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Investment Strategy I 10 September 2022

India Market Outlook

Can the upturn sustain?

September 2022

 Are key macro drivers

improving or weakening?
Why do we expect equities
to outperform other asset
How can investors
navigate volatile markets?

1 Investment strategy and key themes

Can the upturn sustain?

Implications for investors • The rally in Indian assets has continued, despite global headwinds supported by strong
Q1 FY 2023 earnings, falling commodity prices and a resumption of foreign investor
• Prefer equites over bonds
inflows into equity. Over the last month, the Nifty index is up 1.7%, while the Nifty Midcap
and cash
index is up 5.7%. The INR recovered from a new all-time low of 80.13, still 0.1% down
• In equities: prefer large- against the USD, while benchmark 10-year IGB yield fell by 14bps to 7.17%.
cap equities, value-style
equities. • In the short term, the risk of a pullback remains high given expensive equity valuations
of India relative to its peers and stretched technical positioning post the recent rally.
• In bonds: prefer short-
maturity bonds. However, we retain our preference for equities within a diversified asset allocation as 1)
economic growth and earnings expectations remain above trend and ahead of peers, 2)
• Gold a portfolio hedge.
re-pricing of higher rates appear reasonably factored in amid easing inflationary
pressures and 3) resilient domestic flows and a resumption of foreign investor inflows
Key Themes
after aggressive selling.
• Broadening Value Rotation • Within equities, we prefer large-cap equities over mid-cap and small-cap equities on
• India’s Investment Revival relatively better macro fundamentals and greater margin of safety in terms of valuation
• Positioning for higher and earnings. Our key investment themes – India’s Investment Revival and Broadening
interest rates Value Rotation – are likely to benefit in a mid-cycle environment.

• Within bonds, we maintain our preference for short-maturity bonds over medium and
long-maturity bonds given their lower sensitivity to rising interest rates.

Key Asset Class Views

Equities ▲ Bonds ◆ Gold ◆ Cash ◆
Developed Markets ◆ Short Maturity ▲
Emerging Markets ▲ Medium/Long Maturity ◆
Indian Equities ▲
Large Cap ▲
Mid Cap ◆

Legend:▲ Preferred ◆ Core holding ▼ Less preferred

India Market Outlook 2


Perspectives on key client questions

Are key macro drivers improving or weakening?

Our net assessment: On balance, key drivers remain neutral for risk assets
(+) factor: Low Covid caseload, strong activity indicators, strong earnings
momentum, and lower bond yields.
(-) factor: Elevated inflation, high trade deficit, hawkish policy guidance by
global central banks, depreciating INR

Positive for risk assets Negative for risk assets

• 87% of India’s eligible population

(aged >12) is fully vaccinated.

• Most restrictions by states have

been rolled back.

Our assessment: Positive – High vaccine coverage and low caseload.

• Activity indicators like bank credit, • July CPI stayed elevated at 6.7%
diesel consumption, railway freight (above RBI’s upper-bound inflation
and E-way bills grew in August target).
2022. Unemployment rate stood at • India’s trade deficit remained high at
Macro fundamentals

7.6% USD 28.9bn in August 2022.

• Manufacturing and Services PMI
remained strong in August 2022.
• GST collections stood at INR
1.44trn in Aug 2022, above the
INR 1.4trn mark for four
consecutive months.

Our assessment: Neutral – Activity indicators remain strong. Elevated trade

deficit and persistent inflation is a concern.

• China cut five-year loan prime • The RBI delivered its third
rate by more-than-expected and consecutive rate hike, raising policy
unveiled a 19-point stimulus rate (repo rate) by 50bps to 5.4%.
package to support the • Global central banks maintained its

economy. resolve to fight persistent inflation,

pushing back on expectations of a
possible dovish pivot amid rising
global growth concerns.

Our assessment: Negative – Consecutive rate hikes by the RBI and hawkish
policy guidance by global central banks.
Earnings and Bond

• Nifty Q1 FY23 earnings in-line with • Bond yields edged lower despite
expectations, driven by financials. concerns given rising policy rates and

FY23 earnings revision have turned higher inflation. INR depreciated to a

positive over the past month. new all-time low.

