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No. of Printed Pages : 2 MCO-06

Term-End Examination
June, 2011

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1. You are the Head of Marketing Research Unit in 20

ABC company, which is a consumer goods
company. It is introducing a new tooth paste and
you are asked to conduct marketing research for
the same. Explain briefly various steps you will
follow in the conduct of marketing research in
this situation.

2. (a) "Selling and marketing mean the same in

the context of marketing." Comment.
(b) Explain the inter-relationship between
market segmentation, targeting and
positioning. 10+10

3. Explain the relationship between market

segmentation and mass customization. Critically
evaluate any three important bases of segmenting
the consumer markets. 5+15

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4. Differentiate between product and service.

Explain the challenges involved in marketing of
services. 5+15

5. (a) Explain the promotional packaging

techniques normally practised by marketers.
(b) Identify the geographic pricing methods
under which price varies according to the
geographic location of the customer.
Explain them briefly. 10+10

6. What are the factors you have to keep in mind 20

while determining the price of a product ?
7. "No single medium of advertising is ideal in all 20
respects." Discuss with examples.
8. (a) Differentiate between Marketing Mix and
Promotion Mix. State the product specific
factors that affect the Promotion Mix.
(b) Explain the recent trends in retailing in
India. 10+10

9. You are the marketing manager of XYZ company 20

which is producing and marketing two wheeler
vehicles (motor cycles). Now the company is
planning to diversify into consumer goods, to start
with Bread. Company asked your views whether
the existing channels of distribution for motor
cycles can be used for the distribution of bread or
not. Give your views with necessary explanation.

MCO-06 2
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No. of Printed Pages : 7 MCO-06

Cr) Term-End Examination
December, 2011

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal


1. Explain the growth of consumerism in Indian

context with suitable examples. Summarise
various regulations affecting marketing in India.
10, 10

2. Compare and contrast market research with

marketing research. Discuss significance of
Maslow's hierarchy of needs for understanding
consumer behaviour. 10,10

3. Discuss the characteristics of an organisational

market and explain the various bases on which
an organisational market may be segmented. 12, 8

4. How do services differ from products ? Explain

the various classification schemes for services
giving suitable examples.

MCO-06 1 P.T.O.

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5. Explain briefly the following concepts of pricing

with examples. 5, 5, 5, 5
(a) Perceived Value pricing
(b) Differential pricing
(c) Sealed-bid pricing
(d) Price - demand relationship

6. (a) Describe the provisions of the Essential

Commodities Act in so far as they relate to
regulation of price. 10, 10
(b) Explain various steps involved in the
channel design decision with suitable

7. (a) What roles do the intermediaries play in the

distribution of products ? 10, 10
(b) "Consumer service and cost reduction are
two bench marks of an effective system of
marketing logistics". Comment.

8. (a) Explain the concept of integrated marketing

communication and describe the reasons of
its growing importance. 10, 10
(b) Is personal selling equally relevant in all
situations ? Discuss with appropriate

MCO-06 2
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9. (a) What products are considered suitable for

mass advertising, direct advertising and
interactive advertising ? Explain with
examples. 10, 10
(b) Compare and contrast green marketing
with social marketing.

MCO-06 3 P.T.O.
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clINIqt1 1): t'11(111 TFt WIN

fl ,1 .r1

qt-ii-stt, 2011

Trgl3t - 06 : cl tiU I 1 1;r4ET

-14/e4 :3 e 31A/Wd7 34- : /00

772- : : ui 7-qq* drit fi5r7 / 79# Tre ‘.37 (141/-/ ff/

1. %Tr-(--dI-zr 401 -if 6 3c1ul . TM, 31:191-

fate T iTr-(7 faiTcrri 313TTN7
et)( -q0 fq-149far1 ,1.11 T #N-Tta- facer
io, 10
2. 'Glow 3T-ITtqli' TRU Tatrurff 3T-1-TN-RV
3cr*-*--r 0,4 ,4w Ti1:74 3Trwzr-47r34
(-1q11,b4-1 (hierarchy of needs) fa 9.
10, 10

3. wialicHcb qkiR fOrtrd-rA -ffqr

3ITETT4 otwcstit f,311 3177 7 •WF

451cno1 ftzl-1 t I 12, 8

4. 14-qT1 37:11q)' f*-7:1' Nch1( f T ? 6 'cicl 6q1tul .

TIT2T 4,113t co-11(V41 --11--q7I 10, 10

MCO-06 5 P.T.O.

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5. ffftTiTur tgo

Tf49. 0,41(sq1 W-A-R : 5, 5, 5, 5

(a) 3-1T97 d4q11 tc-I1 (Perceived Value)Tfej f91-&ul

(b) fa 9)--- (Differential)TEF1' fitlf7T

(c) 7#*-0 . 1-1 14) ( Sealed-bid) ifff fiqkat

(d) T

6. (a) 31-Ed7W afqfffzigr cl u

rciF-N4-1-1 fka. t. I 10,

(b) fd-dTuT F5•711 f9-otzri F-6d


7. (a) fa-d-Trir TT arT-9-ff T4T

10, 10

(b) 4 `31:13-1)Wf*FIT7P-TT MP lc( "ErariT -NiTuF M ■71

3I-TTt -5[111T-A—k RI -•-1 (bench

marks) t I" i4-11M1 .ci-II otiIRT7 I

8. (a) -1 4-Iich Rid (integrated) clHull #4blul

4chc-Li-if 0441tsq1

Tr-g auk -11-- 71 10,

MCO-06 6
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(b) oKli
1R 141d 1-4Tzr Triff fRffft (-1 1 11-1

'Ich t? dRIO dq10117:Tr-01-4-497 -1177 I

9. (a) t114\31PIct) I-47M (mass advertising), 54C6I -1

RIT114-1 (interactive
advertising) t rch-13071t13cPpil 411-11
7TaT t? Trio cqltsql7 I 10, 10

(b) Rd fq-cruri •KT fq1:179 qoi

MCO-06 7
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No. of Printed Pages : 7 MCO-06

00 Term-End Examination
June, 2012

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal


1. Describe the various micro and macro

environmental factors that influence the
marketing decisions of a company and state the
benefits of environmental scanning.
12, 8

2. (a) Discuss sales promotion as method of

communication and the reasons for its rapid
growth in India. 12, 8

(b) What is publicity ? Flow is it different from

advertising ? Explain with examples.

3. (a) What is channel conflict ? Explain its

various causes and the mechanisms for
effective conflict management. 12, 8

(b) Compare and contrast departmental stores

with chain stores.

MCO-06 1 P.T.O.
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4. (a) Discuss the total systems approach to

marketing logistics. How is it different from
the total cast approach ? 10, 10

(b) Explain the various product-price

adjustment strategies.

5. Compare and contrast skimming pricing with

penetration pricing. Also explains the rules
relating to display of retail prices. 12, 8

6. (a) Briefly explain the concept of expanded

services marketing mix and the services
marketing triangle. 10, 10

(b) Discuss the life cycle stretching adopted in

the case of a product when its sales started

7. (a) Explain the difference between branding

strategies its adopted for industrial products
consumer products and agricultural
products. 10, 10

(b) Discuss buying decision process as a

continuous process and the stages involved
there in.

MCO-06 2
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8. (a) Explain the concept of micro marketing and

clarify whether this concept is being
adopted by some Indian companies. 10, 10

(b) Repositioning needs a continuous

monitoring of the brand's performance in
the market." Explain with suitable

9. (a) Explain the evolution process of marketing

management philosophy. 8, 12

(b) What do you mean by marketing

research ? Describe the state of markating
research in India.

MCO-06 3 P.T.O.
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eniuhrti Riirich)Tii 7crtiv

'Ain liftgr
‘9., 2012

71.111311-06 : -514ET

TRaT :3 1712- 3.7fgw-d-4 3/W :100

TIT :1%-# rev T drH f fiT/7/ Ti9ft TraY 3iW ti

1. turt f-qa-u-F fit ah1 391rfqa wT-4 rariT9

oe.1 wri-lz (micro and macro) 4 rk14 tITA
tf .qufff 2,11 trrk- T t TIT-09 t Wiff
I 12, 8

2. (a) fq-Wzi 4c09. TM-Erur -) fa-N (co-1 -44

ITR-a- 414 fqtRzi
.wRf 3 RI 12, 8
47 (publicity) 74 =HIdI
(b) ';1- ? fd-479. 14
fir f4n %? 1,
1 f0

3. (a) liTtzfq -01317:EF (channel conflict) 14 .ffT01-4

t? rafim cr ii ruird1 g
12, 8
oh oqRsql tr—A-R
(b) rc 4TI4n74 sIMT 9f-T17 [o-r1
, I

MCO-06 5 P.T.O.
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4. (a) fdclliTi f',4 R-da-q c '51171-

0 33.4%/1771 (total
stystems approach) f fq-k-dff WIF-77 I
10, 10
T" oi+icr arawurr fwF mcbik f t?

