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Section 3 Section 4 Section 2.

5 Section 6 Section 7 Section

8 Section 9 Life history of a person
written by another
A. Autobiography
To examine one's own
thoughts and feelings B. Biography

A. Meditation C. Bibliography

B. Retrospection D. Memoir

C. Reflection Answer & Solution Discuss in

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D. Introspection
Answer & Solution
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Answer & Solution One word substitute is Biography.

Answer: Option D Autobiography: an account of a

Solution: person's life written by that person.
One word substitute is Introspection. Biography: an account of someone's
life written by someone else.
Meditation: the action or practice of Bibliography: a list of the books
meditating. referred to in a scholarly work,
Retrospection: the action of looking typically printed as an appendix.
back on or reviewing past events or Memoir: a historical account or
situations, especially those in one's biography written from personal
own life. knowledge.
Reflection: the throwing back by a
body or surface of light, heat, or
sound without absorbing it.
Bringing about gentle and
Introspection: the examination or
observation of one's own mental and painless death from
emotional processes. incurable disease
A. Suicide C. Deploy

B. Euphoria D. Disperse

C. Gallows Answer & Solution Discuss in

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D. Euthanasia
Answer & Solution
Answer & Solution Discuss in
Board Save for Later Answer: Option C
Answer & Solution One word substitute is Deploy.

Align: place or arrange (things) in a

Answer: Option D
Solution: straight line.
One word substitute is Euthanasia. Collocate: place side by side or in a
particular relation.
Suicide: the action of killing oneself Deploy: move (troops or equipment)
intentionally. into position for military action.
Euphoria: a feeling or state of intense Disperse: distribute or spread over a
excitement and happiness. wide area.
Gallows: a structure, typically of two 5.
uprights and a crosspiece, for the
hanging of criminals. Music sung or played at
Euthanasia: the painless killing of a
patient suffering from an incurable night below a person's
and painful disease or in an window
irreversible coma.
A. Serenade
B. Sonnet
To cause troops etc. to
spread out in readiness C. Lyric
for battle
D. Primo
A. Align

B. Collocate
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Answer: Option C
Answer & Solution Solution:
One word substitute is Antipathy.
Answer: Option A
Solution: Apathy: the quality of being well
One word substitute is Serenade. meaning; kindness.
Benevolence: intense dislike; hate.
Serenade: a piece of music sung or Antipathy: a deep-seated feeling of
played in the open air, typically by a aversion.
man at night under the window of his Goodwill: friendly, helpful, or
beloved. cooperative feelings or attitude.
Sonnet: a poem of fourteen lines
using any of a number of formal 7.
rhyme schemes, in English typically
having ten syllables per line. A small house with all
Lyric: (of poetry) expressing the rooms on one floor
writer's emotions, usually briefly and
in stanzas or recognized forms. A. Bungalow
Primo: the leading or upper part in a
duet. B. Cottage
C. Flat
Strong and settled dislike
D. Castle
between two persons
Answer & Solution Discuss in
A. Apathy
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B. Benevolence
Answer & Solution
C. Antipathy
Answer: Option A
D. Goodwill Solution:
One word substitute is Bungalow.
Answer & Solution Discuss in
Bungalow: a low house having only
Board Save for Later one storey or, in some cases, upper
rooms set in the roof, typically with Aristocracy: a form of government in
dormer windows. which power is held by the nobility.
Cottage: a small house, typically one
in the country. 9.
Flat: having a level surface; without
raised areas or indentations. Part of a church in which
Castle: a large building, typically of bells hang
the medieval period, fortified against
attack with thick walls, battlements, A. Minaret
towers, and in many cases a moat.
B. Chapel

Government by a single C. Belfry

D. Spire
A. Monarchy
Answer & Solution Discuss in

B. Autocracy Board Save for Later

Answer & Solution

C. Plutocracy

D. Aristocracy Answer: Option C

Answer & Solution Discuss in
One word substitute is Belfry.
Board Save for Later Minaret: a slender tower, typically
part of a mosque, with a balcony from
Answer & Solution which a muezzin calls Muslims to
Answer: Option B Chapel: a small building or room used
Solution: for Christian worship in a school,
One word substitute is Autocracy. prison, hospital, or large private
Monarchy: a form of government Belfry: the part of a bell tower or
with a monarch at the head. steeple in which bells are housed.
Autocracy: a system of government Spire: a tapering conical or pyramidal
by one person with absolute power. structure on the top of a building,
Plutocracy: government by the typically a church tower.
10. B. Agenda

