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name of New York.

Nicolls perished in the action between

stimulate the attention without confusing or burdening it.

``re-charged'' by the action of a reverse current are called

of his contemporaries? Some of his speeches are evidently

customs and monopolies. The heaviest item of expenditure

a general right of appeal on points of law to the court of last

to the Gracchi in so far as social motives still continued

not be entitled to claim delivery until the freight has been

Power of the State, and Decisions thereon as illustrating

account of damage or loss sustained in warehouses. The rate and

On the northern side the Alps (in whichever sense we take

relaxed, until by the 10th century the decay of discipline

commercial, industrial or agricultural employments; the Gheg

The Academy of Humorists arose from a casual meeting of

additions to geographical knowledge were made by H. M. Stanley

the theory of the strength or avidity of acids.

the canal with Muttra and Agra. It was opened in 1874.

land is typical, seems proved by the repeated association

came to the throne when the country was exhausted by more

peas, beans and many herbs and esculent roots. Oxen were much

the author's larger work in Danish, sec. 216 ff. The books

in the New Red rocks, but at a lower geological horizon.

extreme. It is almost a certainty that a number of trees

division. The city is situated at the confluence of the

the best orators, and mentions his orations as the standard

introduced improvements in the cultivation of potatoes and

AGIO (Ital. aggio, exchange, discount, premium), a term

only near the actual foci of eruption (craters, fissures,

1866. Of these only seven were specially high ascents,

fleet or part of one. The Spanish almiranta is the ship

Louis XIV., one by Abraham Duquesne in 1682, and the other

colony. Anacreon seems to have taken part in the fighting, in

the valley of the upper Nile. Meanwhile a similar advance


throughout life, has unfortunately yielded no fruits.

and as some of the Light Division troops reached the ``Great

shared by the less soluble hydrates of the ``metals of the

township of that name, whose existence is attested by coins of

high, with colossal sculptures, representing a battle of the

of body-wall (pharyngo-pleural folds) on alternate bars of

entomologist had no real comprehension of vertebrate morphology;

countries, the predominance of Great Britain in that domain

in accordance with the tradition of republican simplicity,

whose special duty was the care of the corn-supply.

E. Scytonema sp., false branching.

that the genus Volvox has been included by some zoologists

Kohat Pass, commenced a series of raids on the Peshawar

have received a limited form of franchise (Cic. Off. i.

of Hesse to be recognized as king was unanimously rejected;

so much advantage in employing it as would appear at first

Agassiz found that his palaeontological labours rendered

five years 1901-1905. To these sums the value of horses alone

a remarkable Essai sur la philosophie des sciences. In

hats. A soldier must get permission or ``leave of absence'

for some years president of the Royal Geographical Society,

V. Sella and D. Vallino, Monte Rosa e Gressoney (1890); F.

name Guzel Hissar was particularly given by the Seljuks.

ancestors, on the female side, of the Prussian royal house.

glyceride of an acid which is distinguished from oleic acid

agreed rate is fixed by the charter-party. If no demurrage

Argonauts and in the chase of the Calydonian boar; but his

Morphologie und Biologie der Algen (Jena, Band i. 1904,

Special provision for vegetative multiplication is not common

enclosure is the same as that of a perfectly black body.

of the capture of Constantinople, which should be read

having an hereditary sultan, whose power is, however, limited.

and albinoes in the proportion of 3:1. There is actually 11:4,

Greek word is used by Homer as a personal epithet, and by Hesiod

courtesy title of abbe, having long lost all connexion in

period of rest. It is known that zoogametes, which usually

the idea that the author had in reserve enough Pauline history

6. Manufacture of Caustic Soda.--Most of the Leblanc liquor

were called in to assist at the sittings, and the commission

m.; pop. (1896) 70,676. The rainfall is abundant, and the

prohibited. This law, like all others of the kind, was

manganese ore and hydrochloric acid. This liquor is first

AMICIS, EDMONDO DE (1846-1908), Italian writer, was born at

Vermont, in 1787, and died there on the 11th of February

(now called the Cava d'Aglio) of which the Via Latina took

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