Our assessment: Neutral – Strong earnings momentum offset by elevated bond

yields and depreciating INR.

India Market Outlook 3


Why do we expect equities to outperform other How can investors navigate volatile markets?
asset classes?
Indian equities have continued to outperform peers this year, Investors can find it daunting to navigate volatile markets as
up 2.7% YTD in USD terms versus drops of over 20% for its asset class returns turn negative. Investing is never easy,
Asia and Emerging Market (EM) peers. Nevertheless, especially during uncertain times. The below five-step
expensive relative valuations to peers amid stretched guideline can help investors navigate volatile markets:
technical positioning post the recent rally, has raised
concerns on the sustainability of the rally going ahead. Avoid timing the market: Investors face a significant COMO
(Cost of Missing Out) by not being invested as missing even a
In our view, the case for Indian equities on a 12-month few good trading days could lower one’s return sharply.
horizon, remains strong given. Further, the best trading days usually coincide or follow the
1. A robust economic growth outlook. High frequency worst trading days, making it impossible to time the market.
economic indicators, such as PMI, industrial production,
Take advantage of volatility: Spreading investments across
vehicle sales, power demand, continue to signal above-
different periods during volatile times is an effective way to
trend domestic economic growth. We expect GDP
deploy money and mitigate the anxiety of investing at the wrong
growth to remain above 7% FY 2023, supported by
time. We compared a simple buy-and-hold strategy with time-
greater public investments, resilient consumption and
based (quarterly rebalancing) and drawdown-based (market
nascent signs of a revival in private capex.
corrects 10%) strategies over the last 5 years for a balanced
2. Resilient corporate earnings. Earnings delivery 60% equity and 40% bond portfolio. Our study showed
remains robust despite numerous headwinds. India’s drawdown-based strategy came on top.
earnings expectations continues to be ahead of peers,
Diversify across asset classes: A diversified portfolio is
with a third consecutive year of double-digit EPS growth
critical for investors to tide through volatile markets. The basic
(17% for the fiscal year ending March 2023) for the
premise for diversification is to have low correlated asset
benchmark Nifty index.
classes, so that weakness in a particular asset class is likely
3. Repricing of higher rates appear reasonably offset by another. Over a long period, this can result in lower
factored in. In our view, markets have priced in a volatility and better risk-adjusted returns.
significant part of likely central bank rate hikes with the
Be aware of the evolving macro environment: Market
terminal repo rate likely to be lower than previous rate-
volatility is mainly triggered by changes in the macro
hiking cycles.
environment. History shows most equity market drawdowns
4. Domestic equity market flows. Stable domestic equity (Index fall of 15% or more) occur around changes in key macro-
inflows and a structural shift in household savings economic variables.
towards financial assets continue to be key supports for
Keep your return expectations modest: Indian markets have
the market. The recent resumption of foreign inflows into
shifted to ‘mid-cycle’ and history suggests, volatility rises during
Indian equity markets (start of a reversal following earlier
mid-cycle period, with equity returns being more modest during
outflows of about USD 35bn over October 2021 to June
this phase and mirroring earnings growth.
2022) is an additional tailwind.

Fig. 2 Earnings resilient while valuations have de-rated Fig. 3 Investors face ‘COMO’ during volatile times
Nifty Index, FY23F EPS, 12m fwd P/E ratio Nifty Index returns – total and after leaving out the best
105.0 ‘up’ days
100.0 1094%
Index 18-Oct-2021=100

95.0 1000%
90.0 96.5
85.0 600% 441%
80.0 84.9
75.0 200% 85%
70.0 0%
Dec-20 May-21 Oct-21 Mar-22 Aug-22 Stay Invested Miss 10 best Miss 30 best
12M Fwd P/E Nifty Index FY23F EPS trading days trading days

Source: Bloomberg, Standard Chartered. Source: Bloomberg, Standard Chartered. Example of Nifty index
returns from 01 January 2000 to 31 December 2021, compared with
the returns after taking out the 10 best days and 30 best days of the

Outlook 2022 4

Macro Overview

Key themes

We expect India’s economic growth to remain above its long-term trend in 2022 amid a low base, broad-based economic recovery
supported by revival in consumption and private capex. However, elevated inflationary pressures and higher interest rates are
headwinds to economic growth. In our view, CPI inflation is likely to stay above 6% in FY 2023 given pass through of higher
commodity prices, persistent supply issues and pent-up demand.

