Latihan Soal Ujian Sekolah Menengah Pertama Materi Kelas VIII

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1. Henry : How are you, Carol? 2. What do you say to greet your mother at 6
Caroline : …. a.m.?
a. See you later a. Good day
b. Good morning b. Good night
c. I’m good c. Good morning
d. Have a nice dream d. Good evening
Text for no. 3-5
I have a close friend named Olive. She is really smart. She always gets good grades. She is also kind and
warm, that is why she has a lot of friends—especially because she is very helpful. She is still young, but she is
really mature. She can give you great advice. She has fair skin and slim figure, also pretty face. You can say she is
a kind of girl who is beautiful inside and outside.
3. What is Olive look like based on the text?
a. she is kind and warm person
b. she is an unfriendly person
c. she always gets good grades
d. she has fair skin and slim figure
4. …........she is really mature.' The underlined word has the opposite meaning with….
a. childish
b. adult
c. grown
d. big
5. What can you conclude from the text above?
a. Olive is the writer's siblings
b. Olive is a kind of person who is beautiful inside and outside
c. Most of the writer's friend dislike Olive because of her behaviour
d. Olive is very helpful person although she is not pretty

Text for no. 5 - 8

I have a pet dog. His name is Thomas. We usually call him Tom. His body is covered with white long
fur. My father and I (5) him twice a week. He looks very (6) after bathing. Tom
has brown round eyes and quite long ears. He also has four legs with some strong claws. He uses them to catch rats,
lizards, geckos or any animals who come to my house. He (7)loudly when somebody comes to my house. He acts
like a (8) guard for my family. When I come home, he waves his
tail enthusiastically. All of my family likes to play with him. We love him very much.
6. The right answer for no. 5 is ......
a. sweep 8. The best answer for no. 7 is, …....
b. wipe a. barks
c. feed b. roars
d. bathe c. whistles
7. The right answer for no. 6 is ….... d. crows
a. ugly 9. The best answer for no. 12 is, …....
b. naughty a. honest
c. handsome b. loyal
d. curious c. friendly
d. reliable
10. legs - has - neck - a - and - long - long - A giraffe
The best arrangement is ….........
a. A giraffe and a long neck has long legs
b. A giraffe has a long neck and long legs
c. Legs A giraffe has a long neck and long
d. a long neck has A giraffe and long legs
Dialog for number 1-3 Lia : What about going outside, to see what
Situation: Ridho and Rico are sitting at ashore. has happened?
Ridho : Look at the man, Rico. Josh : We had better not to do that. It is raining
Rico : Why? heavily. The wind is also blowing hard.
Ridho : What is he doing? Why does his boat Lia : You’re right. Let’s see through the
stop at the middle of the beach? window.
Rico : Perhaps he is preparing for diving. Josh : O.K.
Ridho : Really? What do you think of diving?
16. Why does Lia get Josh’s attention?
Rico : I think diving is very fun to do. We can
a. She saw an accident.
see the life under the sea.
b. She saw a tree falling.
Ridho : But, is diving safe for us?
c. She heard a loud sound.
Rico : If we use the tools of diving well and we
d. She is busy with her work.
dive well also, I think it’s safe.
Ridho : You’re right. 17. How is the weather?
11. Where are Ridho and Rico now? a. It is rainy.
a. At a beach b. It is sunny.
b. At a zoo c. It is foggy.
c. In a cinema d. It is cloudy.
d. At school
18. Which one is the expression of prohibition?
12. What does Rico think about diving? a. I know what you mean.
a. Diving is fun to do. b. You are forbidden to enter the room.
b. Diving is very dangerous. c. I have to collect the assignment tomorrow.
c. Diving is very boring. d. Let’s put the trash into the dustbin
d. Diving is not good to do 19. Which one is the expression of prohibition?
13. The underline sentence shows the expression of a. Don’t use my pen
… b. May I read the magazine?
a. Giving opinion c. You must wear the school uniform
b. Asking for opinion d. I can fly a kite
c. Giving compliment 20. It’s raining heavily. Your little sister wants to
d. Checking for understanding pay outside. What do you say to prohibit her?
e. You must play now.
Dialog for number 4-5
f. You’re not permitted to play outside.
Ridwan: Did you win the reading poem contest
g. Let’s play together.
h. Is playing outside when raining your hobby?
Nur : I did. I won the first place.
Ridwan: Wow, Nice job, Nur. You always give 21. Which prohibition is match with the picture?
your best. a. Don’t enter the room.
Nur : Thank you so much, Ridwan. b. No smoking.
Ridwan: I am proud of you. See you later. c. Eating and drinking are
Nur : Thanks. See you. forbidden in the room.
14. What contest did Nur win? d. You’re prohibited to talk in
a. Singing contest the room.
b. Dancing contest
c. Writing short contest
d. Reading poem contest
15. What does the italic noun phrase show?
a. Expression of showing attention
b. Expression of asking for compliment FINE UP TO Rp500.000,-
c. Expression of giving opinion
d. Expression of giving compliment 22. Which caution is similar to the text?
a. A non-smoking area.
Dialog for number 6-7 b. A smoking area.
Lia : Hey, listen to the load sound! c. A smoking facility.
What’s that? d. No littering.
Josh : It seems that a tree fell onto the ground.
Mr. Dave : You haven’t finished your a. Gilang tells his routine after school.
assignment, Rafli? b. Eko asks Gilang’s routine in the afternoon.
Rafli : No, I haven’t. c. Gilang asks the routine of Eko’s father in the
Mr. Dave : It’s already late, son. You have to afternoon.
go to bed now, so that you are be d. Eko tells his routine after school.
fit tomorrow.
Rafli : I know, but I have to finish it 27. Which one is the correct Present Continuous
Tense sentences?
now, Dad. I must collect it a. I is eating sandwich.
tomorrow. b. She are drinking iced tea.
Mr. Dave : I see, but you should keep your c. They are sitting on the sofa
condition well. I hope you can d. You are sleep
finish it soon.
Rafli : Yes, Dad, Thanks. My name is Kiki. I went fishing with uncle.
My uncle came to my house, and he took me to the
23. When is the dialog takes place?
river near to my house. My uncle and I left at ten in
a. In the afternoon the morning. We brought some equipment. We also
b. At night brought some food and beverage.
c. At morning
d. At dawn After reaching at the river, I spread the mat
that my uncle brought. Then, I right away sat on the
24. Which sentence expresses a suggestion? river bank with my uncle. In ten minutes, I got a
a. I know, but I have to finish it now, Dad. strike. I got a fish, and it was big. I was so happy to
b. I see, but you should keep your condition fish and get big fish.
well. 28. From the text, we know that Kiki was
c. I hope you can finish it soon. accompanied by ... when fishing.
d. You have to go to bed now, so that you are a. his uncle c. his friends
fit tomorrow. b. his father d. no one
25. Where is the notice possibly found? 29. We can conclude that Kiki ....
a. went fishing at a lake
b. went fishing at a river
c. went fishing at a beach
d. went fishing at a pond

