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e n t

mes. For C
n a m e :

young one of humar is called 'baby' (see 44),

CHAPTER i f e n e of cat Ot dog is pupp picture on Pag
of the PPPY, the young one of cow is calf, the young o
os colt neooff aa butterfly is caternill g one of hen is chick, the young one of frog is tadpo
butterfly is caterpillar. The young one
undthe young of an
young one of an animal is
is also called its offsprng
also calea

9 a Dy u
re many different ways

that eac species
in which
s like Amoeba just split into two parts to produce


organisms reproduces
in a
o u c t i o n can be dividea n t o two main groups: asexual repro

produced rom
g e parent's body in the torm ot a bud; some organisms like birds and snakes hatch out of the eBES

ur y their parents; wneres SOeorganisms like human babies, kittens and puppies are bornfrom their
different way. All the
and sexual
ue Hydra grow

reproduction. Thus,
mam methods ot reproduction in livime organisms :
eree are
are two

(0 asexual
in sexual
prou a

This means that new living organisms (or animals) can be made either by the method ot a
or by the methoa or sexual reproduction' We will now discuss the meann ain
nd sexual reproduction. In order to understand this please keep in mina
m e other

ontain 'reproductive cells' (called 'sex cells' or 'gametes) in their bodies whereas o
e P O e u y e ceus (Sex cells or gametes) in their bodies.

Reproduction in Animals wanisms do not conta

, Asexual Reproduction
or s e x
or a
new organism trom single parent
a without the involvement ce
he production al
etes) is called asexual reproaucuon. it 1s reproduction because t uo
caled asexual
art of the
le called 'sex cells (or gametes)
producing a new organism. In asexual reproaucuoy
a new organism. Thus, in asexual reproduction,
only 1 e
time and ulhmately aie.
In fact, every liv cells calie separates oft and grows into
iving organisms grow old with eproduction. SSome
parentnt organism

remains alive on this earth for a

limited period of time and then dies. OFga ognisI.
but no sex cells are involved in a

o f the examples
die. The production of new organisnparent
of prouee
is neeaea to neu
asexual reproduction are: binary fission in Amoeba; and
place in
ot those who
to be produced in place
n e w organisms have
is known as reproducton. in noSt Snple Words we a
rOm t n e existing organisms of the same species nduch
structure. In asexual reproductton,
the youn5 ftsp ing)
Say that reproducti071 15 the creation of new living things fronm tne existig Og g tuay, one ot the e whose bodies have a simple
nost important characteristics of living organisms is their ability to reproduce more members of theraniuna ot the parent.
is an exact coPy
on this earth. So,
Species. RKeproduction is essential for the survival of a species living organisms produo
Sexual Reproduction (or
more organisms of their kind to maintain the life of their species on this earth. use of their sex cells gametes)
organism or a new trom two parents by making sex ceuor
of reproduction ensures continuity of life on earth. For example, human being The production
in sexual reproduction, the sex
cell ot one parent fuses
The process dovelons to form a nevW

grow and ultimately become aduls called sexual reproduction.

s then grows and develops
proauce Dy giving birth to babies (sons and daughters). These babies to form a new cell
called zygote. This zygote
on this earth. These sons and daughtes
o, when the old parents die, their sons and daughters keep living
the other parent
sexual reproduction, two parents are necded
produce a Hew orgatom 1n w
also reproduce by giving birth to more babies, and this process goes on and on. Thus, reproduction by organism.Inus, 3 Jucth ire led nale
cells respectively (which
t #he huu continue to exist on this earth for all the time to parents which
are involved
bex cvcelle and female sex

numan beings ensures that the human species will in them wnich proauce nae by the

for ever. And dop parents have special organs cats and dogs, all reproduce
y8vg Dirn to Kittens so that their species may live in sexual reproduction).
The humans, fish, frogs,
produced is not an exact coPy
reproduce by giving birth to pupPpies so that their species may continue to live on this earth. are required
In sexual
onee (or oftspring)
reproduction. Teprouu
" e above ascussion
for a species of an animal to continue living on this earth, o f sexual 1s needed in
must reproduce itself. Reproduction gives rise to more organisms with the same basic characteristics a ot
and sexual reproduction 15
that only
one parent
theparen between asexualdifference
in sexual reproduction.
is that no difference

their parents. For example, human beings always produce human babies; cats always produce kittens; and
he basic whereas two parents
are needed
sex cells (or gametes)
take part in
hens always produce chicks. t , however, some species of the living organisms cannot reproduce due o sexual reproduction but
in asexual reproduction
and disappear from arte rolved1
certain reasons, then the this
organisms of species will gradually die out
day. In this chapter we will discuss the various methods of reproduction in animals.
this earth
nesexcells (orgametesy
Before we go further, we should know the meaning of the term 'young one' of an animal. The newly
born animal (or newly hatched animal) is called young one. The young ones of different animals have



animals we should snow te meanings er ual reproduction to occur, a male
on, andz
h the
zygote w fa male 8amete with female gamete
a combine (or fuse) with a female gamete.
ordee t
u gamete of an animal i 80e
dunng sexual reproducuon
mportar female se BaAiscussed elow rieation. Since the male
and the
imal is
1hesc n
e e g g (or ovum perm
heerore we can also say that: The fusion temae 8
e nvolved in sexual reproduction ee (or ovum) w
say t h a t Our t a t n e n a s male s
ale and Female y ay8ote a production, is called fertilisation. Thus, the process of fertilisation
female. We can a s
tiee our and rmother
mother isalemaeour mother is awoma
eans that
a to
ducesa newceu cauprocess tne
otc he zygoteis actu
of fertilisation s e d egs (or
fertilised ovum).
d to have male ex autd " I nhuman oemg 1on ihe n the father with
tner has lemale sex. Now, our
ege cell et
perm cell from
l ofrom3 E 03m fertilised
male whereas a woman is female. Tnus lso have male an hodv. An animal g cell a
ed egg cell called zygote. The process of fertilisation in huma
Sperm and an egg. Figure 3(b) shows the head of a sperm enterng
sex Just like us human beings o the type of sex cells pre an animal having fema gshown nrig*
while, being male or female depends le. On the
oner emaie se
is called dIcuss Balnetes
sex cells called 'sperms
to called female.
We will