In our assessment, fiscal policy has taken over the mantle from monetary policy in 2022. The government’s focus remains on
boosting India’s medium-term growth outlook through (i) greater public capex spend, (ii) undertaking long-standing reforms related
to taxation and labour and (iii) providing incentives to boost manufacturing and infrastructure spending. We expect the RBI to hike
policy rates to 6% given persistent inflationary pressures and above-trend economic growth. Rate hikes by the RBI and US Fed
is likely to continue to pressurise interest rates and bond yields in 2022.

Key risks to our outlook are: 1) Higher commodity prices could weaken consumer demand and dampen the growth recovery, 2)
Elevated inflation on surging commodity prices, 3) Aggressive policy tightening by the RBI and US Fed, 4) Vaccine-evading
COVID-19 variant.

Fig 4 India to see above trend growth and inflation in FY 2023

Key chart GDP Growth (Y/Y) and CPI Inflation (Year average) – Bloomberg consensus estimate *

10 8.3 7 8.7 7.2 8.0 6.6

India is expected to 6.1 6.2
4.2 5.4
5 6.0 4.5 4.8
grow by 7.2% in 3.6 3.4


FY23, faster than 0

peers. Inflation is -5 2.0
expected to stay -10 -7.5 0.0













elevated and closer

to 6.6%
Source: Bloomberg, Standard Chartered.

Macro views at a glance

Factors View Comments
Economic activity remained strong in August 2022. Services PMI rose to 57.2, while Manufacturing PMI stood at
◑ 56.2 in August 2022. Industrial production growth expanded by 12.3% in June 2022, lower than 19.6% growth recorded
in the previous month.

India’s consumer price inflation for July 2022 eased to 6.7% after staying above 7% for three consecutive
CPI Inflation ◐
months. Core inflation eased to 6%, lower than 6.2% recorded during the previous month.
The government prioritized growth over fiscal consolidation in the latest budget. FY23 fiscal deficit is estimated
Fiscal deficit ◐ at 6.4% of GDP. FY22 fiscal deficit stood at INR 15.9trn or 6.7% of GDP. GST collections for August 2022 stood at
INR 1.44trn, above INR 1.4trn for the fourth month in a row.

Trade deficit remained elevated at USD 28.9bn in August 2022. Imports rose by 31% y/y to USD 61.7bn, while
External ◐ exports rose by 1% y/y to USD 33bn. India’s current account recorded a deficit of USD 38.7bn (1.2% of GDP) in FY22,
driven by a sharp expansion in merchandize trade deficit (USD 189.5 bn vs 102.2bn in FY21).
The RBI raised key policy rates for the third time in FY 2023. The repo-rate was hiked by 50 bps to 5.40% in
Monetary August policy following cumulative rate hikes of 90bps in FY 2023. According to the RBI, calibrated monetary policy

Policy action is needed to contain inflationary pressures and pull back headline inflation within the tolerance band of the
target to ensure sustained growth.
Source: Bloomberg, Standard Chartered India Investment Committee

Legend: ○ Not supportive ◐

Somewhat ◓Balanced ◑ Supportive ● Very
supportive supportive

India Market Outlook 5


Bonds at a glance

Key themes

Bonds remain a core holding as average yield premiums are counterbalanced by weak fiscal dynamics and worsening
government bond demand-supply balance. Rising interest rates is another headwind for bonds. Within bonds, we retain our
preference for short-maturity bonds given lower sensitivity to rising interest rates.

In our assessment, though yield premiums (spread between 10-year IGB and repo rate) have moderated from their recent peak,
trading close to average. The recent surge in government bond yields and high quality (AAA) corporate bond yields has improved
their overall risk-reward compared to corporate bonds and high-yield (AA/A) bonds, respectively. In addition, Indian bonds’ real
yields are higher than their Emerging Market (EM) peers.

