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Review 2010

CND personnel
Officers elected October 2010; Chair: Dave Webb; Vice-Chairs: Jeremy Corbyn MP, Sarah Cartin, Daniel Blaney; Treasurer: Linda Hugl; General Secretary: (appointed senior staff position): Kate Hudson. CND National Council elected October 2010. Directly elected: Pat Allen, Sophie Bolt, Jenny Clegg, Tom Cuthbert, Ian Fairlie, Janet Fenton, Myra Garrett, Gawain Little, Caroline Lucas MP, Vijay Mehta, Pat Sanchez, Tony Staunton, Rae Street, Jim Taggart, Carol Turner Nations, Regions and Areas: CND Cymru: John Cox (VP), Jill Gough; Scottish CND: Brian Larkin, Alan Mackinnon, Arthur West; Cumbria & N. Lancs: Dick Allwright; East Midlands: Ian Cohen, Richard Johnson, Lesley Mathews; Greater Manchester: Philip Gilligan; Kent Area: Marilyn Sansom; London Region: Isobel McHarg, Jim Brann, Nicholas Russell; Merseyside: Gerald Poole; Southern Region: Michael Waugh; South Cheshire & N. Staffs: Jason Hill; South West Region: Peter Le Mare, Tom Milburn, Michal Lovejoy; Sussex Peace Alliance: Ros Cooke; West Midlands CND: vacant; Yorkshire CND: Helen John, Dominic Linley. Specialist Sections: Christian CND: Bob Russell; Labour CND: Joy Hurcombe; Student CND: Fiona Edwards; Youth and Student CND: vacant. Vice-Presidents: Pat Arrowsmith, Tony Benn, John Cox, Joan Horrocks, Rebecca Johnson, Bruce Kent, Alistair Mackie, Alice Mahon, Paul Oestreicher, Walter Wolfgang. Staff and volunteers Staff at Holloway Road: Sam Akaki: Parliamentary Officer [until January 2010]; Joy Annegarn: Membership, Finance; Kate Charteris: Membership and Database Officer; Eve Cuthbert: Finance and Network Manager; Ben Folley: Campaigns Officer (Parliamentary) [from March 2010]; Sue Longbottom: Designer; Mell Harrison: Group Development Officer [on one-years leave from May 2010]; Tansy Hoskins: Campaigns Officer (Trade Unions) [from September 2010]; Anna Liddle: Peace Education Officer; Dawn Rothwell: Campaigns Officer (Research and Information); Luke Massey: Office & Personnel Manager; Anne Schulthess: Campaigns Officer (Youth & Community Engagement) [from May 2010]; Ben Soffa: Press Officer; Beckett Vester: Fundraiser; Chris Wood: QPSW Campaigns Officer [until September 2010]. Many thanks and good luck to Sam Akaki and Chris Wood. National and Regional staff: CND Cymru: Jill Gough; Scottish CND: John Ainslie; Greater Manchester CND: Jacqui Burke, Doug Weir; London Region CND: David Polden; Yorkshire CND: Denise Craghill, Hannah Tweddell. Other regional offices are run by volunteers. Specialist Sections: Christian CND: Claire Poyner (part-time). Other specialist sections are run by volunteers from home. Volunteers at Holloway Road: Pat Allen, Pat Arrowsmith, Jim Brann, Kitty Cooper, Ellie Delves, Dave Esbester, Jessica Littlewood, Gina Mackenzie, Eileen Maclean, Luba Mumford, Mary Ogbogoh, Annette Russell, Ellen Sheffield, Andrea Szilagyi, Jean Taylor, Jim Thomas, Ian Triggs, Tim Wardle, Muriel Wood. Interns: Amy Brecken-Simons, James Funnell, Sarah Holtam, Tom Howie, Kat Lewis, Bwale Nkowane, Ed Ram, Andrea Szilagyi. Thank you to all those in and out of the office who volunteer their valuable time and energy.

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This has been a very interesting and very promising year! One in which we have worked hard for a nuclear weapon free world at local, national and international levels. During the general election campaign CND groups across the country held hustings and lobbied candidates to make Trident replacement a major issue. This was greatly assisted by the online lobbying tool on the CND website which enabled people to contact their candidates at the click of a mouse. No doubt this and other campaigning pressure helped secure the delay to the decision on whether or not to replace Trident to 2016. So there is all to play for! At the same time as the election in the UK, CND was present at the nuclear NonProliferation Treaty Review Conference in New York. We spoke at and hosted workshops and helped to organise and run the International Abolition Conference at Riverside Church (with over 1,000 attendees and guest speakers Ban Ki-moon and Mayor Akiba from Hiroshima). We were also joint organisers of the Disarm Now march and rally in Times Square at which 15,000 sent out our common disarmament message to UN delegates.


AM honoured to have been elected as the new Chair of CND this year and want to thank Kate Hudson for her inspirational work and dedication over the last seven years as Chair. I very much look forward to working with her in her new role as General Secretary.

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

CND campaigns non-violently to achieve British nuclear disarmament for scrapping the Trident nuclear weapons system and preventing its replacement. CND works to secure a Nuclear Weapons Convention which will ban nuclear weapons globally, as chemical and biological weapons have been banned. We also work to end Britains participation in the US Missile Defence system and with other campaigns internationally against missile defence and weapons in space. Other current campaigns include the prevention and cessation of wars in which nuclear weapons may be used, opposition to NATO and its nuclear policies, and to nuclear power. CND is funded entirely by its members and supporters, and our policies are decided upon by our annual national delegates conference, where our national leadership is also elected. Details of our national offices, and our network of regions and local groups can be found at the back of this Review.

In November we were in Lisbon for the NATO Summit. CND was involved in the No to War No to NATO Counter Summit and International Protest which highlighted NATOs expansionist policies, its nuclear presence in Europe and the decision to join the provocative and costly NATO and US missile defence systems.

This Review covers just some of the highlights of our campaigning in 2010, illustrating the breadth and depth of our work. It by no means covers everything and all the groups and supporters deserve a big thank you for their hard work, perseverance and spirit. Unfortunately, we are still being told that we need to spend 76 billion or more on replacing Trident but the argument as to whose budget the money should come from was very interesting. Should it be the MoD or the Treasury that pays? In other words - is it really a weapon or a status symbol for politicians? The simple resolution to the argument would be of course to scrap Trident altogether and with it the huge nuclear burden that we are passing on to future generations.

CND members and groups all over the UK will continue to explain that the cuts in health, education and welfare programmes are unnecessary, if we just admit that we do not need to retain a hugely expensive, wasteful and unnecessary nuclear weapons system! As a result of our work Trident replacement is being shifted further into the future as it becomes increasingly difficult to justify lets continue to apply the pressure and make sure that it is finally cancelled altogether. The one cut that we definitely do need is Trident!

Mordechai Vanunu House 162 Holloway Rd London N7 8DQ Tel: 020 7700 2393 Fax: 020 7700 2357 3

David Webb, CND Chair


February, Aldermaston: CND supported the Big Blockade which drew campaigners from around the world. One of these was Nobel Laureate, Jody Williams (inset) who addressed our public meeting the following day at the LSE. Jody led the Landmines Ban campaign and shared many ideas and lessons for the banning of nuclear weapons.

Spending Review, CND joined with the Stop the War coalition to organise a protest in Parliament Square, urging that Trident and war should be cut, not spending on health, education and welfare. An important feature of our antiTrident work has been our new research and publications on Trident and the jobs issue (see page 20). We have exposed

63% of the British public want spending cuts to include scrapping Trident BPIX/Mail on Sunday poll, June 2010.

the myth that Trident helps employment and are using the new materials particularly with the trade union movement. This year CND again backed opposition to Aldermaston Weapons Establishment planning applications for new facilities, this time a hydrodynamics facility Hydrus (which recreates the extreme conditions within a nuclear explosion without causing a detonation). Our online lobbying system allowed over a thousand objections to be logged. We have produced new campaigning material on Trident which has been widely used by local groups, together with a new Scrap Trident: Ban all nuclear weapons petition (see page 20). CND continues to convene the No Trident Replacement core group where

Photo: Cynthia Cockburn

Scrap Trident O
UR TOP PRIORITIES this year have been working to scrap Trident, ensure there is no nuclear replacement of any sort, and secure the global abolition of nuclear weapons. The situation has changed significantly in our favour: now the possibility of scrapping the existing system is on the agenda, as well as making sure there is no replacement. Polls continue to show a majority for nuclear disarmament, so, as a result the emphasis of our work has shifted from No Trident Replacement to Scrap Trident, as a realisable demand. This years campaigning was dominated by the general election and its aftermath. Election work focused on canvassing all candidates on nuclear weapons, mostly via our special online lobbying system which thousands of members and supporters used to contact their candidates. Hundreds of responses were received many candidates even went against their party to oppose Trident. The issue had a boost from Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg, who raised Trident replacement in the televised leadership hustings. However, hopes were dashed when the coalition government backed Trident replacement. We lobbied new Defence Secretary Liam Fox and his Lib Dem Defence Minister Nick Harvey, to include Trident in the Strategic Defence and Security Review. Then we facilitated submissions to the Treasurys Spending Challenge, inviting people to suggest what should be cut. Large numbers of people opted to scrap Trident. We have been pressing the government to take note of the response! Since then we have seen some modest advances. In October, the government published its Defence Review and its new National Security Strategy which saw not only a delay to the decision to replace Trident until 2016 and a reduction in warhead numbers, but also a reduction of nuclear threats to a second tier level. Our key focus now is to ensure that decision is a resounding No. On the day of the Comprehensive

