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- Table ,ofCo*eBi

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to play games'& wgh ~ u l t i ~ i a ymode,
er mmite your to
~ 1 % a n & ~ l kto them f r ~m M m a mile wu day. For $srn~s&th 1
&kb&ab~~ e b n m downlad krtls i ~ -new&h&+
~ h ,
wt3aph-i~veMcb, and -re to p u r Xb$)(.Wle.

Ehf~ewcau n s e W m W , y o u n e e d t o e m e c i ~XbwciSirsole
xo a Ngh-swedor hmdbarrd in#& mnnegion and sign up far tlw
Xbu tfw m l m , Ta Uek~WlnaIf X310jI LM Ismhble in W q h n
kind for Inbrrnatb a @ v L e n d n g to X b m Lk, @ tB

Japan's matlon gf an IhWmaWn Self- Wm IlmR -
deemxi a dolath,d fnkmdoml law anoF'lam's wn constikhn
'- -i lrtnlng tensb-6 beiwen l a p n , Ch-m:and Nwh brm.
F&m NC&I Komn and atnese Mwkdes of & b I w aerce the
KD&-sJ~M. japan US. asslaam m GidGeewith
Am&& ollgations uh&wQstt~fe 9 of the PMvmr ca-6n.
~ o u n t i n g w i d k#there.db the- 1 1ridfmtmthat the d w M -
Mi7 piMlame9e W o m y an the HOW l~~ wBbck&16&y"
m w hbeen caused by intdonal InfaWm mthsamk

warfare platfqm ai?&:t#whes

A s ~ ~ n t o m o l l l l l b a n d t h ~ W l f W ~ a ~ t h e U S S
Olamcs E. Walsh Wppld's pmmfem eIMtonic and,tnfarinkkbn
hw #.the reg$+, Thfrd B h e l ~ n
gets wtnd#f a s r n e l l ~ h d ~ i n gun&t@d
ly Imldmt th=-end'
up WIN dabd reP~~:ui@nrr...

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C h s l r
[ Rltwl ech.lon Team
Sam FE8kr Wkl O p e d m
Born: 1957
lwglt alw
W m 170 I&

W-6 - -
Third & M W S ~ealpels m-
the latest bl@4&mhgyand espionag~bxk
nlques .bo Inflitratemnsltirrs taatlons, Meve kfor-
matlon, end o p W - lhe tlS4gqu~rn-
ment aannot wknawkdge,
%her R&,'bqbsn q e baht nnw of lesgbonam through swem1 W
d-d-d wdd hlatory, He has n ~only t surrlved, but w d l e d In the
add 05-Wm&~thm$ h:
haf(X.wlrrk+ tns~tthbbcurlosky, and bml
hev&y. He ba$ rile ttme Tor wb
n W @and *en less for I&. I$
is qulet, M n c t f W ~and o k s n t : somebody who wtahes PrOm tHe
Theugh ftrlb a m Qf h18 JtttS, %her undwtEurdsthaj his.survlm1
has ofkri'beeila g$Rbcfiam He knows ha ts humen and falllbk
anddmnotwareltPdle. H e ~ p l s ~ ~ ~ a s t r n ~ a m c l
stightlj #ark mrke humor.
W w I Irving t a m M
'W: 3962Ba~,SPuthCar0l'ina -

M d m 6'2'
w m no I ~ S
L a m M Is the nlrdEchebn dlrear d
ans(varfngto the Third EChelm dl- He 15 In
cham d all Third,Ect-#loniWld o p w s t l m
mtmtaecamrrIRWIW in inwtigpnce as a flung
man and ma qufckly In rank and rwpwslbilily. Ha
mIn the Perstan Gutf for the mnhs laadlngup b Depertmm,

dIm@gSIMNT@ nmnlngdou@leaem O m the war began.
he vJas alrnlng h t - s and arranglngfbr tetwdon cave* &the
w d rnrk He ha popuiar and Whnn&&l m , i n Mshit@m~'
D.C, thmgh mhlmallptr&ted ahst never puMlety,aolurd&@d.

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Anne ci
I B9m: %74, W&a, Mm&@tm
IMiW ti'&"
w- mP

oolnpwtq gm@d
AnwlMWW?Is a mlla~
b l l ~ ~ m ~ h n ~ c Hirfoh
f p l n ,€6Yo ,p&I~aWhnol-
o& a n d ~ c o r n a w lwmrLta
~s to6Wh
ths. h e : i glm confimkt her dbilm and
cap&e OftiKkllngthe b e s t d m ~ r ' & qs
[emsn me W d . Grlnw6k?irA wSeuw&me@on 'rsmaHgn; her
mother to the U.S.abm-hwn Alcuwyi. ifi NotThern1M~Rd.
G r
m M r Bragped &&'St M s &/iemihthe mlthFi&.and
www p m i m m m injamrmt prim m m . t r n ~ . ~fim
late nitm% and raw gutcdtly in rank as the ImhW Wt%mare
and mte ImwmnHonatim@lsimrity.

M e r ' sww fkfd runnm lan d m ,bgiworrstjr

m.kk & fmatlcat about his phnnlh&
Vm,M U m,and k n%&@bm
wyU& irfevery
b w a f h l s j o b . We b a bitdafWshktwhenIt
m & P i o ~ w and m m-mmmwnd
mu14 Ifse-.frommemory swy Ofem 3bgarcLan Bww 8t 8IPc he,
mclubing,PCS*t aild'tail&.
wrl re&ed a SA. In pr;tlh@l *CIW& a dqal major i~.kmry
from the Uniwm& sf 'Chi-. hesthenjdneii the ~arihe.G&s,
where he mined as a c;wrlmvhlm?Mrrsswlalw and mee qu-mlyto
the rankof~ptain.Heleftttle~ypUWfPTWIrfSA@a~~I
in&!lige~iaenalpl. #e a n Wbnd that h& &xPrkms a& &Mattha
e n 6 4 up gmbg hlmm e d 8 U&pmll9 pngerows bmlL - end
bangrng him a Iw of m m g n h .

