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Physical Wellness
I'm making decisions that will keep me versatile,
active, and muscular, all of which are everyday self-
care practices for me.
In the same way, I'm exercising sensible judgment
when it comes to drinking, managing stress, eating
healthfully with good nutrition, and giving my sleep
top priority.

Social Welln
My self-esteem
rises when I a
can set limits m surrounded
that promote by supportive
communicatio friends. I
resolving confl n, trustworthin
ict attributable ess, and
Emotional ad to my social w
aptability can ell-being.
social well-be only be develo
ing. Family tim ped with app
e spent togeth ropriate
which is good er may improve
for me becaus ties,
in a social a e it pushes me
tmosphere he more. Meeting
lps me proje peers
image. ct a more p

Mental Wellness
I'm a person who can maintain emotional balance, remain upbeat,
manage stress effectively, and have a strong sense of self-worth. I can
better control my sentiments if I'm mindful of them. I'm exploring new
pastimes that are challenging for me, like starting to sketch, creating a
journal, or adopting a new activity.
I'm on a proper food regimen to keep my body healthy because my
intellect needs to be in the best condition possible since, as the saying
goes, "all begins in the mind," allowing for the rest of my physique to be
healthy as well.

na d e o utdoors
rome n
, p u r p oseful p rc is es one ca
a calm wellness
exe I
ac t o f taking ir it u a l v e te nsion as
The st sp relie
o f t h e simple r t t o n aturally
one sta
r m . I'll probably e . g techniqu
perfo n a t u r re a th in
or of improve
d b are
e splend f more aw
enjoy th bina tio n o
me b ec o m e
r o ug h the com d it a tio n helps n d a llows me
Th e, m e ates a ent
n d d a ily exercis e m o t ional st , fu n e nvironm
a and calm ble Spiritual Wellness
f m y c ognitive c te d . I create a a c omforta
o onne and
c o m e better c g o o d lighting
be ith
c re a tivity w

elln ess
tional W I read books regard
Emo hobbies tha ing persona
t can enri l well-being
, find p
use resourc ch my trea rintables a
es that can tments for nd
su p m e nta l h ea
I created m p ort such inte lth, and I
y Daily Mo rventions.
with issues od Tracker, whic
managing h was desig
who wishes the ir anger but ned for tho
to monitor may be use se
individuals their mood ful for anyb
in recogniz s. This is fre o dy
ing emotio quently use
language, a ns, develop d to a ssist
nd improvin ing an em
g their con o tional
trol over th
Occupati eir emotion
onal Well
I'm constantly eager and intrigued to find out about relevant
subjects. I investigate getting several credentials for my intended
job or career that would enhance my resume. I'm choosing the
educational path that would suit my character the most and that I
could find enjoyable.
I'm happy with the profession or career I've chosen. As a person
with a broad range of professional pursuits, I may appreciate the
route that aligns with my personal values, passions, and convictions.

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