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110 COYOTE C¥sus ont anes” Brightly 2 mass F/G cmayg Fic EET! aao BE eg 6 ee ez cmaig Fa cmayg 0 Pe re] ie fe = o = Eby 5 (spoken) No re - grets, Coy- 0 ~ te. We saw a farm - house burn - ing down _ T looked a Coy - o 86 te right in the face (spoken) Coy - 0 - te's in the cof ~ fee shop. (© 1976, 1977 CRAZY CROW MUSIC Al Rights Reserved Th passt/S (sung) We just come from such diffrent sets of cir - cum = ce. in the mid -dle “of no - where, in the mid - le of’ te ghee on the road to Bal - jen - nle near my old home town, (sung) He's staring a hole in. ‘hie scram-bled eggs. cmaja He — ['m up all_ night in the st - di - os and you're up And we rolled right past that © trag -e - dy ull we He went run - ning through the —whisk-er whe He picks up my scent on his fin. «=~ gers while he's You'll be brush - ing out a ear -ly on your ranch. Youve ao -cal band was turned in -to some road - house —_lights ere pod “a hawk Was chas-ing some_ prize. down. —— He's toofar. from the watch-ing the wait - cese - es’ legs. ——— i i — >, 112 =~ brood mare's tall_— while the sun 18 cend = ing, and I'l just play - ing. wile Wie were up kick-ing and shay - ing on the be play - ing) with him. Coys te’ was jump-ingetraight UP ams Roe ig pase Bay of, Fun -dyy pee ra too eans cod ec See eee Bb a ef ea ‘There's no com - prt get-ting home with my reel - 9 - reel — e ‘and the next thing I know, that Coy-0 - ee He had those same eyes,just like yours, ‘under Your and the car - bm ‘Gi Boned cu ~bi-cles And the al how close Just how cl wo the bone and the skin Shy cake aa eee eager ae Sr EE ante “ee se ble ee rib - bon rides 113 cmaj? ce EHE and he lips you can get He drags out i : me Ym Ge dance floor and we're img through key - holes in num-bered doors where going) thave to stand. and fight and still feel soa - lone, —— and still danc - ing close and slow. —— Now,he's got & ick their wounds — ‘and take their tem- Ttried to run the play - ers or take off out of | here.—— 3 lat ed like sta - tons $2 wom -an at home he's got aD ~ po -rar-y lov -ers and their pills and @ = way my- self, — to run a” Way majo a hivand- run driv) 0h no. (spoken) He seems to want me an - y ~ way. Why’ you have 0 get 30 dria, want me wy sion play. (spoken) No ré-avets,Coy - 0 - te, oe e 8°. z Fmaj?/G raat) epeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee cscs sss ss 060000) Cece cece cceeeeee tees esses ss cece eeeeeeeee 5 3,15. —b sat Coda majo F/G cmayo ft Ds, a Coda® af al di aa = SS Re re pris - ‘ner— comajg F/G. | of the white Repeat and fade FG F/G Cmajg, x

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