(b) fqr`lM 3c'rrq--1 1 q),71-1 'F-4fftl al Rsql


5. 011,711k142rilit fitifTuf (skimming pricing) -MIT td

11-F4 -fTeliVIT (penetration pricing) .w1f77
2,11 39 3TR -q-al-7 I TaTh7 310-9. 4441
12, 8
f97114i 111. oqftsii -Wri77

6. (a) fq-cruri tsx' fTzwri

W1Je k• C4-1•1131)1 cif Ti 7T 14 0441(94.11 I

(b) f3 ftqfff 14
1--d7 mist) (life cycle stretching) 3-179T4
ehl 44)

7. (a) 3ft-r-Trzecrrq)', ztritrwrr 3irq'f

fff4iTur 1-r-wrz4 i
lo, 10
(b) st-A fiViZE9 -51-fW1T 31-9-4Tff II Li
r-6d -q-Tuff

MCO-06 6
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8. (a) 044)x fdltrTi (micro marketing)

ei;) oqRseil 13:f •1- •F-47 f*", TE1T
11-R-#q cio-ir-vii -4 74 Brut
10, 10

(b) ft-9-T-bri (Repositioning)

flu-11tt 3ry Tm1311-474wrr
tit' 3facr dqltur Vtd c441(9d4 I

9. (a) fdtruTi mtizT 'Off fdTTT4 AfFzIT ch

8, 12
• --r14-R I

(b) fq11,3Ti 3T-OtTri 1-411 -dreTzft? 317ff fatrori

3rgiqrff -FP-Tru i f -41- iu

MCO-06 7
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No. of Printed Pages : 4 MCO-06

O Term-End Examination
O December, 2012


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage 70%
Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1. (a) "Marketing involves satisfaction of

consumer needs." Comment.
(b) Outline the steps in marketing management
process. 10+10

2. Briefly explain various stages involved in the 20

consumer buying decision process.

3. "Marketing mix strategies should be different at 20

different stages of a product life cycle (PLC)."
Justify the statement.

4. Discuss various objectives of pricing. 20

5. (a) Briefly explain the promotional packaging

techniques used by marketers.
(b) State the alternative strategies for pricing a
new product and examine the conditions
under which they are suitable. 10+10

MCO-06 1 P.T.O.
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6. What do you mean by Promotion Mix ? Explain

the various factors that affect promotion mix. 4+16

7. (a) Differentiate between advertising and 5+5

publicity. State various tools of generating
(b) Differentiate between green marketing and 5+5
social marketing. State various problems
associated with green marketing.

8. Discuss various tasks performed by an efficient 20

physical distribution system.

9. (a) What is marketing environment ? 4+6

Comment on the marketing environment in
(b) "Repositioning needs a continuous 10
monitoring of the brand's performance in
the market." Comment.

MCO-06 2
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011 uhre-1 k-Ilcichhi d1-11

k-4:11AT, 2012
wift.34.-06 : -cr4ET

397.7 : 3 3TATTUTT 3 i :100

37fg1Wd77 9-11r7dT: 70%

: w i37rq ecH fffrw Tr247- TRq-Y NH ei

1. (a) " fa-crum ,:ri.trqn-4m131T-4FT-*---d-r4 ct;1 Tf-q-risz

t I"-14-11c-1)7,1•11

(b) f-Tcrurff sI a 74--1rr faflm


2. 314`41-1TIT shq f 1-1 -4 -I F cf f-45-1Vr -qTcr4 chi 20

*-)-Er 0611'ks.611 --1-F77

3. '4 1-) -cich (PLC) t r417g 'qTcrff rri 20

f41:Prii #151 .ar-q- wri 941 3T-
2.1-f -111441c-f f

4. Tr:IfTqiToT rarr3af I 20

MCO-06 3 P.T.O.
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5. (a) For-luNchrl ATTE

7fzi'f 10+10

(b) ci-19. dcLII ?-Ai0-1 1 i-y*

clq • chi a 1T T2TT #.21-r-dt chi
-F -9-4 6,4Trr9-r tI

6. of rH TliT (promotion mix) A. 3I-19-*7 qzfT c171-4

1-01 c4 5v-rNTE- -N-F9T.g aril
oqRsq I

7. (a) td-TTI-9 c .ITT A -ciR q-d-F 1& I -9-qT-{ 5+5

fafgT~T TIT I

(b) d -NtuN 241 ail -111-,31 ch fTiurri -14 I 5+5

fqtrufi -4-N7 faRTT TI T3 ch f Off

8. 1 011 1T'z d71)1 y 1 1t

fa- TAT yfci-IIkf fafim 20
=hf rad-cH 71

9. (a) f4T:1-71-9" T dgT f -ff171-4e ? 1.-TR-dtzf f41-11:11-9. 4+6

(b) TI:ft-z1-417,19 (repositioning) 011,1k 14 10
F-1 i.cR 31--j5A-q-0-r ch1
t i" .&'-1 4-11(11r-1-11 I

MCO-06 4
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No. of Printed Pages : 4 MC0-06

Term-End Examination
June, 2013


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Weightage 70%
Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1. What is marketing information system ? Explain

the major components of marketing information
system. 5+15

2. (a) State the requirements of an effective market

(b) "Marketers use a number of alternative bases
for positioning their products". Explain
these bases briefly. 10+10

3. Differentiate between product mix and product

line. Discuss various product mix and product
line strategies adopted by marketers. 5+15

4. Explain basic methods of price determination. 20

MCO-06 1 P.T.O.
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5. (a) Explain briefly the various product-mix

pricing strategies adopted by marketers.
(b) "Marketing communication plays an
important role in company's overall
marketing process". Comment. 12+8

6. (a) Identify various challenges faced by

marketers in rural marketing.
(b) Briefly explain different budgeting methods
under top-down approach. 10+10

7. Explain various steps involved in the personal 20

selling process.

8. Channels of distribution are different for different 20

products. Explain with reasons.

9. (a) State various types of buying behaviour 10

(b) Define marketing and explain its
implications for an emerging economy like 3+7

MCO-06 2
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oil u1,3-1 f—Ilici TH (-111 ,1-


, 2013

71:IA3k-06 : rett4u- i1 1ET

griT :3 E12- aft 3 :100

TO. X7: 70%

4 e/f-a 30•1
7-)F :ft-- drH Tr* TrY9-T*. 3-fT tHH1y el

1. 0
fa-979. 1:0-9i 31-uT1- cNI 7071 t? td-EFF TF9-r
.51(91- sraml (components) I

2. (a) .) 31.TT t 31T-471-T


(b) " f-4-cruT7T-fif 31IT-4 3Tc1TI -FTP-m1-79

(positioning) t 'cich IC-4* 3-1i

3trzrr9 t I" -39 3Trti-R Ti4r owsir


3. 3-0:17 frf $317 (product mix) 9241371.K stu-01 (product

line) 14 af-d-T -491-47 I reIt-lui-Ich1.113#SRI 3r1 ,414

arr rarim z-ozrr-q -ffgr c-(-11q Pfa-Fri-rwM cbi

d--q7 -wl-f-
4R I

MCO-06 3 P.T.O.
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4. 174 raitrzilch1 oiRsiar 20

5. (a) rcILlullchTliA g RI 311:1-9-1 sT114 40. fa fi-r

fu3T -hgRurrlf*R4 cb1 TIOLE caltsa r Vf-
(b) 44-fdlTurff #41317 tcrffc ta+a+,rf41:149. -7FW:ET
-> -Frt-ffTuf 1-t-Rfwr t " -11-110i)ii.1I TIF—A I 12+8

6. (a) 3-r f-a-fim fq-9-wr fil+i it

r, fap-tufria,Ti f chi wh-zr ta-cru-F TTrTdT t I
(b) 3-TOT11# (top down) -SrfrsZThluT 3falta. 31TOT
ci-C1 ,111 raiim q-
--trt Ftrzh' Tf4t=r

7. oirctcHIcifdTh71-51F-Wzilt fafim -q-Tu4 oe-ii 20

8. 3i-o-TE-3T-
o-rr fa--d-Tur 1TruP4 20
chl -Tr- 'I -4TH AN' t I" cick--Od oglt.9e.11

9. (a) .7:1 ,Dic,Wt (buying behaviour) fR-Tfa711 10

fal-m• -gm-r4 chi -z -u
(b) f-dcPJF chl 41-0-1TEIT air ITRff 1111- 31.7th.
342-i-Ezra-T-24-r 1- Tti-k ch


MCO-06 4
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No. of Printed Pages : 5 MCO-06


Term-End Examination

December, 2013 01 3 36
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage 70%

Note : Attempt any five questions. Each question carries

equal marks.

1. Compare and contrast selling with marketing. 8, 12

Explain the process of Marketing Management in

2. Discuss, with appropriate examples, nature and 12,8

extent of Reference group influence on product
and brand choice. Identify various types of
organisational markets.

3. (a) Explain the changing patterns of packaging 10

in the context of emerging retailing senario
in India.
(b) What are the bases of Market Segmentation 10
for following products and why ?
(i) Automobiles
(ii) Soap

MCO-06 1 P.T.O.
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4. A company manufacturing a product "X" has the

following costs : 10,10
Variable cost = Rs.10 per unit; total Fixed
costs = Rs 3,00,000. The company expects to sell
50,000 units and wants to earn 25% profit on
average cost of production.
(a) What will be the break-even point in terms
of volume of production ?
(b) In case its demand is 42,000 units, calculate
the total sequence, total cost and the profit.

