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Name Siti Syazliana Binti | Faculty Engineering Technology Md Saad Experiment | 2 ‘es ur sien Onn laa Matric No. | AN220087 laboratory | Chemical Engineering UTH M Technology Date No. Group No. |2 Experiment _| Identification of Alcohols Title and Phenols 1) Objective: To identify whether the known and unknown is a primary alcohol, secondary alcohol, tertiary alcohol, and phenol based on the different conducted tests. 2) Instrument/ Apparatus/ Chemical/ Reagents a) Chemicals/ Reagents i) Lbutanol ii) 2-butanol ili) 2-methyl-2-propanol iv) Phenol v) Lucas Reagent vi) Bordwells Reagent vii) 1% Fecl3 Caution: Chromic acid and Lucas reagent are both very corrosive, Any spill should be immediately flushed with water. Phenol is toxic and contact with it can cause burns to the skin. (Any contact should be thoroughly washed with large quantities of water. Use gloves with these reagents) b) Apparatus/ Instruments i) pH paper il) Beaker ili) Thermometer iv) Hot Water v) Watch glass vi) Test tube (100 x 13mm) 3) Procedure: In this experiment, we will test the four known alcohols and one unknown alcohol: a) 1-butanol (primary alcohol) b) 2:butanol (secondary alcohol) ©) 2-methyl-2-propanol (tertiary alcohol) d) Phenol (aq,), sat e) An assigned UNKNOWN which is labeled A, 8, C, D Scanned with CamScanner AY SOLUBILITY 7667. wee | ABO LS 2-melhy!-2-propanal v © labeled ec Tesd tubes Qoux 1amm) ¥ y "butanol 3=bua} “unknown : @. Zs Place 10 drops of each * dite by mixing i ' with 3 “ML distilled U retuned the labeled Poh 3 WL aati Plate 2 mL of a prepared Water solution of phenot- @ If Imo Separate 464 tubes, * Do nol add water ! ® Record the obtervaton tn data table - B) FLAMMABILNY 1651: () Inthe Fume Hod’ place Swatch giaser EY ul 6-7 drops Oeuc Peach known A\cohol and unknown M0 the wach g)ass- @ open the fume hood barrier 40 higher poivtion and ight a match oufsid the fume hood and bring tH toveach of the SI Look for a ff i @ Hi gh flame ond +P there S a flame Adermine he colour Noe Do nol use gloves duyi « f coughy bs ie oo Flame tel ag theg will met i aud i!) Dispose of any te maing solution down the sink wilh SoaPyY wader - © Record the data ty data table. Scanned with CamScanner ¢) AGIDIM 16S7- () Test ahe pl of each of the aqueous sofutionc: ~> Test! dube filled Sage | sojinn - & glass rod ’ é 4a A dip the glas¢ fo Wea broad pil paper om beter a drop meatier Pops ; of liquid to pH paper Cees pil range 1-12) @) Record the observatnns and compare the colour 4o the chard on the Arspencer - B) Lucas TES] A lobeted with known alcohols 0) e& rest tubes ‘ J (clean sary) and unkhown- © 100413 mm) ® c~ Add | mb of Lucas x Lucas Reagent veagent and mix wen. zink chiowde + Hydrochiowc aud. Co cover Bach tub . @ cap: ¢ with *# Tapping the tect tupe harchiy with finger tor a Few Second, © mixture of A Remov e alcohol and Iwas reagend Me caP afte mixing. Le; “ 6 1 the dest tube et for S min and observe Yor any n oudines or changer during the. per # Tf there (S no ‘Gloucs nee udi \ mM water both (uns, after Ig Min. warm the tes 4 4 Ybes for 15 min 6) Record the observatiens OTe : Nate pipe the waste in the "2hhe / organic wae 3 ee Red test dubes with @ smay Ghee oe ‘Spoce of the vinge tn the same mao Scanned with CamScanner F) BORDWELL TEST C chromic acid rest) | ROWELL TEST C chromic acid test 0 Ge Place § drops each Sample 4S before: flabettedt tes Jubes) © ve #Add 10 drops of acetone + a drops of Bordwells reagend to each test tube- @ Place the 4es} dubes in 69% water bath for 5 min- ©) Examine the Colour of each ‘solytion (Remember , she toss of brown-red ond the formation of blue-green 1s postve 4est ) @ Record ebservatton in data table- Mote : Dispore ef waste in the . : chromium Jorganic wasie” contaraer. Rinse tesy tubes with q «¢ ae mal ’ of the rince in thy sane ion of acetone and dispose F) PHENOL 1687. Add 5 drops of each test sample according fo the lable. > labeled tect tube as before # Clean dry (100x493 mm) @ V7 ato each 461 tube add 2-3 drops of 1% Fells. ( txamine the colour of each Solution - C Ton (OT) chlovide is orange -Yehow to start with. a positive vesull is a change of colour to blye / purple ) Record observation in data table - MBS: Dispose the wast, th the M ej Trt Horganic waste” container - nse your eq fubes with 4 small atoynt of acetone and dispose oF the vine fn the Same container. Scanned with CamScanner 4) Precaution steps: Organic compounds are extremely flammable. Use small amounts of the compounds, and do not use bunsen burners in the organic chemistry laboratory. ii i iv. 5) Summary: Keep the organic solvents under the fume hood. ‘Avoid touching the chemicals with bare skin, Dispose the waste into the correct place Wear your safety goggles. i, Alcohol can be classified into 3 classes of alcohol which is primary, secondary, and tertiary, ii, Phenol is a compound that can be soluble in water. It acts as a weak acid in water so a solution of phenol will be slightly acidic. Scanned with CamScanner

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