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Qtlher Characbm
m~n: m a , a m ~rn
l4i&ttb w
wdgm 2DIIb
Sh&hnd W d e n t ~ l l n d a of dfspldL-1 a m mb
btywm@w+He haswed his, dTW@uWM military wmr and
wpwtdwl vdtnld l n t t r t k d d b W m o &a fuddahtea d led*
fo& tv&&jary &n-i&hP trlk>eoemWrk#MiltWe U s rwimry
a@. 3trsugI1Ris em-a other n#.or\al weeern mlWes, have
allwikil3laplamto fill& Impo&ntgap In the modern cbefense I
cqpQbl.*ur PhtltwgB
RQh 394D,~%iw@k,.
H* 69m
w- &i3lb
kthw %midg&fqptah 07 h Clam? E;Walsh and maf
ttleiNWa W P ~ m m n - W on
, W u M t D W n l e An M m W , A
tlme'%kpd d Wets, w Y V $ s h$ mmmarttllng far %
shwttlmwhen Sam was a~MySEwan&t)le~hvo have fnrrinWned

Mmlral WMO own~

BMn: &5!5,,&an
wgb$ 519"
we$tiT: i6iltra
s oornmmder & %W, the 'newlybrmed inform-
Admiwl W m o ~ i #.e
tlen IhBrhream af lapam's 3&mfsfm8~h&~Qdarne Is && dew-
m l M , @pd@x$wI~ lgr,.. He fs: the J~~ equlwlsntof Third
WQ&~ IwinglamW and the hAro m & r e i ~ l l ~ ~ l y .

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Mmhlrn -1 fraB s ~ ~ ~ I W ~l b r r mn & r ~ r y
ham Gon#t@mUnlwRp. and w&an . a M s a trr the US.H O W & :
Pramon fallwvinggae b&Wtsh 2W3. He mrt@ for
LIN ta hqlp u n l M thesecm.dtheM- Mmebf~IWqtne
Gso@an ImE'htetbn~rbb, QM*en abwmy dZs;r&Mftom W

Milm NMCh
Bmg Mo,
P- d B I Urtknwmc
Hem B W
wiglit mIbs
MI^ i~-nt 1 M W HD
d d b VIP ,W.M~ v
Immatlml.WV dttswi aAd derlkrau h.hkmmemeear~&
dameanor, M i h isam amdanelly mean drunk.

Hllgg CB-
Brim S72. U Salm'dw
wdgm I28lhe
44- t a d a baa b m a3&3u&W over t)le y e a ~ < w t t PR numbr,bf
gerdw,,wd rwOlutf~1~'cy
gW/rstn South i d ) ; & m l

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Downloaded from manuals search engine
7 Sam&41cths and M o , ~ ~ M s
w e 8 aeM W :-SM$~ ~6-Ia w ~ r f m m wd~.-~
an rn PF?~%YJ& wll fled qw m ,wfu~
fo=?m r $ w w * :
~ 6 m a r e m mu m p e ~ W
~ ~ n ' t ' b e ~ Ivf rh pi *art
Wwtj-qQ b m n t~meh.p-mertt &%lM, w!-
4- iW@~ $ W I %S Y&It& whia a m ~ h e d

F= -
'= -:

~ ~ and push *rwrd m
P m s $ button m
t low 0ObjeDtS ,W
wtrj omt+~or'mwgrF~Lmrnm

. p er v l 6r fr- ~ py
m l y4a1k
R. Pft%W @ ~ @ W V & dfM JU~
~ &- lwpvgm l&al
fn SplInB ell kh* Tmmy, y p mn
$II@ tri@r) &a& and:no&Mial (kqggq&&b
$hi tat&$ Mx?te@nm~t.
Baakt0 wan
'%fi*tgW,mit. hr
tdt tt;rmwic~-wfrw ~ pa
n % T&wMbI&s& Rih backtiia
- Si&ntnyh&
iy J ~ Z @ $ W ~ s @ a b @ @ n ~ @ & % * d h ~ ~ l ~
a- &m:13"hmd. 5am ms m w 'I&- righe* well a-
twft h1mMt;rp ffw#~% &mb'$w&m @ Whri td h '@
af@ w$?.

1 T*Tie$WJ
Jmp&pmlr@the 6 hutkq~+@&mdMl&a ho@mt
@& Bf&&%lf?3 ~+$uP&IE~W &&&k@ B - b
e +Won,
M m mwe'whm R W mqngp h@r%W pip$ wl$hl
lk* T & m h k a nary~laprtrhamm (ME), press the

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tlm wlh&w m d ~ $ r a W t f ? e
i -. ~ d
m gm an
mavs m and &mff the rbbe Plm-the@ htbn to kt& of?

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t;. =*~.qtllp&*m

-9*&wi p

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Sam wl neapbMde~deWor~unmsciom
MhIn:OH& to
p m t h e r r l f t r r m ~ ~ ~ s e t e c t ' m ~ i ~
h n g o c a n y a ~RmkstheO~butPonto
. ptrtthehDdydown
sum,wdrnphr p t q we 0 btrtlon c dmp th a-hurry.

a- G r r t b ~ ~ ~ & ~ k i M ~ ~ ~ b h h ~ ~ a
sdkutit-g.vhaGrab &haram
H u m weld

I Whlb hldhg an anew,flu am,p* ttre 0 buttQn'l

~ r yourp 9&kernand fin? ffWr'mm@ w M l s Wig the
mwbyp u am M n g as e humarr&ItHd. More batyou m
m m around wW.%rn Wwm i th&ano&