5. Explain briefly the following : 5,5,5,5

(a) Intensity of Distribution
(b) Objectives of Marketing Logistics
(c) Methods of Promotional Budget
(d) Copy Writing

6. (a) Explain the company's micro and macro 10

environmental variables.
(b) Explain briefly various regulations which 10
affect marketing practices in India.

7. Explain psychoanalytical theory of personality 14,6

and its relevance to consumer behaviour. Discuss
consumer behaviour as applied science.

8. Summarise various implications of PLC on 12,8

marketing strategies. What are the risks
associated with test marketing ?

9. (a) What do you mean by non-store retailing ? 10

What are its future prospects in India ?
(b) What are different methods of 10
Transportation and their advantages and

MCO-06 2
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cilRiNti -4 1-"I Rich TU Ztirrti

H41 TR*.

.k-Trizit, 2013

71.111311.-06 : rciquii i;r41.T

TITITT :3 Ef.- 3#-Eiw-d7 3iW : loo
yw TT :70%

via-: ---47r/fww-/7- - drH f-gq- / Til# M.Y1 . 37.W FrIii. gi

1. facer c fq-Erriri A-q 1 fawn 8, 12

go-if c:4 cq ci on 1-f-
1ciq7 ,3-r----zrr .-1.1:f -cr -4 owsif WI-F-

2.3ecri-q .?-1T siis t fd-*- 1. TR Titli TIT- (Reference 12,8

group) *3fiTid chi -51-ttff 74 4411 3-r-q-ff dqwuii
Tufo fi-kq7-4-f-AI 4,16-11c-4-14)4rAtrafiTR -9-wr4
rz -u I
3. (a) 9117 11 Ta-*-17 oir-ilt t Wil Vz114 4fArf 10
<-0- -5rfa---14 -1-owse.11 ---r
.4- -- 1
(b) F-IFortld z-ozrr- t fr1, moll( tquichol t 10
rr 31-m-Rt ?
(i) 41d( Trrkzri
(ii) Tfr-fi

MCO-06 3
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4. is 'X ' -WI dctilc-f mt t fq7

-1 4-1 tg t : 10,10
tifT44-11ti opii 10 T.-gfa #27 ON •
(T7)3,00,000 T. 4-51-* 50,000 .---11711
aTRIT t TETT 31'14-ffdc'Alq-1 cvict ITT 25% c •Til•
ch 4-11-11 t1
(a) dc-Lliq-s ohl Hill t Tcf 4 37 ~f HITT
(BEP) qzfT ?
(b) ireTW*1- -rflt 42,000 t ch1
3-111111 (revenue), c Ci 1 I d ZIT r1f4T T 4 1 1-1111
rr4R I

5. -14-1 e5ci #011- 4 centsil : 5,5,5,5

(a) -N-d-7T t chicT
(b) fa-tfliTff
(c) t-Icfzi-ff Faiimf
(d) rii-Ic(A.-1 (copy writing)

6. (a) oirtd 1 TIT 7-11-fg trr-T-47 i t1 10

(variables) chi cq1(9q1 --11---47 I
(b) (ITR7 ra 4 u 39-1TA ch) 3f ITTI-4T ci 1(4 10
rarer Tl'Ef ogitsif 1f- A-R I

7. 061Fmcci #1.-4-17 (psychoanalytical 14,6

theory of personality) -ff241. 31:11-1)-t-hl oiclit 7 T4
ch-44 1c11 oeMstil W4R I 31P1)thl 02.1c1W
fq-T9. (applied science) t T5f fq--4-q-9..4-1
-- 1

MCO-06 4 P.T.O.
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8. fdtrUT9 oh I -1 el • -97 3zrfq ash (PLC) t fdriTff 12,8

12.11. Tifi7 fdqTuT qir,yR qr fdtrul9 (test
marketing) 4 =Ku WaTT F-4d t?

9. (a) t-Te-)7 "Th-e{ (non-store)cei It-IR 14 3-171 ~r mfr

"ffl7T4 t? 1.1TT Try? W-qR11 Tqf ? 10,10
(b) 111111d 01.1 441-71q1 Ti .FTIT-
Trf9-zrt cH-1 I ? .fq7

MCO-06 5
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No. of Printed Pages : 4 MCO-06

Term-End Examination

June, 2014


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Weightage 70%

Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry

equal marks.

1. Discuss with appropriate examples, the various 12, 8

sales promotion schemes directed at consumers.
Explain the Advertising Management Process.

2. Discuss the factors influencing the choice of 20

channel of distribution. Give suitable examples.

3. Distinguish between total system approach and

total cost approach to marketing logistics. What
will be the marketing logistics for a Delhi based
soft drink manufacturer producing several
national brands ? 10, 10

4. Spell out the conditions under which "Market-

Skimming Pricing" and "Market Renetration
Pricing" can be applied ? Discuss briefly the legal
procusions for regulation of re-sale price
maintenance in India. 10, 10

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5. Distinguish between :
(a) FOB - origin pricing and FOB - contract 5
(b) Zone pricing and Basing point pricing 5
(c) Product line pricing and limit pricing 5
(d) Optional product pricing and Captive 5
product pricing

6. Taking any organisation you are familiar with as

an example, explain its product item, product
line, product mix. What are challenges in
marketing of services ? 12,8

7. Discuss various stages of new product

development process giving suitable examples.
What are the reasons responsible for failure of
new products ? 12,8

8. (a) What is positioning ? Discuss the various 12

types of positioning strategies.
(b) Explain the concept of Repositioning. 8
9. Explain the various types of Marketing
Intermediaries used. Discuss their role and
functions giving suitable examples. 8, 12

MC0-06 2
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, 2014

71:T.Ift.311-06 : aqui"' "51-4Ei

P71 :3 i2 3fTWU7g 31W :100

cT :70%
3)F: ft47 tea SR/ dri<ft§/7- / FraftTgre*. 37T fisill

1. -q*-*rraff ITT Mfm far fawq era zh-

der Trfo, faint -51-44ff
-9-r 12,8

2. f4a7111 Taut VilTr-q- r 20

3. 'f-q-crurff c1TrificK4 3Furra 31-qt1r-Turrt aQrr

0141c1 al-qtrForrt 3f-d-T It, I 3Tk TruftzT -qte
dctilq-f kr-rfl Trrciz
fq-criTH oliArk.e..t+1 9-urr .N1 ? 10,10

4. 37 ft-4W fq-9-11 `cio1►k--449- ITT

f9-41Tirr' 2,T1` iFffitTfTo-C rarqt.b) 341:9-Frr
•Lsichcll t I IITTU111
-9-r---4wzr -11
-F4 3T-Twur
t {kw M144191 10,10

MCO-06 3 P.T.O.
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5. 1i - ikiftcid 14atd-T .Tai-47 :

(a) f (FOB)31-1-17- A-9 ffftliVIT f 1T f9-71--- 5
(FOB) 3T-1-4t1 -17:T fffq1-7T
(b)4-A17 - 1. (Zone) Tff f9ITITuT 'UP-TT 31117 f-4-S (Basing 5
point) 1T:f ffftthErT
(c) 3c4I r1I 1 c -Ntt-crr -474 fffqi-Tuf 5
(d) chrztlob (Optional) 'ff. ffftliTuT 311-4-V 5
(Captive)f c ffftliTETT

6. tt. *24-r, -rTI-4 3Trcr 7itrftf-9-ff t

3q1kul i tc\LI -Tqk 30:ITq Trq, z-crrq
c WT z-
-f ecrrq #1.910T oq I tai I tl-* I Tl-a-raff fq-crti-rff
lard-zit ? I 12,8

7. 34gd v, -14 z- i-rq fq--*-ru

3-1-4T-24131 (stages) tr fa 71 37 :it 't
311:11: ;Err chltul t? lfA7 I 12,8

8. (a) ft-ziffft7131 (positioning) "4 cM I T0:1-4 ? rar9TR 12

.5rT-Rm1 #2 UT ch 1441 rtiql. ch1 cql(sit
(b) ii-9-ft-TrEd-**717 (Repositioning) ch1 411(..-4 8

9. 3t IT t rciLlurff 1:R71. f-474T (Marketing

Intermediaries) *1 owsii t1f77 I 3rd dqtoi
721ItMtr fa I 8, 12

MCO-06 4
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No. of Printed Pages : 4 MCO-06


Term-End Examination

December, 2014


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Weightage 70%
Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1. Differentiate between marketing and selling.

Explain the concept of social marketing for a
consumer durable company in India. 10,10

2. Summarise impact of government regulations 12,8

affecting marketing practices in rural India.
Discuss marketing research as "science of

3. (a) What is the relevance of Freud's

Psychoanalytical theory of personality to
consumer behaviour ? 10,10
(b) Compare and contrast the concept of
micromarketing with that of mass

MCO-06 1 P.T.O.
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4. (a) What are the challenges in marketing of

services ? 10,10
(b) Describe various strategies adopted by a
company dealing in fast moving consumer

5. Explain the various product-price adjustment

strategies. How does resale price maintenance
practice work in India ? 10,10

6. (a) How do you manage channel conflicts ? 10,10

(b) Differentiate between departmental store
and multiple shop.