An extremely deep crack C. Proceedings

or opening in the ground
D. Excerpts
A. Chasm
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B. Aperture Board Save for Later

C. Ditch Answer & Solution

D. Pit Answer: Option B

Answer & Solution Discuss in One word substitute is Agenda.
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Schedule: a plan for carrying out a
Answer & Solution process or procedure, giving lists of
intended events and times.
Agenda: a list of items to be discussed
Answer: Option A
at a formal meeting.
Proceedings: an event or a series of
One word substitute is Chasm.
activities involving a set procedure.
Excerpts: a short extract from a film,
Chasm: a deep fissure in the earth's
broadcast, or piece of music or
Aperture: an opening, hole, or gap.
Ditch: a narrow channel dug at the 12.
side of a road or field, to hold or carry
away water. The short remaining end
Pit: a coal mine.
of a cigarette
A. Stump
List of headings of the
business to be transacted B. Stub

at a meeting
C. Rag
A. Schedule
D. Scrap
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Answer & Solution Answer & Solution

Answer: Option B Answer: Option D

Solution: Solution:
One word substitute is Stub. One word substitute is Exodus.

Stump: the bottom part of a tree left Migration: seasonal movement of

projecting from the ground after most animals from one region to another.
of the trunk has fallen or been cut Emigration: the act of leaving one's
down. own country to settle permanently in
Stub: the truncated remnant of a another; moving abroad.
pencil, cigarette, or similar-shaped Immigration: the action of coming to
object after use. live permanently in a foreign country.
Rag: a piece of old cloth, especially Exodus: a mass departure of people.
one torn from a larger piece, used
typically for cleaning things. 14.
Scrap: a small piece or amount of
something, especially one that is left Voluntarily giving up
over after the greater part has been throne by king in favour
used. of his son
A. Abdication
Large scale departure of
B. Resurrection
A. Migration C. Accession

B. Emigration D. Renunciation

Answer & Solution Discuss in

C. Immigration
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D. Exodus
Answer & Solution

Answer: Option A
Solution: through elected representatives.
One word substitute is Abdication. Autocracy: a system of government
by one person with absolute power.
Abdication: an act of abdicating or Oligarchy: a small group of people
renouncing the throne. having control of a country or
Resurrection: the action or fact of organization.
resurrecting or being resurrected. Theocracy: a system of government in
Accession: the attainment or which priests rule in the name of God
acquisition of a position of rank or or a god.
Renunciation: the formal rejection of 16.
something, typically a belief, claim,
or course of action. One who despises
persons of lower social
A government run by a
A. Prim
B. Snob
A. Democracy

C. Prig
B. Autocracy

D. Aristocrat
C. Oligarchy
Answer & Solution Discuss in
D. Theocracy
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Answer & Solution
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Answer & Solution Answer: Option B

One word substitute is Snob.
Answer: Option B
Solution: Prim: feeling or showing disapproval
One word substitute is Autocracy. of anything regarded as improper;
stiffly correct.
Democracy: a system of government Snob: a person with an exaggerated
by the whole population or all the respect for high social position or
eligible members of a state, typically
wealth who seeks to associate with seeker.
social superiors and looks down on Epicure: a person who takes particular
those regarded as socially inferior. pleasure in fine food and drink.
Prig: a self-righteously moralistic Sensual: relating to or involving
person who behaves as if they are gratification of the senses and
superior to others. physical, especially sexual, pleasure.
Aristocrat: a member of the
aristocracy. 18.

17. A short, usually amusing,

story about some real
A person who believes
person or event
that pleasure is the chief
food A. Anecdote

A. Stoic B. Antidote

B. Hedonist C. Tale

C. Epicure D. Allegory

D. Sensual Answer & Solution Discuss in

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Answer & Solution Discuss in
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Answer & Solution Answer: Option A

Answer: Option B One word substitute is Anecdote.
One word substitute is Hedonist. Anecdote: a short amusing or
interesting story about a real incident
Stoic: a person who can endure pain or person.
or hardship without showing their Antidote: a medicine taken or given to
feelings or complaining. counteract a particular poison.
Hedonist: a person who believes that Tale: a fictitious or true narrative or
the pursuit of pleasure is the most story, especially one that is
important thing in life; a pleasure- imaginatively recounted.
Allegory: a story, poem, or picture 20.
that can be interpreted to reveal a
hidden meaning, typically a moral or A man of lax moral
political one.
A. Ruffian