(or 'ova) in its body is

Gametes ial rep
e cels
the combina bon ot SPeia te an now
exua takes place by say that: The
producion other name whicn 8
es male gam o
ion are called gametes. efemale gamete in animals
and tne
male gamete in animals iscalled spe amewhat detail emale gamete) ses
Ve will now descnbe sperms and e&8 ( with the
to s e e them A sp
SPERMS. The sperms are extremey su
cels I

and we need a mcroscope has a head, a

s pem
Angniy eniarged sketch of
sperm s sno C00
plece a n d a tail. A sperm is a s i n g l e cell w i t n all e
l components like nucleus,cytoplasmand
k e d i n i t s h e a d . T h e s p e r m cell h a s v e r y little c y t o p

ahembrane. Ihe nucleus ot sperm cel s ugy F ta side to

sperm moves by wavng is tom side
gure S. Fertlisation of an egs (or ovum) by a sperm to form a
Lhepurpose of tail of sperm is to make it

word spermatozoon (wnict

neas a c

or male game
zygote successful in enternng
the short form of the Please note that though many sperms try to enter theegg, only one spermisS
Sperm is

he egg (We have shown only one sperm in kigure 3 to keep the diagram sumpie
d of spe SPerm
cell to form a new
enters the eg8 then tne nucieus ot Spem ceu tuses (or joinswitn tne
ucleus of egg to form a new cell called
nucleus. Figure o f
m enterine the egg remains outside). Au u
Nusieus fertilised 85animals (including humans) start their life froma single cell called zygote (througn sexual
mambrane Joy coat multicellular
Figure 2 A human egg (or ovum) reproducto
Figure 1. A human sperm (male gamete) and External Fertilisation
(female gamcte) (Highiy enlarged). Internal Fertilisation Now, the egg (or
(Highly enlarged). studied that the tusion ota sperm with an egg is called fertilisation.
to see
We have Just egg by a sperm can take plia
small and we need a microscope the the
also very reralisato
(or ova) Doay ot temale animal. >0,
are a
(12) EGGS (OR OVA). The eggs ovum) is made in t n e
Eggs ( o r o v a ) a r e , h o w e v e r , m u c h l a r g e r than t h e s p e r n s n e nunta c h oor ovum)
un inEioisrround
e 3 Thand
e s f female animal. This leads to two modes
either inside t h e b o d y or t h e r e m a l e a n i m a l o r o u r s u e e oouy

0.15 mm in diameter A highly enlarged sketch or an egg or ov f fertilisation in animals : internal tertlisadionya n
fertilisation. In internal
ovum) is also a single cell having a nucleus, cytoplastn arid a ce The fertilisation which takes place
inside the female body is called internal
thin allows only one sperm to enterint animal's egES are fertilised by sperms
inside her body. fertisanon, tne In internal
an egg (or ovum) has a
layer of jelly called jelly coatda fertilisation, the female the eggs inside
during fertilisation. Please note that a female gamete (or temale se ce is n by two names: 'egg' ai male animal puts his sperms
into the female animal's body.
And these sperms then fertilise

ovum So, whether we use the name egg or ovum, t w a thing. Another point to h
ody. For example, a man pus
a man his inside a w o m a n S DOay.
sperms 1hese spermS then terause e eB8 afemale
noted is s Ova. Some or the animals like birds (hen, ostrich, etc.) and reptis her body. pu in Tohich the fusion of a male gamete (Sper
fertilisation takes
u inside the womans pouy ale animal, is called internal
animal, Is called
mtermal fertilisation.
fertilisation. Internal
Internal fertilisaion takes
(snakes, crocodiles, etc.) have large eBgs. Occurs n s i d e the b0dy of the female rabbits, deer, horse,
Ine nucler or sperm and egg contain chromosomes which carry genes and transmit the charactensto 8uete e88) of animals such as humans,
cowS, dogs, cats, thgers, lions, and
lizard, snake and crocodile, etc.),
iet place in a very large etc.), reptiles (such as

ofparents to theoffsprings The fusion ofa malegamete(perm wthaemale gamete

a new cell called zygote. Ihus, the new cell which 1s formed by the fusion of a male gamete and a t e n
birds (such as hen, sparrow, crow pige
and buttertly, etc.). In
these animals,
all these animals, fertilisation occurs
inside the
inside fertilisation occurs

nsects(such as silk moth, housefly

gamete is called zyYgote. Zygote is a single cell which contains one nucleus. The nucleus of zygoe
tormed by the combination or nuclei or Sperm and egg The process of fusion of gametes 5 a
body of the female animal.
fertilisation. This is discussed on the next page
EIGHHTH called
d external
extermal fertilisa o form a compiete chick. This chick then o i s shell. it 1s cea



utside her boay. n frogs an Js discussion that all the

organisms g i v e birth to indioidu aking
place ho
body. In external fertilisation i
The fertilisation which

external fertilisation, the femaie a

taRE eoes are fertilise
ide the femaie h e r e fertilisatiOn takes Place b y co
l reproaue ction
fishes, the fertilisation or
CB8 r n s and eggs s of frogs and ist
sperm e two
method of reproduction in animals. n roduce
and female animals release ole the males an the egEs
and feru e the bo .anuma a female. The two parenty ay
vith ametes. The male parent has sex o ells male (or
DEWe h e y live. The sperns common in agu describe the extermal f ond
the exter
d e c i b e
a l l e d sperms. The female parent has female sex organs called 'ovariet which produce female sex
gES In water n wil

ish. External fertilisa ton n
r female game a 8 8 (or ova). The whole process of sexual reproduction in an
takes place
hese animals, feruit e r i l i s a t i o n

e s the rmation Or p e s ana cB8, Joining together of sperm and

and egg
eg8 to om a fertilised egg
to form
detal 8 and of zwo
and development of zygote to form a baby animal ne sexual reprod ucion
in frogs in somewhat
season), IrosS
oe tied 'Ty8Ote
season (or
rainy E steps
During ms. When
the maie6 animals taeF
water inponds and sio male frog lays n t ot The male parent pre a e gametes called sperms.
female frog come ( The femaie P e s caled egEs (or ova)
ike the hen's egE> layer to form a new
nucleus of egg cell
hells. The frogs eEE s orotectie Thecalled zygote (The zygote is fertilie a
s with the
d e t h e frog's eggs togetie s , at tne s a Tae 2ygote divides repeatedly to form a hollow ball of hundreds of cells which is called embryo
When the female frog lays n s from itsbodyt ()The 6 ana Decomes a toetus (in which all the body features of the baby animai nave
time the male frog releases
lions of
l ysin water with the ne Figure 4. As the female frog lays eg ( 0 Embryo
grows main