%me PIP& AmOb w l ~ ~ usMul ~ f hmmatran,

M Mite
bldlhgafi W&&ckthe Intermgate Intamom td make
hh8hih;I M ~ & ~ @ B ~ @ V &61
J1~ QfYfibflTlMwlmdl1
hetp you om .Wrm k b m Be Sum& Il;rtclrmgaws-mny
opponents mpWYhl6l
Fqmd Qpogeratlon
I $me In W w M d a n y bll used W S a m , , 4 & ~ m a yk
I Wvvhawln~W&j~~I.hlm.fbTowW~NW@Ww~
I mb h h . drag hlm ta the ubm
prr want him'bme, md&rmt the
Rm?Cwidate I m l o n .
Abmrs at thew of
; o ~w et e n whert you
bW w a mmunSert
f h l s y *
Man ym an,Infact
W. Mu:B r n ' s ' h W ~ .
4) Qbjeidh M w the n& goal to ma& hi your mWlon

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s ) ' d * h r ; a s p m , ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ t s h r n ~ ~ m l r
7 ) ~ W W B a l hIn%iWlrirW:hWamtnmkiit~!W~U
W & y t h & m amd1Sarn IS,
a M r a M Wmm, aaaW,.mband &mo: WagMMhb
- nape ofyour a&nts.d&bn. D l s p ~ pm
~ ~~ v9 m m flu
W In one mg&rt&as wlta9 p u r d ammo.

WW; W @ E t e S @ O h * h $ bd& WWt-da

me;:W : l n l WI d , p w mi&

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Downloaded from manuals search engine
m w o k & *mtwb-pon, me , I
w~appna n k equlpW~wkh om gf four
*m, 'I

-2nK I l m m m c n
The smrnunfwn bprm SEmb Sndard N#FO 5 5 6 x 45
m m m , ~ ~ n m n t a i a a a u l a

TW&+~?& w u & ~ v d f hfwr-1-d a@hee~,

& & w C ~ m*m&dQ.M
~ r ~ @slyEiU
~ h & m w ~ I
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a m m ~ ~ ~
p w

2t a - w M r ~ m s a t :
Thk ~ m e n t 8 M S B r lt0l $unch8dWntddraa @& witb ITS
~ ~ ~ a n s t w o t f i s t l t ~ o r ~ ~ ~ ~
7 h a Sticky SM~ketxMwws an elmml&& w M It
d h WCC
w ~ W a nm UW
@I ~it~fll;bBR%d
~ b

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Ww$p$#p3p1 6 4 E i U We'
~ -* wmmm-
that OfrYle m m -
- &W+%!tne~
, - 1-~W~~~ W $@I
~ ~ ~ l p f O f V ? l t K Y . ~ ~ m ' m m
*~~ h
v&&15 ih*-
s . p m ~ ~ ~ d ~ w *
m-thi:wR neb- titat wll

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able eleetroniu devioa @ra short period ofUme wmmis
a n d b ~ w ~ ~b kaa lh W l a ~ e t h e O t P a t r y -WSWB
,p(pu WdMd.A ti&t mme M e oftlps-7 wrr k&& whehw
h e bePklY.a properhq&%ffgreen ltght ~ n d l c ~ a s w c e M hitd
Wlls o red We Indimsth@the W h ~ h6 d #act an the tam-
d obJ&
EEV'(WWorifcailjIy:WdW o n ]
Thl$ m and w p w t r n e ~
dmkealaw Sam t~ stan an areaand
r m l @Merentp r o m a b
el the'ohm k,th& a m . Intermiw
objects will stand Wfnsn tZie @heroMeetE whlle vW&di? W.
- 1 d l s p l w -8 o b . in h i u ~

* EEV a n arsP be used trrseoutatadkmee wlth Its t ~ o m
+ While Itl'EW+yw mn mow m d , M at m y slow s p W .
Wnlle In EW, you cantoggk Wa2lwml, ntghtvrshn, md WF;
HQU& as you wwld rn'rn?al~$
+AY8kheae-d zoom 1'-1, the El%' a n morel hr&sGtlans.
OUrer EqrIlpmeltk
b a t k h e U t u a & w t ~ r 3 ( ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T o ~ a n d W s r p

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Lo&+Minp Gameply

Sam m N p @*-the W2w.m m d @ @ B 5W b p.Ni@ualtw
time,. but ibgukkmd mnotbedeWW. Inbrmtingwith a door that
If&W!ile L ~ k rirtWa43irtrr'Mt
M zi&I%t# #e'b~kpf&~nglQnWthk
hmf4r4m Is#a@@wd,W b&,Bfrrkfw9flYW.
70 PTkk B MY IQek, %e IefMaiirrbW dWbl W,emiUalbr rum-
On@ t& MtRQIk f& W ~ h +JQmiETeJ
d kG+#pPtH~P~uMZ~M&
&e&y W-a 5% sewn&.and wpin uf.Whk,wifl k tibd
0np.all the df a. I@&M b m m e lpck ptFHlWW111 b2
ahf and p u &i[t Be kik@ od,bFr&e+&rne$ay h'krfbm.

M%bend -bf.@& W O O + Ml hb #@&Z@k Om the OBJW-

ttuc qQb @,@e.@ m n , €a%orWue wllL k w & g n & w of
thtr3e pWB1s 6t&&s: ~amekt?,
ktled, w M p l & d .
MlWon Scdbfics
Her& p u rn chkk specie &W@ fiam $ur mksIorr. Incl wdini14Ke
h m b P ~f kills, ~ i vhqi m ljn@3@L.qut, Mg&W, @c. fie, a
s u m -re will bedikplgwdbrtblewl yau just finished. mk.
MI@ R' W d hn wr smWpU.Far &PI& Fy&,%3ll a civilfail,
yo,u'llIwl m p y 1?0t7its,W if@usItir@YKfq# rnP,% n@hingwill
b&&ubWi&M. Ikb h & ! ~ , V r e to,@.