Custom of having many B. Licentious

C. Pirate
A. Monogamy
D. Vagabond
B. Bigamy
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C. Polygamy Board Save for Later

Answer & Solution

D. Matrimony

Answer & Solution Discuss in Answer: Option B

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One word substitute is Licentious.
Answer & Solution
Ruffian: a violent person, especially
one involved in crime.
Answer: Option C Licentious: promiscuous and
Solution: unprincipled in sexual matters.
One word substitute is Polygamy. Pirate: a person who attacks and robs
ships at sea.
Monogamy: the practice of marrying Vagabond: a person who wanders
or state of being married to one from place to place without a home or
person at a time. job.
Bigamy: the offence of marrying
someone while already married to 21.
another person.
Polygamy: the practice or custom of One who forcibly seizes
having more than one wife or husband control of a bus
at the same time.
Matrimony: the state of being A. Pirate
married; marriage.
B. Swindler D. Aristocracy

C. Hijacker Answer & Solution Discuss in

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D. Pilferer
Answer & Solution
Answer & Solution Discuss in
Board Save for Later Answer: Option D
Answer & Solution One word substitute is Aristocracy.

Democracy: a system of government

Answer: Option C
Solution: by the whole population or all the
One word substitute is Hijacker. eligible members of a state, typically
through elected representatives.
Pirate: a person who attacks and robs Bureaucracy: a system of government
ships at sea. in which most of the important
Swindler: a person who uses decisions are taken by state officials
deception to deprive someone of rather than by elected representatives.
money or possessions. Autocracy: a system of government
Hijacker: a person who illegally by one person with absolute power.
seizes an aircraft, ship, or vehicle Aristocracy: a form of government in
while in transit and forces it to go to a which power is held by the nobility.
different destination or uses it for 23.
their own purposes.
Pilferer: a person who steals.
A person who has no
22. money to pay off his
A government by the
nobles A. Debtor

A. Democracy B. Pauper

B. Bureaucracy C. Beggar

C. Autocracy D. Insolvent
Answer & Solution Discuss in One word substitute is Hymn.
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Lyric: (of poetry) expressing the
Answer & Solution writer's emotions, usually briefly and
in stanzas or recognized forms.
Ode: a lyric poem, typically one in the
Answer: Option D form of an address to a particular
Solution: subject, written in varied or irregular
One word substitute is Insolvent. metre.
Hymn: a religious song or poem of
Debtor: a person, country, or praise to God or a god.
organization that owes money. Ballad: a poem or song narrating a
Pauper: a very poor person. story in short stanzas. Traditional
Beggar: a person, typically a homeless ballads are typically of unknown
one, who lives by asking for money or authorship, having been passed on
food. orally from one generation to the next.
Insolvent: unable to pay debts owed.
Practice of a married
A song embodying
woman having extra
religious and sacred
marital relationship
A. Polygamy
A. Lyric
B. Puberty
B. Ode
C. Lechery
C. Hymn
D. Adultery
D. Ballad
Answer & Solution Discuss in
Answer & Solution Discuss in
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Answer & Solution
Answer & Solution
Answer: Option D
Answer: Option C Solution:
One word substitute is Adultery. Bibliomania: passionate enthusiasm
for collecting and possessing books.
Polygamy: the practice or custom of Kleptomania: a recurrent urge to steal,
having more than one wife or husband typically without regard for need or
at the same time. profit.
Puberty: the period during which
adolescents reach sexual maturity and 27.
become capable of reproduction.
Lechery: excessive or offensive The study of ancient
sexual desire; lustfulness. societies
Adultery: voluntary sexual
intercourse between a married person A. History
and a person who is not their spouse.
B. Anthropology

Mania for talking C. Ethnology

A. Logomania D. Archaeology

B. Pyromania Answer & Solution Discuss in

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C. Bibliomania
Answer & Solution
D. Kleptomania
Answer: Option D
Answer & Solution Discuss in Solution:
Board Save for Later One word substitute is Archaeology.