CAMPAIGN REVIEW 2010 representatives from a wide range of disarmament organisations meet regularly to discuss strategy and tactics in our anti-Trident work. Recognising the importance of campaigning at the nuclear dockyard in Devonport, Plymouth where Trident submarines are serviced, we have continued to work with local activists and supported a blockade in October. Our campaigning in Devonport links the issues of nuclear weapons, nuclear waste, cuts and investment in sustainable jobs. Global Abolition 2010 saw the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference in New York a five yearly event where progress towards disarmament is assessed and advanced. This years event was more constructive than the previous one in 2005, and there was some modest progress in securing recognition for a Nuclear Weapons Convention. CND had worked with other organisations internationally towards this end and had a good delegation in attendance. We held a successful fringe meeting, joined an enormous march through New York, and helped organise a major NGO conference. A highlight of the NPT was the handing in of a global petition calling for nuclear abolition. It comprised over 16 million signatures, including tens of thousands from Britain! In June, CND and the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) UK worked together to mark a post-NPT global day of action by organising some newlyelected anti-nuclear MPs to hand in a letter to Downing Street. CND continues to be an active part of ICAN the international campaign which focuses on securing a Nuclear Weapons Convention.

June: CND joined with the Stop the War Coalition to organise a protest on the day of the Comprehensive Spending Review cut Trident and war, not public spending

May, New York: A global petition calling for nuclear abolition was handed in at the NPT. It comprised over 16 million signatures, including tens of thousands from Britain

CND groups made concerted efforts in the run-up to the election: lobbying candidates, organising hustings and getting letters and articles in their local press. Yorkshire CND, in common with other regions, received the fewest responses from the Conservative Party candidates and the most from the Lib Dems and the Green Party. The group organised a Peace and Justice Hustings in Leeds Civic Hall with representatives from all the main political parties in the area.

Kent Area CND members produced a special pre-election leaflet 2010: Make or Break making the case for scrapping Trident. A small band of activists distributed them in town centres in every constituency in the area. Members also wrote to most of their candidates, getting considered replies from unexpected quarters. West Midlands CND members had pre-election stalls throughout the region, and questioned candidates on Trident at hustings. Their dedicated parliamentary team continues to monitor parliament enabling them to follow up elected MPs and write letters to their local newspapers. Bruce Kent addressed their lively public meeting attended by 60 people. Later in the year, West Midlands CND members joined thousands of protestors on the Right to Work March in Birmingham on the day the Conservative Party Conference opened. Carrying No to Trident placards and leafleting the marchers, they continued their campaigning with a silent vigil outside the Conference Centre. Greater Manchester & District CND groups were very busy organising local hustings (coordinating with the Greater Manchester Stop the War Coalition), public meetings, rallies, and street stalls prior to the election. 5

CAMPAIGN FOR NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT Cumbria and Lancashire Area CND members campaigned vigorously using CNDs Election Pack. In March, members celebrated International Womens Day with stalls in Lancaster and Nelson; overall they collected more than 900 signatures for the No to Trident Replacement petitions. London Region CNDs bi-monthly Public Fora included a well-attended hustings and, since the election, members have held monthly vigils protesting against Trident in Parliament Square. Sussex Peace Alliance members were particularly active during the election period writing to candidates beforehand and then to the elected MPs after. They have correspondents in all of the Sussex constituencies and continue to inform their MPs successfully prompting them to sign EDMs and table Parliamentary Questions. Oxford CND members from Southern Region CND have joined in many local anti-cuts demonstrations using Cut Trident Not Welfare as their slogan. Street stalls have been run by Merseyside CND members in Birkenhead, Liverpool and Maghull city centres. They also ran monthly Tea in the Park events throughout the summer in a park in Wallasey with stalls and music. Many young people were interested in the cause and the general public consensus was that Trident is a shameful waste of money in these hard times. Several groups sought to make people aware of the importance of the NPT Review Conference 2010 in New York. Yorkshire CND organised a series of six public talks by special speakers on various aspects of the nuclear weapons issue. Sussex Peace Alliance members helped organise a long stretch of the Flame of Hope walk between Dover and Portsmouth to call on world leaders to ban nuclear weapons. Members were also present as NGO delegates at the Conference in New York. During the autumn, Kent Area CND held a successful public meeting in Tunbridge Wells on the outcomes of the Review Conference, generating much goodwill and support from longstanding members. 6 from Portsmouth, lots of young people came from Poole, Bournemouth and Christchurch, and other Southern Region members came from Oxford and Penzance. Participation in the blockade has encouraged campaigning in Bournemouth, where two well-attended public meetings have since been held.
Gtr Manchester CND helps to blockade the Home Office Gate at Aldermaston

East Midlands CND protest outside the Rolls Royce factory in Derby

Nuclear Convoys Oxford CND members from Southern Region CND continue to work with Nukewatch (see page 25), observing, pursuing and noting details about the nuclear convoys pass ing through their area. Aldermaston blockading Earlier in the year many regional and local CND groups supported the Big Blockade at Aldermaston organised by Trident Ploughshares, including members from London Region, Sussex Peace Alliance, Cumbria and Lancashire and Yorkshire CND groups. A carful of Zombies came

Rolls Royce East Midlands CND campaigners concentrate on the Rolls Royce factory in Derby. As well as designing and manufacturing the reactors for Trident and other nuclear-powered subs, the company has now expanded into the area of civil nuclear power having become involved in a new research centre and new plant to manufacture components for the industry. In March, East Midlands CND roused significant local press interest in their public meeting in Derby (organised with the Justice & Peace Group) on the theme Nuclear Dangers the Green Alternative. Around 50 people attended (and contributions to the discussion were made by several people from the local workforce). The speaker was Dr Stuart Parkinson from Scientists for Global Responsibility. The group holds monthly protests outside the factory with Derby Churches Justice and Peace, Friends of the Earth and other Green groups. Different themes have included vigils for Chernobyl Day and Hiroshima and Nagasaki commemorations and in October they held a Cut Trident, Create Green Jobs demonstration.

Lobby your MP to sign EDM 909 calling on the government to ensure a full public review of our possession of nuclear weapons before the Trident replacement project reaches Main Gate stage (after which construction of the submarines will begin). At the same time ask him/her to sign EDM 498 demanding the government supports negotiations for a Nuclear Weapons Convention to ban all nuclear weapons worldwide. Use CNDs new leaflet on Trident and the cuts (ready for 2011) as well as the Trident, Jobs and the UK Economy four-page summary particularly for work with trade unions. Make sure all your friends and family sign the Scrap Trident, Ban all Nuclear Weapons petition a copy is enclosed with your Campaign Review (please post it back to us before September 2011). Alternatively sign the petition online, send it to all your friends and share it on your Facebook page.

CAMPAIGN REVIEW 2010 in London. The general response was encouraging. Their other pre-Conference event was organising 23 miles of the Flame of Hope Walk (Lydd to Hastings section). There were stops along the way when they were greeted by Mayors, senior clergy and the MP Michael Foster. Four members represented Christian CND at the Conference in New York, holding early morning interfaith prayer vigils, meeting diplomats and joining in NGO activities. With tuition fees at 2.5 billion per year (more than the cost of running Trident!) and rising, Student CND has been building support for its Fund Education No to Trident campaigning. This issue was central to its intervention in the NUS National Conference in April which proved to be a key opportunity to make new links with student activists and student leaders from across the country. Hundreds of Student CND newsletters were distributed from a popular stall at the Conference and members co-organised a peace fringe with Stop the War Coalition and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign. This was one of the biggest fringe meetings at the Conference with over 100 people attending. During the summer Student CND sent out a glossy new Fund Education No to Trident Replacement briefing to several hundred incoming Student Union Sabbatical Officers around the country. For Freshers Week the group produced a Student CND newsletter to mobilise students around CNDs core campaigns. Members also held a successful stall at the University of London Freshers Fair. In October Student CND spoke at the Progressive Students Conference (a national event with students coming from 30 different campuses). In November the group distributed new leaflets at the enormous (52,000 people) demonstration against the governments proposal to increase tuition fees.

Devonport blockade Plymouth CND (part of South West Region) has been campaigning on the crucial issues at Devonport Dockyard, showing what will really help employment in the city. The group has gained the support of the Plymouth Trades Union Council and the Green Party. There is much local concern about plans to cut up all the obsolete nuclear powered submarines and store the radioactive waste in this city inhabited by 250,000 people. The group worked with Trident Ploughshares to organise a Blockade of the dockyard gates. At least 120 protestors came to the blockade including members from London Region CND, South West Region (Exeter and Penzance), and activists from Yorkshire CND and Eastern Region CND (some of whom locked on to a car!). A protest march in the city preceded the blockade.