1gure 4). The spems Sw f fror cOme in contact w water, the male irog r e s s spems T
ner long8 tais. en the sp leads to cxtea auon of egg ) Foetus grows and develops to forma new baby animal.
fertilisation takes plact
egEs Ho e fusion of a male gamete (sper alled external fertilisation. Just ike frogs, exteng
fertilisatio aoe outside the body l e an Eeh and female fish come togetner n
w a e r , the fem
nhuman beings, tnere
sPecial reproductive organs to make sperms and eEE to
ong B
gamete (e male tisit

lso takes place in

fish. When
themale nistu releases milrons
Sperms5 in wat ms and eg8s tor fertilisaion
and make a
zygote, and for the growth and development o
reproductive systems of human male (man) and
human female (woman)
avs hundreds o eB
water and at uhe
the eE8S get
tus way,
a female
's eggs
fish's e

haby. We will first

describe the

ntact with
with egE
egEs, ferilisation.
Teproauction takes place in human beings
come in c o n t a c t

outside t s body. 1nis is ais

or external

eds of eggs
eggs at
or at a time (v
tune wa
and then discuss

fertilised by sperms and fish lay

Reproductive System
animals like frog Male Hep
exten The Male
Scrotal sa
explain why the tand sy wch
undergo system consists of the following organs: Testes,
We will now
time). Though
the animals ikeedrog
and hence do not develoP into new frog he human male reproductive n in
egE at a Seminal vesicles and Penis. The human male reproducuve syoten
hen lays only one al tne eEES dO not 8 e t e r u
didymis, Sperm ducts, also say that it is the reproductive system
ot m a n

hunareds egB,
or so we can
male 1s called man,
rerrilisation,lay the following
eEES and sperms
Feure 5. Since the human
(or fishes). This
is beca use ot in water. Many or these
Testes are the oval shaped organs which 1
release sperms
(and fish) lay eggs and h e n c e all t n e eBE>
do not get fertilised. man (See Figure 5). A man has
(0 Frog and ot a
of water, wind or raintall, water. abdominal cavity the real
away by the movement
live in
other animals
of testes is testis). Testes are

of frogs (and fish)

are eaten up by fertilised are
o testes (singular 1he male Sex cells (or male
(7) Many ot the eggs hatched t r o m the eggs eate n man.

the larvae (young ones) of frog and

fish which are reproductive organs Ihus, testes
(11) Many of into adult frogs (or hsh).
&amete caepetn are
in testes. of
up by other
anima in nd fail to develop
fish), only a few
will survive to becomy sperms. sperms Milions

by thefemale frog (or female male gametes called

by moving water, wind make

S0,Out ot hundreds of eggs laid of the eggs of frogs and fish are carried away t e e s are enciOsed in The
Since many of a large number of eggss Prouucea or sacs (see Figu
aauit rogs (oradultfish). called scrotal SKin
therefore, the production Dags e slightly
or rain, and many are eaten up
by other animals, Out of hundreds of eEE5 laid
of hundreds of eggs by female gfySmal
laid oymae testes work more eticientiy a a
to ensure tne t e r u s e at least a few of them. Out adult frogs (or
adult fish). temperature, so they are held outside
necessary larvae survive to become
their belowthe body
(orfemale fish) only a
few get fertilised and Epidiaymia

is formed by tertilisation 1smethod y8ote

called in
s 480 body in the scrotal sacs.
We know that the new cell which
into a

ad in testes come
and go
which a
zygote grows tormed
grows and develops into a fui (or baby animal).
The sperms igure 9). ne erms
example, in nutanmother
in different animals. For coiled tube called epididymis (see
develops into a full organism also varies And then the gives birt in epididymis. From
into a baby inside the female body (mother's body). Butthe stored temporarily nerm duct ac
grows and develops also give birth to their young nes. Du
onts. Testis
the sperms
s, the animals like cats and dogs
tothe baby. Just nN vesicles (see Figure 5). male reproductive system in humans.
different in those animals (or birds)
which lay eggs. For example,
a hen on
nio organs
called seminal
The seminal vesicles
igure S. The
process is entirely in seminal
them warmth. During this period, the Zygote grows sperms get stored
fertilised eggs for a considerable time to gve
EIGHTH Figure 5). Urethra
U r e t h r a carries the

150] (see
hgure 5). SDer vill discus55 processes, one by one

are arried
in aa
liquid called
quid c We

Coming sperms
Join to another tube caled ured e d r a

de the body t The penis erms

pa the ea ms made in the testes of man arein
an organ called Perus rintroducing sperms into ction. The maie design The or
senter into vagina, pass through the te
P e s into the woman's body throug eb tail
will be able
De ao1e to
to 7).
body to body for the purpoe one e
vll use
with an p elps them t n e m in m o v g and reach
oving "

the ovidi ucts, 1If at the Fig

nto the oviducts (see Figure
50same n
the place wniere Ems helps time, the ovary of woman
manufacture sperms and to deliver them to per
about ter
c e l tremale
gamete) and bring terus Dvoud- takes place to
owingCince Ovaries, Ovducts, Ute
f the follow
ans e forised egg
The Female Reproductive syt 5yste
male reproductive is shown in Figue
the human female (or zyo
a is
and Vagina. The human female reprou ctive system of wo
human fena is the rep abdominai c a v y o d woman
woman, 5O we can also say thatit
inside araans in re Fgune
inside the
Ovarnes are the oval snaped o reproductive orga s make the Iemale cel and ao Into

A woman
ovanies. Ovarnestmade in the varies. 1n ducs (which are also known
has two game
female gametes) called eggs or ova e are the tubes terus
called eggs (or ova). Just above the v a
Falopuan Sperms er