Answer & Solution History: the study of past events,

particularly in human affairs.
Anthropology: the study of human
Answer: Option A societies and cultures and their
Solution: development.
One word substitute is Logomania. Ethnology: the study of the
characteristics of different peoples
Logomania: pathologically excessive and the differences and relationships
(and often incoherent) talking. between them.
Pyromania: an obsessive desire to set Archaeology: the study of human
fire to things. history and prehistory through the
excavation of sites and the analysis of decisions are taken by state officials
artefacts and other physical remains. rather than by elected representatives.

28. 29.

A process involving too The place where public,

much official formality government or historical
records are kept
A. Nepotism
A. Coffer
B. Diplomacy
B. Pantry
C. Red-tapism
C. Scullery
D. Bureaucracy
D. Archives
Answer & Solution Discuss in
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Answer & Solution
Answer & Solution
Answer: Option C
Solution: Answer: Option D
One word substitute is Red-tapism. Solution:
One word substitute is Archives.
Nepotism: the practice among those
with power or influence of favouring Coffer: a strongbox or small chest for
relatives or friends, especially by holding valuables.
giving them jobs. Pantry: a small room or cupboard in
Diplomacy: the profession, activity, or which food, crockery, and cutlery are
skill of managing international kept.
relations, typically by a country's Scullery: a small kitchen or room at
representatives abroad. the back of a house used for washing
Red-tapism: the practice of requiring dishes and other dirty household
excessive paperwork and tedious work.
procedures before official action can Archives: a collection of historical
be considered or completed. documents or records providing
Bureaucracy: a system of government
in which most of the important
information about a place, institution, Transit: the carrying of people or
or group of people. things from one place to another.

30. 31.

Lottery in which an article Child bereaved of one or

is assigned by lot to one both the parents
of those buying tickets
A. Desolate
A. Auction
B. Destitute
B. Raffle
C. Orphan
C. Audit
D. Lout
D. Transit
Answer & Solution Discuss in
Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later
Board Save for Later
Answer & Solution
Answer & Solution
Answer: Option C
Answer: Option B Solution:
Solution: One word substitute is Orphan.
One word substitute is Raffle.
Desolate: (of a place) uninhabited and
Auction: a public sale in which goods giving an impression of bleak
or property are sold to the highest emptiness.
bidder. Destitute: extremely poor and lacking
Raffle: a means of raising money by the means to provide for oneself.
selling numbered tickets, one or some Orphan: a child whose parents are
of which are subsequently drawn at dead.
random, the holder or holders of such Lout: an uncouth and aggressive man
tickets winning a prize. or boy.
Audit: an official inspection of an
organization's accounts, typically by
an independent body.
One who always runs B. Amnesia
away from danger
C. Superannuation
A. Escapist
D. Convalescence
B. Timid
Answer & Solution Discuss in
C. Brave Board Save for Later

D. Shirker Answer & Solution

Answer & Solution Discuss in Answer: Option D

Board Save for Later Solution:
One word substitute is Convalescence.
Answer & Solution
Hysteria: exaggerated or
uncontrollable emotion or excitement.
Answer: Option B
Amnesia: a partial or total loss of
One word substitute is Timid.
Superannuation: regular payment
made into a fund by an employee
Escapist: a person who seeks
towards a future pension.
distraction and relief from unpleasant
Convalescence: time spent recovering
realities, especially in the form of
from an illness or medical treatment;
entertainment or fantasy.
Timid: showing a lack of courage or
confidence; easily frightened. 34.
Brave: ready to face and endure
danger or pain; showing courage. Commencement of words
Shirker: avoid or neglect (a duty or
responsibility). with the same letter

33. A. Rhyme

Gradual recovery from B. Alliteration

C. Pun
A. Hysteria
D. Oxymoron
Answer & Solution Discuss in D. Concubine
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Answer & Solution Discuss in
Answer & Solution Board Save for Later

Answer: Option B Answer & Solution

One word substitute is Alliteration. Answer: Option C
Rhyme: correspondence of sound One word substitute is Prostitute.
between words or the endings of
words, especially when these are used Voluptuary: a person devoted to
at the ends of lines of poetry. luxury and sensual pleasure.
Alliteration: the occurrence of the Cuckold: a man whose wife is
same letter or sound at the beginning sexually unfaithful, often regarded as
of adjacent or closely connected an object of derision.
words. Prostitute: a person, in particular a
Pun: a joke exploiting the different woman, who engages in sexual
possible meanings of a word or the activity for payment.
fact that there are words which sound Concubine: a woman who lives with a
alike but have different meanings. man but has lower status than his wife
Oxymoron: a figure of speech in or wives.
which apparently contradictory terms
appear in conjunction. 36.
35. A person who does not
believe in any religion
Woman who offers the
use of her body for sexual A. Philatelist
intercourse to any one
who will pay for this B. Rationalist

A. Voluptuary C. Atheist

B. Cuckold D. Pagan

C. Prostitute Answer & Solution Discuss in

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Answer & Solution Solution:
One word substitute is Pen.