7. What is distribution mix ? What interconnectedness

it has with promotion mix ? 8,12

8. Compare and contrast brand extension with

brand loyalty. Under what conditions is personal
selling relevant ? 10,10

9. "Rural markets in India offer huge opportunities 20

and challenges to marketers". Discuss.

MC0-06 2
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cHruFAI t-illeb)rli TUN

flAirt TiNIT

qfli-cci, 2014

7r.lt3k-06 : to uuiri IOU

TP:RT : 3 bit 37-ATTU7 375 :100


3Ye. : T drH r i Tr* 34- FT/T7 ti

1. fq-cum3 faTzT 31-7-{ -d-rT4 7,411-1-wrr

Ts f-ottIIHIrAcb fTTErra- ct>1
3Tawan owsir 10,10

2. "glituT illTd 14 fd:111F -I 39.TTF-

d- itch
f97:4 797r-
44 "31--grri
c\LI fa-cuF 31-
1-Tiqr9. -ER 12,8

3. (a) 3.17194-4T oeAciW " ogrchiccf

H-lrakrlWncHrn t?
(b) «i{ fd":717 TEPIrtW °INV-Itch dc-111q1
TITS W- A73t1-T 4t*,4(
31 fattu ti

MCO-06 3 P.T.O.
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4. (a) Aar k N-crarff qzli 4 ? 10,10

(b) 10T ch-V-It 771. ( faTh


- 13ff) A TW97 t 7-Tr 3Tici-9-r fq-crurff


5. 1414̀1- 3-
e=1-K - (-14-111 rn1 r4i
74 I
-tr pfd 3T-Iwur 74(1'1 (1-NCrATO ITR7
f-*-A -7-*-R *14 10,10

6. (a) fqd711 Trrvii:r *t MCI 9-Pf 3174 ? 10,10

(b) fds i 01q4&(A ct) 1*rt -43-T7T .4-d74 I

7. fd-d7T f44971T 411 ? fg1.517 Tr 4titT t?


8. rte -NRIF AT 9115 r-lbdI i V-11 3i 3

d74 I 6-1 trftr-T-Rfut oircKvii fqwzr 3-11fr

9. "1TR7 1)-71-Err 1:311t, fq-9-urff f3 f 31fw 20

33-aAT 1-9r-d-ze Nql-1 t"1 I

MCO-06 4
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No. of Printed Pages : 4 MCO-06


Term-End Examination
June, 2015


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Weightage 70%
Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1. Compare and contrast marketing research with

marketing information system. How does
marketing intelligence help in market
segmentation ? 12+8

2. How do environmental factors affect marketing

policies and strategies ? What will be the impact
on automobile industry if a new cheaper source
of energy is invented ? 10+10

3. Define market targeting and explain the

procedure on how to target different markets ? 8+12

4. Describe intervening factors between purchase

intentions and purchase. What is the role of
marketers during first stage of consumer
behaviour ? 12+8

MCO-06 1 P.T.O.
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5. What is the difference in the branding strategy

for industrial products, consumer products and
agricultural products ? Discuss them in the
context of developing a brand communication
strategy. 10+10

6. What are the profit oriented objectives of

pricing ? Differentiate between market skimming
and penetration pricing strategies. 10+10

7. What do you understand by selective and

intensive distribution ? How do channels of
distribution add value to consumer goods ? 10+10

8. What factors should be considered in designing

communication message ? Distinguish between
pull and push strategies in the context of
promotion. 10+10

9. (a) What do you mean by relationship

marketing ? 10+10
(b) Explain the role of internet in consumer
goods marketing.

MCO-06 2
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tliticniTu zeal

•1, 2015

'71:1.1t311.-06 : fgquii 1:14gi

71727:3 72" 37f11W—d77 34— :100

v./ T :70%

: ch rft d fi§/-4 / 774 34— F/r/TT t

1. -NIFR 31--1-#4m3f fq-crum A-4

-war-4-41 milt tguslct,kui aT(791
et)(.-1 emit k-mgc-if awl t? 12+8

2. trft-d-vr crwct, fabq man it f avul-r 91-ft4l'

liPiTrqU ct) f? tirq 1:r1 TI
3-1t4lzF1R dC.1)li ITT Azif 31TR ? 10+10

3. cliglIt fff4TUT 7fti-TMT q1fi 3 t fafi-T

7T4 31fffi7TT ceikszif WrI77 I 8+12

4. (R 31t WZI cf.) Try ctA aIc .WRMI

.cci 1177 I iT 044

-- It 321TE kur RvUi 1ct) 0131)1

7qT t ? 12+8

MCO-06 3 P.T.O.
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5. 3ptrwrr7ozrr-q, Ath-frr- 7:rg cp11,17-el-r cif +r

41 .474-r 3 t? pis kitiRlfwr Facbrkid cb(4

6. WITM-ffftifTuT'11.1.-3-437§1 3trzf TTF ? 11:511t 142.17

al lid ffftfRuT 3th es11:311t-ft c1 fff%ThuT 3TR
4c- 41

7. fdRuT 3 416-1 fd-d714 37.9. TEff TP:re4A f ?

fq-d7T err T, 3714W11 3 4 41, Tfqtf7 Fcmi R
cbt ? 10+10

8. kOtiul t-Rql t 5:111 'I cf.) 41 rt*I ITT fa-q-rT

rcbir rk4? Tfqqff**4 3th71 1-47M
-d-704 10+10

9. (a) Tf4N fq1:717 377 1171-1:17A f ? 10+10

(b) 3714WIT 9341 fT:fuN 4 fTTEFF

MCO-06 4
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No. of Printed Pages : 4 I MCO-06 I

Term-End Examination
O December, 2015

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Weightage : 70%
Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1. (a) Explain the philosophies (concepts) of

marketing management. 10, 10
(b) "The applications of marketing are wide
and inter - disciplinary". Discuss with

2. Define Product Mix. Indicate reasons why

companies usually consider it necessary to change
their product - mix from time - to - time. 5, 15

3. What is "Test Marketing" ? Discuss the activities

involved in developing a test marketing plan for
a ,branded consumer product. 5, 15

4. (a) What are characteristics of Services ? What

are the unique challenges involved in
Marketing of Services ? 10, 10
(b) Explain in brief Marketing Mix for Services.

MCO-06 1 P.T.O.
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5. (a) What is positioning ? Discuss the various 14, 6

types of positioning strategies.
(b) Explain the concept of repositioning.

6. (a) What is 'advertising' ? Trace the historical

perspectives of advertising. 10, 10
(b) "The success of advertising campaign
depends on the proper selection of the
media." Discuss.

7. (a) What are the criteria's used for evaluating

channel alternatives ? 5x4=20
(b) What are the functions of a wholesaler ?
(c) Prepare a marketing plan for any popular
(d) What are the benefits of online marketing
for marketer ?

8. Describe how to establish the initial "approximate 20

price level" using demand oriented,
cost - oriented, profit - oriented and competition
oriented approaches.

9. Write short notes on any two of the following : 10, 10

(a) Market segmentation
(b) Consumer behaviour
(c) Pricing objectives
(d) Retail management

MCO-06 2
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I Tz.741.311. -06

alf JI ,At tillich TI•( di-II ET


qt4441, 2015

71.1:11'.311.-06 : 1;r4ET

NTRT:3 3AIWUTT 37 .W :100

3s7ci Wi :70%

: cfrf Mql * fi77. / Fr* Sal 37W 7:17:1TV ill

1. (a) fdtroF .5r4q (tict,1134) otiltV-41 WI*

(b) "fdtruiff argATT (applications) fa c1 -alTT
at: LT (inter - disciplinary) I I"
1:Tta. -11-A-R I 10, 10

2. dctilq fl:MT fOfC41 -*-71111

Aft 44 .11 4-11'-?-10 41r aTcr4
fzrwr TI7 ITFT-447 cb ,(11 37-471T 7:11:1Vth
tI 5, 15

3. " 1T 1T ratiui-f" (Test Marketing) 14 ,z11 'ffFezrzi t?

31:FINT z--o:frqt fciv. ITT 1'w-rimT
rachrwi crA 11 F-61 rsbia 0?-41(sql -11-A'R I 5, 15

MCO-06 3 P.T.O.
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4. (a) (.413# air Waci4 -V fq-cruF

TIT 31-T41-4-dzri F-61 t?
(b) fad -1. 7441:r -41 oiltwl -w11-4R1

5. (a) ft:4-az:17 (Positioning) A TIT c o t ? iTeltz17

14, 6
7f-wr-z4 fariTw -wr fa-49-9.
(b) 7:-FT-94-d19 ciltatu

6. (a) fq-4T1Tff err T:174 t? f4-0719.

altuff W.-4R I
(b) "fd-OTtri aTfi-TziN TfTt71:1
TR fa-47 -wTth ti" WARI

7. (a) facer 1:frez174 -51311f4ff crA aue Ndct,

Wt.? 5x4=20
(b) R-T ?ftW fdt-dT chIti chttli t?
(c) R-W Ifilog 5115* —117R I
(d) rcrAulicbilA kiv. aft-cdi*d ftcruF A TM

8. litrf- ail 4TiTff , T - 311 7q. 20

u di idi-31TNTITU fqfiTt 31771)7T giti 3117 TfRiviTW
r-t fffqift-d ch.a ?

