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Republic of the Philippines


Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No. 1 : BOSH-1STSEM-2020-2021

College: Engineering
Campus: Bambang


PROGRAM Science in
SPECIALIZATION Electrical Engg COURSE TITLE Basic Occupational Safety and Health




1. Overview of OSH
2. Philippine Occupational Safety and Health Standards (R.A. No. 11058)
3. Promoting safety and health as an Engineer’s Professional and Ethical


This lesson deals with the overview of BOSH, Republic Act No. 11058 and promoting safety and
health as an Engineer’s Professional and Ethical Responsibility.


At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to :

1. Understand OSH (Occupational Safety and Health);

2. Learn and Understand the Republic Act No. 11058; and
3. understand and promote safety and health as an Engineer’s Professional and Ethical



What is Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)?

Occupational safety and health (OSH) is generally defined as the science of the
anticipation, recognition, evaluation and control of hazards arising in or from the workplace
that could impair the health and well-being of workers, taking into account the possible impact
on the surrounding communities and the general environment. This domain is necessarily vast,
encompassing a large number of disciplines and numerous workplace and environmental
hazards. A wide range of structures, skills, knowledge and analytical capacities are needed to
coordinate and implement all of the “building blocks” that make up national OSH systems so
that protection is extended to both workers and the environment.
The scope of occupational safety and health has evolved gradually and continuously in
response to social, political, technological and economic changes. In recent years, globalization
of the world’s economies and its repercussions have been perceived as the greatest force for
change in the world of work, and consequently in the scope of occupational safety and health,
in both positive and negative ways. Liberalization of world trade, rapid technological progress,
significant developments in transport and communication, shifting patterns of employment,
changes in work organization practices, the different employment patterns of men and women,
and the size, structure and life cycles of enterprises and of new technologies can all generate
new types and patterns of hazards, exposures and risks.
Demographic changes and population movements, and the consequent pressures on
the global environment, can also affect safety and health in the world of work. Occupational

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Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No. 1 : BOSH-1STSEM-2020-2021

safety and health is a discipline with a broad scope involving three major fields – Occupational Safety,
Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene.
Occupational safety deals with understanding the causes of accidents at work and ways to
prevent unsafe act and unsafe conditions in any workplace. Safety at work discusses concepts on good
housekeeping, proper materials handling and storage, machine safety, electrical safety, fire prevention
and control, safety inspection, and accident investigation.
Occupational health is a broad concept which explains how the different hazards and risks at
work may cause an illness and emphasizes that health programs are essential in controlling work-
related and/or occupational diseases.
Industrial hygiene discusses the identification, evaluation, and control of physical, chemical,
biological and ergonomic hazards.
“In its broadest sense, OSH aims at:
a. the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and social
well-being of workers in all occupations;
b. the prevention of adverse health effects of the working conditions;
c. the placing and maintenance of workers in an occupational environment adapted to
physical and mental needs; and
d. the adaptation of work to humans (and NOT the other way around).
In other words, occupational health and safety encompasses the social, mental and
physical well-being of workers, that is, the “whole person”.
Successful occupational health and safety practice requires the collaboration and
participation of both employers and workers in health and safety programs, and involves
the consideration of issues relating to occupational medicine, industrial hygiene,
toxicology, education, engineering safety, ergonomics, psychology, etc.
Occupational health issues are often given less attention than occupational safety
issues because the former are generally more difficult to confront. However, when health
is addressed, so is safety - a healthy workplace is by definition also a safe workplace.
The reverse, though, may not be true - a so-called safe workplace is not necessarily also
a healthy workplace. The important point is that both health and safety issues must be
addressed in every workplace.” (Your health and safety at work: INTRODUCTION TO
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY, International Labour Organization, accessed 25 April 2005

The terms hazard and risk are often interchanged. Because you will be encountering
these throughout the course it is a must that you understand the difference between
Hazard – a source or situation with a potential to cause harm in terms of injury, ill
health, damage to property, damage to the environment or a combination of these.
Risk – a combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event with
specified period or in specified circumstances and the severity of injury or damage to the
health of people, property, environment or any combination of these caused by the

The hazards affecting the workplace under each major area should be detected,
identified, controlled and, at best, prevented from occurring by the safety and health
officer of the company. Occupational safety and health should be integrated in every
step of the work process, starting from storage and use of raw materials, the
manufacture of products, release of by-products, use of various equipment and ensuring
a non-hazardous or risk-free work environment.
Our discussions will therefore flow from the three major areas of OSH and then on to
the part where you will prepare a re-entry plan to apply what you have learned in your
specific workplace. If you are not working yet, we can simulate a company, a household
or a community that will benefit from your re-entry plan.