The blockade at Devonport Dockyard

Labour CND backed Diane Abbott for leader of the Labour Party in the leadership contest in summer because of her consistent support for CND, and how she spoke out strongly against Trident replacement and opposed the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Her campaign successfully raised these issues in the public debate. Members sent resolutions to local Labour parties for submission to Labour Party Conference on the subjects Support a Nuclear Weapons Convention, Scrap Trident and Troops out of Afghanistan they were ruled out of order as usual. The real debate was at the fringe meetings, particularly the one organised by Labour CND, Labour Action for Peace and CND. MPs Jeremy Corbyn, Diane Abbott, Eric Joyce and Yasmin Qureshi joined with Kate Hudson and Mehdi Hasan from the New Statesman to debate the subject of New leader, new foreign policy; the meeting was so popular there was standing room only for latecomers. Christian CND had several gatherings at the Atomic Weapons Establishment, Aldermaston. Their biggest being an overnight candlelit vigil preceding the Big Blockade in February.

Specialist sections

Sussex Peace Alliance members helped organise a long stretch of the Flame of Hope walk between Dover and Portsmouth to call on world leaders to ban nuclear weapons.

Student zombies join the blockade at Aldermaston

The closing ceremony and interfaith service the following morning attracted an unusually large crowd including the Bishops of Reading and Brentwood. In June members organised a special Nuclear Abolition Day event which members of West Midlands CND supported. There was a picnic and a colourful presentation at Main Gate entitled Strictly Disarming. In March, in advance of the NPT Review Conference, Christian CND held an Embassies Walk calling at 16 embassies


Not one more death

20th November: Afghanistan Time to Go demonstration

E CONTINUE to work as appropriate with the Stop the War Coalition and the British Muslim Initiative. This year that included the joint organisation of the successful Troops out of Afghanistan demo in November, a protest in January at the Chilcot Inquiry on the occasion of Tony Blair being called to give evidence and protests against the attacks on the Gaza Flotilla taking humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza.

As always many local and regional CND group members come from all parts of the country to strengthen the numbers of the national anti-war demonstrations in London. At the same time they also carry out actions in their own towns and cities. At the start of the year Greater 8

January: Blair gives evidence at the Chilcot Inquiry into the war in Iraq

Manchester & District CND worked closely with the Manchester Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) and the Greater Manchester Stop the War Coalition (STWC) and other groups to organise vigils and other events around

the anniversary of Operation Cast Lead to remember all those civilians who died in the devastating Israeli attacks on the Gaza strip in 2008/9. In summer many people came to see the GMD CND concert organised with Manchester PSC to host singersongwriter David Ferrard. Everyone agreed that making the link between the two causes was vital because of the issue of Israels nuclear weapons. The group linked with Manchester PSC and STWC again to organise a large rally of more than two thousand people outside the BBC Headquarters in response to the attack on the Gaza aid flotilla in May. Sussex Peace Alliance members supported Eastbourne for Peace and Liberty in arranging an Open Forum on Afghanistan. Presentations and discussions were informed by factual briefings and the Forum resulted in the

formulation of a series of public questionnaires asking people for views on whether people feel safer with British troops in Afghanistan. Penzance CND, from South West Region, has held their Peace Stall in the centre of town nearly every Saturday for the last 35 years. Since the bombing of Afghanistan they have also held an hour long vigil there every Saturday too.

No to NATO


Specialist sections
Labour CND held a successful conference at the start of the year entitled Reclaiming the peace, Throw away our imperialist past, No to Trident, Troops out of Afghanistan. Speakers included Jeremy Corbyn MP, Billy Hayes the General Secretary of the Communication Workers Union, Marion Hobbs the Former Disarmament Minister of New Zealand, and Alice Ukoko, a Nigerian human rights activist. Former Guantanamo detainee Omar Deghayes spoke about his ordeal spending six years in Guantanamo where he suffered routine abuse and torture, including being blinded in one eye. Labour CND continues to work for the release of British Resident Shaker Aamer who is a victim of US/UK foreign policy, still being detained in Guantanamo without charge. Student CND played an active role in mobilising students to join the national demonstration against the war in Afghanistan in November and Fiona Edwards represented Student CND on the platform of speakers at the closing

CNDs delegates joined the massive 30,000 strong demonstration of the Portuguese peace movement in Lisbon at the Nato Summit

HIS YEARS anti-NATO campaigning has focused on the NATO summit in Lisbon in November where a new Strategic Concept was announced. Although there were some verbal gestures towards nuclear disarmament, nothing concrete was achieved in this area, and there was no commitment to remove the remaining US tactical nukes from five European countries, even though a number of them have demanded their removal at government level.

CND was centrally involved in the organisation of a counter-summit in Lisbon during the NATO leaders summit. This was a successful event addressed by Jeremy Corbyn MP, CND Chair Dave Webb and National Council member Rae Street. Earlier in the year we protested outside a NATO meeting in London, calling for British troops to be withdrawn from Afghanistan. A new briefing and leaflet have been produced, following the outcomes of the NATO summit.

Women in Black and Womens International League for Peace and Freedom say No to Nato in Trafalgar Square, London


NTI-NUCLEAR power campaigning has been ongoing this year, with submissions made to government consultations on new nuclear power stations. We were also able to provide material to support local groups to make their own submissions too. A highlight of the year was the publication of our new briefing on the German governments KiKK study on the incidence of childhood leukaemia in proximity to nuclear power stations. We have also produced a new leaflet against nuclear power, explaining that it is not the answer to climate change, supported local protests at power stations and participated in the green NGOs group which cooperates on common issues. In December we joined the climate change demo, leafleting with our new No to Nuclear Power leaflets.

No nuclear power A
4th December: CNDs banner was at the Climate Change demo, where hundreds of the new No to nuclear power leaflets were distributed

In April Cumbria and Lancashire Area CND joined with the Heysham Anti Nuclear Alliance (HANA) to hold a Market Square stall focusing on the anniversary of the terrible accident at Chernobyl. Members also organised a public meeting on Nuclear Power and the Local Economy in April, drawing attention to the dangers of nuclear newbuild in the area. There was also a good turn-out for the meeting Greater Manchester & District CND organised on nuclear power at the time of the Chernobyl anniversary. Speakers included Dr Ian Fairlie, Linda Walker from the Chernobyl Childrens Project (UK) and Marianne Kirkby from Radiation Free Lakeland. One of London Region CNDs bimonthly Public Fora included a talk in spring by Dr. Ian Fairlie on Childhood Leukaemia and Nuclear Power. In July, LRCNDs working group, the Nuclear Trains Action Group, organised a 100strong demonstration and die-in to call for a halt to trains carrying highlyradioactive fuel rods being routed through 10

the Olympic site in East London. Among other risks, the demonstration highlighted how a terrorist attack on such a train near the site during the Olympics could kill thousands downwind and require mass evacuation. Eastern Region CND members continued to protest throughout the year against nuclear power. In February they supported a 10-hour blockade at Sizewell nuclear power station organised by the Stop Nuclear Power Network (SNPN). To raise public awareness about waste issues their blockading (with help from the Theatre of War) involved locking on to mock radioactive waste barrels. They are supporting those arrested at the blockade who are facing court action in January 2011.

In April the group worked with the SNPN again to run a Chernobyl weekend camp which around 100 people attended. With a welcome tent and informational display boards the camp was a great success in persuading local people to stop, learn more and ask questions. There were workshops on nuclear power, renewable energy solutions and non-violent direct action. The event culminated in a lively demonstration with speakers, music and a dancing blockade at Sizewells gates. On Chernobyl day itself Eastern Region CND members held a procession with the Theatre of War to the local beach near Sizewell power station. They carried pebbles inscribed with special messages and built a cairn with them in memory of all those affected by nuclear disasters. The event was witnessed by local media and independent film makers. There was a follow-up public meeting which initiated a ripple of letters in the local paper. In October Eastern Region members supported a four-hour SNPN blockade of Hinkley Point nuclear power station to protest about the flawed and biased local Consultation on having a new reactor built there. All activists wore badger masks to show their opposition to plans which would also destroy the habitat for local wildlife even including evicting badgers from their sets. East Midlands CND has been campaigning hard with other groups and local people in their region to stop the company Augean dumping nuclear waste from Rolls Royce Raynesway and from the decommissioning of old power stations at the Kings Cliffe landfill in

SCANS (Solent Campaign Against Nuclear Ships) protest outside Southampton Civic Centre, against the visit of the nuclear-powered submarine HMS Torbay on the 15th November 2010 Photo: David Smith

No US Missile Defence
Eastern Regions Chernobyl Day protest at Sizewell nuclear power station


Northamptonshire. Their hard work helped get the application refused by the local council. Even so Augean is busy appealing against this decision. Eastern Region CNDs Chair, along with representatives from the Low Level Radiation Campaign, Friends of the Earth, the Green Party and the local campaigning group, Waste Watchers, has given important evidence to the hearing. East Midlands CND is producing a new pamphlet based on their short history of the debate about nuclear power in Britain published in the WISE (World Information Service on Energy) monthly Nuclear Monitor. The group has also been working on a new website, covering all their activities, planned to go live at the start of 2011. Southern Region CND members are an important part of the Solent Coalition Against Nuclear Ships (SCANS). This year SCANS and Southampton CND demonstrated against the citys adoption of the new Astute class submarine HMS Artful and the nuclear-powered submarine HMS Torbays visiting the city in November. The Coalition commissioned new research by Large & Associates which highlighted serious failings in emergency planning in the event of an accident in a submarine docked at Southampton.
Write to Chris Huhne MP, Department of Energy and Climate Change Secretary, asking him to ditch new nuclear power plans: Department for Energy and Climate Change, 3 Whitehall Place, London SW1A 2AW (see CNDs Nuclear Power page on the website for all the arguments). If you live near a nuclear power station join in and help out one of the local groups campaigning there.