9. 1-14-11-011.1d A reb-'Tt Tilkitu Fdi-NruNif -rwq :10, 10

(a) imit tds cbtuf
(b) 31:111 IT
(c) ffftliTuT
(d) T k 004 R 5r4q

MCO-06 4
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No. of Printed Pages : 5 MCO -06 I

Term-End Examination
June, 2016 01334

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Weightage : 70%
Note : (i) Attempt any five questions.
(ii) Marks are given against each questions.

1. Identify the steps involved in segmenting and

targeting markets. Explain the different factors
used to segment Industrial markets. 10, 10

2. (a) What factors are used in setting prices ? 10, 10

(b) Discuss the various pricing strategies used
by marketers.

3. Define a distribution channel and indicate its

importance in marketing. Discuss the factors
governing the choice of a distribution channel for
an industrial chemical company. 10, 10

4. Explain the following briefly : 5, 5, 5, 5

(a) Marketing Mix
(b) Overfull demand
(c) Total customer value
(d) Societal concept of marketing

MCO-06 1 P.T.O.
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5. (a) Discuss the concept of product life cycle. 10

(b) Explain the strategies used in different 10
stages of PLC.

6. Distinguish between total system approach and

total cost approach to marketing logistics. What
will be the marketing logistics for a Delhi based
soft drink manufacturer producing several
national brands ? 10, 10

What is "Advertising" ? Trace the historical

perspectives of advertising. 10, 10
"The success of advertising campaign
depends on proper selection of the media".

8. An International company is planning to 20

introduce a ultra modern luxury car. How will
you develop this new product ? Explain the steps
involved in new product development.

9. Write short notes on any two of the following : 10, 10

(a) Market segmentation
(b) Consumer behaviour
(c) Pricing objectives
(d) Retail management

MCO-06 2
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I 71A.311.-061
CII Ul4t1 *Iltict))11't 'MAT
, 2016

ft.34.-06 : aquii 31*Ei

: 3' 3.7 - :100

3,7ri W* :70%
VT : (i) 14)1 . qfw do( Wra7. /
37- s,.-/)* (IN.) 37w g,

1. AMt* cntui 7R.TT MIAlt 7kzt fitthyt -511**4

r-hcf *74i k-r 3t.thirr- NT7T
4s1cbtuf*fafir3ITeA (*70)**1. otii(v41*117R I
10, 10

2. (a) tc-q-f9 NiTTIT * *FA T 374TT 14 I

10, 10

(b) ci4ulictci134 gill 71 7 T :41 T1' 71-4. fafq---

ivi-f-tutor 4- 7W k-r auh kti--A71

3. fa7T Trrat kccr .ffrFrzi t? f-lcrun. .71k k-r

z.-4gt 3tlerrw tEr91k.
fw{TIT "grRzi TV4 cm4 arch k-r
a uS.1 I 10, 10

MCO-06 3
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4. F-14-irrifigd •#4,1 -14 0441(satir : 5, 5, 5, 5

(a) tzfuri
(b) altcLui (overfull) zTiri
(c) 7TtW
(d) tricriff ti+11 , 1 ticbc-4-11

5. (a) df-41‹ '31111 (PLC) 10

Wr77 I
(b) dNlq w1al 19t) a fdf 3l'TETTat 3TIATT 10
•Tti; W-41 #1 (strategies) 4 04iIi.st11

6. tiTEIR oiNii.dcrti' To "51771 a-TMIT7TT 4 72TT To

3MTRITIC 14 3 tic -R* 7:ffz
14,4) rar-p-i t 39-4W7T1s17 chof t
4zrr fatruF rifFA1 4 ( tea.* f 4-dvir) r-aTETT
10, 10

7. (a) `fa-ertm t ITT c c 4 t? fdgFri* -1 ,:t)

tirozr*r *I.N.RI 10, 10

(b) "fd-0T79. 3ffiTzfri ti4,0dr7TrkTrrtzrri. *31-4-d

filt{*Td111" fq -497*.11-4R

8. '7W a-Wtzi tcrt "R- • alt 341eiW td-011:1 chR 011:1111 20

r► Ia r r71. t I am 7r .9.4 TeTrq
f-a*Ri ciN ? -Rw 9.4 we:rg fawrF 9fwzrr
zo fafi49 .411(N1

MCO-06 4 P.T.O.
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9. 14-ici (sii "414 41. 71 1:17 Ttrkitff re-LA-ANT fffril7 :

10, 10

MCO-06 5
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No. of Printed Pages : 6 I mco-06 1

Term-End Examination
December, 2016


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage : 70%)

Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry

equal marks.

1. Discuss briefly the factors that influence buyer

behaviour. 20

2. "Marketing environment comprises all those

factors which have an impact on market and
marketing efforts of an enterprise." Comment
giving suitable examples. 20

3. Explain the various stages involved in the new

product development process with suitable
examples. Also state the reasons responsible for
the failure of a new product. 12+8

MCO-06 1 P.T.O.
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4. Distinguish between the following : 4x5=20

(a) Optional product pricing and Captive

product pricing

(b) Product line pricing and Product bundle


(c) FOB — Origin pricing and FOB — Contract


(d) Zone pricing and Basing-point pricing

5. Describe briefly the factors that influence the

choice of channel used for distributing the goods. 20

6. "Marketers use an array of tools for the purpose

of communicating and promoting their products
and services." In the light of the above
statement, explain the concept of promotion mix
and its various components. 5+15

7. (a) Discuss the benefits of advertising to

the (i) Producers, (ii) Middlemen,
(iii) Customers and (iv) Community.

(b) State the role of sales force in Relationship

Marketing. 12+8

MCO-06 2
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8. Write short notes on the following : 8+6+6

(a) Stages in Buying Decision Process

(b) Market Targeting Strategies

(c). Product Positioning Process

MCO-06 3 P.T.O.
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qi 1.7q t-iiich TR WIRT

TM* trfilir

Rtil-elt, 2016

: 1`i rims

TAM: 3 P* 31R/W-07 3i* : 100

(25ei T : 70%)

: /We elfw dri( 007 / T2 t TR71 * 31W fiffig


1. it oeicwk 311-1-Aff cnt wrc+i- 0:1

, :ca *if-4R I 20

2. tlitk4T * *Tiff WiWzit (chRch) wet

trw-qw .1* qi„iik dsoi 1. 14u1.1 31-44711 tR 3fITT-4

t zErgT dqWul c -F Alf* I 20

3. 31Tzr dcWul 97 3c ii 4>iti 3ri*zrr

ti grid few ar41:2ua1 al tge41 AifAR I 71-q
A—dr-4R % dr1K aTutm drRqiell
chkui ;EfIs tI 12+8

MCO-06 4
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4. PH 01-Zgcr aiffK ixre AtrA : 4x5=20

cb dctil<ILFF-fkiTikvi err 37-44

(Captive) dCtliq 1:FF-AufKul

NO dcki 14 (11*1 vei-i*ThuT ii u dC4 lc Isci

41V-1- tul

(TO 14:/rTh (FOB) — -40 (aTlitN9')

WzIT f4:3c4 (FOB) — 3iT4tI 4r-4-ftircir

(s) 041z1. (Zone) +0-AlThut 3TRITK

(Basing point) +t-04r

5. Tim * azr4
3RiT TasszrzT j 3nTrNa.
w4 girl ct.141 i 404. Avfq *P4R I 20

6. "3 3 4ffrall
lauticboi 3T4 r me1l11 cbt;- t I" zERIT
- laTq* -4-<11 4, ticitii -*Fr amaKtra ak
eqiisait *tr4R I 5+15

7. (i) ZFIKO, (ii) (iii) -974 atT

(iv) tiiim ?OFF *fi *rf* I

N) fot. ctoivIllkeil fir

.451 41.1* I 12+8

MCO-06 5 P.T.O.
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8. PHICiRgi uzTifkif rduiPieir 'PAR : 8+6+6

() wer Pule' -srWrr


(TO sicki l< •PierZi4 3rWrr

MCO-06 6 15,000
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No. of Printed Pages : 4 I MCO-006 I

Term-End Examination
June, 2017

Time 3 hours
: Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage : 70%
Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal

1. (a) Distinguish between total systems approach

and total cost approach to marketing
logistics. 10+10
(b) State the objectives of marketing logistics.

2. Discuss the various bases for segmenting 20

consumer markets.

