dream, the bullet
which was sticking in Fagin’s head and now a bullet
is inside Fagin’s head. He understood that Sapt was
saying the truth and Boxtel was lying. He knew that
Morgan was right when he accused Boxtel of
instigating him against Tylo Frip.
Jim’s boat came near the destroyed ship. The
men of the boat wanted to rescue the people who were
in the ship. Jim’s boat was near the spot where Fagin
has fallen and got hanged between the ropes. He saw
his body. The bullet had pierced his forehead. Jim
stared at Fagin dead body while Fagin’s opened eyes
were staring at Jim directly. Jim got scared. He
couldn’t believe that his dream came true. He looked
at his pistol and threw it angrily into the sea. Then, he
took his spear and spoke rudely to his men.
“If anyone wants to escape from this boat, I’ll
stab him by this spear.” Jim said.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 139

Some men who were in the ship were taken

into the boat. The other two boats helped the survived
men, but many people had drowned like George, the
six cookers and other five men.
Half of the ship was under the surface of the
water. Jim looked at Lingnerland sadly.
“Oh, my dear Lingnerland.” He said in sorrow,
“Why do you want to leave us and disappear into the
depth of the ocean? You will stay in the bottom of the
ocean forever, but I won’t forget your destroyer. Tylo
Frip won’t escape from great Jim Fritz. I think that it
didn’t know who I am till now.”
Then, he looked at Tylo Frip angrily which was
roaming around.
“Do you think that we surrendered after you
destroyed our ship?” He asked angrily, “Attack.
Throw your spears at it.”
The men of the other boats were very surprised
by Jim’s guts for further fighting with Tylo Frip.
However, they were tired and no one was ready to
fight that clever whale.
“What’s this? What do you want us to do?” A
man asked Jim angrily, “That’s folly. That whale will
kill us if we attack it again. Look how cruel it is! It
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 140

killed many of us and destroyed Lingnerland. Didn’t

you understand till now how dangerous it is? Let’s
sail away and find an island to rest in instead of
fighting it.”
“Shut up. All of us will die in this ocean sooner
or later.” Jim said angrily, “Let’s die with dignity. I
say to you attack it.”
“Who told you that we will definitely die in this
ocean?” A man asked, “We may survive and find an
island. A ship may also pass by us and pick us up.”
“You stupid men, don’t you know that my
orders must be carried out strictly?” Jim asked
angrily, “Attack the whale.”
The boats moved towards Tylo Frip. It noticed
that the boats are coming towards it. It thought for a
while and discovered that when Jim shouts, the boats
attack it. Now, it realized that not only Lingnerland
was behind its suffering, but also Jim. Therefore, it
rushed towards Jim’s boat to finish the game. Jim
realized that the whale is targeting him. He decided
to fight it courageously. He shot his spear at the whale
and stabbed it. It got enraged and rushed impulsively
to kill him. The men of Jim’s boat shuddered with fear
when they saw the whale heading towards them.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 141

“Jim, please, cut the rope before it gets

angrier.” A man requested.
“Never.” Jim refused angrily. Then, he took
another spear.
The men of Jim’s boat got scared after they
thought that the whale will kill them. They shouted
for help. The two other boats wanted to save their
friends. They rained the whale with spears. Tylo Frip
got angrier. It decided to get rid of the two boats first,
then, it can fight Jim’s boat easily. When it rushed
quickly towards Sapt’s boat, the men began to shoot
it with all their spears. The whale was moving fast.
Consequently, Sapt got surrounded by nets of ropes.
A noose of the rope turned around Sapt’s neck,
strangulated and killed him. He fell into the water.
Jim was astonished. Tylo Frip hit Sapt’s boat by its
tail. The boat turned upside down. The men fell into
the water and the whale killed them. Then, it rushed
towards Robert’s boat.
“Please, Tylo Frip, have mercy on us.” Robert
said in fear, “Jim, you are behind our suffering. Our
families will lose us because of you only. Why did
you tell us that Tylo Frip is a weak whale?”
Robert and his men decided to defend
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 142