Answer: Option D Cellar: a room below ground level in

Solution: a house, often used for storing wine or
One word substitute is Pagan. coal.
Sty: a pigsty.
Philatelist: a person who "loves Pen: a small enclosure in which
stamps." sheep, pigs, or other farm animals are
Rationalist: a person who bases their kept.
opinions and actions on reason and Lair: a place where a wild animal
knowledge rather than on religious lives.
belief or emotional response.
Atheist: a person who disbelieves or 38.
lacks belief in the existence of God or
gods. The act of killing one's
Pagan: a person holding religious wife
beliefs other than those of the main
world religions. A. Genocide
B. Uxoricide
A small enclosure for
C. Canicide
cattle, sheep, poultry etc.
A. Cellar D. Avicide

B. Sty Answer & Solution Discuss in

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C. Pen
Answer & Solution
D. Lair
Answer: Option B
Answer & Solution Discuss in Solution:
One word substitute is Uxoricide.
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Answer & Solution Genocide: the deliberate killing of a

large group of people, especially
those of a particular nation or ethnic
Answer: Option C group.
Uxoricide: the killing of one's wife. An entertainer who
Canicide: the killing of a dog.
Avicide: substance (normally, a
performs difficult physical
chemical) which can be used to kill actions
A. Clown
B. Gymnast
Anything written in a
letter after it is signed C. Magician

A. Posterity D. Acrobat

B. Postdiction Answer & Solution Discuss in

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C. Postscript
Answer & Solution
D. Corrigendum
Answer: Option D
Answer & Solution Discuss in
Board Save for Later One word substitute is Acrobat.

Answer & Solution Clown: a comic entertainer, especially

one in a circus, wearing a traditional
Answer: Option C costume and exaggerated make-up.
Solution: Gymnast: a person trained or skilled
One word substitute is Postscript. in gymnastics.
Magician: a person with magical
Posterity: all future generations of powers.
people. Acrobat: an entertainer who performs
Postdiction: explanation after the fact. spectacular gymnastic feats.
Postscript: an additional remark at the
end of a letter, after the signature and 41.
introduced by ‘PS’.
Corrigendum: a thing to be corrected,
The policy of extending a
typically an error in a printed book. country's empire and
A. Imperialism A workman who fits and
repairs pipes
B. Capitalism
A. Mechanic
C. Internationalism
B. Blacksmith
D. Communism
C. Plumber
Answer & Solution Discuss in
Board Save for Later D. Technocrat

Answer & Solution Answer & Solution Discuss in

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Answer: Option A
Solution: Answer & Solution
One word substitute is Imperialism.
Answer: Option C
Imperialism: a policy of extending a Solution:
country's power and influence through One word substitute is Plumber.
colonization, use of military force, or
other means. Mechanic: a skilled worker who
Capitalism: an economic and political repairs and maintains vehicle engines
system in which a country's trade and and other machinery.
industry are controlled by private Blacksmith: a person who makes and
owners for profit, rather than by the repairs things in iron by hand.
state. Plumber: a person who fits and
Internationalism: the state or process repairs the pipes, fittings, and other
of being international. apparatus of water supply, sanitation,
Communism: a theory or system of or heating systems.
social organization in which all Technocrat: an exponent or advocate
property is owned by the community of technocracy.
and each person contributes and
receives according to their ability and 43.
The custom of having
more than one husband at
the same time
A. Polygamy D. Theomania

B. Polyandry Answer & Solution Discuss in

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C. Debauchery
Answer & Solution
D. Bigamy
Answer: Option D
Answer & Solution Discuss in Solution:
Board Save for Later One word substitute is Theomania.