3. Distinguish between : 4x5

(a) Consumer goods and industrial goods
(b) Durable and non durable goods
(c) Intensive distribution and exclusive
(d) Cost plus pricing and perceived value

Explain the causes and the mechanisms for 12+8

effective conflict management.
Compare and contrast departmental stores
with chain stores

MCO-006 1 P.T.O.
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5. Compare and contrast market skimming pricing

with market penetration pricing with suitable
examples, and state conditions under which each
can be deployed. 12+8

6. (a) Discuss sales promotion as a method of

communication and the reasons for its rapid
growth in India. 12+8
(b) What is publicity ? How is it different from
advertising ? Give examples to support your

7. What is packaging ? Explain its requirement and

the five key functions of packaging with examples
and the hazards involved if any. 2+3+15

8. Write short notes on the following : 4x5

(a) Functions of wholesalers
(b) Repositioning
(c) Promotion mix
(d) Social marketing

MCO-006 2
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cuiui\v-i t—ilichlTH ztirru

t1 1c1 trftqr
7ff, 2017

TT.Tft.311.-006 : ciqui-1 IT*.T

77-177 : 3 Li 31filTuTT 31T :100

err chi : 70%

m\-e- : rifw. M4'-!Y i dri( ifzvq/ Traft 9 el

1. (a) `fdriuti s3-I tN chi T9. -511:7)31-qqritrTT'7 2TT -

(11 1 1c1 3-Tawurr -44 3 Gic11 10+10

(b) fdtitrii 7tVz:1

2. -7114-*TT t Fa firq 3I1 11tt 20

3. f 1 4'1 (.4d -4 34-7 7-diR : 4x5

(a) 7critim 3fR 3ftfrrw
(b) T-{ Id
(c) 4 i -IfTdtut 31 f f47171
(d) 171 fff1i-{111*S si q I cl 12LF4

4. (a) 3frrt#Erisf -g4tTt far4 -wr-{-crhzu

If77 I
(b) fd`44 1Thl %#17 7 21T 9PWT 14-TT ahl c~ r1 -if alt
79-t 41-4 t 3 Tyr T11--A7

MCO-006 3 P.T.O.
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5. tis-tf fqtthur eTr td 41s-i fink%

III>iIt 1:i2N f-4a
dqwul . Trro Tit fmr-dql
-- PIA! +mar t I 12+8

6. (a) f-dWzi Tiath (-04ur -4- 7w fart/ "Ftf

cgitsql wErt ITITff 4 *iid,
- zzg 12+8
(b) TE4T( ITT dlc44 t? f4-41 cbti 9chlt
? 3TO dr1( TrIpti dcwui clFiR

7. fsccII ,sIg1 TIT t? air4FTWaT31 a21T

Ta-Uf ifs celltsql WAR, ff2Tf
Fi16o w11-41 2+3+15

8. -cr( Tiff Fewkiifarug : 4x5

(a) 2-1'W FTErl-fT k chi
(b) Tiff-P-Tfa-*-Tur
(c) Fld ft
(d) fatruri

MCO-006 4
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No. of Printed Pages : 4 I MCO-006 I

Term-End Examination
O December, 2017

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Weightage 70%
Note : (i) Attempt any five questions.
(ii) Marks are given against each question.

1. Discuss various concepts under which the 12+8

business enterprises conduct their marketing
activity, and explain the evolution process of these

2. Define marketing information system and give 6+14

suggestions to develop an effective marketing
information system.

3. Analyse the personal factors of buyers which 20

influence their buying behaviour. Give suitable

4. (a) Differentiate between consumer market and 8+12

organisational market.
(b) Describe any six characteristics of an
organisational market

MCO-006 1 P.T.O.
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5. "Because of differences between products and 20

services, marketing of services face some
distinctive challenges". Discuss those unique
challenges in the marketing of services.

6. (a) You are a marketing expert. A new

company asked for your advice as to
whether they should go in or for family
branding strategy or individual branding
strategy. Give your advise with proper
reasons. 10+10
(b) Discuss any five packaging strategies
considered suitable for consumer goods like
tooth paste.

7. Discuss the various strategies of geographic 20

pricing with examples.

8. What is 'promotion mix' ? Which are the factors

you keep in mind while taking promotion mix
decisions ? Explain. 4+16

9. Write short notes on any two of the following :

(a) Integrated marketing communication
(b) Resale price maintenance
(c) Direct marketing
(d) Functions of channels of distribution

MCO-006 2
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I Tz.itail.-006
(11 ul ■iti ten fiCh Tit

qtiusti, 2017

: fw:if1 -cr-411-

%Wig :3 Eft 37f7w-dr/ 3 :/oo

O' Wi 70%
ViT : (i) fc't).67 rifw io.f** drt< ft§rvi

(ii) m ch f1/4/4 37.*- rqq g/

1. few t1a,(-4-1-trall fq-ik atm%

04411tilf 9cb 3f.1 1-1 3 fTcruTi cbteichoril
arA air •4-ff t-icrtfria fq-*-TR 3rf--ztt cqRseir

2. 14cfurff to-if •srurml trkiTrqr 9-Tr R-w

faun- 311:1Trol. facnf in cbt4*Fri31T-4FWIT4TT4
I 6+14

3. (IQ ogiciiiicf 'WFTA •WF -4?-4R 1,31-14 20

314)1 TZF .4.4aw 3.1Trflff taT t I 39dd dqwui

4. (a) 31:PNRif e41 ■711( ai-dT A-dr-v 18+12

(b) 41 143110141 eilAlt 1-4*Erdrail aufi

MCO-006 3 P.T.O.
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5. "3-6fRI.,:it311 4 3f-a i chRui (=Num 4 20

fdr-Vrtz 141f-dzil (-111 1-11 chk-11 45c1It I" -4-4r3ilt
rci 'Auk Ti 3110 (unique) 191t711 air ~ i

6. (a) 37R faqurff far4tEif I -Rw z)11 c;4-1 371. -{4

-1(-110 1-111 t A Tifq---4r{ fri-g7T Tuait 31W-4T
cif id ifgriTtiltt 3TE1191'qirgq,1 3f4d chlkull
- TFO 34791 ii(11 tr--4R1

(b) 7,i4z ZtribWIT cutti34 1c-R

39-4U U1-41 1 (01-NMI

7. 141i'rrd1Trd -r-Wf-m -1--fauTA -13c1.6kullif-0 20


8. (4c149. f1-45f T-61-4 t? oath fussy Itait i (aa

31TEI rohrf -WRQ: tzFR (AP ? ceiltself tr4R I

9. f-14--irofigd tr *ft-4 t 14{ Ott : 10+10

(a) 74fff f4xTuri

(b) 1T41-4W4 arimur

(c) MN4-T

(d) facer Tire41:11 t 4)14

Download More:-

No. of Printed Pages : 4 I MCO-006 I

Term-End Examination
0 June, 2018


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Weightage 70%
Note : (i) Attempt any five questions.
(ii) Marks are given against each question.

1. "Channels of distribution used are different for 20

different products." Explain and state the reasons
for it.

2. (a) Differentiate between micro and macro

marketing environments. 8+12
(b) Discuss the current marketing environment
for luxury cars in India.

3. (a) Differentiate between 'marketing mix and

'promotion mix'. 8+12
(b) Explain the relationship between market
segmentation, market targetting and
product positioning.

4. You want to buy a washing machine for use at 20

your house. Describe the buying decision process
you will follow to buy the washing machine.

MCO-006 1 P.T.O.
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5. Explain the various stages of new product 20

development process.

6. (a) Discuss any five packaging strategies

suitable for consumer goods like
toothpaste. 10+10
(b) Briefly explain the pricing strategies
normally adopted for pricing new products.

7. Discuss various factors that influence the price 20


8. "No single medium of advertising is ideal in all 20

respects." Discuss.

9. Write short notes on any two of the following :

(a) Green marketing 10+10
(b) Product mix pricing strategies
(c) Functional middlemen
(d) Social marketing

MCO-006 2
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ciii JI,Tei temichliu

-frwtff TRIATr
19', 2018

71:111.311.-006 : ratium TrEa

figel :3 0- 37A1 - 7 37.W :100

Vi WI 70%

VIT : (i) >r b.6r si.m7 dri( ft§rq. /

Sice?ch Sfq-1 ff/AP? 31W

1. d4q1 4 1 Cf) 7r4 fTRuTTIrafgr ff r3 20
alffIT-31-07 tth I" cnivii tired ogitseii Vf771

2. (a) cgrte. "ftritiF TINT 11 afaT ffr-4-RI 8+12

(b) (ITITff 4 faffrR (luxury) 4114 i f i Vqr—
(current) RP-lull 14fc-47 f4-4-ii VITR

3. (a) reigull "FRq*'W` dc-iiic atK 0411(Sell

W. I 8+12
(b) W4R1 air tgs chtul, 611•71It •RkZi fitTkur w do iq
fteirdErff* ,4111:kti ceiltsql Vf7R

4. 3117 3174 'ER 4 divil , 1 ctA TOTt Wzi 20

ct)(-nlm vi4) wzi* aTrq 3rfwerr aTETaTcM
dt-lcbl 141T 13fff V.r-- 7

MCO-006 3 P.T.O.
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5. 3c41c fgcblti 3ft-zit fesIW ardTETT311 (stages) 20


6. (a) gi te tfIZEPTIWIT 3041q `MR altrigft "T4

qua ictr-ii 311q tlf4k 14444 1 ( rSesi lea )
rqx:1-1 w/r4R 10+10
(b) 3041c claim ffftiktit
aitrffizft c4 tin-Evil 4 144 all (Ni

7. cr) iii-fff**111 31111-4ff wa few 20

q 11-1

8. - illTRWTITIRPT 37E4 aim 4 IRA fuLrOull 20

"fgopii T )-
tr amt t. 1" q 1:1-1 WIF-
4R I

9. ri ego 4 4 ch T feuiruitii furuR :

(a)rtcii ritium (Green marketing) 10+10
(b) 3c41c fuiur crawl fighut
(c) c ► t chit TIVERZI
(d) Ach

MCO-006 4
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No. of Printed Pages : 4 MCO-006

CD Term-End Examination
December, 2018
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
Weightage 70%

Note : (i) Attempt any five questions.