However, three factors for bonds remain unfavourable: 1) Fiscal deficit is likely to remain high over the medium-term, 2)
Worsening government bond supply balance given high supply of government bonds amid waning RBI support and muted
demand by institutional investors especially foreign investors, 3) Elevated inflation and policy rate hikes by the RBI and US Fed
is likely to exert upward pressure on bond yields.

Fig 5. Yield premiums have moderated lately

Key chart Spread between 10-year Indian Government bond (IGB) and repo rate (%)

Yield premiums trade 3.30

Spread (10yr IGB yield - repo rate)
closer to average 2.70

% 1.50



2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Source: Bloomberg, Standard Chartered. *Data as of September 9th, 2022.
Bond views at a glance
Factors Views Comments
India’s inflation-adjusted yield though low, is higher compared to other Emerging Markets. The 10-year
Inflation ◓
IGB real yield at 0.3% is better than the average real yield of -1.9% for other major EMs.
Record high bond sales amid an expansionary fiscal policy is a key risk. The government pegged its net
borrowing for FY23 at about INR 11.6trn, with INR 8.45trn planned in H1 FY23 (60% of total borrowings).
Supply dynamics ◐
Improvement in institutional investors’ participation especially by foreign investors and OMOs by the RBI will
be key to address supply concerns.
Market expectations of rate hikes by the RBI remains elevated. 1-year Overnight Indexed Swap (OIS)
Monetary policy ◐
spread suggests market participants expect the RBI to raise policy rates by 75bps over the next 12 months.
The RBI’s focus in 2022 remains on normalization of policy and liquidity. In FY23, the RBI has drained
Liquidity ◐ INR 31.4trn of system liquidity via variable rate reverse-repo (VRRR) auctions so far, after absorbing INR
155trn of liquidity in FY22.
Demand Demand dynamics remain weak given lower participation of institutional investors. The RBI has conducted

dynamics OMO purchases of INR 2.8trn in FY22. CY 2022, foreign investor flows into bond markets are negative.
Yield premiums trade close to average. The spread between 10-year IGB and repo rate is at 177bps vs. 5yr
avg. of 173bps. The surge in high-quality (AAA) bond yields has normalized inexpensive valuations of high-
Yield premiums ◓
yield bonds relative to them, with yield premiums between AA/A and AAA at 69/262bps (vs 5 yr avg of 55/186
bps respectively).
Source: Bloomberg, Standard Chartered India Investment Committee

Legend: ○ Not supportive ◐

Somewhat ◓Balanced ◑ Supportive ● Very
supportive supportive

India Market Outlook 6


1 Equity at a glance

Key themes
Indian equities remains our most-preferred asset class on a 12-month horizon. Above-trend economic growth and resilient
earnings expectations are key drivers for equities. Within equities, we prefer large-cap equities over mid-cap and small-cap
equities on relatively better macro fundamentals and greater margin of safety in terms of earnings and valuation. We expect
the value outperformance to broaden in 2022.

We believe equities continue to be supported by strong positive drivers. 1) Above-trend economic growth is likely to support
corporate revenue and profitability. 2) Earnings outlook remains robust as earnings growth expectations outpace its major
peers. 3) The recent equity pullback has created some valuation buffer. 4) Strong inflows from domestic investors amid inflows
into stable systematic investment plans is a key support for the market.

Risks to our positive equity view are: 1) Economic growth concerns and probable earnings downgrades of lofty expectations,
2) Still above-average equity valuations, 3) A sharp rise in bond yields and 4) Foreign investor selling.

Fig 6. Indian equities to witness substantial earnings recovery in FY 2023/24

Key chart
Consensus estimates for Indian equities (Nifty index) earnings per share growth

Bloomberg Consensus 40 35
expectation is for Nifty
earnings to rise by 17% 30
and 16% in FY23 and
FY24 20 17.0 16.0

10 7.3 7.6

-10 -4.6
FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23f FY24f

Source: Bloomberg, Standard Chartered.

