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Unclegbolahan read a lot on how to avoid depression. He watched videos, went to talks that deal
with depression. He was a preacher on things you can do to prevent depression from stepping in
and eating deep into you. He had is mental, emotion shield up against anything that deals with
As the saying goes ‘Nature always takes its due course’. One good day, while Unclegbolahan
was updating his Mental and Emotion shield, the shield was down a little, depression seeped in.
At first it did not show anything, Unclegbolahan just felt himself disconnecting from the things
that usually interest him (ball, writing, cruise), he got offended quickly, had annoying mood
swings. Then suddenly the presence of friends was no longer appeasing, he just wanted to
disconnect from everyone and everything.
elPhemo, Unclegbolahan’s close friend took note of his sudden change in attitude. He invited
Unclegbolahan to Ofadaboy, bought him Ofada Kingdom and a gourd of Palm wine. On His
arrival, his stomach was grumbling at the sight of the delicacy. As he was eating, elPhemo
decided to ask him some questions and he opened up and spoke about what was bothering him.
After poring out his mind, he felt so free and light. He learnt to always have someone to open up
to. He thanked elPhemo for noticing and helping him out. He went home free and filled.
Depression is real, no matter how ‘strong’ you think you are, it still has its way of breaking your
shield. Have someone you can open to, someone trustworthy. Guys, no hard guy as regards to
this. Nature doesn’t care.

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