Answer & Solution Blasphemy: the action or offence of

speaking sacrilegiously about God or
sacred things; profane talk.
Answer: Option B Theocracy: a system of government in
which priests rule in the name of God
One word substitute is Polyandry.
or a god.
Paranoia: a mental condition
Polygamy: the practice or custom of
characterized by delusions of
having more than one wife or husband
persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or
at the same time.
exaggerated self-importance, typically
Polyandry: polygamy in which a
worked into an organized system. It
woman has more than one husband.
may be an aspect of chronic
Debauchery: excessive indulgence in
personality disorder, of drug abuse, or
sex, alcohol, or drugs.
of a serious condition such as
Bigamy: the offence of marrying
schizophrenia in which the person
someone while already married to
loses touch with reality.
another person.
Theomania: a mental illness in which
44. the patient believes him/herself to be
a god or to be possessed by one.
The foolish belief that one 45.
is god
Person who brings an
A. Blasphemy
action at law
B. Theocracy A. Plaintiff

C. Paranoia B. Litigant
C. Deponent Answer & Solution Discuss in
Board Save for Later
D. Defendant
Answer & Solution
Answer & Solution Discuss in
Board Save for Later Answer: Option C
Answer & Solution One word substitute is Honorary.

Voluntary: done, given, or acting of

Answer: Option A
Solution: one's own free will.
One word substitute is Plaintiff. Sinecure: a position requiring little or
no work but giving the holder status
Plaintiff: a person who brings a case or financial benefit.
against another in a court of law. Honorary: (of an office or its holder)
Litigant: a person involved in a unpaid.
lawsuit. Involuntary: done without will or
Deponent: (of a verb, especially in conscious control.
Latin or Greek) passive or middle in 47.
form but active in meaning.
Defendant: an individual, company,
To send an unwanted
or institution sued or accused in a
court of law. person out of the country

46. A. Exclude

A post without B. Ostracise

C. Deport
A. Voluntary
D. Expatriate
B. Sinecure
Answer & Solution Discuss in
C. Honorary Board Save for Later

D. Involuntary Answer & Solution

Answer: Option C
Solution: Legacy: an amount of money or
One word substitute is Deport. property left to someone in a will.
Property: a thing or things belonging
Exclude: deny (someone) access to a to someone; possessions collectively.
place, group, or privilege.
Ostracise: exclude from a society or 49.
Deport: exile (a native) to another A poem written on the
country. death of someone loved
Expatriate: a person who lives outside
and lost
their native country.

48. A. Ode

Gift left by will B. Epic

A. Alimony C. Sonnet

B. Parimony D. Elegy

C. Legacy Answer & Solution Discuss in

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D. Property
Answer & Solution
Answer & Solution Discuss in
Board Save for Later Answer: Option D
Answer & Solution One word substitute is Elegy.

Ode: a lyric poem, typically one in the

Answer: Option C
Solution: form of an address to a particular
One word substitute is Legacy. subject, written in varied or irregular
Alimony: a husband's (or wife's) Epic: a long poem, typically one
provision for a spouse after separation derived from ancient oral tradition,
or divorce; maintenance. narrating the deeds and adventures of
Parimony: Monthly installment of heroic or legendary figures or the past
funds from parents to offspring after history of a nation.
moving out. Sonnet: a poem of fourteen lines
using any of a number of formal extremely severe or harmful in its
rhyme schemes, in English typically effects.
having ten syllables per line.
Elegy: (in modern literature) a poem 51.
of serious reflection, typically a
lament for the dead. An office or post with no
work but high pay
A. Honorary
One who is determined to
exact full vengeance for B. Sinecure
wrongs done to him
C. Gratis
A. Vindicator
D. Ex-officio
B. Usurer
Answer & Solution Discuss in
C. Vindictive Board Save for Later

D. Virulent Answer & Solution

Answer & Solution Discuss in Answer: Option B

Board Save for Later Solution:
One word substitute is Sinecure.
Answer & Solution
Honorary: conferred as an honour,
Answer: Option C
without the usual requirements or
Solution: functions.
One word substitute is Vindictive. Sinecure: a position requiring little or
no work but giving the holder status
Vindicator: a person who clears or financial benefit.
someone of blame or suspicion. Gratis: without charge; free.
Usurer: a person who lends money at Ex-officio: by virtue of one's position
unreasonably high rates of interest. or status.
Vindictive: having or showing a
strong or unreasoning desire for
Virulent: (of a disease or poison)
A person who is against Mental weariness for want
the standards of ordinary of occupation
society especially in
A. Fatigue
B. Ennui
A. Joker