Equity views at a glance

Factors Views Comments
Growth-inflation dynamics are supportive of equities. Growth focused fiscal policy, and a
◑ broadening economic recovery is likely to support corporate profitability. Weak consumer demand and
rising inflationary pressures due to elevated commodity prices are key risks.
Earnings growth expectations remain robust. Bloomberg consensus earnings growth expectations
Earnings growth ◑ for the Nifty Index for FY23 and FY24 stands at 17% and 16% respectively. Earnings revision has
turned positive over the past month.
Valuations have moderated but trade above average. Nifty 12-month forward P/E trades at 19.3x,
Valuations ◓ below its peak of 23x, but higher than its long-term average of 17x. Price to book value ratio (P/B) at
3.3x and Market cap to GDP ratio at ~105%, are significantly above long-term averages. Mid-cap
equities trade at a 23% premium to large-cap equities, higher than its 10-year average premium of 7%.
Foreign investors have turned buyers since mid-July but remain large sellers in 2022. YTD 2022,
foreign investors have sold USD 21.1bn worth of equities compared to USD 3.8bn inflows in CY 2021.
Flows ◓
Domestic institutional investors remain buyers in 2022. YTD 2022, domestic institutional investor
inflows are at USD 30.9bn compared to USD 12.6bn inflows in CY 2021.
Source: Bloomberg, Standard Chartered India Investment Committee

Legend: ○ Not supportive ◐

Somewhat ◓Balanced ◑ Supportive ● Very
supportive supportive

India Market Outlook 7


Asset allocation summary

Tactical Asset Allocation - (12m). All figures are in percentages.

Moderately Very
Summary vs. Conservative Moderate Aggressive
Aggressive Aggressive

Cash ◆ 22.1 4.1 4.0 3.9 0.0

Fixed Income ◆ 54.9 51.6 36.5 22.2 12.9

Equity  18.0 39.5 54.9 69.4 82.8

Commodities ◆ 5.5 4.7 4.6 4.4 4.3

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Cash & Cash

◆ 22.1 4.1 4.0 3.9 0

term  43.5 36.9 28.1 16.7 9.6
Fixed Income
-term ◆ 11.4 14.7 8.4 5.5 3.3
◆ 2.4 4.4 6.5 8.5 10.3
Asia Ex-
Japan /
 2.1 3.9 5.7 7.4 9.0
Other EM
cap  10.8 24.8 34.0 42.6 50.6
 - cap ◆ 2.8 6.4 8.7 10.9 13.0

◆ 5.0 4.7 4.6 4.4 4.3
(INR Gold)
100 100 100 100 100

Least Most
 preferred
◆ Core holding  preferred

Source: Bloomberg, Standard Chartered

All INR converted exposure. For illustrative purposes only. Please refer to the disclosure appendix at the end of the document

India Market Outlook


1 Performance of our calls

Open/Closed calls Open date Close date Absolute Relative


Indian equities to outperform other Level 1 asset classes 17-Dec-21 Open


Indian short-maturity bonds to outperform mid- and long- maturity bonds 17-Dec-21 Open

Indian large-cap equities to outperform mid-cap and small-cap equities 17-Dec-21 Open

India Value equities to outperform Indian equities 17-Dec-21 Open

Open/Closed calls Open date Close date Absolute Relative

Indian corporate bonds to outperform Indian government

17-Dec-21 7-Jul-22

Indian high yield bonds to outperform high quality bonds 17-Dec-21 7-Jul-22

Source: Bloomberg, Standard Chartered. Performance measured from 17 December 2021 (release date of our 2022 Outlook) to 9 September
2022 or when the view was closed.
Legend: – Correct call; – Missed call; n/a – Not Applicable.
Past performance is not an indication of future performance. There is no assurance, representation or prediction given as to any results or
returns that would actually be achieved in a transaction based on any historical data..

India Market Outlook 9


Market performance summary*

Source: MSCI, NSE, S&P BSE, Crisil, Bloomberg, Standard Chartered

*2022 YTD period from 31 December 2021 to 9 September 2022. 1-month period from 10 August 2022 to 9 September 2022.

India Market Outlook 10


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India Market Outlook 11

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India Market Outlook 12
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India Market Outlook 13

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India Market Outlook 14

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