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My name is Deep Dhebar, I am the student of R.K. College of Business Management. This questionnaire is the part of our research and your detail will be kept confidential and will use only for our study purpose.

NAME DATE : __________________________________________________________ : ________________

CONTACT NO.: _______________________________

What is your age?

Less than 18 18-23 years 23-28 years 28-45 years Greater than 45

What is your occupation?

Government service Private Sector Business Student Homemaker Other (please specify) ________________________

1. How often do you get connected to Internet?

At irregular intervals Once a day Twice a day Other (please specify) ___________________________

2. What type of data card you preferred to buy?

USB Modem Broadband

3. From where did you get your data card?

Companys own outlet Other place

4. Which brands of data card you are aware of?

Tata Indicom BSNL Reliance Vodafone Airtel Idea MTS Docomo

5. Which type of brand do you use personally?

Tata Indicom BSNL Reliance Vodafone Airtel Idea MTS Docomo

6. For what purpose you use the Internet?

Surfing Study Social networking Other Business

7. Please rate the following source of information according to the level of importance of each source (1- Least important; 5- Most important)
Friends Family Retailer Advertisement Packaging Magazine/Newspapers Cyber Caf Any other

8. How satisfied are you with TATA PHOTON? (If used)

Highly satisfied Moderately satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Moderately dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

9. If your first preference is not available then what will you do?
Purchase some other brands from the same shop/store Purchase same brand from some other store

10. If the price of your most preferred data card as well as tariff charge increases, what would you do?
Shift to another brand of data card Will use the same brand

11. If you choose another brand then which brand will you preferred?
Tata Indicom BSNL Reliance Vodafone Airtel Idea MTS Docomo

12. Please rate the factors given below on scale of 1-5 based on the importance they hold for you in purchase decision of DATA CARD (1-Least important; 5-Most important) No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Attributes Price Easy handling Net speed Signal strength Availability on store Tariff plans Offer/Discounts Rating

13. Please rate the following brands on the scale of 1-5 for the attributes mentioned below (5-fully satisfied, 1-not at all satisfied) No Attributes 1
Tata indico m



Brands 4 5
Voda . Idea

Relianc e



1 2 3 4 5 6

Price Easy handling Net speed Signal strength Availability on store Tariff plans

14. Suggest anything regarding TATA PHOTON.

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