(ii) Marks are given against each question.

1. What is marketing information system ? Explain 5+15

the components of marketing information system.

2. Differentiate between micro and macro 5+15

environments of marketing. Discuss various
factors of macro environment of marketing in

3. What is market segmentation ? State the bases of

segmenting consumer markets and explain any
four of those bases of segmentation. 4+4+12

4. Differentiate between consumer market and 6+14

organisational market. Describe various types of
organisational markets.

5. (a) Explain the inter-relationship between

product item, product line and product mix,
with appropriate examples. 10+10
(b) Discuss various product mix strategies
practiced by marketers.

MCO-006 1 P.T.O.
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6. "Channels of distribution are different for 20

different products." Discuss the reasons for this.

7. What is promotion mix ? Discuss the factors that 4+16

affect the promotion mix of a company.

8. "After deciding the basic price of the product, it 20

is necessary to decide the policy of pricing the
product to customers located in different
geographic locations." In view of this statement,
discuss various geographic pricing methods
available to marketers.

9. Write short notes on any two of the following : 10+10

(a) Direct marketing
(13) Functional middlemen
(c) Resale price maintenance
(d) Product life cycle

MCO-006 2
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uNti TV( War

Trgfff TR1A-Tr

qtitsit, 2018

71:4 311.-006 : cmuli 1;r4ET

qiiet : 3 ra 37fir-th717 37W : 100

fchlreirw- mq-t)' ffft/7/
(ii) STR7)W 3777 afT A.q et/

1. 'fa-crurff. -9-Err0- ' w c c 4 t? facura 11-9-9-r

~f~1T-irk AZT -gram-Y (components)
ThA-R I 5+15

2. fdErcrfi oti T wtri Trittz trft---4qr 3t-d-{

`ITT7 fd1:114fft TI1:111Z 1*# (macro environment)
rcIFITR fa4-4ff 5+15

3. (111AI( t 4511101'14 qz1T T -M t? 371-1)WIT ift

s1 ,4-rtul 3Trqr4 W-4R
Tff 3Trar4 14 A- 4+4+12

4. 4 crii-lwrr -ffnr ' 4+1 ,6-11clich 11 ■311e 14 3td-{ ffr-4-R I

41 1d-110-la4, T714*fqfiT TiTTV "'ff-A7 I 6+14

MCO-006 3 P.T.O.
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5. (a) dcyq zmg 9 'ff4T 3-ezfrq #151131 t

3-1"ff:13 .4 V- 3f-ad -uwuff Trf6d cimaqi
(b) raquhichrbff g RI 3cPtrf Ai4 am') f4FIT
3041q fl:151111 .rd?Of -1-F--4R I 10+10

6. rc-R fda-{17 1 1T%717 31- d7 20

a; f 1" -p:Tk -wrtuff cgitsql --1-F-A-R I

7. t #15FuT (promotion mix) *f qqf TN-4 t? "crW

ch 4-1 f-grTIT chl -5114ffa-ff 4,(4
f-44-q9. -WW—A7 I 4+16

8. " 7-ecrg V-1:ru qiq faf 20

PATt -cRft-217 -111-64t1 114 chi •30 .a.r -14-
3ir4F1T t \midi t I" .-Tr fa4m tzrr-i
rci 4 LIN cfrtliaff rclizi19
-- 11--A-R

9. P-14-ir1figcl 6.61 t -ER TffkitTr e.L.4 LINT frgiR :10+10

(a) 54CW (direct) ttruri

(b) cbt4.1.4 14%/717-2T
(c) TiNTZT arituur
(d) 3c41q Gsh

MCO-006 4
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No. of Printed Pages : 4 MC0 061 -

Term-End Examination
June, 2019



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage : 70%)
Note : Attempt any five questions. Marks are given
against each question.

1. (a) Differentiate between 'selling' and

(b) Describe the four steps in the marketing
management process. 8+12

2. Explain the steps involved in the conduct of

marketing research. 20

3. What do you mean by consumer behaviour ?

Discuss various social factors which can influence
consumer behaviour. 5+15

4. You are a purchasing manager in a textile

company. You want to buy a laptop for your
personal use at home. Explain the process you
will follow for buying this laptop. 20
MCO-06 1 P.T.O.
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5. What is product life cycle ? Discuss the

marketing mix strategies adopted by marketers
at different stages of the product life cycle. 5+15

6. (a) Explain the two pricing strategies normally

adopted by marketers for pricing new
(b) Which of the two strategies would you
suggest for launching a new type of bread in
the market ? Give justification for your
suggestion. 10+10

7. "No single medium of advertising is ideal in all

respects." Critically examine. 20

8. (a) Differentiate between 'total system

approach' and 'total cost approach' to
marketing logistics.
(b) Identify the causes for channel conflicts and
suggest remedies for them. 10+10

9. Write short notes on any two of the following : 10+10

(a) Green Marketing

(b) Relationship Marketing

(c) Qualities of a Good Salesperson

(d) Integrated Marketing Communication

MCO-06 2
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q t•rci t•i ich)Tit 1 111*

irliff **I

T4, 2019

TTaft.A.-os : *rum 3ritz

F4 7 : arRiwav aiw : 100
(Tel : 70%)

Tie : A -4f Ow sm-fl s 3-RT Of47 l RR:* 3777 3/w .14


1. () `%bee 3 `fqui-e at5( W-A -R I

(1g) -sku 3r1*zrr 4 -fro q-rt btul TATautq
A'ti*R I 8+12

2. I4UH 394414 3604T 4 f41*-ff feTff Tql (steps)

ogIteeii*O-R I 20

3. 3rrift51 oeMlk aTitrwr qz(1 ow-14 ? z-R few

Act) WA it4q71*11-4R 3,4145-1 ed(eiR
3rmr4ff time 5+15

4. aTfq --E( 7-4.40

17A. ,;4.4-11 4 I am 370 v.( 4
34 1+T *i c iAtrafti IgrftCAT t 13ti 3Tr-W4T

ce1lt944 lAtN7 Air& Tzr q',(4 4 3Tfq

37(-04 .I 20

MCO-06 3 P.T.O.
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5. 4 aiTtMT WET c 4 ?
few 3r4TP-Tra4 4 1,44u1.-p.mri34 -gru
‘,11 4 4T-4t Raw 3.44:41
(strategies) t fr4-d-41. *fr-A7I 5+15
6. () ddli 3-041-41'WF-AtliKuf TZ-R Fict)C1
TtT .11 1-11.-0-4041f aTERT al41 itc-o.r-fqxrftur
*r eer1t9eri rfAR
erw 4 -crw Mchlk tic (bread) ii cnt Cl
.1 4-141 al-Fr -ftrwl 4 4 f;n4 331:R7 -r4*r
yam. ? altr-4 Trrq
7. "Pd7P:Fq ch)i ITTW 3.1114-3471 4 Tuf
(aT1044*) 141. t I" -T4 'WT aTk-4-4R-Tr
trtrATur*t* I 20
8. () -NtFEIR M l APderti *r 3rErrrr alatirk-Errr
MIT 'To ovici arosr-Rurr' 4 aiw TER
(w) Trrurgr TisrEf *Furltrg9 -r-4 *=f7R 7arr
Trrrrqr er,k4* 'grE4 tf-- I 10+10
9. PIHR1 tsrd 4f+7-41 trK TifORT Quikeri
few :
() TT (green) fqrfoR
44tT (relationship) fdt1 144
(TO rcisheicncii* 31T4FR 7:rr
(Er)7- r-t7 faErErrq qui

MCO-06 4 22,000
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No. of Printed Pages : 8 MCO-006

Term-End Examination
December, 2019

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Attempt any five questions. Marks are given

against each question.

. "There are five different marketing concepts

under which business enterprises conduct their
marketing activity." In the light of the
statement, explain them and discuss the
evolution process of those concepts. 14 +

2. (a) Briefly discuss the marketing environment

in India. 10

(b) Discuss the role of family in the purchase

of consumer durable goods. 10

571 (13-29) P. T. 0.
Download More:-
[2] MCO-006

3. Critically evaluate any four main bases used for

segmenting consumer markets. 20

4. What is product life cycle (PLC) ? Discuss the

rn ,.riteting strategies used in each stage of PLC.