AMPAIGNING on missile defence has progressed, thanks to Yorkshire CND which leads CNDs campaigning in this area and has updated our materials and information. A successful protest took place at the missile defence base at Fylingdales in June. We have also continued to coordinate with other European groups and to participate in the Global Network against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space.

In June Yorkshire CND and Trident Ploughshares organised an event called Reclaiming the Moor, around Fylingdales. Thirty demonstrators, including members of Cumbria and Lancashire Area CND and West Midlands CND, battled the elements (mainly torrential rain) and faced a disproportionate MoD police presence to approach the base from three different directions. Once there they handed in a letter to the Base Commander. Cumbria and Lancashire CND members supported several events organised by the Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases (CAAB) at Menwith Hill including the Independence from America day of protest in July and the Who are the Invisibles? protest in October as part of Keep Space for Peace week.. The group welcomed Lindis Percy from CAAB to a


talk on missile defence in September. Yorkshire CND launched A Walkers Guide to Fylingdales during this years Keep Space for Peace Week. The guided walk took place on an unseasonably warm and sunny day and revealed the important geological and historical features of the area and toured the outskirts of the base. The group also organised a screening of the new documentary Pax Americana and the Weaponization of Space in Leeds and Bradford as part of the weeks events. Yorkshire CND has updated its important US Missile Defence exhibition (comprising four large, attractive, informative display boards) and it was shown in the Bradford Central Library. The exhibition is available for all groups and members to use: please e-mail or call 01274 730 795 to organise your own showing. Oxford CND is an important member of the Oxfordshire Peace Campaign. Its annual march and rally to the Croughton base, the big US listening and communications centre, during Keep Space for Peace Week was informative and enjoyable. Around 60 demonstrators listened to Peter Burt from the Nuclear Information Service and the Reverend David Platt. Mark Levene from Crisis Forum explained how the base is also a hub of the Airforce Global Weather Centre supplying meteorological information to all Americas forces and that its Perimeter Denial Capability plans to keep out hordes of climate change refugees. The demonstrators were entertained by Les Bicyclettes a cabaret act mocking the USAF base and the Sea Green Singers.

Speaking at the Croughton rally



Festivals, fairs and conferences

HIGHLIGHT of the year has been our hosting, with the Quakers, of the Hiroshima Peace Museum Exhibition (displayed for the first time in London), at Friends House in London. We were also delighted to welcome Mr Kawamoto, a survivor from Hiroshima who opened the exhibition with a moving testimony and spoke at a number of local groups public meetings during the exhibition run. Our participation at party conferences has increased this year. We hosted fringe meetings at all three major party conferences and stalls at the Labour party and Lib Dem Conferences, as well as cohosting a hustings for the Labour Party leadership contest with the New Statesman magazine. We also hosted a fringe and had a stall at the Trades Union Congress. This years participation at Glastonbury festival was very successful, with two stalls, a programme of events and activities including a screening of the Beating the Bomb film about CND and its campaigning. Around 15,000 copies of Festival Campaign magazine were distributed at the festival and over 1,200 people signed letters to David Cameron. We then organised a Downing Street hand-in of the letters with the MP who represents Glastonbury.

CND at the 1234 Shoreditch festival At Glastonbury Festival

1,200 letters signed at Glastonbury were handed in to David Cameron

Several hundred people came to the Nagasaki and Hiroshima Remembrance event London Region CND organised in Tavistock Square. Speakers included Hiroshima survivor Mr Kawamoto, Ken Livingstone, the Mayor of Camden and Hetty Bowers. There was poetry from the Purple Poets and singing from the Workers Music Association, Raised Voices and tenor Anthony Flaum. People came from all over the region carrying both new and historical banners to the vigil on Hiroshima Day held outside Stoke on Trents Town Hall and organised by South Cheshire and North Staffordshire CND. Representatives from Trident Ploughshares, NorSCARF (a local anti12

racist group) and Guduwara Temple also joined the vigil. Yorkshire CND worked in conjunction with a new pop up art space to host the Hiroshima Peace Museums A-Bomb exhibition in August. It was considered a great way to engage people in CNDs campaigns. The Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress of Bradford attended their vigil which attracted the largest turnout in many years. The Lord Mayor of Liverpool attended Merseyside CNDs wreath-laying ceremony. Over half of those attending were new faces and students. West Midlands CND members held special commemorations and vigil throughout the region including in Hereford, Malvern and Birmingham and arranged for photograph exhibitions in their cathedrals and libraries. Exeter CND members of South West Region raised awareness about the

bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with two stalls: one with paper crane-making and leafleting in Exeter High Street; one at Roy Baileys Concert for Peace at the Sidmouth Folk Festival (with a captive audience of several hundred). In spring Greater Manchester & District CND began a long-running and successful touring exhibition of the national CND Anniversary panels and their special Peace Tree interactive artwork. The exhibition was shown in Manchester Cathedral and churches, temples, meeting houses and community centres across the region. The group also joined the Nuclear Free Local Authorities (NFLA) Secretariat planning group to help create the Manchester Peace Trail and Childrens Peace Trail. In autumn the group played a key role organising the Manchester Peace Festival which was an enormous success. It included: the Michael Foot exhibition at the Working Class Movement Library; a rock concert; a folk music concert with Leon

Fourth Merseyside CND Peace & Ecology Festival at St.Lukes Church in Liverpool City Centre, July 4th 2010 Photo: James Donnelly

CAMPAIGN REVIEW 2010 Rosselson; comedy with Jewish comedian Ivor Dembina. The Festival also incorporated a Peace Play in a Day project at two schools in Manchester. One of the schools performed their play in front of the Mayor of Nagasaki during the Nuclear-Free Local Authorities anniversary events in November (see page 18). The Peace and Ecology Festival run by Merseyside CND every summer in Liverpools bombed-out church is now an established and successful city centre annual event. This year about 15 different campaigning groups held stalls at the Festival and the music and poetry readings were received by a young and enthusiastic audience. Highlights including the Peacemakers 15 piece band (worldbeat vibe with a dash of folk) and the newly-formed Liverpool Socialist Choir. Merseyside CND was also active during International Womens Day celebrations in March and Merseysides May Day celebrations. Members ran a stall at the National Union of Teachers Conference in Liverpool and helped staff the CND stall at the Lib Dem Conference in Liverpool in September. Many groups have held screenings of the new film Beating the Bomb. Merseyside CND marked the UN Day of Peace with a showing which was followed by intense discussion. The Bishop of Birkenhead supported Wallasey CNDs Peace Fair and Concert prior to the Day of Peace. Sussex Peace Alliance members joined in the Mid Sussex Global Peace Campaigns celebration of the Day of Peace on Burgess Hill with childrens activities, a screening of the film Peace One Day and a classical and folk music concert held in a local church. In May West Midlands CND joined with members of the United Nations Association in Birmingham Peace Gardens on International Conscientious Objectors Day to celebrate conscientious objectors: both lifelong pacifists and those who, already in the army, claim the right to refuse to kill under certain circumstances. In July members of Norwich CND from Eastern Region were active helping to organise the Norwich Peace Festival at which their stall was very well-visited. Eastern Region members also held successful stalls at the Harlequin Fayre in Exeter CND members from South West Region worked at the Glastonbury and Reading Festivals raising funds for CND. Kent Area CND helps support the University of Kent Student CND representative who regularly attends their meetings and events. The two groups organised a stall at the annual Freshers Fair.
Mr Kawamoto speaking at the launch of the Hiroshima exhibition in London

Specialist sections

The Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress of Bradford attended Yorkshire CNDs vigil CNDs Vice-President Canon Paul Oestreicher speaks at Christian CNDs 50th anniversary event in Coventry Cathedrals old ruins

Cumbria and Lancashire Area CND organised a Hiroshima/Nagasaki paper crane-making stall at their stall in Lancaster Market Square

August (where they also held a workshop on nuclear physics and organised film showings) and at the Waveney Greenpeace Fair.