Fgure Fertulisation in humans to form

a zygoe (lerulca
ovum), then this eg8 also goes into the oviduct One of the sperms enters the egg (see Figure
s with t
i o n of sperm with egg is called fertilisation. During fertilisation, the nucleus ot spern ot
Funn he of eggcell to form a single nucleus. This results in the formation of a fertilised eE8 alled
the egg in the oviduct and fertilises it to form a zygote. zygoe
aSperm combines with
Ovary individual).
ed egg) is the beginning
fertilised e g 8 ) i s
or the formaton of a new baby (or a new

(or Womb) Development of Embryo

This is called an
Cervix make ball of hundreds of cells.
egg) aivides repeatedly to
for r e r t u s e d a
The zygote (or soft and
moves down the oviduct into the uterus. The embryo gets ermbedded
embryo. T down n
terus (see Figure 8). This is called implantation. When the embryo settles the
vag icklining The embryo starts growing
1s sala to nave become pregnant (or said to have conceived).
gherus, the woman
Zygote odvidos
pealeoly1oo a
1he Iemale reproductive system s down the
Figure 6.
but nave runnel shaped openings whid
not directiy connected
to ovaries
Uterus oviduct Y
Ceriled e99
fallopian tubes). The oviducts
ovary goes into the oviduc
ovum) released by
almost cover the Ovan T an egg
The beings, mature egg is released into oviduct every mon
through its funnel-shaped openu 1s called o v u l a t i o n . Ihe fertilisatin
by one of the ovun f an egg (or ovum) from the ovary AD eed. It
takes place in the ov iduct.
or eggby sperm
their other end (ee Figure5, s now called

like called uterus (or womb) at em

d in the
The two oviducts connect toa fertilised organ
egg (or zygote) into a baby takes place in the uterus (or WwOE embryo soft and thick

The growtn ana e ning o

Thus, uterus 15 ne duelopment

to another tubeofcalledbaby
the takes place. 1he uterus
vagina which opens to the outside of the body (e
narrow openg
receives ho
the penis tne woman's body.
nenis for putting sperms into the
Figure 6). Vagina Figure 9. Human embryo (at 4 t o w c e k

reproduction in humans. The process of reproduction

We will now describe the process of sexual of embryo in
the uterus
the uterus. 1he
Pgure 8. Implantation vessels in the lining of
humans takes place in two steps from the blood baby.
The embryo gets
food and oxygen
into d i f e r e n t tissues
and organs of the
) Fertilisation, and ntoababy. groups that develop early stage
ot development
to form specialised Ihus, an unborn baby at an
(ii) Development of embryo. otembryo begin in a developing baby. not much developed
baby are
Embryo 1s an early stage
teatures of the
The body
called a n embryo.
tne uterus is
in the side of woman s abdomen and an
y n d take out the tins
optical fibre tube
ube 1s inserted into her body so that

the elooment is the docto

embEyo sag ne unbon baby remains ,The w v d s he B8
sperms (in the form of semen).
weeks man
embryo s are mixed with
Shown in Figure 9. We cannot identihy any bocyfeatures ( d eggs (or zygotes) deve
o ss dish (or glass test-tube) to carry out fertilisation
9 embryo.
y s and ears, etc) of the developung u the uterus to form Noor about a week, One Or m h
woman's uterus (or womb). If the
The embryo continues to grow anu chas hands, legs. ne in the uterus successfsl ne
embryo ges implanted n e n normal pregnancy occurs and a baby 15 Don
upy. 1hee embryo gradualy deve when
s at the stage
us at fter about
nine months.
y s and ears, etc. An unbom bany n wot
alled a foetus (Ihe aro fertilisation (v) technique is used to help thos
mbrvo becomes a ro om baby is n a eggs but fertilisation a s and wive) n dy
canek e u tmside
who ca P
e doviducts (or Diocked rallopian tubes).
alsatio a
place tne
weeks of pregnancy. From about eight weeks u e months)
caled foetus (see Figure 10)L It takes about ed
oped baby. W h e ertilisation technique was initially developed for carrying out the
e'in vitro

ows and buftaloes)

in 1950. This reproducaon farm
the tertlisabon of e88 o u mnlete, the mother 8 Fgure l0. The side
view n
technique was used successfully for reproduction in nuu
the development of the foetus into aa pay
out of the mothers bOuy developung 1octus inside e 8 AJarge a n n ourcountry by using this IVF technique. The success rate
birth to the baby. The hully tomed is born. This 1s hov bis hnique s Prent The babies born through in vitro fertilisation technique
ealled test S a n o n takes place in a glass dish or a glass test-tube. ins
eondnoe b iino hirth to babhies All of us were bom in this
s howev er, very briet period of about one week ot

Dirferences and very early development (which

Bes on A zvgote becomes an embryo. given
And below
t a coyo becomes a ment of the baby takes place inside the uterus of the woman as in
in normal
normal preenancy
5 gote, embryo and roerus b
man as
oetus 1he main
tus is fotmed by the Some animals give birth to young
ones. Those animals
L Azygote s omed growth and development bich give birth to young ones Daoy animals) are called
y the non ot male animals (vzvz alive parous bearing). In
nsaOnbe of an embryo.
One in the uterus inside
sperm and end) iparousanimais, tne young
An emeg0 B u m 2 A foetus is an unborm baby e body ofthe mother (temale parent). When the young one is
Azygote is the
of the formatbion of a baby. baby in the uherus inhe
un the uterus n the later y developed, then the mother gives birth due to which the
ot deeiopment e young one or paoya e oyoe
ater S weeks till birth)
(up toS oher
A foetus is also multicellular
ody (bke td irds and reptiles do). In the viviparous animals,
The body features of (female parent) gives birth to a fully developed baby
na full stop ( rowing baby in the embryo
ne not much deveoped.
developing baby (ike
hands, i s, head, eyes al (called young one). For example, in humans beings, the gure n e uans gE D 10on
ones (babies), so they are viviparous animals.
thergives birth to a baby, so humans are viviparous animals
1ger, Horse, KaDDit,
e identihed. e Figure 11). Some other examples
viviparous animals
are: COW, Dog.Cat, Lion,
all the mammals are viviparous animals.
Rat,Elephant and Camel. In fact,
Sameanimals lay eggs which are on develop into young ones. 1hose
which lay eggs from
INVITRO FERTILISATION Ch young ones (baby animals)
hatched later on, are called oviparous animals (ovi= relaing