C. Languor
B. Hippy

D. Debility
C. Scapegoat
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D. Butt
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Answer & Solution Answer: Option B

One word substitute is Ennui.
Answer: Option B
Solution: Fatigue: extreme tiredness resulting
One word substitute is Hippy. from mental or physical exertion or
Joker: a person who is fond of joking. Ennui: a feeling of listlessness and
Hippy: a person of unconventional dissatisfaction arising from a lack of
appearance, typically having long occupation or excitement.
hair, associated with a subculture Languor: tiredness or inactivity,
involving a rejection of conventional especially when pleasurable.
values and the taking of Debility: physical weakness,
hallucinogenic drugs. especially as a result of illness.
Scapegoat: a person who is blamed
for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or 54.
faults of others, especially for reasons
of expediency. A person living
Butt: (of a person or animal) hit
permanently in a certain
(someone or something) with the head
or horns. place

53. A. Native
B. Resident D. Gnaw

C. Domicile Answer & Solution Discuss in

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D. Subject
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Answer & Solution One word substitute is Swat.

Hew: chop or cut (something,

Answer: Option B
Solution: especially wood or coal) with an axe,
One word substitute is Domicile. pick, or other tool.
Swat: hit or crush (something,
Native: a person born in a specified especially an insect) with a sharp
place or associated with a place by blow from a flat object.
birth, whether subsequently resident Chop: cut (something) into pieces
there or not. with repeated sharp blows of an axe
Resident: a person who lives or knife.
somewhere permanently or on a long- Gnaw: bite at or nibble something
term basis. persistently.
Domicile: a person's residence or 56.
Subject: a person or thing that is One who is unrelenting
being discussed, described, or dealt
with. and cannot be moved by
A. Inexorable
To slap with a flat object
B. Infallible
A. Hew
C. Impregnable
B. Swat
D. Inexplicable
C. Chop
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Infectious: (of a disease or disease-
Answer & Solution causing organism) liable to be
transmitted to people, organisms, etc.
through the environment.
Answer: Option A Contagious: (of a disease) spread
Solution: from one person or organism to
One word substitute is Inexorable. another, typically by direct contact.
Contiguous: sharing a common
Inexorable: (of a person) impossible border; touching.
to persuade; unrelenting. Contextual: depending on or relating
Infallible: incapable of making to the circumstances that form the
mistakes or being wrong. setting for an event, statement, or
Impregnable: (of a fortified position) idea.
unable to be captured or broken into.
Inexplicable: unable to be explained 58.
or accounted for.
Person who believes that
God is every thing and
A disease which spreads everything is god
by contact
A. Agnostic
A. Infectious
B. Theist
B. Contagious
C. Pantheist
C. Contiguous
D. Pantechnicon
D. Contextual
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Answer: Option C
Answer: Option B
One word substitute is Pantheist. One word substitute is Homonym.

Agnostic: a person who believes that Homonym: each of two or more

nothing is known or can be known of words having the same spelling or
the existence or nature of God. pronunciation but different meanings
Theist: a person who believes in the and origins.
existence of a god or gods, Synonym: a word or phrase that
specifically of a creator who means exactly or nearly the same as
intervenes in the universe. another word or phrase in the same
Pantheist: person who believes that language, for example shut is a
reality is identical with divinity, or synonym of close.
that all-things compose an all- Acronym: an abbreviation formed
encompassing, immanent god. from the initial letters of other words
Pantechnicon: a large van for and pronounced as a word.
transporting furniture. Antonym: a word opposite in meaning
to another (e.g. bad and good ).
Words different in
meaning but similar in A person who regards the
sound whole world as his
A. Homonym
A. Patriot
B. Synonym
B. Nationalist
C. Acronym
C. Cosmopolitan
D. Antonym
D. Metropolitan
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Answer: Option A
Solution: Answer: Option C
One word substitute is Cosmopolitan. One word substitute is Armistice.