Collrle@d U,pXibs
SWm Ll& Piay
g y m unbc B t)owPIBY b & w m w x
m ,pmq& LinW vk- net-
wtuk m ~ a T ? i i s m & h ddphayrkbal F ~ ~ u ~ M % u ~ ocon-
spre u&rthe same rp,aT.

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Downloaded from manuals search engine
jn• awl

4q@wr*&E I
a W M
wjj$&&& mr,e
-Zsp-~ay I
@* *

. : - ~ . *@*T&jl*mi&'
* ~ ~ t h ~ k s m j f l ~ d l q p t a y ~ & ~ t a
~ ~ < ~

prom Se*
Amr;rnvdtqthg pm*
mode, flu'wIl[ be $rqM%
the Praflke menu. M - y o u
aij&her a naw nrb
filer Qrsaleetthb pMlfsfS&@u_
wtdl toptaYfi.You an
srla de1w WShq p m i m

- - - -

QuW MBtEA:Rnd B 8 @ W Can J& ~~lCklp

O p H M ~ ~ R r k & ~ & ~ ~ ~ m a e td~wma r. t e I n
Create MWamSet up pn Uve game SeSdm & m I ( ~ g
tha#garn@@rahe&jrni&o~~,mod4 dtffiallty, bbngprage, etc.).
Unm tke!sxth&shdv&m.51?1Wi, wtib mht8@nh,&ting~m
1 by mI+ng Cmtkwe md then m i n g mQ b m n men all the
~WmarefW~, laLlmh*pme ~
hunch aption and wmsingtbe @ b u m .
~ n g the ~ o n

fdend, selM h7m or M r and pk-&s.tnia @ ' m hThen seb34M

m l o n and p m M e 4 t twoma implement it
F l s y r H a : ~ ~ u r ~ ~ I ~ ~ T o ~ h y w t a n a a % n o n s

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Downloaded from manuals search engine
I -vvttenyDuaanmwwt
~ l B n q W e G t w ~ I n ~ ~ m ~
8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U w n a
~ ) ~ ~ - n ' w ~ % t * t ~ ~ , & w w - * y r r u
-: re &mfithttnlm.
fi Ob- h n : k h ~ f ~ . u ~w ddabjdw. 4 ~
4&~ W W U @ @ M MY@u O h#k h QO? e w i W
3 l ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ t l s hea l mmsa m ~ " s
~ ) ~ r A d M L ~ ~ e n p e w r ~ n l s ~ b r ~
mQve &a gspp~lm&gM;an lmh WlraPOie41r.
l l )A l a d W k s h f h & m l n m k . o n the HUB- ?he
~ W l ~ ~ 3 2 ~ l ~ ~ * . f i F
M ~mb e r o f a ~
Mg@#d during*, nub$on* &WphtltmswldBCI-.@dad
tB@lmworn &lk,arat.

UkOhatb-orn Useel-p97wmm-Menm'ppamrb W -
Wm ~ ~ P . & 8 c k W h . rFi3"oyTrMir
:W @fS~$Itrt@r
bll G R a s
~ t ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ m b k ~ ~ ~
the Wl,wttk WteH@wn~ h yleeiffc

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Ww m w a eah
~ C j s n W
only Ba 6M& T~.$@I%pla&
W n x k leal. 9amqWl q o s @ra:X~I@14~&t1 ~ W W o n
appam h We lirtm&m menu, bwpiq~s must kri@te~ ~ E T I ~ W ~ C -
tim (49 m I am7 the dths &e h& &ht@lg;ti&heWou,
W-ep Pw1 Rapp.e&hg
pl&w c6WdliwW.mj& m Wu&g'&ib
mmd iww@Ismg 'aay!am wTp@$afi
w h%>w&pornL

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Hang l h w 7 e a m m ~
r i g l t ~ i o m o u s U P O ' d W w t . 2 h erope,TYte
&hwfiprran w hissecemdaryweamby
w x t i n g k b r ~ t w i m w n e - ~ m m
by otlCkingthe aetlon button I@ WCml, We mn a h

stand onqrssl-'s'
Tbe piqar InMngthe mom MUiaW p&Wn.
Thgn the other m r ESPrs to @z l m and cgmpM@
zisemw*bat #ktwr cawah use k k ~ ~ o r n
whit8 Is ah hls ~ ~ I I W 'S
&h Umm onb'&~lWPl$@@US& Blcsm%~@#@& UW (ZtRW b@tX'the IntsmMy a@ &kkt!&
NttMl'{a,&umlt6 vl& h ts MmmaWs~rnarafwd. Vhis
m ' Is avtSlrable k's p t R M r r l @m&, sfmN u P n l
m at tooK &
wut ~ m m a W ' 3paddihu amen,
Ha! Team*
While playing h mop mode, you w p w b e a m m M ' b eknock4
~ n m b mMeall~g
. \Vtll allokl10u to wkm& athe) UP, An
inkm&mm u wlll eppwr w# yaw Mmmk ~ - tWw- k
tron am dl&tfie a m button (0 bmfl.Note that,ih$ mn only k
W*W@M%ndYnulohIy hkkwetHUt34 SeEOndsto m c h
yourmynmte,or&? NU Ut themlwhn. So b m&ll
~ ~ a r e ~ ~ y o u r t e a m hm h ~ n , m~ u ~ n ~
Make w m yw're wbl#pedwlP what B y want tg share so that the
~ w f l l ~ r . T h a n 9 8 r e a t h e I ~ ~ ~ C l ~
c Aamn &(B bUtfM1). A41 objects mw *ith a dattrtllmhwmkb
- ry a n w stlared.
CoopemthHhly GacEgets
Rle Jammgr an padally d e d m t e ~ nc@bcts
t ~ Ora
Mdof we the Jammetmtw #=mrwm&o
weapon, pdlff hat an m n k - qW pdl aM holdttre W

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Downloaded from manuals search engine
Hangm r (moa th%'Rope)
bdd teftsRlunkWk,+ rnup: "Up."