London Region CNDs Hiroshima/ Nagasaki commemoration event

This year was Christian CNDs 50th Anniversary and they marked it with a Pilgrimage to Peace event in Coventry Cathedral at the end of October as part of Coventry City Councils annual Peace Month commemorations. CND VicePresidents Bruce Kent and Canon Paul Oestreicher were the keynote speakers. Christian CND supported the showing of the Hiroshima Peace Museum Exhibition. The group also organised a vigil service in Tavistock Square and walk to Battersea Peace Pagoda on Nagasaki Day carrying a Pilgrims Staff decorated with peace cranes made in Hiroshima. In August Christian CND sponsored Bruce Kent as one of the main Grandstand speakers at the Greenbelt Christian Arts Festival (20,000 people attended). They were also influential in the organising group of the event helping to ensure nuclear disarmament was one of the events key issues of interest. Youth & Student CND members raised much needed funds for CND youth work through Workers Beer at Glastonbury. 13




Scottish CND

March, Edinburgh: Scotland's for Peace Cut Trident Not Jobs demo. Speakers included Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond and Kate Hudson

Pre-election campaigning N the early part of the year Scottish CNDs main focus was on raising the issue of Trident in the election campaign. Letters were sent to all the candidates signed by Cardinal Keith OBrien, Rt Rev Bill Hewitt (Moderator of the Church of Scotland) and Isobel Lindsay (Convenor of Scotlands for Peace and ViceChair of Scottish CND). The responses to this survey were published in an article in The Herald. We encouraged supporters to send specially designed Cut Trident cards to all those standing in the election. Several local CND groups also organised hustings meeting. A major demonstration Cut Trident not Jobs was held in Edinburgh with speakers including First Minister Alex Salmond. The profile of the Trident issue was effectively raised in Scotland, particularly by the SNP and the Liberal Democrats, both at national and constituency level. Post-election In May we held a Post-Election conference which brought together representatives of the main political parties and CND activists. The meeting concluded that we should continue to lobby MPs and MSPs to take advantage of the political situation at Westminster and the Scottish Parliament elections in 2011. 16

Jobs and Trident An excellent new report, Trident, Jobs and the UK Economy, written by Alan Mackinnon, John Foster and John Ainslie for CND, was launched by CND at the TUC Congress in September (see page 20). It was also discussed at a meeting with Scottish trade union activists in October. August activities The anniversaries of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were marked by local events in ten locations across Scotland, many attended by 50 to 100 people. Local groups also supported the Footprints for Peace walk in August. The walk followed the routes taken by nuclear weapons convoys and raised public awareness of the transport of Trident warheads through the countryside. A significant contingent from France played a major role in the walk. In the press When the Navys newest Astute class nuclear-powered submarine ran aground in Skye we were able to quickly put out a press release along with a report on how similar incidents in the past were the result of basic navigation errors and a lack of common sense. Our comments

were widely published along with details of the earlier accidents. The Scottish press, particularly the Sunday Herald, has carried regular articles on nuclear safety at Faslane, and we have been able to contribute to these. The most recent of these concerned Ministry of Defence plans to privatise work at the Coulport nuclear store. Scottish CNDs comments on this were covered both in print and on BBC Scotland. Collective work Scottish CND continues to work in coalition with other organisations. Through Scotlands for Peace we maintain close links with a range of civic groups, including religious bodies and trade unions. We also encourage cross-party opposition to Trident through our involvement in the Scottish Parliament Cross Party Group on Nuclear Disarmament, Nuclear Free Local Authorities (Scotland) and Mayors for Peace. We have engaged in the international disarmament campaign. In May Scottish CND Chair, Alan Mackinnon, attended the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference in New York. In September there was a successful meeting in the Scottish Parliament to build support for a Nuclear Weapons Convention.

Success! FTER a year of hard work, argument and struggle, the best disarmament news from Wales is the cancellation of the St Athan Military College project. For a minimum of 14 billion it would have committed Wales and Britain to a massive military institution on Welsh soil; completely antipathetic to the ethos of sustainable development and international citizenship espoused by our Welsh Assembly Government (WAG). When Jill Evans MEP, CND Cymru Chair, first calmly spoke the truth in opposing the project she was publically called a nutter by Labour MP John Smith. Wales was bribed with the promise of jobs but in reality it was a job reduction exercise for the armed services. Only a few hundred unskilled jobs would have been available for locals. Advance payments from the MoD and the WAG were a gravy train for private consultants. From the project launch in 2007 to the current day the private sector price has increased from 11 to 14billion. Millions of pounds of public money were wasted on planning procedures. WAG civil servants were employed to see the project launched with no debate, only press rhetoric and lobbyists spin. CND Cymru and British CND must be vigilant. The MoD plans to modernise military training by bringing the different forces to work more closely together will remain. New remote killing methods using satellites and cyber space, missiles, robots, and drones, force strategic rethinking. Arms

CND Cymru
companies rely on fear and endless war to maintain their growth, encouraging a system which legitimises the possession of WMD. Wales Peace Institute Vice-Chair John Cox deserves special mention for his work in negotiating with the Petitions Committee of the Welsh Assembly Government along with Assembly Members of all parties in our efforts to legitimise the concept of a Wales Peace Institute. Aberporth The campaign to stop an area of West and Mid Wales developing into a Centre of Excellence (sic) for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (drones) continues. Testing and development at Aberporth currently involves the MoD Watchkeeper unmanned aerial vehicle. CND Cymru is delighted to be working with Bro Emlyn Peace and Justice Group and Cymdeithas y Cymod on this issue. CND Cymru participated in the Fellowship of Reconciliation conference on drones in London in September.


Trident and Security and Defence Review Constant campaigning against Trident and any replacement continues. Unusually through the Westminster Elections, local hustings and the Defence and Security Review announcement, nuclear weapons were easy to get on the press and media agenda for the first time in several years in Wales. At the Aldermaston and Devonport Blockades CND Cymru was, as always, proud to be alongside and part of the wonderful Trident Ploughshares. The brilliant Wrexham Peace and Justice Group were out on the Wrexham streets in sympathy with the Devonport Blockade, showing how little it takes to cause a stir! Nuclear power Work to prevent the building of new nuclear power stations especially at Wylfa and on our borders has come to the fore this year. We work with People Against Wylfa-B (PAWB), the Stop Hinkley Campaign, Welsh Anti-Nuclear Alliance and the brilliant Nuclear Free Local Authorities. Groups and individuals all around Wales informed by Heddwch, e-lists and our webpages have been on the streets, writing letters and supporting campaigns. As always, it is important to remember that in our small country it is necessary and our privilege to network closely and work together with many groups on many related issues.



Peace Education
Miss, do you have lots of nuclear weapons where you work? Aside from such questions from a rare pupil (who must have been asleep during a workshop), Peace Education in 2010 has gone from strength to strength, and reached thousands of new school students and their teachers all over the country throughout the year.

Under Pressure: How Pressure Groups Operate Responding to demand, we have released a brand new resource pack on how CND operates as a pressure group to complement the GCSE Citizenship curriculum. Students learn to recognise the strength of their own influence and design their own campaigns based on the knowledge gained from this pack. Hundreds of copies have already been distributed and young people have commented that the resources make them feel as though they are able to make positive changes on issues about which they feel strongly. Crane-folding Collectives We have received news of whole year groups of hundreds of students folding origami paper cranes and following the schemes of work in the Sadakos Cranes for Peace booklet. The other education resources have also been enthusiastically received by teachers whove commented that they are: absolutely fantastic and not only can they be used successfully in educating on nuclear issues, but they have application for other topics. One resource, The Bomb Factor, was made into a programme for Teachers TV. The programme has received over a thousand viewings within the first couple of months, despite it being first shown over the summer holidays. We have also had articles in teaching journals and magazines, including RE Today (the national publication for Religious Education teachers) and been invited to contribute further articles to various different journals in 2011 18

Pupils from Whalley Range High School performed a short play at the Peoples History Museum for a delgation from Japan and met with Yoshiro Yamawaki, survivor of the Nagasaki bomb Photo: M.E.N. Syndication

In 2010 we attended many conferences (including those for Science and English teachers) to ensure that the Peace Education materials are used across the curriculum. They have also been distributed at training events and placed on recommended lists from examining boards for Citizenship. We have given more than a dozen teacher training sessions, receiving much positive feedback from them such as upbeat and engaging and informative and extremely useful. One teacher-trainer reported that student teachers had described their session as one of the best external sessions of the year. And a teacher who attended a regional training event was inspired to run a session promoting the resources to teachers across her city, creating a snowball effect. Peace Play in a day Around the International Day of Peace in September, we visited two schools in Manchester accompanied by a theatre practitioner to work with teenagers in creating a peace play in a day. The results were excellent: the students worked hard and produced some beautiful performances exploring the stories of those affected by Hiroshima, Nagasaki and nuclear testing. One groups performance was so moving that they were invited to perform before the Mayor

of Nagasaki when their delegation visited in November. Nagasaki delegation visit During the Nagasaki delegations visit to the Peoples History Museum schools events were organised so that students had the chance to hear the story of a Hibakusha, a survivor of the Nagasaki bomb. Over 100 students from seven schools came to the museum to see the exhibition on loan from the Nagasaki Peace Museum and hear the testimony of the survivor. Many students were moved to tears and their teachers commented on the privilege of being able to attend such an event, and said that the pupils gained a lot from hearing a firsthand account of an event that they will be studying in the very near future. To ensure that the testimony will reach even more students, it was filmed by TV Production students from the University of Central Lancashire and will be made into a DVD to be launched in March 2011 and distributed to schools countrywide. Looking forward The DVD will hopefully be just one of many exciting developments in 2011 as CND Peace Education continues to expand and develop. Email Anna Liddle on to get involved.

OTH our campaigning activities and our responses to world events have continued to gain coverage in wide sections of the media this year. This included Februarys Aldermaston blockade which was covered by the BBC, the Times, Mirror, Independent, Guardian, plus regional newspapers, radio and TV, and our hosting of an exhibition of Hiroshima artefacts (see page 12) which garnered worldwide coverage on CNN news, an online feature from the Independent, and coverage in London regional media.

