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In both, the sanctuary is square and stands clear in the

6 Familles naturelles du regne animal.

Mandalay, the Myauk-myo, or ``northern city,'' 3 m. distant.

for the production of articles in wood and horn, especially

rapidly increased, and he died on the 8th of October 1803.

batteries. Teams, wagons and materiel generally are also

disappeared, and in its place came the realistic or analytic

acetylene be passed up into a bottle of chlorine it takes

and designs would not be saleable; but he was induced to

between B and D have higher melting-points. The summit C of

aesthetic enjoyment it is the psychologist who counts.22

nominations for office in 1878 and 1880 and endorsing the ticket

Logic, e.g. J. S. Mill, T. H. Fowler, W. S. Jevons. For

the former capital of the colony. The name is derived from

nor upon the iron bottles in which it is sent out. It may

son of Henry of Burgundy, count of Portugal, and Teresa of

40 to 50 lb. can be sustained per indicated h.p., or about

family. After treating in vain for a marriage between one

to the satisfaction of the court that he had purchased the

privy council the responsibilities of the Contagious Diseases

traps built like huts, the roofs of which, hung by tendrils

a mile to the south of the town, an anta and two pillars are

gardens. The Aconcagua river rises on the southern slope of

out of the viceroyalties at different periods -- Guatemalain

by the lungs, and therefore no other method would be of any

from the cross which he is thought to have erected on it the

market, and manufactures cotton goods, notably the blue shirts

12 Metternich Mem.

the ascending power was due merely to the lightness of heated

of sixteen and a student at Pisa, was made archbishop of

from Cape Muzon, in lat. 54 deg. 40, N., E. and N. up Portland

life by the freemen of the respective wards, who return two

years, 1894-1897, the outbreaks numbered 2, 1, 2, and 7

Zealand there are, according to T. Kirk (Transactions of

Charles Albert of Sardinia . . . . . . . . .Mar. 23, 1849

the Achaemenidae came to the throne with Darius, the son

body of legal precedent of its own, beyond which its judges

Saxony, was forced to ratify, on the 24th of September 1706,

thus collecting a crowd to listen to exhortations on sacred

neighbouring deserts afforded pasturage for numerous flocks

the consonants to the knowns, but instead of using capitals,

acids. Ketones, secondary alcohols and tertiary alcohols

Arabs. It consists of close-fitting drawers reaching below the

only, but that pronunciation varied within a small area even

shipper to deal more conveniently with the goods by way of sale or

reproduction, the question of distortion arises if only parts of

become f, seeing that the sounds of th and f outside

British constitutional law to anyone who does not enjoy the

Koreish blood and to be the descendants of an invading Arab

by which the canon law has restricted relations by affinity.

of the name of Abbot, by J. T. Abbot, Esq., F.S.A., Darlington;

From a geographical point of view Algeria, together with Morocco


distant object, a point which subtends a finite angle at the

I. CLASSICAL ABBREVIATIONS.---The following list

and European combinations by which at the close of the

Morgan, who applied logical analysis to the laws of mathematics.

price,'' and consequently ``no interest,'' was the motto of his

Alma-Tadema spent great energy and research; but his strongest

the discovery of the causes which have brought about the

The Portuguese in East Africa and Abyssinia.

performance. To expose a child just after operating on his

Africa in connexion with the settlement of the Newfoundland

kings who took his farthest provinces in possession. But

baths from which Alhama (in Arabic ``the Bath'') derives its

valuable in proportion to their richness in digestible and

to the grave-yards once a year with offerings of flowers.

son of Thomas Ainsworth, solicitor, was born at Manchester

the disturbances which followed the wives and children of the

rocks are invariably overlain by white and brown sandstones,

and acquaintances he was hospitable, courteous and obliging;

ground, which extends more or less parallel to the northern

empires, kingdoms, grand duchies, the great republics (e.g.

. . . to 1795, 3 vols. (1907-1910), and History of South

IV. Till 1790 it was the capital of the gouvernement of

most cases, two thin lenses are combined, one of which has

for its scarlet dyes. Perebus Thyatirenorum (1893).

Battenberg,'' in Fortnightly Review, January 1894. (J. D. B.)

arrest for a crime (see ARREST), or for a fraudulent purpose,

the work of Quintus Curtius (c. A.D. 42), Plutarch's (c.

the error of entangling his large force in the mountain defiles.

25,000. These three were Mobile (38,469), Birmingham

electrical conductivity is greatly increased, but this is not

``Weave the warp and weave the woof,

textures and hard reflecting substances, like metals, pottery,

first bet, the bettor takes back his bet, leaving the pool

Massachusetts, connected with the Boston group, whose verse

who have made false reports or certificates regarding its

among some of the component species, and as many as four

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