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Presentation in English : Preparation Guides

Chapter 10
Presenting Your Company Performance

A company experiences some trends within its operations. Sometimes a

company performance may have positive trends as it gets some positive
improvements of number of production, sales, subscribers, etc. But some other
times, bad performance may give rise to negative trends indicated through some
unwanted falling conditions. This chapter is to discuss some terms and expression
used to present company performance.
Warming Up : Answer the following questions. Then, compare your answers with
your friends.

1. If you are a person of marketing force, what do you expect to happen with
your sales? What do you avoid to come up?
I expect my audience will get interest to buy my product, so the sales of
our products will increase.i’m avoid the minus of our product in front of our
audience, or make the presentation only looks good for make them
interest to our products.
2. Can you mention some indications of positive and negative trends of a
company performance?
Answer :
• Positive :
• increase the sales of product
• explain our product well to the audience
• make the audiences to know the company
• Negatif :
• Some of audience might be ignoring the presenter
• The presenter got nervous during the performance
3. What can people do get positive company performance?
• Prepare the material for presentation well
• Make an interactive performance
• If it was a sale presentation, make it into a semi-formal situation
4. What would you do if you experience negative trends in your business?
I would practice more for abetter performance

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Presentation in English : Preparation Guides

Read the text of a presentation from Mrs. Vina Aliya about the company
performance. Afterward, complete the table showing the condition explained through
the presentation.

Good evening and thank you for coming. I will try to present the
performance of our English course for this year. We have gone
through four terms this year. The first term of January through March,
there were about 650 students distributed in 37 classes. The next
term, April through June, there was an increase by 150 students. So
the total number of students was 900 distributed in 45 classes. As
commonly happens every year during national exam periods, our
students deceased from 900 to 760 students in the third term. There
were about 100 students reported to postpone their class and 30
students quitted and 10 students were dropped out. There were 38
classes run during the term. Ladies and gentlemen, we have tried our
new promotion approach, which was through social media, and the
result was amazing. There was a significant increase in the number of
our students. I can say that it reached a peak in our fourth term. We
had about 1.125 students registered in our data base. They were
distributed in 57 classes. We must thank to our online marketing
force. Well, now we are at the end of our fourth term, and the newest
report I got this morning that the number of students are raising now.
Hopefully this trend will get better in the coming year.

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Presentation in English : Preparation Guides

Now complete the table below

The number of students and classes at Waroeng Inggris ETC

Terms Jan – Apr May – June July - Sep Oct – Dec

650 900 900 900 760 660 630 620
37 45 45 45 45 38 38 38

Useful Language : To present a company performance

When presenting ideas related to company performances, the following terms and
expressions are commonly used. To describe changing circumstances, some verbs
and adjectives indicating movement may be used to express the condition

improve decline
increase decrease
recover drop
rise fall
go up go down
grow dive
edge up plummet
rocket edge down
soar dip

reach a
reach plateau
a peak remain constant /
stable / flat
stay the same
level off

get a down
ward trend
get an up
ward trend fluctuate

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Presentation in English : Preparation Guides

The amount of increase can also be indicated using these verbs:

- halve (/2) - double (X2) - triple (X3)
- quadruple (X4) - increase tenfold (X10)

or with prepositions:
- our business grows by 15%
- sales increased from Rp.150.000,- to Rp.500.000,-

Some adjective can be used to indicate the movement:

- rapid - dramatic - sharp
- steady - moderate - small - slight - gradual

It is important to note that the use of tenses will be very crucial to indicate the
performance as it may happens in a certain range of time. Look at the examples:
• The sales have increased by 30 million units since January
• The number of consumer has been increasing since last semester
• We got some dramatic lost last month
• Last year, our profit dropped to the lowest condition
• Our market is recovering nowadays
• The graph shows that our profits are inclining sharply this year
• We are in a very healthy financial condition nowadays
• We will double our sales next year

Read again to the presentation from Mrs. Vina Aliya about the company
performance. Now, complete the text below with your own words

Good evening and thank you for coming. I will try to present the
performance of our English course for this year. We have gone through four
terms this year. The first term of January through March,
there were about 650 students distributed in 37 classes. The next
term, April through June, there was an increase by 150
students. So the total number of students was 900 distributed in 45
classes. As commonly happens every year during national exam
periods, our students deceased from 900 to 760 students in the
third term. There were about 100 students reported to postpone
their class and 30 students quitted and 10 students were dropped out. There
were 38 classes run during the term. Ladies and gentlemen, we have tried our
new promotion approach, which was through social

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media, and the result was amazing. There was a significant increase
in the number of our students. I can say that it
it reached a peak in our fourth term. We had about 1.125 students
registered in our data base. They were distributed in 57 classes. We must
thank to our online marketing force. Well, now we are at the end of our
fourth term, and the newest report I got this
morning that the number of students are raising now. Hopefully
this trend well get better in the coming year.

Practice 3
Complete the passage with any appropriate expressions based on data provided in
the graph below.

The Number of Students Visiting ETC Library

January – December 2016

700 725
610 610

500 540
400 375

100 100

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I am glad you can manage to come to our
meeting today. I would like to start by showing you this graph – the data of students
visiting our library. After officially open in the beginning of January 2016, the graph
shows that there were 100 students visited our library. In February, the number
The number of visitors increases by 85 student. Then there was 410 students
who visited the library In March. I think it is an indication that the library division
worked well. Unfortunately, it did not perform well to April because as we can see
the number from library visitors decreased to 200 students. One reason we can
understand is that there was a renovation in

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some areas of the library during that month. Next, in the next month the number
of visitors is from 200 to 375 students in May but then visitors numbers drop
again to 300 in June. In July, the visits in library As we can see, there were 725
students on the record. Then there was 540 student who visited the library In
August and there was an increase in visitor to 610 in September. And finally
the data show that the visits the number of student is the same from
September to December. Well, ladies and gentlemen, the next, Mrs. Ceres will
present you the data about the number of our library collections. Mrs. Ceres, the
floor is yours.

Practice 4
You are a the Marketing Manager of Ketuban Air. Now you are presenting the
number of passengers using your company flight service during the first semester of
this year. Create your own presentation based on the data below and present it in
front of your friends.

Ketuban Air
Domestic and International Flight Sales Report
January – June 2016

Flight Jan Feb Mar Apr May June

Domestic 1500 1300 225 450 900 950

International 650 650 115 263 925 875

Good morning ladies n gantleman, welcome tp my presentation. Today, I would like to present the
performance of domestic and international flight sales of the first semester in this year. As we can
see on the graphic, the sales of domestic flight got increased from January- March, and got
increased sales in April- June. Meanwhile for the international ticket sales, the graphic shows us
the same number in January-February, and then get a down and domestic lost in the next month,
from 650-115. From April-May, the sales of flight is recovering from 115 to 263 and 925 sales of
flight, but unfortunately the sales got decreased again from 925 flights to 875 flights in June. Well,
thats all I can report about the data, thanks for all the sales teams, we hope the graphic get so much
better in the rest of this year.

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