CND in the media B


In demand Our views in response to national and global events are often in demand; we provide spokespeople and quotes to a broad range of nuclear, global security and defence policy issues. We aim to get a CND voice in many debates, with, for example, General Secretary Kate Hudson appearing on Sky News to discuss the Anglo-French nuclear treaty, whilst the Evening Standard quoted our reaction to Tony Blairs appearance at the Chilcot Inquiry. Other stories we have prompted have looked more closely at local campaigns with a national resonance, such as in The Guardian article covering local concerns that Plymouth become a nuclear dumping ground. Frequent coverage Our message has not been restricted to our more traditional outlets either. CND spokespeople have appeared regularly on TalkSport and other commercial radio stations, as well as on BFBS the global radio network for the UK armed forces. By late November, The Guardian had mentioned CND in over 100 articles and we continue to enjoy very frequent coverage in the Morning Star, Tribune, Ekklesia and The Friend. Weve published research and opinion pieces on news blogs such as LeftFootForward and regularly see our letters published in national newspapers.

International reporting CND continues to gain extensive coverage internationally, with frequent requests for comment from European, Russian and Middle-Eastern media. The Japanese newspaper Akahata, with a circulation of 1.6 million, featured the visit of CND Treasurer Linda Hugl to Hiroshima in addition to covering our Hiroshima commemorations in Britain and other events.

A big thank-you to local and regional groups Once again, the work of local and regional CND groups in getting stories into the regional media has been vital in presenting our issues within a local context. CND groups do an excellent job of generating coverage of their events and views, and we can always provide contacts and assistance from the CND office if needed. One easy way of translating CNDs national statements into something more local is to check our website for the latest press release and recycle it as a letter to your local newspaper.



Support for your campaigning

Given the current cuts climate we must stress how much we dont want the current system weve got, never mind its replacement! Consequently, our new Scrap Trident, Ban all Nuclear Weapons petition reiterates the need to get rid of the current system, cancel plans for any replacement, and negotiate a worldwide ban on nuclear weapons, such as a Nuclear Weapons Convention. Get everyone you know to sign the petition and remember to post it back to us (hand-in planned for September 2011), or alternatively sign the petition online, send it to all your friends and share it on your Facebook page.

Whether you want to lobby your MP, get a letter in your local newspaper or hand out useful information at a festival or street stall, CND campaigns materials are regularly developed and updated to ensure you have the right message to hand at the right time to influence and empower people.
No Trident replacement: Tackling the jobs issue Our excellent new Trident Jobs and the UK Economy report effectively tackles the myth that replacing Trident would create more jobs for defence workers. On the contrary, it would destroy thousands of jobs all over Britain and is an obstacle to industrial investment in sectors like sustainable energy. Its attractive, colourful four-page summary presents the arguments in a clear, concise manner and is particularly handy for getting the points across quickly ideal for stalls and particularly for trade union work. The indepth report is packed with arguments and facts download both from the Briefings page of the CND website or else call 020 7700 2393 to get printed copies. Updated leaflets and postcards With the general election over we updated our leaflets and postcards to reflect the continuing efforts for No Trident replacement. Please send the new purple postcard to your MP even if you sent them one of the red ones with a similar design last year. Its important to keep emphasising the cost and security themes especially in this time of massive cuts. We mustnt let our MPs forget about this issue. The new Scrap Trident petition Thanks to much of our hard work over the years the political debate has moved on. 20

which showed significant increases in cancer in children under five who live near nuclear power stations. We also have a new leaflet stressing the links between nuclear power and nuclear weapons proliferation and explaining why nuclear power is dirty, dangerous and expensive and not the answer to climate change. No US Missile Defence A new leaflet and briefing on this issue are planned for 2011. No to NATO This issue is particularly important at the present time (see page 9) so please use the updated leaflet and briefing to make sure youre informed and helping to inform

No nuclear power Our popular Q&A on this issue has been updated, and we have also published an important new two-sided summary of the findings of German governmentcommissioned research (KiKK study)

Join the letter-writing team

CNDs letter-writing team ensures that nearly every month throughout the year important policy makers are informed and encouraged to take action on nuclear weapons and peace-related issues. Among other things, in 2010 our letter-writers wrote to the Chancellor of the Exchequer around the time of the Spending Challenge consultation asking him to cut nuclear weapons out of the budget. Later they wrote to the Defence Secretary Liam Fox about the UKs role in NATO urging him to support the push to get US nuclear weapons out of Europe. To join the team contact Kate at or call the national office, indicating whether you want to receive information by post or email. Please join us. The more letters we write, the more influence well have!

CAMPAIGN REVIEW 2010 New guide to the various international treaties: A summary of the many different treaties relating to nuclear weapons International agreements relating to nuclear weapons: a guide is a new online briefing to help you make sense of the details of the various treaties so you can tell your CTBT from your START see the briefings page. Call the office for a printed version. CND briefings, Q&As and reports can be downloaded from the Information pages of our website. Leaflets and postcards can be ordered from our online webshop. Alternatively call the CND office on 020 7700 2393.

New media
CND continues to expand its online presence with new campaigning tools and ways of keeping supporters informed. As well as helping established campaigners to take action instantly these tools allow us to connect with the growing numbers of people especially younger activists who agree with our stance but are disinclined to formally join organisations. The CND website There have been over half a million visits to our website this year, something we hope to increase by a major upgrade of the website which is currently in progress. Online campaigning Online campaigning actions are becoming an increasingly popular way for people to interact with their representatives. Since the General Election over 7,000 emails have been sent to MPs, Ministers and others via our online lobbying tools, with 5,500 messages sent to candidates in the runup to the vote.

others as much as possible about the dangers of this nuclear-armed alliance. Trade Unions Please affiliate your branch, region or national trade union as well as local trades union councils by using our new Trade Union leaflet. Other new materials New CND membership leaflet Help us to raise awareness about CND and recruit new members with this eye-catching new leaflet containing facts about what we do and why, plus a tear-off Join or What does this mean to you? Donate section.


Is Trident on the way out?

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, 162 Holloway Rd, London N7 8DQ Tel: 020 7700 2393 Fax: 020 7700 2357

Lets make it happen

Nuclear deals with India Trident, jobs and the UK economy Launching Reality Radio Join the Big Blockade in Devonport

campaign for nuclear disarmament


Hiroshima peace exhibition Chernobyl 25th anniversary

Phone, broadband & mobile

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Campaign With opinion pieces, news updates, and details about CND activities, keep informed by subscribing to CNDs Campaign magazine. All members receive the summer edition. You can also subscribe to the spring and autumn issues by emailing membership@ All materials can be ordered as hard copies or simply downloaded from the website. Thanks to NET and Ex-Services CND for funding the printing of our briefings.

Our e-Campaign email newsletter is received by over 11,000 people and gives the most up-to-date details about CND actions. Please sign-up by filling in your email address in the box on the front page of our website. Facebook and Twitter In the past year we have doubled our number of fans on Facebook to 5,300 whilst 1,500 receive up to the minute updates from us via Twitter. Kate Hudsons blog, which provides regular commentary on nuclear news, also has a growing readership. Reality Radio A major new initiative this year has been the launch of the CND-supported Reality Radio an internet radio station on the CND website, producing regular podcasts on a broad range of global issues. Listeners can download in-depth interviews to listen to an array of prominent campaigners, journalists and others any time they choose.



Support us F
IRST OF ALL a big thank you to everyone who donated to our appeals in 2010. We rely on your support to do the work that we do. Many people have been feeling the pinch as the recession grinds on, and we are all the more grateful for your financial support in these difficult times. We never cease to be amazed and humbled by the generosity and dedication of CND members, and our recent appeal has been no exception. We have had a fantastic response. This has been a good year politically for the campaign, with your help we can make 2011 even better. Setting our 2011 budget has been a difficult task as CND no longer has the level of reserves that we were able to build up during the last 5-6 years following several significant legacies to CND. Those legacies enabled us to create new staff posts, leading to more intensive and effective campaigning, which will be evident to you all; however this has also led to increased costs. As a result, very many budget and grant bids have been cut, salaries will not rise with inflation and the picture for 2012 is a concern. However, fundraising income has increased in the last year or two and new ideas are being generated to maintain and increase income further but the effects of the recession makes prediction of such income difficult. It is even more essential then that you, as our most ardent supporters, who know the importance of our work, respond as generously as you can to our appeals every little bit helps!

Debit you must cancel any existing Standing Order with your bank. Merchandise As ever we have an astonishing array of CND merchandise available on our website, If you still have any pennies left over after Christmas you should probably go and invest them immediately in CND t-shirts, mugs, badges, DVDs and flags. If youve not had a look recently check out our new kids t-shirts and hoodies, cotton bags, new mugs and flags all manner of delights.

Legacies Legacies left to CND continue to be essential in helping us fund our campaigning. They enable our supporters to continue making a difference to the cause beyond their own lifetimes. We are immensely grateful to all our members who have put a bequest to us in their will. If you would like more information about leaving a legacy to CND you can find it at, otherwise call us on 020 7700 2393 or email and we can send you a copy of our information pack A Legacy for Peace.