C l k k d hold k4t tsmbtbk 3. m m dbwn:'Down."
Retmxa t a f t t h ~ * * & '
D u l R.ppdlm
CHEk and hold &t m&uk * I& ' ~ f '
Cllckanl676 ~ & q m + ~ d.We& right: " R W
R e W m Wfk W u m e %3bD:Ir
FwsymhmI~ zlmn *Wt Mngttre headset,the W t ptwr
b t o m W ~ % p p m ~ ~ a n d d r p k t h e AMaet h ~
~ ~ ~ t h e ~ ~ w l 1 l ~ e t e ~ l e e e b l o n b y s e l e 6 & ; g
apwoptlate m, 1m H@it@ me lletlon bm.n {the 1-. The
symhn&tton WWWIt b mpons will h 8 p m sutontdwliy md
-that prtor tYie p W e %-mrnpfW
Ouat R&al Scanner
To useb e &ha1 wnnw one nlayen~esn'thaw B R$ads@t,
;Poltw #e mrme#sEwsd w x W &we.
cnbne mmeplay
To @ cirmdons tlpwrmmmatewhik'heis uslngtk c m - e
on the C m n e C 0 p r n u n l c s i t r o n ; l ~Catapmcs h the u r n
pert of the HUD. Thet~,~ n e kand move the laftthumlMM In .@e
desired dmthnmto seiidohe 4pmprteie volwmmb.
m ~
d r d h o l d ~ ~ + ~ u p : ~
CWk and hold kit #umW&+ - > d m : 'Rrwad,"
CIIdcand hdd leffZhumila&ck mwe lefk 'WA

;FhiaU8ws yw to 5gve:HMdr ptogresswhlk wt~plBY Stmy mgd+ You

can than ,mdnmthe smwgame~witt~ t?ie,samgp m e r In ~WIW
m e m b n . IfYM) laurn s;$~ver~ t M . Q p of e m e gam an

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Downloaded from manuals search engine
Downloaded from manuals search engine
Downloaded from manuals search engine
' an ARGUS PMC rnercenyw

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a w m t V ~ T Uw~ - Bo m
~ ce PBB t3mp.lEmfthe T)WW
f n m w . &a the Mew Account amhn teams w r &W

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Downloaded from manuals search engine
With SpU- wl maas I?m&fl?a n rink -1 XW ~OSI O& ta
maxtmumirffwr~n,~m'm&&m~ Cvlo,hWdp iade), either
Qmycrmmkgha l o c a l W ~ h ~
W Sasatm8Ynan a&ngq@'W. Ch- the game you wnl
Iqme We@ I& @ -0 &EW- YOUMI brSrkmW
the.&am~ W n g mom vhmd ttqlapn am &, h e m e
W o n NIR a rk
C r ~ b ~ S ~ o r ~t :p $ ~ s a e d ~ ) n&~o m ~ t bheu ' ~
h p a a d 4 asthg@tmnWeWc;arta&w#ea'dvwW
Wm ?hsO w
ogRi6hs bj @ m A n g - & ) @ - W PBW,
k k ~ ~ h a w ~ ~ o s e n , y o u m n $ o ~ W ~ w R
mg morn by preggIngtr~e.~~W&n, When all the plape.are mdy,

Impen me mms w pmim1ftgwmlfm tbPe Launc4.Mw md
p & ~ ~ ~

k T d o r t & menu cm&M W@ fdlPwtw Pptronsr
Qontwb See whim frntt8?s srea&nEd ib 9vnich W@IW
for each team,
N# HUbr cansult-@331@W@~3 .r@tirvg to the JMB d i m QR
me &me q.
ripe: Gut tics or t4tlihW & a n a W w ~ I a WablM& tw
ahamcum in ea&team.
adget DeW@ m i n wml m l b on themtmk
W ~ ~ W ~ ~ B f ~ ~ ( a l m )

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4. H a m

2- ObJeottve C B l m t & ~ l i l y s ~ q t l m b &
opjal* to *fig-,
6. Alarm Wmer: 'DMkthdm h l d b

ofthe rn-

the)retcnaini*ttffle fwa ha&@

w hhwa&gemd ahrm

to be

7. EtW& 8 a lndl-
~ the mw& avaihbkfartFm sty de&M
gun or the dmufIa&W fonly &playa WM ma @*Is In
W w m mnde w whm tfte energy t#rr t &llin@.
8. StaW Ilkwagw ~(sptw messages m e i i m p W m has
baen d W & 07 Imam you of swial WIG s&t~ses,(sw bullet
w ahrm marel.
9. Ittteracthn Mfmm Way8the ClifWerrtM m o t i m with an

lo^ Game swam: mprays @Ifher ~ w m emesa* tobiww

tab. ahrm tr&md. pbpr WlW hy w,a).
i.Ufe Eat Disa@fhe pWjer's rgmalnlng f i .

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Z2. @urrent y ~ s @ w tourmigadwt,
h b nwqe, a@*
numbar d mfts af tkrh wlkbb.
~ . ~ p a t k n ~ & ~ p l e ~ w h l ~ v o u . o n i ~
ats or completer mom
M.E n h a w Realrtyggls~l9p.lnf~rrp1sUon
the: objecthe, the dMm@eb&-h the g@ef a& MTs @o]euw,

and b o u m S W k H*ae, mldIf&$~ t i o f k t

We Bar:WpW pfwk.remd~,~.
A ISlhm~nttlon~bUf- D&p&&s p u r m m u ~ .me . numWr
.on tne I& b ttse numpr d bU!W Irryour -@p, The num-
b* on &&rw
&I tha ~wrnbwof