Ina healthy woman, the fertilisation of egs by the spermtakes place in the oviduct (or fallopian tukewparous= bearing). In oviparous animals, the mother (emale parn d e theee
he aviducts ofsome women are blocked due to some reasons. Such women cannot produce babies in b e n gone of the animal develops inside the eg8 When the developnen T
normal way because the eggs released by their ovary cannot meet the sperms and get fertilised in hescmplete, the egg shell breaks open and an alive young one toay a ops
oviducts (because the oviducts are blocked). Such women who cannot produce babies are called stenleatching. For example, the hen lays egEs [see Figure 140 n y o hell reaks
shell bre
Evensterile women can havebabies by using the tin-tro fertilisa tion technique. Tn vitro fertilisabonde theegg.When the development ofthe chickunsidehe nes hich itsy young Tom
measa ias
bhsbeaueinthistechique fertilisation ofan egswithsperm is a nd an alive chick comes out of it ee Frigue
r a t n e r tnan in the body of a woman. This is commonly known as t e s
Smeotherexamples of oviparousanimals
are hatched, therefore, the hen is an ovpa
In fact, all the
Fish, Lizard, Snake, Ostrich, and Crocodile.
parrow, Crow, Butterfly, Housefly, Frog
n animals.
vitrofertilisation are the egg lay1ng
oviparous animals. They
TThe in technin.

The inpitrofertilistion
follows1. The technique helps the with blocked oviducts in having babies
es, birds and reptiles are

eggs are removed from the ovary of woman by laproscopy. In this operation, a small cute
these two method one. Before v e
166]AWARENESSSCIUNCE FOR IGHTH CLASs which heps t to Bwim easily i we will now describe
We wlu
shoi roduction in animals, one by
ng tall thod called binary fission, we
terms "fission and "binary
water only. Tadpo anly tiny water plants
mall aqua In
blology, fisslon in th aning the n in unlcellular
to live life in oEY
Tadpole ts adapted

the gille (1Uke sn b v losing many old featuro o body

( o r single-celled organlama), In the process of fission, the parent organism splits (or divlde
Water Tadpole OTea uradually tranafornma into an a o t been ahown in g frog gania wo (or more) new organisms, Flsslon begins with the division of the nucleus lolloy
ody features in many stages vou develops vebbed Te tO swiinoform cytoplasm to fon new orgarnisns, Flsslon ls of two types i blinary hsslon ara isslon
adapted to live life in waterras well ason land,ne lult frog has lungs0 has a longand d g on whether the parent organism splits to form two new organisms or more than two organisms
n water and also to hop On land ( t has n molst sKin ne
8 othe top ofthe hea Clas,wewil study onlythe binary flasion in detall. Novw, theword binary meanswo an
ough its thin, now aue
hasno gl), Theadultfrog canalbo beutheh food Thebyeyes nfreld bodyfeatures and develoyesd on' means apln soh erreproduction
means ypliting into o,Amoeba
animal Let u the methoa ot aseXUal in a called
tongue can be
can see
above he surface
f water. In this way, nled metamorphosls. Metamorphou inMry
of w as
that the frog into a rog Thischanalblan frog
Water as wel
live in water Fisnlon
amphiblan o 8 (which acan Y weainary As
new body feature8, a to
into an W 0Minary floslon is an asexual method of reproduction In organisms, In binary fislon, Ine
living tadpole)
changea the aquatic tadpole (water lam splits (or divides) to form two new organisms, When this happens, the parent organísm
s n land). n e w organisms come into existonee
nthis happens,
existence. The unlcellular organism (or unicellular animal)

Moth furing its life cycle.

cle. The sl sl xdst dst and two new organisns cone into
or binary Hssion. This is described below.
Metamorphosla in siik
r hatching from the egg adeoeba reproduces uhe method
which undergoes metamopro by
moth is an insect (like butterfly) folows
its body into two parts. This happens aslengthene
of a silk mon
can Do prebented
uAoeba roproucOu y t s nDy aividing Amoeba lengthens
of Amoeba
nucleus of
moth passe toro elopment When the Amorba par0. na roacnedthat maximum size of growth, then first the nucleus
moth. The various
various tstage8 ne part around each
1n the
forma an adult sllk plasm of Amoeba
the cytoplasm of Amocba wo Ater
u k moth into
d divides this (called
parent daughter Amoebue
follows i Tupa way, one
Caterpillar etamorphS (Adu In u)nucleus. reprodsel in Amoeba
The reproduction
Amoebae, The
produces two Amoebae, by binary fission is
88 Hatchiog (Cngya we say that Pa o
" ne Amioeba w0

(Larva) t s o88 can be

s h o w n oy And we
alagrams aAnd
by dlagrams
c a be say

(of sllk moth) an adult silk moth from its eg8

moth from nFlgure 0
formation of an adult slk
hechanges during the wo snaler

- ()Two daughtcr
(a) Parent col
adult slk moth.
silk moth) into an fhssion.
transfoms the caterpillar (larva of Figure 16, Amoeba reproducing by binary
igure 15. Metamorphosls different from the
and pupa stages in the development
an hour to divide into two daughter Amoebae. The two daughter Amoebae producea
the caterpillar (larva)
ing the transtormanon or caepu Amoeba takes about noebae, and so on. n e
tease note that been drastic changes napp full size by cating tfood and
then divide again to produce
al to the parent Amoeba, From the
adult silk moth. So, there have to a Buk e motn here grow to their fission are 1
the change from caterpilar by the process binary of
Alividing itself into two. This type or aex
into the adult silk moth. Thus, as we 8row 8 in daughter Amoebae produced