themselves against Tylo Frip. They shot it with many

spears. Tylo Frip’s body was bleeding. It jumped
high, raised the boat into the air and freed itself from
the spears. Robert and his men fell into the water. The
boat landed upside down and drowned. Tylo Frip
started killing the men. Then, it looked at Jim’s boat.
Now, nothing will stop it from facing the last boat
which carries the cause of its suffering.
Suddenly, the image of Fagin’s face appeared
in front of Jim. He got scared and shuddered with fear.
One of the men of his boat saw him in this condition.
“What’s the matter with you?” The man asked
Jim in surprise, “Did Tylo Frip’s legendary bravery
scare you?”
“No, it is Fagin’s spirit.” Jim replied with fear,
“And nothing else.”
Tylo Frip, angrily, headed towards at the last
boat. The men realized its intention and were
“Fritz, let’s try to escape and find a safe haven.
We will die if we attack it.” Shomo said.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 143

It jumped high and raised the boat into the air

and freed itself from the spears.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 144

Jim thought a little. As he killed, Fagin, he

knows that he will be prosecuted in New York.
“I want to tell the men to keep Fagin’s murder
as a secret, but I am sure that they won’t do so.” Jim
said to himself, “They will tell people and people will
inform the police. Then, I’ll be convicted. I don’t
want to be humiliated in front of the people. I must
kill my men by making them fight the whale.”
“No, no, no.” Jim refused angrily, “It’s going
to kill us sooner or later. Therefore, it is better to
attack it.”
Jim took a spear and shot it towards the whale.
The men were forced also to defend themselves.
Before they shoot it with their spears, Tylo Frip
created a huge wave. The wave hit the boat. It
staggered and the men fell into the water. Jim lay
down quickly in the bottom of the boat to avoid
falling into the sea. Tylo Frip attacked the men and
killed them. Taigo swam near Jim’s boat and shouted:
“Help, help. Oh, Fritz, help me. Tylo Frip will
kill me.”
Jim decided to help Taigo as he knows that he’s
a useful man and he may help him in killing Tylo Frip.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 145

“Yes, I’ll save you.” Jim said, “Give me your

hand and I’ll pull you up.” Taigo swam towards him.
Suddenly, Tylo Frip jumped above the surface
of the water and fell on Taigo’s body. It pulled him
deep into the water and tore him into pieces.
Jim was exhausted, but he held his spear and
prepared himself to fight it. Suddenly, the face of
Fagin appeared in front of Jim again.
“You will come with me soon!” The image of
the face said. Jim got scared and walked backwards
on the boat. His leg also pained him.
“No pain again.” The image of Fagin’s face
said. Jim started thinking about the correlation
between the pain of his leg and what the image of
Fagin’s face said to him. He got scared as he realized
that he may die soon.
“No, I won’t die.” Jim said, “I’ll remain alive
till I kill it.” Then, he looked at Tylo Frip angrily and
“Now, I am alone. You killed my men, but I
won’t surrender. I hate you. I am ready to fight you
with this spear and my knife. You can tear me up, but
I’ll continue chasing you in the world of the dead.
Curse upon you!”
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 146

Then, he spat in the direction of the whale. Tylo

Frip rushed to kill him. Before Jim stabs it, the whale
dived into the water, bit the boat from bellow and
pulled it into the water. In a second, the boat was full
of water and drowned.
Jim swam and surfaced up. He saw the whale
swimming around him. He approached it and stabbed
its back.
“I’ll kill you today.” Jim shouted nervously, “I
swear!” Then, he swam away quickly and left the
spear fixed on its back.
Tylo Frip dived into the water swiftly. It
wanted to make a surprising attack on Jim. After a
while, Tylo Frip’s face appeared in front of Jim. He
took out his knife and stabbed its face. The whale
swam away from him, but it didn’t surrender. It
attacked Jim from behind, but Jim was alert and
stabbed its face again. The whale maneuvered and
attacked him for the third time. Jim dived into the
water quickly and became under the whale’s belly. He
raised his knife and scratched its belly. The whale
escaped away. It knew that it can’t kill this man while
he is holding the knife, but when the strength fails,
the mind works. Jim came to the surface and sighed
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 147

loudly. Then, he laughed.