Patriot: a person who vigorously Affidavit: a written statement

supports their country and is prepared confirmed by oath or affirmation, for
to defend it against enemies or use as evidence in court.
detractors. Agreement: harmony or accordance in
Nationalist: a person who strongly opinion or feeling.
identifies with their own nation and Armistice: an agreement made by
vigorously supports its interests, opposing sides in a war to stop
especially to the exclusion or fighting for a certain time; a truce.
detriment of the interests of other Amnesty: an official pardon for
nations. people who have been convicted of
Cosmopolitan: familiar with and at political offences.
ease in many different countries and
cultures. 62.
Metropolitan: relating to or denoting a
metropolis or large city. Having no beginning or
end to its existence
A. Eternal
The cessation of warfare
before a treaty is signed B. Obscure

A. Affidavit C. Universal

B. Agreement D. Immeasurable

C. Armistice Answer & Solution Discuss in

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D. Amnesty
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Answer: Option A
Answer & Solution One word substitute is Eternal.

Answer: Option C Eternal: lasting or existing forever;

Solution: without end.
Obscure: not discovered or known
about; uncertain. 64.
Universal: relating to or done by all
people or things in the world or in a Belief or opinion contrary
particular group; applicable to all
cases. to what is generally
Immeasurable: too large, extensive, or accepted
extreme to measure.
A. Unbelief
B. Superstition
One who cannot die
C. Non-conformity
A. Stable

D. Heresy
B. Immortal
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C. Perpetual
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D. Perennial Answer & Solution
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Answer: Option D
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One word substitute is Heresy.
Answer & Solution
Unbelief: lack of religious belief; an
Answer: Option B absence of faith.
Solution: Superstition: excessively credulous
One word substitute is Immortal. belief in and reverence for the
Stable: (of an object or structure) not Non-conformity: the principles or
likely to give way or overturn; firmly practice of Nonconformists,
fixed. especially Protestant dissent.
Immortal: living forever; never dying Heresy: belief or opinion contrary to
or decaying. orthodox religious (especially
Perpetual: never ending or changing. Christian) doctrine.
Perennial: lasting or existing for a
long or apparently infinite time; 65.
enduring or continually recurring.
A disease which ends in C. Scrap
D. Bit
A. Contagious
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B. Harmless Board Save for Later

C. Fatal Answer & Solution

D. Safe Answer: Option B

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Chunk: a thick, solid piece of
Answer & Solution something.
Chip: a thin slice of food (typically
potato) made crisp by being fried,
Answer: Option C baked, or dried and eaten as a snack.
Solution: Scrap: a small piece or amount of
One word substitute is Fatal. something, especially one that is left
over after the greater part has been
Contagious: (of a disease) spread used.
from one person or organism to Bit: a short time or distance.
another, typically by direct contact.
Harmless: not able or likely to cause 67.
Fatal: causing death. Line at which the earth or
Safe: protected from or not exposed to sea and sky seem to meet
danger or risk; not likely to be harmed
or lost. A. Horizon
B. Zenith
A small piece of potato
C. Fringe
A. Chunk
D. Plinth
B. Chip
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Answer: Option D
Answer & Solution Solution:
One word substitute is Connoisseur.
Answer: Option A
Solution: Veteran: a person who has had long
One word substitute is Horizon. experience in a particular field.
Philistine: a person who is hostile or
Horizon: the line at which the earth's indifferent to culture and the arts.
surface and the sky appear to meet. Dilettante: a person who cultivates an
Zenith: the time at which something area of interest, such as the arts,
is most powerful or successful. without real commitment or
Fringe: an ornamental border of knowledge.
threads left loose or formed into Connoisseur: an expert judge in
tassels or twists, used to edge clothing matters of taste.
or material.
Plinth: a heavy base supporting a 69.
statue or vase.
Murder of a brother
A. Patricide
One who is well-versed in
any subject; a critical B. Regicide
judge of any art,
C. Homicide
particularly fine arts
A. Veteran D. Fratricide

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B. Philistine
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C. Dilettante
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D. Connoisseur
Answer: Option D
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One word substitute is Fratricide.
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Patricide: the killing of one's father. especially by the generous donation of
Regicide: the action of killing a king. money to good causes.
Homicide: the killing of one person by
Fratricide: the killing of one's brother
or sister.


One who loves all and


A. Optimist

B. Humanist

C. Altruist

D. Philanthropist

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Answer: Option D
One word substitute is Philanthropist.

Optimist: a person who tends to be

hopeful and confident about the future
or the success of something.
Humanist: an advocate or follower of
the principles of humanism.
Altruist: unselfish concern for the
welfare of others.
Philanthropist: a person who seeks to
promote the welfare of others,

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