4+ 16

5. (a) As a marketing manager, state whether

you prefer family branding or individual
branding. Give reasons for your decision.10

(b) State the provisions for regulation of prices

under the Consumer Protection Act. 10

6. (a) What factors are involved in setting

prices ? Discuss. 10

(b) Discuss various geographical pricing

strategies. 10

7. What is channel conflict ? Identify the causes of

channel conflicts and suggest remedies for
them. 4+8+8

8. (a) Discuss various elements of sales

promotion mix and their relevance in
marketing of new products. 10
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13I MC0-006

(b) What are the various mediums of

Advertising ? Discuss. 10
9. Write short notes on any two of the following :

10 each
(a) Total cost approach to marketing logistics

(b) Merchant middlemen

(c) Marketing challenges in rural areas

(d) Qualities of a good salesperson

571 (B-29) P. T. 0.
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[4] MCO-006


c41rul•04 tlIcIth)11t d4I

(TT- *frr- )

*111.0 trNIT

rdetiusut , 2019

7r.It3t-006 : rettium TrEET

WW1 : 3 17132. a7ftrw-diT aiw :

91-e : fwe refw d tit feraqi 5i ch

+♦ 444 aiw f fi
Download More:-

151 FA CO-006

" 04 4 (citilrg et) SIi 1 :31r( 111-g 'MR cimul-f

* icitvil etrk tl"

cm04 * * 4 4 *14)1 Tcrtz

tichrsiR rehti MChlk Citt4id

2 2

2. (31) %:ITM icimul-f iftft TirkT71 o1I1§EIT

417R1 10

fewm t 311 1 Zit <rft IR tclIt

IWT Tlikfrff ociitscif 4r4R1 10

3. 34i1 * tgus chtui * 6.61

Wit 317f lit *Imo


571 (B-29) P. T. 0.
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[6] MCO-006

4. 37:TK 71-Ti .cfsh a-qt t? dt41c 71-49. r4911

ire* arqt-eTT fa-cruF ewrz6 TT ciu


5. (3T) - ftErari 1)`.4-4 tivzru an

surusii 3T21-41 c44 WiuTIT 1:1 Tanta

"kt? cbRuf Tifrd arT-4 1:crEe


(q) 3ZT1-ftWfi i alf iWITT&

tzrr-FI rari-TR 4451ci4 T auk

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71 MCO-006

t? 4+8+8

8. (aT) 1lsbef 14-44ff frfW1 fq13T9 fqrtrzU

au z-eTKI faqu,i

-Ichl d 434011 WIZ . 4.14Ri 10

(A* ) fa--OTCR feiT 4rezm f? auk


571 (B-29) P. T. 0.
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I8I MCO-006

9. ringd t IINTR1 rem uvii

f-ofER : sice)al 10

(31) fdt113Ti of A t-dcw r ovIcf 3rdt1R71

( ) TR2F2T

(TO farrori 1-41-dai

(a) 3r fa `T Trf

MCO-006 25,000
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No. of Printed Pages : 7 MCO-006


Term-End Examination

June, 2020

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : (i) Attempt any five questions.

(ii) Marks are given against each question.

1. Discuss the scope of marketing research in terms

of its applications in various marketing decision

areas. 20

2: (a) Briefly explain, how macro environmental

factors affect a company's marketing

policies and strategies. 10

P. T. O.
Download More:-

[2] MCO-006

(b) Describe various types of consumer buying

behaviour situations. 10

3. Explain the steps involved in the process of

product positioning. Give suitable examples to

support your answer. 20

4. Differentiate between products and services.

Discuss the interdependence of products and

services. 10, 10

5. (a) Why do new products fail ? 10

(b) What is re-sale price maintenance ? What

are the legal provisions for its regulation in

India ? 3, 7

6. Discuss the basic methods of price

determination and their advantages and

limitations. 20
Download More:-
[3l MCO-006

7. What role does intermediaries play in the

distribution of products ? Can intermediaries be

eliminated ? Give reasons in support of your

answer. 10, 10

8. Discuss the steps involved in the personal

selling process. 20

9. Write short notes on any two of the following :

10 each

(a) Total system approach to marketing


(b) Direct channel of distribution

(c) Role of sales force in relationship


(d) Integrated marketing communication

P. T. O.
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(41 MCO-006


Nti tai den Nu witii Wit. )

ITIfff flan

'1W, 2020

TrE.311.-006 : Vaixt

TrSirl : 3 ETEre aftwo? 3j, : 100

te *1 ant

41) Tre# TITif fag 3fi ft.R.

r. feriT9 argrAn -ftErzt-‘17 arrow aria;

ferf9 rcl9uI4 'WO ft av gnnr tic 4

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5 MCO-006

(W) *pipe 4 t chltq) fq1t1 3WR fvht,1 '4) 440

q4uIti 1 I
1 fng Clq • Veda.

WK4 *,T avfff 10

(m) 1-451R tar ocrok itemf-d* *t c uk

I-4R! 10

3. 34a4K1 3c16t I tif6cr cht-I 'USK t-ticl eirf

- triiR 4-4*-1 wiz ai 20

4. driis ak A-4W 4 3T7-{ 1,41Z octiic

4414 * Trut co4isif

10, 10

5. () 94 3c4Ic ‘14 t ? 10

P. T. 0.
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[6] MCO-006

(m) T4F-4wzr gaiicr argwr err ?

Tim -4 tictir rlcM4 abt4 WIT 4TI-91

31F4triff f ? 3, 7

6. m1+id fitrhyr m-1- •&rwrr


al 20

7. recii4 fkif1131 Tr affel WzIT ?

Wif 314) 6eltli tichaf * ? aTER 3ctt

TFT49. 4 .IA.(14 41r3Nri 10, 10

8. °qr.:Kind 'F'dfl 31%-zIT -4 fesTR tro aii auk

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[7 MCO-006

9. 114-ikifigd t 641 At VT i rtw rui ~~

tstt : vs* 10

(w) Tam yr (it t-Cchq Th7 -PTO


rantur swim

(IT) Rimui41 WAT ash iftrwr

CEr) timkuf foriuvf 111:5115114

MC4-006 21,390
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No. of Printed Pages : 6 MCO-06


(M. COM.)

Term-End Examination

December, 2020


Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions

carry equal marks.

1. “Marketing managers should focus more on the

micro-environment than the macro-

environment while deciding marketing policies

and strategies.” Do you agree ? Give comments

in support of your argument. 20

2. Differentiate between consumer market and

organisational market. Discuss the distinctive

characteristics of organisational markets. 5+15

Lot-II P. T. O.
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[2] MCO-06

3. (a) Discuss different methods used in

positioning the product. Give examples. 10

(b) Discuss various factors to be kept in mind

while developing an effective marketing

information system. 10

4. Differentiate between product and service.

Discuss various challenges in marketing of

services. 5+15

5. Discuss various factors you should keep in

mind while determining the price of the

product. Also explain methods of pricing. 20

6. “Channels of distribution are different for

different products”. Discuss. 20

7. “Customer service and cost reduction are the

two benchmarks of an effective system of

marketing logistics.” Comment. 20

8. Discuss the various steps involved in the

personal selling process. 20

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[3] MCO-06

9. Write short notes on any two of the

following : 10+10

(a) Integrated marketing communication

(b) Resale price maintenance

(c) Reasons for failure of new products

(d) Mass customisation

P. T. O.
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[4] MCO-06


okf.kT; esa LukrdksÙkj mikf/

(,e- dkWe-)
l=kkar ijh{kk
fnlEcj] 2020

,e-lh-vks--06 % foi.ku izcU/u

le; % 3 ?k.Vs vf/dre vad % 100

uksV % fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,A lHkh iz'uksa ds

vad leku gSaA

1- ¶foi.ku uhfr;ksa dk fu/kZj.k djrs le; foi.ku

izcU/dksa dks LFkwy ifjos'k dh rqyuk esa lw{e ifjos'k
ij vf/d è;ku nsuk pkfg,A¸ D;k vki bl dFku ls
lger gSa\ viuh lgefr ds leFkZu esa
dhft,A 20
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[5] MCO-06

2- miHkksDrk cktkj vkSj laxBukRed cktkj ds chp vUrj

Li"V dhft,A laxBukRed cktkj dh fof'k"V
fo'ks"krkvkas ij ppkZ dhft,A 5+15

3- (v) mRikn dh fLFkrh;u eas iz;qDr gksus okyh fofHké

fof/;ksa dh ppkZ dhft,A mÙkj ds leFkZu esa
mnkgj.k nhft,A 10

(c) izHkkoh foi.ku lwpuk iz.kkyh dks fodflr djrs

le; è;ku j[kus ;ksX; fofHké dkjdksa dh ppkZ
dhft,A 10

4- mRikn vkSj lsokvksa esa vUrj Li"V dhft,A lsokvksa ds

foi.ku esa fofHké pqukSfr;ksa@dfBukb;ksa dh O;k[;k
dhft,A 5+15

5- fdlh mRikn ds dher fu/kZj.k esa fopkj ;ksX; fofHké

dkjdksa dh O;k[;k dhft,A dher fu/kZj.k dh fofHké
fof/;ksa dks Hkh le>kb,A 20

P. T. O.
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[6] MCO-06

6- ¶fofHké izdkj ds mRiknksa ds fy, forj.k ds pSuy

fHké&fHké gSaA¸ O;k[;k dhft,A 20

7- ¶fdlh izHkkoh ykftfLVDl ds nks ekud gSa&xzkgd

lsok vkSj ewY;@dher dVkSrhA¸ O;k[;k dhft,A 20

8- O;fDrxr fcØh izfØ;k esa iz;qDr gksus okys fofHké

pj.kksa dh O;k[;k dhft,A 20

9- fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdUgha nks ij laf{kIr fVIif.k;k¡

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(d) ,dhd`r foi.ku lapkj

([k) iqufoZØ; ewY; j[k&j[kko

(x) u;s mRikn dh foiQyrk ds dkj.k

(?k) O;kid vuqdwyu


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