“I can’t believe that I am defeating it.” Jim
said, happily “I’ll definitely kill it. The men were
coward and thought that it is strong.”
Jim looked around to search for a near-by
island. He saw a something swimming far away from
him between the waves, but he couldn’t know what
was it. He got puzzled. Then, he looked around to see
Tylo Frip.
“Where is that coward whale?” He asked
angrily, “It seems that it escaped away after I defeated
it. It will be very bad if I do not kill it.”
Suddenly, Tylo Frip bit his right leg and
dragged him into the water. Jim screamed in pain and
his knife fell from his hand. He was stunned because
of this sudden attack. He got suffocated and tried to
swim up to the surface of the water, but Tylo Frip
pushed him in the deep water. Jim began to faint.
“You will come with me in less than one
minute.” The voice of Fagin whispered into his ears.
Jim’s lungs and stomach were full of salt water.
The salt water also entered deep into his eyes. He
remembered all the advices which had been given to
him, but he ignored all of them and now he is seeing
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 148

his own end.

“I wish that I listened to them.” Jim whispered
to himself, but it was too late. Then, again he heard
the voice of Fagin saying to him:
“Next moment! Good bye.” Then, Jim was
Tylo Frip swam happily to the surface after it
tore Jim into pieces. It began to spout water and took
a deep breath. It dived into the water and jumped very
high despite it was injured badly.

Chapter 17
Morgan’s Survival

Everything which caused pain and

suffering to Tylo Frip had been dipped into the water.
Then, it stayed calmly for sometimes. It must take rest
now and eat very well, during the next few days, to
replace the lost blood.
Meanwhile, a piece of wood was floating on
the water far away from Tylo Frip. It was three meters
long. A man was swimming towards that wood. He
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 149

was trying to hold the wood and ride on it. This man
was Morgan. He was very worried and tried to swim
towards the wood as fast as he could. He gave a sigh
of relief after he caught it and rode on it.
The orca whales can hear as good as the cats.
Tylo Frip got alert when it felt that there is a body
moving in water a kilometer far away from it. The
whale made cracklings to the direction of the body.
Orca whales usually do that to locate their preys. The
cracklings dashed against Morgan and their echo
returned back to Tylo’s ears. It discovered that the
body was of human being and it located its position,
too. It got very furious and rushed to attack him. It
swam with the speed of fifty-five kilometers an hour
and reached the floating wood.
Morgan saw Tylo Frip and shuddered with fear.
Morgan closed his eyes and started to think about
what will happen to him next. He was having a knife,
but he didn’t dare to use it. He kept it with him to use
it at dangerous moments. The whale looked at him
carefully. It tried to remember the faces of the men
who fought it. This face wasn’t among them. It
realized that the men whom it had eaten have satisfied
its hunger. Therefore, it would have no meaning to
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 150

kill this one. It disappeared into the water. Morgan

sighed loudly and became very happy when he saw
the whale disappear into the water. He couldn’t
believe that he has survived.
Sharks were swimming everywhere around
him. They smelled the blood of humans and Tylo
Frip, but they can’t even come near Tylo. They began
to swim around the floating wood. They looked at
Morgan with their wicked eyes. Morgan crept to the
middle of the floating wood and took out his sharp
long knife.
Suddenly, a big white shark bit Morgan’s
floating wood. Morgan was stunned and stabbed the
shark’s head quickly with all his might. The knife
penetrated the brain of the shark and killed it. When
other sharks smelled the blood of the dead shark,
Morgan’s problems increased. They began to swim
around his floating wood again. Morgan thought that
it’s better to row away by his hand, but it will be
dangerous if a shark bites his hand while he is rowing.
He stayed patiently and let the current of the sea drive
his wood and carry it away.
Sometimes later, Morgan noticed that the
sharks had disappeared. He put his knife into his
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 151