Nuclear Education Trust

NET continues to fund all of CNDs excellent Peace Education work and during 2010 made an important contribution to the briefings and information sheets that CND prepared. NET made only two grant awards in 2010, reflecting the decline in reserves and the need to focus on NET priorities. Those grants were for CND Peace Education work in 2011, with a small grant for the Greater Manchester and District CND Peace Week that took place in September. The NET Trustees have prioritised CNDs Peace Education work, which continues to receive plaudits from many educationalists. See for more information

CND Direct Debit Some of you will have received letters asking you to change your Standing Order to a Direct Debit this year thanks to everyone who has done so Direct Debits are easier for us to administer and cost less in bank charges. You can start a Direct Debit on our website, or call us on 020 7700 2393. Do remember that if you start a new Direct 22

Broadening and deepening the Scrap Trident campaign: priorities for the year ahead
Kate Hudson, General Secretary Shift party policies HE DELAY of the decision on replacing Trident until 2016 is extremely welcome and presents us with a huge opportunity to defeat replacement once and for all. The fact that Trident will almost certainly be a general election issue presents us with some clear goals, notably to shift party policies in the intervening period. However, party policy/political shifts require mass popular pressure to be applied to elected representatives. They also require a further shift in public opinion against nuclear weapons on a sustainable political basis. Our goal over the next year must be to lay the groundwork for such shifts by working to further win hearts and minds against Trident. Emphasise cost and security issues The wider context continues to be favourable to our work, as the governments cuts agenda has driven nuclear spending into the public spotlight. Public opinion remains solidly against Trident spending a situation which could change if the economic situation eases, hence the need to ensure that public opposition is increasingly underpinned by an understanding of other arguments against nuclear weapons. Whilst the cuts/costs argument should remain our primary strand particularly in terms of opportunity cost, whether that be welfare, jobs, alternative industrial development in sustainable energy nevertheless a strong focus on the irrelevance of Trident to meet our security needs and the proliferation consequences of its retention must be strongly emphasised. Recent government policies make these arguments easier, in particular the National Security Strategy reduction of the threat of state nuclear attack to a tier two threat. Extend our alliances A key emphasis must be the renewal and extension of our alliances and partnerships within civil society. This requires work with the following: trade unions, trades union councils, faith communities, youth and student organisations, other campaigning organisations working on war, military spending, the environment, debt and developments, the economy and cuts. The intention is to drive our anti-nuclear agenda into these areas, intervening in political debates, to raise the profile of both anti-nuclear campaigning and CND itself. This proactive interventionist approach must also take place in the print and broadcast media at national and local level and in all forms of new media. Local groups can develop their campaigning on the basis of bringing the national issue to the local level as well as using nationally-provided materials. Local public meetings are also important both to raise the profile of the issue and consolidate local alliances through choice of speakers. Please call us at the CND office if you would like us to provide a speaker. Good luck!

Looking ahead to 2011


CND Annual Conference and AGM 2011

Oct 15/16 2010, University of Bradford, Yorkshire
In 2011, CND national Conference and AGM will incorporate a day of action at military bases in Yorkshire as part of the Keep Space for Peace Week. Conference gives CND members the opportunity: to vote on policy and campaigns for the coming year; meet CND council members, staff and other members; and build links within the organisation and with supporters. Conference and AGM will be held on Saturday 15th October and will include officer hustings, ballots for directly-elected council membership and policy debates. On Sunday 16th October, Conference will take to the bases! Taking advantage of the proximity of the two US Missile Defence bases at Menwith Hill and Fylingdales, Conference delegates are invited show their opposition to the expanding US Missile Defence programme at the bases. A full programme of activities is being organised and will be available for delegates nearer the time. Up to date information and all conference forms can be found on our website use the drop down menu under About, which is on all pages. Registration fees (including any transport to bases) 12 per individual; 40 per group of delegates of CND membership organisations. Attendance at the AGM is free of charge. Key deadlines Directly-elected Council member nomination deadline: Wednesday 29 June. Please also supply your nominees email address; your name will also be published. Resolution deadline: Monday 4th July Groups will receive a mailing in early April; all members will receive full details in the summer edition of Campaign All correspondence to Conference at the CND office or



CND supports and gives grants to the work of the following autonomous campaigns:
Aldermaston Womens Peace Campaign (AWPC)
organisations). As secretariat, we fundraised for a part-time worker, updated materials and developed a new Network identity. We have been building a sustainable political campaign to pressurise the MoD into withdrawing its DU weapons from service. This was undertaken in concert with the International Campaign to Ban Uranium Weapons (ICBUW), also run from Manchester.

Autonomous campaigns

Since 2002 weve focused on stopping the Trident replacement-related facilities being built at Aldermaston and Burghfield. The year 2010 began with continued investment in new infrastructure. It ended with new nuclear co-operation with France and reconsideration of facilities for which planning permission had already been granted. Plus a change Last winter, engaging with other groups (including CND), we campaigned against the planning application for a new uranium facility (Pegasus). It was approved in February, despite getting the consultation period extended and a significant response against the application. AWPC later campaigned against the Hydrodynamics facility (Hydrus) planning application approved in September. However, in November the MoD confirmed that, due to the deal to share Frances Valduc facility, Hydrus-will not now proceed as originally envisaged ... the full implications ... and the means of transitioning ... are under review. The condensed read In January AWPC took the unprecedented step of cancelling camp because of ice and snow. Elsewhere we participated in an action training workshop preparing for Februarys Aldermaston blockade. Six women were arrested during the blockade, four of whom were charged and bailed for several months. In May AWPC had a small but important presence at SERCOs AGM [Serco is one of the three companies managing AWE] to interact with board members over safety, legal and moral issues. As the year progressed, camp women began objecting to increasingly invasive police surveillance of the camp: a formal 24

AWPC at the Aldermaston Big Blockade

Campaigners from the UK Uranium Weapons Network hold up a mirror to symbolise the lack of transparency over the US's use of 400 tonnes of depleted uranium in Iraq

complaint has been made. Out and about, we had a presence at Glastonbury, Tolpuddle and Womad festivals, and at London Feminist Network conference and the Peace News Summer Camp. Pause for thought? Following Octobers Strategic Defence and Comprehensive Spending Reviews with a relative pause or perhaps sidestep in the march towards replacement, we will now reflect on our strategies and priorities. For more information please visit

Campaign Against Depleted Uranium (CADU)

CADUs priority in 2010 has been promoting the work of the UK Uranium Weapons Network (comprising 10 member

Lev Eakins, our new Network Campaigner joined us in June and set about developing our political work. Databases were created, new briefings produced and a strategy planned. Meetings were sought with, and rejected by, the Foreign Office. However, we did catch up with Defence Minister Nick Harvey in Liverpool. The UN is voting on a third DU resolution in the autumn, its content inspired by the USs continuing refusal to release targeting data for at least 400 tonnes of DU used in Iraq in 1991 and 2003. Without this data, hazard awareness programmes, monitoring and decontamination is impossible because no accurate locations can be identified. To stimulate UK awareness about this, Early Day Motion 825 was tabled with cross-party political support; at the time

CAMPAIGN REVIEW 2010 of writing it has 86 signatures. In October, however the UK, US, France and Israel all voted against the DU resolution at the UN First Committee; 136 other states voted in favour. In November a publicity stunt was organised at the US Embassy a giant mirror was held up to reflect the ongoing lack of US transparency. As the final vote on the UN resolution approached, we organised a letter to the Daily Telegraph signed by representatives from all the Westminster parties calling on the government to vote in favour or abstain. And the MoDs position on all this? Humanitarian and environmental concerns are of no interest to us well keep using DU until we get something better. Our work continues. For more information please visit the CADU website: Roz/Mark: 0845 45 88 365 or 07972 096499. For more information please see

New warhead carrier vehicles This year the MoD took delivery of Truck Cargo Heavy Duty (TCHD) Mark 3 vehicles (based on a Mercedes Actros tractor unit with a refurbished Mark 2 trailer see photo). They are planned to replace the current Foden TCHD Mark 2 warhead carriers and the ageing blue High Security Vehicles used to transport Special Nuclear Materials by the end of 2010. Photographs of the new Mark 3 vehicles were posted on the Nukewatch website within 24 hours of their first appearance for

Trident Ploughshares


Nukewatch observes, records and conducts in-depth research, working with parliamentarians and making Freedom of Information requests, on nuclear weapons convoys travelling across Britain. We are always happy to give talks to local peace groups. Convoys on the road Convoy movements increased during 2010, following fewer movements in 2008/9 because of serious faults at the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) Burghfields facilities. Three warhead convoys travelled between Burghfield and the Coulport arms depot in Scotland. Special Nuclear Materials convoys were observed on the road in June (journeys from Aldermaston and Burghfield to RAF Brize Norton to dispatch radioactive cargoes on flights to the US) and November (a delivery and a dispatch from Aldermaston). Octobers Strategic Defence and Security Review announced the governments intention to reduce the number of nuclear warheads deployed on the Trident submarines. An upturn in warhead convoy numbers is likely over the next couple of years as warheads are withdrawn from service and returned to the stockpile.