2. Republic Act No. 11058 (Philippine Occupational Safety and Health Standards)

..\..\..\Users\jojo\OneDrive - Nueva Vizcaya State University\modules\module\BOSH\2.-RA-

You may also search the RA 11058 in the internet.

3. Promote safety and health as an Engineer’s Professional and Ethical Responsibility

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Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No. 1 : BOSH-1STSEM-2020-2021

Engineering Ethics - Responsibility for Safety

Promoting safety. Until now, we have come across many reasons why an engineer needs to be
responsible. The responsible engineers follow the codes of ethics to avoid unnecessary problems. The
problems majorly occur in two different ways. One of them is when you can assess and the other is
when you cannot. A mistake made by an engineer at work may result in huge losses.
An engineer is supposed to assess the risks of his experiments. The disasters do occur at times,
though enough care is taken, as stated in the examples given in previous chapters. But knowing all the
possibilities, if an engineer neglects the precautions, the results can be really disastrous. So, let us try
to analyze the importance of safety in engineering.
Safety and Risk
The terms of safety and risk are inter-related. It is amazing to know that what may be safe enough for
one person may not be for someone else. It is because of either different perceptions about what is
safe or different predispositions to harm.
For better understanding, let us explore safety and risk further.
According to William W Lowrance, the famous consultant of those times, Safety was defined as “A
thing is safe if its risks are judged to be acceptable.”
To be more clear on this, let us consider three cases.
Let the first case be where we seriously underestimate the risks of something. Buying a non-brand
electric dryer from a local market without any guarantee may eventually send us to a hospital with a
severe electric shock or burn. While buying this dryer, according to Lowrance definition, this is quite
safe, as the risks are judged to be acceptable.
Let the second case be where we grossly overestimate the risks of something. If we suddenly know
that the consumption of carbonated beverages like cola are the cause of cancer for 5% of the world’s
cancer patients, then we start worrying considering Cola as a poisonous drink. So, in this case,
according to Lowrance definition, the Cola becomes unsafe the moment we judged the risks
of using it to be unacceptable for us.
Let the third case be a situation wherein, a group makes no judgment at all about whether
the risks of a thing are acceptable or not. As defined by Lowrance, this is the position where the thing is
neither safe nor unsafe with respect to that group. Just like using the products of certain brands are
considered safe, while others are not where nothing seems to differ.
Safety is frequently expressed in terms of degree and comparisons. The words like fairly-
safe and relatively-safe are used where an individual is judged on the basis of settled values and it is
further decided that the risks of anything are more or less acceptable in comparison with the risks of
the other thing. For example, the consideration that roadtravel is safer than air-travel.
Any work which might lead to harm us and is not considered safe, can be understood as a risk.
According to a popular definition, “A risk is the potential that something unwanted and harmful
may occur.” According to William D Rowe, potential for the realization of unwanted consequences
from impending events.
Risk is a broad concept covering many different types of unwanted occurrences. When it comes to
technology, it can equally well include dangers of bodily harm, of economic loss or of
environmental degradation. These in turn can be caused by delayed job completion,
faulty products or systems or economically or environmentally injurious solutions to
technological problems.
With the advancement in technology, people are now aware of all that goes into a process. Further,
risks are understood as those that can be identified. Overall, the public perception has also undergone
a change.

(Open the file in your TEAMS in Class Materials with file SHAPING FUTURE ENGINEERS TO BECOME OSH CHAMPIONS)

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Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No. 1 : BOSH-1STSEM-2020-2021


Copy and answer the following questions in your own handwriting on a bond paper then picture it then
send to our TEAMS class in your own folder. Place N/A if not boarding……

1. Personal Information
a. Name : (complete name with full middle name)_________________________________
b. Home Address : ________________________________________________________
c. If boarding, Boarding Address : ____________________________________________
d. Name of Landlord/Landlady : ______________________________________________
e. Are you a transferee? Yes ____ or No ____
If yes, School last attended and address _____________________________________
previous Course : __________________________________________________

2. Quiz will be posted when and how

VII. EVALUATION (Note: Not to be included in the student’s copy of the IM)


Answer the following questions : (copy the question then answer it in your own handwriting.
Take a photo then send it to our TEAMS class in your own folder.

1. State in brief statement (in your own words), what is occupational safety?
2. State in brief statement (in your own words), what is industrial hygiene?
3. State in brief statement (in your own words), what is occupational health?
4. “A thing is safe if its risks are judged to be acceptable.”
Explain this statement by giving or stating an example in your day to day life experiences/


Alli, Benjamin O. Fundamental Principles of Occupational Safety and Health. Second Edition. 2008.
ISBN 978-92-2-120454-1. International Labour Office, Geneva.


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