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6. T a m Radar:bMhw the p c & h afthe p W s teammate,
t h e i r i ~ ~ . a l ~ m k , ? $ e meda &c.
7,tfin~mm~ining tmute -me; me vme WmIMhg%r
qC9sgters W C Q r n ~ ~ * - m l a $ o n ,
& CwrmaGbkphsthb nu- oP W a r n WWu
lDs?ffR reaches 0).
9. D ~ ~ C a p a u n .WW ~ r %ttre mining meman
gluqfi* to bemp1i#u.
l&.'b*f$VbM,: DJs&!+ @fie rerV&tMETtrne?4'ra81ha&ingWbe
M .
A~JswadmM e n w ' m the Q W t l t I ~ m ~ t 1 0wfth
m qn
a J M m t W d Real@Pk@qs ihfiPmati@n abwt me ~lo~mM
3Wf@bj&kor the W r 5 , d a m . m$tkff [stance
t K e ~ a n d ~ ~ ~ ~ w W a l a r m .
I&WBE Your slmlng dm#. W e Ircslde R glwyou#te
1mm1pn of surmundtng~wundsrJ8tlw to wur witbn. Small
(bgor#midm t h d W w ~ t u d &
of@eteEws 6 Y W
ShadWn& SplW AW€les
MMa h $pled mmpvllr4.sq~~ImIbr m.$am,h#&s ebltftla !=h
are the s-l ablTt%%i f t k S M m e t q i e s [only wlfabla in the
vemame m e x
It Wanhlp
It Is a b m l b l &b push whst a m11.TFJ&Ws, j u s t , m ~ ~ & h w a ~
i *watt end pw.9 1NO bmm. Ths t&d& w l l dqmdan
lrtoW the place 'Ism w :
B Rb e i b k to clhnb a We hlgher upthe w 8 l l . W All
prrsh a@nstthewallu@naWe6t@@aMe bcllngon.
lf It C W~mib[eea uhb. spu @m@t wtt $uW a @ t tlre wall
~'&fdrm a flip,

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P w t h O b m n WIIrp bm
his w k o r t b s r@mi$mr t~
k W him &run. tf W d&itt'd~a'hthinatheme&miamM!t W osn-

A s m ~ ) a ~ a e n g r a e a ~ y g ! ~ ~ h l m ~ . ~
the button to -I the a m when wu're closs?oa rwceimrv.
m e s ~ ~ ! ~ n ~ w r n m ~ m ' b ~ ~ l l s -
W k button.
~ ' P wdmrU'%-
Sneak, Wik, ad'kun
W m you push ?k ~ & ~ ~ f l ' s lb~lamywr MU
o ~ t
~ntowslkstwdy.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t t u mw ~a yc ~k ~ a s l l ~
r-thsfldt Nfl.

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The @ button toggles crouch~ng.
pressing the 0 button w ~ lmake
l your character jump strarght up In
the alr. Press~ngthe8 button wh~lerunnrng wlll make him jump for-
Shoot and Reload
d i ~ nby rnovjng the onscreen ret~cleustng the rrghtthvmbstich. To
shoot, pull the r ~ g htriggef.
t Manually reload your weapon by yu~ckly
pressing the button R~laadingIs automat~cwhen your current t l ~ p
1s empty.
Use a Gadget
To use a gadget, pull the left trleer.
You can Interact wlth certaln Items in the universe by pressrng the @
button. These afl-tlons lnGlude turnlng on/off a light sw~tch.usfng an
elevator, or pickrng up a n object.
Pupil Adaptation
T h ~ sab~lrtyIS a versron of a natural phenomenon: when you go tnto a
very dark room, lt is virtually ~mposs~ble to make out the slrghtest
shape. After a few seconds. the pup11dilates, allowlng more ligbt to
enter the eye, slightly rmproving your vlslon In the darkness. So, ~fthe
mercenary remalns rnot~onless.or if he moves very slowly tlirough a
dark room, the ambient l~ghtwrll gradually Increase. T h ~ sIncrease
enebles the mercenary to dtscerl't certaln shape's and - why not7 - a
few spres too!
Charge/Weapon Slam (Berserk Mode)
You can swlng your weapon around you to knock vour opponenr down
by presslng the 0 button. When movlng, weapon slamming w ~ l make l
your character dash forward to perform a charge in the spectf~ed
d~rect~on.Please note that rt II take few seconds to recover your full
spasd after a charge.
Finish Move
Once a spy n on the ground you can fln~shh~m:get close to his liead
and press the 0 button. Your character wllljump on him. Press rhe 0
button another tlme to ehmlnate hrm. Don t forget that you can '&!kin
Rlm w h ~ l eIn thrs pos~tion(press the Black bu1ton)r

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Ouick Inventory
gadget you are using by pressing and holding the
You can change t l ~ e
left thumbstick.
There are two

the button
'to the gadget
you warkt to
pick (in thts
example, press i;ie @ butcon to select the S l ~ ~ Camera).
ky Once your
cho~cehas been made, the Inventory Interface w~lld~sappear.
While the ~nventoryis open, move t h e h~ghlightedsquare over the
gadget you want to select uslng the rlght thumbstrck. Once your
chDlce has been made, release the left tthumbstlck. T h ~ sw ~ lselect
the gadget on wklch the 111ghllghtedSquare was positioned and
close t h e Inventow.
The spy rs obliged to kil1 no one and'to leave no
trace. To meet this obligation, he only has one
non-lethal weapon: the Stcky Shocker. Th~s
weapon ernrts eIectr~caldischarges that put the
t temporary shock. The player
person they h ~Into
can f ~ r elimited consecutive discharges before h ~ sweapon 1s cornptetely
discharged. It recharges autornat~cally,rn the course of time. To shoot, you
must hold the weapon in yoor Iiand. When you are Rold~ngit. pull ihe right
trlger to fir^. Your weapon has a secondary funct~onthat enables ~ t t fo~ r e
smoke grenades and Sticky Cameras, among other th~ngs(the I~st of
gadgek ISprovided n the Shadownet Spres' Equ~pmentsection).
ARGUS PMC mercenaries can choase among tbree different weapons.
For each weapon, shoot by pulhng the right trigger and reload by quickly
press~ngthe 0 button. If you.f~ndyourself short d ammunit~on,you can
reload near the ammunitions pack that you w~llf ~ n din eacb level. Your
weapon also has a secondaryfunct~onthat enables ~tto frre fragrnenta-
tton grenades and flares, among otherthrngs. Here are some details
about each weapon:

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Thls 1s rhe perfect weapon for short-range
fights, but ~t'suseless for long-drstance shots.
You have 50 bullets.
Submachine Gun
This all-sltuat~ongun has a high f~rcrate,
allowing you to "sprinkle' a zone with bullets.
You have SIX clips of 60 bullets each.