pocket. Suddenly, he heard a spouting of a whale. He

looked behind and saw Tylo Frip swimming up and
down the surface of the water. Morgan kept watching
it and took out his knife.
“It isn’t bad when Tylo swims arround me.”
Morgan said to himself, “Sharks won’t attack me if
Tylo continues to swim near me.”
Tylo Frip kept following Morgan’s floating
wood. Morgan was surprised and didn’t understand
the reason behind the behavior of the whale.
Morgan was exhausted. He surrendered to a
deep sleeping. He was lying on the wood. He dreamt
that he was at home. He saw that he went with Jim to
the market to help him in his business.
Tylo Frip followed him quietly. The waves
carried his wood to the direction of the coast of North
Some water fell on Morgan’s face. It began to
rain. The rain was very cold. Morgan woke up and
looked at the sky. He imagined that he was at Fritz’s
home resting near the chimney’s fire. Then, he looked
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 152

Morgan kept watching it and took out his knife.

The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 153

around. He was shocked to see Tylo Frip still

swimming near the floating wood.
Sometimes later, Morgan saw a black body far
away in the horizon. He stared at it carefully. Five
minutes later, Morgan noticed that the black body
appeared to be a ship. He was very happy. He couldn’t
believe that he will be saved soon. He looked at the
ship happily and enthusiastically. He looked at great
Tylo Frip which seems to be gaurding him along his
The ship came nearer and nearer. Morgan
began to read the name of the ship. He read the word
‘Todoshima’ written on its forehead.
“Todoshima?” Morgan asked himself “This
isn’t a strange name. I saw this ship before.”
Finally, the ship passed by him. A sailor saw
Morgan standing on a floating wood. Morgan also
raised his hands and shouted for help. The men of
Todoshima unloaded a boat and rowed towards
Morgan. They took him into their boat. They
wondered to see Tylo Frip was swimming near the
floating wood. When Tylo Frip saw the boat, it dived
quickly into the water. The sailors headed towards
their ship. Meanwhile, they asked Morgan many
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 154

“Let’s board the ship and I’ll tell you the whole
story.” Morgan replied.
Tylo Frip headed towards the north pole.
Morgan was surprised when he knew that the ship
belongs to Bill. His ship was returning to New York
after hunting lots of tuna, a sperm whale and a grey
whale. Bill welcomed Morgan and listened to his long
“Jim is an arrogant man.” Bill said, “I told him
about my battle against the whale and advised him not
to confront it, but he put mud into his ears. He didn’t
listen to me at all. He was a stupid man, indeed. Why
did he devote his whole journey to fight a whale? Has
he forgotten that this whale is very clever and
“Yes, you are right, Bill.” Morgan added, “He
killed all the men because of his son only. There was
a man who called Boxtel. He continuously instigated
Jim to kill that whale. I advised Jim not to listen to
Boxtel, but all went in vain. Even Boxtel threatened
to kill me.”
“The battles against the whale were violent,
indeed.” Bill said, “I have never seen fierce battles
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 155

like those before. They were sufficient signs to make

Jim surrender and leave the whale to its own. But he
“Jim became a very bad-tempered man.”
Morgan added, “He didn’t listen to anyone; even he
threw his crew’s advices to the wind. He went to the
extent of killing Fagin just because he advised him.”
“How strange!” Bill said, “I can’t believe that
Jim is a murderer. He turned to be a criminal.”
“Yes, I think because of that Jim didn’t desire
to go back to New York as he would be convicted.”
Morgan said, “I realized that Tylo Frip is a clever
whale and an exceptional fighter. Therefore, I stayed
on the ship and never departed it to fight Tylo Frip. If
I had been one of those who fought it, I would haven’t
been alive now. My wisdom saved my life.”
Then, Morgan went to a room and slept
peacefully. Bill was interested in Morgan’s story. He
continued to listen to the details of the story till they
arrived at New York.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 156