Ne (human beings) also observe changes in our

body appearancesimilar to those
present|bove which
which are
are that
discussion we concludefission. Amoeou reprouuc alled Paramecium also reproduces by
e dults are similar
in adults
the body parts

is called binary
Another tiny, unicellular
not drastic changes.
In human beings, 1ne
production the parent organism splits
(or divides) to form
birth. So, human beings do not undergo metamorpnoss co method of binary
fission. In multiple fisslon,
the time of the asexual classes.
bables from coW, etc., alsO do
not unaergo metanopao
at the same time.
we will discuss this
is detall in higher

such as cats, dogs, hens, tiger, lion, deer, horse, organisms called "budding', we
should know the
asexual reproduction In animals. many new asexual method of reproduction
trom the body ot an organism (say,
discuss discuss the next
life cycle. We will now Before we means a small outgrowth
ANIMALS bud'. The "bud' here
into two, and one
meaning of the term on the body
of an organism, then the nucleus divides

in human beings and some other familar

wni n animal), When a bud is formed us discuss the method of budding' now
we have learnt the reproduction in very into the bud. Let
So far We will now study the reproduction passes
reproduction. processd
which reproduce by the
called sexual
place by the process are the tiny animals
animals which the pro U Bue
animals Ike Amoebu and iyurl. mort and riy singie pareh g a small part ok the body of the parent
reproduction is the production
of a new organism from a
an asexual method
of reproduction. In budding,becomes organism. The
asexual reproduction.
asexual reproduction Budding is "bud' which then
a new
corals. We will
without the involvement o e B
. Thenew organism produced by in animals are
rganlsm gro sa
ingi like Hydra,
sea-anemones, sponges and
of asexual reproduction observed in animals
to the parent. The two most common
P0duction by budding is
exactiy identical N describe the asexual reproduction in Hyard,
(0 Binary fission,
((0 Budding.
160) AWARENESS SCiENCE FOR EIGHTH CLASS dra reproduces Dyne process of bu of Doy Sheep
repe formed on the side
On the side of its
he Dolly sheep wa cioned in the
Hydra is a simple multicellular animal (see gu
This h a p p e n s a s f o l l o w s : In Hydra, f i r s t a s m a u
h called bud' is formed its b
Thle b u d t h e n g r o w S g r a a u a u y o torm a small The mal body cell was removed from the
This Due
igure 19). mammary gland of
thnary gland of aa female
female Finn
Finn Dorset
Dores sheep (which
by the repeated divislons of its cells (see Figure 17 De

unfertilised egg cell was taken from a female

egchromosomes) wals Blackface sheep and
(having no nucleus) (ee 5t o
removed, leaving the cell egg empty

a c a c e sheep
New Hye

the method of budding

reproducing by
gure 17, Hydra
detaches itself
(see Pigure 17(©). And finaly tne
Normal b00y cell
and tentacles from ma
l o p i n g mouth

the body of parent

organism [see Figure1/ tu way, the parent Hd

Hyara ana Hydra reproduces asexuauy

s, oy 8rowing buds from itsb
has produced (or created) a new ny cel. t is a
the bud formed in a Hydra not single
is a
group of c Nucious of Dooy
This ls called buddng ie will
magnitying glass,
we see a numh
a hand
observe it through
f we co de attached their
to boay
yu n discussion we conclude that in the tiny animal called Hydra, new Hydrae develop fm
binary fission a trom

asexual reproduction In Hydra called buddinga Apart

Is Now egg cell implanted
the re are a someofother methods of asexual reproduction
by wnich asexual parent produces youny
Please note that since reproduction Invo inckfacn shaoo
will study these methods in higher classes,
asexual reproduction.
a single parent, so fertilisation is not necessary in
only velop

Cloned s
is the
Cloningroduction. production of an exact copy of an animal by means
o Doly In s bom
Any two animals which contain exactly the s a e
nes are called 'genetically identical'. An animal which is genetically
identical to its parent is called a clone. A clone is an exact copy ot its parent
Figure 19. The technique of cloning 'Dolly' sheep from Finn Dorset sheep
for the first time by
The cloning of a large animal was successfully done
Wilmut and his colleagues at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh (Scotiand) (in)The nucleus of normal body cell of Finn Dorset sheep was inserted into the empty egg cell of
the nucleus of Finn Dorset
They cloned a sheeP named
"LDolly from its parent sheep called Finn Dorest
born on
otish Blackface sheep. In this way a new egg cell was obtained (which had
sheep (a female sheep) (see Figure 18). Dolly (the cloned sheep)
epbody cell).
5th July, 1996. Dolly sheep was the first mammal to be cloned. in the uterus of another female Scottish Blackface sheep making
()The new egg cell was implanted Scottish (see Figure 19).
The cloning ofanimals is a special kind ofasexual reproduction method. pmgrant.After 148 days, this pregnant Blackface birth to Dolly sheep gave sheep
Thecloning in animals is done by the transter or nucieus o Figure 18. ne

c Though Dolly sheep was give wcleus' taken. So, Dolly

happens as follows : The nucleus of a normal body cell of the animal (which sheep the original Finn Dorset sheep rom w was was a clone of Finn
we wish to clone) is transferred into cellempty eBg cell (whose nucleus has
an Al the body cells of Dolly sheep contained
An exact copy of the animal ( et sheep whose cell nucleus' was used in developing it.
Deen renovea, 1ne newiy
rormed 1s allowed to
egg develop normally. nes as the Finn Dorset sheep cells. So, though
a clone) is produced. e same set of chromosomes having but its real mother was Finn Dorset sheep. Since the
Daly was given birth by a Scottish Dia ace sheep was removed, Dolly did not show any
Before we describe the cloning of Dolly sheep in detall, we should know tne ne e Feucleus from the egg cell of original >cotnsn oi
ewe', Ewe is a female sheep. The two sheep which were involved in the cloning of Dolly sheep were Blackface sheep. For vexample, the Scottish Blackface sheep had a

Dorset ewe and Scottish Blackface ewe. We can also call them female Finn Dorset sheep and fe Scots erstic features of the Scottish blackace. e