30. What time did Kiki leave for fishing?

a. 9 a.m. c. 10 a.m.
b. 9 p.m. d. 10 p.m.

a. At traditional market
b. At park
c. At the zoo
d. At office

26. Gilang : What do you usually do after

Eko : I help my father repair a bicycle at
his at his workshop.
From the dialogue, we know that....
by Katy Perry

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag You're original, cannot be replaced
drifting through the wind wanting to start again? If you only knew what the future holds
Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin After a hurricane comes a rainbow
Like a house of cards, one blow from caving in? Maybe your reason why all the doors
Do you ever feel already buried deep? are closed
Six feet under screams but no one So you could open one that leads you to
seems to hear a thing the perfect road
Do you know that there's still a chance Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow
for you And when it's time, you'll know
'Cause there's a spark in you? You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine
You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine Just own the night like the 4th of July
Just own the night like the 4th of July (Back to chorus)

(Chorus) Boom, boom, boom

'Cause baby you're a firework Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
Come on, show 'em what you're worth It's always been inside of you, you, you
Make 'em go ah, ah, ah And now it's time to let it through
As you shoot across the sky (Back to chorus)
Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst Boom, boom, boom
Make 'em go ah, ah, ah Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
You're gonna leave 'em falling down Boom, boom, boom
You don't have to feel like a waste of space Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon

31. What is the title of the song above?

a. Brighter than the moon
b. Baby
c. Firework
d. A house of cards
32. What does the word “you” refer to in the song?
a. The singer
b. The firework
c. The moon
d. The listeners
33. What is the message delivered in the song?
a. We should become a firework.
b. We can buy a lot of fireworks to shine brighter than the moon.
c. We should ignite the firework every 4th of July
d. We may not surrender and feel interior when we fail and no one accepts us
34. What is the definition of firework?
a. Device containing chemicals that burn or explode with colored flames
b. Burning that produces light and heat
c. Open space in a wall for a fire in a room
d. Part of a room beside the fire
35. Why is the title of the song “firework”?
a. Because the singer likes ignite firework
b. Because the composer’s inspiration is firework
c. Because the listeners like something related to firework
d. Because it reflects the characterization of the subject in the song
36. What will you hope if your classmate joins a speech competition?
a. Congratulations.
b. We are so proud of you.
c. I hope that you’ll do the best at the competition
d. Wish me luck

37. Anwar : Have you heard that I won the bike race this morning?
Dewa : Really? ____________________
a. I hope that you don’t lie to me.
b. I must congratulate you.
c. You must win the race.
d. Are your parents proud of you?