Chapter 18
Returning to New York

Two months later, Todoshima arrived at

New York. Morgan looked at the beach. He hasn’t
seen this place for a long time and he was not thinking
of seeing it again. It was just a dream for him. He
went to the port and told the customs of the port about
his story. They were very much surprised.
“If Jim returned to New York, the police would
execute him, but the whale has already done the job.
Nature, sometime, carries out justice.” An officer
“This’s strange.” Another officer said, “That
whale is hampering trade. We must kill it. Where was
it heading to?”
“What? Killing Tylo Frip?” Morgan asked in
surprise, “Didn’t you learn a lesson from Jim’s fate?”
“Don’t worry.” The officer replied, “We will
send four war ships to fight it. Just tell us, to which
direction was it heading?”
“Towards the north pole, I think.” Morgan
replied, “It isn’t easy to find it there. First, the north
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 157

pole is very cold. Second, it will be difficult to find it

there among those floating mountains of ice.”
“We will try our best to find it.” The officer
said, “We are sure that we will find it easily because
of the peculiar color of its body.”
“We must kill it.” The other officer said, “A
month ago, a ship which is called Retaldiom arrived.
Its sailors came back without whales. Its captain;
Tom, told us the reason behind losing their hunt. The
reason was Tylo Frip only. It’s really a thief. The
whale kept troubling them all the way to the shores of
New York city.”
“Do as you wish, but be very careful. It is a
horrible whale.” Morgan warned.
“We know how to deal with it. Don’t worry.”
The officer said.
Morgan nodded and left the place. He went to
Jim’s house. He knocked the door and Rosa opened
it. She was astonished to see Morgan returning.
However, Morgan was sad.
“Morgan?!” She asked in surprise,
“And…where is Jim?”
“Do you want him to return after you sent him
to a killer whale?” Morgan asked in a sad voice.
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 158

Rosa got shocked to hear this. She looked at

Morgan with puzzled eyes.
Morgan went to his room and Rosa followed
him. He sat on a chair, drank some water and told her
the long story. The children were listening at the story
curiously. Rosa screamed loudly and almost
“Why are you screaming like that?” Morgan
asked, “You are behind the death of your husband and
your son, as well.”
“How dare you? Are you aware of what you are
saying?” Rosa asked angrily.
“Yes, I am.” Morgan replied calmly, “I will tell
you the truth. You also accused your husband of
murder. Your stupid mission to kill the whale made
Jim shoot and kill an innocent man and then made the
crew meet their doom in their attempt to revenge the
death of your son. Why did you say to him that you
would never forgive him until he kills that whale?
Why did you accuse him of murdering his son? Jim
was wrong to send Sikes to the whale, but you
mustn’t say that he had killed him. Because of your
mad mission, these two children are orphan now. If
you hadn’t sent Jim to kill that whale, he would have
The Legendary Whale Ali Abdelrahman Yeddi 159

been alive now and would haven’t thought of

revenging. Jim wanted to kill the whale at all costs to
comfort you only. Therefore, he didn’t listen to
anyone’s advice. He was happy only when someone
instigates him against that whale. He could not realize
that imprudence and revenge will never benefit
anybody. The death of your son and husband shall
teach you important lessons.”
Then, Morgan departed the house to condole
the sailors’ families who had died while confronting
the whale.
Rosa’s eyes were full of tears. She sat on a
chair and began to weep.
“I wish that I had not instigated Jim to
revenge.” She whispered to herself, “I lost, both,
Sikes and Jim because of my tongue.”
A week later, four war ships sailed to the north
pole in search for Tylo Frip. Morgan joined Bill’s
crew and sailed with them in many journeys. He
became a rich trader like Jim. He reared Jim’s orphan
children who grew up and joined Bill’s ship.
Morgan lived in comfort, but he didn’t forget
his old friends. He also didn’t forget the great whale;
Tylo Frip.

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