Blackface sheep, As the name suggests, the Scottish Blackface sheep hasa black face. Keeping these po Nace but Dolly sheep did not have a
in mind, we will now describe the cloning of "Dolly' sheep from Finn Dorset ewe.
ot own
eral offspring her ne o

y was a clone of Finn Doet sheep cenetic material as her real mother Fina ere the a
d u e coure of time. Dolly had exacty Ta
vpe of fertlia f eprodution in human
p olly died on 14th February 096 oows (and pig ha ciped. Thec erm is uned for the folo
,Sine Dolly, thecloned sheep,who n e posiblenow lahg i n g cow thange from tadpole to frog
ction, then the resaultin d mother cow) On the ots Nane duce embryos 6 gpo
yvelding breed (because intermixing genes
of of the p e an identical cP2 the paren
f will be a
t d fesion tal d onthe sides of e E
is cloned from a parent cow of high
milk yea mtcW e. n
Wh e animal each which p
hene ghe high milk yield. Name the aexual method of reproduction d 0 by buddg
AGvantages of Cloning
ykdenticalacopies of domestc animals e Namethe tegoe which as uned in produc Dely Amhe
Thetechnique of cloning enabies us to me meof
of the
the beneficial
j gemes orintroducing u eien t was a done
favourable characteristios (wiu Coning produces i opies of the parent dom animal which is an exact copy of s
aares (like high milk J eld or good guality wool) of the
pes Nhat are he wo Seneral methods of rmmd
e whether the folowing statements are troe or iala
animal for future senerations Er eamole:
mple cay which

a cow which gives high milk yield can be cloned to produce

high milk yield, and
be clened ho produce exactly
Deelaid ather fertilisation lnd gamete
gives high yield of superior qualin wl can
ides )Azygote ormed as a result of ier
( asheep whichwill give high yielkd ot supkna Exteenal e r a a t c n takes place in fnog
The cloning of mammals also has
e birh ar
und to be bom with severe abnormalities Wr Anembyes ade p of a single cell
soon after birth. Many himes,
e ns oung ones
now in a position o answer the folowns he hens give birth te chicks like human being egive rbireh
Mery Short Answer Dype cuest Ameba reproduces by budding, to babies
t h to babues
ec w
disappearfrom the earth ?
hat is antor anma Binary asise ts a hehd of aexual oducthion
Fertilisabon a hn hasexaal eproducon

) which involves only one parent O owing blanks w

m hethod in mammals

3 (a) Name two animals wihich Npeace

Name hwo animals which reproduY aek ua
) The proces of iy of e on earth
or asexual method The cells involved in sexual reproductionan
by sexsal method
whether human beings reprouce
Fusisn ofgametes gvs re toasinglecell calledN
The process of fusion of gametes ls olled
() does not involve.
ve gai
The other name of egg cell i
& Ghe anothee term for a ertsliseiecs mature egs y one of the owaries
Nsbact every
The egs laying animalk anc c
Name the prxess of the tusin of gameis

s. Do all animals give birth to individuals like humans

Thecow isa animal whereas ostrich ls an anmal
N h a t is the other n
which produce the gamels Thechangeof caherpillarinto an aidult silk meth a caled
1.a watare the malk gamete in humans called? he larva of thog is called
Name the organs which produe male sametes Thetwe common methads of asesual epesbuctin in animals are
12 h a t are the emale gametes in humans calie Dolly,thesheep,waspodacndby thenechoigae caled
Name the occans
which pecre temale Samees
13 Name the ongans which produe sperms in humams t AnswerType Questions
humans in the basic ditienence between
What of the asexual and wexaai n
4 Name the ongans which prtae egss (or ova)
which by asevual method ?
Which iollowing onganisms tvproduce by sevaal method and
Amwbe Cat,Rumans be,Bands fertilsation' ?
Ekplain with evamples
1. Which ongan of the human t y pases sperms fhm a man t a
wun .What is meant by the berma Tntemal lertilsation' and exhermal
18 n which lemale Peprxdactivecegan dves the embevo get embedded

Drawalabelled diagram of thebumanlemale reprodu

18 Which stage comes earher in the develpment ofa human baby from aysote : foetus or embiye 0 Where in the human body does an egs (or evum) get lertil
CLAS Choice Cuestions(MCOs)
in the
human body?

deelop into a
Where does a fertilised egE (or so (0 Hen
9. What type
f fertilisation takes place (Fish ine nfnuclei Ppresent0ouide female body () in male body outae ale bodyY
(a) Cow
) Fros hundreds of ess r e
e s in
r r s
n an
an embryo

() one
40. Nhy do remae res the boy G) tour
2Can we iden foetus ndpole u t trog by the pro
h e t w e e n a zysote, n roduction in a ) fertilisation ) metammorphosis ()embedding
a . Fertilsa resui nmediat n ot buddings
43 Desribe the vanious steps nuo a l e reproductive sy
S said
s Sc to become
to become aa f
toetus ?
Daw a labeled dgra s weeks of development, o f the following is not a part of the human placent (a foeru
? uman e reprocucave
w a amophosts ? Give theo examples ot m iparous animals l testes (6) oviducts
47. What is the diference between p a which are viviparous an ot the od g nota viviparous animal ?
epiaia yrmis
Cat. Which
48 Which of the tollowing ae dCow, Dog, Hen, Fish,
() zard (c) rabbit () cat
cellular c rganism w roduces by buddins 15
S animals which de 2 he
ther asexual re producnon, two
otfSprings having the . t
same genetic material J-d
and the
me bodv features are
) inside esEs which ne h time does the emeis
embryo pree
B8 take to develos
How much ime does Ehe Pu
chicks are bom ) wins
how body and (0) Calnu ) chromosomes ( clones
mothers in whic
animals the embryos a E E
ully inside the Which o f the 1ollowngnuma aoes hot show metamorphosis ?
51 ) Frog
develop fully in the eggs laid by motner r, Dog. I reproduction is:
() silk moth
Lizard, Deer
Cow,COstmch, Frog and rwo which dono )a fusion of specialised cells
e wo animals wnCn un etamorphosis and which do n ) a method by wnicna pes ot organisms reproduce
53. Hen, Mosquito, Monkey
Whcn d
Ck moth, Humans, EroS ** uSeny Sparrow, ()a metno produ 8encally ldentical offsp
(0a metn n p a r e n t are involved
54. (a) What are gametes 7
) Ln whuch sart ot reproducton are g n e c
Cb) Yeast )A (a) Sea anemone
C) What is tormed when nwo gametes u s e Which of the following is not an oviparous animal ?
( ) What s this act ot usion a u
with those given in column b (a) snake (6) fish c) rat (4) frog
S. A
Nat clu B 1s the larva of:
78 Tadpole () trog (c) mosquto (4) butterily
0 Sperm ) Female organ sn
7%.The production ot arn exact copy ot an animal by asexual reproduction is kxnown as
intermal fertilisation and external fertilisation. What type of tertilisa tion takes plaa Dne of the following is not a part of the human femalele reoroductive system. This one is
(a ovary
(6)uterus ( )scrotal sacs () oviducts
n (#) frog, and (b) fox ?
invOLved in CiOung oE not. Nane two animal $1 Reproduction ls essential for livin8 organisms in order to:
W h a t is m e a n t
by cloning State
whether gametes are () keep the individual organism allve () fulil their energy reguiremen
which have been produced by cioning (o) maintain growth (4) continue the species to
58. What is meant by 'reproduction ? Whyisitessen al? O c c t s in the reproductive systenm of flowering plants as well as that of humans. This
f asexual reproduction in animals. Name two animal ne or t n e touowng
59. Detne asexualreprou
duction methods. (6) anther (c) ovary style
(@)spe outside body because it helps in the
60. What is a clone 7 Name one famous clone es, the testes lie in the scrotal sacs