Th~sweapon operates w ~ t hRlgh-velocity pro-

leci~les.It has two shhotlng modes: 17will ilre
three bulleTs each t ~ m eyou pull the right trig-
ger (burst); or shoot cont~nuousiy(full-auto).
Press and hold the 0 button to change the flre rate. You have f ~ v e
cl~psw ~ t h25 bullets each. The assautt gun is the only weapon wrth
t thls speclat vlew made, press the right
Sntper mode To s h ~ f Into
thurnbst.jck twice. You can change the Zoom mode (there are three
possible zoom levels, with a magnlflcatlon ef 2, 4, or 6) uslng up and
down on the drrect~onalpad. To focus your attent~onfor greater precr-

to tile left of your ret~cleIn Zoom mode).

Please note: When target~ngsomeone uslng snlper blnocuTars, you
can Intercept h ~ communicatluns
Shadownet Spies' Equipment
Enhanced Reality
Thts funct~onn s~rnilarto mllltary target~ngsvstems.It eilables you 10
locate an obbjectlve, provldrng a 2D symbol of ~ t sposltlon. its state,
and r t ~d~stancefrorn you.
Night Vislon Goggles

from the lower end of the Infrared spectrum. To use night vfsion.
press left on the dlrect~onalpad.
Thermal Vision Goggles
Thermal vlslon goggles amplify the upper part of the ir-rfraredspectrum,
namely hear. fhrs vislon mode d~splaysheat sources in red on rhc screen.
To use the therma[ vlsion gogoggles, press right on the direct~onslpad.

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1 Binoculars
To use the binoculars, press the r~ghtthumbstick twice. Zoom In and
out r w n g up and down on the directional pad. You can also use your
vrsion modes or lock on an objectrve to locate it more eas~ly.When
targeting someone, you can Intercept his comrnunicat~ons.
The follow~nggadgets can all be operated In the same way: select one
from the Inventory, then take vour weapon In F u r hand, arm and f ~ r e
the gadget by pulling the left trigger.
Spy Bullets
These are double-purpose bullets: mark an enemy hit by a
bullet (he appears an the radar); or, if the bullet hits a wall,
change ~tinto a radar device (locating any enemy entering
the area around the bullet). When an enemy IS tagged yatl
can hear his cornmunlcatlons (press the Black button).
Sticky Cameras
Q'c4iC Th~sminiature camera has many funct~ons(zoom. n ~ g h t
vlslon, thermal vlslon, gas jet). Press up on the 0-pad when-
ever you want to get a vlew from the last Strcky Cameras you
Chaff Grenade
Th~sgrenade e m ~ t selectromagnet~cpart~cleswhen IT
explodes. These particles temporarily disrupt and neutral~ze
electronic dev~ces(surve~llancecameras, motion detectors,
and laser mines, as well as the mercenaries' v~sion).
Alarm Snare

When fired near a detection system (camera, presence

detector, laser), ~tcan dece~vethe mercenarles. Thrs acces-
sory can also emlts a series of nolses s~milarto those made
by a spy (real~sticsequences of sounds). fool~ngthe merce-

Flashbang Grenade
& T h ~ sgrenade temporarily blinds the mercenarles when ~t
exolodes in their field of vlslon.

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Smoke Grenade
Th~sgrenade gives off a cloud of smoke when !t explodes.
The cloud enables Shadownet spies to move forward w~rhout
be~ngspotted The smoke also slows dawn. hampers. and
neutral~zesany ARGUS PMC mercenarres wthm the c l ~ ~ r d .
Thermoptic Camouflage Suit
Thrs g2dget uses the RPT (retro-reflective projectlot- technol-
ogy) It renders the spy invis~blefor some time. Note thar ri
won'r be poss~bfet o use th~sgadget In some spec~frcs ~ ~ u a -
t~ons,such as In the ram, wh~lemovrngfast, or while uslng
your weapon Slnce ~tuses some energy, durat~on1s liln~ted.
Heartbeat Sensor

zone where you're almlng your gun If someone 1s detected.

a symbol w~ltbe d~splayedon the radar.
ARGUS PMC MercenariesTquipment
Enhanced Reality

Ing a 2D symbol of thew pos~tlon.t h e ~ state,

r and the drstance
betwean you and these Items.
This flashltght can be used to peer into dark places. in search of
intruders To use rt, press up on the D-pad.
Laser Sight
The laser sight IS a laser beam that makes it poss~bfe to identifya
character, even ~fhe I S In shadow. To act~vatethe laser s~ght,press
down on the Dpad. The posltlon of a spotted enemy w~llbe trans-
ferred on your teammate s radar as well.
EMF (Electromagnetic Field) Vlsion
WltR EMF vlsmn, you can locare Interference glven o f i by elsctron~c
dev~ces.[ f a n object with functioning electron~cs(the spv uslng h ~ s
gogles or his gun for example) IS mthm the field O f vluon, ~tIS plcked
up by EMF vlslon and drspfayed In whlte.
Motion Vision
W~thmatlon vrslon, you can "reveal" alr turbulence created by sprzs or
objects In motion. Whenever a movlng object rs located, a frame
p :-@
appears around ~ t making
, it easier to dlstrngu~sh.If the object dsap-