38. What will you say if your classmate gets highest score for an English test?
a. Congratulations on winning the contest.
b. Congratulations on your achievement.
c. Fantastic! You’re chosen as the leader.
d. I’d like to congratulate you on winning the race.

39. Han : Happy birthday, Felix. _____________.

Felix : Thank you, Han.
Han : Congratulation!
a. I wish all your dream come true
b. I wish to come to your party
c. I wish I could have met you
d. Good job!
40. Dilla : Do you think Covid-19 will end soon?
Sintah : ______________________________
a. Let’s hope not. c. I hope it will end soon
b. I hope not d. Fantastic!

How to Make Sponge Cake

1. 12 eggs 5. ½ tbs of ovalet
2. ¼ kg of butter 6. 3 ½ ounce of wheat flour
3. 3/8 kg of sugar 7. 5 tbs of milk powder
4. 2 sachet of vanilla 8. 1 package of chocolate powder
 Remove the egg yolk and albumen and place them in different bowl.
 Mix the butter, sugar, vanilla, and ovalet for 10 minutes.
 Put the yolk into the dough and blend again at least 10 minutes.
 Pour the wheat flour little by little into the dough and stir well.
 Pour the milk powder little by little into the dough and stir well.
 Pour the chocolate powder by little into the dough and stir well.
 Blend the albumen around 5 minutes.
 Pour the albumen into the dough and blend them for 10 minutes
 Prepare a baking pan lubricated with butter and pour the dough.
 Put it into the oven and bake for 40minutes in 25 degrees Celsius.
 Lift the cake and put on the plate.
 Spread some sugar on it and the sponge cake is ready to serve
41. What is the goal of the text? 43. The following ingredients are used to make
a. How to serve sponge cake sponge cake, except …
b. How to make sponge cake a. Chocolate powder, milk powder, and
c. How to garnish sponge cake wheat flour
d. How to sell sponge cake b. Vanilla, butter and pepper powder
42. How many eggs do we need? c. Butter, eggs, and sugar Ovalet, vanilla,
a. 5 eggs and sugar
b. 12 eggs 44. How do we bake the dough of sponge cake?
c. 1 kg of eggs a. For 25 minutes in 40 degrees Celsius
d. 2 kg of eggs b. For 40 minutes in 25 degrees Celsius
c. For 10 minutes in 5 degrees Celsius
d. For 5 minutes in 25 degrees Celsius

Goal : How to Operate TV Set

Material : TV set and electricity
Steps :
1. To turn on the TV set
a. First, make sure that the TV set in the right voltage.
b. Next, plug the cable in.
c. Then, press the power button (ON-OFF).
d. After that, select the program.
e. Last, adjust the antenna to get the finest picture.
2. To turn off the TV set
a. First, switch off the power (ON-OFF).
b. Second, plug the cable out.
Note: If there is a remote control of the TV set, you can use it to operate the TV set easily.

45. What is the type of the text?

a. Narrative 47. Why should we adjust the antenna?
b. Descriptive a. To turn off the TV set
c. Procedure b. To get blurred picture
d. News Item c. To get finest picture
46. What is the goal of the text? d. To turn up the volume
a. How to choose a good TV set 48. What should we do first to turn off the
b. How to buy a TV set TV set?
c. How to operate TV set a. Plug the cable in
d. How to keep a TV set b. Plug the cable out
c. Switch off the power (ON-OFF)
d. Adjust the antenna


One day, a young wanderer got lost in the wood. Suddenly, he saw a light from an old
hut. He knocked on the door, and old woman opened it. She was crying. She said that a devil had
stolen her magic candle. The candle could grant anything she asked. The wanderer asked her
where the devil lived. “in a castle not far from here,” said the old woman.
The wanderer went to the castle. There he found the devil, but he was old and weak. Therefore,
when the wanderer grabbed the magic candle from the devil’s table and ran away, he couldn’t
chase him.
However, the wanderer was not a kind man. He didn’t return the candle to the old
woman, but kept it for himself. He lit the candle and made a wish, “I want to go far away from
Suddenly, a genie appeared and took him to a beautiful palace. The wanderer wanted to
make some money. So, he lit the candle again and wished for some jewelleries. He sold them to
the guests and was soon making a lot of money. Then, a princess came to buy some jewelleries,
but there was nothing left. The wanderer fell in love with her and asked her to marry him. The
kind princess said yes, and they got married the next day.
In his happiness, the wanderer told the princess about his adventure and the magic candle.
Hearing that, the princess got very angry. At night, she lit the candle and wished the wanderer
disappeared. In the morning the wanderer awoke and found himself back in his ugly house un the