The new Mercedes truck and the most expensive vehicle on Britains roads Photo: Nukewatch

Trident Ploughshares blockaded the main gates at Devonport for four and a half hours

a live trial journey from Burghfield to Coulport. A Parliamentary Question revealed that the total cost of the new convoy vehicles plus research and development was 12 million. At a unit cost of well over 1 million per vehicle, the new trucks are almost certainly the most expensive vehicles travelling on Britains roads. Other activities Nukewatchers monitor AWEs extensive construction programme. Nukewatch South members played a major role in monitoring the Aldex 10 emergency exercise at AWE Aldermaston in November. If you see a convoy, help Nukewatch by noting when you saw it, where, and the direction of travel. Immediately call: Di: 0845 45 88 364 or 07880 557035 Jane: 0845 45 88 367 or 07778 267833

Trident Ploughshares organised several high profile actions this year at Trident bases in England and Scotland, with valuable support from CND. In February, hundreds of people, including Nobel Peace Prize winners, bishops and people from all over Europe, blockaded all eight entrances to the Aldermaston nuclear warhead factory. They held their ground in freezing cold temperatures for seven hours, with 26 arrests. In June, together with Yorkshire CND, we organised a (very damp) walk on the moors at Fylingdales to raise awareness of the key role of the US Early Warning Station in any future nuclear war. September saw us hosting a four-day gathering in Reading concentrating on ongoing warhead developments at Aldermaston and Burghfield. Participants joined other anti-nuclear groups to collect 250 objections to the Project Hydrus application. On the final day, 20 people blockaded one of Aldermastons gates for two and a half hours. Over a hundred people from across Britain, and from Switzerland and the US blockaded the main gates to Plymouths Devonport dockyard for four and a half hours in November. There were 14 arrests, including arrests of skeletons and zombies who had locked onto their car to block the main gate, and of Theo Simon from the band Seize the Day who tried to lock himself to a police car! We organised two blockades within three days at Faslane as part of a Europewide day of action at Easter, a T-shirt protest inside the lobby of Parliament in June, and Hiroshima and Nagasaki 65th anniversary commemorations in August. Our members spray-painted the Dumbarton court building in October, joined an anti-NATO womens T-shirt action in London in November and helped maintain a weekly vigil at Faslane with Helensburgh CND and a monthly vigil at Aldermaston. For more details of these actions, visit: 25


CND Regions
Bristol & West Region CND 0117 971 5451 Cumbria & Lancashire Area CND 13 East Road, Lancaster LA1 3EE 01524 33991 East Midlands CND 43 Cobden Road, Chesterfield S40 4TD Eastern Region CND The Flint House, Dunburgh Road, Geldeston, Beccles NR34 0LL 0845 337 0282 Kent Area CND 2 Mill Cottages, Mill Lane, Preston, Canterbury CT3 1HG 0122 7722 508 London Region CND Mordechai Vanunu House, 162 Holloway Rd, London N7 8DQ 020 7607 2302 Greater Manchester and District CND Bridge 5 Mill, 22a Beswick Street, Manchester M4 7HR 0161 273 8283 Merseyside CND 52 Mount Pleasant, Liverpool L3 5SD 0151 702 6974 Mid Somerset CND 12 Neales Way, Evercreech, Shepton Mallet BA4 6LA 01749 830 741

Regional and local activity is essential in getting our message heard. Contact your nearest group to find out how you can get involved.
Norwich CND 258 Earlham Road, Norwich NR2 3RH 01603 453530 South Cheshire and North Staffs CND Barrow Office 2, Groundwork Enterprise Centre, Albany Works, Moorland Road, Burslem, Stokeon-Trent ST6 1EB 01782 829961 Southern Region CND Flat 12, Eliot House, 483 Portswood Road, Southampton SO17 2TH 023 8032 8335 South West Region CND The Peace Shop, 31 New Bridge Street, Exeter EX4 3AH 01392 431447 Sussex Peace Alliance CND 67 Summerheath Road, Hailsham BN27 3DR 01323 844 269 /SPA/ Tyne and Wear CND 1 Rectory Avenue Gosforth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE3 1XS 0191 285 7260 West Midlands CND 54 Allison Street, Digbeth, Birmingham B5 5TH 0121 643 4617 Yorkshire CND 2 Ashgrove, Bradford BD7 1BN 01274 730 795

National Offices
CND Cymru Llys Gwyn, Glynarthen, Llandysul, Ceredigion SA44 6PS, Cymru 01239 85 11 88 Scottish CND 15 Barrland Street Glasgow G41 1QH 0141 423 1222 Irish CND PO Box 6327 Dublin 6 Republic of Ireland 00 353 86 362 1220

Labour CND 11 Pembury Road Worthing BN14 7DN Student CND Mordechai Vanunu House 162 Holloway Road London N7 8DQ 020 7700 4200 Youth and Student CND Mordechai Vanunu House 162 Holloway Road London N7 8DQ 020 7700 4200

Local and other groups

Abingdon Peace Group 01235 526265 Bath CND 01225 312574 Birkenhead CND 9 Holt Hill Terrace Birkenhead CH42 5LB 0151 201 2273 Bolton CND/Stop the War 01204 522839 Brentwood CND 26 Mascalls Gardens Brentwood CM14 5LT 01277 216 712 Bromley and Beckenham CND 31 Plaistow Grove Bromley BR1 3PB 020 8460 1295 Buxton Against War 01298 27042

Peace Camps
Aldermaston Womens Peace Camp tel: 07969 739 812 Faslane Peace Camp Permanent. A814, Shandon, Helensburgh Dumbartonshire G84 8NT tel: 01436 820901 Menwith Hill Womens Peace Camp Contact Yorkshire CND for details.

Specialist sections
Christian CND Mordechai Vanunu House 162 Holloway Road London N7 8DQ 020 7700 4200



01432 342 623 Horsham Peace Alliance 01403 251 276 Isle of Wight CND 01983 855 359 Kettering CND 01536 743 994 Kingsbridge Peace Group Crosscombe, Towns Lane Loddiswell TQ7 4QY 015 4855 0344 Kingston Peace Council/CND 020 8898 4850 Lancaster District CND 13 East Road Lancaster LA1 3EE 01524 33991 Leicester CND 0116 225 0133 Lewes and District CND 01273 473 912 Lewisham and Greenwich CND 020 8857 1095 Maghull and Lydiate CND 0151 526 7293 Maidenhead and Cookham CND 01628 522331 Marple and District CND 078 0392 8778 Medway CND 01634 360415 www.medwaycnd.pwp.blueyonder. Mitcham CND 020 8648 9037 Musicians Against Nuclear Arms MANA 020 8455 1030 Northumbrians For Peace 01434 604 747 northumbrians_for_peace@hotmail. Nottingham CND 0115 981 2034 Orpington CND 01689 837 848 Oxford CND 38 Yarnells Hill Oxford OX2 9BE 01865 242919 Peace Action Durham 0191 386 6313 Penzance CND Petanna Peace Barn Carnyorth, St Just Penzance TR19 7QD 01736 787056 Plymouth CND 01822 832815 Prestwich & Whitefield CND 1 Kingswood Road, Prestwich Manchester M25 3AB 0161 798 6565 Redbridge CND 020 8989 7425 Reigate and Redhill CND 01737 248 487 Rickmansworth and Chorleywood CND 01923 777 754 Rochdale and Littleborough Peace Group 01706 370 712 http://rochdaleandlittleborough Saddleworth Peace Movement 01457 872859 Salford CND 0161 793 5122

Central Manchester CND 0161 969 1724 Chesterfield CND 32 Church Street Matlock DE4 3BY 01629 580852 or 077 3212 8480 Chippenham CND 01249 651 565 Crawley CND 01293 542 853 Croydon CND East Lancashire CND Lyndene, Blackburn Old Road Great Harwood Blackburn BB6 7UW 01254 886 439 East Surrey CND 020 8668 3090 Enfield Peace Campaign 020 8364 2606 Exeter CND The Peace Shop 31 New Bridge Street Exeter EX4 3AH 01392 431 447 Faringdon Peace Group 01367 710308 Hackney and Islington CND Mordechai Vanunu House 162 Holloway Road London N7 8DQ 020 8533 5838 Hall Green CND 01217 074 761 Haringey CND Flat 1B, 347 Archway Road London N6 5AA 0207 607 2302 Headingley and Kirkstall CND 079 39143 698 Hereford Peace Council 44 Kernal Road Hereford HR4 0PR

Salisbury CND 01722 321865 Sheffield CND 01142 967 596 South Somerset Peace Group 01460 67368 Southampton CND 02380 229 363 Southend & District CND 01702 558682 St Albans CND 6 Hordle Gardens St Albans AL1 1JW 01727 842023 haw/cnd.htm Sydenham and Forest Hill CND 020 8699 8597 Tavistock Peace Action Group 01822 615960 Tower Hamlets CND 020 7515 4681 Wallasey CND 0151 638 3967 Watford CND 01923 249 551 West London CND 020 8743 4189 Wimbledon Disarmament Coalition/CND 020 8543 0362 Woking Action for Peace 01483 768 228 0


Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament Mordechai Vanunu House 162 Holloway Rd London N7 8DQ Tel: 020 7700 2393 Fax: 020 7700 2357
Company Registration 3533653

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