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. . . . .. - ....-.-- .,--- . . . -... . .:.. --
... . -.-.=.:,
, .. ..; -. -... .,.... .
" 1
-, " . CP#;~Siton) the Llrccr f~e'clof vrjlon (vi~r~lout
obstacles bethveesi tfie
i I . object and the player), Ihc frame gradually disappears.
The following gadgets can all be operated rn the same way: select one
e ~nventory,aalrn. and fiw or place the gadget by pull~ngthe left

The flare produces dynam~clight that is fatrly short-lived.
Fragmentation Grenade
The fragmentation grenade is a deadly grenade that, when
exploding lnflicb damage on anyone withtn the blast rad~us.To
throw a fmgmentat~ongrenade, f~rstselect ~tfrom the nvento-
ry. Alrn and throw the grenade by puillngthe left tr~gger.
Mines (kaser/Proximity/PoIson)
You possess a deadly mlne capable of ideflt~tyrecogniV~on( ~ t
only detects sp~es).It has a tr~pleactivatren system. You can
choose the mode of artivatron when you lay t h e mlne. If you
choose Laser M~ne,yoir lay a mine that is actrva'ted by a
laser beam projected by the mine ~tself.Any spy who cuts
through the beam sets oft the mlne. However. ~fyou choose
Proxrm~tyM~ne,you lay a mine that 1s activated by a motion
detector. Any spy who passes too qu~cklythrough the detec-
tor's range w~llset off the mlne. If you choose Poison Mine
(th~smlne doesn't blow up, but poisons the spy who trlggers
it), yuu lay a mine that is acirvated by a laser beam project-
ed by the mlne itself.

! A

To lay a mrne. posrt~onyourself In front of a wall and pull the
left trigger. If you give a short pull, you mll lay a proximity

-?-? >
. - :. g left trigger pulled, a menu appears
rnrrre. If you k ~ e the
k +

from whlch you can choose the mlne you wtsh to lay (make
? ->
your choice uslng the down butlon on the dired~onalpad).
r, j Release the left trigger to lay the rnlne. You car1 remove a
F:, 'I
rnlne that has already been lstd bv gorng near ~tand press-
F-, '
rng the 0 button.
V." >

i ;I 1
L *
",:I <I
k%j j

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Spy Finder
This dev~ceis a double-act~vat~on system. You can choose
the activzt~onmode. If you choose Spy Trap, you lay a devrce
that is actlvaied ~fa spy cuts through the laser beam emrt-
ted by the trap. thereby marktng h ~ m and making h ~ m visible
on the radars of both mercenaries. If you choose Presence
Detector, you lay a dsv~cethat w ~ ldetect
l any spy rnov~ng
close to ti. Each dev~ceis placed against a wall, In the same
way a mlne rs placed (the activation system cho~ceis srrn~lar
to that of the rn~ne).You can llsten to an enemy tagged hv a
spy trap (press the Black button).
This defense system Tires a strong electrical discharge at
anyone nearby. The person who is h ~ist ~rnmobll!zedfor a
few seconds. To use the tazer, first select ~tfrom The wen-
tory. To activate iT, gull the left tugger. If someone 1s near
you, that person w ~ l recelve
l an electr~cshock.
Camera Network Browsing Device (CNBD)
Tfl~sgadget enables a mercenaryto link up to the surveil-
lance camera network In the lever where he is located. Each
of these cameras has mercenary-detection tools (vrsion
modes, torch, lasers). Be careful: while consulting ii camera.
you are a perfect target.
Gas Mask
Th~sgadget enables the mercenary to protect himself from
t o x ~ cgas effects. However. the filters on thts mask have a
lrmited Itfespan, so the gadget should be used ~ntell~gently.
The backpack 1s a portable source of gadgets for you and your Team-
mate. To reload from your backpack, sefect ~tand pull the lefttrrzer.
To reload from your teammate's backpack, face h ~ r nand choose Re5:I
rn your Interaction menu.
Game Levels
There are many, var~edgame environments and they are - above all
Interactive. They constitute an rntegral part of The game, a%cr~ng

both teams. Every act~oncan affect the game level. For exanpie, ~f . ,.
one of your grenades explodes near a ventilation access trap. d will :;\z
% > k

blow It, creatlng a new sccess for the sples. :-.:t:

;../': :.,
[ h - '

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Passive Defenses
Tr~ggermechanlsms (motion detectors, surveillance cameras, lasers,
etc ) are located withln the level. If an intruder sets off one ~f these
mechantsms, he act~vatesan intruder alarm that grves his positLon.
The alarm may also sectlon off the zone In wh~chthe spy 1s to~aped
and lock most of the objectlves. In both cases, the intruder's steaRhv
progress rs jeopardized. These mechanisms can Ge seen uslng ther-
mal v~sion.T h y are indestructible but rt 1s poss~bleto neutralize them
temporarily uslng the St~ckyShocker or the Chaff grenade. Any tern
neutral~zedby one or both of these means 1s enc~rcledby electrlc arcs
a n d glves off smoke.
Please note: Dlsabltng defenses with your gun or a chaff grenade
wrll prevent glvlng the precise location of the Intrusion; a general
warnlng message w~llbe sent to mercenaries ("secur~tyfailure").
SurveiIfance Cameras: The Surve~llanceCameras emit sound
and I~ght(green when they see noth~ng:red when the alarm is acti-
vated). A charaeer rs located when he enters the camera's cane of
Motion Detectors: These detectors can locate any spy who pene-
trates their act~vezone. The ~nd~cator l~ghtson the housing sre
green ~fthe detector has located noth~ngand red if they have
detected someth~ng.
Lasers: Whenever a spy cuts through the laser beam, he sets off
the associated alarm. An alarm stops autornat~callyafter a rew sec-
onds ~fnothjng appears to triger t h e alarm once again. Please
note: a tr~ggeredlaser alarm system can cause temporary isolation
of certain areas.

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