nCess of mating (6) formation of sperms

Long Answer 1ype CueslionsS . Describe the process of fertilisation in human beings. ()easy transfer of sperms (4 all the above
D r a w a laheled diagram to show the fertilisation of a human egE by a sperm to rora Ay5 Characterstics that are transmitted trom parents to otfsprings duning sexual reproduction
0 only similarities with parents (b) only vanau
62. () What type afcouples helped to have babies by the in ritro fertilisation technique
()Describe the 'in sitro fertilisation' technique of reproduction in humans ( )both similarities and variations with parents
M r VAriations with paren
result of sexual reproduction exhibits more variations because 1
b3. (a) What are viviparous animals Glve two examples ot Viviparous animals.
85. The offspring formed as a
animals. (4)sexual reproduction 1s lengtny proce
() What are oviparous animals 7Give two examples of oviparous rents of different species
64. How does an Amoeha reproduce ? Describe with the help of labelled diagrams. ()geneticmaterial come parents of same species
65. How does a Hydru reproduce 7 Explain with the help ot labelled diagrams. ) genenc matea
irom man
many parens
genetic material comes

Ouestions Based
oo, 1wo very on organisms
small High Order Thinking
X and Skills (HOTS)
Y both reproduce by the method of budding. Organism X is indus
makin8 bread, Oro

u s e d in
from sugar, It is also
ey important
because it is used in making alcohol
tentacles which lIves in
1s a tiny animal having
() What 1s organism which X converts sugar into alcoho
0) Name the proce5s does X belong 7
() To which class of organisms
(4) What i s organism Y unicellular ?
which one is
X and Y, which organism is multicellular and
OOut oI d sh 1t5
5hape keens.
unicelular organísmP lives in pond water. The organism Xea ape,
nO wnich F nas

87 A
changing. It moves and catches its prey with the help of organs keep on appearine
by th
disappearing. The organism P reproduces by a processR. Anotner organ5n o also Teproduces by

. Name P, Q, R and S.
The animal A which is classified as an amphibian lays eggs in pond water. Tne hatching ot its eg8s prod.
atailed-form B which looks very different from the animal A. The form 5 then undergoes a change Cand

gets converted into animal A

(4) Name ( ) animal A, and (1) form B.

(6) What is the change C known as

( ) Name the breathing organs ot A

(d) What are the breathing organs or b

89. X and Y are the two types of animals. The animals like X undergo external fertilisation whereas anims
like Y undergo internal fertilisation. The animals Ike X lay e88s Irom which baDy animals are hatched.o
the other hand, in animals like Y, the young one develops inside the uterus of mother which then ol
birth to the baby.
(a) What is the general name of animals like X ?
the previous Chapt
(b) Give two examples of animals like X nlearnt how human
(c) What is the general name of animals like Y ?
LChildren grow furth
(d) Write the names of two animals like Y.
90. Ais an insect which breeds in ponds of stagnant water. The egg of this insect produces a worm like fom is only arter 8owg
B which is entirely different in appearance from the adult insect. The form B undergoes a change C a reproduce (by giving DI

gets converted into insect A. Thefemale of insect A is a carrier of protozoan Dwhich spreads a diseae working oniy atter e
humans. human 'male body and
(a) What are A, B, C, and D ? Words, we will learn aba
(0) Name another insect which also undergoes change C they become capable of
working of a male (boy'
ANSWERS reproduction. So, it is t
1.Reproduction 6. Zygote 19. Embryo 34. (a) True (6)False () True (4) True (e) True () False (g) Ful
() True () False () False () True (0 False (m) False 35. (o) reproduction () gametes (c) zygo
() fertilisation (e) ovum () smaller g) month (h) oviparous () viviparous; oviparous ) metamorphosi Growing up is a n
(k) tadpole () binary fission; budding (m) cloning 55. (0) d (i)a (in) b (ro) c 66. (@) 67.(6) 68. (6) 69.4 becomes a child. A you
70. (b) 71. (6) 72. () 73. () 74. (a) 75. (©) 76. (¢) 77. () 78. (0) 79. (0) 80. (C)81. () 82. ( When a child crosses tl
83. (6) 84. (c) 85. (c) 86. () Yeast (6) Fermentation () Fungi () Hydra () Mulicellular : Y (Hyara)which becomes noticea
Unicellular: X (Yeast) 87.P:Amoeba ; Q: Pseudopodia; R: Binary fission ; S: Paramecium 88.(0) () Frog
Tadpole () Metamorphosis (e) Lungs and Skin () Gills 89. (o) Oviparous animals (6) Frog: Fi part of growing up'. T
(c) Viviparous animals (d) Humans; Dogs 90. (a) A: Mosquito; B: Larva; C: Metamorphoss ay o Decoming an ad
D: Plasmodium (6) Butterfly There is a period
transitional period of p
is called adolescencel
adolescence. Adolescet
make their reproductiv
The period of life of

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