49. Whose candle was it?

a. The young wanderer’s
b. The old woman
c. The devil’s
d. The writer’s
50. Which one is true according to the text?
a. The old woman didn’t open the door of the hut
b. The wanderer was very old and kind
c. The wanderer gave back the candle to the old woman
d. The first wanderer’s wish was going away from the hut

51. What can be learned from the text?

a. Be helpful to old people
b. Sold some jewelleries to make you rich
c. Bad deeds will get bad rewards too
d. Find magic candle to grant your wish
52. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To tell about past events
b. To discuss something
c. To explain the readers
d. To entertain the readers

Banyan tree is a huge tree with very extensive branches. It is said that at one time more than 10.
000 people can sit under its shade at one time. It is an evergreen tree.
It branches spread out and send trunk like roots to the ground in order to support itself. It grows
to a height of more than 21 meters and lives for many years. The leaves are 10-20 cm long and has many
aerial roots. The leaves are broad, oval and glossy. White milky fluid oozes out of leaves. if broken. It can
grow in to the giant tree covering several hectares.
The Banyan tree also has several medicinal properties. Its leaf, bark, seeds and fig are used for the
variety of disorders like diarrhoea, polyuria, dental, diabetes and urine disorders. The wood of the Banyan
tree is used in making door panels, boxes and the other items. Its bark is used for making paper and ropes.
The milky latex that comes from its leaves and stems is used in many Ayurvedic medicines.
Found in almost all the parts of India, Banyan tree is the National tree of India. It is grown
throughout the sub-Himalayan region and in the deciduous forests. They are also widely grown in the
Ranthambore National Park and Corbett National Park in India.
Banyan tree is respected and is considered as sacred by the people in India. In the sacred Hindu
Book 'Bhagwad Gita' Lord Krishna has sung praises on the Banyan tree. People in India grow Banyan
tree closer to the Peepal tree. As Banyan tree is considered as the male plant closely related to the Peepal
tree. It symbolizes Trimurti with Vishnu as the bark, Shiva as the branches and Brahma as the roots.
Indians considered Banyan tree as 'Kalpa Vriksha' the tree that fulfill all your wishes. The mighty Banyan
Tree is considered as immortal and has always been the focal point for the village communities in India. It
is probably the biggest and friendliest of all trees. Banyan tree is also known as the tree of knowledge and
tree of life.
53. What does the text describe? 55. Paragraph four tells us about...
a. Banyan Tree a. Identification of Banyan
b. Mahogahy Tree b. Benefit of Banyan
c. Mango Tree c. Habitat of Banyan
d. Palm Tree d. Body parts of Banyan
54. The Banyan tree also has several 56. Why is Banyan tree respected?
medicinal properties, such as for … a. Because it grows until 21 meters
a. Flu b. Because it has several medicine
b. Cough properties
c. Stomach ache c. Because it considered as the God
d. Diabetes d. Because it found in almost all the
parts of India
The biggest kind of cactus is the saguaro. If you drive through the state of
Arizona, you will see these huge cactuses standing like trees on the dry hills. A fully
grown saguaro can be 50 feet (15 meters) tall! That's as tall as a five-story building.
A saguaro grows very slowly. At first the trunk of the plant looks like a prickly
green pole. After it gets about 15 feet (about 5 meters) tall, it grows branches that
curve upward. Saguaro can live as long as 150 years. An older plant can have 20 or more
branches. Owls and other small desert animals make homes in the stems of the saguaro.

57. What is Saguaro?

a. Cactus
b. Papaya
c. Mango
d. Jasmine

58. Saguaro can be fully grown until ... feet.

a. 5
b. 10
c. 15
d. 50

59. Paragraph two tells us about...

a. The habitat of Saguaro
b. The identification of Saguaro
c. The growth process of Saguaro
d. The height of Saguaro

60. How old Saguaro can be?

a. 50 years old
b. 15 years old
c. 20 years old
d. 150 years old

61. From the text, we know that ...

a. The Saguaro can’t live long
b. The saguaro can grow as tall as four-story building
c. Many animals live in the Saguaro’s stem
d. The Saguaro is only found in the desert of Arizona

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